Deploy laravel application on AWS ec2 instance

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hi in this video we are going to show you how we can deploy a larval project into Amazon AWS ec2 instance so let's start at first we are going to create an ec2 instance where we are going to deploy our laravel applications so here it is a quite easy steps what we can see he just create an instance in laravel okay so we are going to create an ubuntu 18 point oh four or LTS instance okay here we are going to after creating the instance it's we are going to deploy it you here we are we can see all our necessary informations like our what is our IP address and what is our Public DNS we are going to use that later okay so you after installing the in after deploying the instance or main what we are going to do is we are going to connect to our ec2 instance and we are going to install some applications we are going to install Apache PHP MySQL and PHP my admin so we can just skip to the end there are pretty much easy steps we are going to follow Digital oceans instructions there are some twists like where we are going to install my PHP myadmin there ero which are we to solve that euro we need to add some text in files which files which is the file name okay we are going to Apache to config in ET c / apache to slash apache to convict we you need to add some text in that file after adding the text we need to restart the Apache server and then we can is access our PHP myadmin okay so you that what we are going to do after that we are going to install install composer so to use laravel we need composer yeah so we are installing composer you after installing the composer we can create laravel app using composer command so now comparable generally hosted in 8-0 is 8000 foot or it sometimes in 8000 Mongkok so if we are so in order to open that port we need to go to network security groups we need to go to the security groups then we need to add in out inbound rules for port 8000 after adding that cruise we can host our laravel application from from our server now if we need to host it the application in 84 or other 4-3-3 port you need to at first these above the apogee server because a passage have several run on 80 port after disabling that you can hosted that in a teapot easily another thing is when you are going to host the server you need to add 0.0 you need to add is - - host space with your PHP artisan sub-command otherwise you can't access it so that's the end of our there's the end of our larval ec2 video thank you for watching you
Channel: Abdullah Saad
Views: 11,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, EC2, laravel, laravel application on AWS
Id: 18HLods31k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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