Dermatologist's skin care routine (AM & PM) 2020| Dr Dray

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well hey guys in today's video i'm going to be sharing with you my skincare routine both my am and pm skincare routine today's video is sponsored by walmart as part of their here for every beauty campaign you guys know i am an avid walmart shopper and walmart offers dermatologist recommended skincare products all of my favorites from cerave cetaphil aven they also have a great selection of hair care products including a diverse array of hair care products for people with curly hair or textured hair and they have a ton of great beauty finds i can't think of a single hair care or skin care product that i use and recommend that i can't find at walmart everything that i use you certainly can buy there and i will list all the products that i am using in today's video in the description box for you guys but getting into my skincare routine i'm going to share with you starting out the pm routine first because that is kind of the more involved part of my skincare routine i take my shower at night time and before i step into the shower i like to start cleansing my face i do a double cleanse which means i start with an oil cleanser first and then follow it up with a gentle cleanser i like doing this approach because using an oil cleanser or an oil-based cleansing product whether it be an oil or a cleansing balm which tends to just be an oil in a solid form this helps to disrupt the film of cosmetics on the surface of the skin as well as break up the film of water resistant sunscreen while i am not a makeup wearer i do wear mascara which you'll see later i do wear sunscreen and water resistant sunscreens and i reapply sunscreen throughout the day and so i like to use an oil cleanser to break all of that up doing this helps minimize the disruption to the skin barrier with cleansing people often will gravitate towards like a makeup wipe or a makeup remover solution a micellar water or just a plain cleanser to remove cosmetics and you end up having to rub quite a bit to break up that film going straight to an oil method is better because it hones in on the principle of like dissolves like and that using an oil is going to break up the oily components of your cosmetics in that film that's what i do and recommend and there's even a paper that shows that that is actually one of the better ways to remove water resistant sunscreen before i even get into the shower i take the oil into my palm and spread it across my face over my eyelashes people get really fixated on what the best cleansing oil or cleansing balm is and really honestly it doesn't matter you're gonna wash it off anyway i have been using for several several months now the neutrogena body oil fragrance free and you may be going oh my gosh it's a body oil why would you use that to clean your face uh works quite well it's an oil and there's a little bit of an emulsifier in this a polyethylene glycol compound that kind of helps it rinse off a little bit more easily and you know if i happen to get it on my clothes it doesn't leave an oily residue anyways i lather it all over my face and on my eyelashes and you really don't need much i mean i i've been using this for a long time and i made it through this you know a little over half of the bottle but i've had this for a long time so it lasts you a long time and if you're using water resistant sunscreen on your body to sun exposed areas as you should be you can rub this all over those areas as well to remove that film it works quite well after spreading the oil across my face my neck over my eyelashes on my body if i've been wearing a lot of water resistant sunscreen i then step into the shower i put my face under the running water and i would say the majority of my mascara and sunscreen and then that oil that stuff that's all broken up rinses off but i do like to do the second step of the double cleanse to make sure that i remove that a cleanser i've used for years and love that i'm currently using is the cerave foaming face cleanser cerave is great um you can't go wrong with any of their products they all have ceramides which are helpful for the skin barrier they formulate their cleansers really well so they're not very irritating that's what i use i just spread it over my face my neck uh just a few gentle circles on my face and my neck and then rinse it off and you guys that is that's exfoliating right there people are under the impression that they need to scrub and do all these things to exfoliate their skin but you're really facilitating the shedding of those cornea sites from the stratum corneum just by the gentle circular motion of your fingertip pads the water running over your skin this is part of exfoliating already let's talk about what i do to my body in the shower that sounds weird um in the shower i actually do not use body washes i haven't used body washes for years body washes are mostly just perfumey detergent that can dry out your skin you really don't need to use body wash or soap except two areas that are obviously visibly soiled and two areas where you have skin folds like under the armpits the groin area maybe the rear end and the back if you have acne on those areas there's no need to use soap on your legs your arms um and your back unless you have acne there's there's really no need to you end up over drying the skin and most consumers use way too much soap or body wash when they do this but um that being said what do i use to clean my body in areas of skin folds i use the serum i'm currently using the cerave acne foaming cleanser you're like oh my gosh you're using a face wash on your body um i've used this or penoxyl's benzoyl peroxide wash they're similar