Denny Hamlin Reacts to 23XI's Pit Road Problems in Las Vegas

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have had last year that he didn't get an opportunity to because we messed up for him on Pit Road the following is a production of dirty mod media hey guys welcome to action's detrimental post Las Vegas uh race number three of the season um we had uh Kyle lson winning the Cup race we had Raja kth winning the truck race and we had um John Hunter neek winning the Xfinity um man John Hunter NE getting the first non Chevy win um so Chevy's been a pretty dominant force uh pretty much to start the year so we'll get into all that um first we want to remind you guys to uh check out our YouTube page um and if you don't mind giving us a subscribe on that trying to beat um door bumper clear here and subscribers mhm yep uh doing a good job so far far thank you to our listeners for that um so thank you uh we're just a few weeks into it so um let's get into offes some off track stuff first uh we had uh obviously you know to wrap up kind of the penalties from last week uh I'm so tired of hearing about Joey's gloves so I'm we'll just kind of skip over that uh he got a $110,000 fine uh he's Joey said he took a portion of the blame called it embarrassing sure it's good let's move on past that it's um it the the glove gate thing was just uh really heavily played um yeah shr they had the more significant penalty um their roof rails uh were not approved if you follow some of the media members you saw kind of some stuff they were doing with the uh openings of those roof rails uh that kind of pressed them to make them sit up it appeared so shr getting a 35o penalty for greggson and priest is it it just me or I feel like with the majority of penalties last year maybe it just because of this podcast but after each one we were always talking about oh will they appeal will they do this we were like really diving into the appeal process and there was really none of that for this particular penalty right yeah last year there was definitely some appeals for sure you had you know mine you've had I think Hendrick did theirs um the louvers was a big deal right I mean it was that was like the third or fourth race of the season yeah yeah yeah and then just the whole controversy because colag got you know theirs was uh convicted Hendrick was not it was very let's just call it Shady let's just call it what what it was really and and then nobody got a penalty or basically it was just who knows um so yeah so the 35-point penalty it seems small it's you know it's a race it's it's a good race for one of those guys so basically what greggson let me look uh Travis I'm actually going to use your greggson got 31 points so he had a a six Place run got 31 points so he just got back you know it took him an entire race to get it back yeah I mean 35 is a significant penalty especially when you think about the Run gragson had yesterday everyone's talking about oh you know St hos had speed they show this they showed that and to get 31 points out of it which is just below the net mhm of your penalty it'll take yeah it's going to take a you know some good runs um you know I thought I saw some things out of Stewart hos that looked to be better than what they've had in the past um you know it's it's very weird because generally speaking I I thought the Fords were kind of meh you know and and as much going into the weekend about Toyota got a new body Ford's got a new body this that and the other um it didn't I don't know it just everything kind of played out normally as it did last year there's there's not really a whole lot different um one thing that kind of people I don't know is that when we create a new body NASCAR limits how good that body can be so it's very very difficult for each manufacturer to hit the mark because they made the mark which you cannot be better as the Chevrolet so the Chevrolet has the most has the most downforce and it has to be okay so they Ford had the least amount of drag when we when we test the nextg cars a couple years ago the bodies of the cars Ford had the least amount of drag and Chevy had the most amount of downforce so they said from this point on and submission when you build a new car make it fit you know the oem's uh you know template of of what they want for their you know their production car but you're never going to be allowed to be better than the Chevy and you will never be allowed to be you know less drag than the Ford so we were kind of in a spot with the Toyotas where we were just kind of in between on both and we thought we made some improvements um here and there but it's still the we still couldn't beat the the Baseline which is the current Chevrolet car is that I feel like if you're going to allow a car to be changed then like the line should be moved or else like Chevy is you can't get better like I don't that doesn't seem fair I mean I would agree it doesn't seem fair but it's they're trying to get us to all Drive the same exact cars NASCARs trying to get us different logos on them yeah yeah they're they're trying to just get us to all Drive the same thing and U no matter what manufacturer you're with you're you're at no advantage or disadvantage now I think that the Ford's new car definitely still is the drag King like it's just seems like on these highspeed tracks they've really got a car that is fast and qualified fing um I thought that it was you know strong obviously at some other tracks as well but it just it seems like when I look at the data and stuff in smt like down the straightaways the Fords still are very very fast but it didn't necessarily translate to Race speed um even though you had you did have some outliers that were you know blay and and a few others that were up front so you know just I don't know why TV doesn't talk about yeah these are all new cars but they they're never going to be as good as the current shiver you can't be better than that so you know it's the Ingenuity you definitely kind of this is the Box these cars will be in for a very long time unless NASCAR chooses to move that that line okay I think we'll get into that I got more questions for you but I think we'll get into that a little later when we yep discuss more of the Cup race and what Cliff Daniel said said post race um another off trck news is that Dale Jr is leaving NBC he will not be in the booth this year and per reports will be headed to Amazon Prime and Warner Brothers Discovery Sports uh for 2025 um I might be I'm probably in the minority I I like this move I like it for both I like it for for NBC and Dale Jr I think NBC's got a two or three really strong guys there and Dale Jr added to you know he was the one that kind of started that but I think that they they have enough talent to carry