Derek Prince - How To Be Delivered (from Demons & Evil Spirits)

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first Corinthians 15:57 only but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ if you believe that join us in saying it but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ amen now my subject tonight is how to be delivered from evil spirits or demons I preached once in a place where the pastor said well you can pray for people but don't call them demons well he was in charge so I went along with it but demons and evil spirits are used interchangeably in the New Testament so I'm going to teach on whichever way you prefer it how to be delivered from demons or how to be delivered from evil spirits but the important thing is how to be delivered now I'm going to try and give in brief outline a pretty thorough overview of this subject which i think is one of the most neglected subjects in the contemporary church there are a few people who go overboard on deliverance and preach about nothing but demons the great majority of preachers simply try to behave as if they weren't there but the truth of the matter is they are they're very close some of them in some of you I'm going to read from mark chapter 1 verse 23 this is the first specific recorded miracle in the earthly Ministry of Jesus and it's very significant the mark chapter 1 verses 23 and following there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit that's another word for an evil spirit and he cried out not the man but the spirit in the man let us alone what have we to do with you Jesus of Nazareth did you come to destroy us I know who you are the Holy One of God no it's remarkable that demon knew immediately who Jesus wants it took the disciples about one and a half years to discover what the demon knew immediately but Jesus rebuked him saying come out be quiet or in greek be muzzled and come out of him now jesus was not speaking to the man he was speaking to the spirit in the man and then it says when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice he the spirit came out of him the man this is a very significant example in the Ministry of Jesus he did not put the man out of the synagogue he put the demon out of the man now in many congregations today if a man behaved like that they put the man out of the church and leave the demon in the man jesus knew he was not dealing with the man he knew he was dealing with the spirit in the man it was a direct spirit to spirit contact between Jesus and the man then it says they were all amazed so that the question among themselves saying what is this a new doctrine with power for with authority he commands even the unclean spirits and they this is something they had not seen before and immediately his fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee I want you to understand that initially Jesus was known amongst his people as the man who can cast out evil spirits that was the first impact of his public ministry other aspects of his ministry appeared later but the first thing that impressed the people was that he knew how to deal with evil spirits then in a little later it says in mark chapter 1 verse 32 ad evening the same evening and it was at evening because the Orthodox Jews did not travel any distance on the Sabbath and it was a Sabbath so they had to wait till the Sun set to move at evening when the Sun had said they brought to him all who were sick and those who were I prefer to say demonized my text says demon-possessed but that's a very misleading phrase and it has nothing to do with the original Greek the original Greek is one word and it means to be demonized I looked it up in the New Collins English dictionary and it says to be demonized means to be afflicted by a demon that's exactly what it is the problem with the word possessed is it suggests ownership and people say indignantly do you mean to say I'm possessed by the devil definitely no if you're a Christian you're possessed by Jesus but you can be demonized there can be areas in your personality where you are not in full control that was what was with this man he was apparently a regular worshipper in the synagogue but the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus forced out something but maybe the man didn't even know was there this spirit that didn't object to the synagogue the only thing he rejected to was Jesus that was what he couldn't stand and so it says at evening when the Sun had set they brought to Jesus all who was sick and those who were demonized and the whole city was gathered together the then he healed many who was sick with various diseases and cast out many demons now notice they came to be healed of their sickness but in providing healing for them Jesus constant many demons in other words many demons are the causes of many sicknesses and to be delivered from the sickness you have to be delivered from the demon now let's continue in that chapter mark chapter 1 verse 39 and Jesus was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee and constant demons please note it was not something that he did occasionally in an emergency it was a regular ongoing feature of his total ministry every way he preached he cast out demons the two things went together and Jesus never separated preaching from casting out demons and from healing and one of the disasters in the contemporary church is those things have got separated so a lot of people who need deliverance don't get it and a lot of people who need healing don't get it now we look just one other passage on this ministry which is in Luke 441 this is the same event described by Luke Luke 4 verse 40 and 41 when the Sun was setting all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to him and he laid his hands on every one of them in healing and demons also came out of many crying out and saying you are the Christ the Son of God notice again that Jesus never separated healing from casting out demons because demons are the cause of many sicknesses sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly by creating attitudes in people which prevent them from seeding healing by faith then we look on in Luke 13 verses 11 and following there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bent over and could in no wise raise herself up notice it was apparently a totally physical condition but it was caused by an evil spirit of infirmity and if you read the record Jesus did not pray for healing he dealt with the spirit of infirmity and then at the end he said or not this woman being a daughter of Abraham who Satan has bound 18 years be released from this bond on the Sabbath day notice Jesus said Satan has bound this woman in a condition of physical infirmity for 18 years apparently the situation was totally physical but in actual fact the real cause was a spirit of infirmity when the spirit went out that woman who'd been bent double for 18 years was able to stand up and then let's look at what Jesus said a little later in Luke 13 verse 32 he said go tell that Fox and that was Herod behold I cast out demons and perform kills today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected the third day is a hebrew ism for the day following today tomorrow the third day how did he begin by doing cures and casting out demons how did he end by doing cures and casting out demons you know why he did it that way because it was the right way he never had to improve he started right he finished right he began that way he ended that way all we can do is do it the way Jesus did we do not have to improve on his methods now I want you to see how he equipped his disciples and we'll turn to Matthew chapter 10 and let me say what I'm looking for the passage Jesus never sent anybody out to preach the gospel without specifically instructing and equipping them to do with demons it is not scriptural to send people out in evangelism without equipping them to deal with evil spirits this is how he dealt with the first twelve apostles Matthew chapter 10 verse 1 and when he had called his twelve disciples to him he gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease notice the first authority he gave them was not to heal sickness but to cast out evil spirits and then these were the instructions he gave them verse seven as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand don't just say it demonstrate it heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out demons that were their marching orders you say brother Prince have you ever seen the dead raised yes I had I've seen two people raised from the dead in Kenya when I was a missionary there he is still doing the same things today why should we change we cannot improve on what Jesus did let's make it our aimed and do it as nearly as possible as he did it and then we come to Luke chapter 10 where he sent out seventy others to prepare the way before him it says in verse 1 after these things the Lord appointed seventy others also and sent them out two by two before his face into every city and place where he himself was about to go now we don't get the instructions that he gave them but we do get the comment that they made when they return because in verse 17 of that chapter it says then the seventy returned with joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name what was it impress them most the fact that they had authority over demons if you believe the New Testament I want you to say that with me Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name if you don't believe it don't say it but this is what I want you to say are you ready Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name Amen all right now then we come to what they call the Great Commission at the end of his ministry when he was sending out the people who were to evangelize the whole world in March 16 and verse 15 he said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and let me say that order has never been retracted and then he says he who believes and is baptized shall be saved but he who does not believe will be condemned let me say that in the in the New Testament no salvation is offered to anybody who believes without being baptized you cannot find a single example in the New Testament you may say well I believe so I'm saying well that's your risk but I wouldn't take that risk because jesus said he who believes and is baptized shall