Deploy Laravel Project For Free With Free SSL Certificate.

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Hello friends welcome back to the channel in this video we are going to learn how we can host our LEL Project without paying anything and also we are going to learn how we can install SSL certificate in our project to make it secure and we can use it as an https so let's see how we can host our larel project for that I'm going to clone my own larel project so let's copy the link from here and let's go inside our laragon I using Lon so I'm going to my cve Lon file folder then ww and in here I'm going to open the terminal by typing CMD and inside the terminal I'm going to type date clone and paste the URL enter so now it's cloning and it will take around 10 10 or 15 second okay it's done now let's open our uh project and a V Code now first thing that we have to do is to install our packages for that let's open our terminal and in here let's type composer and install D- optimize Das autoloader D- no da so in here we don't want those packages that we need for in development for example we have larable desk we don't need it for the production we only need it for development and we have fakers these packages we don't need in our production we only need for development purposes so we don't need those ones so we will install all P packages except those so let's let's press enter the installation has finished let's clear our terminal now in the second step we have to copy ourv create ourv so I will copy myv do example and uh rename this one to Dov and add my database name for example right now LEL testing just uh for test then after that we have to type PHP Artisan key generate okay the key has been generated successfully let's clear this one also now let's type PHP Artisan migr enter okay yes create the database this one is also done now install our npm packages for that I will type npm install and enter this one is also done let's clear this okay so everything is set now let's open our browser and test our project before deploying so let's type LEL project DOT test because I'm using a Lon I have to type DOT test and the lon will take care of the rest so as you guys can see it everything is working fine in here I can go to full calendar I can go to auto suggest all the links are working fine now let's go and upload our project so first of all Let's uh open a new tab and in here let's type infini this run enter so let's so in here I already have an account if you don't have a account you have to register first so I will go and click on log in and in here I will type my credentials so let's pause the video so after registration and log in you will see this page in here you have to you will not see this because these are the projects that that I already uploaded so you have to click on create account in here let's click here so and select the free one let's create now now you have to type your domain name and choose the domain extension for example I will choose RF IG and in here I will say lar testing check availity okay it's good so it's l testing. rf. GD now okay the email constants let's select this approve and create account so it's done sometimes it will take up to 702 hours to activate or sometimes it will be within 1 hour or 30 minutes it will get activated so let's click finish and let's wait until it's done I will pause the video and when it then we will continue okay so just after 1 minute my uh L testing has been activated so let's go let's copy this and paste it in new tab enter as you guys can see it's done so it's activated now let's go to control panel in here okay we have to approve let okay so this is our control panel as you guys can see in your right side in here we have 5gb and uh also we have only 5gb hard disk and the bandw is unlimited also if we scroll down and we also have a limitation in our daily hit so these are the limitation that we have to take care of them now let's go and download the file Zilla because we need the file Zilla to upload the our files so we will go to Google in here let's type f Zilla enter accept so this one you have to download it I have already download and install it so I'm going to use that if you guys don't have it you have to download this one it's free let's close this one this one also now in here in our pile Zilla we have to type the host username password and Port so let's open our web browser and in here if we scroll down we can see all the information misss are available so let's copy the host let's copy this from here and paste it in here same you will do for username now for the password you cannot find it inside your control panel for that you have to come in your uh domain settings and you guys can see in here we have the password so you have to click the show hide password and copy this so let's copy this and paste it inside the password and click Quick Connect now as you guys can see all our files are in here you can access these files also from the your browser by going to file manager in here so as you guys can see these are the files which show inside our file Zilla and in the left side you have to select your project so you have to go to your drive C if you are using Zam you have to go to Zam so I'm using Lon I'm going to Lon and then ww and my project so these are the F my project files and these are my server files now let's go now let's go to inside our V code and configure our vile so first thing we have to set our our database connection so let's go to our control panel in here let's copy the host name so this is our host name my schol host name and paste it inside paste it here then we have MyQ username let's copy this one also and paste it inside the username then after that we have to add our password again so let's go inside here copy this and paste the password as well change this to production app env2 production and ab theb to false now also we have to create our database inside here so we will go to my database and scroll down create database in here we will give it a name so let's uh give this name larel testing and click create database okay the database is set now let's this is our database name so let's copy this also copy and paste it inside right DB database okay I think everything is set now we have to upload our project to the server so let's open the filea and let's click our project and inside HD dos in the server let's upload our project so let's drag and drop in in here it will take around 15 or 20 minutes until it's finished so I will pause the video and when it's done we will continue okay the uploading is finished now after the uploading