Dentist Mexico 75% OFF Ajijic,Lake Chapala, Guadalajara,San Antonio,Riberas

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[Music] Jerry Brown here with Jerry Brown travels learning here hey how much does it cost to go see a dentist's in Mexico what's the prices for getting your teeth worked on see how the beautiful smile yeah you want to go check it out and see how much is it come but all right thing it's City cheap then your nursing stand in Canada let's go check it out yeah it's definitely a lot cheaper down here better than half price so we're gonna go talk to doctor doctor candy is going to give us some information about services that she provides here in IKEA Mexico and in Guadalajara well what is the Hollywood smile I've been hearing about and cosmetic dentistry could you give us a little background on that some information actually that's one of my specialities well we change everything we can change since chickity very short to a very bad color like very good color uh-huh everybody wants a very nice and big white smile right right yeah that's why he's they they Hollywood smile what they call oh yeah one of the things I've noticed here in this retirement community as people have aged they let their teeth go yellow you know instead of nice and white and stuff like that so you can correct that yep yeah doctor candy what made you become a dentist was it something that you wanted to do as a little girl tell us a little bit about well I decided to become a dentist when I was 11 years old 11 years old um my father is B no it was he was dentist to me well how long have you been at dinners now you're pretty young and so um how long have you been at dinners how much experience do you have because my father was so vendors I've been practicing with him since 15 years now okay your father was a dentist he practiced with them you have a lot of experience yeah and the tick planning's talking with the patient and everything was quite a while I achieve a lot of experience the questions that I wonder is you know here in this area of Mexico there's a lot of Guinness I'm there's dentists everywhere but what makes your dental practice different than the majority of them why does somebody want to come to you what's different about your well the first thing I can tell you I love what I do okay so I I think I give my best to all of you and I'm an experienced mile design in all the states okay in dentistry bouquet and also inputs yes yes I've been I have the fortune to be in South Korea and Italy in LA and now probably our weeks are going to China and Hong Kong for training of the infants oh we will so I have a lot of following and all the different techniques and everything is getting me more okay is a buzz on with with all and like if you need a root canal I have a root canal specialist to root canal specialist at my office okay I'm surgeon operated on hole this is doctor and also for children leaving our salons is so every treatment you need we have it at my office without a drill have a lab like a be specific the bridges are the crowns you have a last and well I think every patient is different so my plea identity with me very personalized to everybody okay I try to in identified which kind of patient you are and well mines the materials I use on my own is the best but he's okay at supper world and also I always try to have the latest technology they like we I have a TD on the on the roof of my house which is for two things first because I have an intraoral camera so you can really see what's going on there so I try to give my best okay and follow my patient like even if I finish with you I try to keep talking with my patients to see how they are follow up follow up but you know this audience here I'm sitting in the dentist's chair you know and doctor candy like she says she puts a little probe in my mouth and up in the up I am I on the ceiling there's a big screen that she showing me my teeth up there and she's pointing out the little things that make what to be done or need to be done or maybe not need to be done and then what I was getting some work done it's just what do you want to watch Netflix yeah and I said yeah I said why don't we do an African documentary because I don't want to see anything funny because you got all these things in my Merrill's but so i sat there was about an hour you know process that you were doing it whatever I lost time but I'm watching African you know think that's a great yeah your your equipment is you know state-of-the-art you know even in the United States a lot of dinners don't have to now how about you know any other family members there in a potential business yeah my brother your brother is now he's in dental school okay family gathers families yes guys doctor candy I'm always curious you know what would you like what would you like your your patients when they leave you and they talk about your trend what would they you like them to say about it okay your view personally and and your practice and in your dental office and stuff like that what would you like them to say all the effort that I do to face my patients because I I really try hard okay with everything I do and we just thought that their experience which we try to be the best and forget about it like the bad thing about advantage from the old industry and everything to be like a new generation of treatment right so you would like for your patients to tell their friends that they got personal care you know that you're a warm caring person that you have good equipment you know state-of-the-art equipment and you follow-up that's sort of summarized yeah well here's the most important part that you've been waiting for how much does it cost down here in Mexico to get your teeth worked on here and so I asked dr. candy here what some of her costs are we wouldn't want to say is she's gonna give it a peso and at the bottom of the screen when you look at this I'm gonna put it in US dollar I'll stay to help you out so we're we saw how about cleanings okay the cheapening is three Drina face was had your teeth okay and well we do a general checkup okay with a camera that's your nation your car uh-huh and that's the fifth transfer okay and you do an ultrasound clean ultrasound okay so that again is a state of the art yeah it's so much better okay let's say like x-ray in a filler okay which brings our personally a hundred business other cases for an x-ray and x-ray okay and for a filling which is a white fillings we don't use the metal feelings anymore okay is 950 900 is it going so 150 x-ray and coyote took about a thousand pesos okay for an x-ray and a finger family now the next thing is how about a crown what's a charge for a crown okay we'll have different hundred crowns which the price goes from three hundred thousand pesos 900 to 6300 business from 3900 to well 6,200 6,300 cases depending on the material a material okay that you have okay and so when I get in there you can give me a choice a choice oh yeah I explain every choice and explain the benefit the pros and the cons about it okay so you can decide what's what kind of promise okay now I need a root canal I'm in a lot of pain and I'm suffering how much your root canal okay with the specialist is 2,750 2,800 faces okay yeah sometimes a treatment easy one appointment or sometimes I required to appointment so is the same price same price okay so one or two appointments okay now the other thing today I notice a lot of people are getting implants and that technology and you do that also down here yeah okay and what does it cost to do an infant okay the full price for being from the post and the crown which is the last part is 15,000 15,000 go after their premium fun we'll have to put a post and on top of it is it count which is it further you can see okay say the post a crown ending and the implant now let's talk about teeth cleaning because everybody likes to have beautiful white teeth and what's the cost on that okay the prize is 1,800 business 1,800 another thing because of the prices you know in Canada in the United States dental tourism is very popular down here and dr. candy also provides that service and you can contact her directly to find out more information about that and down below you will see her phone number her website and some information get ahold of dr. candy directly and she can answer any questions for you and so this has been Jerry Brown and Jerry Brown's travel with dr. candy thank you for everything you well if you've received value by watching this video could you do us a favor well we'd like you to do could you share this with some of your friends I maybe do social media or how about a thumbs up and subscribe you know it's free well how would you like to subscribe what do they need to do Laurie to subscribe Wow you can cross on Jerry picture where's my picture somewhere in that screen you can cross it on and also there's other videos somewhere in here and press on them and we'll send you a free video once a week thank you that's a good idea subscribe thumbs up and comment
Channel: Jerry Brown Travels
Views: 17,926
Rating: 4.9712577 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor, Search engine optimization, Ajijic dentist, Mexico dentist, Mexico dental, Mexico implants dentist, Mexico dental cosmetic, Lake Chapala dentist, Lake Chapala implants, Ajijic implants, lake Chapala long-term rental, ajijic short term rental, Guadalajara dental implants, Ajijic dental implants, Mexico dental implants, Lake Chapal retirement community, Chapala society, American legion chapala
Id: gui4II2E1Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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