Deploy Node.js App To Digital Ocean Server

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hey guys in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to get a no js' app up and running on a digital ocean server also called a droplet now one important thing that I want to stress is that there's a ton of different ways to deploy an ojs app and by no means am I saying that this way is the best in fact I wanted to create a tutorial using something like flight plan for better automation but it was an absolute disaster on Windows so I'll be making a flight plan tutorial but most likely on Linux but I did want to make something for Windows client users so let's take a look at what we'll be doing now we're not just doing the deployment we're also just setting up a server from scratch I'm going to give you a referral link that will give you 10 bucks or two months free for digitalocean and if you want to keep that going it's only going to run you five bucks per month for the lowest package and you can increase that at any time so following along with this tutorial will cost you nothing I would definitely suggest digitalocean for all of your server needs nodejs the mean stack PHP applications pretty much anything you can think of you essentially get a dedicated server or VPS that will will do anything you want okay can do absolutely anything with it so we're going to set up in a bun two droplet which is just digital oceans term for a server you can create these on the fly and you can create as many as you want so we're going to be using Windows so we're going to need a Windows client so we're going to need a way to connect to our server so we're going to be using a tool called putty all right so we're going to need to setup SSH keys for our client server as well so we're going to use a tool called puttygen we're also going to download a tool called winscp which will give us a good program to connect to our server so we can actually drag and drop files and folders to and from the server alright so we'll set up and use the SSH keys once we do that we're going to disable the password log in for security purposes we're going to create a new user because we don't want to use the root user in fact we're going to disable the reviews or altogether once our servers set up along with our SSH keys will install nodejs we're also going to need to install git because we're going to use a github repository - to bring our application on to the server all right we'll need to set up SSH keys for that as well all right once we connect to github we're just going to clone a simple app and set that up on the server now normally you would type NPM start or node app and it runs your application but it always needs to be running in the command line and that's a huge problem if your server resets or something like that so we're going to be installing and using something called p.m. - which will allow our app to run as a process in the background alright once our app is up and running I'll show you how to link a domain name to it using your digitalocean droplet and then we'll finally install a package called Lib cap - bin and this will allow you to run the app on port 80 so that you don't have to provide the port number with the domain name alright so it seems like a lot but it's really not once you do it you'll be able to you know deploy as many node apps as you want from github again it's not this isn't a complete production guide you're going to want to look more into server administration and security and maybe a better workflow using something like flightplan but at this point you know it's going to head you in the right direction alright guys so we're going to go ahead and get started now the first thing you want to do is create an account at digitalocean so you'll want to sign up and you'll have to enter either your PayPal account or a credit card but like I said the referral link that I'm going to give you gives you either two three months of the lowest package or $10 free if you want to get something bigger alright so go ahead and sign up for that once you sign up and you log in you should see something like this okay so it's just a list of where your droplets will be wiped out all the droplets they had they were just for testing and that's another thing even if you're not going to use this for production just sign up for the lowest package just so you have a remote server to do testing on you can you know try out different packages different software and it's just it's really helpful and it's a great learning experience in itself alright so I also want to mention that I do have a blog post on traversée Mediacom that's going to kind of go through everything we're doing here I'm kind of give you some instructions and give you all the code all the snippets commands that we're going to be using and will probably reference this throughout as well alright so we're going to go ahead and click on create droplet and we're going to have some options to choose from now the first thing we need to choose is a Linux distribution so we're going to use a bun - it's what I would suggest and you can use different versions as well if you want but you also have the option for FreeBSD Fedora Debian's core OS cent OS and I believe there's others as well and then just to show you if we click on one click apps if you wanted to set up for instance the mean stack or just a MongoDB database or the lamp stack Apache PHP you can do all that just one click even content management systems like Drupal Magento so that is really helpful but we're just going to have a clean blank server to work with okay so we're not going to use any of those next thing we want to choose is a size or package now by default we have the twenty dollar package highlighted which is two gigabytes of RAM two CPUs 40 gigabyte SSD and three terabyte transfer which isn't bad at all but we're going to choose the lowest package which is five dollars a month and it's 512 megabytes of RAM one CPU 20 gigabyte SSD and a thousand gigabyte transfer and that's another great thing about digitalocean is that they use SSDs for all of their servers which is makes things much faster all right down here we're not going to add any block storage data center we're going to choose New York you know you obviously want to choose whatever is closest to you okay you can add additional options like private networking backups IP 6 user data monitoring but we're not going to we're not going to choose any of those alright so now we're going to set up our SSH keys now you don't have to do it here you can do it later on but it's easier to just get it out of the way so we're going to go ahead and do this if I click on new SSA key it's going to ask us to taste in our public key so to create that to get that we're going to use something called puttygen all right so if we go to putty org and click on this link here