Denny's Beginner Tooling Pt I - Coaster 1

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foreign howdy everybody hello are we good Tony can you hear us can you see us looks like it okay hopefully everything's good Tony just did like the slowest countdown ever to get us going here we weren't we weren't sure what was happening but we are here hope everybody is having a lovely day it has been Sunny the last few days which has been real nice yes yes because last week was dreary dreary well it wasn't dreary it was snowy and freaking cold well I I consider that the same thing it's all dreary I don't like being cold it's a song have you ever seen the rain and yes we've seen it we've seen it we saw it not as much as Seattle though they got the they got the ice storm this year we we had our fair share back in like what was it 2007. yep I think it was yeah that was a that was a fun week I was at I lived on my farm then we were out of power for 14 days did you have a fireplace we had a fireplace no we had a wood stove yeah but that didn't help a whole lot no we went over to my in-laws they had a generator living it up they had hot water and everything yeah I tell you what um we're really reliant on our you know I was thinking about that I was I was thinking about when all this happened um I was thinking about how much of a recent thing it is for all of us to be so reliant on like Public Work systems because for forever you just did your own thing like you know you built your file like everybody had fireplaces like there wasn't this like worldwide electric situation and now that's what we have and we're all just real screwed when things go down because we don't know how to be self-sufficient anymore even out on the farm because everything's relies on an electric pump yeah or gas of some sort that water is important yeah so in any case guys hopefully everybody's doing outside or doing okay this week if anybody you know did have to deal with crazy outside things hopefully it's melting at this point uh yeah so Denny finished up his master's class oh yeah is what I'm gonna call it his his master's class um for tooling and we said you know what Denny that was a lot of fun and people really enjoyed it why don't we do the beginners one so that everybody can learn how to start and so he's like well yeah we could probably do that so that's what we're gonna do Yep this is just basic if you can do this you can do what we did in the master's class exactly yeah just adds a few more tools a few more techniques but anyway should we get started I think so okay what we're gonna do and I don't know have you got overhead Tony I did would you like me to switch to it if you would mind okay okay we have four different patterns here that I generally start off with in the in the I call it the novice class because no one wants to be called a beginner okay so everybody's a novice everybody's a novice but I've got four different patterns and and we don't always get through all four of them in in the anonymous class but we get through generally at least three all right we're gonna start off with number one and that's probably the only thing we'll get done today but but still it will teach you how to use all these tools there are seven basic tools that we have here seven basic stamping Tools Plus a swivel knife and a set of wing dividers you want to tell us about your tools yes I will okay I will we start off here well we start off with a swivel knife which is a basic swivel knife any anything you have will do as long as it you can get a good sharp polished Edge on it okay then we have uh a beveler this is a pb013 and it is a steep beveler with a checkered face on it a pb013 yes okay and if you have a different beveler that's that'll do but it should be a steep beveler you know the the old style flat bevels don't do very good in this type of pattern okay next is a pear Shader and this is a small uh checkered face pear Shader there again if you've got a smooth face pear Shader that'll be fine but the smaller the better what's that number this is it doesn't say this is a p217 p217 then we're jumping up to a flower center and uh a flower center with a beveled Edge on it like this when it is preferable if if you see the edge of that it's it's actually beveled it doesn't come out and square off and you will see later on why that's important but this is a pj040 pj040 and the Size Doesn't Matter near as much as the shape of that tool next is a veiner this is a v715 and it is just a it's a serrated veiner but is not scalloped and it's fairly straight it doesn't have a lot of Arc to it and that's preferable and what we're going to do and you will see why later then we've got a backgrounder this is in a eight eight eight and basically any backgrounder you have will work I really don't uh differentiate but but that's the one I've got here so that's the one we'll be using today okay uh next is a mules foot this is a u851 and it is just a very small mule foot just the smallest mule foot you've got will work and lastly we've got a camouflage tool this is a c830 in about any camouflage you have a fairly small one would be the best okay I've got I generally hand out two pieces of paper one is a it has a tool progression and that will be the order that we use these tools in and what they're used for and I will go through each one separately as we go today you're so fancy with your little pamphlet and everything am I not I it's amazing he's not that fancy because I made him a whole thing with all this printed out so nice and beautiful they are gone yeah we need to print more yeah yeah I feel like I'm always telling Tony we need to print more we've got our free patterns up front and I'm like Tony we need to print more all the time okay and lastly this sheet has all four of these patterns on these four I used to do round coasters but I got tired of those so now we're doing square ones all right squares they're kind of cool yeah but to each one of these are numbered one two three and four uh and we use these These Are A tracing pattern and I always tell people you can at home you can do this several different ways one way is take a piece of tracing film put on here Trace over it with a pencil let it cut it out and then Trace over it on your leather or you can do it like we're gonna do it today you can just take packing tape and I don't know if you can even see the shine on this oh there's a little bit right there yeah but I have actually taped the whole back side of this with just regular packing tape any kind of packing tape you have uh don't use painters tape because it won't stick to this as well as you need to okay and it's not as waterproof as what we're looking for and that's that's the main thing I'm looking for here is waterproof because you're going to be setting these patterns on a piece of wet leather that's right so I've I've taped all four of these and I'm going to cut out the first one which is number one you guys number one and I'm just gonna cut on the outside line here Troy wants to know how you keep your tools so shiny oh well I don't drag them through the dirt a lot it keeps them in this cute little deer skin pouch yeah and I on my bench I've just got a set of holes up there that they all go in I try to keep them in a definite order and that's what I have all these tools in in order the order of which we're going to use them in I believe that's the way I have them on my bench that way after because a lot of times you'll you'll be working on a project and you'll get called away or you can go eat lunch or whatever and then you come back and you say where was I yeah well the last tool is on your bench so you put it back in his little hole and look at the next slot over and that will be the tool that you're going to be using and yes this is a lovely blue glow we've got we got our LED lights over the weekend so we came in yesterday and Tony painstakingly put them up all day yesterday we're getting there got our brackets ordered Rusty supposedly if you're listening Rusty is going to bring us some shelves we have some brackets for some new shelves and and that kind of thing so we're working on it it's getting there and that's going to be glowy too eventually okay next if if I was working on a specific project I would probably tape the back of this too with the same packing tape a lot of people will use painters tape and that's fine too I like the packing tape myself but since this is just a a class project uh I'm not going to tape it plus it's fairly heavy heavy leather and it's not going to stretch too bad yeah if you're needing to fit two of those together at the end of the day and they're already cut you'd want to tape it yeah because it's going to stretch yeah it's yeah after I after I tool this if I put it on top of this one it would be a hair different shape different size but I'm going to take and and wet this I'm just going to Spritz it with water you can use this fine and just a bowl of water if you want to I like to Spritz mine but I don't want to just saturate it but I want to get it fairly wet here to begin with and if you will look I don't know Tony might to might to put this tool progression sheet up