Dental Bonding VS Porcelain Veneers | An In Depth Look Reuben Sim

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hi everyone this is dr. Reuben Simeon from dandy boutique thank you for tuning in to these topics all about the differences between porcelain veneers and dental bonding this is one of our most frequently asked questions on a daily basis and I suppose the reason why always a topic of interest to everyone is because a lot of people do not know the inherent characteristics of a COMSAT Muresan veneer versus a post in veneer now my job today is to run through with you the differences between the two and the potential advantages of between the two is also that at least when you see your dentist to actually get the the work done you know what they're talking about you know what the options you have and then make an appropriate and informal decision so that you get the small that you want so before we get started in terms of the differences between the concentrate veneer versus post veneer what I like to do is run through with you a little bit about a small design so that this will make a bit more sense when we talk about the differences between the two two materials now when we look at a smile there are five things that we always look out for them to ensure that our patients get a small that it wants and get a smile that they desire and of course we will give our input in terms of what your smile should look like as well so now are the five things the in not in order of importance we always want to look at the color of the teeth now ideally the color of your smile should be nice bright bit of translucency involved so that it looks natural and ideally should sort of match the whites of your eye or brighter it will then give you a very nice natural smile and approach the second one would be the alignment of the teeth how could any teeth how straight are they are there any areas in terms of overlaps between teeth all this issues with the alignment can be rectified with either options but it just depends on the severity of the alignment now the third thing that we look out for in a small design is the width of your smile so in some cases patients come in with very nice front teeth but their back teeth are very narrow and the tapered inwards - as a palette now when it happens when a person smiles with such a teeth arrangement it makes it smell very narrow and doesn't appear as full as it should be a great broad smell would be for example Julia Roberts small she's an actress and if you google google the photos and images you can see the teeth beaming right through to the back so that's a smile that I would say generally an attractive smile but of course it depends on the lip and how sort of brought your lips are as well how broad is smallest and finally the smile line the smiling is something that we always want to ensure that when do you smell the edges of your lip and the edges of your teeth from the back teeth to your front teeth we shall call the incisors should sort of follow and have a seamless flow to them if you go onto your Instagram pages you get to see a lot of examples of that that commence traits the five different smile categories that we we always always do to ensure that you get a good smell so based on this small five concepts which which are the color the size and shape the width or the smile the alignment and the same done the smile line based on these five things said then we can decide together with the patient which materials better for you now before we proceed to discussing about the pros and cons between concentration veneer and porcelain veneers I would like to draw your attention to the similarities between the two both options are viable for patients who have got chipped teeth misaligned teeth crooked nurse purchasing teeth and some correction to the size and shape so they are mainly an aesthetic procedure that allows you to get in and hunt smile so then you get a smile be more confidently and not being afraid to take photos now the other similarity between the concentration versus porcelain veneers is that in some cases we do need to trim your teeth however if I take a fairly straight and we are actually adding more material onto teeth for example if your teeth are this small and we want to make it bigger and longer or broader the amount of trimming that we do we actually got minimal because there's no sense there's no sense for us that you trim it if more to add more material on so if your teeth are this narrow we want anyone to broaden them all we're doing is adding more material to your teeth if you're teeth that's this shot we're just going to to make it longer so depending on a case-by-case basis in some cases yes we do need trim it it slightly and in some cases we don't have to trim T at all now looking at this photo here this patient has got very straight teeth however she's not very happy with the color of the teeth the size and shape of the teeth because they're a bit small at the same time the scientific white tapered in and the things are quite pointy looking in the next photo this is after it has been trimmed so you can see the difference between the two the trimming is actually very minimal and in fact sometimes very hard-pressed to tell that we've trimmed anything at all so in some cases yes you need to trim the teeth but in majority cases trim is gonna be quite minimal especially if the teeth are nice and straight so let's talk a little bit broadly between the two different materials concert resin first off now composite comes it raisin is AB is a material that's also used to fill the back teeth so they are actually in the metarie the same material that dentists use for white fillings so concert raisin comes in different forms as in different brands and some brands are more aesthetic than other brands so depending on which brand your dentist uses sometimes the translucency and the coloring and the overall shine and polish of the comps it could vary now the lifespan of a constant resin it generally is between about five years now the advantages with concert resin veneers is that the cost is lower compared to porcelain the cost can be sometimes be a third of the overall cost of porcelain now the reason why this it's a bit lower is due to the fact that it's actually no lab components meaning that all all the dentist will need to do is to get the proper composit and apply them onto your teeth of course that goes without saying that the dentist would need to have some skill in terms of design of the smile having the understanding of the small concepts and the usability of the composite okay so the advantage is that it's cheaper than porcelain