Der Die Das? | German Genders Explained | Tips, Tricks and Hacks

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what's your biggest problem when it comes to learn German? Be honest :) verb conjugation? pronouns? or is it.... Tips, Tricks and Hacks. Watch this video Hello and welcome back to another episode of your German teacher my name is Luzi and today we're gonna talk about German genders. I know it's a terrible problem for most German. students how to figure out what gender the noun has... In this video I'm gonna show you I'm gonna share with you all tips tricks and hacks which you can use to determine the gender of each and every noun. And at the end I'm gonna give you some bonus tip which is useful in case you forgot everything and you have to figure out quickly what gender you want to use. Let's start first with the articles definite articles "der" is masculine "die" is feminine. And "das" is neuter. You have three options to figure out what gender the noun has first one is biological sex. This is the most obvious one. The 2nd one is the meaning. According to the meaning you can also figure out the gender of the noun. And the third one is suffix. "Nachsilbe" is suffix and this one is probably the best one the most common one and especially if you're a beginner, this one is the easiest one. Because you can just memorize all these suffixes and according to the suffix you can figure out the gender. Let's start with masculine. We start with biological sex. Pilot, painter and doctor. Daytimes: the morning, the noon, the afternoon. all of them are masculine except the: the night Days: monday, wednesday, saturday, sunday months: all of them are masculine. January, april, december season: spring, summer, fall, winter except: "das Fruehjahr" synonym of sping And for all the car fans out there: car brands are also masculine. such as in this picture here is a German car brand VW Volkswagen so it's "der VW" also "der" Ferrari or "der" BMW, the Audi or the Toyota. Car brands are masculine. Suffixes: we have here three suffixes which are almost always almost always over 95% are masculine. First one is -ling. For example "the coward" -ich... for example "the carpet" -ismus... for example "the capitalism" Then we have of course more suffixes. Which are mostly not always they are exceptions but mostly masculine as well. Such as suffixes with -er. is probably the most common one for masculine. for example "the suitcase" -ant for examples "the elephant". -ist for example "the composer" - ig for example "the king" the motor the bear hair stylist the continent "die" feminine again we start with biological sex the mother, the aunt, the sister and of course we also have female professions. the female pilot, painter and doctor as you can see here when we compare it to the male professions. For the female professions you just add this "in" and then you have the female version of the profession There are some exception. For example doctor. Airplanes, ships and motorbikes. Most of them are also feminine. there are exceptions but most of them are feminine. Suffixes which are always feminine. the beauty the brightness the team Nouns ending with one of those suffixes are always always feminine. Talking about "die Mannschaft" Is often referred to exactly the German national football. Other suffixes for example nouns ending with -e. over 90% are feminine and this one is probably the most crucial one and the most important one because there are a lot a lot of nouns ending with -e so again just use feminine and then you almost always gonna be right the bottle the brewery the newspaper the situation the music the culture the university the conference The third gender: "das" neutral neuter again we'll start with biological sex there's not too many for example "das Kind" (the child) is neutral we don't know if it's a boy or a girl or "das Ding" (a thing). "Substantiv" is a noun "Adjektiv" is adjective. nouns made of adjectives for example here "rot" (red) as an adjective is the color if its capitalized, as a noun capitalized then its "the" color red the blue, the orange "das Unbekannte" is the unknown The same we also have for verbs. You can take verbs and you can make nouns out of these verbs called "substantivierte Verben" for example: the writing And then if you want to make a noun out of it you just add the article "das" so it's neutral always neutral the writing or to read: the reading to run: the running (jogging) materials are mostly also neuter for example the wood, the glass, the metall diminutives which are always neutral and we have two of them. 2 suffixes which are diminutives so meaning it makes something small and which are always neutral. Nouns ending with "-lein". for example: the small bird comes from the noun "Vogel" is a bird. "das Voeglein" is a small bird. or: "-chen" also makes everything smaller "das Paeckchen" "Das Paket" is a box, a package and "das Paeckchen" is a small package. always neutral then we have also other nouns ending with "-chen" which are mostly but not always neutral: for example "das Maedchen" (the girl) the bed the aquarium the midicine the date the level the training the office In case you forgot everything we just talked about. And you have to make a very fast decision to decide which gender you gonna use. Always use feminine ! As you can see here on this graphic 46 percent of all German nouns are feminine. 46 percent that's almost half. 34% are masculine and only twenty percent are actually neutral so again if you have to decide quickly if you are in exam whatever and you just don't know the gender just use feminine you have 50% chance which is quite high that you're gonna be right. alright that was it for today I hope you learned something I hope you liked it if you did so don't forget to subscribe below and write some comments or hit the like button even better and I hope to see you soon in one of my next videos until then... Auf Wiedersehe... tschues... bye bye und ciao ciao... :)
Channel: YourGermanTeacher
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Keywords: der die das, der die das explained, der die das explained in english, german gender, german genders explained, german articles for beginners, ein eine ein, ein eine einen der die das, german gender tips, german gender tips tricks hacks, german tip tricks hacks, german tips tricks, german articles hacks, gender german nouns, learn german for beginners, tips, german tips, जर्मन व्याकरण, जर्मन लिंग, genders in german, die der das, das die der, der das die
Id: IFsEX4ZY6bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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