it and and I just feel like when you have these new partners in you want to have a really strong uh announcing core um NASCAR will play a big role in the production of those uh of Amazon and Warner Brothers so Dale Jr being kind of the anchor there I like that move for Dale Jr and I like that move you know to spread out the the wealth of of good commentators um an analyst um in NASCAR so um I I like I personally like it um I think that you know there's hopefully they're really going to change up the production on with Amazon and Warner Brothers I think I think that I don't know I feel like I've watched I I know I've watched cup production and how it's done and how they put on a race and the things that they share and it's been the same for 20 years they have not changed it at all and so I'm i' like the idea of getting us some new blood in there and I I think NBC does by far the best job um you know kind of telling stories keeping it you know very professional and um I think they do it just a fantastic job with their production I know they spend a lot of money on CAD cars and things like that and and fox is getting in uh they've started to do that as well uh but the production's always been the same um so we're interesting to see how that all plays out but I think it's a overall good thing for the sport to have Dale um you know he gets a I don't know I guess he gets a year off uh but you know they're going to be working this entire year on you know getting that production ready and and so with it likely being run out of U NASCAR's Production Studio um NASCAR will have a big big part in how this is all produced so two things that that I take from this is is one I like that quote that Marty Smith had said and um talking about the Netflix documentary he said on on Dale's download is that if you want credibility you get Dale Jor so this is cool because I think Amazon and and Warner Brothers and all that are going to have some work to do to move the fans over from the cable network to streaming I think that's not going to be the easiest thing in the world it won't I mean that's that's the tough part about uh what every T new TV deal we're we're changing channels right that's that's been tough on our Sport and we've been sold for a very long time by NASCAR that hey this is this is going to be better and you know it's always been upand cominging networks now those that we going on are not upand cominging networks which that's a very very good thing um but it just it took its toll on using Nascar Cup Series to build up a a channel right because it you know you're you're always going to have a dip and and decline an audience there but um I'm interested to see what the ratings are for this week like I said after last week if you didn't have a bump in ratings this this week then I think we've got a bigger problem that we need to talk about uh but I I think overall the Sport's in a very very good positive place and um I I think that certainly it it should have a a bump in ratings uh for the same Vegas race that we had last year yeah another thing is that last week Dale had said that when Colin races he wants to make sure that he's at the racetrack so when they're producing this out of the new NASCAR studios in Concord you know if Dale's a part of his team Dale wants his team at the race RAC track I I I think it might be a slight dig at Fox on that he already talked about their camera angles and I didn't I didn't pay attention to it as much until I I watched the race back late last night and yeah they zoom in as soon as the cars are getting closer to you they zoom in on them and it's like it's the opposite of what you would think but I mean they're the Professionals in it but I um but yeah I agree you want to see more on screen and really like to see Fox just change some stuff up for sure um you know to get get get a little uh get a little better but um we'll see and um I I I definitely feel like Dale Jr he he he does bring the credibility if anything right and I think he's got a lot of ideas and he probably helped quite a bit with the production of the NBC and and how well it it's done now I think you know my personal opinion Steve lard I think is one of the best if not the best at at explaining things being very precise and then getting on with it and I think Jeff Burton actually is a very good uh compliment to that uh so they they got a good team over there we're I think we're all heading in the right direction with you know our commentating I think Kevin Harvick brings a lot of really good things uh to Fox and so uh yeah we we'll see few more off trck items we were in Las Vegas this weekend and while you did not go back to back at the racetrack you did go back to back back at the casino back to back at the racetrack what do you mean well like you didn't win last year and you didn't win this year but you want to turn a blackjack tournament last year and you won a blackjack tournament this year I'm trying to make sense of what the he couldn't go back to back Jared I know I didn't win I did if it if it's I know you didn't win but you said I didn't win last year and I didn't win this year yeah so I did go back to back if if it's losing I mean sure that's not really the saying though she the Weise this guy he's got his next favorite driver winning the race and he just all over me over here wow I'm surprised I'm surprised you actually made it back to Charlotte yeah thanks for the ride yeah all right um yes we did not uh we did not win at the on the racetrack for sure but we did we made it to the final table again I'd only participated in two Blackjack tournaments uh my whole life um and I only did it because the hotel um you know gave me a position in it you know I I and it in the timing worked out where we we were not on track or not nearly on track during those times and so I was in town uh Casino Host says hey got a spot for you here if you want to play I did I was you know I I definitely got nervous in that way more than I do anything has to do with driving but I think that's pretty normal uh so last year made the final table they decided to chop up the pot uh at the final table there were six or seven guys in the final table last year they chopped it and so I got a piece of uh the winnings but interesting enough this year we got to the final table and it was not a unanimous let's chop the pot scenario so there was a gentleman who was very adamant that I'm not I don't want to chop the pot I've come this far I just want to win the whole thing and then you had another one say hey how about let's get down to the final three or four people and then we'll we'll let's renegotiate chopping you know that way everyone gets more money uh if you make it to the last three or four and so we played and that the way they