and the other advantage that it can correct very minor deficiencies in teeth and some minor Corrections in terms of the alignment as well so if your teeth are if your teeth have got only some money issues that needs to be corrected like a little chip or a little dot or and thing minor concentration would be something that you can use to actually enhance a smile further now you have to of course consult your dentist because there's something only a professional can advise you on whether a porcelain comes it could be used effectively now the disadvantage with coms it raisin veneer is that the lifespan of it is not as long as posting I would say the lifespan of consecration would be between three to five years I find that a lot of times patients come in from of course from other practices and whatnot to to to actually enhance a small further a lot of this complet starts to stain and chip and break away within that period now most of the time if you look after your complete resin teeth by coming you are going to retain this every six months by allowing a dentist to actually polish teeth bags from time to time to make sure that the competition remains fresh the veneers the concentrating veneers should last you a bit longer so the one disadvantage is mentioned to you is a strength of it and it can collect stains a bit easier and compared to porcelain so if you drink a lot of red wine coffee tea and and whatnot they will take upstairs quite easily so best based on these facts here the other component about concept resin veneers is that it can only as mentioned correct very minor Corrections so if a teeth are broken and chip to a certain extent sometimes destructive motive is to compromised to have compensate resin veneers or crowns and the only option is positive because porcelain would be a lot stronger in that sense I hope this makes sense so far in terms of concentration now since we've covered three things so far we've covered about the small design we've spoken about the similarities between the two materials and finally we've spoken about also the pros and cons for post concert veneers we're going to embark on a journey to discuss about the positive veneer at the moment so with porcelain veneers the main disadvantage of porcelain veneers is that the cost is high compared to composite now in general in Australia posting veneers will range between $900 but you can go order up to three and a half thousand dollars as well so this is there's quite a big range of cost and the reason why has a big range is due to two factors mainly number one would be the type of porcelain veneer no as you know in anything in life there are many different kinds of materials of choice for example if you want a new bench top for example in your kitchen you can have a lemonade bench top you can have Caesar stone or you can have your marble all of them would function quite well as a bench top but in terms of aesthetic wise and in terms of texture and feeling all three differences between lemonade the marble stone and a Caesar vessel would be quite different so it's actually just a matter of choice of the material but you still get a bench top so similar to a porcelain veneer porcelain is porcelain but there are differences in porcelain and so for example you can have a CEREC crown or veneer now Zurich is a machine milk porcelain where it's done on-site a Nintendo clinic they mill it and they it's millet mill on site and this less of an handmade approach because they're all machine milled there are other comes there are other postal ministries which are handmade for example first paddock porcelain yeah there are also other positive veneers which will include more of a hand pressed technique which is like using lithium the silicate etc etc so being a consumer you probably wouldn't know what the differences are but as a dentist's what we do in our practice for example we only want to work with something that's handmade suddenly says customers to your smile and something that will give you the best aesthetic outcome so that's something that we normally do in you know practice year now the other factor of why there's a difference in cost between in Australia in terms of posting veneers is that ceramics that makes the veneers for you would play a role now for example as I mentioned before a serac milled or machine mill veneer has got nostrums involved in it meaning that it's many milled in a machine therefore that's less over of a handmade approach so you've sort of you don't have that handmade boutique feel to to the veneer now the other approach if you depending on a serum is that use you've got apprentices out there they're starting out you've got some ceramics that all they do is a bit of veneers and you do a bit of dentures and a bit of orthodontic work so this there's a serious group experiments that there's a bit of everything now there's a potential group of ceramics that only does mainly veneers and crowns and bridges so they are the like the expert for the for the handmade type of veneer so depending on which category of ceramics use if there's one at all the price varies as well so understanding these two concepts meaning that the type of course the time of posting veneer and the ceramics that makes the videos for you play a huge factor in terms of the total cost and final cost of your porcelain now the third factor we should not be which is fully one of the most important one is that you need to look at the skill set and the understanding of a dentist to us what a GU smart should be so a dentist who generally has got more of an experience and who has got a special interest in cosmetic dentistry who've done thousands of porcelain veneers and crowns we generally tend to charge a little bit more compared to someone who is starting out for example because of the inherent ability for them to deliver the result once and get it done right in the most efficient amount of time so these are the main three areas where the cost differs quite Britain in Australia and of course around the world as well now the main advantages with positiveness is that the material can actually correct majority of issues to the small size and shape of the teeth Kalavati the width of the smile the alignment and the smile line no this is how we provided that your teeth are not crooked to the point where pausing minutes cannot because there's always a threshold and a limit to how much things can be corrected so in a general scheme of things concentrating veneer assuming this is a spectrum or from the least severe smile to the most severe smile what normally happens is that the concentration would normally be able to to actually help