Deng Xiaoping - Founder of Modern China Documentary

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there is the 9th of September 1976 Mao Zedong chairman of the Communist Party of China died of a heart attack at the age of 82 a power struggle begins behind the scenes from which one man of humble beginnings emerges triumphant and over the coming years changes the very face of communist China combining liberal economic policies with authoritarian government to create an emerging superpower his name [Music] the man known to history as dong zhuo ping Oh dong Zi Chen was born on the 22nd of August 1904 in Guangdong in the sichuan province of china descendant of the hacker people's tongues family lives through the fall of china's lust imperial age under the ching dynasty his father was done winning there was a middle-level landowner situated in rural Sichuan who acted as the head of the PI Feng village being selected by the Chinese government to collect taxes and report on issues such as crime his father was also educated at university studying in Chengdu at the university of law and political science and was interested in the modernization and political Reformation of the Chinese government as well as serving as a regional agent for the central government when Ming also collected information on political activities happening around the country in addition his father was also heavily involved in a religious sect known as the religion of the five sons which strictly followed the philosophies of Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism his mother was dun dun she who unlike her husband was illiterate but was a prominent figure within the local community and was the second wife of Dan's father who mothered three boys and a girl but who was absent from Dan's life from a young age succumbing to what is now believed to be tuberculosis dying sometime in the 1920s as the oldest child of wen Ming and Dan XI not much is known about the future leader Deng Xiaoping's early life although he has been described by villagers who knew him as a young boy as a stable energetic and happy child and he was also marked out by his school friends as being exceptionally playful and mysterious but also brilliant but never rebellious by the age of five in 1909 Donnell began private tutoring and received his honorary name which was customarily provided by his teacher and he became cisgender meaning to aspire to good he was also trained in the classical writings of Confucius and would later attend a conventional primary school where he continued his education on the late philosophers work and learn to recite passages from his writings in 15 years old he attended a boarding school in Guam County before moving on to middle school in the same district in 1919 at the age of 14 this time focusing his studies on science mathematics and geography and in the fall of 1919 when Ming enrolled both young and his youngest son Cheng in the Tong Ching Preparatory School in France where they completed their further education and the reason that when Ming chose France for a son's education was that in China France was deemed a bastion for political and economic learning thanks to its modern educational system its robust understanding of maths and science as well as its industrial developments dong was unable to obtain a full scholarship due to poor grades and he also struggled with learning French but he did pass exams which allowed him to attend school in France and as his father was a strong believer in the future success of his own nation installed in dung values concerning the betterment of Chinese society and to reinforce the same he exposed them to some of the best thinkers in the Western world which would allow him to use what he had learned to modernize the country following his father's wishes for his son to join the work frugal study movement done set sail from Shanghai on the Andre Labonte boat on the 11th of September 1920 arriving in the port city of Marseilles on the 19th of October and upon arriving in France he his fellow students met with representatives of the sino Franco society of education who go to the students to Paris on a 16-hour coach journey we're done along with his uncle who was also on the educational program were sent to the city of bear in Normandy to study at a secondary school while in school in France the young gang complained of discriminatory treatment towards his fellow Chinese nationals according to him were treated like children were taught at an inferior level and were sent to bed early during their time in the student dormitories and according to the program curriculum pupils were to learn the French language initially before beginning other classes in school although due to a lack of program funding in March 1921 many Chinese nationals found themselves without food and shelter which forced many poorer students into paid work during the post-war industrial expansion of France many died as a result of the French course providers failing to accommodate their students though fortunately for the future leader and many like him rose with personal funding could continue to live a more comfortable life with Deng surviving on the resources his father accrued by selling off his land to fund his son's education and despite being in a relatively better position that his fellow students a 16 year old Tang began working for the Schneider and company iron and steel complex with his uncle which was situated between the cities of Paris and Lyon as Dan was unsettled by the working conditions at Schneider & Company he decided to return to Paris after only three weeks of work to find employment and secure an education so Dan returned to Paris in the April of 1921 and moved into a Chinese neighborhood in the Paris suburbs called Lorraine kalam ad whilst there he survived on little funding and word communicate largely within his own community as he knew very little French although Tang had attended school in France to learn about modern technology in science instead his real interest lay in political demonstrations and public movement and on the 21st of January 1921 Chinese nationals attended rallies of the Chinese Embassy in France to demand better living conditions those involved criticized the work-study program and lack of employment which resulted in funding being