i'll list it down below as well i mean it's like pick which one if you want to if you want to do this but the reason i like using this is because benzoyl peroxide is anti-inflammatory it's anti-acne so if you have body acne it's great for that purpose and i love using it specifically under my armpits i lather it there leave it on the skin for a few minutes and then rinse it off why do i do this because the antibacterial properties in this will help with the skin microflora in the armpit and anywhere else on the body where you're using this particularly in areas of skin folds and because of that it will help reduce body odor we smell bad because we sweat and the bacteria that live on our skin break down that sweat certain bacteria like staph hominis they have certain enzymes that are actually responsible for that foul odor of body odor and using a benzoyl peroxide wash can help in controlling body odor i actually end up not really needing to use antiperspirant much at all and i live in a very hot humid climate that being said i'm not somebody who sweats a lot anyway but what i'm getting at is if you're dealing with body odor this is a good product to incorporate into your skin care routine it's also great if you are dealing with acne on the body you can lather it to the body sites where you have acne leave it on the skin for a few minutes and then rinse it off but if i had been outdoors all day which really never happens uh if i if i were outside all day say i had a yard and i was out working in the yard i was covering a lot of dirt and pollen and all sorts of stuff then i would use body wash to the rest of my body that was you know visibly soiled and the body wash i would recommend is the cerave hydrating body wash or their bar soap i will list those down below they are great uh again you don't need a ton uh just a little bit okay so what do i do this this is a part of my skincare routine that always puzzles people i don't use towels i stopped using towels years ago so after i turn off the water in my shower i stand there for a little bit and i put my hair up in what i call a t-shirt towel basically i just take an old t-shirt and wrap my hair up in that i bring most of the water out of my hair first so it's not like sopping wet and while i'm standing in the shower most of the water has already dripped off of my body and my skin is just damp at this point and it's dripped off into the tub i'm standing in the tub at this point and at that point i put body lotion or moisturizer on my body while i'm standing there while my skin is still damp the reason i do that is that body moisturizers or moisturizers in general they really work best when applied to the skin while it's still damp because they will help lock in the water better into your skin and reduce water loss that comes with bathing especially if you have used soap or if you have just shaved i don't as a side note i don't have to really shave my legs or underarms because i had laser hair removal long ago but if you shave uh definitely follow it up with a moisturizer to reduce dryness and irritation from the act of shaving same thing if you use body wash you really need to follow that up with a moisturizer it just disrupts the lipid barrier quite a bit and can lead to dryness and of course if you have eczema or a dry skin condition this is paramount to your skincare routine using a body moisturizer so i go ahead and put it on while i'm standing there and it's not cold i mean it's never really cold here in houston but in in my shower it's still steamy and warm at this point so i'm not freezing i'm not uncomfortable um but yeah i put it i put the moisturizer on like my extremities my legs my arms in terms of the body moisturizer that i use i'm currently using the vaseline intensive advanced repair um this is a lotion yeah lotion i've used their jelly cream as well both great the reason i like these for my body in particular uh is that they have petrolatum in them so that really locks in water petrolatum is an ingredient that's best for reducing what's called trans epidermal water loss i mean no no ingredient compares to petrol autumn so i really like using it especially on my body you can use it on the face as well and this is this is a wonderful product pretty affordable works well i also obviously love servies moisturizing cream their lotion i use those as well any moisturizer by uterine is also a great choice i digress um yeah at this point my skin is still a little damp i'm a little slippery in terms of my skin like i don't want to put my clothing on at this point but i'm i'm mostly dry i'm not going to get water all over my floor at this point so i go ahead and step out of the shower and i stand on a bamboo mat and i think that makes a huge difference bamboo is a great bath mat by the way you should have a bamboo bath they don't harbor mold like a fabric one they last a lot longer and they they're kind of elevated up off the floor so if you are a little bit damp still they you know the water can go underneath the mat and then you can easily lift it up and clean underneath versus the mats soaking up the water i i love them anyways i stand on the bamboo mat i'm still a little damp at this point but i've got body moisturizer on and my face is damp so i go ahead and put on my facial moisturizer right away and i'm currently using cetaphil night moisturizer the redness relieving redness relieving night moisturizer i've talked about this in numerous videos including my video on best products for dealing with redness ah this is great you don't have to necessarily be coping with redness to appreciate this and to benefit from it it's a fragrance-free uh facial moisturizer with licorice root which can calm down redness is anti-inflammatory