be saved amen and then he said listen these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons the first of the five signs is casting out Dean we hear a lot about speaking with new tongues but that comes second laying hands on the sick and healing comes fifth the first sign is they will cast out demons in my name why shouldn't we do it can we improve on his methods Matthew 28 verse 20 the same Commission at the end of that chapter he says go and make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe all things that I have told you well amongst the old things that Jesus taught them was to cast out demons so he said when you make disciples teach them to consult demons and when they make disciples teach them to cast out demons and had the church obeyed we'd have had the same process going on for 19:19 century unfortunate in the church tried to improve and made a mess of it now I want to point out to you that there are two kingdoms to spiritual kingdoms and when we come into this ministry of dealing with demons the two kingdoms are brought right out into the open in Matthew chapter 12 verses 26 through 28 Jesus had been accused of casting out demons by being aligned with Beelzebub that is Satan this is his answer if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how then will his kingdom stand and if I cast out demons by Beelzebub by whom do your sons customer therefore they shall be your judges but if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God surely the kingdom of God has come to you that great single evidence of the coming of this of the kingdom of God is the casting out of demons in the name of Jesus you see this experience brings two kingdoms into open demonstration the kingdom of darkness the kingdom of Satan the kingdom of light the kingdom of God and when they meet the light defeats the darkness and Satan hates them they're two things he doesn't want revealed one is the reality of demons the other is that Jesus has given us authority over demons because this reveals the clash between the two kingdoms and it reveals the supremacy and the victory of the kingdom of Jesus Christ over the kingdom of darken and Satan has done a lot of work in the church for many centuries trying to suppress the revelation of this message because it reveals his kingdom brings it out and they open and demonstrates his defeat and he doesn't want that he's afraid of it actually of all the minutes miracles that Jesus did all of them but one were previewed in the Old Testament raising the dead healing the sick healing mother to miraculous provision all of them as one miracle that's never recorded in the newt in the Old Testament you know what it is costing our demons that's why it is the distinctive mark that the kingdom of God has come now what sort of things are demons or evil or unclean spirits let me say that the Bible does not give in a clear account of where they come from there are different theories some people believe their fallen angels I don't I've dealt with so many demons that behaved in so many ways that were totally and characteristic of angels in my opinion for an angel to be encased in a human body would be a prison but that's just my opinion I could be wrong there's no absolute scriptural revelation but the New Testament does tell us one thing about demons it doesn't tell us where they come from but it does tell us how to get rid of them that's what's important my description of demons is persons without bodies it's very important to realize you're dealing with a person in the early years of my ministry I suffered from intense depression that would come over me and rest upon me like a dark cloud and shut me in keep me from communicating and I struggled with it I did everything I pray that fasted i reckon myself day and i knew the scriptures and the more i prayed and fasted the worse had got and i had no remedy and one day I was reading Isaiah chapter 60 61 and it said in place of the spirit of heaviness the garment of pray and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said that's your problem a spirit of heaviness on depression and when I knew that I was dealing with a person and not myself you see I've been blaming myself for all of this when I discovered it was another person I was 80% of the victory and actually I understood by revelation that it was a familiar spirit that is a spirit that follows a family up and I realized the same spirit had affected my father for many years so all I needed was one on the scripture let me shared with you Joelle 232 it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered I called on the name of Jesus and I was delivered this thing it was like a heavenly vacuum cleaner came down over my shoulders and just sucked this thing out and I had struggled with it for years until I recognized it was not myself it was another person seeking to afflict me and I want you to understand when you once realized you're dealing with a person who is not yourself you're about 80 percent of the way to deliverance now as I understand it and I let me say I've been dealing with demons for more than 30 years I first got involved in 1963 some people said well brother Prince will soon give it up he changed his doctrine I have to say at the age of 80 I haven't given it up and I haven't changed my doctrine and I'll tell you one reason it's scriptural and number two it works I wonder of you three objectives that demons him number one to torment and torture they are the torturous number two to keep you from knowing Christ as Savior and number three if you come to know Christ as Savior then to keep you from serving him effectively now we have to distinguish between two things what's called the flesh and demons or evil spirits the flesh is the old carnal nature that every one of us have inherited from Adam all of us are descendants from Adam and Adam did not beget any children until he was a rebel and every descendant of Adam has the nature of a rebel in him that's the old man now the other thing that we deal with is evil spirits and it's important to know what you're dealing with because the remedies are completely different see I was dealing with the spirit of heaviness and I was trying to deal with it as if it were the flesh I was trying to crucify it because that's the remedy for the flesh but you can't crucify a demon nor can you cast out the flesh you have to know what you're dealing with a man came to me once and he said brother Prince I want you to cast this demon out of me I said what's your problem and he began to tell tell me his difficulty in relating to his one I said I don't think I can cause that out it's not a demon it's your fleshly nature you have to crucify it so we need to know am i dealing with my flesh or am i dealing with a demon now I'm going to try to give you some directions some ways of finding out you see the same word in both Hebrew and Greek is the word for spirit breath and wind and none of us have ever seen the wind you realize that we all know the wind is real why because we've seen what it does we've seen it blow the clouds across the sky we've seen that trees Bend in the wind we've seen the rain comes horizontally across our horizon we've seen the dust clouds rise in the street we've seen people's hats come on we know the wind is blowing how do we know it have we seen the wind no we've seen what the wind does it's the same with demons we do not normally see them sometimes by special revelation people do but normally they cannot be perceived by human senses how do we know they're there by what they do and I will give you a little list of characteristic activities of demons number one they entice there's not a single person here above the age of six who has not at some time being enticed to do evil denny often it comes in words when you see that nice gold pencil there pick it up nobody'll know if you dropped your pencil they would do it to you anything that comes to you in words comes from a person so you know that enticement comes from a person a deem number two they harass or I think when say in English Harris I'm bilingual and I have to remember which language I'm speaking and you know her ass so Harris that's what they do I have this little example in my mind it's just not directly based on any single experience there's this businessman he's had a terrible day in the office everything went wrong the air conditioning failed his secretary didn't timed his letters right and then he got in the car to go home and he got in a jam in the motorway and he spent an hour sitting in his car I mean it's all the fumes and finally when he gets home his wife hasn't got supper ready and the children are running around screaming and at that moment as I say in America he blows his stack he loses control he begins to shout and scream and that demon of anger that has been following him around all day slips in and after that he's a slightly different person from after that at times something comes over him and he wounds the people he loves most his wife and children and his wife looks at him from time to time and see something in his eyes she never saw before and then he's repentant and penitent and he says I'm sorry I don't know what made me do it well we do know what made him do it was the demon of anger see it had harassed him or harassed him and in the moment of weakness slipped in then demons torment they are the tormentors they torment spiritually with the suggestion God doesn't love you you're not really saved that's a common form of tonot they torment emotionally with fear they torment physically with all sorts of horrible things like arthritis and so on they are the tormentas and Jesus saying listen if you don't forgive your fellow believer God will deliver you to the toe mentis who are they the demons a lot of Christians I in the hands of demons because they've refused to forgive some other person then demons compel they make us do things we don't really want to do that some of the things they compel you to do a really comical I had a letter after the deliverance service from a woman aged 25 and she said for the first week in my life that I can remember I haven't been biting my nails what made her bite her nails a demon can you believe that I know it's true and then demons and slave they make you slaves you see people can sin and stop sin if they decide well since a man may get drunk