play it is that you play 15 hands that's it at each table that you know and then you got to be one of the top two at the table to move on to the next table and the next table net table so I got through that process got to the final and then the uh so each time it's 15 hands you start with a chip stack and basically uh you count your chips after 14 Hands and then you have to make a secret Jeopardy wager on how much you want to bet and the winner the chip leader wins the event right so it gets down to it to the 14th hand there's four of us left and the two guys who were Adam in on not chopping were still in it and so one of them said okay I'll go ahead and chop now the other one was the chip leader and he says I'm leading I I I don't you know I don't think this is let's just play this thing out and so we played it out and we we did take like a portion of the money like 20 grand something like that and took it off the table everyone got you know he here's your you know we did a pro rat of how many chips you had um we we split that 20 grand up and then played for the rest and so for me I was the third chip stack third highest chip stack of the four and I I went all in I said we're said we're all in so I uh I said all right I'm going to place my bet to the amount of chips that I have um I won the uh I won the uh hand so I doubled up the chip leader lost he didn't bet that much but he lost and my double up jumped me over him then the other guy uh who was the second leading chip stack he won but he didn't he only bet half his chip stack which didn't cover my chip stack and so I leaped over both of them one the you went from third to the to First yes in the final hand so really the only way you could have went there was if you bet everything yes or they both lose I win you know there's a lot of scenarios right but um I mean you're just doing math constantly because you're always looking at the chip stack of the person beside you and you're not really playing the dealer it's very interesting the strategies of some of these guys some of these guys it's crazy they'll bet a $100 a hand now $100 this is a $10,000 chip stack they just want to screw up the deck for everybody else yeah so they'll get to 19 they'll keep hitting and they're like yeah we're not trying to I'm not trying to win my hand I'm just trying to screw everyone else's hand up very very interesting yeah I'm not really familiar because other people were betting more right so they're just trying to wreak havoc on the deck and so make the cards not come out as they should I know it's it's very weird it's expense of their own money so it's just strategy it's just it's it's a lot of it is strategy I played pretty conventional to how I normally would play Blackjack um and I just kept chipping away and gaining chips gaining chips and after every so after 15 hands the first table I had quadrupled my money after 15 hands of the second table I was at I tripled my money and then the final table I had 24 so I almost five times my money in 15 hands at so it was a good run pretty good day it was a good run was it winner take all yeah winter take all so what was the regret like on those guys faces that didn't want to chop it up I always Lov this I feel like that's karma that's the that's the gods there was a guy there who um he was kind of a country guy and he was just like you know uh he's like that that's what he gets you know he was he was the guy who was like fourth he finished fourth he was just like that's what he gets I'm glad you won screw that guy you know he didn't want to chop it and so um it it's funny because I go to the cage to cash out and so since we agreed to chop a portion of it they're all just like waiting like vultures right over my back for me to pay them uh their portion so um it was uh it was fun I I I definitely enjoyed it for sure the you know I'm not totally keened on the strategy although I did make Final Table twice in the two times I've done it but I think a lot of that is just you got to get good cards and you know you got to be all in there's nothing wrong with beginner's luck there's nothing wrong with it one more thing um I know everyone jokes about my celebrity my newfound celebrity from this podcast but I think what what do you mean yeah I know I hear you I think it hit a peak the other night because I realized that I big timed Bruno Mars did you just skip right by him I did yep we were in LA at this place yeah and it was like you it was like Ty and then you and then Charlie and then me and then you were introduced to to Bruno Mars and there was like a longer exchange there than anyone else had so for a split second I was like wait should I like take a photo of this like this would be great social media content but I'm like no there's signs everywhere that say no phones allowed whatsoever so like no I can't do that but I threw off my focus and then I looked away and then I guess it got to me and he reached out to to shake my hand and I just like blew right by him and then Nico who was behind me was like Hey you know like he was trying to introduce himself right I was like I had no idea wow yeah so we went to I guess Bruno Mars's Lounge in uh the bagio uh a friend of ours kind of said hey come here so we went there and I had forgotten about that because we walked in and uh it there was a no phone policy yeah but I can tell you this the the crowd there they didn't they didn't have phones they didn't have phones they had they used telegraphs back in their day this was an old folks home for Vegas it was it was it was I mean I I'm just thinking I understand the policy no phones to be in there however you ask any 25 to 35 old to not use their phone they're going to be like screw this I'm not going in there like this is stupid you know so the crowd was seasoned a bit yeah it was seasoned and uh but it was it was fun I I liked how small it was music was good um evidently like he sits he has his little back table and then he'll go up on stage every now and then and just right well 24 karat gold was playing so he like walked out from his table you know gave a little and then went back that's awesome but I wanted to know I was thinking about this um in the moment obviously you're great friends with with Michael Jordan and I would say that on a celebrity scale everyone knows Michael Jordan right so like say let's say he's a 100 okay what is Bruno Mars on that scale like zero to 100 give me give me a 20 person uh I don't know I know I mean because I need to know the scale like you're you're saying the ultimate d yeah Travis who's a who's a 20 person NASCAR driver well it also depends like okay because that's probably that's probably I mean more I I hear you but more than four times the people know Michael Jordan than an ascar driver though