so if you're coping with a lot of irritation it can help with that it's also very good if you are dealing with hyperpigmentation licorice root can have a bit of a brightening effect i talked about it in my video on best products or ingredients for hyperpigmentation yeah multi multifunctional ingredient and pretty easy to tolerate doesn't cause irritation or anything like that beyond that this also has ceramides in it which can help clear your skin barrier to start making its own ceramides which are important part of keeping keeping everything in check and reducing water loss from the skin and just helping the health of your skin and it also has panthenol in it panthenol is an ingredient that is great for calming down inflammation it can smooth out wrinkles it's very hydrating it's a wonderful humectant and emollient i have a video dedicated to it and this also has shea butter in it a wonderful moisturizer for locking in hydration and reducing trans epidermal water loss and by the time i put that on my body is completely dry i typically get dressed at this point my pajamas because this is nighttime and after i get dressed in my pajamas i will typically put on cerave healing ointment onto my lips and i highly recommend it if you have lips uh the petrolatum in this of course will reduce water loss you also have hyaluronic acid in this product and ceramides now the hyaluronic acid will actually help hold on to a little bit of water in your skin and kind of plump up the lips and smooth out little fine lines and wrinkles on your lips this product does a lot for very little little money it's very cost effective product it also has panthenol in it again like i said with cetaphil that's a great ingredient for not only acting as an emollient to smooth out surface skin cells but it's also very hydrating i've been using this for years i swear by it and you can put it to other areas of the body where you have really dry rough skin i like using it on my elbows my knees for example yeah it's a great versatile product and i highly recommend it the next step in my skincare routine is kind of the only active ingredient i really mess around with and that is tretinoin which is a prescription retinoid so you have to have a prescription to obtain it but i will suggest some alternatives that are available over the counter which of course you can buy at walmart in the case of prescription tretinoin it's retinoic acid which we have the most data on i mean it's been around the longest so we have a lot of long-term data on it but we have good data on other ingredients that you can buy over the counter as well so i'll share those with you in a moment but yeah um you know i get a lot of questions about when to put it on and and whatnot you'll notice i put my moisturizer on first i always do that because i like to put moisturizer on after cleansing right away always to reduce irritation and dryness in the skin and the instructions on any topical retinoid will typically tell you to clean the skin and pat it dry and put the ingredient put the product on i don't do that and i don't advise patients to do that because i find that it increases irritation quite a bit because when you cleanse the skin or get it wet you disrupt the skin barrier and that kind of that's kind of a setting the stage for excessive irritation and then you go putting topical vitamin a whatever the form on that you're more likely to have irritation people have concerns around putting it on top of moisturizer that it won't penetrate but we actually do have studies showing that in fact the endpoints of using a topical retinoid are achieved when applied after after moisturizer so i make sure that my moisturizer has fully dried and absorbed my skin's no longer damp there's not like globs of moisturizer anywhere it's like completely dry you can see here what it looks like people always want an exact time on this and i can't give that to you it's going to depend on you know the ambient humidity in your environment and and whatnot but um yeah i i will then put tretinoin on many many forms of vitamin a will degrade with exposure to ultraviolet light so it's just best to put it on at night time and you actually can wait until like right before you get into bed to put it on just make sure it dries fully before you get into bed uh so it doesn't rub off on your sheets but yeah i just use a tiny pea-sized amount i avoid getting it around my eyes it can cause excessive irritation around those areas i don't put it on my neck uh because the neck has fewer oil glands and it is a lot thinner than the skin of your face is more prone to irritation so i don't use it there uh but yeah i mean i've been using it for several years now so yeah that's basically my nighttime routine alternatives to prescription retinoic acid that you can buy over the counter are going to be uh adapalene now adapylene or differin is a naphthalene derivative of retinoic acid you're like what the heck does that mean it binds to slightly different receptors but it is similar to retinoic acid has a different structure it's much less irritating we have the most data for using it for acne but we have some newer studies now showing that it can improve some of the visible signs of aging so this is my go-to recommendation for for an over-the-counter topical vitamin a however another one that's really good and i have recommended in several videos is the neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair regenerating cream it's they have a fragrance they have a version that has fragrance and one that's fragrance free i would suggest getting the fragrance free version it will be less irritating yeah this is a fantastic product to use in a similar fashion the next step is the most important