online for you but the first step that I'm going to do is wet the leather which I just did and we're going to scribe the Border with a set of wing dividers and to do that I'm just gonna set my wing dividers at the width of this border hey Danny yes you never guess what's wrong with the printer what it's jammed it's jammed is it uh raspberry or boysenberry cranberry today cranberry Jam all right all right that happens on this printer in here so hang on just a second okay okay I've done step number one which is wet the leather inscribe the border with the wing dividers and I forgot to mention the wing dividers to you guys when I was going to hold on a second I don't know if I can hear you I always need your wing dividers yes this is in circle form but all right yeah and this is this this is basically the same pattern that we're doing right now only it's the old circular Style and he has do you have the two the what yes you do have the tool progression here that's great all right I shared it in all the chats so look in the comments section okay live chat comment section okay you might want to uh print a set of these square patterns for them too at some point since that's what we're doing today oh cool okay step number two is I'm going to cut the border with a swivel knife now a swivel knife you guys are all beginners so I'm going to kind of go through something with you here this is called the the Cradle or the yolk of the swivel knife and I like to hold mine about like this I don't want to get it up here like this or over like that just just about that first knuckle is where you want it and this is your motor on your swivel knife these finger in your thumb are your steering wheel that's the way I like to explain it okay because this is where your power is coming from if you push down it will actually start moving the swivel knife and you will probably want to get a piece of scrap leather and practice on this but you hold your swivel knife Tip It Forward just a bit but not side to side you want to tip it forward a bit and just follow that borderline that you've cut ideally you want to cut about halfway through the leather hey Denny can I ask something I mean certainly can are you able to cut like that so we can see the tilt on here tilt on your boy if I get over here like this can you see that yeah okay it's cutting all four sides of this border when you're when you're trying to cut a straight line if you will watch where you're getting ready to cut and don't worry about what you've already cut a lot more harmonious outcome to this much like driving a car look where you're going not where you've been yes okay yes if the minute you look where you've been you take your concentration off of what you're doing and you've already if you've messed up you've already messed up anyway so it doesn't matter question we can send you we can send you some specs on it I mean it's not a hard assembly so I mean and then you just need to decide where you want to put the pouches yourself so we can we can take some pictures of it and send you some specifics and I just knew that you can go from there worry about this too no they're they're wanting um the big organizer that used to hang behind us yeah I see okay next I've got the Border cut I always cut the border before I trace the pattern and the reason for that is and a lot of people might do it a lot different but the reason for that is when I'm drawing these lines when I get to that outside border I can kind of feel that that cut line that I've already made and I can stop there sometime you don't want to cut past that border if you can help it yeah or Mark past it because you're always going to be able to see it right and I forgot to bring a dead weight oh I can help you with that okay but anyway when I'm tracing this I'll always start with large features which which in this case will be the flower so we're going to trace that pattern first and I'm using the ballpoint pen I don't want to use a pencil or a scribe a lot of people will use a scribe something like that but on paper yeah that will kind of tear the paper kind of bunch it up especially if paper gets the least a little bit damp but the ballpoint pen will actually roll on this paper okay now I've got the flower trays next I'm gonna next we have a stem here the flower stem and I've got that marked I've got a little V Mark there thank you very much you're welcome I've got a little V Mark I'm not going to trace that V because I know what it is but I put that V on there so you folks can see but I'm going to trace out this flower stem and you guys I know you're not going to be perfect with your tracing but come as close as you can because if you get a lot of really odd shaped lines in there later on you're gonna say where am I no one can help you I'm sorry okay I've got the the flower the stem and I've got this one chicken mix turkey neck done so next I'm just gonna go around the inside of the flour and Trace all these lines um let's hear somebody had a question about they bought some elephant and they're wanting to make a wallet and they're wondering if you need to seal it up um not necessarily most Exotics are going to be like a finished Chrome tan but they might have like an open finish which does a lot like a lot of times with elephant it's not heavily finished you don't have a heavy and so sometimes especially with black that color can bleed a little bit on you so you might just you know Spruce it with some quick shine I would probably do a spray-on finish like quick shine um or satellac with elephant because it is so like porous and you've got so much texture on the top so that'll kind of get you all of that texture covered up wear a wipe on finish might be too much you might get too much down in all those spots um so like you don't have to finish it but it can't hurt to finish it and also if it's black and your color is bleeding then you just might want to finish it right so those those are all the things okay I've got all these inside chicken necks traced now I'm gonna go to the outside and Trace all these lines and if you'll notice I think you can notice what I just did I've come all the way around here I didn't start with this line and go all the way back because this is the line that comes all the way around and this little short one just goes to that that's the way you want to cut these lines too now watch this this line goes all the way around all the way in this little short line that cuts to that this line will go all the way through it you guys think this is silly the way I'm talking about this but if you don't do this if you cut it the other way it's not going to look right so anyway there I have my pattern traced all right that is Step number three step number four it says lightly set the flower center that's this tool right here if you'll notice I didn't draw a flower center on this flower because you might use a different size flower center and the reason I need to set it now is because we're getting ready to cut this pattern with a swivel knife yeah I won't know where to cut these petals to unless I have this line hello there no no it's popping up after the table but I just set that pretty lightly and the reason is we're going to reset it later on but I need to do this so I know where to cut to we had a real quick question about our picture in the background over there so I got the other camera on it so I can readjust it we'll answer that question okay so that's our it's our puppy dog well it's not it's not any of ours yeah it's not Luna it's just a painting that uh inmate did for us yeah and Chris is outside the door so now that we're gonna have a fit hey Luna it's okay okay next step is we're going to cut the pattern okay don't do that part yet um so real fast on on this whole oh go ahead oh so there we're all having an elephant conversation um there are certain countries so most of our elephant comes out of Zimbabwe oh I'm sorry all of our elephant comes out of Zimbabwe I don't want to say most because that's not accurate all of it comes out of Zimbabwe they have government sanctioned programs for controlling the herds in that country because the farmers and the elephants aren't really the best of friends so there is some elephant herd control which is where the heights come from um the reason that it's okay to have the skin and not the ivory is because no elephant is being killed for its skin um and elephants are being killed for their Ivory and then they just leave the rest of the animal to rot and so that's poachers doing that versus um when it comes to the government stuff you're you're taking the old and maybe the extra rambunctious bulls that are um terrorizing the farms in that area so is it a perfect system no it's not there is no perfect system for us living with Matthew if it was perfect you guys wouldn't have any elephant hide exactly um but it is that it is what it is most of our elephant is scrapped from the boot industry so any elephant that we acquire is typically left over from boot companies that are imported into the United States and then we buy the stuff that doesn't work for whatever it is that they're doing so that's the elephant Spiel that I've