you know what I mean I kind of Base it off of notoriety I'd almost put an ascar driver like right a five or a 10 just trying to think of celebrities um okay all right let's just base it off of that I'm gonna say Bruno Mars is a 35 a 35 yeah if you're walking down the street you could E I could see you not a 35 recognizing Bruno Mars you walk down the street he's very recognizable Michael Jordan's 100 and Bruno Mars is a 35 uh in the US yeah no I was is going to say more like 90 oh no are you kidding me that's too high for Mars okay I I see Jared's point he played the Super Bowl he has like 80 million Spotify listeners monthly all right fine I'll give him a 60 I he's not a 90 crazy well then what do you a 95 though J I'm just saying this came about because after that moment I was like I I think that was probably the most famous person I've ever seen in the wild and you just blew him off because yeah you're a celebrity yourself now apparently like it's just in the back of my mind you know like I didn't even make a rational decision it was just I always judge a famous person but like if like at an airport and I'm walk by will I notice them you will for Bruno right cuz he's very he has a very distinct look he looks just like he does like he looks like he was dressed up for the gramy like that just looks like his everyday appearance yeah yeah so maybe we we probably lowball the 35 I think you really lowball the at least we didn't you know Big Time them so I mean it's probably a better story that way I'll tell my kids one day that I Big Time Bruno Mars anyway is there you have an announcement no okay definitely not all right um so let's let's get into the racing um let's talk about about Raja kruth winning his first race how how do we feel about that I know how I feel yeah I think it's big news for Raja kruth from going from what happened at Daytona you know Bubba was not too pleased with him and and gave him a I guess a Stern talking to to two weeks later he wins this race I think it's uh I think it's great for for NASCAR obviously Raja and we talked about it last week that Spire truck is clearly a very good Truck Yeah th they seem like you know the kbm old Spire Now new uh trucks certainly seem to be know cream of the crop for for this particular moment for sure um I I think it was great certainly I didn't because we were um you know meeting meeting celebs and stuff like that didn't really get to see a whole lot of the truck race but um obviously from what I saw there was a lot of social media you know you saw so many people talking on social about it you saw many many drivers uh congratulating them on social media um you know it is Big it it you know whether we like to say it is or not uh it's you know first first win for any driver is big but to have I think is this the third African-American winner um yeah so that's a big deal for sure not since Bubba back in 200 I'm going throw out 14 I think I saw that something like that so um absolutely great accomplishment for sure um it's not like he's been in the sport a ton you know a really long time either and he wanted you know he wanted outright right he he he did it and it wasn't some kind of trick you strategy or anything like that he just uh in the field had there was low I mean Kyle Bush was in it was in it it wasn't like the weak field he went Toe to Toe with really strong field yeah and he showed speed the entire race I did you know he was up front I saw all that so um congratulations to him and his team Inspire for winning another uh race it's just uh they're definitely on a rooll and it seems like uh this could be a big momentum boost for Raja and could Propel him to who knows where right I I think if he can continue to uh continue on this trajectory uh you know winning a handful of races he could he could be the next level you know the next level soon yeah I think one thing that's that's interesting about this is that you know Raja goes on to win three or four more racist this year I don't know any any amount of racist this year right and he then all of a sudden becomes a a a hot Prospect right to move into potentially the next available cup ride yeah um yeah or Xfinity I mean or xinity yep yeah I think uh I what I like about him is is how humble he is uh he certainly is is someone and that I've seen hanging around you know cup garages you know when cup practice or qualifying is going on he's he's right right there at the wall and he's not afraid to come up and ask you a few questions about uh the track or something somewhere he hasn't got a ton of experience uh very well spoken very humble um just I I like his demeanor I I definitely like what I see out of him yeah I agree and if you want to hear more from him he'll be on DBC today oh awesome that's right eBay Motors is here for the ride with the parts you need for the prices you want and with eBay guaranteed fit it's guaranteed to fit your ride the first time every time time or your money back keep your ride or die alive at eligible items only exclusions apply get ready North Carolina FanDuel America's number one sports book is launching soon and just in time for the biggest college basketball tournament of the year right now you can get $100 in bonus bets just for signing up before March 11th just go to Denny to join today and then you'll be all set to bet when FanDuel is officially live soon you'll be able to bet on all your favorite teams and all your favorite sports from parlays to prop bets and basketball to racing FanDuel has it all so head to Denny to sign up and lock in $100 in bonus bets now 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that I'm not sure who they're affiliated with I know was shr at one time but you know giving a shout out to the Ryan sees of the world and I know that's a family run team um getting a top seven there on a legit hey you've got to have all parts of your team together uh type of race track uh that's really great run for for those guys so um yeah everything else seems to be status quo surprised that um Justin aluar didn't show more speed I thought he was you know good in practice from from I saw and just he has had start in the back but just didn't have just didn't have the speed that they had before and so uh none of the JRM cars were really stand itish um from from the results or the you know what we saw on TV so interested to see where that plays out here in the next uh few weeks and see if they can get get a little better but I thought right now you know the Joe Gibbs Racing Stuart Hoff racing they had two of the two of the top four each yeah and like you said said in the the intro to this show John Hunter's win is the first non Chevy win of this season so eight of the nine NASCAR races across all all three series have been won by Chevy except