step and that is i go to sleep seriously sleep has tremendous benefit to the health of your skin sleep helps in all aspects of your life cognition mood longevity the skin is a window to what is going on inside the rest of your body it looks its best when you have been getting adequate sleep shoot for eight hours alright the am routine is much less involved because i don't have a lot of time in the morning i don't wash my face in the morning you certainly can i get many questions do you need to wash your face in the morning if you've applied topical retinoid or retinol at night you do not uh sometimes it's advised to do that because you're rinsing it off and maybe you're reducing the duration of contact with it so it's less irritating that's certainly fine i i don't do that so i just start the day with sunscreen currently i am using the image prevention daily is that called daily ultimate protection spf 50. this product is a combination sunscreen it has zinc octanoxide and octi salad so by combination i mean you have a mineral active ingredient and you have some chemical active ingredients to yield a product that delivers broad spectrum protection this is one that i've been using kind of all all summer i got it a while ago i like it actually i really like how it looks on my skin it doesn't have fragrance listed but it has a weird grape bubble gum type odor yeah so there's that it doesn't last it doesn't linger on the surface of the skin so if you're bothered by scents you know it doesn't have that i encourage everybody to film themselves putting on sunscreen watching and watching it back you will get better and better at putting it on because you'll appreciate how many skip areas that you you may have a lot of people forget to put it around their eyes they forget to put it on the sides of their face they don't put it on their ears maybe they don't remember to put it on their neck so make sure you cover all surfaces i start every day doing that but other sunscreens that i'm also currently using um and love i love this coppertone defend and care oil-free oil-free spf 50. this is really good unlike the image skincare sunscreen this is water resistant so it's really good on a hot humid day which is pretty much every day it stays in place and doesn't sweat off as readily this video is not going to be an exhaustive review of sunscreens i've got tons of videos on that but another one that i'm currently using and have used for years and always enjoyed is the neutrogena clear face now this one does have oxybenzone in it and if it gets in my eyes it stings a lot but it doesn't burn or sting putting it on on the skin but i've always enjoyed both of these and they're pretty affordable as well so if you're on a budget these are good options i typically put the sunscreen that i'm using on my face and my ears down all the way on my neck and my upper chest often but using sunscreen on my body it varies depending on what i'm going to be wearing i primarily rely on clothing to protect me from the sun i wear a lot of upf 50 fabrics long sleeves gloves pants so i don't tend to expose my skin to the sun much but i do enjoy wearing shorts and so what i've been using for my body to sun exposed areas and i highly recommend is the ucron daily hydration cream i've talked about this in other videos but it's wonderful because it absorbs into the skin really quickly it's not greasy or sticky that is not a pleasant feeling so it's great for that and it's just a nice everyday moisturizer for your skin and it happens to have sunscreen in it so that's what i've been using a lot lately again i am mostly inside then another product that i like to take with me on the go for skincare is my eastern daily hydration hand cream this is very similar if not identical to the body cream it's just a smaller tube and i end up putting this on my hands a fair amount because i'm washing my hands all day and so i like to reapply sunscreen and moisturizer and this serves both functions it's really a good one i also put sunscreen on my lips that is an area that you cannot forget and it's frequently forgotten i have always used the vani cream spf 30 lip protectant this is the best in my opinion like i don't mess around with others because it really keeps your lips hydrated a lot of lip balm sunscreens i find incredibly drying and irritating this goes on white but it does fade down to this like pinky look and to me it looks nice um and i love this strongly recommend it it's what i use every day and then not a skincare product but a beauty product i love i always come back to this it's my favorite mascara this is the only makeup i really wear it's a maybelline colossal this is the shade glam black it does not flake it does not smear it stays in place this is not water resistant they do make a water resistant one that's my skincare routine again i will list all of these products down below for you guys i hope you enjoyed this video thank you walmart for sponsoring today's video and if you liked it give it a thumbs up share it with your friends and as always don't forget sunscreen and subscribe i'll talk to you guys tomorrow bye [Music] you
Channel: Dr Dray
Views: 1,168,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr dray skin care routines, dr dray skincare routines 2020, dr dray skin care 2020, skin care routines drug store, dermatologist skin care routines drug store, morning skin care routines, morning skin care, morning skincare for oily skin, nighttime skin care routines, nighttime skin care, am skincare routines, am skincare, pm skin, pm skincare, pm skincare routines, dr dray am skincare, dr dray pm skincare
Id: G8q08kY3zqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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