and then decide won't get drunk and he doesn't drink anymore he's sinned but he's not enslaved but an alcoholic is a man who can't stop drinking he is in slave now if you put compel and enslave together you get the word addiction and in my personal opinion almost every addiction of any kind is demonic and there are a lot of respectable addictions some very unrespectable some respectable but if you are addicted you have a problem and your problem I think in 90% of the cases is a demon demons defile they make us feel dirty and unclean they project evil impure images and thoughts and words into our minds and I've talked with people at various who said just when I'm getting closest to the Lord when I really want to worship him these horrible things come into my mind and I said you can be sure it's a demon anything that wants to keep you from worshiping God is a demon then demons deceive they are behind all forms of religious deception Paul said in first Timothy chapter 4 and the last times some will depart from the faith that's Christians giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons and believe me my dear brothers and sisters there are a lot of different deceiving spirits with doctrines that are demonic and they're very near to all of us finally demons make people weak or sick or tired or kill them I dealt with a woman once this is a remarkable situation 72 different demons came out up she was a respectable woman she was a registered nurse she was charismatic Pentecostal but she had 72 demons I didn't count them but there was a woman making little note of the names and in the middle of this it lasted five hours she said oh I'm so tired I can't go on I can't take any more and I thought well poor woman she really has time and then the launch would meet that's not the woman that's the demon I said you spirit of tiredness come out of this woman and it said not the woman it said that's right she's always tired she's tired when she gets up she's time when she's going to bed she's too tired to read the Bible to time to pray when that spirit of time this came out of her she was no longer tired we finished the deliverance demons make you go to sleep there's a spirit of slumbers referred to both in the old and the New Testament have you ever considered that you can sit up till 2:00 a.m. watching something that you probably shouldn't be watching on the television but if you decide to read your Bible you go to sleep in 10 minutes is that right that's not natural there's something there that doesn't mind you're watching television impact probably wants you to watch it but does mind you're reading the Bible or praying alright those are some activities of demons now the main areas in which they operate I have to give this in a very condensed form you understand I'm writing a book about it please pray for me it's not an easy book to write I discovered about ten different kinds of spirits or demons mentioned in the Old Testament and about 20 in the new that's 13 but that's just a little sampling there are hundreds of different kinds of demons the main area that they affect I believe is mo emotions and attitudes and behind every negative emotion and attitude there is a corresponding demon that doesn't mean you've got the demon but the means of the demons they're trying to get you for instance you can get angry and it's not a demon it's just you it's your flesh but if you get angry and can't control yourself and get angry when you don't want to get angry that's a demon let me give you a list of some of the communist names that I've dealt with and another thing about demons is they operate in gangs when one gets in it opens the door for the next and if you find certain demons you can always look for their friends let's take one pride rebellion rebellion almost always follows pride and then witchcraft or the occult because first samuel 15 verse 23 says rebellion is as the sin of wichita wherever you find rebellion look for which from the great historical example of this is the young people of the united states in the 1960s almost a whole generation went into rebellion and almost every one of them ended in the account because rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft now I thank God I saw scores of them gloriously saved and delivered but I learned the lesson then one of the communist spirits is the spirit of fear Paul says God has not given us a spirit of fear so it doesn't come from God but fear is something that we easily all of us give way to and it's followed by other things like rejection one of the commonest emotional problems in the church and in the world today is rejection it's a sense of feeling unworthy unwanted nobody really loves me I'm on the outside looking in and I would say in my observation at least 20% of professing Christians today that I've met need deliverance from rejection it's really due to the breakup of the family because the thing that gives a child the sense of security is the love and the care of a father and where that is missing that's something that cries out I don't know who I am I don't feel secure I don't know that people really love me I want to tell you one thing Jesus really loves you but the devil will do his best to convince you it's true of everybody else but not you is that right it's all right then another common one and here's a whole gang in the order they usually come in resentment unforgiveness anger hatred violence and murder and if the gang goes all the way murder will be there now remember murder doesn't mean you've committed murder it comes in to make you commit murder and the Bible says he who hates his brother is a murderer not we'll be a murderer but is a murderer and then this is the the opposite this some people react whatever I say aggressively some people react passively I can't take any more and so we get this little list disappointment and that is a powerful spirit disappointment if you've had a serious disappointment in your life you need to check whether a spirit or disappointment has entered you disappointment loneliness nobody loves me I'm all on my own misery depression self-destruction or suicide have you noticed in our contemporary culture how powerful the forces of self-destruction on people deliberately destroying themselves that's just a little glimpse I could speak for two hours on that whole area without covering it all the next area is the mind I think the mind is the greatest battlefield in the world today much greater than what's going on in Yugoslavia or the Middle East it goes on in people's minds and Satan has a lot of demons with which he ourselves in the mind number one unbelief let's renounce unbelief right now all of us together Lord we renounce unbelief say that we renounce unbelief we are believers unbeliev has no place in us that's wonderful alright then doubt now is a mental demon I had a very interesting experience years ago a young theological student from I think Yale I forget which one of the top American universities heard about my ministry of deliverance and he got interested so he came to a camp when I was teaching but before he came he made up his mind nobody's going to change me I'll leave that camp the same way I came so he came he watched he saw what happened but he was true to his determination he left the same way he came but in the airplane on the way back he got such a terrible headache he thought he was going to die and he began to cry out to God and God showed him it was a spirit of dumped and God showed him when it had entered him one of his fellow students had said to him Christopher do you really believe Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fishes and he gave this sort of compromise on so well whether it really happened or not it doesn't affect my faith in Jesus which is a lie and he realized that's when the spirit of doubt had entered him well as he cried on the Lord he felt it leave him through his left ear sitting next to him in the plane was a went woman he'd never met before in his life he didn't know her name he turned to her and he said I believe Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fishes that's the way to cancel a wrong statement is to make the right statement then there's compromise that's another mental demon I had a minister in a what they called an old land denomination come to me once for counseling after I listened to for a while I said you know I think your problem is compromised and he said that's right I say he said I've struggled with compromise all my life he was a very quiet well-mannered man but when we I came against that spirit it became violent it threw him across my office to and fro and I thought I couldn't believe that compromise could be such a powerful spirit then this forgetfulness I think of a woman I don't with once the deliver from this to forgetfulness and the spirit said I can't come out if I come out she'll memorize all those scriptures it did come out and she did memorize the scriptures then confusion a very very common spirit torment I think I've spoken about that tormenting you with lines with insinuations with denials of the Word of God and insanity and it's surprised me how many Christians are secretly fighting against the fear of going insane and the devil says something like this well you know your aren't ended in a mental institution and so did your cousin and you'll be the next and they can go through life fighting that fear of insanity and it's a demon it's a horrible demon another very important area is the tongue and there are various demons that affect the tongue lying some people are compulsive liars they don't even know when they're lying because another spirit has taken over cursing blasphemy I was delivered from those two demons when I was saved I could not speak five sentences without cursing and blaspheming and when I was saved and all these demons came out of me next morning there was no cursing there was no blasphemy I didn't give it up it gave me up then there's the two that are the church-going demons gossip and criticism I was in a meeting once and the woman came said you have a spirit of criticism my commander did come out of her she started a coffin three other people all around started to cough at the same time I said I know the problem in this church then there's the subject that nobody ever talks about in church that's sex let me say sex is not