Deploy React App to Azure App Service with VSCode

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in this video I'm going to show you how to deploy a react app to Azure app service so how is your app service it's a platform as a service offering in azure and it's a container so you can deploy applications straight to app service without having to worry about operating system so you can pick your runtime environment whether that's python node.js you don't need to worry about installing the runtime packages this will be provision for you in your selection you can just deploy the code straight to the environment and you're good to go so this is just what we're going to deploy um nothing fancy just um shows my name when I type in type into it so a couple things so you're going to need to have the Azure app service extension installed so you need an Azure extension installed you need to be signed in and then you need this app service extension installed as well so we can actually get started by creating it through Visual Studio code so when I click this button here create a resource it brings this menu up and we're going to click create an app service and you just give it a unique name and hit enter runtime stack is node 16. and then yeah we can just use the free tier as well so if you wanted a way to host your apps now that uh Heroku is no longer free this is a good alternative to the web app has been created in azure um so just come to this drop down and we just find the one that we've created and right click on it and we just hit deploy to web app um so we're just telling it the folder that we want to deploy and then just double check so we don't want to override anything but there's nothing deployed there anyway so we can just hit deploy all right great so visual studio has told me that the deployment has been complete so let's double checking app services so yeah you can see the login page has been created under the free tier and we've got a URL here and yeah there is a react app loyed
Channel: firstSiteTech
Views: 6,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, react, reactjs, microsoft azure, app service, microsoft azure app service, azure app service, deploy react app, how to deploy react, deploy react application, deploy react to azure, deploy react application to microsoft azure app service, deploy application to cloud, deploy react to cloud, cloud, cloud computing, react cloud
Id: GJuyMn7qfbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2022
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