DENIM KOALA DESERVES A SHOW - Fall Guys: Season 5 (4 player gameplay)

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hi everybody welcome something's astronomer george representing jasmine hello hello we've returned to fall guys season five just dropped this week seems like a beach party summer vibe to it they've released some uh some cute new costumes and you know other stuff i know nothing about the new levels none of us have really played but i have selected the uh the welcome to the jungle uh selector which i think to the channel guys highlights the new the new maps traditions we play this game once every three to six months it's true it's true all right let's go let's do it i'd like to think that this character that i have created here is named denim koala and he's just like a rejection he's a rejected kids show character you know because he was just kind of boring yeah i don't remember you wearing that ever before price shows not not rejected accepted um did you guys watch the uh john oliver about the um the kitchen i really want to watch it it looks so funny john dillerman which is a show and is it in sweden or is it in denmark anyway um it's about another a clay man who does things with his penis and it's a kid's show he does everything with his penis it's amazing but i mean it's not sexualized it's literally like no i get that but it's still weird that this guy is doing all this stuff with his penis i understand it's not sexualized and it's it's just weird that he's got a candy cane penis that can extend like a thousand feet and rescue small children you're making a really a really great case that denim koala does deserve his own show john dillerman gets a show denim koala at the very least he should have a show on like i don't know free point elevator pitch me what's denim koala doing on his day today what's his what's his hook oh uh well denim koala clearly lives in a patchwork world of all different fabrics and whatnot so it's essentially a giant quilt type land but he's a denim koala so he's really more of just like sort of an accountant so it's kind of it's kind of a sack boy situation but with a with a koala yeah yeah but in some way his blandness will allow him to match any outfit and everyone else is way more colorful and fancy than him and he's sort of like the one standout but let me ask you this that makes him actually fit every outfit so it turns out that like he was needed all along quick question yeah what's he do with his penis i don't know what to say just say whatever comes to it's not relevant to the narrative uh what he does that's just morbid personally not sexual either it's gonna be a hard sell it's gonna be hard to sell it to you yes to me in particular yes yeah it's a rickety oh no you guys come on i got up here i had like a good lead and to the why the wider child audience these days who have come to expect magical penises in their mind oh my god rick i'm just saying what you know i'm just i'm repeating oh no things i've seen oh my god i'm not bouncing probably this is this is rough okay there we go getting to that bounce pad is difficult damn i i can't get up there's uh this thing okay oh god these jerks keep knocking me up dude this is really tough oh god i'm having a real hard time all of the pathways are tricky dude just get me up to a bounce pad would you all right oh they pushed me back all the way back there you go dad you got it i was grabbing on why did my grip strength give out i don't know if i'm going to make it wait can i get it oh my god now i'm going this way this bouncing confuses me confuses and annoys me there yeah i'm not gonna damn it i'm not gonna make it oh no is it just me i was stuck on that stupid that was tough i couldn't get it yeah i grabbed onto the wall and then my grip strength just gave out is drip strength the thing in the game now well i mean you never you can't just climb up a wall no no no but if you're holding on to the edge you should be able to hold on to it indefinitely at least you could before i don't remember i think you did have grip strength but i mean it shouldn't be like it shouldn't like stand out you should have had plenty of time i think like i i remember i remember trying to climb why this thing avoid the rhinos and stay inside the arena only like it pushes you off so yeah just careful with the rhinos oh my god yeah y'all can we all can use this as recon oh my gosh look at all those bouncies on the outside i love this so much it's almost like you want to run away and then jump off and bounce into the sky you know oh i'm so excited to see what the ai is like on these things all right here he comes all right i love these rhinos oh yeah they speed up they speed up for sure okay oh this is where's the third one okay oh okay i'm okay so they kind of like will knock into each other exactly and that'll alter their direction that's what got me because i was like i was safe but they like kind of moved each other maybe hold somebody in place but it's charging and then run out of the way at the last minute yeah i mean it's not a bad idea this is one where no one necessarily has to get knocked out yeah oh price oh no that is an okay right now i'm okay i'm okay oh my gosh i see i see people jumping out there and using the videos yeah but if they're chasing you it's a good way to escape