Deploy your React website for free with Firebase hosting in 3 minutes

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hello and in this video you learn how to set up Firebase hosting on an example of this chat app we created recently so for this you can go to your Firebase console go to build and go to hosting and once inside your project in there click get started and run this command the First Command they give you in the terminal of your project it can be whatever product you want to beep nextges doesn't matter this will take a couple of minutes next we'll need to log in with Firebase so click next and copy the next command or just type it in yourself so Firebase login it will give you a link through which you will need to log in so simply log in with Google which or whatever your account you're using for this particular project and click allow as you can see really really simple next you can run the command of Firebase init so run it in your terminal and you'll need to fill out some things click spacebar to select any one of these or multiple I'll just choose the simplest one simply hosting next use an existing project and select the project that you want from this account now here choose this not Source not public dist yes for now we won't need any configuration with a GitHub and as you can see this the initialization is fully done now build your application so run npm run build and finally Firebase deploy to deploy your application to the hosting and now it's done so you can finish all this and go to console in the console you'll be able to see that we have in fact released and think to the hosting and if you copy the link to this domain you will see this Firebase app so RV's app has successfully been logged into the hosting and as you can see we can log in we can send messages through this chat app by the way if you want to learn how to do it a look at my previous video and for a simple setup of Firebase you can look at another one of my videos I have that all there so here you can have that custom domain also and in the usage tab you can see all the usage and all the statistics currently there's nothing it hasn't updated yet otherwise yeah thank you for watching see you in the next and if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe thank you
Channel: WebChain Dev
Views: 385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firebase, firebase hosting, firebase hosting tutorial, firebase tutorial, firebase developers, firebase auth, google, react, react js, react js tutorial, hosting, easy hosting, deploy react app, firestore, database, chat app, modern app
Id: 8PSjl5-GOJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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