for John Hunter's win in the xinia race yep yeah so it's um it's it's been a Chevy dominated year and and certainly for whatever reason but it seems like they've got a a really good program going on there they're they're massaging the current bodies that they've got that um they've been working with for quite a while I don't know that they had they haven't had any changes to the Xfinity car Cup car or truck in in a few years now so I said it in the media center this weekend they said you know what do you think Ford Chevy who's you know who's Who's got what I'm like you know there's definitely something to be said about being able to work on the same car for an extended period of time and so um while everyone you know Toyota and Ford are getting kind of all the publicity Chevy's been the dominant one so far this year so yeah and obviously kept their kept their streak alive well not really restarted the streak yeah um in the Cup race on Sunday with Kyle Larson winning the Vegas race yeah it's just an absolute dominant day I I think that um you know Tyler reck's pit troubles helped with that dominant day I thought that those two were I thought they were equal well I would say that Kyle arson was a little better in the short run Tyler reic was definitely better in the long run um but it seemed like they just kind of merged together right at the end of stages or or the race win but a lot of that has was aiding Kyle that Tyler just kept having pit troubles and losing spots and it would take him forever to get back up there but I would have you know I would have like to see more laps of them dueling it out right it's um you know Kyle was pretty much Untouchable to to the rest of us um dominated the event no mistakes on his end uh in a race where there was tons of mistakes all all kinds of Pit Road troubles throughout the entire day he did avoid he got hit on Pit Road by the 54 and avoided what could have been yeah bad yeah no doubt that was um I saw that he was kind of merging out he had somebody on the outside of him he couldn't go all the way out T Tai's trying to get out uh pretty pretty typical uh Pit Road incident when you got three and four wide leaving Pit Road so um yeah he he dominated the event uh he dominated really the weekend um when you when it's all said and done he started up front he was really fast in practice um this is a track where Hendrick Motorsports has won I don't know how many Vegas Spring races in a row seems like a lot but at least three yeah so and and they won the fall as well so this is just a it's slowly but surely it's just becoming a Hendrick track you know basically so um it's uh it's hard to beat I tell you it's definitely hard to beat they're definitely on their games for sure um you know a flawless flawless day in in their Camp not so much for William Byron who had all kinds of issues with the the trash and and whatnot I guess y all said there were something in it in the Silver Bullet a silver bullet was in the trash bag yeah according to Rudy Fel a silver bll is in like a corite beer can oh here's Vegas winners Larson Larson Byron legano Bowman Hamlin lson those are the past few spring in I hear hear a lot of uh hear a lot of Hendrick so yeah this is a this was a good rebound Kyle obviously had some issues on the on the Speedways before so this kind of kicks off what we consider the the regular season um and you know kind of getting a a feel for what we saw and who's going to be strong who's still got some work to do um who who in your mind do you feel like they weren't as strong as what you thought they were going to be weren't as strong I feel like more so I'm thinking some cars were stronger than I thought how about who well the storeart hos cars Noah gragson finished sixth um and Chase Brisco showed some speed throughout the day despite not getting a finish the show for it also the Spire cars The Joy r up front for a good portion of this race and host of our finished 15th yeah it seems like there was some it's interesting because I saw Joey lano's comments um after the race about yeah it's it has speed but it we still have a little bit of work to do um but I would argue that you know for whatever reason it could be it it's not just the bodies people this is these are very very small changes you know steuart hos could have their simulation could have got better in the off season a lot of things you know to make their setups better um a lot of different things go into the result that you see each and every Sunday you see the cars going around in circles you have no idea what what makes that car a little faster than that one or that driver a little bit better than that one um but it for whatever reason I definitely agree with you that the Stewart hos cars were slightly better now the results weren't all that great they a few of them dropped uh at the end of the race uh but I would say that Noah certainly with a top six run was I think the best finish that they've had um or the tin cars had in quite some time as well on a mile and a half yeah and post race Cliff Daniels said the exact same thing that I was just thinking so I mean what was it I'm just almost as smart as Cliff Daniels pretty much said the field is much closer together competitively than what he may have initially thought yeah yeah it as it should be right if if if everyone's driving pretty much the same car depending on what your crew chief or engineer is uh does to it for the setup uh the drivers get to see all of each other's information and data yeah their Field's going to get close which you know the downside to that is that when you have someone close in like a Tyler reic you can just AIR block and keep them from passing you that way right um so it's just there's not enough dis disparity in speed for someone to overcome that so you you can see a Ross Chastain or whoever um you know once he loses the lead or loses the front row on that last restart he can just hold off CL with four tires because he's just he's got the ability to block well and um and and the the speeds just don't you can't overcome it he also said that he was impressed with Toyota's pace and that Chevy was going to have to to keep evolving in order to keep up so I guess impressed with the way Toyota started this first mile and a half race with the new body right because you don't have too much to work with yeah um yeah I don't know how much you get better in the course of a year I think it's you really kind of got what you've got um that's why we said at the end of or mid of Midway through last year hey we know what we've got we just we can't change it because this is the car we've got and you know there's not much you can do it to it so that's why it's very important when you submit um a new car um that you try to hit those