got for everybody just right now Penny it is being recorded and some of the money that they do recover from selling the skin does go back to the tribes to the tribes yeah and preventing against against the poaching yeah some to help the I don't know what the Zimbabwe and Wildlife and Wildlife in any case that's stuff and things that's what we have on elephant so yeah strapping okay yeah now I'm going to stop now you can talk more I'm dropping myself a lot well how do we want to stop our swivel knife inning since we're in novice class okay this is just I've got my piece of leather mounted on on a piece of quarter inch plywood but you can just use the back of any piece of leather I generally use the rough side and scrub a little bit of Jeweler's Rouge on it and if you'll notice your swivel knife has a beveled angle on it I'm going to go really close up to where your where your thing is then so go to your your cake part there okay if you'll notice you can't see a bevel on this knife it it's beveled on each side so you want to hold your knife at about that same bevel it doesn't have to be perfect and just pull it backwards then turn it over pull it backwards do not go like this and wipe it up because if you do you're dulling the edge but just eight or ten Strokes on each side is all you need to do what you're doing is polishing that edge cleaning cleaning any debris as they would say in England debris keep practicing your your proper English yes I am Angela you did you got most of it you you're awesome good job she's certain story a time or two yeah okay now we're at step five which is to cut our pattern with the swivel knife now when we trace the pattern we started with a flower then did the stem and then all the the stickers or chicken necks around the inside and then went to the outside and I'm going to cut it the same way I'm going to start with this flower doesn't matter if you start with the outside of the petal or the flower center it doesn't matter so when you're when you're cutting Denny can you talk about like the flow of the flow of the kind just a little bit Yeah you on the flower everything wants to to follow if you follow through with each cut it will want it to go right to the center of this flower show you what I mean here all right now I stopped my cut right there if I would have followed through with that it would have ended up right dead center of that flower center so the the flowers and everything concentrates on the center all the vine work everything concentrates on the center of the vine which is always going away from you so you have to keep that in mind the different colors of Jewelers rude we only carry the one or do we have a couple different colors we just carry the white the white we used to carry red that used to be kind of standard to the industry everyone carries white now I I don't know why they don't carry the red but I mean you can still buy them you can go to Harbor Freight and you can buy the whole set you can get the green red and the the white the white I think is the most fine or is the red I believe the red is a little finer okay but not enough that to it will make it any difference with what we're doing so just get white or red green is a little too aggressive for what we're doing I think okay I've cut the flower stem now I'm going to start cutting these chicken next around the outside now I want to say something right now I'm going to cut this line right here it ends up right here right out in the middle of nowhere I see that yep I'm not just going to stop that line I'm going to let up on my knife and just float that out into a hairline make your little fingers on the way but yeah see what I did there well you did it with kind of both of them yeah kind of yeah yeah but uh mainly those lines those lines that end up out in the middle of nowhere you don't want to just stop them blunt it looks like you just cut that stem off right there I don't want any cut stems yeah my tapers now I'm just gonna go all the way around the yeah inside of this flower maybe take us away okay yeah you're okay yeah sometimes it's such a small project guys it's hard because Denny still has to hold the thing that he's working on problems with her Jewelers ruse it just crumbles she has a hard time getting it to like come off and make such a nice surface do you have any tricks for people I just scrub it on there like it like a piece of chalkboard chalk that's kind of what it feels like and just scrub it on there and let it turns into powder I guess the Holly I'll ask like what how old is your Jeweler's Rouge is it maybe a little extra crusty do you need to get some new I don't know it could be if it's set around and dried up a lot it could be that you just need to replace it and that's why it's just crumbling so much when you go to try to use it um yeah your hands it's difficult I'm trying to do this without my hair I know I'm so sorry it's hard to hold on to your stuff and if you can hold it right there and just kind of cut it just right just right like that don't move from that spot am I still okay it's maybe two years old and I keep it in a medicine bottle I don't know if it's always been like that or if this is just like oh it's getting real crummy right now it's pretty cheap Jenny when you're cutting with your swivel knife how do you know that your moisture content is okay wrong okay if you're nice maybe say it's better if it's wrong so that's easier to when you're the leather when you're cutting your leather and your knife starts to drag there can be two things wrong either you're too wet too dry or your knife needs to be strapped if if you just dropped your knife and your knife is still dragging you're probably too dry or too wet it's not just right ideally okay look at these two pieces of leather this one at I put no moisture in this one I did but it's starting to dry back out to almost it looks about the same yeah but there's moisture in it to me it's perfect right now to cut if you if you keep adding moisture to it when it really doesn't need it pretty soon you're just going to saturate the leather and you're going to have the only thing you can do to to make it right is to let it dry back out you guys can see this and that's okay yeah you don't have to just because it's gonna it's gonna get covered up with all the other tooling yeah so if you feel like maybe your tracing was a little bit funky or it wasn't quite where you wanted it or it was maybe a little bit rough as you're going around because maybe the tape was in the way or whatever just you have your outline just make like make it look good it doesn't you don't have to trace it exactly because you're going to be covering it up with everything else yeah I tell everybody that you can cut a lot smoother line than you can draw on this wet leather because the wet leather some parts of it will be a little more porous than others in your your drag your pencil or pen will just go offline but just smooth it out with your swivel knife when you cut it yeah all right I've got the pattern cut here at step number five do you have a piece of dry leather here it hasn't taken any moisture content what's it look like when you cut it when you try to cut for one thing your your Cuts won't to open up like they should yeah back right you see that and I put just as much probably more pressure on it than I did on on this and you could see you can see his knife jump jumping just a little bit yeah okay what about if it was over what can you show if it was over wet we haven't let it dry long enough all right I just now wet this it's too wet right now because I just did it and it hasn't had a chance to temper but it's just very oh you see the way it must up the edges on there yeah yeah it'll it'll spread it'll just kind of open it up and let it hang open No Holly Denny never really soaks his leather yeah that you know people used they used to call it casing their leather they would actually saturate it in a kitchen sink or a bucket of water or whatever bathtub who knows however make it but and actually saturated and then they said wrap it in a plastic bag or something and put it in the refrigerator overnight well in the morning you take it out of the refrigerator and what you have is a soaked up piece of leather and you can't do anything with it until later that afternoon when it dries out enough that to did it to that you can cut it decently you know so I just I just Spritz my leather okay I've done step five now step six is to Bevel the pattern can I put that on there without being in my own way um depends on oh hang on talk about your best thing before you do it so I can see I'm going through yes I'm going to hold up oh uh real fast uh Sherry had a question about ceramic blade so do you want to maybe give them your two cents about ceramic blades ceramic blades are great they're great as long as you don't drop them and Chip them uh you still will need to strap them uh Jim lennell was here a couple of months ago and he uses a ceramic blade exclusively but he still strops it and not necessarily to get it sharp because it's already sharp but it gets any of the the stuff when you're cutting on a piece of leather it'll pick up