Dermatology Rapid Revision with Dr. Vaibhav Jain 🌟 | FMGE, NEET PG & USMLE Preparation 📚💡

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e hi everyone a very warm welcome to all of you guys myself Dr webo Jen and today we will be discussing about Dermatology please let me know in the chat section whether I'm clearly visible and audible so that we can proceed with this wonderful session guys please let me know all right yes that would be enough for fmg as well as net PG I have incorporate questions from n PG in set and fmg examination okay very good very good so let's begin guys so what would be our uh class today what we are going to do today we are going to see each and everything in a very short span of time okay I have Incorporated all the important questions I have Incorporated all the important things that are uh useful for your examination okay so feel free about anything guys at the end of this class you will be understanding understanding Dermatology in a very good sense okay even if you have not completed that would be very very helpful for all of you okay so we are going to study in a form of a story and we are going to study in a form of like you know everything is well systematic okay so we will be starting off with the basics of Dermatology we will be discussing about Basics then we will be studying about skin appendages what are the important questions that are coming from particular topic I have Incorporated those questions at the end of topic okay so what ever we are learning here for the next 3 hours or 2.5 to 3 hours what you guys will be doing you will be learning here itself okay if you have come here we will be learning each and everything here okay so what are the skin appendages those structures which are present on your skin skin whatever structures are present in your skin will be covered under skin appendages your nails your hairs and your glands will be there okay apart from that then we are going to move on to next topic that is your pepos disorder that would be covering your lyan Pless your sasis group of disorder very important every year questions are coming from them right then we will be discussing about the certain types of infections all the bacterial viral fungal and parasitic infections okay apart from that we are going to study about the estd which is a very important thing just by looking at the ulcer you will be identifying after this class that what alcer is that and how you will be treating that is also connected with your PSM part okay we will be disc discussing everything okay then we are going to see about the vesus disorders the meaning of pigus what is PID all those things will be clear to you right then we will be discussing about some hypo and hyperpigmented disorders okay hypo and hyperpigmented disorders and ultimately we are going to do some miscellaneous topics miscellaneous topics what are the things which are left here they will be covered there okay these are my Instagram and telegram if you want to connect for any questions any doubts you can always reach out to me okay so without any further delay I think we should we should start now so give me a quick confirmation that you guys want to learn something new okay very good guys I can I can see lots of you are uh commenting so please try to be interactive till the end of the session I want you guys to be interactive with me okay so please try to be interactive try to answer whatever I am asking okay so first thing let's start with the anatomy of this skin guys how many layers do we have in this skin before that can anyone tell me what is the largest organ of the body largest organ of the body largest organ of body we will be starting with the basics and then we will pick up the speed okay s don't worry about anything you just have to answer me okay so that would be your skin that would be your skin guys okay second thing how how much is the weight of the skin how much is the weight of the skin how much is the weight of the skin sir it depends on person to person okay okay some people are having 4 kg to 5 kg of skin right but the question that they have asked you in your examination that is how much is the area that is covered by skin they have asked you the question how much is the area that is covered by skin then your answer would be guys 1.72 to 2 m squ and this was the question they have asked you okay whatever question they have asked you I would be marking them right so this is the question they have asked you now can anyone tell me how many layers do we have in the skin how many layers do we have in the skin layers how many layers do we have sir we are having epidermis that is the outermost layer EP means above above what above dermis so that would be your epidermis and something must be below dermis right so that would be your hypodermis that would be your guys hypodermis okay so we are having epidermis outermost then there will be dermis then there will be hypodermis sir between epidermis and dermis there is a there is a reason that is known as dermo epidermal Junction so that would be a junction between epidermis and dermis and that is very important I'm telling I'm telling you these Basics so that you can understand the pathology well okay we will be discussing about bullas pyoid all those things so that would be very very clear if you understand these things okay so sir outermost layer will be epidermis then there will be dermal dermoepidermal Junction then there will be dermis and then there will be hypodermis okay can anyone tell me how many layers do we have in the epidermis okay very good Nani anit snea nidi okay so how many layers do we have sir we are having we we must be hungry by now so we can remember the pneumonic come if you are hungry then come let's grab some burger right come let's grab some burger and this is how we remember the layers okay so what are these layers first of all try to understand the meaning if you know the meaning in dermatology if you know the terminology your life will be easy guys for example we will discuss about Herpes so simple meaning of herpes will be grouped vcle so whenever you will see grouped vcle I would be telling you what is a vcle right so I these are simple terms if you understand the term your life will be easy so meaning of straight ter will be a layer okay so first layer will be stum corium guys stum corium second layer which one very good you guys are already already answering me right wonderful wonderful guys that is your lucidium then your granulosum granulosum then your spinosum then your basil so we are having these basically five layers okay then can anyone answer me what is germinativum Sir basil is also known as germinativum germinativum okay germinativum and when both these layers stum spinosum in basil they are coming together this is known as Malian layer this is known as Malian layer okay so these are the basic terminologies that you should be knowing and one more thing in all the body in all the body you will be having four layers okay this lucidum this lucidium will be present in Palm and souls palm and souls this lucidium will be present in Palm and souls that is why palm and souls are thick enough okay let's see one by one what are these layers guys the first one is your stum corium then your lucidium then your granulosum then your spinosum and lastly we are having basil that is come let's grab some burgers apart from that what are different things we are having in the skin we are having some cells okay can you appreciate this dendritic structure guys can you appreciate so this is a dendritic cell this is mosite mosite can anyone answer me what is the function of melanocytes guys okay and this one is your merkal cell this one is your Merle cell Merkle cells are basically type one slow adapting receptors they are touch receptor guys touch receptor they are touch receptor okay and this is a sensory neuron so we are having kinoite we are having mosite we are having mercal cell and one more cell is also there that is your lerand cell so basically we are having how many cells four cells we are having four cells okay so we will be discussing one by one about all the cell all the cells okay all the cells Okay so so the first one is your Kino sites can anyone tell me what is the function of Kino sites what is the function of Kino sites catino sites are the most abundant cells some of you are moving very forward right answering me okay that is most abundant cells most abundant cells will be keratinocytes how much is the keratinocytes guys that is your 95% of the cells will be Kino sites they will be present in all all the layers all layers okay and what is the function what is the function of keratin oyes very good Nani that is vitamin D synthesis okay vitamin D synthesis apart from that what is the other function vitamin D synthesis what else it will be providing protection it will be providing us the protection and where does this layer is coming from it is derived from which cells it is derived from ectoderm ectoderm it is derived from ectoderm okay so this one is your ectodermal in origin okay next one is your mosite mosites function try to answer guys I I can see any uh a Nani so that is your it will be secreting not millenum guys it will be secreting mosomes keep your concept clear okay it will be secreting mosom and mosomes will be secreting what melanin how many types of melanin do we have sir we are having um melanin we are having um melanin we are also having fanin fanin okay so we are having illin we are having F milenin okay umin the function so simple it will be giving which color black and brown color it will be giving black and brown color Okay whereas fanin will give white color Okay white color sir what is the clinical importance of this particular thing so clinical relevance of this M remember this melanin will be helping us to give color first thing second thing important function it will be providing protection against UV radiation ultraviolet radiation so those people who are black people those people who are black people they are at a lesser risk of having skin cancer okay because this particular melanin will be providing some kind of protection right apart from color right and we are also having one classification that is fitzpatric classification so try to understand this is a melenos site this is a millos site it will be giving what sir it will be giving your mosomes okay these are your mosomes they will be having millenum pigment inside and those millenum pigment inside will be giving color to multiple Kino sites right how many kinos sites it will be giving color so one mosite will be giving color to how many kinoite try to answer guys one mosite will be giving color to 36 kinoite 36 kinoite and this is particular thing is known as epidermal millenum unit and this is the exam question they have asked you right so this is exam question they have asked you that one mosite will be giving color to 36 Kino sites okay okay wonderful guys wonderful very good any right so basically this is about it right where does this cell is coming from it is derived from second question that they have asked you where does this cell is coming from so sir this cell is coming from neural crest cells okay this Millo sites are coming from neural crest cells okay neural crest cells third one very very important guys very very important in the right can you appreciate this type of appearance what is this appearance try to answer me okay these are your ler hen cells okay they are present in Statum spinosum they are present in stum spinosum okay and what are basically linger hand cells sir they are basically macrophases okay they are macrophases of the skin okay they are macrophases of the skin or antigen presenting cells of the skin for example we are having macrophases these are basically monocytes monocytes we are having monocytes in the blood if the these monocytes are present in liver we call it cuffer cells if these monocytes are present in your bone we call it osteoclast okay they are present in your kidney they they are known as mangial cells okay so basically they are monocytes and when they are going to different different organ they are not known as different different they are known by different different names okay so these are basically antigen presenting cells okay where does these cells will come from so these cells will come from bone marrow these cells will come from bone marrow or you can also call it they are mesodermal in origin mesodermal in origin so basically they are formed in the bone Maro monocytes bone B and then they will be transported to the different parts of the body they are formed inside the bone marrow and then transported to different parts of the body but performing a similar function they are all macro phases right so what is this structure that you will be finding along with this this is known as this is known as very good tennis record appearance very good kosia sonum so that is known as birb granules these are your birb granules okay these are your birb granules and how what is the structure what is the shape that is your tennis racket appearance guys tennis ret appearance Denis ret appearance okay next thing what are the markers they have asked you question on the basis of marker this is important thing for example in medicine also you will be correlating this particular thing you will be having ler hand cell histiocytosis okay histiocytosis X right what will be happening there there will be increased levels of these ler and cells okay what are the markers try to answer what are the marker markers are cd1 a try to speak with me wherever you are try to learn things okay we will be revising everything we are just one more cell away right so that is your CD 1s second one is your cd207 okay cd207 is the most important marker this is most important marker this is also known as langerin question has been asked on this right this is a important marker okay next one very good s00 can be there s 100 is non-specific guys okay next one is your Merkle cell Merkle cells are basically type one they are basically type one slow adapting they are basically type one slow adapting touch receptor they are basically type one slow adapting touch receptor they are present in your which layer we have already discussed two cells will be present in the basal layer okay first we have seen about the mileno site that is your mileno site and second cell that we have seen is your merkal cell remember guys question from physiology Merkle cell will be present in epidermis okay me ners Corpus skull will be present in dermis I would be telling you how okay this is important question that they will ask you in physiology okay we will be integrating multiple subjects together okay we will be integrating micro and all also okay so these are basically type one slow adapting touch receptor they are touch receptor okay they are coming from which layer so they are coming from ectoderm they are also coming from ectoderm so let's revise whatever we have studied till now we will be revising each and everything and we will be making a t and you guys will be helping me to make this table okay so try to answer Kino sites where does it originate from wherever you are trying to speak sir they are coming from Ecto okay they are ectodermal in origin this is the table that you need to see just before your examination be your fmg I set any examination questions are coming from this right so whatever questions are coming from this I have Incorporated okay second thing what is the location sir Kino sites will be present in all layer they are present in all layers they are present in all layers but okay next thing we are having what it would be secreting it would be secreting keratinoid sir it would be it would be concerned with the Keratin something right so it will be having keratin right next one what are the marker marker is important that is catin 14 okay cyto catin 14 remember guys keratin is a marker for keratin is a marker for what try to answer okay what are the functions we have already discussed first function that is your vitamin D synthesis second function it would be providing protection it would be providing protection very good SN kosa right next thing is your mosite mosite will be secreting what mosite will be secreting mileno soms mosomes okay mosomes they are present in which they are coming from which cells guys they are coming from neural crest cells neural crest cells you must have studied about neural crest cells in your an atomy in your embryology section okay so this was the question they have asked you about the melanocytes are coming from so they are coming from neural crest cells okay next one is about your location guys location they are present in stum Statum basil we have already seen two cells will be present in the base base layer first one is your this meleno site and second one is your this one merkal cell okay so these two cells are already present in the basement layer okay basum BAS okay next thing what are the marker they have asked you question on the marker which marker is that sir first one is your Milan a Milan a second one is your hmbb 45 and third one is your non-specific that is s 100 that is s 100 so they have asked you question based on this okay this is also important okay what are the functions so they will be providing millin and millin function we have already discussed it would be giving color and it will be giving UV protection it will be giving color and it will be giving UV protection so these are the important things about this particular thing right next one lerand cells so it is mesodermal in origin we have already discussed that is coming from the bone Mero right second thing it will be majorly present in your Statum spinosum if you understand these Basics about I'm teaching you Basics if you understand these Basics your life will be easy Dermatology will be very very easy for you till after 3 hours you will be understanding each and everything you will be solving approximately 90% questions that are that are in your question Banks okay what would be secreting it would be secreting sir beb granules it would be secreting beb granules okay beb granules will be having what kind of appearance that is your tennis ret appearance okay what are the markers markers are cd1a and cd207 we have already discussed and they are basically macro phases of skin they are basically mcro phases of skin guys okay next thing about mle cell they are ectodermal in origin what they would be secreting they are secreting neurotransmitter because they are type one slow adapting receptors okay so they would be secreting neurotransmitter and their marker will be ck2 ck20 that is cyarin 20 and what kind of touch sensation they will be carrying they will be carrying guys crude touch okay crude touch what is the pathway for crw touch from physiology try to answer what is the pathway for crw touch okay so this is pretty much about the table that we are having this is the question they have asked you I am marking those questions that they have asked you okay these are the important things that you should be remembering okay these are the important things that you should be remembering approximately four to five questions from this particular table okay next thing next thing let's talk about the layers what we have seen till now we have seen we are having skin skin will be having epidermis then there will be dermis then there will be hypodermis so in epidermis we have already covered with first thing that is the cells we are having four types of cells trory wise we are having kinos sites we are having mosites we are having Merle cells we are also having lerand cells so these four cells we have already discussed now we will discuss about all the layers okay one by one we will be discussing about all the layers nowadays questions are coming from histology part also so you need to understand how to identify first of all can you appreciate this is the stum Corum what was the pneumonic that we have seen that is C let's grab some burgers so that is corium lucidium granulosum spinosum and basil okay so these are the layers okay so we will start with the uppermost layer that is stum Corum so it is devoid of nucleus so there will be absence of nucleus there is no nucleus and remember if there is no nucleus that means we will not found any blue color structure nucleus will be giving you which kind of a structure that would be giving you blue color structure right so look here this cells these cells are nucleated you will be having nucleus you will be having nucleus here also but stum corium is devoid of nucleus Point number one that you have to remember Statum corium is devoid of nucleus so there will be no nucleus first thing done done right second thing we are having lucidium lucidium you have to remember about lucidium you will be having this layer and this is a clear cell layer clear cell layer okay clear cell layer third layer we are having is your strum granulosum can you appreciate these granules yes we are having this type of granules so that is your granul granulosum okay then you will be having fourth layer that is your spinosum they will be having these spine like connections okay they will be having spine like connections okay that is our spinosum and lastly we are having stum will be having millenum pigment we have al already seen two things will be there one is melenoy second one is your merkal cell okay merkal cell try to remember with me what we are learning right then coming the basement membrane that is DMO basement membrane is also known as DMO epidermal Junction okay and then coming this dermal pepilla sir what is this dermal pepilla dermal pepilla we don't know so you must have he about R riges and dermal pepilla right so what is r riges what is dermal pepilla let me let me clear it for you so whatever part of epidermis sir above will be epidermis then there will be dermoepidermal Junction and then there will be dermis right so whatever part is above whatever part is above is epidermis when epidermis is invaginating into dermis right this is the part of epidermis which is going into dermis this is known as riges this is known as riges simple right when the dermis is trying to invaginate into epidermis this is known as dermal pillar this is known as dermal pepilla simple simple things guys okay simple simple things sir uppermost part is epidermis lower most is dermis between is dermoepidermal Junction and when when look here so this is the part of epidermis this is your epidermis and it is trying to invaginate into dermis so this is known as reres this is known as reres okay try to understand and this this part this this part will be dermis and it is trying to go into epidermis this part is dermis look here this is the cells of dermis so this is trying to go into the epidermis this is known as dermal Pilla this is known as dermal Pilla clear for everybody okay clear right do let me know also that you are understanding okay so is that clear for you if you are having any doubts also you can always ask me right so this is for the dermal Pilla dermal Pilla okay I have already told you about the mnner Corpus skull that would be present in your mner Corpus skull will will be present in your dermis and which part of dermis that is dermal Pilla can you appreciate these cells these are your mner Corpus skulls okay and which structure is this this is dermis this is Sir dermis okay so we are having these things you have to remember about okay apart from that please please