there's two things we need putty Exe is the SSH client we're going to use to connect to our server so you're going to want that you're also going to want this puttygen to generate our SSH keys all right now these are actual programs they're not installers so what I want to run it so you want to put these somewhere wherever you want to keep them so I'm going to just grab them and I'm going to put them in my C Drive and a folder called putty alright and then we're going to open up puttygen because we need to create our SSH keys okay so it looks like this and what we're going to do is click on generate and it's going to say please generate some randomness by moving the mouse around the blank area all right so now our key is created so what we want to do is copy this whole thing so from the very beginning down to the very end copy that and then back in our signup page we're going to paste that in and we're going to name it I'm just going to call this I'm going to call it public key just public key one and then we're going to add SSH key ok so now it's added now before we move on here I just want you to save your public and private key so right here we'll click Save public key and we're going to save it to the desktop I'm just going to call it public key one dot txt all right so that will save it to the desktop which is right here and then also save private key it's going to ask you if you want a passphrase you can make it a little more secure if you want to you can put that in here but we're going to just skip the passphrase and let's call this private key one and that's going to give it a PPK extension all right so we'll save that and now we have our public key and private key files so you want to put these somewhere safe all right so we're done with puttygen we can close that up and back to our page over here if you want to use the default hostname you can but I'm just going to name it something else I'm just going to call it Travis E media droplet alright so we can go ahead and click create and that will set up our server in literally seconds all right so our server is now set up that's the IP address right there now if we click on this it'll take us to this interface where we can get some information the CPU and input/output graph isn't showing yet but that will come up momentarily let's see we have this access tab where we can access the console droplet must be powered on is it not on yet it might be oh it's still creating that's why but from here you can access the console but I would definitely suggest using something like putty to interact with your server you can reset the root password you can power it on and off you can resize okay so if you find out that your package isn't enough and you need some more memory or disk space you can go ahead and upgrade that very easily seamlessly all right what else backups ok so if you want to enable backups you need to pay an extra dollar a month but you can take snapshots ok so you can take a kind of a I guess a disk image or a snapshot and restore that at any time and then you can destroy it at any time - ok and you can also just kind of reset it if you install a bunch of crap that you don't want you just want to start from scratch you can just wipe it out very easily all right so our server should now be set up so now what we want to do is connect to it using putty and let me just check to see think that's what we want to do next yeah so we want to connect to using putty so let's go ahead and open up putty Exe okay so inside putty what we're going to do is we want to add our IP address which is right here all right now instead of connecting right now I want to create a profile that we can save and we can use at any time so what we're going to do is go down to the data right here connection and then data and right here is where you want to put the the username you want to use and by default that's going to be root we haven't created another user yet and then we're going to click on SSH and then off and then this is where you want to upload your private key so we're going to click browse we're going to upload that private key one PPK file all right then we're going to go back to the session tab and we're going to give this session a name I'm just going to call it travesty media droplet and save that all right and then I'll click open now whenever you connect to a server for the first time you'll see this message just go ahead and click yes and there we go we didn't have to enter the root password or anything because we have our SSH keys set up all right so the next thing we want to do if we go back to the blog post is create a new user okay because you don't want to be using the root user in fact we're going to disable that altogether just for security purposes so to create a user we can say add user and let me just let me just I'll make this a little bigger so you guys can see it better see change settings appearance font all right so let's do add user and I'm going to call my user Brad and it's going to ask for a password we're going to create a password for the user okay it's going to ask for full name and then this other stuff it asked I'm just going to enter for that is this correct yes all right now we can say I do Brad to see if that yep okay so that user was created but notice that it's he's not in the pseudo group we want to put him in pseudo so that we can run things as administrator so to do that if we look at the blog post here we want to use this user mod HG sudo and then the user name all right so let's go user mod a G a G sudo Brad all right so now if we do I see Brad you can see that now that user is in the pseudo group so now what we want to do is log in as that user we can do that with this command right here so that will be sudo su space - space and then the user name alright so now you can see that the prompt here is changed to Brad at Travis tree media droplet so we're now logged in as Brad and if we want to double check we can say Who am I and we get Brad alright so now we want to do is authorize the key for the new user because right now we won't be able to connect with that the SSH key pair with the Brad user so we need to make a directory called dot SSH in our home directory this little squiggly line here this tilde that that represents the home directory all right so let's say mkdir for make directory and we want to do the home slash dot ssh alright next thing we want to do is chmod we want to change the permission to 700 so squiggly with Slashdot ssh okay now what we want to do is create a file called authorized keys and we want to paste our public key in there so let's say nano that's the editor we're going to use and then we're going to say slash tilde slash dot FSH slash authorized underscore keys all right so now we're in that file and we want to paste in our key so what we're going to do is open up the public key dot txt file we