evil it is good forget that clearly in mind God created man sexual and after he'd created him he so everything he had made was very good including sex however sex is so powerful that if the devil can get in there he's got a major way of influencing your Nani here are some of the names they're really obvious fornication and you can call it premarital sex but it's still a demon adultery I think of a woman Lydia and I dealt with years ago she was a member of well let's say the Episcopalian Church she was a Sunday school teacher and she had a real desire for God but she told us that twice she had committed L adultery and I had the impression she really hated it she didn't want to do it so I talking with her I discovered that when she was conceived her father was living in adultery and the result was she was born with a spirit of Adam turian well she got delivered and then she said do you think I have to tell my husband I said that's your decision not mine but if you want God's real blessing on your marriage you have to be honest with one well she said he's a green beret I don't think you people know that I think they call it the special force you know these especially tough soldier he always carries a gun when I said it's your decision and we didn't hear any more for a while then we'd heard she told her husband he'd forgiven her their marriage was better than it had ever been but you see she was totally innocent in a way and that's why deliverance is so important because a lot of people suffer who are innocent they're suffering as a result of sins of others we need to offer them deliverance then there's masturbation some people say masturbation is natural I don't believe that but I'm not really concerned about that let me tell you this if you have a problem with masturbation and you can't overcome it and you hate yourself for doing it and yet you go on doing it it is a demon and I can say without exaggeration I've seen hundreds of people delivered from the spirit of masturbation and let me tell you now so I don't embarrass you later it usually comes out through the fingers and I've had scores of people send me blood prints I don't know what's wrong with me my fingers are going stiff they're getting numb they're bending backwards they're tingling I say I can tell you your problem its masturbation and listen it's a very stubborn spirit so if you want to get it out you've got to be determined shake it out of your fingers go on until it's not there any long and plead the blood of Jesus against it now if you're happy masturbating don't let me spoil your happiness but if you a slave to it as millions of people are then I want to tell you you can be delivered and we have come to the point where that will happen then homosexuality lots of people say people are born homosexual any born with a homosexual demon in them but that's not being born homosexual I had a letter just recently from a Baptist pastor who deal been dealing with a young man a Christian who came to him said pastor I'm tormented I had this thing in me and I don't want it and the pastor sat in front of him and quoted scriptures to him for about 10 minutes and suddenly the young man lych sideways out of the church collapsed on the floor and was delivered and he rose to his feet and walked up and down in the office saying thank God I'm free thank God I'm free thank God I'm free I have all the sympathy in the world for homosexuals but I don't believe they need to stay homosexual the church can welcome them provided they change Paul said to the Corinthians such were some of you not are some of you but were some of you Jesus has the power to deliver on the section prostitution pornography they call pornography a billion dollar industry what an industry but it has a very strong hole and there are many in the church contaminated by pornography a finally sexual fantasy there's a whole lot of people of fantasize about sex basically fantasy is evil so if you have it get rid of it then they're what I call lusts other strong desires one of the obvious ones is nicotine if you are a compulsive smoker and you can't give up you probably have a demon of nicotine you can be delivered I can say I've seen dozens of people deliver alcohol again if you're onner alcoholic you want to give up you can't you can be delivered if you deal with it as a demon and hate it gluttony that's just as dangerous as alcohol ultimately it destroys life then there are various drugs we don't we can't go into the whole drug thing but there are there are strange addictions like sniffing airplane glue which is quite common with young people Lydia and I once dealt with a young woman who was a member of a Pentecostal church and she told us with great embarrassment she said I'm addicted to nail varnish she said if I walk into the cosmetics department of a big store I've only got two options I can either buy nail varnish or run out of the store I've got no other option well when that demon came out of it it tore her and it came out screaming it was powerful now many addictions are branches that grow on a bigger branch so if you're going to deal with the addiction you probably have to deal with the bigger branch the bigger branch is usually frustration when people are frustrated they turn to something for consolation drink food who knows what drugs so it's not enough in many cases to deal with the addiction you have to deal with the frustration let me give you a simple example based on experience you've got two women each of whom has a husband who's unfaithful runs around spends too much money and doesn't show much love by its wine so they're both frustrated one of them is an Anglican she moves in pretty high society and her solution is the cocktail cabinet she just has to walk across the room and take a drink and she becomes an alcoholic the other is a Church of God and I mean cocktail cabinets are not even in a vocabulary so but she has to find some comfort where does she go tell me their refrigerator that's right takes out an ice cream and becomes an addict yes or no are there people who are addicted to soft drinks there are coke I understand it's called coke because one of the initial ingredients is cocaine do you know how many pints here the average American drinks of soft drinks 37 quarts every year and I don't drink any so they drink my share too you have to decide where do you go for comfort because in times of pressure we need something to take the pressure off and usually what we need becomes an addiction there's a strange silence all right then there's the occult a major area I think 90% of people in Britain today are involved in the account and most of them don't know it I couldn't give you a list but let me just tell you one thing the New Age is a kind of catalog of the occult and it's not new they all go back for thousands of years but anything let me say it this way there are many ways into the supernatural but there's only one way that leads into God's supernatural that is Jesus jesus said I am the door by me if you enter him if you get into the supernatural any other way and I did myself before I was saved I tried to become a yogi I got into the supernatural but it was not God's supernatural let me let me warn you against fortune-telling one of the biggest snares of Satan today in acts 16 Paul and Silas arrived in Phillipa and there was a girl with a spirit of divination that's fortune-telling actually what the Greek says she had a a Python spirit that's all it said because Python was the say snake associated with fortune-telling in Greece and she followed Paul and Sanne saying these men are the servants of the Most High God who showed us the way of salvation remarkable every word she said was true and she was the first person in Philippi to identify the apostles and she was a servant of Satan the fact that a fortune teller continued truth does not mean it comes from God my wife has permitted me to tell this before she was saved she was recommended by somebody to go to a fortune-teller a woman she the woman never saw her before and never saw her again thank God she knew nothing about and she told her three things ma you cannot bear children you have three adopted children and your husband has left you none of those did she know my natural means but she was a servant of Satan why did Satan tell her the truth to ensnare it was his bait to get her into the ark huh oh there's so many dangers I dealt with a roof that I dealt with a young woman yeah in Britain who was a Christian but she went she'd gone to a fortune-teller she knew she shouldn't and the fortune-teller solder you'll be a hull you'll be a widow very young and shortly afterwards her husband was killed in a freak accident and then when we came she came to me as she was pleading with me to tell her that the fact she'd gone to a fortune-teller had nothing to do with her husband's death and I couldn't tell her I did everything I could to comfort her but I believed in a way it was a connection I remember once I was praying for a woman in need the deliverance she'd been a Spiritist and I was getting pretty tired because she wasn't really cooperating and in the middle of it all she suddenly said I see you in a car and it's wrecked against a tree and I thank God I was on my Road and I saved you lying spirit I'm not going to be in any car that will be erect against the tree and I never have been that was more than 30 years ago but suppose I had said oh isn't that awful I'm going to be in a car that's got to be wrecked against the tree you know what I've been doing I would be submitting to Satan's destiny for my life and I would easily open the way for it to be fulfilled there is a move in the charismatic movement which is mistakenly called prophecy which tells people you can get a word from the Lord and we've had them in some churches I mean and they come around and they say how many of you want to hear from alone I'll pray over you I call it charismatic fortune-telling I do not believe it it's from and I've seen limes and churches wrecked by it we need descend listen there's two different ways of being guided number one is the regular normal way it's from the scriptures number two is special guidance by prophecy revelation vision but if you are not following number one you have no right to ask for number two you understand me in other words if you're not walking according to