remember this desited cells okay these desited cells are present here okay basically stum corium is shedding off here okay and these cells are making what scales so when whenever we will be studying about all the scales like silver white scales we are having brainy scale rice powder scale okay any kind of scaling we will be discussing they are basically desited cells okay so that time I would be asking you what is this desited cells okay apart from that everything is clear till now okay is that fine are you guys understanding one more thing I want to teach you that is desmosomes okay what suppose this is a kinoite this is another Kino sites basically we are having cells right these are catino sites so what is happening so these two catino sites for example this is a catino site this is also a cretino site these two cretino sites are binded together with the help of a thing that is known as what is this thing sir please try to answer in the comment section please answer in the comment section what is this this is a cretino side this is another cretino side they are binded together with the help of what what is this this is Sir this is nothing but your Des mosome desmosome and they are desmosomes very good s so these are desmosomes and these are maximum pres present in your Statum spinos these are your desmosomes these are your desmosomes though dooes how they are connected twoo sites are connected with the help of desmosomes okay done we will be studying about desmosomal disorders first of all we will cover up this thing okay so we will be discussing about the PE features that has been asked in your examination from these particular layers okay so first of all we are having stum Corum first thing that we already know sir it is devoid of nucleus it is devoid of nucleus so there will be no presence of nucleus if there is no presence of nucleus the layer will be pink okay there will be no blue structure first thing second thing sir it will be absent in it will be absent in pre-term babies pre-term babies or very low birth weight babies okay very low birth weight babies will be having no Statum Corum okay they will be having this layer absent okay third thing maximum keratin will be present in this particular layer maximum keratin will be present here okay second thing we need to remember about second layer that is your Statum lucidium first thing I have told you that it will be present in your palm it will be present in your palm and Soles it will be present in your palms and Soles remember both of them are having l so you can remember lucidium will be present in your palm and souls lucidium will be present in your palm and souls it will be having what sir it will be having uh refractile granules it will be having refractile granules of eludin it will be having refractile granules of eludin okay it will be having refractile granules of eludin to two things you have to remember first is Statum corium Corum devoid of nucleus second thing that is pre present in Pre absent in pre-term babies and it will be having maximum creatin lucidum you have to remember they will be having which granules alodine granules okay second thing stum granulosum stum granulosum it is written itself right granulosum means what it will be having certain granules present granules will be there okay so we are having two types of granules one is Koh Highline granules second one is membrane coting granules okay so this Koh Highline granules will be converting this proag this profiline into filine filine okay filine the meaning of filine is nothing but filamentous aggregating protein okay you can remember like that it will be helping in the filamentous aggregating protein and if there is a disease if there is absence of kto Highline granules there will be some disease one is your this one is your ecosis vulgaris can you appreciate this is your ecosis vulgaris this is your thosis vulgaris what you will be seeing you will be seeing fish like scaling okay thosis the meaning will be fish like scaling fish like scaling will be there okay second thing that can happen is your atopic dermatitis guys atopic dermatitis okay dermatitis means what is that is the inflammation of the skin right that are the two diseases that can happen over here second thing membrane coating granules simple thing you have to remember so this layer will be making what lipids this one will be making lipids if there is no lipid what will happen there will be if lipids are absent what will happen there will be dryness there will be dryness and which disease will occur this is known as eczema this is known as eczema okay can you appreciate this thing this is your ezema this is your eczema and what is this is specifically known as this is your winter ezema this is winter eczema also known as esotic eczema esotic eczema okay this is your winter eczema or esotic eczema how do we how do we treat this particular situation sir there is dryness we can give some kind of a lotion right we can give moisturizer right so that is your leoc calamine lotion you can use and that would be helpful in this particular situation okay in this particular situation okay next one is your stum spinosum first of all stum spinosum spine means what there will be some kind of spine like structures okay spine also we can call it prickle cell ler because there are spine we can also call it prickle cell layer and this one is the thickest layer guys thickest layer this one is the thickest layer okay and maximum amount of maximum amount of desmosomes are present here so two things till now we have seen about stratum spinosum can you can you see here this is your granulosum so it will be having granule this one is your spinosum okay this one is your spinosum so can you see these spin like structures these are your spin like structures okay so that is why it is known as stum spinosum and these spin like structure what they are desmosome they are basically desmosomes okay so the most abundant cells will be desmosomes second thing you have to remember second cell that we have already seen that is your ler hand cells ler hand cells are maximally present here okay in the stum spinos two things you have to remember first thing maximum desmosomes maximum lerand cells are present in which layer stum spinosum okay in surgery you must have studed about a disease that is acanthosis Nigri right e enosis nigre can you tell me what is acanthosis Nigri and it will be having some kind of association with other things also what is that a enosis Nigri just try to understand spinosum these layers are known as these cells are known as e cells these are spine like cells okay so e enosis means what there is nothing but that is thickening of strum spinosum kenosis thickening of Statum spinosum what is happening stum stratum spinosum will get thickened this is known as e enosis and nigre nigre means what it will be giving black color okay it will be giving black color okay it will be having desmosomes sir what are the desmosomes you have to remember we are having desmo gin we are having desmoine we are having desmo plin we are having we are having pleco globins okay pleco globins so these are the cells that we are having okay what is the function it will be binding two Kino sites together this is the function of desmosomes this is the function of desmosomes okay next thing next thing we are going to discuss about the stum basil okay stum basil what are the important features about stum basil this is also known as what which layer what is the other name for this particular layer please try to answer guys what is the other name for this particular layer shum basil so the other name for this particular layer will be very good s that is germinativum germinativum this is the lowermost layer can you tell me what are the two cells that you have seen in Statum basil this is your lower most layer two cells that you have seen in this particular layer that is your first is your Merle cell second one is your Milo sites okay what is that epidermal turnover time guys epidermal turnover time you know there there are some like snakes like organism what they are doing they are shedding of their skin likewise we are also having shedding of the skin okay that is also getting Shed off in how many days what is the epidermal turnover time if the question is asking you have to answer in the between a range you cannot say just like 56 so that would be in a range and what is that range very goodha kosala so that is the range range would be 52 to 75 days or you can see in certain books it is 8 weeks guys 8 weeks okay here we are having two things try to understand we are having this Statum Bell okay the cells will be growing in the upward Direction it will be going to Statum Corum okay it will take approximately 28 days and this particular time period is known as epidermal epidermal Transit time this particular trans period is known as epidermal Transit time remember two different entities one is epidermal turnover time one is epidermal Transit time okay then what will happen from this stum corium it will be shedding off it will be Shed off to the environment and that would be again taking how many days that is 28 days that would be again taking how many days sir 28 days done done with this okay now we have what we have seen let's revise we have seen from the outside we are having skin skin will be having three layers epidermis dermis hypodermis right so we have already completed Rel ated with the epidermis we have seen five layers of and from these five layers I've already told you the important question these are also important question that they have asked you right everything is important in this particular slide okay maybe they will be covering five to six marks but every Mark is important guys okay so don't skip any subject just watch this video that would be good enough okay and share with your friends also okay so that is our Statum Bas Bas sale okay now we have seen all the layers epidermis dermis hyp dermis epidermis we have seen five layers that is from the come let's grab some burger right this is the pneumonic that we have already done now we will see some disorders we will be discussing about some disorders guys okay disorders what are the disorders first one is your parakeratosis sir we have already discussed that the stratum Corum does not have any nucleus right am I right so if there is presence of nucleus if there is presence of nucleus in stratum corium stratum Corum what do we call it we call it parakeratosis parakeratosis okay so what what I have told you sir this is the stratum Corum it is devoid of nucleus there is no blue structure should be here but if any kind of blue structure is here that means there is a nucleus and Statum Corum if it will it is having some kind of a nucleus that means it is parakeratosis it is a disease okay so what what is that parakeratosis what is the pneumonic pneumonic you can remember P's or PESA okay whatever you want to remember you can remember P for sasis E for eczema a for tinic kitosis s for soric dermatitis and lastly s for swam cell carcinoma okay so these are the conditions when you will be having what you will be having nucleus present in a strum corium that means when you look under histopathological slide you will take up the sample you're looking under microscope what you will be finding you will be finding blue color structure okay and that is the parakeratosis okay second thing that we are having is dis keratosis what is the meaning of dis keratosis dis keratosis means what abnormal dis what is the meaning meaning means meaning of this will be abnormal keratinization there will be abnormal deposition of the Keratin abnormal deposition of the Keratin so what will be happening here it will be happening in some benign diseases it will be happening in some benign diseases benign diseases like hel hel hel hel or darus disease it will be happening in some benign diseases like H and Darius disease some premalignant situations premalignant diseases like bow disease okay and also can be seen in some malignant condition malignant means what that is cancerous right that would be your Squam cell carcinoma Schamus cell carcinoma so these are certain situations where you will be finding this discotic cells okay disis cells okay eois aeno sites what is the meaning guys kenosis first thing we have already seen what is the meaning of e enosis that is thickening of thickening of stratum spinosum when Statum spinosum get thickened that is known as a enosis aenis okay what is the meaning of aen aen is a spine like cell and spine are the feature of which layer that is stum spinosum okay eois means what eois there will be there will be separation of aois there will be separation of two Kino sites okay so there will be separation of Kino sides that is known as eois guys it is a bad side test that we are doing in our hospital that is zenme how we take the zenx me what we are doing whatever whatever lesions we are having what we will be doing we are just scrap we are taking the scrapping from the base okay base me scrapping L and then we are putting some D over it okay some stains and ultimately we are looking under microscope okay and then you will be finding this type of cells these are what these are separated Kino sites why they are separated sir they are binded together with the help of this particular thing what is that that is desmosome now what is happening desmosome is not there so what you will be finding these separated cells okay so under Z zenme you will be finding these separated cells okay so that is nothing but your aois okay what are the different conditions where you will be having antibodies against what okay let's see this is the most important table that I that is coming across you that is first thing is your pigus vulgaris antibodies are formed against which desmosome that is desmog 3 okay pigus folus desmog 1 sir how to remember one is for f f is for first F is for one that is your first right so if they are talking about pampus folus your answer would be your answer would be Des muglin one always and they are asking question based on this right okay vulgaris is the most common that would be your Des muglin 3 and Paran neoplastic pigus just remember P tmop plin or plog globin just remember this pmopen or pleco globin okay and then we are having these benign diseases these are due to calcium atps calcium atps okay so this is the most important table from this particular slide you have to remember this as it is okay then we are having this micro absis sir what is the meaning of absis what is absis there are two things we will be discussing one is p one is pastle and second one is your absis if there is a fluid fill lesion there is a pus fill lesion which is small in size we call it pusle if this leion is big in size we call it absis so absis is nothing but there is a p field leion okay P field Legion will be there so what are these papillary tip micro absis we have already seen we have we have already seen remember what whatever I have taugh you in Basics we will be utilizing that information what is that what is the thing what is the part of epidermis that is going inside dermis that is your R reges and the part of dermis which is going into epidermis that is known as dermal Pilla okay so we are having papillary tip micro say that means something is getting accumulated here something is getting accumulated here this is known as papillary tip micro absis and this is particularly seen in which disease very good very good a that is seen in dermatitis herpetiformis wonderful group of students you are dermatitis herpetiformis okay try to answer second one herpetiformis second one moonrose micro absis I would be showing you image of everything okay so that would be seen in sasis guys sasis okay next one is your Kos pul that is also we are going to see in sasis I would be showing you the image okay lastly we are having pus micro abses remember guys all these three micro abses are neutrophilic neutrophilic micro abses okay this one is your lymphocytic micro abis that is quri micro abis it is seen in micosis fungoid is can you see mosis fungoid is what which fungus is causing this particular thing can anyone answer which fungus is causing this particular thing mosis fungoid is it's due to which fungus no sir it is not due to fungus it is due to it is it is a type of cancer okay it is a cutaneous t- cell lymphoma very good it is a cutaneous t- cell lymphoma it is not a fungal infection it is a canc okay it is a cancer it it will be it will be having epidermal tropism okay it will be coming towards the skin okay epidermis right you will be studying this particular thing in pathology also you will be having cesari cells cere form nucleus all those things right so that is nothing but your mosis fungoid is showing you which kind of micro absis that is your pus micro absis okay are you guys understanding we are done with the epidermis part okay now this are the important pointers that we have to remember okay papillary tip micro absis dermatitis herpetiformis moonrose micro absis and Kos P I would be showing you image that would be sasis okay and then we are having pus micro absis that you will be finding in micosis fungoides okay then coming on to next next part is your Bas made membrane Zone okay uppermost layer will be we are having skin epidermis then there will be basement membrane Zone then there will be dermis then there will be hypodermis okay so in epidermis we have we have already seen all the structures all the cells now we are discussing about the basement membrane Zone that is in between epidermis and dermis right so that we are talking about basement membrane Zone this is also known as dermoepidermal Junction okay so now what kind of cells you will be finding here just try to understand Guys these are your Kino sites these are your Kino sites if you understand these Basics every disease will be easy for you okay so these are the cartino sites they are binded together with the help of what thing with the help of desmosomes right now these cells these cells are binding to the basement membrane these cells are binding to the basement with with the help of what this is your basement membrane and they are binding with the help of a special protein that is known as [Music] hemidesmosome hemidesmosomes okay they are binding with the help of hemidesmosomes look here these are these are your cells they are binded together with the help of desmosomes but these cells are binding to the basement membrane this is your B basement me MBR okay and then there will be dermis so these cells are binded with the help of hemidesmosomes what are the hemidesmosomal protein that you have to remember you can remember platin integr bp1 bpag2 so most important I will be writing for you that is bp1 BP to bullus pigo antigen you can remember like that okay we are having an green we are having platin okay this we are also having like K5 k14 I would be telling you disorders okay just remember bpag1 is known as bp230 one number what would be there if it is one there will be more number second one is your BP 180 it is also known as BP 180 can also write collagen 17 collagen 17 okay then we are having integrin and plectin okay these are the important protein that you have to remember then there will be some other layers this is your lamina lucida then your lamina densa and below densa that would be sublamina densa okay below Lina densa would be sublamina densa and ultimately we are having dermis okay so these are the important layers okay they have asked you a question which one of them is the weakest layer your answer would be Lina lucida also known as salt split layer okay what are the disorders that can happen over here first one is your bullas pig bullas pig the meaning will be simple okay bullas Pig what will happen in the buus PID you will be having antibodies against bpag2 or bpag one okay you can be having antibodies against bpag2 or bpag1 second one is your linear IG disease you will be having antibodies against most likely bpag2 and third we are having epidermolysis Bosa dropic and that would be having antibody against collagen 7 okay collagen 7 one more we have already seen that is antibodies against K5 or 14 K5 or k14 keratin 5 or keratin 14 that would be considered as epidermolysis epidermolysis epidermolysis means what epidermis is getting lice bullosa means there will be some kind of a fluid field leion bullah will be having clear fluid okay bullah will be having clear Fu fluid field leion bullosa Simplex Simplex your answer would be K5 k14 okay D tropicans if they are giving your answer would be S collagen 7 Simplex K5 k14 okay this is what you need to remember okay we are done with this particular layer also now we are moving on to next layer next layer is your dermis okay lower most layer second layer is your dermis it will be having two layer one is papillary dermis this is your papillary dermis and this is your reticular dermis try to understand we have already seen all the layers five layers we have already seen of the skin we are having these granular layer prickle cell layer Basel layer okay then we are having this papillary dermis then we are having reticular dermis and ultimately we are having hypodermis hypodermis okay so what are the important points that you have to remember about this particular dermis what are the most important cells in the dermis what are these cells try to answer what are the important cells dermis these are your fibroblast okay fibroblast are the most important cells of the dermis right second most uh second most common question that is most common type of collagen collagen most common type of that that is your type one collagen that you also see in the bones okay type one will be seen in the bones type two will be seen in the cartilage okay cartilage second most common collagen that you will be finding here will be type three collagen okay type three collagen and what is the ratio that would be 1 is to 3 okay and one question they have asked you what is the most common glycosamine that is happening here that is your okay we can we can slow down if you are not understanding you can always ask me or if I'm going too fast you can always tell me we can go a little bit slower okay that is your most common glycosamine that is your hyaluronic acid hyaluronic acid remember guys you guys are using hyaluronic acid on your skin also right what are the basic function of that hyaluronic acid that you are utilizing sir it will be retaining first thing it will be retaining moisture it will be retaining moisture okay second thing it will be increasing your blood flow okay those girls who are having like that hyaluronic acid thing that they already know okay it will be increasing your blood flow it will be increasing your moisture it will be decreasing your wrinkles okay basically it will be decreasing inflammation right it will be decreasing inflammation okay anti-inflammatories that right right some girls are already answering right they know more about it right so we are having this hyaluronic acid okay hyaluronic acid okay next thing about subcutaneous layer we are also calling it hypodermis subcutaneous is also known as hypodermis this is also known as peniculus peniculus guys peniculus okay and if there is inflammation of peniculus that is known as penitis penitis and this is the question that they have asked you what is penitis simple question they have asked you what is penitis so penitis simple meaning will be it will be inflammation of