oils and and any kind of crud that gets on it and it'll build it up but if you stop it it cleans all that stuff let's drop it just with Jewelers Rouge yeah same same way you always drop a steel knife okay and you know I don't know they're also a lot more delicate than the steel knife like you can't drop a ceramic blade or they're more delicate they're thicker than a lot of the if you will look at my blade I like a fairly thin blade hold on uh uh I get enough for you yeah but if you will see the edge of my blade just a little bit my blade is fairly thin a ceramic blade is fairly thick it will it will produce a lot wider open cut but if I'm what if I wanted a wider cut than what I've got right now I would sharpen the bevel on this a little bit more where it would be more like this instead of like this because that will will spread your cut apart but this is about the way I like it the way I've got it right now most blades you get right out of the package are sharpened at a fairly good angle you know so if you just drop them up good they're ready to use it yeah when Jim talked about it he said use what use what knife you're comfortable with it's not it's not the blade that's doing the job it's the experience that you put into it that's exactly right all right now this I don't have on my paper but what I'm going to do is I'm going to take just describe and I'm gonna make a pinpoint in all of my background areas and I would suggest that you guys do this too and I'm getting ready to tell you why as soon as I get this done um somebody asked about Ruby tip blades and it's the same as the ceramic yeah like they're very expensive they're also I feel like probably maybe a little bit more on the delicate side of things um and yeah you know you can use one and it'll work but it's not like it's your experience that's going to make the leather do what you want it it's not the tool that you're using exactly people people are looking for a way for a tool that does a job the system but it does a job for them yeah it's really just practice all all the Ruby tip the ceramic tip the steel tip blades all they're going to do is cut the leather that's right you still have to practice cut it like you oh my God okay now the reason I marked these background areas is because if you will look here I've got all the background areas actually stamped but those background areas have to Bevel down uh Tony can you go to the top okay thanks yeah they have to Bevel down now this is actually the part of the tool that does the work this all it does is rest against your line so this background area right here I would put my tool like oh okay like this against the against the okay against the cut that way when I bevel it it'll it'll go around like that and bevel this background area down now every line in here almost every line I believe touches a background area if any part of that line touches the background area it has to Bevel on that side it has a bevel on the background side every time no matter what and I told people this in in the advanced class if you ever bevel a line part way on one side and the other part on the other side I will slap your hands I remember somebody said that they figured out that they were beveling on the wrong side and had to switch halfway through because they were fixing it well if if you do switch halfway through go back and and bevel it on that whole line just rebuttal it again yeah yeah I mean there's nothing else you can do but the first thing I'm going to Bevel will be our our borderline and see there's background area right there I'm going to Bevel this board on that side bevel towards the background yeah crash I'm not quite sure what that was um yep yep is that a big water mess now you know how to make it go away just get shut the curtains all right so while Denny is beveling I'll try to talk over him right here I want to make one more Point okay the beveler always you always hold this tool straight up and down not forward or backwards not side to side just straight up and down if you if you hold it side to side you're going to start leaving little chatter marks behind it yeah if you if you lean it forward or backwards you're going to either undercut or over cut one of the two apart no John not yet what would you are you going to answer you're here um I was just gonna kind of go through some of the ones that we've missed so let's see let me try I need to move the camera um so Clive talked about like Leathers that are easier to carve than others yes some import well it's just some Leathers in general if they've been plated really heavily um in order to delete any imperfections that the skin might have by compacting it together that's going to make it really difficult for you to Tool because it doesn't want to absorb water very easily it also makes the grain really tight um and so a lot of your import leather is like that like if you try to Spritz down a piece of natural veg and the water just sits on top for a while before it absorbs it's going to be a difficult piece of leather tool um we always just recommend Herman Oak Herman Oak is very unique in its tanning method you can go look at their website we've got some tours um Herman Oak is one of the few tanneries left in the world that uh tans in a very old-fashioned style it takes a lot longer than other tanning methods but it produces a very tight Grain on the back which holds the tooling the best the best that it can um it holds molding really really well so we're always going to recommend hermano Wiccan and Craig makes fine leather import leather is fine leather but if you're looking for the best tooling leather out there it's Herman Oak that's what it is hands down yeah um yeah I wonder if this will we talked about it I don't know if it'll quiet it down some okay I don't know if it will or not guys pooling is loud and I need you to just get over it we're trying to make improvements we're not above improvements here constant Improvement I'm above it oh okay nope okay yeah that should be all right okay there Dean it's a horse hoof pick I made I made Tony and I matching belts and I figured I would do them like this because he him and his family are forced people [Applause] let's see here I don't know if it comes to it I feel like it's quieted it down it does it is muted oh our set is not yeah we're fine they knocked down the water cooler outside of our door it's fine yeah it's fine we're still good everything's good um it might flood in here but it's fine [Music] not the first aid kit off the wall oh wow yeah those guys okay but Ryan's gonna have quite the afternoon those guys out there need scuba gear um Holly had a question about intersecting lines but I can't see the end of it because it's not wrapping it's on Facebook how do you deal with intersecting lines do you cut them or leave them all right nice space or leave a space all right I I'm thinking she's talking about a line like right here okay this line if you will notice goes all the way to the center right those are the ones you cut first yes that's the one I cut first that's the one I drew first uh this line here just goes to that so I will bevel this line that goes all the way through to the center okay okay now this line here I'm going to Bevel it but I'm not the main thing I want to do is not over bevel bevel into that other line that the intersecting space so I'll probably stop just the hair short I'm going to stop right there and I don't know if you can see it but there's there's probably a 64th of an inch okay between where I stopped and and this this beveled line right here yeah you can see that little space right there that's where I stopped okay and that's okay when I when I do my background that'll take care of that yeah that's that's pretty good if you can do that if I can um what is it's a 16 ounce right yeah this is a 16 ounce 16 ounce uh But there again the mall is just like the swivel knife you know use what you have yeah it'll all work as long as you have something to bang that tool with you know I liked I liked them all because it has good I need to get one and you can you have good rhythm with it yeah Jim jiminell uses a mallet he uses a mallet Kevin Kevin's the Mallet guy yeah because that's all they've ever used to use that Mallet though because like the head is so long that it just like it feels like I have to like swing a hammer when I'm trying to Tool and I'm like you need to choke way up on the hammer yeah on a mallet you know whereas this you're already up I mean the natural place to hold this is right here it's like a teeter-totter plus I can hold it like this too yeah if you when you want to get really refined and in a delicate area but but there again you know that's beside the point whatever you've got will work uh like a piece of one by two and he had one end of it wrapped with rawhide that's what he stamped with well that's what a lot of those Old-Timers okay I've got that flower beveled now next I'm going to go to the stem remember our flower stem you probably want to get that it's coming to life yeah it's alive Holly says she feels like this is her own personal lesson yeah the pound always better we're gonna glue pound out to the