the revealed will of God in the scriptures don't ask God for a supernatural revelation because you'll get the wrong God well alright I can't take more time that false religions I believe every false religion is demonic and I'll list some without commenting on them Christian science unity Islam Baha'i Freemasonry I want to come in on that I've summoned that one of the most deadly snares are safer and it usually makes people violent we have seen some very violent deliverance from people who were had an involvement in Freemasonry it also affects children we've seen some terrible cases of children that were not normal as a result of involvement in Freemasonry and if it's in your background you need to renounce it you may have an uncle or a grandfather who is a freemason it's bringing a curse on your life all right Jehovah's Witnesses theosophy humanism and all oriental counts in my opinion are demonic then their heresies that's departures from the Christian faith and my little list which is by no means incomplete is Mormonism reincarnation and all religions that emphasize salvation through works okay they're all demonic then there's the physical body and the the list here could be endless many different forms of infirmity and pain on demonic and you only look at the Ministry of Jesus to see this he dealt with many sicknesses by casting out the demons I'll just give a little list of some of the evil spirits of infirmity or sickness that I have personally dealt with and this list could be three times as long number one epilepsy now I do not say that all sicknesses are necessarily demonic you have to have discernment but I if I did have to pick one sickness that I consider to be demonic it would be able epsy and I have seen many epileptics delivered if an epileptic comes to me now for prayer I say this I listen I'm willing to pray with you where there could be a battle if you're willing to fight along with me I'll pray for you but if you expect me to do all the fighting I won't pray then another very common one is stress stress is a person not a condition migraine many different forms of head pain and nerve pain allergies now I don't say all allergies at the money but I know a whole lot on let me tell you one really fascinating story years ago a mother came to me with a child of about a boy of about four and she said pray for my son I said what's the matter with him she said allergies I said what kind of allergies she said food allergies I said tell me what he's allergic to she said tell me what he isn't well I said that I pray for it I'm going to deal with as an evil spirit do you accept that she said okay so I sat down beside this little boy and I said now I want you to know that there's a bad spirit in you that keeps you from eating the things you really like and I'm going to come on that spirit to go in the name of Jesus and when I command it to go I want you to blow it out you understand I mean he was like a soldier he sent there I did did my prayer I said come out in the name of Jesus and he blew out four times that was all no emotion no excitement Oh either who knows what happened so off the mother went taking the son with her two days later she was back sit here pray for me I said what's your problem she said allergies I said tell me first what happened to your son what she said I took him home with me and he marched right up to the refrigerator opened the door sampled everything in the refrigerator and nothing did him any harm so I want to emphasize this it doesn't necessarily depend on emotion deliverance demands your will you have to set your will against the thing let's go many a young man came to me once and he said I'd rather think I have a spirit of lust but I'd rather enjoy it do you think God will deliver me I said definitely not God delivers us from our enemies not from our friends but if you if you make your friend your enemy then God will deliver you so you may have a friend tonight you've got to make an enemy before it'll come out then a very remarkable case I was conducting a deliverance service incidentally in Murfreesboro and there's this young man about 25 I said now when I pray the Holy Spirit may easily give you the name that you've got to renounce so you renounce that thing by name and it'll go it's like dealing with the dog you've got a lot more authority over a dog when you know its name so he came up to me afterwards and he said brother Prince is the respiratory ke and I said well I've never heard of it but if the Holy Spirit says there is then there is when he said that's what I'm in delivered from when I still know him today many many years later he told me later I said before I was delivered I would have a tooth filled and decay would sit in under the filling and then after there in the filling tank on the 2/3 since I was delivered that's never happened so I believe that is the spirit of tooth decay now one of the Communists is crippling the twists your body makes you go crooked I don't I think I must say I think I've seen at least a hundred cases of people with crippling I used to pray for people by checking their legs and if the two legs were uneven the short leg would grow out and I would say to the people now you're plugged in help yourself and I get people still coming to me today I cut a man just the other day he came to said my wife was delivered when you lengthen her Lane she was delivered from back pain she's never had any more back pain ever since but many times when I did that and Ruth was with me we would see this spirit again to do this and the legs would begin to move and we had discovered it was a spirit of crippling that would twist the body and we had to come against it I'm sure there are some here then I've talked about the spirit of sleep so we don't need to go into that insomnia the opposite and then one of the Communists is the spirit of death I can say Ruth and I've seen hundreds of people delivered from the spirit of death obviously the spirit of death cousin come in because you're dead the spirit of death comes in to make you die and remember Satan is a murderer and he kills physically and one of the communist spirits that he uses is the spirit of death and there are many ways it can come in you can just get weary with life and say I wish I were dead what's the good of living I might as well be dead you know what you're doing you're inviting the spirit of death and it doesn't need many invitations or you may have been through a serious illness or surgery and especially when you're under an anesthetic the spirit of death can enter one of the first romantic deliverances I dealt with was a woman that Liddy and I prayed with for five hours and various spirits I mean I've never seen this happen if I was totally new to it various spirits manifested themselves name themselves and I'm not saying I did the right thing but when I think the sixth spirit that named itself was death so I said to myself death is that all right and I thought yes revelation chapter 6 death is a person not just a condition so I said when did you enter into this woman and it answered three and a half years ago when she nearly died on the operating table I discovered later that she was not aware of anything she was saying at that time her own personality was totally bypass so later I said did you ever have a serious operation she said yes three and a half years ago I nearly died on the operating table you see it's a moment of emotional of physical weakness I talked to a doctor once in America who had his own clinic and I've been teaching about this and he said you've helped me to understand something because he said we have nations from time to time who died without any adequate physical cause and I realize the spirit of death has killed them one other spirit that we've dealt with very commonly is arthritis now please understand I'm not saying everybody Hathor as her arthritis has a demon that's why we have the gift of discernment but in South Africa good many years ago I was conducting a what do they call it a seminar on deliverance there were about 1,000 people present we called people forward for prayer and a lady came forward I said what's your problem she said arthritis I said I'm going to deal with it as a spirit we prayed against the spirit she was delivered and healed well I thought I'm never going to have time to pray individually for all the people who have arthritis and there's a spirit of faith here so I said all of you who have arthritis anywhere in the auditorium stand up and about 30 people stood all over the under I said now I'm going to command that spirit of arthritis could go from each one of you and when I do you let it go and I said then I did I crave it now I said I don't want you to sit down until you're free from pains to remain standing and after about 20 minutes every one of those thirty persons had sat down the spirit of arthritis had left and later traveling in South Africa we met several of them and who confirmed that they'll in heal now I'm not saying that everybody who has arthritis has edema on the other hand it's just about as typical a demonstration of what demons do as you could wish for they torture they torment they twist all right now where are we how demons come in I've got to do this very quickly how are we doing for time just about nine o'clock so all right I've got a special preacher to watch all right now how do they come in now I can deal with this subject for two hours but I'm going to do it very very quickly first of all an account background in your family in Exodus 20 the Lord said if you become a worshipper of idols or in the Archos I will visit it on the third and fourth generation so a lot of people suffer demonic oppression because of what the ancestors did and if you count it back you have 30 possible ancestors that could involve you in the account how many of us can say for certain I know none of my 30 ancestors were ever involved in the occult very few so that's a possibility when you say it's not fair well you have to deal with God about that he said I will visit the iniquities of the father's to the third and fourth generation you know one great reason why we need the Ministry of deliverance is because Satan isn't fair he oppresses people who don't deserve to be oppressed we need to be able to help them then personal account involvement that's reason number two and here is a