the hypodermis okay B that would be inflammation of the hypodermis okay now please try to solve this question for me then we will be revising everything right please try to solve this particular question for me question number one which layer of the skin is characterized by the presence of refractile granule everyone please try to answer in the chat box please try to answer guys I'm getting C spinos some some are telling lucidium okay so like we are studying the mind of examiner how they are asking questions to us right The Examiner is asking question to us yes if you already remember that is fine but in the exam you know what happens your cortex will not work so efficiently okay right now you have studied that is why you are remembering but in exam you will be thinking like sir they are asking about some granules I I already know in granul or some there will be some kind of granules okay I don't remember that is K Highline or odland bodies I don't remember that but I just remember some kind of granules I have studied okay that is how your mind will be working in your examination right so we need to rule out the option every time you are solving equation please try to rule out the option okay so what you have studied in strum corium corium we have already known that it is devoid of nucleus first thing that we have seen it is devoid of nucleus let's revise second thing in Granulos we have seen two types of granules one is Koh Highline K Highline granules second one is your odland bodies or Lamar bodies right so what is happening if this kto highland granules are problematic that means filamentous segregating protein is pro problematic that would be giving what fagin is defective that would be giving what ecosis vulgaris we have studied about ecosis vulgaris okay odland bodies they are defective that means it will be giving some kind of eczema we have already studied about winter eczema right now straight from spinosum spinosum will be having two important cells I have told you one is desmosome one is desmosome and second one is your ler hand cells very very important guys okay ler hands and desmosomes they are talking about your answer will be stum spinos okay lastly we are having lucidium remember guys lucidium will be having refractile granules of eludin so your answer would be D answer would be D and this particular layer is present in Palm and souls palm and souls okay this is what you need to remember about this okay try to answer this particular question question number two pre-term babies are born with thinner and less developed skin compared to fullterm infants okay which of the following is a characteristic feature associated with the skin of preum babies what would be your answer try to answer C how many say C Sanjay sasi very good very good guys so they they want to know about pre-term babies are born with thinner and less developed skin we agree with that okay to as compared to fullterm babies which of the following is characteristic feature associated with the skin of predom babies so they want to know what is the characteristic feature we already know we I'm getting all the answers that is Statum corium will be absent Statum corium AB will be absent but why basil cannot be the answer try to see here basell we have seen how many cells two important cells one is your mosite that would be giving mosome that would be giving melanin color right that would be giving color right first thing absent if this mosite will be absent What will what will happen that would be problematic situation second Merkle cells are present in stum basil okay so we already know that this cannot be the answer okay Merkle cells are touch receptor for CR touch okay anterior spinothalamic pathway is the path okay from physiology next is your Statum granulosum we have already seen Statum granulosum will be having these two things odland Bodies Okay K Highland granules these two things we have already seen so this cannot be the answer okay strum Corum we already know Corum will not have nucleus it will be devoid of nucleus and if nucleus is present that is known as parakeratosis okay then we are having stum lucidium guys okay stum lucidium lucidum we have already seen what kind of granules you will be finding that is your refractile granules that is present in arm and soul so are you guys understanding do let me know if you are understanding okay what will happen to this particular baby guys this will be having no stratum corium no stratum corium that will lead to increase in heat lows increase in heat loss increase in water loss guys water loss okay this baby is more prone to infection more prone to infection this baby is more prone to infection this baby can have multiple infections right so we need to take care of this particular baby right now we will be discussing about the types of skin lesion okay now we will be discussing about the types of skin lesion skin lesion what are the different types of skin lesions we are having are you guys understanding please try to answer in the chat box okay we are having types of skin lesion first one we are having primary skin lesion we are having secondary skin lesion so what is the difference between primary and secondary skin lesion primary skin lesions are those lesions which are primarily due to diseases okay these are due to primary disease for example we are having acne right so that is due to primary disease okay secondary skin lesions are those lesions which are due to inadequate treatment firstly inadequate treatment or secondly it can be due to trauma okay for example we are having some kind of a nodule now what is happening I'm having I'm not getting properly treated or second thing I'm just scratching it or doing something with that okay so that would be presenting as a trauma okay so these are your secondary lesions let's see one by one and we will be understanding what are these lesions we are having meule we are having pepule nodule tumor plag wheel vcle bulla pulle so all these things are your primary skin lesions okay secondary skin lesions are your scales we have already discussed what is scale then we are having thrust we are having Fisher we are having ulcer we are having Scar and at trophy also okay so let's see one by one how they are differentiated on the basis of what they are getting differentiated on the basis of on the basis of size they are getting differentiated so first one that we are having is flat leion okay first one we are having is flat Legion in flat Legion if the size is less than 1 cm we call it less than 1 cm flat Legion we call it me guys we call it me try to answer if you know I will be showing you images just after this try to remember now itself CM say cision the lesion is lesser than 1 cm that is known as meu if it is more than 1 cm we call it patch we call it patch we are talking about primary skin lesions first okay if the material that is inside a lesion is clear fluid if the material is clear fluid and the leion is less than 1 cm that is your Vite that is what you are seeing in harpes harpes will be having vyes right multiple grouped vcle you will be finding what kind of fluid clear fluid okay clear fluid second thing if the lesions are more bigger in size I've told you about bulla you will be studying about bullas pigo there are bullas atrophy bullas things whenever you will talk about bullah bullah means what sir there is a clear fluid fi Legion which is more than 1 cm simple okay next we are having solid Rel Legions okay solid Legions if they are less than 1 cm we call it pepule okay if they are bigger more than 1 cm we call it plug okay if they are going inside they are going in the depth we call it nodule okay nodule for example we will discuss about nodulocystic a okay nodulos cystic an okay so these are your solid lesions then we are having PFI Legions if they are small ffield Legion we call it fle if they are big B big lesions with the P that is known as absess that is known as absess that is known as absess guys okay so we are having these type of lesions we are having these type of lesions okay these are different different lesions we will be differentiating based on the sizes okay based on the sizes okay then we are having Wheels what are wheels sir wheels are basically itchy ariatus and adimus lesions okay itchy there will be some kind of itching apart from that they will be having some kind of arithma arithma means what there will be red red uh thing that you will be looking at okay and there will be some kind of Edema okay rhythma edema will be there okay next we are having petas petas you will be finding in like disorders for example like dangu okay in Deni also you will be having PES Okay small small hres will be there okay so P they are less than 2 mm perpa they are 2 to 5 mm and osis if it is more than 5 mm okay they are based on the size we are differentiating okay cyst the meaning of cyst will be it is covered by epithelial cells okay so let's see what we have seen if there is a flat leion we call it meule if it is more than 1 cm we call it patch if it is a clear fluid field leion less than 1 cm that is vcle if it is Big we call it bua if there is a solid leion less than5 or 1 cm we call it pure if it is more we call it plug and if it is a solid lesion which is going into the depth then we call it nodule then we call it nodule okay and then we are having small PFI leion that is p and big PFI Legion are known as absis okay Wheels is the characteristic feature of a disease that is known as ticaria okay araria the characteristic feature is wheel you will be finding wheel where for example you are having some mosquito bite or bite by some Aunt okay and then what will happen you will be having some kind of itching you will be having some kind of rhythma arithma and there will be some kind of Edema that you would be finding okay these are your wheels so try to see first first let's cover the secondary lesions also okay so what is the scale guys scale remember I've told you about scale scale is nothing but desquamation of stum Corum Ive told you sp cells will be moving apart that is your scaling okay second thing is your crust what is a crust sir crust is nothing but your dried up exudate okay dried up exudate is crusting crusting you will be finding honey colored crusting so what is that honey colored crusting you will be finding in impetigo bullas or non bullas impo try to answer okay so we are having crusting you will be finding that crusting that is your second Legion okay erosions erosions are basically loss of epidermis so epidermis is gone that is erosion what is the excoriation linear erosion you are having linear erosion because of nails or something that is known as excoriation we call it excoriation erion there will be loss of epidermis excoriation there will be linear erosion okay linear loss of epidermis like ification very important it will be having some itch Illusions along with that you will be finding thickening and very very important you will be finding color change ich Legion thickening color change that would be your lyen ification lyen ification okay next we are having is scar scar is a permanent fibrotic change okay scar is a permanent fibrotic change you will be finding kilo you will be studying in surgery for kid prevention what you are giving try to answer in the chat box guys okay we are also having one more thing that is your one more thing we are having that is your alcer that is your alcer what is alcer guys loss of epidermis plus dermis is known as alcer loss of epidermis and dermis is known as alcer let's see one by one and try to understand how these lesions are and what how do we call it okay so first of all can can you can you appreciate this fluid fill leion okay it is a clear fluid field leion which is more than 1 cm in size that is known as bua is buing right this is a flat Legion this is a circular flat Legion that is known as meule okay if if this flat leion is big in size we call it we call it patch okay if it is a small flat leion we call it meule if it is a big flat lesion we call it a patch okay then we are having nodule nodule is a solid lesion which is going inside the depth okay which is going in the depth this is your peple less than5 CM that would be a superficial solid leion pepul solid leion if it is one more than 1 cm we call it plug okay these are your these are your pules they are having P if any lesion which is having P less than 1 cm that is your pusle if it is Big we call it abiz okay this is your vcle vle is less than 1 cm it will be having which kind of fluid it will be having again clear fluid okay clear fluid this is what we have discussed right this is your wheels wheels are characteristic feature you will be finding edema arithma and itching right this is your scales scales will be having scales will be having what dation of stum corium this is your stum corium outermost layer of epidermis it will be having dis formation crust dried up exudate is known as crust this is a linear Craig known as Fisher Okay this is your Fisher this is excoriation excoriation is what basically loss of epid dermis okay linear loss of epidermis okay that is due to Nails okay maybe due to Nails maybe due to Thorn maybe due to grael rush okay multiple things can happen right we are having erosion erosion is basically loss of epidermis and I have told you what is Ulcer ulcer is epidermis loss of epidermis plus dermis is known as ulcer this is your lyen ification you will be having thickening you will be having itching you will be having color change color change okay and Scar is ultimately the secondary scar you will be finding there is a permanent damage okay there is a permanent fibrotic change okay you will be finding that okay pep will be bigger pepule will be pepu will be smaller in size as compared to vesicle vesicle will be bigger enough right vesicle will be having some kind of fluid inside right so these are the these are the primary and secondary lesions okay now let's talk about the ler lines guys okay these are some lines they are asking question on so these are your lers lines these are your lers line okay first thing they are parallel to the collagen fibers they are parallel to collagen fibers and perpendicular to muscle fibers when you are going to your OT okay in your OT you will be finding these types of chart okay these types of charts will be there and they are used for in season for better healing okay they are used for incision for better healing these are your ler sles not ler H the these are your langers lines these are your langers lines okay impetigo is there but which impetigo guys non bullas okay bullas impa is due to sta we will be discussing about that okay these are your blast Co lines try to look here we are having this circular thing on over scalp circular thing you will be finding over scalp that is your blast Co L okay they are helpful in the identification basically they are for the identification of embryonal migration of kinoy so basically kinoite are transferring in the body okay so they will be telling us about the embryonal migration of keratinocytes not so important but you have to remember the image okay they are asking question based on the image so whenever you are finding just look at this particular head structure if you are finding something something circular your answer will be blastos line okay blastos line what are the example you will be finding these lines in these three particular things first one is your incontinencia pigment second is your hypom is opo and third one is your epidermal Nai okay epidermal Nai these three are important one they have asked previously they have asked question based on this okay so these are the blastos line next line we are having is your dermatome dermatome okay dermatome is basically nerve distribution that you will be discussing about for example we will see multiple disease for example like we are having harpes Jer herp Jer also known as shingles so what what happens in the shingles the meaning of her piece just try to understand I've told you the meaning of her piece will be grouped recycle group the recycle and what is the meaning of Zer Zer the meaning of Zer will be along a nerve segment along a nerve segment the meaning of Jer will be along a nerve segment so whenever you are looking for whenever you are looking for like herpes doter you will be having it along a nerve segment for example thoracic nerve segment is the most common okay it can be happening like that okay so that is that is the dermat they are basically straight line dermatomes you can easily understand they are basically straight lines okay you can easily understand the dermatomes okay so three lines you have to remember one is ler lines they are line of incision they are also known as lines of tension lines of tension okay they are also known as lines of tension then we are having blast Co line and then we are having guys dermatomes okay dermatomes so we are done with the chapter number one are you guys understanding do let me know so that we can proceed to check chapter number two that is about your skin appendages okay fast fast skin appendages we are having three things we are having Nails in the skin appendices we have seen all the layers till now what we have seen we have seen epidermis five layers of epidermis then we have seen thmo epidermal Junction there will be hemidesmosomal proteins then we have seen the dermis papillary dermis reticular dermis important cells all those things collagen and all we have seen then we had we have discussed about the subcutaneous also then we have seen some disorders and secondary lesions also primary and secondary lesions we have also covered now we are going to see skin appendages what are skin appendages those structures which are attached to the skin for example we are having Nails we are having hairs or we are having certain glands present in your bodies like what are the glands that are present in your body body we are having Nails we are having hairs we are having glands okay we are having two types of gland one is spacious gland one is sweat gland sweat gland okay so we are having cous gland we are having sweat gland okay very good M now let's see okay we are having sebaceous and sweat gland sir sebaceous gland will be secreting what sebum okay it will be secreting sebum and the function of sebum will be lubrication okay lubrication the function of sebum will be lubrication okay so first of all let's start with the nail itself so nail pathology let's see what are the different different nail pathology that we have to see so this is the normal structure of a nail okay this part that white white part you are seeing this is your lunula okay this part is known as lateral nail fold this is your lateral nail fold this is known as proximal nail fold okay this is this small skin that you are having over here around the lunula that is known as cuticle or epon cuticle or epon this is the basically body of nail body of nail okay and these are the free edge of the nail and all these things okay not so very important just remember this important part that is lateral nail fold that is proximal nail fold apart from that this cuticle and lunula okay now what is happening we are having certain diseases present on nails okay this is a normal nail this is a normal nail I have clubbed all the nail pathologist together okay this is your pitting of the nail pitting means what is happening try to look we are having some kind of depressions over here in the nail bed right that is your pitting Onis Onis means what there will be separation of nail bed there will be separation of nail from nail bed then we are having subungal hyperkeratosis hyper keratosis cyper means increased kosis means keratinization okay so you will be having increased keratinization here increase deposition of creatin or increase keratinization okay next one is your riging okay you can have riging you can have thickening you can have crumbling you can have certain color changes but the most important out of them is your pitting okay most important out of them is your pitting we are having pitting pitting is the characteristic feature for two important diseases one is alopa second one is your sasis so inopia are just remember alopa alopecia there will be loss of hair loss of hair so alopecia will be in the hair itself right so alopecia superficial superficial this is the pitting can you appreciate this is pitting this is pitting this is pitting okay so superficial pitting will be there or is is it regular or irregular sir there will be regular pitting okay superficial regular pitting is a feature of alopa area very very important keyword that you have to remember okay second sasis in your in sasis but you will be seeing deep irregular pitting deep and irregular pitting deep and irregular pitting is the feature of psorasis okay so these two terminologies you have to remember one is superficial regular pitting second one is your deep regular pitting okay psorasis may you will be finding deep irregular pittings alopecia you will be having superficial regular pitting okay you will be seeing these different na pathology first one is your clubbing clubbing is due to hypoxic conditions guys hypoxic conditions what can be the exception here hypoxic conditions but due these are not due to COPD group of disorders okay second one is your Nikia Nikia the simple meaning will be spoon shaped nails okay will be spoon shaped nails okay spoon shaped nails okay these are seen in iron deficiency anemia and plumber Vinson syndrome can anyone tell me the Triad of plumber Vinson syndrome please try to answer plumber Vinson syndrome okay these are your Elder M lines these are your horizontal lines you will be finding in arsenic poisoning arsenic poisoning this is your terium in terium what is happening this is this is I've told you this is proximal nail fold well this proximal nail fold is steering the nail AP part into two part this is a this is known as terium this proximal nail fold is steering the nail into two part that is known as theum and terium is very very characteristic for Lykan planus phas ly planus characteristic feature that is your terium okay that is your terium okay whenever they will be talking about terium you will you have to remember about this like in Planet okay iron deficiency anemia what else guys try to answer what iron deficiency anemia will be there that is already written you will be having dysphasia guys only few days left for examination please try to be more active we are having iron deficiency anemia very good Dr RJ that is iron deficiency anemia esophagal varis not varis esophagal webs will be there okay esophagal webs will be there and there will be iron deficiency anemia so that is the Triad that is important in our pathology as well right so we are clubbing different different different subjects okay try to answer this one what is happening so this is your lateral nail fold this is your n lateral nail fold and it is having some kind of P some kind of p and this is known as peronia this is known as peronia there is infection of lateral nail fold that is known as peronia or the most common cause most common bacteria causing peronia that is your sta orus sta orus remember guys in complete Dermatology when whenever I'm going to talk about any kind of acute infection acute infection is due to bacteria whenever I'm talking about any kind of chronic infection that is due to fungus that is due to fungus so uh fungal infection will be chronic one okay now let's differentiate between