targets the best you can but trying to hit a target of a car that is built or shaped differently than yours it's very very difficult uh but but agree I thought that the field Had parody I I didn't think that um one stood out to be lights out faster than the other what I'm curious is that you're going to go into this 2311 competition meeting later this afternoon as the owner and you're going to discuss you know Pit Road troubles right and Tyler said stupid mistakes on Pit Road same different year and we've been having this Pit Road discussion for years now back to when jgr was supplying 2311 pit cruise I feel like that's a pretty damning quote in a way same different year like you're you're this it's trying to be a different you know you're trying to new not the same year yeah it's this is the new team blues and this is why as smart as Justin is he just bought a team that already had good pit Crews I I I you know when I had to start this damn thing from scratch I had nobody and so anybody that's really really good they're under long contracts these these teams lock these guys up for years and years and so you got nobody and so you gotta you gotta find Talent within the field somewhere that's got experience or you try to get some young guys that are very inexperienced and this is just part of starting a team and trying to do this on your own um it's I certainly feel like generally speaking yes this is a topic this weekend and and it's the hot topic for sure and it will be here in a few hours um but it's a process and it fing sucks I know it sucks it's keeping the 2311 guys out of Victory Lane no question about it there was at least two to three victories that that Tyler should have had last year that he didn't get an opportunity to because we messed up for him on Pit Road and this is one where do I give him the race win if every if if he has Kyle Larson's piit crew it's going to be a hell of a race I I'm not saying that he's just going to beat Kyle because that's going to be a tough feat I think that Kyle had a better short run car than him generally speaking but it would have been a hell of a battle and KY would have had his hands full most of the day versus just kind of cruising out to a two-second lead and you know watching us in the rear view so um I don't know it's it's this is this is the painful part about it um P creu have be become such a big part of the result um and a lot of it is you know certainly pck crew can take you out more than they're going to help you right and what we to to do is increase our speed in the off season increase our uh reliability of non- blowup stops so that stops worse than you know 13 seconds or so um it's a process I mean this is the first weekend where the P Crews really were under a microscope because the other ones where we are running super Speedways it's fuel only two tires if anything the pick CRS really didn't have time to shine yet this this was you you know we'll get some some numbers back here shortly about where do the pick crew St stack up let's try not to overreact too much in one event but certainly there was issues on the 23 I didn't really see they had a nut or something that got stuck um the 45 had um it seemed like multiple issues uh you know I've got you everybody's coming to me saying what fix this fix fix that right after the race I got Lee Spencer ask me you know what what do you feel about the Bubba I'm like Lee I just got out of the car I if it's not 11 related I have no idea what the hell you're talking about so um it just you know this is part of the the grind of the the new team blues and um and even in our fourth year now our second year of having our own pit Crews it is just not not easy this thing is not easy and and trust me me if if we could go out and just grab the best pick crew then you just can't it's not that easy and I feel like we've got a good set of guys there and we have this isn't the same teams that we've had last year either there was new guys brought in on each the 23 and the 45 from last year so um we also have a a partnership with Legacy uh they'll be training out of our new facility as well our pit our pit facility itself where we'll do pit stops that's not even going to be done till probably July so we're still at jgr right now and when we're at jgr we get limited time we don't get as much time is is others because we're not we're not the house guys right so we're having to share facilities and so you know we're building our own and it's going to be absolutely freaking amazing just like the the actual air speed is and headquarters but it takes time and and so for the next six months we're just going to got to grind this out until we can get some more reps on our own at our own spot is that area connected to air speed is it all yeah it'll be in the back it'll be as you're driving up 77 North it'll be the kind of the first thing you'll see so right before the building there got it um speaking hold I got a question what can you do in season though I I don't know I mean this is Trust me I was this two years ago I was just every single week having issues I'd get to the front boom we'd have a bad pit stop and I'd go to sixth or whatever it might be um they just work it out I mean that's why you got pck crew coaches strength coaches all that stuff to figure out what happened um what triggered it and then what caused the train to get off the tracks and then you try to fix it could you ever see pit crew members being like actual athletes where you could trade them and you could upgrade positions or whatever um I haven't thought of it like that uh but yeah I mean you probably could yeah more than likely um you know there's there's a few very key positions in a pick crew um there there's two that really you know can make or break and that's your Jackman and your tire Changers uh the carriers are important I'm not downsiders but it's just it's not as a crucial position to how fast your pit stop is as what your Jackman and your Changers are yeah I'd actually like to see I feel like we're getting a little better at that with TV interviewing P Cruz and whatnot but you know getting to know these guys more because now they're such an integral part of the race and I feel like at the end of the day if like your favorite driver doesn't finish well it's like oh well it's pit crew didn't do well like well who's the pit crew you know like we don't actually know anything about the pit crew or like where they what makes a good yeah exactly yeah I actually like that fox interviewed one of the you one of our guys at AJ um so that was really cool and I do I definitely think that the pick crew guys you know deserve more notoriety for sure um and and listen I've I have faith in the guys that we have at 2311 this was a bad week I'm not going to