created and it should look like this and what we want to grab is from here to eat to the end to here okay copy that and this has to be perfect all right and then in here what we're going to do is we're going to say SSH - RSA space and then we're going to paste that in now this won't work because it's on multiple lines we have to make sure that everything is on a single line so we're going to go right here click and backspace once and we're just going to do the same on each line okay because it will not work if there's one flaw in this file it just it won't work all right so now everything's on one line should be good so now what we're going to do is control X to exit it's going to ask if we want to save we're going to say Y for yes and then enter all right so now that file should be saved now what we want to do is just change the permission of that file to 600 we're going to say chmod 600 [Music] keys okay now what we want to do is just restart the SSH service we can do that with sudo service that's the stage restart ok it's going to apps for our password now what we want to do is we want to test it out and see if we can connect using Brad with the ssh case so let's go ahead and exit actually let's just close this out and then we're going to go back into putty alright now we're going to click on the session that we saved and click load it's going to load everything in and then go to data and we're going to change route to our new user which I called Brad alright and then I'll save it and then we'll open that up and now you can see we logged right in no password needed and we're logged in as Brad so that's what we want alright so now that we can we can connect using the Brad user with the SSH keys we want to now remove the password login see where are we right here we want to remove the password login and the root login so we're going to have to edit a file called SSH SSH SSH D config all right so let's go ahead and do that we're going to say sudo nano / e TC / SS h / SS h d-- underscore config enter our password okay so this is the file here and now what we're going to do is a ctrl W to search and we want to search for permit login root is that it no permit root login sorry so ctrl W permit root logon all right so right here you can see that it's set to yes we're going to just go ahead and set that to no okay now we're also going to do another search for password authentication so right here password authentication we're going to set that to no okay let's do control X and yes enter and now we want to just reload that sshd using this command here so sudo systemctl reload the sage our sshd okay so that should work now if we want to test that out you can close our session go back into putty and let's try without the SSH keys let's see if it'll let us with a password which it shouldn't so let's grab the IP paste that in click open let's say login is Brad and it's not letting us it says no supported authentication methods available so that's exactly what should happen alright so we're done with the preparation of the security I guess disabling the login and so on so now we can start to install nodejs and you start to deploy our application so again what's going to putty ok and I'm going to just load up our session here let's make sure we're logging is Brad or whatever you used and open alright so let me just make this bigger all right close this up close that so now what we want to do is install nodejs now on linux ubuntu we can't just do apt-get install node j s it won't work it needs to we need to tell it to use the node source repository so if we look at our blog post here we need this command ok this curl command and this is for node 6 if you want to use node 7 you can just replace that with seven all right so let's paste that in run that and this is just standard if you went to the node jf s-- documentation and looked up how to install it on the bun tour you'd see that command so now with that done we should be able to say sudo apt-get install nodejs all right so no js' is now installed on our server we can say node V dash V and we see we have version 694 alright so now that that's done we need to install git on the server so we can do that with sudo apt-get install kit ok say get V or get version ok and then what we need to do is we need to set some SSH keys for github now let's take a look at the application we'll be using so I'm just going to search for sample node JSF github so right here it's actually the Heroku sample we're not using Heroku but we're going to use this app it basically is just a simple Express app and I think it just says hello world but if we go when we try to clone it yes you'll see we get denied we give this permission denied public key so we need to set up SSH keys with github so if we go back to the blog post we need to run right here this SSH key gem and that will create our keys to add to github all right so let's do SSH - key gen and we want to add - T RSA and then we need to put - capital C and then put our github email okay so enter the file where you want to save the key just click enter now you can put a passphrase if you want but I'm just going to enter for no passphrase alright so now we put the key in in home Brad or whatever your username dot SSH and then in a file called ID RSA dot pop so we need to copy the contents of that file now instead of trying to copy through putty which is an absolute nightmare we're going to use a tool called winscp which you should have anyways and it gives us a way to connect to our server with a graphical interface so we're going to go ahead and download that we want the installation package okay now this is an installer so we'll just have to install it real quick all right so let's just go through this so except in typical installation we're going to choose the default here install alright now it's asking us says we have store stored sessions and putty talking about our traversing media droplet do you want to import them I'm going to click yes okay and then we're going to choose to launch it and notice that we had now have Travis immediate droplet and it has all the information and then we'll click login all right so we're now in our droplet if I go up one or up two you'll see this is the entire server we have in this in this program we can drag and drop files as we want now notice that in the home directory in the Brad directory there's no dot SSH that's because it's hidden by default but it has a dot in front of it which makes it hidden so what we want to do is click in this little path thing right here and just go slash dot SSH looks and ok and then that will bring us into that folder and you'll notice we have the ID RSA pub file that's the github SSH key file so let's bring that over to documents and then I'm going to go to My Documents folder and there it is right there let's open that up I'm going to open it with notepad and it should