these two particular structures half nail sign or teres nail how you will differentiate both of them will be having half red half red nail okay that is half nail will be having rhythma okay so how you will different half nail sign or lines nail you will be finding in chronic renal failure okay that you will be finding in chronic renal failure but try to appreciate these ground glass opacities these are your ground glass opacities and this is a feature you will be finding in what you will be finding in teres nail also teres nail you will be finding along with hepatic failure guys hepatic failure hepatic failure May ter ground glass opacity with teres nail that is your hepatic failure or this thing okay done so now moving on to next next is your very very favorite of the examination examiner they have asked this particular question multiple times okay but try to answer this one what is this particular thing that we are seeing here what is this this is known as oil drop sign and it is a characteristic feature of which disease this is the most characteristic leion remember guys this is the most characteristic leion this is the most CTIC Legion you will be finding in sasis and this is your thimble nail or pitting that you are calling pitting what kind of pitting sir irregular pitting and that is the most common feature so two things about sasis you know now first thing most characteristic leion is your oil drop sign multiple times asked question this is also known as Salman P this is also known as Salman patch Salman patch okay these are your next one these are your buus lines views lines are your depressed these are your depressed look here views lines are your depressed these are your depressed and growing lines these are your depressed and growing lines okay whereas these M lines these are your non depressed and non- growing lines okay both of them are feur feature of which diseases they are feature of chronic illnesses chronic illnesses they are present in chronic illnesses okay and this one this one is your distorted nail can you appreciate this is a distorted nail and this is this is also known as Ram's horns Nails okay this is basically a distorted nail this is a basically a distorted nail that you are finding over here okay so these are the some nail pathology that I have club together so please try to watch watch this pictures again okay so what we have seen we have seen clubbing we have seen Nikia ALR mean terium right we have seen peronia they have asked you questions on peronia okay we have seen half nail sign we have also seen Terry's nail we have seen Salman patch pitting salmon patch is the most characteristic lesion pitting is the most common lesion of psorasis okay next we are having buus l m lines and hosis on iosis okay now moving on to Second gland second and is your hair follicle hair follicle we are having three stages of hair follicle one is your anagen second one is your kogen third one is your tillen delen sir anagen will be lasting for how many days or years or weeks that would be lasting for years ketogen would be lasting for weeks and hogen would be lasting for months okay so if there is increased hair loss what do we call it increase hair loss we call call it hair loss what do we call hair loss if there is high loss we call it alopa alopecia right so let's discuss about alopecia they are asking question based on alopecia we are having different types of alopecia we are having different different types of alopecia first you have to remember we are having cicatricial alopa and non-racial alopa okay cicatricial or non raal what is that we are having scarring type or nonscarring type scarring type or nonscarring type try to answer try to understand this if we are having scarring type of alopecia that means once the hair loss is there that is a permanent change nothing will happen again your hairs will be gone that is uh that is gone right nonscarring type will be having there is a chance of regaining of the hair okay so what are the pneumonic for nonscarring type and what is pneumonic for scarring type let's see where do you what are the condition when you are finding nonscarring type of alopecia this is also known as non secal type of hopia okay so first thing is your tenia captis tenia is basically what let me give you information tenia is a basically superficial fungal infection right superficial fungal infection so we are having two types of tenia guys one is inflammatory type another one is non-inflammatory type okay inflammatory type we are having Kon and favors okay okay Kon and favors you will be studying about painful bogy swelling on the head that is Kon you will be having dense crusting scutula that is your inflammatory type okay non-inflammatory type will be having gr pitch you will be having like your black dots okay so that would be your tenia capitis second is your hormonal because of hormone that can be due to hypothyrodism that can be due to androgenic alopecia okay these are your these are your non-caring type of alopecia we are having anagen fium anagen uum talking about chemotherapy alopa Arata which is autoimmune condition you will be having a hair loss from a particular part but you can get those hair back right next is your Trio Tania Trio hair tilo means pulling and Mania is a psychiatric condition so that is your troia patient will be pulling their own hairs right secondary CIS also known as Mo eatan CIS we will be finding in secondary CX what is the leion you will be finding these are your condiloma latas okay in primary syphilis you will be having Shanker in secondary condiloma l in tertiary syphilis you will be having gumas that is basically granolas okay s will be showing you nonscarring type of alopecia tillen ilium tilen ilium will be penium means what there will be some kind of air loss okay after some diseases you will be finding some kind of history of a disease yes you can watch it anyone can watch it I'm teaching with the basics okay so you can learn new things okay second we are having a scarring type of alopecia that means once the hair loss is there those hairs cannot grow back right so we are having this type of alopecian Scleroderma second inflammatory type of tenia captis third we are having foliculitis dle remember dle will be causing scarring type of alopecia lupus vulgaris which is the most common type of cutaneous TB remember in dermatology vulgaris means most common so lupus vulgaris is the most common type of cutanous Cub and last we are having lyan PLO pis okay so these are the important causes this is the important table that you have to remember that is the neonic that you have to see okay now let's see one by one about different different types of now let's see about different different types of hair losses okay now let's see about different type of hair losses we are having first one is your androgenic alopa androgenic alopa we are having two types of hair loss one in the males in the males the hair will be going from this particular region or from there right from the vertex or from the here right so that is known as Norwood Hamilton grading this type of grading system that we are using for men that is known as Norwood Hamilton grading okay in females we are having two pattern one is ludic pattern second one is allsen pattern okay in Ludwick patterns the female will be having hair loss from front frontal or vertic region okay and all s the female will be hair loss from the from the parts from where she is parting their hair okay so where from the part she's parting their hair she will be having hair loss from that particular area so that is all son and Ludwig okay how do you treat this particular situation please try to answer the drug these are androgenic alopecias due to Androgen so what are the Androgen that are causing it right what are the androgens guys what are the androgens that are causing it and how do you stop those androgens right that is test is is converting into dihydrotestosterone how you can stop that we can use a drug that is five Alpha reductor inhibitor you already know the answer please try to answer that is your finasteride finasteride but the first line drug that we are using is minoxidil is a potassium Channel opener minoxidil okay minoxidil you can use 2% in the females and you can use 5% in the males okay 5% in the males so that is the treatment for androgenic alopecia second one that that is coming up is your alopecia are okay first one we are done with that second one we are having is alopecia Arata alopecia Arata will be having what alopecia area will be having particular area which will be having hair loss particular area will be having hair loss guys particular area will be having the hair loss okay for example look here what are the clinical important features that you need to remember over here it is a autoimmune condition first thing it is a autoimmune condition what do you know about this alopecia area multiple questions has been asked from this you have to have to M up this right you will be finding easily pluckable hair whatever important points keywords I giving you easily pluckable hairs will be there okay exclamation mark sign you will be finding when you are removing that high you will be having exclamation mark sign okay that would be giving you this type of appearance and around that Mark sign you will be having that per folicular this per folicular infiltration this per folicular infiltration will be present over there and this is this is known as this is giving a particular appearance and this is known as please try to answer this is known as swarm of P appearance very important guys swarm of B appearance this is known as swarm of B appearance one more important thing that you have to remember about this which that is it will be sparing it will be sparing the gray hairs it will be sparing the gray hairs and this is uh we don't know the exact mechanism for that but it it is not affecting the gray hairs okay and one more thing that we have already discussed you will be finding pitting you will be finding pitting what kind of pitting remember I've talked about superficial thing okay so that would be superficial irregular or regular here you will be finding regular fitting okay regular fitting so that would be superficial regular fitting so this is these are the important important points that you have to have to remember about alopecia area very very important thing guys multiple times question asked from this particular slide right so you have to remember this okay again we will be revising it is a autoimmune condition easily pluckable hairs you will be finding exclamation mark sign around that exclamation mark sign you will be having swarm of B appearance which is basically perol infiltrations okay gray hairs will be spared here and the pitting will be super fusal and regular okay these are the most important point that you have to remember about this particular thing okay now let's talk about anium anium where you are finding in which patients you will be finding anium you will be finding this particular thing in cancer patient guys cancer patients so cancer patients cancer patients will be having chemotherapy all the chemotherapeutic agents whatever drugs that we are using what these drugs will be doing drugs they will be killing all mitotically active cells okay whatever cells are rapidly dividing in your body they will be killing those cells right so for example your bone marrow will be having rapid division so it will be causing bone marrow separation okay your hairs are rapidly dividing in the anagen phase right so it will be killing those cells that is why you are having that anagen uum that is known as loss of hairs okay after like 15 to 20 days of chemotherapy you will be having those hair loss okay and that is from the anaren phase okay penium how you will identify the patient will be coming to you with history in question you will be having some kind of a history guys and in that history remember in that history what they will be written the patient is having some kind of a disease few days back okay few months back because we already know tillen will be lasting for a few weeks okay tillen will be lasting for a few weeks so uh you will be having history of like few months okay you will be having few months history patient can be having like multiple disease patient can be a pregnant female she can come to you pregnant female patient can tell tell us about like she had a typhoid okay they they can have a history of covid-19 so all these things whenever you are finding a history just think in terms of Delan uum whenever you are finding a history just go and think in terms of Doogan ilium next we are having is troia Trio means hair t means pulling and Mania is a psychiatric condition so how you will treat this particular condition here what is happening you will be having a patient who is getting satisfied just by pulling his or her hairs right so pulling of hairs you will be be seeing and how you will treat this particular situ situation you will be giving first thing you can give CBT that is cognitive behavioral therapy another you can use SSRI drug okay and what is the peculiar thing you will be finding here because of that constant pulling what will happen there will be paricular hemorrhages per folicular Hemes that you can see okay so these are the important points about this Ty for to Mania right okay next one is your fraction alopecia those people who are using like bands on the head those people who are having like Pony okay so what they are doing those people are keep keeping their ponies very tight what will happen there because of the constant traction okay because of that constant pressure constant pressure what will happen you will be having that hair loss okay you will be having that hair loss because of constant traction or pressure that is known as traction alopecia that is known as traction alopecia okay are you guys understanding okay we will be revising okay so what we have seen in the alopecia part we have seen alopecia is divided into two parts we are having scarring type non-scarring typee we have already seen all the causes guys this is very very important n PG they have asked two three questions from this particular slide you know n PG and fmg are taken by the same board you have to solve all the questions they are having the similar question bank right so you have to remember this okay they can come up in your fmg examinations also okay patent hair loss androgenic alopecia male pattern we have seen Hamilton female pattern we are having Ludwig and Allen right treatment I have already told you alopecia area autoimmune condition perol Hemorrhage very very important okay you will be having s of be appearance exclamation marks and fitting will be superficial regular in psorasis fitting will be deep and irregular okay next we are having anagen flum always think in terms of cancer patient tillen always thinks about the history that is given tricotilomania psychiatric condition traction alopa we are all set right now let's talk about the sweat glands okay now we will be discussing about the glands we are having two glands okay one is sweat gland second one is your cous gland okay sweat gland we are having two types of sweat gland one is erine second one is your ocine erine E4 just remember it will be present everywhere it will be present everywhere on the body right sweat glands are present everywhere maximum sweat glands are present where on your palm or Souls which one will be having more amount of sweat glands okay first of all they are present in Palm and souls but which one is having more right try to answer just remember C4 they are under coleric control they are under poic control coleric the meaning of coleric will be it will be under parasympathetic control it will be under acle choline control right Appo means means a for EPO a for EPO the meaning will be the meaning of epo will be alone always Whenever there is EPO like in Biochemistry study like EPO b48 okay EPO enzymes so basically they are always EPO terminology the simple meaning will be along along what sir it will be opening along a hair follicle so where you are having hair follicle like in your armpits okay Aila okay in your growing region you will be having which kind of glands you will be having sir ocine L they are under which control a for adrenergic control they are under adrenergic control that means they are under sympathetic control okay now what you have to remember if there is inflammation of these erine glands you know in summer what will happen you are going outside standing outside for longer period of time you know what happens you will be having inflammation of these glands and that is a disease known as prickly heat prickly heat or malaria that is a disease known as prickly heat or malaria what will happen in that look here guys please try to understand this in Hindi what do we call it we call it goria right you will be having there is inflamation of these erine sweat glands okay you will be having inflammation of these erine sweat glands okay okay but now let's talk about this particular thing ocine glands okay if there is inflammation of this ocine glands there will be a disease known as Fox foris disease okay just remember the history I have told you ocine ocine means what they will be opening around some part where are hair follicles so you will be given a image of Aila or you will be given a history along with the hair follicle okay so your answer would be Fox ficis disease okay just remember Fox ficis disease is a inflammation of ocine gland and this one malaria is inflammation of erine gland okay these two are done okay now let's talk about the cous gland cous glands will be releasing what sir we have already discussed it will be releasing sebum and sebum is responsible for what sebum is responsible for lubrication do you know how aces are forming on uh do you know how aces are forming just look here you will be understanding so this is your gland this is your cious gland okay cous gland what it will be making so it will be making some sebum and that sebum will be coming around the hair follicle now what is happening try to understand this give your concentration for 5 minute and you will be understanding what is happening now what is happening the most common lesion or the most characteristic leion that you are finding most characteristic leion of acne is try to answer this question most characteristic lesion in acne they are your comedon comons okay and what are these Commons we are having sir white heads we are having black heads right you already know what is a white head what is a black head so what is happening try to understand sir this sebum is coming out continuously okay this sebum is coming out continuously ly now what is happening if there is a blockage if there is a blockage what will happen the will not come out the sium will accumulate here itself right if there is a blockage and there is a blockage this is known as white head because it is closed there will be formation of a white head if there is no blockage it is coming out and it will be coming with contact with the environment what will happen there will be some kind of a reaction with the environment this will be reacting with the environment and giving a appearance that is known as black head so black head or white head what is white head white head means what sir this this opening is getting closed okay because this opening is getting closed and inside will be sebum so that would be giving a white white appearance that is your white head okay and what is black head this one will be reacting with the environment and giving you environment what are different things we are having oxygen carbon dioxide multiple gases are there so it will be reacting and making it a black head now we understand what is black head what is a white head now try to understand whenever there is accumulation of something for a longer period of time for example the seum will be accumulated here right seum will be accumulated here what will happen it will be having some kind of bacterial party right bacteria will be coming if bacteria will be coming so what will happen there will be some kind of infection right and what is the most common bacteria that is causing acne and this is known as acne right what will happen here you will be having you will be having acne okay because of this clogged por what will happen there will be formation of acne and how we are going to treat acne you already know the drug of choice or the treatment of choice for acne will be what is that sir how you are treating acne try to answer with the help of which drugs you are treating acne you are treating e with isotretinoin retinoids so basically all these vitamin A derivatives doing what they will be causing dryness those people who are using these drugs they already know they will be causing dryness and because of that dryness what will happen the sebum will be dried up right every bacteria will be dead sebum will be dried up bacteria will be dead via your face for that you are using uh it will be having some salicyclic acid the pH of the skin will be always acidic okay the pH of the skin will be acidic so that is why we are using acidic face face cleansers and all those things okay so basically this is about the e e is basically that is the I will be telling you about the doses also okay if you want you can ask okay so we are having pyos cous unit phous unit if there is inflammation of phous unit that is known as acne that is known as acne and what is the most common bacteria causing acne that is nothing but your propi propi bacteria iium acne prop bacterium acne or you can call it P acne okay P acne this is the ficis sports you know what happens these cous glands whenever these cous glands are present on ectopic Place ectopic the meaning of ectopic means the simple meaning they are not present on their original side they are present on different side okay so these are the ectopic sweat glands and this is known as foris Sports this is known as foris Sports okay this is known as four diis Sports okay guys now we will be discussing about the different kind of AES okay we are having mild to moderate we are having mild a for mild like the most characteristic or most common lesion will be comons we are having open commone we are having closed comone okay so open will be black close will be white okay we are having we can use for mild to moderate cases we can use drugs like adline okay we can use retinol adline okay for topical for moderate acne we can use topical retinoids along with that what we can do topical antibiotics right next we are having moderate to less SE then we are giving retinoids then we are giving antibiotics along with that we can add benile peroxide and lastly if the they are having nodulos cystic AC that means they are going deep in the skin what we can do guys we can give isot trenin okay isot tranon whenever you are giving isot you need to have a proper history of the patient you need to know the whether the patient is going to conceive in future or not okay because this is a teratogenic drug okay so first of all the patient is coming to you she or he is having some comedones you can treat comedones you can use normal adline or retino retinol creams Okay then if it is not treated with this retinol creams or adline then you can give topical antibiotics which antibiotics you are using in acne you are using cam okay clamy you can give the ointment of clamy then what you can do if the if it