bottoms of these but we were out last week and then I think we forgot about it yesterday so you know if if you ever get that other table in here there's two of those big thick machinist blocks if we could put one well we're gonna get one the thicker your marble is the quieter the quieter it will be we're gonna put one in this corner we have we had to order a new table from Grizzlies because we didn't have it either of the stands anymore Jessica couldn't find them so got the table ordered but it's on back order right now so it's ordered we just don't know when it's going to come in and then this corner will be our setting corner and then I don't know if we can figure out how to get you the tool in a corner but maybe we could I don't know no but then I wouldn't be talking to anybody I would just be in the corner and I'd be over here I think it makes a difference listening to my I think everybody said it made a difference though oh perfect everybody's happy [Applause] today um all right so are you beveling at the same force all the way around the pedals no okay no when I was just getting ready to mention that okay remember when I said to feather the end of those lines out that would end up out in the middle of nowhere that's the way you want to Bevel them too you know start out just just like normal but when you get towards the end of that line figure it out just lighten up and and bevel it out into a hairline you have to Bevel in the correct direction you can't bevel out of a hairline right to Bevel into it so so what I'm saying I guess is this line right here I'm going to start at this end and bevel to this end that way I can lighten up right down here you wouldn't want to start at your feathered end and try to work to your heavy Edge yeah that's I can't say you can't do that but it's not desirable yeah it would it's hard to do that okay I just listen to this see how I did that hear how I did that did you hear the lightness yes um let's hear Jamie was also wondering what is your favorite beveling tool do you have a favorite or is there a is there is there a certain tool for each job I use I use this same type of a beveler on everything but I have several different sizes okay this is probably the most common size that I use right here be a wider and narrower one yes there are wider ones there's narrow ones shoot I've I've got some that I've made that are concave some that are convex yeah whenever we um when we did our other video the the master tooling class the advanced tooling class that we did a few weeks ago you had three different sizes of your bevelers and they're all this checkered steep bevelers um now he has a he has a set of berry Kings and those are probably the ones that he uses the most but the ones that we have here in the store are just fine um so pick your price point for what you want to buy and it is you know yeah start here spend 15 on a set of three and then you know spend 150 on the berry Kings whenever you're ready to do that if I was if I was just doing this project as a project for myself I would have used I've got a beveler that's about to this is a little over a quarter inch wide I've got one that's about 3 8 of an inch wide I would have moved it on on the long straight to yeah Border Lines and maybe some of these long straight to or along really gradual arced lines but uh for the most part this this size here is is the best that you would use the most prominent I tried to won something last Friday at our giveaway and um he didn't email us and we don't know who rob m is because that's pretty generic Rob just gonna let you know so if you want what you want then you're gonna have to let us know who you are so if anybody knows who rob m is and has a way to get a hold of them Robin you might have won something really good time do you Benny do you feel like the more expensive name brand bevelers are better than the cheap ones this one works just as well as my berry Kings my berry kings are stainless steel they're all handmade you know they probably have a longer life this the handles on these are a bit thicker oh yeah I enjoyed Berry Kings because they're a little thinner type handle they're the more like this more like this you can see the difference in the handle size yeah but that's you know that's beside the point you know whatever you've got that'll do the job is fine they need it [Music] watch Denny's leather way yeah I think if we move this way it'll it'll try to focus on what you're going to hold it without let me straighten this up that's another thing you guys when you're tooling your leather is going to want to start to curl up on you like that you know but if you'll just take each corner of this and kind of stretch it out kind of cup it a little bit let it lay flatter on your your bench you'll be much better off because because if it's curled up and you hit it you've got to go down to the granite before you ever make any contact yeah and so I guess the biggest most of the differences between like you know your beginner tools that that we stock and then your higher end ones that you can get like your Bob beard tools and your your Berry Kings those are handmade Machine Tools which is why they're so expensive most of you know the seven to ten dollar tools that we sell are a cast tool and so sometimes you might find an imperfection in um the the checkering right on the head it may not be perfect because not somebody wasn't looking at it to Quality Control it and make sure it comes out of that mold like precisely okay sometimes you have like air bubbles you know in molded tools and the head will break off and then you know we'll replace it for you if that happens maybe not like Tim's and the head pops off you can call us and we'll send you a new one um and but you know if you're if you're figuring out of like this is the thing for you probably want to spin the amount of money on the berry King tools to try it out and to see and honestly like these are fine like Denny still uses a lot of you know the seven to ten dollar Tools in his collection yeah like it's just you want them and spending fifty dollars to 75 per tool is expensive um I would I would probably buy cheap tools and Herman Oak leather before I bought expensive tools and cheap leather that's exactly because it's not about the tool it's how you use it good point I would invest in my leather because the leather does make a difference like the leather that you're carving on can make or break your project um but probably the tools that you're using it's just your experience and your skill with a tool just realize there's no there's no magic way to do this stuff I mean you you can spend thousands of dollars on tools and still not be able to do it there was a guy that came in when I first started here and saw something I did he said I need the tools that you did that with because I'm going to do that you know he'd never tooled anything in his life and that's what he was thinking if he bought the right tools and he could do that but not until he was accustomed to it enough to do that you know and you guys yeah that's good the back side of your work is always good the only way to get better at this step is to do it you can't people that took my beginner's class and then they came back a year later and said I want to take your advanced class have you been too long a lot no I haven't tooled anything since I took the beginner's class you know and and they basically had to start over I had to teach them a beginner's class in the advanced class time frame yeah they probably should just take the beginner class again yeah people that getter's Class A lot of them would come back for next week to take the advanced class and they were ready because they'd been tooling you know yeah they were warmed up they had their Mojo going um Rick we just use didn't you just use this packing tape clear packing tape for the back of his leather if he's gonna tape it he did not tape these because we're not matching them up to anything so like getting some stretches of the end of the world plus they're pretty thick um but if you were taping it he would use packing tape yeah somebody asked if you were actually gonna like no no no remember we need we need you to oh yes I remember on the back side yeah as long as it's on the back side you can have it wherever you want on the back side okay do the do the tools wear out over time did you guys talk about that I'm sure you can wear tools out uh as far as your stamping of course I have a berry King beveler that I use on a daily basis for years and years you know the the front edge of it here is getting more shiny still works fine for me okay okay so I have some people are being like oh you know we can't see past your hand because you're truly but maybe you guys should really like look at the way that Denny is holding the tool and how his hand is on the table like he is supporting his tool with his other fingers on the surface so like like for people that are just out there they want to hold their tools like this and try to do things like just up here look at the way that Denny is holding his tool his hand is literally touching the table he has a he has like a firm he knows exactly