understate that whatsoever um but let's let's not it's easy to be it's easy to over react in in one given weekend um let's just see how this thing plays out in the long run um speaking of Bubba and more so from like a a big picture standpoint is that when you have a car uh like his that has issues on Pit Road and can't get a lug nut off or whatever it may be and then is running the race laps down how like what can he add to your um meeting today your you know your your debrief today about the r race considering he may have been that you know the car may have been Irrelevant for the majority of the day it it was relevant he he had his car was up to speed so as long as it didn't have you know the lug net issue right his car was still up to speed had no damage so he was able he's going to give feedback on you know how does his car handle because he needs to give that that's a crucial information that he gives to his team so they can work on the setup for that track next time around so uh we we'll we'll listen to as much feedback from Bubba as Tyler it it doesn't matter really their finishing position is what can you give the team information wise for them to work on to be better right soes doesn't matter if you're on the lead lap or or 10 down no I thought it was I thought it was pretty cool I was actually in third place when I guess he came out and was on fresher tire so he was help pushing uh Tyler reic towards the lead towards lson they were catching them pretty quick too yeah um that was that was actually pretty pretty damn cool to see but um I know Bubba has certainly is frustrated cuz he felt like uh he probably had a at least a top five top 10 car as well yeah especially coming off back toback top fives I guess good news for everybody else that Freddy will now cut his hair he was not cutting his hair yeah he was superstitious huh well I I think he could should do whatever he can to keep his face covered up so let it grow yeah he needs to let it grow H we got a dear Denny here hold on I want to Denny uh at the end of the race you were like third and then kind of fell back there the bed yeah okay uh we just we we missed it on the setup side um a little bit I just feel like I thought man I'm in a good spot here we had worked with our balance my balance is off to start the race we got it pretty good towards the middle um but I felt like I was just a little bit too free um and that's when we lost the lead to Larson fell back to third but we kind of stayed within shouting distance we never really got let it get too far away made some adjustments they weren't really better we went back on those adjustments and I thought it was better and leading to start this third stage right after that green flag Pit Stop um I thought we had a very very good car we were running very good competitive lap times and we were catching uh the group in front of us uh pretty rapidly and then you know the caution comes out late you got 20 some laps to go and you got to shoot out there and it just required a little bit different things out of my car than what I had um and so it was so frustrating from my standpoint because I'm like I know I've got a top three car and I keep losing positions here late in this race but I I was hamstrung I couldn't it was not doing what it needed to do uh in that short run scenario so that was frustrating on my end for sure but at least you know we had a good stage day um and it somewhat made up for it but you always like to get top fives when you when you know you've got a top five car which I did do you have any advice for blay who seems to have a simmering beef with Ros Chastain um I I saw that um I I don't know that we should really overreact I think blay goes off the deep end most weeks like this is just who he is he just loses his brain over the radio I mean it's one thing to just maybe yell into your helmet or chew the steering wheel when you're really upset but he just he just clicks the button and just goes Haywire so I wouldn't read up up into it too much but I guess he was talking mess about Chastain or something yeah yeah yeah going back to their air blocking at Phoenix last year year when Ross was in front of blay trying to win the race right and blay was racing for a championship so now it kind of rolls reversed a little bit here interesting Travis has got the quote the quote was from blay tell that dumb to be smart what a dick yikes PG there Travis I have an edit button when I uh censor those things okay sometimes all right uh so yeah I don't know we we'll just keep an eye on this whole blay chest a thing I don't know and then I I think there was uh chess a made you know kind of some snark comments after the race as well saying you know I saw him air air blocking and I'm proud of him you know so it's just I don't know this is good interesting people yeah we need a little beef we need a little little drama on the track all right well bling and chest in give it to us please I got a dear Denny here for you are right and left side tires different compounds or if you take two right can you use those saved lefts as rights later no you cannot if you put those left side tires on the right side you will have a tough tough go at it um isn't that what TR did a few years ago at H he did at Homestead yeah so it just uh it takes all the Stagger out of the car so NASCAR 101 the right side tires are bigger than the left side tires so that's what it helps the car track around the corner the bigger the right side is than the left side think about this if you had a car and you just pushed it right if the tires are bigger on the right it's going to make it go left so that that's uh you you can't use left side tires on the right so basically if you take right side tires during the day and you only get a certain amount of tires in the course of a race um if you take right side tires you likely are done with that set because very rarely will you come in and then take lefts in another pit scenario okay followup question what about at road courses I believe they're Square the your tires are square not literally Jared they're they're the same size got it so could so this question if it applied to a road course could you use yes they're all the same yes CU you lay them the pit Crews lay them out in a certain manner in the pit box right to make sure you don't forget and then there they're written on it as well yeah they try to match the tires the best that they can um the teams are much smarter in that than than what I can explain but they do they they match the tires build a tire set out of the tires that all the tires that they get and then they'll kind of put them with hey this left side Tire Works good with this right side Tire um and so that's why how you see them all planned out and whatnot it it's a