is also not treated by this one then we can use topical retinoid we can give antibiotic antibiotics but along with that we can also use benzy peroxide and ultimately if they are not treated with anything then ultimately we will be using what sir we will be using isotretinoin isotretinoin okay so this is about the treatment okay so please try to answer this question first line of treatment for e and comone should be what should be the treatment guys first line these are the question they have asked you try to answer first one and uh then try to read the question number two also very good snea siia aan others are please try to answer please try to be interactive nothing no one is going to judge you right now right if you are are making mistakes here in the class you are not going to make those mistakes in the examination all okay so please try to speak so first line of treatment for acne and pedones should be topical retinoids guys we cannot use steroids antibiotics also we are not utilizing in the first case nowadays they are also there is a some guidelines which is coming from nmc a few days back day before yesterday they are telling we cannot use antibiotics without diagnosis okay we should not use antibiotics without Di agnosis first of all we need to make diagnosis then we are giving antibiotics earlier what we are doing we are giving empirical antibiotics for example patient is coming to me I don't know what what what can be the situation so what I'm giving I giving a broads Spectrum antibiotics third generation calos sporin but nowadays the government has given the guidelines okay next benile peroxide we will be using less sever acne okay Les category third acne we will be using okay so answer here would be tropical retinoids l or retinol or adline okay next try to answer this question second c d you guys are answering very good aania so that is a that is a nail infection what is the question what is what is the probable diagnosis for a 40y old woman experiencing pain in her fingernail there is a presence of purse on the nail right so when you are looking at this particular situation try to see what is happening here there is infection of proximal nail fold or lateral nail fold okay so basic basically in the side of the nail there is some kind of infection the most common causitive agent would be storus so the drug that you will be using will be amoxicilin okay amoxy you can use apart from that there is infection and that is known as peronia peronia okay that is known as paron Nikia okay next question try to answer this one a patient presented with multiple nulo cystic lesions okay if they are not giving you image but they are giving you the keywords you have to identify the key okay nodulos cystic is a grade four acne okay nodulo cystic there are cyst There Are nodules right so that is a grade four acne and for grade four what is the drug that you will be utilizing try to answer guys very good sasi Pandit very good B so that would be sad that cannot be that would be your ISO tretinoin guys very good sad so that would be your isot tronoid we can we cannot use steroids guys here we cannot use steroids second aryin and tetracycline both of them are antibiotic the ultimate drug of choice for nodulocystic would be your isotretinoin okay so these type of questions are coming in your examination and I really hope you are able to answer this type of question okay so next one is your pamus disorder first one is your psorasis guys very very important psorasis psorasis is a autoimmune disorder what is the most common site and what is the most common type please try to answer what is the most common site sir most common site will be extens our surface your extensor surface of the body like your extensor surface of your body you will be having this type of lesions okay so that is your extensor surface most common type no need to worry that is your sasis vulgaris wherever you will be studying about most common something answer would be vulgar is in this Dermatology okay Dermatology short fre subject right so sasis vulgaris you can score 100% here right you can easily score 100% okay so what is the pneumonic that you have to remember for sasis that is your polish guys polish P for here you will be finding P for pitting P for pitting o for oil drop Sign O for oil drop sign will be there L for o and L will go together okay this o and L will go together that is your Onis I will be telling you everything okay just be patient Onis I for irregular pitting will be irregular S and H will be subungual hyper kosis subungual hyperkeratosis so this is the pneumonic this is Polish Polish is the pneumonic for that so you will be finding these are the peculiar features that you will be finding in sasis okay pitting will be there oil drop sign will be there L for Onis o l will be Onis I for IR regular pitting will be there and S and H will be subungual hyper kosis okay so let's see what are these things that I'm talking about this one is your fitting and this one is which type of fitting we have already seen in Polish that is irregular pitting of nails will be seen and this is a most common feature most characteristic feature is your this one guys most characteristic feature is your this one one question is expected from this particular slide this is the most characteristic feature that is known as Salman page last year exam they have given this question with the image that is your sh Salman patch okay this is your Onis onces the meaning will be simple Ono means uh nail lices means there will be broken down of nails okay what is this particular thing this is your silvery white scales okay silver white scales can you appreciate these are silvery white scales okay and there is a membrane there is a ring around it okay there is a ring around it and this ring is known as warh ring this ring is known as warh ring okay and there will be a membrane above it that is known as buckl membrane that is known as buckl membrane and when you are trying to remove that buckl me membrane you know what happened the there will be some pinpoint bleeding there will be some pinpoint bleeding and this pinpoint bleeding is known as which sign Orit sign okay Orit sign so try to recap everything let's see one by one what are things that are happening here so we are having psorasis psorasis is autoimmune disorder second thing most common site will be extens our surface third thing most common type of psorasis will be psorasis vulgaris what you have to remember the pneumonic is Polish P for pitting o for onol o for oil drop sign oil drop sign is also known as salmon patch next L4 that is oncolysis you will be having this type of nail deformities okay distorted nail you will be finding I4 irregular pitting will be there S and H will be subungual hyper kosis you cannot make any questions wrong from this particular slide okay next thing is your you will be having these type of silvery white lesions and around that leion you will be having a ring that is known as borof okay above the legion you will be having a membrane that is known as bkl membrane and when you try to remove that particular membrane you know what happens there will be some bleeding bleeding occur okay some pinpoint hres will be there and this is known as pinpoint hres this is known as which signit signit sign okay next try to look here in histopathology slide okay in histopathology finding what are the thing we have to remember first of all can you appreciate these blue blue dots remember I've told you in the first slide itself corium should not be having any blue structures okay strum corium is devoid of nucleus but you can appreciate these blue blue dots and these are what sir nucleus these are nucleus and if there is nucleus present in stratum corneum we call it parakeratosis okay parakeratosis first thing done second thing we are having this type of absis right absis is what basically we have seen monrose micro abs that is present in a Statum Corum that is basically accumulation of neutrophils accumulation of BU or neutrophils okay second we are having this pastle spongy Form K pulle okay two things I have told you mro micro absis and Kos pulle they are feature of sasis okay so this is your kogos pulle finding in spinus or granular layer okay apart from that I've told you the part of epidermis which is going into dermis this is the part of epidermis which is going into dermis this is known as reres okay so here you can appreciate long reres okay long Club shaped retes you are finding okay so these are the these are the particular findings on the basis of which we are identifying that the patient is having psorasis okay this is for the diagnosis purpose also okay so these are the important point that you have to remember Paris we are having parakeratosis we are having monro's micro absis we are having Kos pul and we are having Club shaped R ridges Four Points you have to remember Monro micro okay Kos pul okay next is elongated riges long R reges and lastly we are having parakeratosis important important stuff please remember this information and your questions will be easy for you okay now let's see different kind of sasis before moving on to LY and Planet so this is the last slide we will be discussing about the treatment okay first of all what is this type of psorasis that you are looking can you appreciate this first field lesions what I have told you these are your P these are your P right along with the p there is some kind of a scaling you are finding so this is known as pular psorasis anyone please try to answer what is the drug of choice for pular psorasis there will be scaling and there will be P drug of choice for pular psorasis previous year question okay I have told you the sasis will be present on your extensor surface but here can you appreciate this sorosis is present in your Flexar surface right so this is known as this is known as flexor psorasis flexal or also known as inverse psorasis and the drug of choice for inverse psorasis will be methot methotraxate okay very good SN the drug of CH for pular sasis Will Be atin Actin and the drug of choice for inverse sasis will be meth okay this is the sasis you are finding in pregnancy you will be having multiple lesions that is known as impetigo herpetiformis which is basically sasis and pregnancy can you use methotraxate no sir we cannot use so you will be giving steroids or you can use cyclosporin cyclosporin okay you can use steroids or cyclosporin this is your red red color structure that you are looking at that is your arrod dermic psorasis and the drug of choice will be methot trite methot trite okay can you appreciate this gut like structure these gut like structures that is known as gutted sasis okay you will be having some upper respiratory tract infection and then you will be having this type of psorasis okay very very important examiner will be asking you what can be the drug of choice he will be giving you four options just option he will be giving you actin he will be giving you methid he will be giving you steroids and then he will be giving you antibiotics you will not think in term of antibiotics but the drug of choice for gutted psorasis will be antibiotics because it is after a respiratory tract infection so gedis drug of chice antibiotics and this can be a potentially ask question okay you have to remember this for scale psorasis we can use steroids okay we can use steroids okay so these are the different types of psorasis you have to remember and the most important points I have already told you about the psorasis now now coming on to next next disease is your Lyin planus next disease is your lyan plenus lyan planus we have to remember first thing we already know about lyen planus that is terium basically this proximal nail fold remember guys this proximal nail fold is dividing the nails into two parts okay what else you will be finding it is also known as 5 P disease this is also known as 5p disease why do we call it 5p disease the reason being you will be having plain you will be having 5 P you will be having plain purple polygonal these are the key words you will be finding in exam plain purple polygonal pruritic ptic means with aing pruritic pules you will be having solid lesions that is a pepu so you will be having this type of plain purple flat top polygonal pules okay so you have to look for this five people purple they can also write like vious okay sometimes they can write vious pules okay along with that you will be having mucosal involvement okay just look for the mucosal involvement and mucosal involvement you will be finding in the question just look for the keywords if they are giving white reticular Lacy pattern the keyword is white reticular Lacy pattern if it is present that would be your Wickam sta which is a feature you will be finding in like and planus two three things you have to remember plain purple polygonal pruritic pules okay second thing terium and lastly we are having wiam Tri these are the important points now look on the HP slide estop pathological slide what you are going to see you are going to see hyper keratosis that is abnormal deposition of keratin second the most important thing is your saw tooth rides okay just look here you will be having this saw tooth rges these R rges are going just like a saw too these are saw tooth Rees and this is a feature of this is a feature of like an planers okay Len planers apart from that two important thing one is Max Joseph clap and C bodies okay so here you have to remember Max Joseph space or cwe bodies okay and saw tooth Rees saw tooth Rees your answer will be your answer will be always always in the terms of ly and planus okay this is what you need to remember if you remember this much information terium Wickam Tria plain purple polygonal protic pules Max Joseph's space SE bodies saw to threes your answer will be definitely definitely like in planers when you go home after this class you will be solving multiple questions and with these keywords you will be solving each and everything right so this is about the ly and planus okay now these things will be showing a phenomena that is also a question and this is known as isomorphic phenomena this is known as isomorphic phenomenal isomorphic phenomena what is the meaning of that this is also known as what is the other name for this isomorphic phenomena this is also known as corers phenomena corers phenomena so let me explain it what is corers phenomena for example I am having psorasis I am having sasis and here is the leion for example and if I'm scratching over here what will happen this particular type of leion will appear here this is known as ISO means same morphology morphic phenomena that means there will be appearance of same type of lesion so where can you see these type of lesions in three diseases that is your first one is your sorosis second one is your lyen planus and third one is your Vito so these are the diseases that would be showing you true poar iation okay true coration so what is false coration or pseudo coration try to understand what will happen over here the patient will be having like WS it will be generally seen in viral infection patient can have WS patient can have molescum contagiosum molescum contagiosum is a viral disease now what will happen the patient is having for example patient is having a Ply white unated nodule that would be molum contagiosm okay here he is having a nodule and when he is touching this particular part and again touching this part what will happen the virus the virus can take up from this part and it can come to this part right and again the patient will be having a infection over here there will be development of a leion but this is not a cner phenomena this is due to Auto inoculation Auto means the patient is inoculating himself right so that that is due to Auto inoculation these things will be seen in wats and molum contagiosum okay molascum contagiosum this is a very important question okay lastly we are having this thing you will be having this type of appearance this type of mini mini uh mini bumps you will be finding this is known as lyan nus guys this is known as lyan nedus you will be having this is also known as Mini lyan this is also known as mini lyan you will be having what you will be having mini balls mini balls like bumps on the extensor surface of elbow on the extensor surface of elbow you will be having many many tiny tiny bumps on the extensor surface of elbow you will be finding this type of thing okay okay this is this when you are going to do the histopathology you will be finding this particular type of appearance and this is known as this is known as ball in claw appearance ball in claw appearance this is the question they have asked you in your exam that what is the blow ball in Clow appearances seen in which disease okay that is your lyan nitd also known as mini Lan this is your ball in flow appearance that you are finding okay done now let's talk about the important one that is your petasis rul here first of all whenever you will be looking at the term petasis pis the meaning of petasis will be scaling okay just try to understand the meaning the meaning will be scaling or scaling the meaning of scaling will be scaling is a type of secondary change okay scaling is a type of secondary change that I already uh it is a type of secondary lesion that we have already discussed there will be it is a secondary lesion there will be dation of stum Corum there will be D of stum Corum okay so you will be having a mother patch very very important question guys you will be having development of a single patch that is known as mother patch then after that what will happen in this type of fashion what will happen there will be development of other patches and this type of pattern is known as which which type of pattern guys try to answer this is known as Christmas tree pattern this is known as Christmas tree pattern this is known as Christmas tree pattern yes this is also known as F tree pattern Christmas tree pattern or fur tree pattern and the patch is known as Harald patch Herald patch or also known as mother patch also known as mother patch or Herald patch okay and these type of scales we are finding here these are known as colar rate of scale colar like scale colar like scale colar rate of scales also known as cigarette paper scale cigarette paper like scaling so we are having this type of scales present okay let let me summarize every type of scales here itself okay we will be summarizing all the types of scales here we are having silver white scale scale you understand the meaning of scaling now scaling is a type of secondary lesion right there will be desquamation of Statum Corum stratum corium will be lost so silver white scales are feature of which disease try to answer I'm asking try to answer okay silver white scales are seen in which disease okay second one we are having fish like scaling we are having fish like scaling fish like scaling is seen in which dise try to answer very good silver like uh let me ask everything okay greasy scale we will talk about greasy scales greasy scales are the feature of which disease okay and then you are having Briny skills brainy skills okay and lastly you will study about rice grain skill rice creen skill so these are the important ones that has been asked in your examination now try to answer first one silver white scale is seen in soras is very good guys so wherever you are seeing silver white scale your answer will be sasis second fish like scaling we have already seen sosis vulgaris theosis vulgaris okay next greasy scales greasy scales is a feature of very good very good SN that is a feature of soric dermatitis soric dermatitis is nothing but the dendr okay dendr will be having greasy scales soric dermatitis Briny scale or rice green skill they are seen in one disease that is known as petasis verol petasis verol remember guys this is pusis Rosia Rosia will be red red structure okay just try to differentiate the know just try to listen to me very carefully petasis simple meaning scaling here also the meaning of petasis will be scaling we are having two types of petasis one is Rosia Rosia will be giving red color Rosia is for red color verol versy color mean different color you will be having that is common in trunk that is a fungal infection caused by melesia for furfur or mesia globosa you will be having their hypo or hyperpigmented patches on the back hypo or hyperpigmented patches right and very very characteristic appearance that you will be finding that is fagotti and meatball appearance okay so that is a feature of petasis verol okay pis understand the meaning of petasis now please try to move on to next next is your identify the types of sasis in the given picture please try to identify solve this question how many says d b some are saying D some are saying B so this is a red color structure can you appreciate that is your arrod dermic very good guys Raj sad that is your arrod dermic psorasis get it why it is not g it in gtit I have told you there will be G like structure and what is the treatment of choice for gtit because it is after upper respiratory te infection so that we will be giving antibiotics okay pular psorasis drug of choice we have all already discussed this that is your actin you will be having scaling plus P that was that would be your pular sasis okay for inverse sasis the drug of choice will be methot inverse means what the sasis is present on your Flexar surfaces Flex are surfaces okay arrod dermic the treatment of choice will be again methot okay now you understand of choice okay try to answer this one a 26 year old male patient presented to OPD with try to code the information ariatus pla covered with silvery scales over extensor surface of both the arms punctate pitting was noted on the examination of the nail what can be the diagnosis everyone is going in favor of a that is your sasis multiple things are given most common site they are already given they are that is your extens are surface silver white scale that is a feature of sasis Arius plugs you will be finding okay pitting which type of fitting superficial deep regular irregular try to answer remember the Polish pneumonic you will be having pitting which is that pitting P for pitting I for irregular pitting you will be having which type of pitting you will be having irregular pitting okay irregular pitting that is your deep irregular pitting superficial you will be seeing in Alaia okay ly and planus if the question wants to know about ly and planus they must be giving giving you about the 5p or maybe terum they should be giving you the history of plain purple polygonal pules apart from that if they want to ask from histopathological examination they will be giving you C bodies they will be giving you Max Joseph C they will be giving you s to rates okay so this is how you will be identifying the disease okay eczema is type of a dermatitis pitaras is Rosia we have already seen the meaning of pitaras is is scaling okay what kind of scaling you will be finding here if in the question they are writing Coler rate of scale sir Coler rate of scale or cigarette paper scaling if they are writing colorate of scale or cigarette paper scaling then your answer would be petasis Rosia okay petasis Rosia mother Pat heral patch okay this is how you have to remember okay now we will be discussing about the different types of infection okay what are the different kind of infections that we are having let's start one by one we are having first one is your bacterial