where this tool is and he can scooch it along so I mean take notice of that yeah yeah he has like three or four feet like he has almost all of his fingers on that except for his pinky is on the granite the rest of it is is on the tool so that he has the most control over that tool yeah and that's another thing you guys I'm I'm actually walking this beveler along when you first start out if you've got to go like this that's fine this is not a speed event right here well and you can just see as long as you're pressing down the same you're you're not leaving your track marks yeah as long as you're tapping your tool in the same amount of pressure yeah time yeah the thing is going to take you forever but yeah well it just takes longer but but pretty soon you'll get tired of going Pam damp you know so you're tired of that and figure out how to make your tool walk yeah you know I mean that's all there is to it but you know the main thing is hold your tools straight up and down don't don't go too far in between Strokes yeah you know like I mean I feel like you probably even overlap by about half we use lead shot in our weights lead shot I don't think you use lead in the new one oh well it's getting it's getting difficult they will be two pounds filled with something that is heavy and you can get two pounds in that size of a thing nope didn't he thank you just keep me lined up that's what I do it's okay foreign [Applause] can do good work with that's right well thank you don't don't get just the cheapest tool that you can find I mean yeah I mean there are like Amazon right now I think has some like packs where you can get like 25 tools for ten dollars guys those aren't going to last you more than like a minute they're probably aluminum or some like I don't know what they are but I I don't know a lot of those tools are like using a club well I mean they have no definition to them at all yeah I mean and I'm not you know what of course we want to sell you everything that you want to buy from us that's for sure well sure but the thing is if you go to some places like Hobby Lobby I guess I'll use that for an example you know they sell just the cheapest stuff that they can and you know it has no definition to it and people come here trying to say I've I can't make my tools do this well the tools aren't made to do what you're trying to do all right guys so it looks like we're beveled yeah we're beveled okay all right Next Step we've done step number six number seven is the background this is our number A8 and I'm gonna generally if this tool has a sharp end and a uh where am I you're over here next to Liz it has a sharp end and then it has a blunt end and the sharp end is of course is where you want to get up in all these little tight corners they go you know generally all generally just try to go around the perimeter kind of like a yeah it's a teardrop shape good point but after you've done your perimeter then just go and fill in all the rest of that field and it doesn't matter where you start here just make sure you're in a background area and not somebody asked about using metal stamps and leather yeah you can use metal stamps on leather however we don't recommend that you use leather stamps on metal so leather is really soft and pliable and smooshy um so if you have metal stamps and you want to give it a try on leather then by all means if whatever your metal stamps are if you like the look when they stamp in metal or in leather although sometimes I will say it's a lot easier to get definition and metal you don't have to have as much relief or there's not necessarily as much texture difference um and I don't know I mean play with it get some scrap leather use some scrap leather whatever play with it but don't go the other way because these tools are not made to be used on metal yeah so and maybe a piece of metal laughs and here again I like my leather to be fairly dry when I'm doing my background I get a lot crisper background out of it uh what tool is that again Denny this is an a8888 how did it get to the noon already is it yeah this might need to be are you gonna text about a lunch date again no I just we got something to do this afternoon you can finish your breakfast for lunch Vanessa we have four cameras we have three in front of us and one above us does Denny always background from the line inwards I never do anything the same way twice I don't think except for following his instructions yes do as I say not as I do sometimes it is though you know you can get the line make sure you're getting it next to however you want it and then you fill the middle in you know I mean background however you like yeah I mean I mean it's background you're just you're just stamping that whole background down now do you have any tips for people like you don't want to over background or when you when you get up into a corner like uh can you if a lot of people want to get right in that little little smidgen of a tight corner and then they'll they'll be over on on top of this flower stem or on top of that chicken neck you know that's too far you're better off stopping just a hair short than you are going too far foreign and for the person that was asking Denny did Mark all these things you can see each of these little spot has like that little dot in it that's where he went through after he got done cutting and was like okay these are my backgrounds and he put a little Mark in him that dot that I made you guys put on there you don't have to do that for every project I don't when you're first starting that's that's a debt giveaway is outside of the line to Babylon yeah and now it's simple it'll be simple for you to pick out what where your background areas are after you get your background stamped then you can see what your pattern looks like because most of the time most beginners look at this as just a whole bunch of lines they don't look at it as it features of this this picture that they're doing um somebody had a question about the dryer Leather So by the time you get to the backgrounding part and I mean this is pretty like it it works and like this is a good like method to go about your process of doing the tooling but Denny's at a spot right now where his leather is pretty dry yeah and um and I'm done with my background next step is my pear Shader and I want a lot more moisture in it exactly so like this has worked out to where we've got to this part if your leather is too wet when you start to background because especially depending on how much background you can do that can really be a main cause of stretching in your leather is because you're covering so much of your leather like you're pushing it down and pushing it down and pushing it down and so if your leather is super wet you're just going to stretch it all out when you go to do your background if it's too wet stretch is real bad and it just looks mushy exactly you don't get these really crispy you see how much definition is in that guys you see how much definition you've got there and then if you're doing the bar grounding where you have those tiny little dots you get nice crisp dots because it's dry enough to just hold it and not mush around especially as you may go over a spot you know one to two times like if you have to go over something twice you're just going to end up with a big mushy mess if it's too wet but if you're if you're dry at the right moisture content um it'll be nice and crisp for you it'll seed itself wet that again there again I didn't wet it as much as I did the very first time I just I just made it where the whole thing looked wet okay I'm gonna get my pear Shader right here and the pear Shader uh yeah it has its shape like a teardrop it has a small end in it or a pair of small end and a fat end and for these I'm going to start everything I do I'm going to go in basically the same order I'll start with the flower and then start with your main feature just like we did yeah yeah so I'm going to start with this flower and I'm going to start a little way a little ways away from that to the tip of that petal but remember our flower center remember our flow of of the pattern I want to aim towards that that flower center and this is a tool that you don't want to hit you don't want to hit at an angle or straight up and down you want to hit at an angle you never you don't want to use you don't want to make the impression of the whole tool you aren't trying to make that impression you're trying to make that impression oh yeah foreign so you want you want this cute little one here yeah so they call this they call this a pear Shader because you're trying to shade areas of this this pattern well I was going to say it kind of Fades the way you tilted it it fades it out towards the fat end right right and when I get into these chicken necks I'm going to switch around and use the fat end of this tool it just depends on on the shape that you're you're working on I'm not going to go all the way to the flower center but if I followed through it would go right through that Center still following your point and if you if you can hear I'm Lighting on that lightening up each stroke too okay I've done the flower now I'm going to start with