provided to poorer civilians but the social implications introduced by the Chinese ambassador chen liu were inept and did little to support those who were struggling financially and shortly after further demonstrations in leo many of the students were forced to return home during the next four years he spent in france while stan was surviving he had very little funds for schooling now between 1922 and 1923 when his personal funding slowed he again found work on factory floors including for the french car manufacturer Renault and despite enjoying the French lifestyle attending football matches and enjoying local cuisine he later claimed the first two years he spent in France were the most valuable teaching him about the uncertainties surrounding the capitalist economic system which was favored by Western nations many of the Chinese students remaining in France became influenced by Marxist and Leninist ideologies due to communist activity in the country that had been underpinned by the Russian Revolution of 1917 which prompted him to attend political meetings from 1923 until 1926 and during this period in 1924 Dunn formed a close relationship with joy in life who was responsible for covert publications released by the Communist Youth League releasing their journal under the name the red lights and Dunn would soon become a fully fledged member of the organization later that year and was responsible for writing his own newsletters and would later become editor of the journal despite Duns issues with education he nonetheless moved up the ranks of the newspaper while senior colleagues returned to China and he was soon a political and military instructor this meant the dange attracted attention from the State Police and was or monitored for his activities although den could not be arrested at this time as he had not broken any laws but the French authorities did raid his home in January 1926 but Deng managed to evade arrest dong and his communist allies were aware of the raid about to occur on their homes and offices and therefore plan to escape the country that left France bound for Moscow via Berlin by train much to the consternation of the French authorities and on arriving in Russia dung began studying at the Soviet Union's Eastern University primarily focusing on communist theory as well as continuing offensive political campaigning he went on to become a member of the Chinese Communist Party vowing that he had already dedicated his life to the Communist ideals after studying at the Eastern University during the time he spent in Russia he soon moved to the Sun yat-sen University of Moscow which was established in 1926 to help combat the country's Warlord's with both Communists and nationalists alike contributing to the cause prior to their infamous split in the political sphere and while studying there then learned about communism in China and the history surrounding revolutions that had occurred in the region and it was also here that he was taught in-depth Marxist theory and was taught the Russian language whilst also being introduced to Russian military strategies he learned that following the opium wars of the 19th century and China's lost to the dominant powers of the West many in the country placed responsibility on the failure of China to modernize industrially which led to internal political conflict the consequent abdication of Emperor Puyi and ultimately the fall of the imperial ching dynasty after almost three centuries of rule in the country in addition the Wu Tang uprising of 1911 preceded the sin-hye revolution in early 1912 which in essence was a democratic revolution with many in the country unhappy with the state's inability to protect itself effectively from an aggression which therefore resulted in social unrest and consequently a regime change beginning in the southern provinces of the country and so with the population wishing to see social reforms which would see China turned into a fully fledged modern state there would be recognized worldwide and with military commander Yuan Shikai being instated as the new prime minister in late nineteen eleven the scene was set for shantung emperor pays relinquishment of power which was successfully negotiated by shell Kai he then led the remaining regions of the Ching dynasty to the north going on to establish the Republic of China after which the Nationalist Party president Sun yat-sen then stepped down from his presidency by mutual agreement choukai remained the most powerful individual in China and was named president by Sun yat-sen in order to forge a peaceful transition of power but he would later betray his potential diplomatic ally and seize power from the Nationalist Party the Kuomintang in 1916 where she dated the head of China's largest army during sannyasins exile although his popularity was significantly damaged when he proclaimed himself emperor in 1915 after this the nationalist leader returned in 1917 due to Chinese political instability and so soon after the death of Yuan Shikai in 1916 and with Sun yat-sen returned from exile by this time China had polarized in two regions ruled by warlords who held a substantial grip over the country but the Nationalist Party or the Kuomintang began establishing a military government and by 1919 they became the most dominant force in China and successfully re-established the Republic of China by 1921 from the creation of the Communist Party they had led a relatively peaceful campaign meeting very little resistance from the Nationalist Party who had dominated politics in the country up to this time and the rise of communism particularly in Russia influenced many significant figures in the country future ruler chairman mao zedong giving birth to a communist party which was influenced heavily by Marxist Leninist ideologies after learning of his country's history the Sun yat-sen University of Moscow it wasn't long before dung became a prominent figure within his class and led the Communist function at the school and was later chosen by the Chinese Communist Party leaders to teach communism to Chinese students in late 1926 a long sight of the students elected from Russia and this was all thanks to his dedication despite producing only moderate grades in his examinations but dung was nonetheless dedicated to communist ideology and his loyalty to the party