infection important important points that has been asked in your examination first of all try to answer what is the causitive agent for arithma iasma is due to corini bacterium corini bacterium minimum minuum it is due to corini bacterium minuum corini bacterium deia causing deia okay what you will be finding this is your Wood Lamp examination when you are doing doing Wood Lamp examination you are finding this foral red appearance okay coral red appearance on Wood Lamp examination is a characteristic feature of aasma this is a characteristic feature of arrasa the PDF will be given just after the class okay please try to focus in the class first okay second thing is youra pyogenicum I will not take much of your time uh approximately 40 minutes we will be completing everything okay don't worry about that so we are having EA pyogenicum we are having EA gangrenosum EA contagiosum pyogenicum will be causing P due to pyogens streptococus pyogens gangrenosum is due to pseudomonas and contagiosum is a viral disease that is due to parapox virus okay so for arithma you have to remember corini bacterium minisum which kind of appearance coral red appearance multiple times asked on Wood Lamp examination okay next is your impetigo guys impetigo you will be finding in impetigo two types of impetigo we are having one is non bullas non bullas means what bullah you already know bullah is a fluid filion here there must be some kind of a fluid filion which is ruptured okay here there is no bua so that is non bua syo here there is some kind of a bullah that is bulla syeo okay now they will ask you about the cause Okay Wood Lamp examination is basically a type of light in which we are just ident we are just looking inside that okay and then we will be identifying what what we will be identifying different color because this is a COR bacterium minesome it will be releasing an enzyme which is a carotic enzyme okay it will be releasing a ketolytic enzyme and because of that clysis there will be deposition of that creatin right and when we are looking under Wood Lamp examination it is a handheld device so when we are looking under that we will be finding this type of color okay this is what you have to remember okay sanj now we will be discussing ing about impetigo okay two things we have to remember one is non bullas impetigo second one is bullas impo first of all we need to remember what is the c okay here can you appreciate this type of crusting this is known as this is known as crusting which is which which type of crusting this is known as honey colored crusting this is known as honey colored crusting okay this is known as honey colored crusting honey color crusting crusting we have already seen it is type of secondary Legion crusting means what there is some dried up exate will be there crusting there is some dried up exudate right now the most common cause for this particular situation is strapo focus strapo followed by stra step okay so the most common cause will be strapo for bull syo the most common cause will be sta followed by strapo they can be due to both but this is how you have to remember this okay so this is what it is what you will be giving you will be giving some antibiotics and this can be done okay now let's discuss about the cellulitis and Aus both of them are looking similar okay when the patient is coming to you both of them things both of these things will be looking similar so how you will differentiate between arus and there is a cellulitis okay so just remember arus is a superficial lesion it is a superficial thing it is due to group a beta hemolytic strepto it is due to GS or group a beta hemolytic STP okay okay you will be having this typee of sharp margin sharp margins will be there okay and what else will be there you will be having sharp demarcation you will be having this sharp demarcations over there right second one is your cellulitis cellulitis remember it is a deep entity it will be going till your hypodermis it is your deep leion and it will be going till your hypodermis remember epidermis dermis bement membrane Zone and hypodermis so this Legion will be going deeper okay and it will be having uh no it will be having non demarked margin non- demarked margin so basically cellulitis is basically inflammation of cells okay so cellulitis the thing will be going deep inside okay it will be penetrating all the layers so it will be penetrating all the layers whereas Aus will be superficial infection when you are looking from outside you will not be able to understand very clearly you have to see for margins if the margins are clear if the margins are demarked look here the it one it is having demarcated margins here diffus margins will be there okay in cellulitis the drug of choice that we are using for cellulitis is also emoy clave emoy clave okay generally we are using amoxy clave for the for the infection clear SN okay so basic difference you have to understand once you started seeing the patient you know what happens you will be easily understanding things okay you will be easily differentiating what is Honey colored crusing the baby is coming to you suppose in pediatric OPD you know what happens the baby is coming to us he will be having some honey colored crusting you will easily identify this is due to streptococus infection okay right now we will be discussing about the fungal thing now we will be discussing about the fungal thing first one is your petasis verol petasis meaning you already understood the meaning will be pis will be S scaling there will be scaling okay verol means you will be finding this type of hypo and hyperpigmented patches on the on the skin on the back side of the trunk you will be having this type of hypo and hyperpigmented patches okay this type of hypo and hyperpigmented patches okay now they will ask you about the positive agent they have asked you question based on the positive agent the positive agent is is melesia furfur and melesia globosa melesia furfur and melesia globos are the positive agent most common site will be trunk on the trunk that is the most common site under Wood Lamp examination when you look under Wood Lamp examination you will be finding apple green color Okay apple green color in arithma which color was there in arithma there was coral red appearance here we are having apple green color apple green color Okay apple green color on microscopy you will be finding this particular appearance this is looking like a spaghetti and meatball have you seen then you will be understanding that is your spaghetti and meat ball appearance for vegetarian people we are also calling it banana and grab appearance we are also calling it banana and grab appearance Okay so so that is due to petasis versol which is a type of a fungal infection this is a type of a superficial fungal infection now let's talk about Petra guys Petra those people you must have seen agori Babas right those agori Babas are having hair nodules right they will be they are not very hygienic right so they will be having such kind of a like hair nodle infection that is known as Petra okay we are having two types of Pedra one is known as Pedra HED that is black Pedra one is black Pedra and second one is your white Pedra white Pedra Pedra is hair noal infection okay black Petra is due to Petra H just remember whenever we are wearing black we look hot so hot a is due to Black Pedra and white Pedra is due to trichosporon P that is b b b is white B in Hindi that is light light is white okay so that is your white Petra that is your black Petra okay now we will discuss about the dermatophytes dermatophytes are superficial against skin infections so we are having troyon we are having epidermophyton we are having microron troyon will infect all the three things that we have discussed today that is hairs nails and skin and skin we have seen about hairs we have seen about Nails we have seen about skin so troyon would be affecting all these three structures okay second one is your epidermophyton epidermophyton just remember the letters okay after e there will be H so it will not affect H apart from that it will be affecting Nails it will be affecting skin right third one is microron so after M there is n so it will not affect n okay and it will be affecting your hairs and your skin just remember like that okay in microbiolog you must have seen the structures pencil lesions coras micro coras you must have seen that okay now we will be discussing about the tenia capus because this is a rapid revision we are going a little bit faster if you are having any doubts at any point of time you can always ask me okay so we will be discussing about the skin infection basically tenia teia infections are like your skin infections okay first one first one we are having this particular thing I have told you Tena infection is of two type one is inflammatory type another one is non-inflammatory type okay inflammatory type means it will be causing scarring type of aloia that means if there is infection once there is a infection there will be no hair growth at that particular area Okay simple so this one first but look here they will be giving you hint in the question painful bogey swelling first of all try to understand I've already told you acute infection will be bacterial chronic infection will be fungal okay so painful B swelling for 3 months patient will come with the history like that okay painful swelling on the head there is a children there is a boy who is coming so you will be thinking in terms of Kon okay you will be thinking in terms of Kon whenever you are finding this particular term painful bogy swelling you will be thinking in terms of Kon Kon is an inflammatory type of tenia capitis what is the positive agent what are the positive agent try to answer we are having tenia Mente grite m grite and second one is your tenia veros verum the most important thing about this let me teach you first okay second thing is your this one this one is your dense crusting can you see this is your dense crusting if you are finding these words then thrusting SCA or this is due to Favors this is due to Favors guys this is due to favors and it is due to T non non the positive agent for this one will be Pia SN this one is also inflammatory type both of them are inflammatory type both of them are inflammatory type okay then comes the this one this is your black dot can you appreciate this black dots so this is your black dots this is non-inflammatory and then we are having gray PCH gray PCH so this is also noninflammatory okay the most important thing that you have to remember is the drug of choice for drug of choice for all the tenia infection in the body you will be using what turbin turbin but the drug of choice for tenia capitus capitus if they are asking then you have to answer in the terms of grain you have to mark the answer you have to mark the answer okay then we are having this different different tenas we are having tenia Cruis we are having different names for them like do okay we are having different different names this one is your tenia corporis okay this one is your tenia pis we can also call it like athletes foot athletes foot this is basically due to moisture wherever there will be moisture there will be tenia infection okay tenia infection those patient who are having tenia infection what we are advising to keep the area dry we are giving some kind of drugs like ketoconazol azoles we are giving luliconazole so basically those are static drug okay those AOL are static drug and second thing we have to keep the environment clean and we have to keep it dry okay so if it is dry there will be no growth of this fungal infection okay along with that static drug we are also using right so these are the types of tenia in tenia you will always be finding Central clearing guys Central clearing for example you must have seen the Ring Worm ring worm is basically a type of tenia infection right so you will be having Central clearing in the tenia in the ring worm okay second Central scarring is a feature of lupus vulgaris which is a cutaneous TB okay and Central crusting is a feature of L Mania okay L Mania important now let's let's try to answer this one the drug of choice for tenia for all the tenia infection the drug of choice will be turbine for like skin infection the drug of choice will be turbine for tenia capitis whenever there is infection on the head gropin basically has more affinity for keratin more amount of keratin will be present in your hair okay so grao Falin will be working very nicely on the hair infections okay that is why we are using ralin okay okay s now let's talk about this one this is your what is this try to answer what is this this is your sporo rosis guys this is a subcutaneous infection we are done with the superficial infection now we are going to talk about the subcutaneous infections guys just a moment guys uh just a moment let me take a break just a moment e e e okay guys so this is about the sporo trioses okay this is about the sporo trioses okay so what will happen in sporo trioses what is the positive agent please try to answer what is the causitive agent for sporo rosis and what is this spread that is is uh given here try to answer okay so the positive agent for this one is porox sporox shanki okay this is the positive agent for sporo rosis and this type of spread this type of spread is known as lymphocutaneous spread lymp o cutaneous spread cutaneous means skin lympo means along the lymphoid pathway right so that would be your lymphocutaneous spread okay next thing this is also known as Valentine disease very good guys this is also known as Valentine disease also known as Rose Garder disease these are the buzzword these are the key words you have to remember okay this is also known as Rose gardeners disease in the question they will be giving you a history of a rose Gardener who is plucking the Roses around the Valentine you have to pluck a lot of roses that is why it is know as Rose garders or Valentine's disease he will be having Thorn Pig and because of that what will happen he will be having development of this type of lesion that is known as sporo rosis sporo rosis and these type of bodies you will find in hystopathological examination and these are known as asteroid bodies asteroid bodies okay how you will treat this particular particular situation you can use this is a fungal infection so you will be using antifungal which is the drug that you are using here the drug that you are using here is your itraconazol itraconazol the drug that you are using here is your itraconazol okay iton try to answer this one what is this here again you will be having a thorn pick history Thorn pick history the patient will be given a history of a thorn pick and apart from that he will be having a development of verus leion verus means what verus means wary leion okay very because califlower like leion qualif flower like leion please remember these are the important important named structure very good that is your Chromo blasto micosis this is your Chromo blasto micosis mosis means it is a fungal infection Chromo means it will be having different color so you will be finding this type of infection here this is a verus vtic growth that you will be seeing after a thorn pick okay wood worker example they will be giving you this type of example and you will be having these type of keywords in the question okay apart from that these bodies they have asked multiple times they are known as Copper Penny bodies they are known as Copper Penny bodies names are important you can call it Copper Penny bodies but you can call it medar bodies mform bodies sclerotic Bodies Okay so names are important for this they can give you any name medular body sclerotic body okay murui form body so uh you can have this type of uh infection right how you will treat this particular situation how you will treat this part uh how you will treat this thing uh with particular drug what is the drug that you will be using suban you can uh get me on my telegram that is a different thing you have to I will be answering you okay it depends on the patient it depends on the patient for uh you know some people are having fungal infection for such a long time like year long they are having fungal infection because they don't understand how to utilize itraconazol we are giving overally and uh flucon other drugs like luliconazole ketoconazol they are static drugs okay they are static drugs we are giving the patient these drugs but patient will do he will apply the drug what will happen there will be uh leion will be gone right leion will be gone there will be uh tea infection will be normalized after sometimes you know what happens he stopped the drug and after sometimes there will be reappearance of the leion because he he's not cleaning the area he's not keeping the area dry okay that is how you have to treat okay for treatment we will uh just remember the drugs for now uh for now we will be discussing about the uh this part okay if you want to know about treatment or other questions you can ask me later on my Instagram or telegram okay this is about the parasitic infection let's talk about parasitic infection parasitic the first one that we have to remember here also drug of choice will be itraconazol okay for parasitic infection try to identify the disease that is given here what is the disease that is given here con disas a try to understand try to look here circle of Habra these are the features Barrow burrow are the features of which which disease guys this is your sopus scabies sopus scabies is causing what it will be causing s scabies okay scabies is due to a might and the most common area that it would be affecting is circle of Habra this is the area that would be affecting much okay this is disease known as skabes okay scab scab the other name for scabies are Prince H disease the other names are Prince H disease or also known as 7year each disease if there is a scabies in a person in a family you know what happens it is due to an hygen unhygenic situation so what will happen it will also transmit in the Family itself okay and what is the drug of choice before that please look here uh Burrows what are barrows barrows are the most characteristic lesion here most characteristic skin lesion that is B here you can see burrow in in burrow you will be finding the Lara of these mites okay barrows will be present in your stateum Forum okay this is a Norwegian skes worst prognosis when you are using steroid you know what happened this is the Norwegian skabes that can happen and the drug of choice for this one will be Ivermectin guys Iver Norwegian skabes we are using Ivermectin but drug of choice for normal skabes will be very very important try to answer guys that is please try to answer what is the drug of choice for normal skes that is your 5% perine 5% perine okay this particular infection is your pediculosis this is your pediculosis and this is is due to L this is due to Lous it is present in your head if it is happening in your head due to antigenicity again it is known as headl pediculosis capitis if it is in the body we call it Vagabond disease we can also call it pediculosis corporis okay and if they are present in your pubes that is known as that is due to crab louse crab louse okay and the most characteristic lesion that you will be finding here is your meula serola meula serola is the most characteristic leion that you will be finding here and the drug of choice again here we will be using again Permethrin remember guys but here we will be using 1% Permethrin 1% of Perrine okay the drug will be same we can use Perrine lotion but here we will be using 1% okay here along with the skes and skies we are also using other drugs also okay but the drug of choice will be 5% perine okay now let's talk about this particular thing viral infection please try to answer what is this whenever you are looking at this particular image this is a purly white unated nodule whenever you are finding purly white unated nodule unated nodule your answer will be your answer will be what will be your answer you will be marking it as mesum contagiosum mesum contagiosm it is a viral disease that you will be finding in children okay adults can also have this but in the children those people who are having low immunity okay those right so whenever a group of Childrens are playing together you know those childrens who are having low immunity these these childrens will have this type of perly vated nodule that is your molum contagiosum which is a viral disease which is a viral disease okay these are the inclusion bodies that you will be finding here these are the inclusion bodies and these inclusion bodies are known as which bodies Henderson Peterson bodies guys Henderson Peterson bodies these are known as Henderson Peterson bodies and one phenomena that we have already discussed about this that is your pudner phenomena pudner phenomena pseudo Corner phenomena okay puder phenomena what was that because of autoinoculation for example the baby is the children is having leion over here he's touching here and then again he's touching the another children he's having low immunity he's having different things so this lesion can occur in different person but sudoer means he will be having the same lesion on the different side of the body okay on the different side of the body that is your PSE sudoers phenomena that is your PSE sudoers phenomena when you try to treat this situation tell me the treatment also guys what is the treatment you can use trior atic acid you can use pho phot toxin phoyo Toxin and you can also use cryotherapy cryotherapy okay by liquid nitrogen you can just freeze the lesion okay that is cryotherapy you can also use IMU mode okay next is your HPV HPV infection let's talk about the HPV infection it will be causing WS sir what is the pneumonic that we have to remember here but look here the pneumonic that we are having is DSP come eat a burger again we are eating Burger we are always hungry right so DSP come eat a burger okay that is the pneumonic for this particular thing so D for deep WS s for superficial w p for plain WS C for common W common W also known as vulgaris right common is also known as vulgaris right next one e for epidermal displasia veros for me sometimes you have seen the image of that tree men right tree men or there is a there is a Mage with a like three like appearance okay of hands or legs that is your epidermal displasia veros formus okay that is your HPV 5 or8 okay you have seen anogenital WS this is also causing lenial WS also okay lenial WS also 6 and 11 then seven will be causing boers WS so that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and you can remember like that DSP come eat a burger okay apart from that the most important that you are having is 1618 causing uh cervical cancer okay ca cervix CA cervix okay ca cervix that you have already studied we are having nowadays we are using the vaccination that is nonavalent vaccine also available there you can use surviv vaccine also okay so these are the important points about this particular thing okay now we will be discussing about the microbacterial infection in microbacterial first one is your lupus vulgaris okay lupus vulgaris you will be this is Al this is the most common cutaneous TB this is the most common cutaneous TB of cutaneous TB okay cutaneous TV this is the lupus vulgaris okay second one is your L second one is your scr flma this is the second most common cutaneous TB in children okay in children so what is