remarkable passage in Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 10 and following there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire that is offering your child as a living sacrifice to the Lord to be burned on the altar of Munna now notice the other things that are included with that in same verse you might say well I'll never offer my child in sacrifice but just let's look at the other things nor shall there be one who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer basically those are different aspects of fortune-telling so fortune-telling is put in the same category with offering your children to God in a fire okay you see I've been forced to that realize this through writing this book millions of Christians are involved in fortune-telling one way or another and they don't realize what God thinks about it God hates it intensely doesn't mean he hates you but he hates what you're doing alright or one who conjures spells or a medium or a Spiritist as we'd all call spiritism or one who calls up the dead all those are different aspects of spiritism as far as God is concerned that's the same as offering your children to say in sacrifice through the fire for all who do these things are abomination to the Lord did you hear that all who do these things are abomination to the Lord now that isn't in the Lord hates you but it hates the things you've been in he hates the things you've been involved in alright then prenatal influences and I've dealt with many it isn't a fetus in your womb it's a person all right and it's a living person and if that's a solemn Authority isn't it well I've discovered that babies are very unborn babies are very sensitive to what people feel and say about them I at one time in the United States I was casting out a spirit of rejection from people in a certain age bracket there were so many of them I asked myself when were they born approximately and my wife Ruth is one of them I was brown 1929 to 1931 now you British people won't even know what that means but for every American it means the Great Depression and they say that words with with a certain feeling that you have to empathize with to understand what it meant yes understand what happened here's a mother she's got five mouths to feed and she doesn't have enough food and along comes at 6:00 she says I wish I wasn't pregnant that's all you need to say that little thing in your womb feels rejected my mother doesn't love me it's born with a spirit of rejection that is amazingly common and such a person will tend to go through life saying nobody really loves me I'm not important I'm not wanted I'm on the outside looking in others can I can't you can be delivered then you know for the first time how much God really loves you because that spirit of rejection keeps telling God doesn't love me he loves other people but he doesn't love me then there's what I call soulish nomination or manipulation by another person this is a very common cause of demonic problems I met a man he's an evangelist he's about 28 when I met him he said when I since I left home and that was before he's 20 said I phoned my mother long distance wherever I am well every night you know what happened to him the umbilical cord was never cut his mother has dominated all through his life and there are many strong men bank presidents sports heroes politicians who are dominated by a mother I'm gone thank God for mothers but don't thank God for mothers who dominate and not always the mother can be the father it can be another person it can be a minister can be a priest can be a dabbler in the account but if you are tied to another person that's demonic and you need to renounce that involvement and be set free and for the first time in your lives you'll become a totally real person on your own the next way they come in pressures in early childhood James says we're envy and strife are there a confusion and every evil work in a home that's divided and torn by strife there are all sorts of evil forces at work that a sin small child does not have power to keep out and my personal observation is most demonic problems begin before the age of 8 then there's the moment or the place of weakness I worked once in Westbourne Grove with a Catholic doctor who was a real minister in his own way he had his own house in Harley Street I mean he was a really successful doctor but he would come where we were in Westbourne Grove and he would come in and he say bring out your dead and we prayed for all sorts of people and he understood things I didn't understand at the time he said remember the devil chooses the weakest moment and the weakest place I have never forgotten that it's a profound truth the weakest moment or the weakest place and I want to look in 1 Peter chapter 3 a message for women which can well be digested by men - it says to Christian women you are daughters of Sarah if you do well or do good and are not afraid with any terror did you ever hear that but if you ever give way to sudden terror you've lost your protection and that has happened to thousands of people I don't with a woman once who entered the spirit of year entered him because she was standing in a street and a horrible accident just took place in front of it and in that moment of weakness the spirit entered her I can't doesn't have time gone sinful act so habits you can sin without it even entering but if you piss alright now where are we how demons come in I've got to do this very quickly how are we doing for time just about 9 o'clock so all right I've got a special preachers watch alright now how do they come in now I can deal with this subject for two hours but I'm going to do it very very quickly first of all an account background in your family in Exodus 20 the Lord said if you become a worshipper of idols or in the Archos I will visit it on the third and fourth generation so a lot of people suffer demonic oppression because of what their ancestors did and if you count it back you have 30 possible ancestors that could involve you in the alcohol how many of us can say for certain I know none of my 30 ancestors were ever involved in the ARCA very few so that's a possibility will you say it's not fair well you have to deal with God about that he said I will visit the iniquities of the father's to the third and fourth generation you know one great reason why we need the Ministry of deliverance is because Satan isn't fair he oppresses people who don't deserve to be oppressed we need to be able to help them then personal account involvement that's reason number two and here is a remarkable passage in Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 10 and following there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire that is offering your child as a living sacrifice to the Lord to be burned on the altar of Munna now notice the other things that are included with that in same verse you might say well I'll never offer my child in sacrifice but just let's look at the other things nor shall there be one who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer basically those are different aspects of fortune-telling so fortune-telling is put in the same category with offering your children to God in a fire okay you see I've been forced to realize this through writing this book millions of Christians are involved in fortune-telling one way or another and they don't realize what God thinks about it God hates it intensely doesn't mean he hates you but he hates what you're doing alright or one who conjures spells or a medium or a Spiritist those we'd all call spiritism or one who calls up the dead all those are different aspects of spiritism as far as God is concerned that's the same as offering your children to say in sacrifice through the fire for all who do these things are abomination to the Lord did you hear that all who do these things are abomination to the Lord now that doesn't mean the Lord hates you but it hates the things you've been in he hates the things you've been involved in alright then prenatal influences and I've dealt with many it isn't a fetus in your womb it's a person all right and it's a living person and if you get rid of that person you've committed murder that's a solemn Authority isn't it well I've discovered that babies are very unborn babies are very sensitive to what people feel and say about them I in one time in the United States I was casting out a spirit of rejection from people in a certain age bracket there were so many of them I asked myself when were they born approximately and my wife Ruth is one of them I was brown 1929 to 1931 now you British people won't even know what that means but for every American it means the Great Depression and they say that words with with a certain feeling that you have to empathize with to understand what it meant us understand what happened here's a mother she's got five mouths to feed and she doesn't have enough food and along comes a sixth she says I wish I wasn't pregnant that's all you need to say that little thing in your womb feels rejected my mother doesn't love me it's born with a spirit of rejection that is amazingly common and such a person will tend to go through life saying nobody really loves me I'm not important I'm not wanted I'm on the outside looking in others can I can't you can be delivered then you know for the first time how much God really loves you because that spirit of rejection keeps telling God doesn't love me he loves other people but he doesn't love me then there's what I call soulish nomination or manipulation by another person this is a very common cause of demonic problems I'm an imam he's an evangelist he's about twenty eight when I met him he said when I since I left home and that was before he's twenty said I phoned my mother long distance wherever I am of every night but you know what happened to him the umbilical cord was never cut his mother has dominated all through his life and there are many strong men bank presidents sports heroes politicians who are dominated by a mother God thank God for mothers but don't thank God for mothers who dominate and not always the mother it can be the father it can be another person it can be a minister can be a priest can be a dabbler in the occult but if you are tied to another person that's demonic and you need to renounce that involvement and be set free and for the first time in your