look like this all right so we're going to just copy this make sure you don't have any spaces or anything at the end copy that and then we're going to go to github ok make sure you're logged in and then go to settings and right here SSH in GPG keys and we're going to say new SSH key and just call it my key and then will paste it in here all right so add SSH key it's going to ask for your password and now it's added so now we should be able to clone the repository so let's try it again all right so now if we say LS to list the contents you can see we have a file a folder called nodejs sample alright that's our application so all you would have to do now is when you create an application on your client just go ahead and create a git repository upload it there and then you can just pull it into your server ok it's as simple as that so now we're going to just CD into our app so node J s sample alright now we're going to have to run npm install to install the dependencies that are in the package.json file just like you would on your client machine ok and then what we can do is we can say npm start and it's running on port 5000 so let's grab our IP address and we'll go to our IP address and then port 5000 and there's our app ok not very pretty but it is an Express application and it's running remotely alright now there's a problem with just running it like this because if for some reason the server shuts down or the stops it's it's going to just our application is going to be dead so we want to let's do control C to get out of this and we're going to use something called PM 2 so that we can run our application as a process so let's say sudo npm install want this globally so dash G and then PM 2 all right now to run this app with p.m. - we're just going to say p.m. to start and then this this application has an entry file of index J s now it could be apps AF server J s this particular app is indexed so we're going to say p.m. - start index J s alright and now you can see that our app is online our command line is still freed up which is good and if we go and we reload it's still running ok now the next thing we want to do is add a domain name because obviously you don't want to use your IP address so I'm going to go to Anam central so I think it's calm and you'll want to go to wherever your domain is registered but I have a couple domains here that I'm not using so I'm going to go to C domains my domains and I'm going to use this code learner dotnet domain now what you're going to want to do is login to your registrar and you're going to want to change your name servers okay so this is how you do it in enon but you can do this in GoDaddy or Namecheap wherever you're hosting your domain name and you just want to add NS one digitalocean com ns2 and ns3 all digitalocean comm and then save all right now it could take a half hour or a couple hours to propagate so if what we're doing here doesn't work right away don't worry about it it might just need to kick in alright but go ahead and change those I already have those set and we're going to go back to digitalocean and we're going to go to networking oops I already have it let me just delete that you guys won't have that alright so we're going to want to add the domain okay and then what we're going to want to do here is add an a record now if you wanted this to be at a sub-domain like app code learner dotnet you would put that in I want it to be at the actual root code burner dotnet so I'm just going to put the @ symbol and then here you can that you either want to put the IP address but digitalocean actually gives you this nice drop-down of all your droplets and you can choose which one you want then we're going to click create record okay records created successfully next thing we're going to do is go to cname and we want to make sure that WW version goes to it as well so just put in www and then here we're going to put the @ symbol and create record all right so now if we go to http code learner dot net and we're going to go to port 5,000 and there's our application so our application is now connected to a domain now the last thing you're probably wondering is how do we get rid of this is 5,000 you're not going to want that that's not very professional so to do that we're going to change our app to run on port 80 which is the default HTTP port now if you just do that alone you're going to get errors it's not going to work but there's a package we can install that'll let us use it so what we're going to do is stop the app with p.m. to stop index dot G is okay that'll stop it and then I'm going to use winscp actually no we don't need to do that lets just use nano so we'll say sudo nano and we want to edit index dot JSP what I do sue so Sukho okay and then what we're going to do is just change the port okay right here it's five thousand let's change that to 80 all right and then we'll just control X and then Y enter all right so if we try to run it let's say NPM start it gives us this error basically saying hey you can't run it on port 80 so what we're going to do is install a package so if we go back to the blog post and read here this sudo apt-get install Lib cap - - bin that's what we want so let's go ahead and do that okay and then we want this last command here this is the set cap basically we're going to bind the service to that port so we're going to just copy that and to run it okay and now we should be able to start our application and it will run on port 80 so let's do p.m. start index dot JSP m2 okay so now moment of truth we're going to go to HTTP code learner net note port number and there we go so our nodejs application has been deployed to a remote server and we connected a domain name to it alright so I really hope you guys learned something from this now like I said this isn't I'm not going to say this is the best way to do things in fact I'm sure there's many of you tech guides that are criticizing certain things that I've done throughout this tutorial but you know this is a free tutorial and I'm just trying to help people out trying to give them an idea of what it takes to deploy an application I will be making other deployment videos with nodejs and others my next video will probably be using flight plan from a Linux machine a Linux client and I'm not really sure what we'll do after that maybe some mean stack stuff but again hopefully guys like this if you did please subscribe please leave a like and I will see you next time
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 159,344
Rating: 4.9446368 out of 5
Keywords: deploy node.js app, node app deploy, nodejs deployment, node.js server, express deployment, digital ocean, nodejs digital ocean, Digital ocean ssh, digital ocean noe.js, upload node js app to server, deploy express app
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2017
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