Deploy NodeJS App on Netlify for Free (Heroku Alternative) | NEW 2023 Tutorial

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hello everyone in this video I am going to show you how you can deploy your express application on netplify as we know netlify is the platform for deploying our applications whether it is front-end or backend I am on the future website of netlify for deploying my application on atlify I I need to create my free account on netlify I click don't get started for free it will ask me to create my account via GitHub git lab with bucket or email you can create your account using any of these options I have already created my account you need to go to sites page and it will show you all the sites that you have already created for creating a new site there are three options import a an existing project start from a template or deploy manually in this video I will show you how you can deploy your application manually and it is simplest and the easiest method so let's jump into the vs code this is the project structure that you need to create you need to create a dist folder with index.html file in it so you need to create a functions folder with API and all the required files you need you need to create a netlify.tomel file in the root of the uh your directory with build function is equal to function slide it is required for deploying your express application or natalify and lastly you need to import or install all these packages Express natalify CLI natural file Lambda and serverless HTTP I have already created a script for deploying my application on Netflix I will show you the code so I I have imported the express and serverless HTTP in my api.js file and created my route these are all the demo apis that I have written when I hit the forward slash over my root API it will send that response that the MRI application is returning similarly I have created an API for creating news code delete an existing code updating a record and this is another demo API that will send me response in Json phone format this is required for deploying your application that and this is the the root of your url and you also need to create a serverless application when I run the script it will take some time and deploy your application on a netlify automatically when you first run this command it will ask you to create a new site as I have already created my site so it will not ask me to create a new site and automatically update my code there it will take some time and give me the URL so this is the URL that I can use when I jump to postman and send that request it will show me that my application is running I will show you the so it is updated 11 minutes ago when I refresh it it will show me that it is updated a few seconds ago and I can also view various options in it when I go back to postman and hit the demo API it will show me the older data it
Channel: Coding with Kazim
Views: 94,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: netlify, express, nodejs, deploy, host
Id: 8x0Dty5D6CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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