lives you'll become a totally real person on your own the next way they come in precious in early childhood James says we're envy and strife are there a confusion and every evil work in a home that's divided and torn by strife there are all sorts of evil forces at work that a sin small child does not have power to keep out and my personal observation is most demonic problems begin before the age of eight then there's the moment or the place of weakness I worked once in Westbourne Grove with a Catholic doctor who was a real minister in his own way he had his own house in Harley Street I mean he was a really successful doctor but he would come where we were in Westbourne Grove and he would come in and he say bring out your dead and we prayed for all sorts of people and he understood things I didn't understand at the time he said remember the devil chooses the weakest moment and the weakest place I have never forgotten that it's a profound truth the weakest moment or the weakest place and I want to look in 1 Peter chapter 3 a message for women which can well be digested by men - it says to Christian women you are daughters of Sarah if you do well or do good and are not afraid with any Terry did you ever hear that but if you ever give way to sudden terror you've lost your protection and that has happened to thousands of people I don't with a woman once who enter the spirit of fear entered him because she was standing in a street and a horrible accident just took place in front of her and in that moment of weakness the spirit entered her I can't learn I didn't have Tony on sinful act so habits you can sin without an even entry but if you persistently sin you can almost be sure that demon that corresponds to that sin will be in you also some specific acts open the wane to a demon my friend Don bash him who's now with the Lord was praying for a woman once who needed to be delivered from a spirit of lust so he commanded the spirit to come out of her and that spirit said I'm not coming out she invited me in so Don said well when did she invite you in when she went to that dirty sex movie and Don knew I mean the spirit was right you see Satan is a legal expert he knows when he's got a right and that woman had to confess that sin and repent before she could be delivered finally a person without self-control it's like a city without its walls let me read that passage in Proverbs proverbs 25 this applies to almost all drug addicts proverbs 25 verse 28 whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down without walls so when you lose real control of yourself your emotions your appetites your relationships all your spiritual defenses are broken down almost any demon can walk in anytime let me do that do that once more and then we're going to come to the most important question which is how to be delivered but let me just give these ways that they come in number one an account background number two personal account involvement number three prenatal influences number four soulish domination or manipulation by another person number five pressures in early childhood number six the moment or place of weakness number seven sinful acts or habits and then a general picture of a person whose walls are all broken down now we come to the really important issue which is how to get rid of them if I didn't have that to tell you I wouldn't bother telling you all the rest now I can say without exaggeration I have seen thousands of people delivered from deep and they got delivered the way I'm going to tell you how to be delivered you can be delivered tonight but there are certain conditions you have to meet number one you have to be humble you know why because pride is the greatest barrier to deliverance a very sort of aristocratic southern lady in one of the southern States of America I didn't mean listening to my teaching and she said mr. Prince if I understand you write me if I seek deliverance I may end up screaming I said it could happen but she said I was brought up that a lady doesn't scream in public well I say if you were in a river drowning and about to go down for the third time and you thought there might be somebody on the bank could save you would you be too ladylike to scream that's all I needed to say number to be honest you see you will not be honest if you're not humble call your problem by the right name if it's lying call it lying don't use some fancy psychiatric terminology to describe a filthy sin okay think of the worst name you can and call it their number three confess your faith in Christ Jesus is the high priest of our confession if we make no confession we have no high priest if we confess our faith in Him we release him to act as our high priest number four confess any known sin of your own or your ancestors because your ancestors sins can be the cause of your problem you're not guilty because of their sins but you're suffering because of their sin and in order to be delivered you need to confess their sins if the Holy Spirit shows you your aunt was a Christian Scientist confess that sin all right because that's the way to be delivered you see God is old-fashioned he still believes in confessing sin it says in proverbs 28:13 the next thing is repent it's not enough to confess you have to repent repent means accept personal responsibility say I was the one that sinned I'm sorry Lord I don't want to do it again forgive me the proverbs 28:13 says he who covers his sins will not prosper and that applies to every one of you if you go out of here covering your sins you will not prosper it will not be well with you but whosoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy so the remedy is confess and forsake then you need to break with every contact with the occult renounce it confess it renounce it and if you have odd that relates you to the account make a commitment to God to get rid of them burn them if you can bury them do something with them we had a young woman who'd been a Satanist and she came for deliverance and she was getting delivered but she told us that she had a ring on her finger with which she'd been married to Satan so we said you have to take that ring off she took it off and the demon made her swallow it but there was a young man there who had supernatural faith and he commanded her to regurgitate it and cuffed it up he picked up the ring and threw it in the lake and then she was delivered but before she could be delivered she had to burn publicly every garment in which she'd ever worship Satan the Bible says hating even the garment spotted with the flesh break every contact get rid of everything it may be very valuable a woman said to me once I got all these account books she said there were thousands of dollars said how much is your soul that's the question you have to answer how much is my soul then you have to forgive all other people jesus said if you stand praying and you have anything against anyone forgive that leaves out nothing and no one if you forgive God will forgive you if you do not forgive God will not forgive you that's absolutely flat out so you have to make up your mind now let me tell you forgiving a person is not an emotion it's a decision it comes from the will not the feelings and when you will it and say it the Holy Spirit will give you the grace but don't see deliverance if you have bitterness resentment or unforgiveness in your heart against anyone then it's important to stand on Scripture so I'll give you four scriptures and if which you can stand on number one my favorite I think Joelle 232 whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered Luke 10:19 Jesus and I give you authority over all the power of Satan and nothing shall by any means at you 1 John 3:8 says for this purpose the Son of God was revealed that he might destroy the works of the ebon Colossians 1:13 says God has delivered us from the domain of darkness translated us into the kingdom of his son let me give you those without them whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be a limit why don't we say that together let's say not whosoever whoever whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered amen jesus said I give you authority over all the power of Satan nothing shall by any means hurt you 1 John 3:8 for this purpose the Son of God was revealed that he might destroy the works of the Evil One Colossians 1:13 God has delivered us from the domain of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the son of his not know the way we're going to deal with this in our own is I'm going to lead you in a prayer if you want you don't have to and you I'm going to say the words and you will say them after me I'm putting the words in your mouth so many people say I want to pray but I don't know what to pray well I'll give you the words but you're not praying to me and you've got to mean them as your own words but before I do that let me just go quickly through this list now I know a lot of people get delivered without consciously doing all these things but these are the scriptural theses number one be humble and remember God says humble yourself God never promises to make us humble number two be honest call a spade a spade and not an agricultural implement number three confess your faith in Christ and I'll give you the words Lord Jesus Christ I believe that you're the Son of God you died on the cross for my sins rose again from the dead confess any known sins of yourself or your ancestors now when we come to that I'll cause and give you time quietly to confess any specific sins that you need to convince number five repent remember repentance is a decision like forgiveness it's not a feeling it's the will turning around turning your back break with the occult if you've been involved with any form of account just quietly say lord I renounce whatever it wants fortune-telling I can't think of any other things at the moment that's explained about there now renounce them and if you've got things in your home tell the Lord you'll get rid of them don't go out of here and go back to a home that's infested with demonic objects forgive everybody else and again I'll give a pause I'll give you time to name quietly that people you specifically need to forgive my pastor my wife it's usually the people closest to us we don't have a problem with people at a distance but the person who shares your bed that may be real problem