them it's like use a jump pad to like kind of eat over their back so jump pads seem to be the um guy that was next to me totally baited it he totally baited it we're exiting we're exiting uh so i noticed that this there's obviously cross play now um yeah yeah there's like some people that actually have real names oh wow yeah interesting okay oh i got a i got a copy yeah i unlocked the uh wait why did you work out right i did i also did not well i got farther than y'all but why did ash get it i'm unlocking how many things am i talking a lot yeah really i i got to level seven yeah wow i don't know jasmine i maybe because shenanigans maybe because you were the leader and because i got this far maybe price thank you for your journey that you took oh man i don't want too much stuff look i got new pants hold on i don't want these pants i like that i was getting outraged that i didn't level up in a game i never play exactly oh man this distribution of experience is unfair right yeah that that's why i don't play this game that denim was too extreme i gotta go back to the the denim i'm safe with it's better than denim you know yeah that denim was too bold that denim knows your curves it's it's been with you at the entire time this denim's like a hug from dead broke denim koala is just a show about hugs basically ah it's just comfy that's it and done and denim the comfort of denim the comforter you are big denim i am big denim i do like to think of big denim as like a sentient koala who's just like brutal oh man denim takes so much water to make there here's this friendly koala to teach you that it's not that's not the case yeah it's fine keep wearing denim he's like i'd rather give up eucalyptus than denim right meanwhile he's destroying koala habitats i give it two thumbs up because you know they have two thumbs i hate how perfect that was [Laughter] go to navigate the jungle obstacles and race to the finish line okay yeah little baby frogs oh so you can go up but you have to go across those weird things oh but i want to go down the slide yeah oh and there's rhinos there is a lot there's a lot in this one this is fun this is like exactly i was gonna say this reminds me of double dare let's go look by the way how they not brought back double oh my god the frogs are amazing right oh god i accidentally hit the triggers oh god i got flung off the edge excuse me okay the frogs are amazing i love them a lot i want them in my life in everything and everything we do go slow slow okay okay okay i'm out there i'm out there y'all okay okay i'm on this level oh no frogs i saved it don't do it how do you grab again uh triggers is it right trigger uh it's just triggers uh both because left trigger is like it shows me the right trigger is what i use i i just hold both triggers because trigger shows me people's names so i don't think it's that no maybe it's right trigger then slide slide to the end there we go i made it i didn't go go get it get it okay i'm trying guys you still have plenty you still got plenty jazz did we all make it okay oh god jazz you are so close you are so close i'm getting there you got it you got it just get in one of those slides there you go you go you got it you got it you got it you got it you got it that was wow close my gosh there's like a pink narwhal or something next to me it's so cute oh do you guys see the lucky cat it's adorable oh man there's so many cute characters the design in this game top notch for sure for show i'm really curious to know what the player base is now that it's got the cross play yeah all right what we got next y'all what do we got next i gotta say i do like this temple runs yeah those are fun it's a very um legend that temple feeling yeah yeah double dip there guts nick arcade love it bubbles will appear in different zones around jump into them to pop and score points to win is this individual points or is this uh i don't know it's probably it sounds like it looks individual it's individual oh no okay just jump in the bubbles wow this is some wild and crazy and i have no idea how this is going to work but yeah i'm i mean i'm expecting to crash out but we'll see got bubbles are there bubbles only in one area are they everywhere i i saw them in two areas so far oh they're only in two okay i see imagine they're gonna it's kind of like um the ring one do you guys remember the rings they just popped up in this area yep okay the treasure is yes oh gosh y'all this is to be trixie there's a gold bubble and i am behind i don't i don't know how to tell if i am like qualified or not so where's the next one oh god over there okay there's gold bubbles where's the rest of the bubbles apparently i'm doing pretty good actually how many points do you need i don't know look at that look at you need 15. you see that at the corner oh yeah yeah got it oh i got a gold level oh lucky lucky oh god that fish just punched me oh god i'm getting hunched back oh my gosh okay i just need one more bubble right up to a gold bubble and that got me a good 10. okay where's the next one where's this i guess maybe five okay okay there we go i'm at nine i'm at nine so ash yeah sit on the sill on the frog sit on the frog i got it i thought i got it i can't see oh no i didn't make it that one sucks man like well and and i mean there was like that ring one in the