with something around middle to the early and middle stages for some veneers can go up to maybe the level eight on seven or eight but when it comes to teeth which are too crooked you will still need to do some form of orthotic treatment first whether they be it with braces or some clear aligners you need to get our teeth corrected and straighten prior to doing concert hall plaza veneers now that is something that your dentist would have to y'see one because sometimes is very hard for a layperson or client without any dental knowledge to understand the reasons why sometimes the treatment like orthotic needs to be done prior to any of this to trick them so going back to post veneers with regards to the smile they can correct most of the issues to your smile the other advantage advantage is that it very rarely takes up any stain because it's made of porcelain it's very imperfect to stain in general and positiveness generally last between even up to 15 years now a lot of times patients ask me so what happens after 15 years you do have to remember that anything man-made has a lifespan nothing man-made will last forever and even in some cases any god-given parts of your body like your teeth may not even last you a lifetime and that's why things like fillings and implants and crowning bridges and veneers have come in place because they replace things that you've lost so anything man-made we would do our absolute best to ensure that you get the longest fly span out of the material but you have to understand that because the veneers are in your mouth all the time you're eating you're chewing you're having red wine fizzy drinks cordial all these things do tend to clear role to diminish the lifespan of veneer so as long as you look after your teeth well and see it ends every once in six months and have a good diet and good oral hygiene routine it is finished it lasts a while again back to the question of what would happen after 15 years now if you're finished are still looking beautiful and fine you can leave them on for as long as you want even up to 20 years if they are there now if there's if there are stains around the margins where the veneers when you sit on your teeth there's actually a glue that's been placed on this on the surface now some of those stains can start to form around the interface between the porcelain and the tooth so what will happen is that sometimes we can just polish that back and this replace that part of it so it's very case dependent in terms of what can be done after 15 years and is there something that will tackle when the time comes so in terms of advantages we've got a 4.7 yes we can actually correct a lot of majority of your smile defects number two it's very pervious impervious sustaining meaning doesn't take up stain very much number three they can last you a long time now before thing is that is a lot stronger compared to concentrated minions because porcelain inherently is made off of a gospel and it mimics the strength of your tooth in general so regarding smile design what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you an example of what the smart design could do for you and what we how we actually plan our case so that you get a smaller one even before you start your treatment so for example when you look at this closely you can see that she's got quite crooked teeth on the front the Teta the gums are quite low at the same time the width or the smile it's actually quite narrow ways tapered in so when you look this one is from the side profile you can see all these deficiencies there as well and that's the main reason why officials coming to see us now on top of that she's got a lot of white white comesit fillings in between 'ti that's starting to stain as I mentioned that's that's an inherent disadvantage with Khamsin resin with complete written materials and filling so this one has happened once we design a smile please away for a while and this one we envision the initial small to look like remember this when we do a small design for patients we will then first of all do a trance model using wax which I'm gonna show you in a while and with this vaccine this will allow me to once you fit it in the patient's mouth this will allow us to then fine-tune the smell further so that we will know that this smell would suit you as a patient and that you'd be happy with it so this one we envisioned it to look like this is a smile design the initial smart design prototype that we have for the patients you can see that the teeth are nice and aligned the gums we've lifted the gums up in this in this before in this in this design here at the same time the rotated teeth are straight and the back teeth are nice and broad so when you want to put them side-by-side you can see quite a bit of a difference okay so it's from the side here [Music] and from this side so just to give you an example with the severity of the smell this smell here will not be able to be corrected with calm submissive veneers because from a scale of one to ten this is probably towards the middle to the end part of the spectrum so forty minutes would be material of choice for this patient however there's something that again you need to have a chat with your dentist to decide which material would be of of a benefit to you as a patient so thank you for listening to me for the past 10-15 minutes I truly hope that the information I've given you would have given you a bit of a head start in your research to find a place that you can do your cosmetic dentistry with you can you know the differences between the two materials and gaining an understanding of what goes behind the scenes when someone makes a positive linear or does some concentration fitness for you and that way you can be rest assured then at least you've done your homework and you know what you're getting yourself into and getting informed decision before I make commitment to you to enhance the smile so again thanks for listening and we'll see you very soon take care bye
Channel: Dental Boutique
Views: 214,256
Rating: 4.8760471 out of 5
Keywords: dental bonding, porcelain veneers, cosmetic teeth treatment, cosmetic dentistry before and after, cosmetic dentistry veneers, porcelain veneers an in depth look, cosmetic dentistry case study, veneers, veneers australia, porcelain veneers before and after, porcelain veneers experience, cosmetic porcelain veneers, dr reuben sim, dental boutique, dental bonding cost, dental bonding vs porcelain veneers an in depth look, dental bonding vs porcelain veneers, composite veneers
Id: AsWuO_4kjfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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