these uh chicken necks and I'm going to switch around and use the fat end but I'm going to tip it you don't want to overuse this tool a lot of people might want to go all the way down that area but I don't want to I just want a feature now see this is a big area so as a pear Shader I can I can take this and kind of mirror the tools only only put it by your leather works right here tools the tools that wide but that area that I just did is probably half again that one because I you can move it around to move that's okay foreign to what I'm doing I'm lightening up with every every little tap that I make [Music] it's Matt's toaster I feel like I haven't seen Matt's toaster in a while can I can I avoid something certainly spin it around until I oh right right the the top the penalty just pointing towards any can we look at that I know so people are the one that's on the right side yep just hold just hold it up there okay don't don't worry about making little mistakes the the tip of the flower was right there and we pear shaded and just just nicked it don't don't throw a fit about it yeah you don't want to do that that's not you don't want to do it but don't yeah if you do don't throw it away but Denny didn't start crying he didn't do anything he just moved on and kept on pear shading you don't have the camera on my face all right now I've pear-shaded everything I've gone I didn't do anything to my flowers all right step number nine it says stutter the flower petals with the camouflage oh now that's just what I call this I don't know what other people call it but I'm going to take this camouflage tool and this is another tool that you don't hold straight up and down you always tip it because I'm not trying to where am I I'm not trying to make the impression of this edge of the tool I'm trying to make the impression of these lines that are back here so I'm going to start a little ways away from this flower center you'll notice you can't really you can faintly see that one Edge but that's not the main part now I'm going to move it just a bit you're going to stutter all the way up your little pair all I did was add some texture to that to flower pet oh okay that's fun so I'm going to do that to all four flower petals I've been doing this project and throw it away when we I made my first mistake could probably have been when I spritzed the leather I've probably done that wrong all right I've done that whole thing I've done look at that all the way around it just it it did several things one of the things that it did is it camouflaged the end of that too you blended it it Blended the end yeah but another thing it just added some texture to that plain flower petal okay now I don't teach I don't show people this a lot but I'm going to go all the way around this flower center with this camouflage you say you don't show people this a lot well this is kind of a an advanced deal that I'm feeling here but I hate just leaving it but I'm just going all the way around that flower see what I see how it darkened that what it's doing is it's making the illusion of that flower petal kind of diving in towards that flower center that's all I'm going to do with that camouflage tool now I'm going to take my veiner this v715 and this is another tool that you don't hit straight up and down you always tip a veiner because I'm not trying to make that turn uh hold your hand up there again let me turn these can you make the same let's see I can't see put it on like you're gonna hit it again can you turn it like that yeah yeah I just want to tip it I don't want it I don't wanna hit straight down on it and make the impression the whole tool I'm just using one end of this tool oh we're not doing geometric stamping here yeah yeah okay now I'm gonna get I'm going to get right up against this flower center on the edge of this flower petal follow the follow the curvature of that flower petal you right up on the edge see what that did right here there you go whenever you're drawing your patterns today do you take into account the angle of your Vayner tool no I probably should but I have several different veiners there's there again you know when you start doing this you become a tool collector you know and the main reason for that is you can do different things and give different effects with different shape tools I mean there's probably a hundred different veiners out there or more yeah and more all different shapes all different sizes all different arcs yeah but anyway that's all I'm going to do with that now I'm going to go back and get my flower center remember I said we're going to reset the flower center later now is the time and I'm just going to set it on there as well as I can if I would have stamped it really hard to begin with this would probably wouldn't work out very well since I stamped it lightly I can change the shape of that now our flowers basically complete got a center again yeah okay okay was so difficulty now I'm gonna go back to my Vayner and I'm gonna get I'm gonna get right up against this flower petal right here but what I'm going to do I'm for your sake I'm going to make myself a little dot that's an aim point right there that I made okay and I'm going to take this Vayner I'm gonna get imma get right up against the flower petal and aim right towards that dot remember I'm not hitting this tool straight up and down I've got it too tipped I'm just using one end of it and I aimed right towards that dot I'm going to move it over just a little bit but I'm going to aim towards that dot again hey welcome to Christina's leather welcome Christina's leather glad to have you yeah she brought 20 people in here wow all right but I'm gonna keep going across here get right up against that that flower petal every time move it just a little bit from the last stroke but always aim towards that one point so I'm just Fanning it across this flower stem and there nice if if I would have if if I wouldn't have fanned it across and aimed towards that Center every time I would have just gone across like that and it would look right not really nice I could name it a lot of different things all right now last step other than our finish Cuts is our mules foot the only place I'm going to use this mule's foot is right here on this flower stem here there again you want to kind of tip this tool back a little bit stay pretty close together and lighten each stroke up a little bit until all right now then let's get our these are we're ready for our finish cuts and this is the final deal so I'm going to go up here I'm going to start with each flower petal again you can do finish Cuts well Tony we're on the other camera now because then he's doing his swivel knife Cuts oh oh hang on Danny don't do anything yet this one just be calm hold on did you talk about anything and I missed it sorry we got raided so I was talking to the The Raid that came in and making the making sure they all got welcomed in everybody is very excited to have some inspiration to Tool leather uh don't do your Cuts yeah I'm still I'm gonna I just had to work on that one that I started and then stopped in the middle of it somebody was on YouTube so this was worth its weight they hadn't they were having issues with the camouflaging tool and a little bit of help that you showed them on that okay and then a penny it was she's like this free video is going to cost me so much money now she needs to get some tools to actually there are only seven tools here the seven stamping tools that you need do we have those in a kit are those tools no we don't we should probably put those in a in a Denny's novice tool kit that's a great idea that would be good marketing genius at its finest all right go ahead we're ready yeah all right finish cuts are everyone's downfall because everyone thinks they have to do something extravagant but finish Cuts you can overdo easily remember the flow of your pattern the center of that flower I'm going to start up here at the top of this flower petal and I'm going to make a cut I'm going to start I'm going to slice into the leather fairly deeply and immediately starting to lighten up but I'm going to aim towards that flower center oop we're here now see how it just Fades out I started pretty deep and just faded out but if you follow that those cuts they will head right towards that flower center if you don't do that it's never going to look right people say why don't mind finish Cuts look right well because you're doing them wrong [Laughter] but anyway I'm going to go around all four flower petals and make these two cuts on it and you can do finish cuts a million different ways these are just this is just the way that I'm gonna do these okay I've gone all the way around maybe two cuts on every side now I'm going to go to my center and come out and now I'm gonna with the flow of of this one that's coming out is going towards the tip of that flower petal so I'm gonna go like that and like that and if you'll notice those aren't straight cuts there's a little bit of an arc to them but they're headed towards that too the tip of that flower I move this hand just a little bit do you remember just start deep and immediately lighten up and let