previous one i hate those games i'll just say it i just don't enjoy the at least you know where all the rings are at the beginning this one the fact that they're popping up at different places at different times like it works i mean i i think it does what it what it wants to do those are just my least favorite ones i hate having to is this teams or are they once again making this all individual i think it's individual i think it's like tail time price are you still here with me no i'm going it's just youtube i'm here it's you and jess all right i'm gonna grab a pengy oh i see him i just wanna think it's individual as well yeah i just want all of the matches to be races that's all i want come here okay come on jazz you can get one so you gotta hold it for 25 seconds total it seems i don't know oh god come on i'm trying to pull this penguin away from this guy i got one hold on [Applause] there you go there you go got you where'd the pengy go good one ash good one actually i just follow my bow oh come on keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going oh no gotcha come on now little baby you're so close i got you a little baby i'll hold on to you don't worry what they stole my penguin away from me you had it for these guys save your baby this child belongs to me now but it was always like very all to yourself you're good good one okay frog thank god i was so close that someone stole my baby wow jazzy well done behind a frog that baby was always yours it was mine the frog was a great dad great provider of shelter i named him georgie i won't tell him until he's 18 that he's georgie the second i'm sorry his poor brother was stolen by someone dressed by the hamburglar oh my goodness oh oh oh oh it's a break through the doors and reach the crown at the end of the maze a real summer fake so it's like door dash yeah it's phantom abyss wow it's smash tv wow okay have fun man who's it just jazz jazz all right i like how he starts you in that semi circle so that nobody's at an advantage that's a fake door that's a real fake door that's a real fake door luckily it is like those ones where you can kind of watch where other people have successes and kind of yeah but this is the last one you need to grab the crown first yep oh do you exactly yeah that's why if you're in the back it's done for like it doesn't seem like there's really any ketchup mechanics i hit like an invisible wall did you see that i did come on jazzy come on george porgie unless there's like some real hazards at the end that start messing with people you know right okay because like they're all pretty close and no one else is trying other doors you could try other doors well i mean that's true is there only going to be one path or are there multiple paths yeah i don't know i don't know yet oh it's close it's close come on jazz well done all right well you know i got really far yeah you're dead not bad nope sweet still don't allow you to quit the game at any time you want which is really annoying how is that not a feature yet all right give me my points i like that they have these little mini quests now you know i think they had that last time we played but i do dig that there's like a little more like uh progression i got a freebie crown oh nice all right all right let's go again let's go denim koala here to say i hope you have a perfectly average day denim don't you don't you want to like tell the people to have a great day to have an amazing day no don't you understand ash if we don't have days that are just all right then we can't really see how great the great days are oh my god this is like a real this is such a good thing it teaches kids that it's okay to be average that's you know what that's what we need more of oh man you know we're sponsoring this jeff bezos jeff bezos is funding this look kids just be average okay you don't need to go to space denim koala says you just need to help billionaires because i'd rather work on the space shuttle than actually work on the space shuttle [Laughter] wow i want to make this a thing now all right in the comments below do you want a denim koala shirt let us know no no i mean the answer is yes you should be asking what size do they need and do you want it made out of denim i guess oh my gosh we can't afford this yeah but much like elmo will eventually uh surpass the original oh my gosh okay fell down again oh my gosh oh my god let's go these bumpers it's tough man i got behind at the very beginning and now i'm like oh no i fell down now i gotta go past the rhinos okay good good we're good yeah now i'm here with the rhinos too oh my god i would have gotten second but i rolled my ass off [Music] be quick i got knocked so far behind earlier at the very beginning i uh fell down so i was just always behind oh well always the balls made always the bridesmaids but still a role worth playing sorry everybody should go watch harley quinn clayface is great [Music] what's next what's next now i'm curious to know who actually is the you know what i'm letting you look it up because i'll look it up i'll look it up so the way you make it sound it makes me think it's all intuitive but you know that alan is actually the joker well i do know he's a joker but he's also talented he could do a lot of different ones i just feel like they wouldn't cast him to be two of the major