the feature that we have seen here you will be finding Central Central Central scar Central staring will be there okay and on diascopy on diascopy what you will be finding when you are doing the diascopy you will be finding this apple jelly nodules these apple jelly nodules you will be finding okay you will be finding these apple jelly nodules Central clearing was the feature of central clearing was the feature of tenia infection okay tenia infection okay and Central crusting we seen is the feature of leishmaniosis okay now we will be discussing about the leprosy guys leprosy is due to microbacterium LEP sir micob bacterium leate does not follow qu postulate right it does not grow in normal situation it will be grown in N9 bended armadil okay it does not follow C postulate right so first thing leprosy is further divided into posy basil and multi basil on the basis of what so posive basil means there will be 0 to 5 one 125 lesions will be there one 125 hypoesthetic lesions means there will be less Sensations okay so one to five lesions will be there if the lesions are more than 10 we can call it multibacillary second thing if there is zero or one nerve involvement we call it posi billary if there are more nerve involvement we call it multibacillary one two or more we call it multibacillary okay on the basis of that we are giving the treatment for POS POS billary the treatment will be for 6 month and for multi basil the treatment will be for 12 months same drugs will be given what are these drugs first one refine second clasm in third one is depone okay refas clam D4 depone D4 daily these two drugs are given daily and these two drugs are per month okay so the patient will be coming to the op coming to the hospital the patient will be coming to the hospital and the doctor will be giving rasine 600 mg and chasam in 300 mg and then we will be giving the packet to the patient uh which is covering like depone and clasa inan 50 and depone 100 okay for daily purpose okay then after taking drugs you know what happens the patient will develop some kind of reactions okay and these reactions are known as Lepa reaction you need to stop the drug because patient is having reactions no we we need not to stop the drug we need to add some more drugs okay so we are having type one lepra reaction we are having two types of lepra reaction we are having type one we are having but type two okay type one will be having which type of hypers sensitivity type four type two will be having which type of hyper sensitivity just at three that we need to make it five so that would be type three hyper sensitivity that is 1+ 4 5 2 + 3 that is 5 that is how you will be remembering this okay so for type one lepra reaction the drug of choice will be steroids you know what happens when the patient is taking these leprosy drugs you know what happens he will be having arithma will be having uh like nodules generation on the body painful nodules will be there so to subside all these things what we are we need to continue the treatment along with that we are adding steroids okay in type two lepra reaction we are adding steroids along with the steroids we are also using another drug we can also use another drug and this has been asked multiple times guys multiple times they have asked this question that is your thalidomide thalidomide and there is a specific side effect of thalidomide that you will be finding that is it will be causing C limb deformity also known as pomelia in the baby okay pomelia in the baby or sealing deformity okay and the classification that we are using for this one is your redl Jing classification leprosy classification the classification that we are using for leprosy is R jopling classification okay we are having TT type of leprosy we are having BT okay we are having BB we are having BL and we are having LL type of leacy two important you have to remember BT type BT which people are giving BT those are like Indian people so it is most common in India okay second things satellite who have sent the satellite very nearly that is your satellite satellite Legion is also with the B just remember two things okay BB you can remember geographical Legion BB you can remember geographical lesions you can also remember inverted sourer appearence I would be telling you how the questions are coming just after this we will be solving the question okay LL means what leonine fases Ln will be causing leonine fases okay so this is a type of leion can you appreciate this is a leion around the leion there is another leion this is known as satellite leion satellite leion and they will ask you which type of leprosy then you have to answer BT type of leprosy okay satellite leion most common in India will be BT type of leprosy second this is a geographical leion also known as inverted saucer appearance sorer appearance inverted sorer is always concerned with the BB so that is your bb okay that is your bb or geographical Legion will be BB okay this is your leonine fishes leonine fishes line like fish that is your LL type type of leprosy lepomas lepromatous leprosy okay and this is your nine bended armadillo this is nine bended armadillo we don't have nine bended Armadillo in India so we are growing the leprosy micob bacterium lepre in the foot P of in the foot P of new bone suckling ma okay how much acid fast is leprosy can you can you answer how much the acid fast is leprosy how many percent h2so4 will be required okay try to answer this question a farmer presented to you with the swelling on the foot multiple discharging sinuses are there granules from the discharg were examined under microscope and you are finding uh what is the true regarding this situation try to answer this question so basically a farmer is coming to you he is having some kind of swelling on the food okay there are multiple discharging sinuses something is coming out multiple things are coming out okay discharge were examined under the microscope when you are looking inside the microscope what you are finding what is true about this situation first of all you need to make the diagnosis guys diagnosis the diagnosis will be Moma Moma Moma can be umoma it can be Acoma okay umoma just remember after e there will be F so that is due to fungus umom is due to fungus very good guys and actino a after a there will be B so that is due to bacteria okay fungal infection we cannot treat with antifungal we have to do amputation the treatment will be amputation okay bacterial infection we can use antibiotics here okay so it can be due to both bacteria it can be due to fungus okay it can be due to both the things okay second question they are giving you what is the probable diagnosis for a cauliflower shaped m on the foot of a farmer okay that appeared after a minor injury there is some injury after that what is happening there is qualif flower like M disappearing and when we are looking under microscope we are finding which type of body Copper Penny body this is your Chromo blasto micosis this is your Chromo blasto micosis and a sporo drosis you will be finding which body asteroid bodies asteroid bodies okay you will be having Rose garders disease if the is like that you will be answering sporotrichosis but here the history is given in favor of chromoblastomycosis okay before moving on to STD that is your second last topic I really want you to understand and identify which eler is which eler okay can you identify which one is harpes can you identify which one is syphilis which one is donovanosis because in OPD you know what happens the patient will come to you directly he will be just opening the things and telling you sir I having this kind of now please identify and treat the situation okay so before identification you need to understand how to identify this type of aler okay so first of all you need to have a history okay please try to answer which is this answerer can can can you answer this answer what what is this answer can you answer this I'm waiting for your response guys what is this answer can you answer this you just need to understand the just give me five 5 S minutes and you will be understanding this thing completely okay so first of all what I've told you what I've told you guys you need to understand whether the aler are single or multiple you need to understand this okay we are having total five types of aler we are having harpes simplex virus that is causing herpes second one is your shanko third one is your syis fourth one is your donov vosis and then we are having lympo granuloma vum five types of ulcer you have to remember sexually transmitted diseases okay positive agent for herpes will be herpes simplex virus okay hemophilus D is the positive agent for shank okay syphilis the positive agent will be troma pelium and the the leion is known as Shanker leion is known as Shanker primary CIS the aler is known as Shanker okay donomis the agent will be claps granulomatis and last ly lymphogranuloma Venum the agent will be CL idea first thing I want you to know that this lymphogranuloma Venum the aler will be transient ulcer so when the patient is coming to you in the OPD he will not be having that uler it transient transient means what the alcer will be remaining for such a very less period of time okay it will be disappeared there will be only and only bilateral painful lymphadenopathy okay so we need not to worry about this aler okay we need to think in terms of all these four and how we will differentiate first of all we are having two method first thing we need to identify the aler are multiple or single these two alers are multiple harit simplex and shro are having multiple aler okay multiple alers are there so can you appreciate we are having here we are having multiple aler here we are having multiple aler also here we are having multiple aler these are single aler this one is single and this one is also single clear so how we will identify these multiple ulcers they can be harp simplex virus they can be due to shank roid okay so remember I have told you in the first slide itself the meaning of herpes will be grouped grouped recycle guys use the terminology that you are having herpes the meaning of herpes will be grouped vcle right grouped vcle you already know vcle is a clear fluid filion vcle we have already studied right that is a clear fluid field that is grouped V cycle whenever you are finding that is nothing but your herpes okay here what we need to remember this is your shro this is your shanko how to remember sir you have to look for you have to look look for multiple things first thing you will be having this undermined ages first thing multiple alcer will be there second thing undermined ages will be there okay undermined ages or unilateral painful bubos bubos the meaning of bubos will be lympha opathy okay if these things are given then your answer will be answer will be hemophilus do cry just remember do cry this patient will be crying so this one will be painful ulcer herpes is also painful ulcer okay just look here now you can easily Identify two ulcers will be painful other will be painless alcer okay so what we have learned till now how do we identify for our pce identification we need to look for group cycle second thing for hemophilus D identification we need to look for undermined ages we need to look for painful ulcer and unilateral bubos this is what you have to remember okay one side the patient will be having pain he will be having multiple ulcers and undermined ages simple story that is your shanko okay third thing cilis will be painless all three Els will be painless okay painless so what you need to remember syphilis will be painless and donov vosis will will also be painless then how we will differentiate these both of these are painless aler but this is your donov venos donovanosis and this is your CIS this is your CIS how do we differentiate in donovanosis always always in the question they will write you beefy red ulcer that will bleed on touch if this terminology is written BP red aler single BP red ulcer your answer will be always Doo vosis always do no venis okay in the question if they are writing shorty or rubbery rubbery or shorty something like that your answer will be syis rubbery or shorty you need to just remember the keywords okay with this you will be easily identifying all the aler for example now let's let's discuss what will happen a patient is coming to me I'm sitting in my OPD the patient is coming to me he will be having all of these situations can happen right I will be looking at the first of all I will be I will be excluding this I will be asking whether you are having pain in the ulcer or not so what I will see is there any grouped vcle if there is no group vcle I will remove the herpes second thing all three ulcers will be left if they are multiple ulcer I will be looking for shanko if they are multiple then my answer would be shanid okay second thing if he is having single aler I will be looking at the aler I will be looking at the base of the aler if it is bleeding on touch I would be wearing the gloves I would be touching and if it is bleeding on touch what will happen that is a that is a donovanosis alcer okay and syphilis ulcer will be single painless syphilis syphilis means pain L Al okay this is how you have to remember and now the doctor will now the patient will ask me sir please try to treat me as well okay so any kind of urethal discharge or cervical discharge the drug of choice will be it will be treated by Gray colored kit Gray colored kit these are the STD kit you will be studying in your PSM in your uh other subjects as well right so you have to remember this that is green colored for any kind of urethal or cervical discharge it can beon cocal it can be due to cidea okay gal I can treat like with exim and eisin will be covering both the things okay so things can be happening here will be non non most common cause will be clam okay drugs you have to remember okay second is your vaginal discharge something is coming from vagin it can be due to trionas it can be fungal like candidasis it can be bacterial vaginosis three possibilities can there okay in short like suraka clinic or ested clinic I don't have all the facilities to check right so the patient will be coming to me I will be thinking in terms of three things either it can be candida so either it can be tronos vaginalis either it can be bacterial vaginosis right so three things can be there so flucon will be taking care for candida and for both the parasitic like infection like tronas and bacterial vaginosis secondo will be enough metronidazol we can give but metronidazol we need to give for longer period of time right so we are using secondo third I will be looking at the ulcer now the patient is coming with ulcer okay he is coming with genital ulcer and these ulcers are non herpetic first thing I'm ruling out herpes if there is no herpetic means there is no grouped vyle Then I then there will be three possibilities LGB the aler will be transient I will not be able to see the aler so it can be donovanosis aler okay it can be shank roid okay it can be syphilis okay three possibilities can be there for syphilis the drug of choice will always be penicillin okay for syphilis the drug of chice will be penicillin for shanid and donovanosis I can treat it with ayin single dose would be good enough for that okay 1 G ayin I can give okay but some patients are allergic to penicillin those patient who are having genital ulcer and patient is allergic to penicillin what I can give in case of penicillin I can use doxy or ayin now we will be talking about ulcers which are herpetic herpetic means it is due to herp simplex virus due to infection I will be giving asyo 400 mg TDS 5 days okay five times a day TDS okay that is your uh that is about the okay lastly we are having lower abdominal pain P lower abdominal pain I will be giving yellow Kate it will be having cxm and metronidazol cxm for bacterial infection metol for any kind of Amic infection okay Amic will be also taken care okay lastly ininal buos are there we can use aiyin or doxycyclin that you have to remember okay now please try to solve this question these are the kits that you have to see once more and uh just before the examination also okay try to solve this one which type of human Poma virus are classified as highrisk so they want to know about the squamous atpa that is they are talking in terms of cancer when they are talking in terms of cancer your answer would be HPV 16 or 18 they are the most most they mostly associated with the cancer that is CA cervix okay spia next question a 45y old truck D driver they are always obsessed with the drug driver with a history of multiple sex partner presented to the Dermatological Department as shown in below what would be the likely diagnosis so lyan planus cannot be the answer you can rule out scab cannot be the answer soras cannot be the answer your answer will be secondary syis and in secondary syis you will be having more thetan alopecia along with that you will be having Ponda L you will be having lesions on palms and souls okay that is your secondary syphilis in primary syphilis you will be having Shanker that is genital ulcer secondary syphilis condiloma Lata thary syphilis you will be having genital that is your GMA in we will be having granuloma that is GMA okay next we are having bobus disorders we are having two things one is pigus group of disorders second one is your panid group of disorders okay pigus or pyoid may how we will differentiate pigus just remember S4 it is superficial just remember what I'm telling you it is a superficial leion okay what are the layers that we have studied that is come let's grab some burger okay pyoid bullas pyoid is a deep blister deep blister okay how we will remember just remember the one word in P in pigus what is happening there is formation of antibodies antibodies are formed against desmosome desmosome in pigus IG antibodies are formed against desmosome and which desmosome that is your desmog that is your desmog okay and this type of leion will be having what bua they will be having flaccid bua flaccid bu they will be superficial so they will be ruptured easily okay here it is a Deion so what is happening these catino sites are binded together with the help of desmosomes but these catino sites are bind to the basement membrane with the help of hemidesmosomes hemidesmosomes like bpag1 and bpag 2 buus pigo antig one or two so here the leion will be here the leion will be deep so that would be giving you which kind of bulla T bull if you not understand anything with this slide just remember two terminology flaccid vaa figus s for superficial T bua pyoid D4 deep Simple Story okay you have to remember this much at least okay now what will happen try to understand now let's talk about the Pam figures very very important slide guys it will take five five five more minutes and you will be understanding this okay so pigus pigus we are having two things pigus fous folus and second we are having is pampus vulgaris okay we have already seen folus will be Deslin 1 vulgaris will be desmog 3 antibodies are formed against Des moglin one one is first first for fous and here three will be for the vulgaris okay how you will identify this is your come let's grab some burger this is the layers of epidermis pigus is always in the epidermis because desmosomes are present in a stum SP so pigus always we will talk about epidermis whereas bullus PID we will talk about basement membrane Zone okay after 5 minutes you will be understanding what is that okay so we are having this desmog glin one antibodies IGG antibodies are formed against Des moglin 1 here also IG G antibodies are formed against Des moglin 3 clear till now now what will happen we there will be there will be leion in which layer leion will be in the stum Granulos and this is the most important thing you have to remember from this particular session okay question okay that is your stum granulosum okay and here the leion will be in stum spinosum mainly the legion will be in stum spinosum now what you need to remember stum granulosum I can also call it suboral bulla I can also call it subcorneal bua here the lesion will be stum spinosum so can I call it Supra basal yes I can call it Supra basal bu so just remember for vulgaris we can also call it Supra vessel if you just remember these two terminology okay vulgaris will be Supra Vel Poes will be suboral simple simple things okay now what will happen for all the types of pigus you have to remember this pneumonic Nar Minar okay sir what is panig who you are not telling us what is pigus so basically I have told you we are having two keratinocytes they are binded together with the help of desmosomes this is the kinoite now what is happening this desmosome is going away right there is antibody against desmosome now what will happen these two cells these two konos sites will be fell apart and this is what is happening here right this is known as pigus this is known as pigus okay pigus now what is the pneumonic that we have to remember for all the types of pigus that is Minar we are having mucosal involvement that is that is seen I4 they are intra epidermal they are intra epidermal Bulet N4 they are niol key positive A4 aeno sites Ayes are basically cretino sites normal cretino sites you will be finding and R4 row of tomstone appearance you will be seeing row of tomstone appearance you will be seeing row of tomstone appearance you will be seeing now I will be explaining you with the help of images what are all these things okay so you have to remember Minar so this is your nikolski sign nikolski sign when we are putting the tangential pressure the there will be some kind of a rupture okay so that is nikolski positive nikolski me what we are going to do we are putting tangential pressure okay second one is your Absol Hansen sign epoy Hansen sign I will be summarizing everything for you epso Hansen also known as bullah spread so basically when you are putting T when you are putting perpendicular pressure to the bullah what will happen it will spread out it will spread out that is known as bullah spread sign it will be positive for nikol ski and bullah spread sign next we have seen the row of tomstone appearance can you appreciate these are the Tom Stones okay can you appreciate this type of structure picture over here these are looking like a row of tomstone this is known as row of tomstone appearance okay this is known as row of tomstone appearance apart from that when you see on histology you will be finding aeno sites atho sites will be present here right and this is the D direct imof fluoresence when you are doing you are finding this particular type of pattern try to see what we have learned till now so can you appreciate what is reres so this is the part of epidermis which is invaginating into dermis this is your R reges okay and this is the part of dermis which is going into epidermis this is known as dermal Pilla let me Orient first okay above portion will be above this portion will be epidermis this one is your dermo epidermal Junction and lower will be dermis okay this is what the story is okay now what is happening you are finding these are nothing but your kinoy basically look here what is happening so this is a kinoite another kinoite these are all Kino sites they are binded together with the help of desmosomes they are desmog now what is happening some antibodies are formed against this desmog and this is the antibod which is giving you this type of appearance okay this