them float out into a hairline that's all I'm going to do to that that the flower is done now okay so now I'm gonna go and and start with all our chicken eggs there again you don't want to overdo these a little bit goes a long ways I'm just going to make a couple little cuts on each one of these they're going all the way around the inside of this flower these finish cuts are something you're just going to have to look at a whole bunch of different other people's work look how they do their finished cuts and try to emulate the ones you like I was listening to Kevin someone was talking about it's finished cuts and said how do I make them better and Kevin says I can tell you everything that I want to tell you the best thing to do is to watch someone else and look at someone else's finished Cuts Elizabeth no that's why I always love it when he comes in and does the the tooling on Friday because that's really Kevin's specialty like he makes cheers everybody um he makes just the best yeah just finger carving he's a very good very good I wonder why is it called finger carving do you know because you're just using your you're just I don't know okay I don't know either I could lie you know what that happened to me at the dentist last week so they always ask me like I have pretty good dental genetics I am blessed with really good dental genetics and I don't tend to have too many issues with my teeth but I am not a flosser like I struggle with that I'm sure most of us struggles that my husband is amazing at it he has the best dental hygiene but he has the worst Dental genetics so he just perpetually has bad teeth no matter how well he takes care of him and he kind of hates me a little bit for my lack of having to do that but anyways I'm sitting in the chair and she's talking to me and she had lasers like this one spot that she had to clean back here and then she was just like now do you floss and I almost was just like you know gave her some BS answer that was like oh yeah you know whatever and I just kind of stopped and I sighed and I was like no no I don't do that I was like I know and she just she just died laughing because she was just like thank you for your honesty like people lie to me about this all the time and she's like I'm looking at your mouth like I know what you do in here like sure I'm asking you the question but it's more of just like a let's have a conversation while my hands are in your mouth situation she's like I know when people don't floss and she's like and then they'll just be like oh yeah I do that all the time she's like no no but she just really appreciated that I was like no no I just nope I'm bad at that anyways we had a bonding moment over my honesty bonding over not Applause anyways all right you guys we're done we've done this that we did it all that's it we have done it all that's the that's coaster number one so Friday we'll do coaster number two sure no oh it's trading cards oh it's Friday trading it's the last Friday of the month all right okay so Friday we'll have to come in here yeah and then you'll be done sure I mean this could be a trading card I could make number two for a trading card number three um the boys and r d are making us a whole big hide so that whenever we do have our training I don't think it'll be done by Friday I don't know I guess I could ask Andy see where it's at but um they're gonna make us a whole big hanger that we can hang up with everybody's cards that they've been sending in so they're no longer just in the slap board so that's exciting I'm excited excited for that or we might just lay it out on the table because we always have like the rest of this table we just lay it out and have a camera on it and look at them so I brought some in you drop some trading cards in yes I did what did I do with them thanks bourbon I thought I did I thought they were in your face here they are okay I know you all wanted to hear about my dental hygiene I'm glad I could share it yeah Denny did this fun one he did he did something different there's not even a flower on here just a bunch of chicken necks and amoebas one of those guys called fiddleheads that's what they call those squirrels oh all right well there's a there's a such thing as a fiddlehead fern and that's kind of the seed pod for it yeah different flower I'm like a hibiscus flower I would do it up better the next time maybe you can do that one on Friday alrighty guys so trading cards on Fridays which means I need to remind Kevin that he needs to do trading cards on Friday uh train card so Jim Lydell started it he's got his own group but we have begun doing it so the last Friday of every month I have Denny and Kevin come in here and they will make one to how many other trading cards they can get done in their hour um and then you guys are welcome to make your own trading card and send it in and then we will send you one of Disney or Kevin's or if you send us two I'll send you a Denny and a Kevin or if you would like to request a maker we can do that also um but yeah so we have a ton of customers at this point have sent in their trading cards we're starting to get a very nice selection which is why we needed to organize them somehow um so we're making a little holder for them but yeah up then go up and come down so we can keep a clean background exactly so yeah so doodle doodle on some little card shaped things and they don't have to be this size they can Kevin hates doing things small so he always just cuts his own shape anyways because yeah we don't have a strong-willed like that um yeah uh the piece that she that we did today that little kosher Denny how would you finish it up I would he's gonna oil it and then he's gonna antique it yeah you're still like like coated boil and yeah Holly always oil and then die so oil first when it's nice and natural just like this and then die I don't Danny do you ever oil after you die sure okay so you can do that too oil the thing about dye it's gonna suck a lot of the a lot of any oils that are that are in your leather it'll suck them out so so it definitely needs some oil in it yeah guys this is the same this is the same Herman Oak right here this is Herman Oak that's been around for a minute and this is fresh hermine Oak but this is what it turns into when you just leave it natural and antique it that's all that Denny's done here he oiled it finished it quick shine and then antiqued it and then quick shined it again and then it set there for a little bit yeah um how old is this that's three or four months old three or four months old that's the color that you can get and it will just kind of keep aging beautifully with time so that is tooling for beginners tooling for beginners novice novice not beginners you guys aren't beginners your novices and you are an amateurs now yeah Matt but you if you need to die then you have to do it before you resist so that that was my only caveat that you have yeah we watched website ready for international orders we're just making sure that it does the figuring of the shipping rates correctly oh cool for bourbon leather was asking about he's like I don't really like talking on the phone but I know that's the only option to order from Canada we haven't we have a name do we still have the Amazon account in Canada I think we have I think we have Amazon FBA where we send up um I haven't asked in a while I know that there was like some weird tax stuff that we were dealing with like we had to get like an accountant in Canada to help us manage I don't know the whole the whole tax side of selling in two countries was a little bit different or doing the the fulfilled by Amazon anyway um well hang on oh just before we go today I just want to inform our lovely customers we have had another loss at Springfield leather um this week um it was a lot more sudden than Jeff's and I don't know how many of you know her she uh Jennifer Thomas she worked on our retail showroom for a really long time she lost she taught a lot of our weaving and bead classes I've been wearing all of my woven stuff this week um she had we're still not 100 sure what happened but she was at Christmas with her mothers and she just collapsed and um wasn't able to be um revived so she has been working in our purchasing department for several years now if anybody knows Jen or has talked to Jen we are going through her loss as well right now so just I don't know guys 2022 has not been a fun year for uh a lot of things but um we appreciate all of you guys out there so if anybody knew Jen um had taken her classes or um you know she ordered a lot of leather for a lot of people she did a lot of the custom stuff and things so just keep her family in your thoughts and and your minds um over the next coming week as we try to wrap up um all of that so we will see you guys tomorrow for live shopping and then we'll be back on Friday for training cards so hope you have a great afternoon [Music]
Channel: Springfield Leather
Views: 9,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: idJNDiMAoqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 10sec (5470 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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