voices they might voice by alan tudyk all right yeah i mean it's not like joe or not uh what john dimaggio didn't do like a million voices yeah futurama you know right exactly not this one again [Applause] got needed oh no i'm going this way i'm gonna go this way yeah get over there there you go look at all that free real estate i haven't gotten a single one yet you got one you got one okay there you go you got two we got three i'm not gonna get that one all right i'm one third of the way there all right go ahead uh oh all right i got a gold one again nice lucky duck come on man i'm picking these up oh my gosh all right jazzy you're doing good i still got to get six more yeah i need i need seven more geez get it my mouth is terrible all right rick you're at seven i just said plenty of room y'all plenty of room okay there's this is too crowded over here where's the next one's gonna spawn this one will end soon there's that one in the middle over there that gold that people haven't gotten yet and that's what's gonna do the next one from spawning oh my god i don't even know how to there's the next one there it is go there yep see one more good ones oh qualified yes all right you need four more man you got this come on damn it new ones new ones there hit the vent yep yep come on you go you just need three more brick come on two more down here [Music] that was intense but two of you all made it good job why did you candle one do you see the candle costume yeah there's a candle there was someone else who had like little like uh like almost look like a broccoli head or something like that oh i think that's what i want one wants broccoli no one wants tops broccoli nemesis broccoli this ad was brought to you by the carrot lobby okay this one kind of terrifies me yeah the rhinos are you'll do it you'll actually think they are i know that's the thing keep them at a distance you'll be fine i like their design though they're really cute they're cute yeah bobble tails i'd like to think that there's somebody inside them piloting them oh yeah for sure you know oh god yeah it's sort of like an instant situation oh gosh oh god oh man and they get like angry so you know that they're going to charge you they can see the girl oh my god are you kidding me oh my goodness onto the pad back out onto the pad back out yeah you have to constantly rotating the screen to make sure that you've always got an eye on these turkeys oh man that bomberman is so cute all right 30 seconds oh i stopped sucks man i saw your little arrow jazzy oh my god all right all right 12 seconds jazz look at the cars let's go oh gosh oh gosh yeah yeah you're good you're good come on oh my gosh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah three two two one oh my god oh my god the guy right next to you just got eated out seriously wow i had time to do an emote i did chicken dance wow batman is chicken up in here oh my goodness whoa a lot of people got kicked all right all right you guys and then try to be the front yeah just don't get trapped in the silver monkey room so it's like a giant crown at the end i see it yeah yeah yeah and then you gotta bounce yeah you gotta bounce okay i bet you could use if you were really good i bet you could use the frogs to launch yourself over some walls oh maybe yeah because it seems like the timing on those frogs is huge and sometimes okay oh god oh no all right there you go there you go got it left and then right oh there is there there was a second path there was a second path okay there you go oh nice nope nope not that way okay okay okay oh oh oh yep to the right there you go it's the right follow the chicken left chicken nose away it's gotta be right left you can do this oh crap that chicken that chicken is quick yup laser focused you're so close i know i missed the jump pad what is that it's a penguin those are those little penguins that you have to pick up there's some penguins penguins a lot of penguins they're pronounced penguins oh look at me dancing for not qualifying so excited all right let's see if i gain seven levels again oh i got a cute skirt okay oh you know what i think when ash and i leveled up you know what it was we completed a challenge i'm looking at my challenges i had a challenge that was a dive ten times and i got 600 xp yeah i just must complete something because that's that's mine mine says just qualify from survival rounds twice earn some remember metal in any round and then perform at least 15 emotes so the one that has the pink number that's xp yeah and then there's crown charts so it sounds like yours is actually harder because you have to get disqualified ten times so you have to play ten full rounds for that to happen my mind was just ten times grab five players during the round yeah my mine was dive ten times i literally you do it on accident yeah mine was only yeah die five times i got to emote like 15 times i did one emote [Music] you
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 9,591
Rating: 4.9385667 out of 5
Keywords: fall guys, fall guys season 5, fall guys mobile, fall guys switch, fall guys nintendo switch, fall guys xbox, fall guys trailer, fall guys gameplay, fall guys funny moments, fall guys music
Id: DGQV9E-T_dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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