is done then we have to create a new file inside our HD docs folder so I am right now I am inside HD do folder in here I will right click and select create new file in here I will name it HT access remember that it is very important to name it's exactly dot HT access so okay now this file has been created now we will right click again and select View and edit okay it's not working here let's create this file inside our project let's create it in here here with the name of dot HT access and paste this code so I will add this code in the comment section also so you guys can copy basically what it does it will when a request come it will redirect it to our larel project which is which is the name of this folder and to the public folder now let's save this let's go back let's delete this HT access from here delete now inside our let's add it from our project let's refresh here it is okay so everything is set now let's go to our browser and test our project that see if it's running or not so let's copy this and open a new paste it in here let's press enter yeah as you guys can see it's working now if I go to for example full calendar as you guys can see it's working but I we have not uploaded our database yet so if I go to CB I get an error so if if you get an error and your app theback is false you will see this message so let's go uh to our file manager manager inside our HD do then our project and inside the here let's uh right click and select edit make this for true and one more place we have to change that we have to come to control panel then scroll down until you find Al the PHP config in here click this then also alter PHP directive and by default it's off so we have to change it to on then click alter now let's go okay in here as you guys can see we I get the error in the title but in here maybe browser problem it's not showing the error so let's uh go and upload our database for that I will open my MySQL workbench then I will go to server data export and in here I will select my database for example L testing then export to self content file and choose the location for example I will choose the desktop and name it for example BBB save then exort progress and start export so it's done now back to my browser and inside my Infinity free account I will select scroll down my school database then PHP my admin and from the top import then I will choose my f open and go so it's imported successfully now if I go back here and refresh as you guys can see it loads my products page also so this is how we can upload our database in Infinity free now everything is set only one thing is left that right now our LEL project is not secure it's running on HTTP not https so let's see how we can install an SSL certificate for free so for that let's go to back to our control panel let's close these tabs right now we don't need it so in here in if you scroll up back you will see free SSL certificates in here let's click this one now let's scroll down new SSL certificate and in here it will ask us for our domain name so let's copy this and paste it here let's uh click create order okay let's delete these again click create order okay now it says your SSS certific or has been created please see below so now let's go scroll down and in the current destination as you guys can see it say it's not ready so it will take around uh some time until it's done now let's wait until it's finished completely it will take some time so it's uh done now we have to only click the setup C name de course so let's click here so it's done everything is set it will take around 1 hour or uh less to activate so let's uh we will continue back after 1 hour and see if it's working or not okay so after just 15 minutes the SSL certificate has been activated so if I ref as you guys can see it's ready now I have to uh clict request certificate and it's done it will also after this it will also take some little time until it installs to our domain then we can use it so let's pause the video until this one is finished so our uh install SS installation is finished now I can select to install automatically okay everything is said the SS C certificate has been installed it may take up to 15 minutes to become active so it's done now uh if I refresh okay let's come after 15 minutes to check the next steps so after just 10 minutes the SSL certificate has been activated so everything is installed and we can use it and if you guys can check in the status we can see SSL certificate is activate now if we go to our inside our project refresh and type here http s colon SL slash as you guys can see my project loads with the https now let's see how we can force our larel application to change all the request to https for example right now if I use a type HTTP it will also load and if type https it will also load but we want to our project to force all the request to https so let's go and inside our project Let's uh go inside our app providers and app service provider inside here and inside our boot method in here we will add this code that will force all the requests to be https let's save this now let's go to our files and also ins set our app then providers and upload the this app service provider let's go to here also app providers and app service provider let's upload this yes overwrite okay now let's go to our uh project now let's press enter okay it's the cachy problem uh as you guys can see now it automatically change it to https let's remove the S and enter again okay it's not secured now as you guys can see it's uh change it will change it to http it will take around some time to always make it HTT P because of the cachy right now as you guys can see it give page like this but in the second time it will working so this is how we can install the SL certificate and our domain so hope you guys enjoyed the video and like the video and if you have any questions write it down and the comment and don't forget to pess the Subscribe button see you guys in the next video
Channel: Stack Tips
Views: 861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laravel, InfinityFree, DatabaseUpload, EnvSetup, SSLInstallation, WebHosting, WebDevelopment, HTTPS, SecureBrowsing, SSL, FreeHosting, OpenSource, ProgrammingTutorial, LaravelTutorial, LaravelDevelopment, LaravelHosting, InfinityFreeTutorial, DatabaseManagement, .envFile, SSLCertificate, WebDevelopmentTutorial, LaravelTips, LaravelTricks, WebsiteSecurity, HTTPSConfiguration, SSLSetup, FreeWebHosting, LaravelProjects, MySQLDatabase
Id: 5F_gRvkCoNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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