stand on Scripture I think will stand on whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered and finally expel that's a modern translation of constant alright I like it because it's not religious I mean we get so many religious phrases we don't know what they mean but if you've inhaled something that you don't want what do you do you expel it or exhale it like the little boy that blew four times now when you do that what first comes out maybe just natural human breath but if you go on sooner or later something else will mingle with the breath that's your enemy that's what you've got to get out now at that point do not go on pray and don't speak in tongues because while you're praying and speaking in tongues you're holding the demon in be like the traffic in the street when the ambulance comes by get off to one side and let the ambulance off then you can go back to praying now it may be that you need deliverance from many demons that's all right we're not in a hurry if you're not in a hurry we'll stay with you don't stop when the first one goes just go on as long as you need to get in brilliant rid of any of them now I'm going to invite dawn and the Inca to come stand with me and my wife because I like some support at this point then those of you and it's entirely your own decision those of you that feel you may need deliverance from an evil spirit and you want to receive it here tonight I want you to stand up and then I will lead you in a prayer if you feel you need deliverance don't be embarrassed stand up alright now I'm going to ask you to say this prayer Lord Jesus Christ I believe that you are the son of God [Music] and the only way to God that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead I now confess to you any sins of which you have made me conscious or sins committed by my ancestors now just take a little while and be as thorough as you can confess anything specific that the Holy Spirit brings to your mind quietly you don't have to tell anybody else all right now we're going on the next thing is repentance Lord I repent of all sins I have ever committed I hate them and I turn from them I turn to you Lord Jesus for mercy and forgiveness if I have been involved with the account I repent and I renounce it and I sever myself from it through the blood of Jesus if I have Archives objects in my possession I commit myself to get rid of them now the next one is forgiving other people Lord I forgive any person who has ever harmed me or wronged me I forgive them just as I want you to forgive me now take a little while and name the persons that you need to forgive and the name that's hardest is the one you most need to say all right we're going on Lord to the best of my ability I've met your conditions and I now claim your promise whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered I'm calling on you now in the name of the Lord Jesus deliver me from all evil spirits I hate them they are not my friends they are my enemies and I command them to go from me now in the name of Jesus now you let them go I'll come on them to go don't go on praying get rid of them now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ under the authority of the leadership of this conference I come against every evil spirit that has been renounced in the name of Jesus the commander to come out release them go from them in the name of Jesus let them go let them go you've been defeated by the blood of Jesus you have been defeated by the blood of Jesus Jesus Christ is Lord over this gathering you have to obey the Word of God you have to obey the servant of God we stand against you Satan in the name of Jesus all your demons you have to go in Jesus name now I'm going to deal with specific categories I'm going to start with the occult with all forms of witchcraft if it's not come out let it go now now in the name of Jesus we come against all occult spirits every form of witchcraft sorcery divination get out in the name of Jesus get out in the name come on come on come on in Jesus name you bow before the name of Jesus release these people come out come out in Jesus name in the name of Jesus that's right that's right you have to go you have to go you have to go Jesus defeated you when he died and shed his blood and rose from the dead Satan you are subject to us in the name of Jesus every spirit of witchcraft divination sorcery out and the name of Jesus go release these people well in a minute every spirit of false religion out in the name of Jesus you have to go you have to go baby in the name of Jesus that's right then rebellion there are many of you young people here tonight to have a spirit of rebellion come out go from there in Jesus name Amen now every spirit of fear say this God has not given me a spirit of fear I renounce any spirit of fear and I command it to go in the name of Jesus let it go out oh the name of Jesus oh oh oh that's right hate it hate it hate it it's not your friend every spirit of grief out in the name of Jesus every spirit of loneliness depression rejection come out every spirit of suicide [Applause] now then I want you to say I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord are you there I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord now every spirit of death come out go from these papers release them in the name of Jesus and in the name of Jesus release them every spirit of death I'm in come out come on come out in Jesus name in Jesus name destruction self-destruction out in the name of Jewish Jesus that's right I'm out you shall not destroy the people have gone they're God's property you release them and go from them all right now we're going to deal with resentment and all the ones that go with that every spirit of resentment come out every spirit of resentment in the name of Jesus release these people go from them in Jesus name unforgiveness anger hatred violence and murder come out in the name of Jesus the spirit of murder bow before the name of Jesus and come out go from them in the name of Jesus out out out some of you need to say several times here so I shall not die but live and declare the works of God said for yourself be determined now if there are any women here that have deliberately procured an abortion to be delivered you have to confess it as murder and you'll be delivered from the spirit of murder and of death if you will just confess it to God you don't have to confess it to us you can be delivered now Lord we come against the spirits of murder that have caused women to murder their own babies in Jesus name you get out of this place you go from this place we don't with entertain you we give you no room we offer you no mercy you have to go go go in Jesus name [Music] now we're going to deal with the negative emotions disappointment you any spirit of disappointment here we break your hole over the people have gone in Jesus name loneliness misery depression self-destruction out especially depression come out depression lucemon the name ajiz listen in the name of Jesus there's many spirits of depression here tonight out you go in Jesus name you release the people of God all right we're going to deal with the ones that affect the mind Lord we come against those spirits that term in the mind unbelief doubt compromise forgetfulness confusion torment and insanity insanity you come out out out amen in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I'm gonna come against insanity again that's right every spirit of insanity you come out now God has shown me there's a witch tonight I'm not going to point you out but this is your last opportunity if you don't renounce your trade as a witch tonight you'll perish forever in hell Oh in the name of Jesus out out out out alright we're going to deal with the tongue every lying spirit come out not only the ones that make you tell lies but the ones that lie to you tell you God doesn't love you you can't be healed there's no hope for you there's a lying spirit renounce them in the name of Jesus every spirit that counterfeits sickness and tells heal people that they're still sick you leave it in the name of Jesus you'd release them go from them in Jesus name every spirit of cursing and blasphemy out in the name of Jesus and every church-going spirit of gossip and criticism come out humble yourself and the knowledge you're a gossip you're a tail bearer God hates tale-bearing there is no place for you in heaven unless you renounce it and get delivered from it God hates those who sow discord between brethren you need to repent you're very religious but you're also very wicked all right we come to the area that no one ever talks about sex all right we're going on with our program and first of all we're going to start with masturbation every spirit of masturbation in the name of Jesus you go from these people to release them release lift fingers release their hands release their sexual organs in the name of Jesus out oh don't be proud don't be proud if it's in your fingers shake it out let it go that's right in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you've got to hate it it's not your friend it's your enemy that's right get it out let it go in the name of Jesus through the blood of Jesus be determined be absolutely determined you are not going to tolerate it any longer it has no place in you your body has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and then we come to the other sins fornication adultery out the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus there's no place in heaven for fornicators and adulterers every spirit of homosexuality yes Oh in the name of Jesus Sally out in the name of Jesus you go you go he's gone every spirit of pornography now there are several here tonight who are bound and enslaved by pornography renounce it let it go from you what you do in secret God sees there are no secrets with God some of you are churchgoers but your pornography viewers out renounce it renounce it in the name of Jesus I'm in what about taking a few moments to thank God for what he's done thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today [Applause] you
Channel: Salt Light
Views: 66,268
Rating: 4.8583732 out of 5
Keywords: Sermon
Id: TGkEApIb-cA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 15sec (6975 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2013
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