tough job being a tire tire person cuz it's you got tons of tires any given weekend to uh to to have to deal with and you're managing them all and uh you're trying to keep the Stagger of each set consistent which that's that's a job in itself so it's a big part of what we're doing what's the person that's burning off when you see the tires get taken off what's what were they trying to accomplish there yeah they're trying to get the excess rubber off so when you see us uh go as we're running at speed we're laying rubber down on the racetrack when we slow down for a caution those hot tires those it they're probably the surface of them is 200 something degrees right it then picks up the rubber that has been put on the racetrack so there's a layer of loose rubber on those tires under caution which is why you also see us swerving back and forth before we go green if we choose not to pit you'll see us doing some heavy swerving we're trying to get that loose rubber off of the tires so that way when we charge in the corner on a restart on older tires we're not we're riding on actual tire rubber that is stuck to the tire and not the loose rubber that we just picked up because your car will just take off if you don't clean your tires up well interesting yeah whose job is it to make sure that the the correct tire goes on the correct wheel like does each tire changer go get their specific Tire before the pit stop or is there a guy specifically that says okay here's this tire for you here's this tire for you no they'll just put them up on the wall and and yeah they'll know that here the guys that are going to go across this side you're going to these are the tires for this yeah yeah it's They Know Each Tire they basically probably set them on the wall and they know each person who's going to be touching that tire to put it on the car they know that that's their Tire uh so so what's the point of when they the TIR is taken off though you see somebody yes yeah so I was going to get back to that they what they're doing is they're scraping off that old rubber to then measure there's little pin holes in each of the tire to then measure how much the tire has been worn so uh they've got a little gauge that they'll stick in these holes in the tire and uh it shows how much of the tread has been worn during the course of the uh that run a lot of math in this sport Travis there is i that's why you know the these are the stories that definitely need to be told and to kind of again what you see is cars going around circles every Sunday it's a ton of stuff that makes them go yeah yeah there's more to more to racing just the guy driving the car right plenty of you're good at math you probably have a home and and racing somewhere if you want it 100% I have a review here from Skyline 2413 and they say Denny's first time finally peeing in his seat was hilarious I about dropped a 50 lb weight while working out because I was laughing so hard would have been worth it # Allin yeah I didn't hey I didn't go back to back Jared as you call it it's good yeah it's good so I kept it uh kept it in this week didn't really have an issue um yeah that was a I was hoping that that would kind of break the seal for me and allow me to do it on a more regular basis um maybe you know I I went right before I got in the car there was it's interesting all the porter John's right behind Pit Road if you want to get a driver autograph i' I'd wait there because everyone seems to go to the P of John's I'm kidding uh we're likely not going to sign right right then um is the poor Johns are just lined up with drivers um right right on pit Lane uh right before uh we get ready to strap in so yeah it's uh thank you for that uh review I appreciate you listening in don't drop the weights please uh but appreciate you uh being a part of your letting us be a part of your workout be sure to rate review and follow wherever you get your podcast and don't forget to subscribe to actions detrimental on YouTube before we wrap this thing up do you have anything else you want to add what's your week look like um I don't have anything else to add you know I don't know that we talked enough about Kyle lson but I'll just you know give a few sentences here saying strong run right I mean this could be a this definitely could be a Kyle arson type year um you know anytime he starts off uh this early in the season getting wins it's you're looking at oo how many can he get right so um he's uh he's on it right now especially on the mile and a halfs the mile and a halfs he's he's got a package him and Cliff that it seems like it's going to be tough to beat so we all got to go to work on it the question will be can he avoid the dnfs because that's last year he had some wins but then he' he'd had some drop off races right yeah he he's definitely an up and down guy as far as results concerned you know finishes are concerned um so I mean but that's everyone's looking to get better so everyone's looking at their weaknesses right now um I think we're going to know a lot more after Phoenix Phoenix this is a big week for all the race teams that think they have Championship aspirations of hey if you want to try something it's going to be this week because you're you're you're not going to get too far out of the box once you get the championship weekend yeah I think you can say the same for the 24 team too right cuz they were hot early and if it wasn't for the the trash bag uh who would have I think they would have had a tough time with lson I do given the pace that that he had um but certainly William was going to be in the picture Chase had a you know kind of doing our Hendrick Motorsports wrap-up here Chase kind of had a you know probably a ho home pedestrian day you know he was back half of the top 10 most of the day not not great not terrible uh Alex Bowman probably a little worse than that right probably in the teens somewhere in there he struggled which is you know kind of not what you would expect Alex Bowman typically has had pretty good results in the uh in the spring Vegas race so um yeah that's pretty much the wrap up on Vegas uh tune in to us next week uh after Phoenix and we'll uh we'll check out you guys then
Channel: Actions Detrimental with Denny Hamlin
Views: 29,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Actions Detrimental With Denny Hamlin, Denny Hamlin, NASCAR, Racing, Cup Series, Joe Gibbs, Podcast, Dirty Mo Media, 23XI, Las Vegas, Craftsman Truck Series, Pitcrew, Pit road problems, Tyler Reddick, Kyle Larson, Chevy, NASCAR Full Speed, Denny Hamlin Nascar Full Speed, NASCAR Race Recap
Id: a7Z_n8Rd_1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 15sec (3735 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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