is amuno fluoresence that we are seeing and this is because these are all keratinocytes these are all Kino sites Binding Together with the help of what can you appreciate this first layer will be stum Corum just like that we are having stum spinosum in a strum spinosum you will be having multiple keratinocytes binded with the help of desmosomes now these are the desmosomes against which what is happening there is antibody deposition right understood guys so that is giving you a particular appearance that is known as fishnet pattern appearance very important question fishnet pattern appearance is due to deposition of IGG antibodies is due to deposition of IG G antibodies but second now we are done with the pampus group of disorder second one is your bullus PID can you appreciate this is again epidermis this is dermo epidermal Junction and this is dermis okay now what is happening the antibody is depositing in this particular area why because I have told you bullas igid will be due to hemidesmosomal proteins like bpag2 or bpag1 and these are present on hemidesmosomes hemidesmosomes we are having hemidesmosomes here we are having hemidesmosomes here so that is why we are having this particular type of pattern now you can see D and easily identify that fish nut pattern will be seen in Pam fig because pamus is a disorder in epidermis whereas this linear type of pattern you will be seeing in bullas pampo because it is hemidesmosomal thing that is happening right here you will be finding what kind of bullah you will be finding T bullah here you will be finding tense bulla here in question you will be finding always always flaccid bullah because they are flaccid means what they are easy to rupture because they are present in epidermis they are easy to rupture okay whereas these bullas These are present in your dermis these are present in your dermoepidermal Junction so they will be tensa they will be tensa okay one more differential you have to do that is your linear IG disease sir linear IG disease is also giving this linear type of pattern but you have to remember here the antibodies are antibodies are IG a this is how you will be differentiating the antibodies are IG whereas in Bas Pig the antibodies are IGG or C3 deposition will be there okay C3 deposition or IGG will be there okay along with that in linear IG you will be finding this particular type of appearance this is known as string of P appearance string of P appearance okay this is also known as string of Parian next we are having is dermatitis herpet formation dermatitis herpet form we have already seen in dermatitis herpetiformis you will be finding this dermal pepilla now you understood this is your riges and part which is going upward that is your dermal pillar that is your dermal dermal pillar in dermatitis herpa form is you will be be having papillary tip micro absis you will be having papillary tip micro absis okay basically what is happening you will be having neutrophilic infiltration neutrophilic infiltration we have already discussed this in the absis in the micro abses okay it is associated with HLA it is associated with h B8 dr3 and dq2 it is associated with h B8 dr3 and dq2 it is also associated with a disease that is known as celic disease celiac disease it is also associated with celiac disease okay and what are the antibodies that are associated here is your anti gadin anti TTG or anti-endomysial antibody anti- gadin anti TTG anti endal antibody again you can remember dermatitis is inflammation of dermis herpetiformis look here herpe means grouped vcle on the extensor surface you will be having this type of grouped vcle okay so that is your dermatitis herpetiformis it will be having association with celic disease the drug of choice for celic disease will be depone sulphonamide that is depone and the treatment of choice that you already know that is avoiding bro okay you need to avoid barley R oats and wheat okay that is the treatment now we will be discussing about the question what is the probable diagnosis for a 30 yearold patient who has presented with flaccid bulla try to identify flaccid bulla in her skin that are easy to rupture with a biopsy showing Supra Basel split and this type of questions you are marking wrong and that is the purpose I telling you so sua vasel means what the leion what we have discussed come let's grab some burgers right what we have discussed till now let's see one by one Supra Basel means what where is the problem problem lies in the Statum spinos and we have already seen in strum spinosum there will be maximum desmosome so it is always concerned with desmog 3 and desmog 3 is concerned with vulgaris vulgaris whereas full whereas when we talk about this one suboral when we talk about this one that is your desmog one is involved there and the disease will be fous how you can remember if you don't know the answer how you will get to the answer okay arithma multiform no there is no correlation vegetans we don't know we are confused between like vulgaris and Foles that is what we have studied so desmog 3 will be Vargis whenever they will talk about Supra vessel split Supra Basel or split in the spinosum your answer will be this two will be vulgaris and above that will be folish just remember like that okay this is the most important point you have to remember now try to solve this one what is the probable diagnosis for a 65y old male patient presented with itchy tense bullah on his limbs which eventually collapse after a few days now they are talking about which type of bullah T bullah guys T bullah the answer will be very good s very good inom wro sanj okay so your answer will be P bullas panig reason being bullah means what sir there is some fluid field leion is already there apart from that vulgaris cannot be the answer because it will be pigus will be having which type of bulla flaccid bulla okay dermatitis herpa foris s herpa is there must be some grouped vyes okay and linear IG dermatosis linear IG disase is also a different entity okay so your answer would be a now you guys are understanding confidence are right you will be solving this type of questions very easily just revise this once again and you will be able to solve most of the questions okay we are done with most of the things uh now last 10 10 15 minutes I will take don't worry and we will be done with the session okay so we are going to discuss about the pigmentary disorders now now okay so we are going to discuss about the pigmentary disorder first one try to identify what is this situation very good gu that is your melasma that is your melasma and melasma is due to excessive melanin deposition excessive deposition of melanin very good guys second one this is your which sport is this this is your Mongolian sport guys this is your Mongolian sport okay is it self-limiting situation or we need to treade this particular situation please let me know okay General most common site is back side of trunk back side of trunk how do we treat this is it uh treatment or self-limiting very good guys it is a self-limiting thing it will be resolved within one year one year right this is the question have asked okay this is around an Opthalmic nerve this is known as neas the meaning of Nas will be discoloration neas of OT this is a neas of OT that you will be finding bluish discoloration bluish discoloration of I okay that would be opic thing okay try to answer this this is your aen aen means we are talking about stum spinosum aenos is means there will be thickening of stratum spinosum and enosis nigre means nigre means this is a finding that you will be associating with certain diseases it will be telling us about the internal malignancy also telling us about certain other things diabetes malius and internal malignancy malignancy okay insulin resistance right this one is your again discoloration is there so it is also a Nea but which type of Nas is this Nas of ioo this is your neas of Ito this is also a discoloration so there will be neas what kind of neas you will be seeing this type of hairs okay so if Bal B in Hindi hairs are ball so that is if ball is there that is your Baker's neas okay that is your Baker's neas you can appreciate here the discoloration is here right so that is your Bakers L okay try to solve this one miscellaneous topics last topic we are discussing this is your what is this we call it this is known as this is a disease pism okay and this particular thing is known as what these are known as white for loocks very good very good SN that is known as white for loocks white for loocks you have seen this particular thing in uh which like political leaders that is your indraa Gandhi okay indraa Gandhi has is this thing okay that is your white forls okay white forls why this thing is happening pism is due to absence of milloy SP if there is no Millo site there will be no millin there will be no millin there will be no color right so it is a type of autosomal dominant condition guys it is a type of autosomal dominant condition okay now let's talk about whito wio also there will be absent of melenos site what will happen here we are having different types of bito and they are giving the image so how to identify we are having localized we are having generalized okay localized if it is present on certain parts okay that is your focal without symmetry certain parts if it is present that is your focal focal thing okay second one is your segmental along a nerve segment will be segmental along a nerve segment will be segmental in generalized we are having Acro facial acrofacial generalized will be bilateral look here generalized will be bil this is how you will be identifying Acro facial means Acro means extremities of the body and facial means face will be involved okay vulgaris you will be having most common most most common both bilateral side there will be multiple lesions okay you can appreciate these multiple lesions on both the sides and Universal that means most of the body will be covered most body will be covered when you solve question next time you will be identifying just revise it once again okay here also there will be Lite problems this one is your what is this this this girl is your albinism okay this is a white white this is a girl which is completely white that is due to absence of melanogenesis melanogenesis okay melanin is formed from what tyrosin tyrosin so tyrosine will be making melanin and melanin will be giving what uh tyrosine will be making what epinephrine norepinephrine dopamine melanine all your ketamines right so it is due to an enzyme that is known as thyrosin enzy right and this thyrosin is defective in millenum problems right and this is a autosomal recessive thing remember guys this is autosomal dominant this is autosomal recessive okay you have that table of autosomal dominant and recessive things now we will be discussing about last two three slides are these are the last four slides okay we will be discussing about the certain images that we are having okay so first of all let's see one by one first thing can can you appreciate what is this this is your cerebri form nucleus cere form nucleus I I I want you guys to be very very active albinism will be complete body will not have the look here complete body will be white that is albinism with Lego will be certain parts of the bodies will be having absence of millenum okay next one is your cerebr form nucleus okay it will be having which cells it will be having cesari cells okay cesari cells and cesari cells CBR form nucleus they are the feature of what so they are the feature of what cesari cell C form nucleus they are the feature of cutaneous T cell lymphoma cutaneous T cell lymphoma cutanous T cell lymphoma also known as MOS is fungoides what kind of absis have you seen here you have seen pus absis okay pus last one we have seen that is your lymphocytic absis that is your pus absis pus absis okay this is your Harley Quinn baby guys try to see this Porters this is your Harley Quinn baby okay what is the gene involved here that is aba1 12 abca12 ABCA one to okay this is your dermat myositis Derma is involved Mayo is involved itis means there is some kind of inflammation okay here you will be finding look here here we are having the those Arius and ous lesions will be there this is particular thing that is known as Shaw sign this is known as Shaw sign okay and on mCP you will be finding this type of pules these are known as gon pules very important gon pules is a feature of okay that is dermatomyositis okay you will also be finding mechanic hand mechanic hand what is mechanic hand there will be thickening of stratum corium Statum corium thickening is known as mechanic and stratum corium thickening is known as me that is known as mechanic sand this is your styal scaled Skin Syndrome that is due to some toxins what are the toxins Guys these are due to toxins of St what are the toxin we are having epidermolytic toxin we are also having ex we can also call it exfoliative toxin okay we will be discussing about all these things in microbiology you can join that session okay so that is your epidermolytic toxin we are also having exfoliative toxin okay 10 10 will be having toxic epidermal necrolysis it will be having connection with some drugs like fenin okay it can be having connection with lotr okay it can be due to some NDS also okay there is also one more thing that is Steven Johnson syndrome less than 10% of the body area will be covered there it can be due to also due to drugs okay this is your 10 more than 30% of area will be covered okay that is your 10 can you appreciate this this is the this is a nerve segment and these are multiple grouped vcle so this is your herpes Zer infection RP Zer infection due to reactivation and that that you will be finding uh this is also known as shingles this is also known as shingles okay this is also known as shingles cesari cells are the cells you will be finding in cutaneous T cell lymphoma okay cerebr form nucleus will be there okay so this is about the shingles let me uh the let me teach you the doses of the treatment also we are giving 800 MGR 5 times a day into 7 days because it is a painful situation thoracic thoracic nerve roots are most commonly involed okay this is how you will be finding and this is your patch test guys patch test for allergic infect for uh allergy we are doing this patch test and the reading will be taken 48 to 96 hours okay reading will be taken 48 to 96 hour 96 is the most common you have to mark the answer okay 96 option then you have to mark this answer okay next one we will be discussing about certain skin cancer we are having yes that is day two and day four day four is there we need to mark that okay then we are having basal cell carcinoma swam cell carcinoma and melanoma guys okay first of all look here Basel cell carcinoma is also known as rodent uler rodent and this is the most easy to treat you just need to exercise it you just need to exercise it and that would be G okay second thing is your swam cell carcinoma that is most common Squam cell carcinoma is carcinoma you will be finding where on hand right you will be having firm nodule like patch okay you will be finding that it is also a severe thing but the most sever that you will be finding here is your millena millena we are checking a b c d e for millena to distinguish between millena and mo okay how do we differentiate between a Moma and a mole and Moma are not very easy to treat they are very hard to treat they will uh they will spread right they will spread to the body the most common and easily treatable is your rodent alcer okay now let's see this is your zerod Derma Pigmentosa zero Derma Pigmentosa these patient cannot go outside in the sun okay they cannot tolerate the sun these patient will be having a defect which is a nucleotide exasan repair defect they will be having nucleotide exision repair def exision rep defect okay they will be having nucleotide exion repair defect that is you have to remember okay now this one is your lupus pero here look here nasolabial fold is also invol whereas look here in SLE we don't have nasal F involvement okay so this is how you will be uh distinguishing between these two things okay this is your renod phenomena this is your sequence will be white blue and red they have asked you in the examination what would be the SE sequence so white is due toia because of esia what is happening blood supply is not getting there because of that it will be coming white right then blue is due to sinosis and red is due to regain of the blood vessel okay that is due to regain of the blood supply and that would be changing the color into red it can be due to multiple things that is your renod phenomena okay Scaro here you can see can you see pitting there will be pitting with scarring sclero scero means there will be scarring okay scero means there will be scarring and there will be some kind of pitting okay this is your pyoderma gangrenosum it is the most common association with two important disease that you have to remember first one is your ulcerative colitis and second one is your Cron's disease important points I'm telling you important one is your ulcerative colitis and Cron's disease what are the appearance that you will see in ulcerative colitis you will be having skip leion CR remember PR can happen anywhere in the body it will be having skip lesions whereas ulcerative colitis will be starting from the below you will be having lead pipe appearance in ulcerative colitis in CR disease you will be having string string sign of canor okay okay look here we are having contact dermatitis we will be talking about that so here can you appreciate this part is having allergic contact dermititis that means something is coming in contact so what what thing can come in contact that is your anklet and an anate is having what sir anate is having nickel and copper okay so it is due to Nickel it is due to nickel and copper those people who are wearing uh those artificial enclades okay uh they will be having this type of reaction okay this is which type of hyper sensitivity remember guys this is type four hyper sensitivity this is a type four hyper sensitiv sensitivity but just remember one more thing utopic dermatitis is always a type one hypers sensitivity it is a type 1 hypers sensitivity okay next one is your irritant contact dermatitis those people who are like washing their hands with like detergent you know what happens they will be having this type of irritation okay and that would be causing irritant dermatitis okay this one is your Exo esotic eczema or when zerotic dermatitis because of that basically these are dermatitis the simple meaning will be there will be inflammation of the skin okay it is perioral because of ner that is neuroderm itis soric dermatitis you will be having on this scalp right what kind of scaling you will see in soric dermatitis you will be finding this can you appreciate these greasy like scales in baby in baby we call it credle cap appearance basically it is a dendr right so you will be finding this soric dermatitis and you will be having greasy like scaling okay patch test we have already discussed day two or day four okay you will be taking the uh values okay and this is your numar the dermatitis because this is a coin shaped lesion this is a coin shaped lesion so basically these are the different types of dermatitis I will be telling you the the causes right what are the causes that you have to remember very very important table okay these are the CES causes and you will be having in last three or four year examination you will be having approximately 7 to eight question from this table okay so we are having allergen we are having Source nickel cobalt metal they will be causing allergic contact dermatitis and they are having in the artificial jeweleries you will be having in genes or buttons generally the patient the females will come to us with the artificial jewelry and she will be having some dermatitis because of that okay that is basically a allergic contact dermatitis okay cement what is the constituent that you will be finding in cement that is your chromium in paint you will be finding potassium dry chromate in plant you will be find uh in plant uh which plant is that that is your parthenium parthenium also known as Congress grass Congress grass okay hair dye you will be having what PPD PPD will be present in your hair dye topical medicine will be having neomy latex and rubbers will be present in your gloves and ptbp just remember butle parat tertiary butle phenol that will be for B you can remember butle will be present in bindii okay that is how you have to remember and now lastly we are distinguishing between a melano and a mole how we will distinguish sir we need to check for for melanoma we will be ruling out with the help of a b c d e they can they have already given question based on this but now they can give the question and they can change any of the option okay so a for asymmetry just remember it can be asymmetrical I'm talking about Milena B before they will be having borders that would be irregular borders c will be they can be changing the color Okay d means diameter that would be more than 6 mm okay and lastly it will be evolving that means it can change the size it can change the shape it can change the color as well okay so it can change anything that is the that is how we are differentiating a millena and a mole okay with this we are done with our Dermatology guys this is my Instagram this is my telegram you will be getting PDF okay here also I will be sending another platform also okay thank you so much for all your patience and please try to revise whatever we have studied uh I think uh just try to revise everything exam is too much near please try to take care of your health try to eat good food and try to sleep on time okay so let's recap what we have done we have done the basics of Dermatology we have seen different skin appendages papillosus disorder now I think you must be knowing about ly and planus psorasis psorasis ly and planus you have known about infection bacterial parasitic and fungal all those infections your best it is I know I think I really hope you are you guys are understanding how to differentiate between ulcers vasus disorders we have seen pigmentary hypo hyperpigmented and miscellaneous topics okay along with that just try to solve some important questions I have already done a video on that for pyqs as well okay you can also watch that otherwise you can solve questions from the your book or whatever Source you are having and just complete this subject okay thank you so much guys so good night uh if you are having any doubts you can always reach out to me uh these are my handles okay thanks
Channel: Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos
Views: 9,012
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Keywords: dermatology rapid revision, dermatology revision, rapid review dermatology, dermatology rapid revision neet pg, fmge dermatology rapid revision, dermatology rapid revision fmge, dermatology one shot rapid revision, rapid revision dermatology, dermatology, dermatology neet pg revision, dermatology revision neet pg, fmge dermatology revision, dermatology fmge rapid revision, dermatology crack neet pg, dermatogy for neet pg, dermatology rapid review, neet pg dermatology, neet pg, ai
Id: OPpkHRJx0q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 14sec (12734 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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