was unquestionable and so with the tender age of 22 left Moscow Vysya in China in early 1927 traveling via Mongolia and across the Gobi Desert landing at his destination in March of that year to assist in military activities in the country upon his arrival dung was consigned to deliver lectures to the army personnel of fung yu-sau a warlord based in northwest china who was receiving the backing of the soviet union and before long the communist nationalist divide occurred and in April dong found himself in a dangerous situation because of the divide between the two prominent parties only two years after coming to power the new nationalist leader of the Kuomintang Chiang kai-shek began a crackdown on communist ideologues in 1927 with some killed and others imprisoned for their association with the party but dong himself was let go unharmed thanks to the Yu Xiao choosing not to violently purge the Communists within his ranks when instead they let him and the others leave in peace but this was to be the beginning of the Chinese Civil War the surviving members of the Communist Party moved to the eastern province of Chauncey to regroup where a movement led by male known as the Soviet Republic of China began where its member started appropriating land in the region successfully staving off interventions by Chiang kai-shek for some time domdom went to join his comrades in Wuhan in central China which was home to the Communist Party headquarters but with the upcoming threat of a nationalist offensive the party split due to internal conflicts between the senior ranking members but the Communists soon regrouped and a new leadership and entered the party as a record-keeper then the dumb changed his name from sition to Xiaoping to counter attempts at identifying him it was also around this time that he met Mao Zedong for the first time and due to a possible attack by the Nationalists the Communist Party had to relocate to Shanghai where dung followed but the party had to go underground and did not have control of the territory politically also during this period he was enlisted to teach the party 7th army and purged those disloyal to the party dong was married in 1928 to Chung si yuan there was a like-minded fellow student he had first met in Moscow at the Sun yat-sen University both had begun working as shopkeepers to disguise their political activity when they rekindled their relationship in China however the loving relationship was short-lived as his wife and child died following complications during childbirth two years later and so he was widowed 26 years old and was unable to attend his wife's funeral due to the nature of his work the year of 1928 was largely successful for the nationalists who is Kuomintang army fought with many of the remaining warlords in the country but this alone was not enough to please the peasantry and city laborers whose needs were overlooked by the Nationalist government despite their efforts to unify China and upgrade technology medicine and reform the economy and this essentially created an opening bolster support the communist policies whose message was directed towards increasing the social status of the lower classes in the country which in turn created a large following in rural areas and amongst communists held areas in the following years dung began organizing communist activity in guanxi in the south of China in 1929 as secretary of the seventh Red Army leading the by surprising of Kwanzaa and down soon joined forces with Mao Zedong who was situated in the chung sea province to better organize his movements following defeats to the nationalists who wore down much of dongs remaining fighters on their journey northeast with many dying due to exposure to the elements as they were under equipped for this journey in February of 1930 now had created the Jung si provincial Soviet government in the region but faced internal problems as he was seen as anti revolutionary because of his moderate stance and despite an attempted overthrow on the 7th of November 1931 the Chinese Soviet republic was established and Mao Zedong attended the ceremony by now holding the positions of both chairman of the Central Executive Committee and head of government although his power was diminished when control of the Red Army was given to Chinese diplomat and future head of the Chinese government joi lie by 1931 Don had married for a second time - chin Wayne the dongs political career was somewhat harmed by his return to Shanghai leaving his army function behind Masum felt the dong had betrayed the party and managed to escape punishment for his actions as he had claimed he was merely a political trainer and not a commander of war and was possibly spared thanks to the intervention of Joanne lie in the summer of that year Don continued serving the party in the chung sea province which was becoming a political center for communist activity and it was here that the communist party consolidated power and exerted political and economic influence in the region in the area surrounding Chung see and all the way to the Fijian border introducing land reforms which benefited the poorest members of society but which also saw a rise in politically motivated crime as landlords were often killed by workers to obtain their land despite the Communist Party's popularity Mao was locked in internal conflicts with competing military strategists with a frequent turnover in power causing uncertainty around the strength of their army as well as this opposing functions debated the confrontational approach of the party and the possibility of entering into open conflict with the conservative Paul Menton the powerful party who controlled the centralized government leading to widespread uncertainty surrounding the Chinese Communist Party leadership but against the odds the Communists were able to fend off poor attacks by Chiang kai-shek's men who had lied for blistering offensives in the Communist Heartland which failed to strike at the morale of the group and their following at this time dung was initially demoted within the party for his allegiance to male who had yet to consolidate power but due to his long serving commitment to the party and status as a veteran he was subsequently promoted to party committee secretary in retain in the Kanto district of Chun si province which was now a Soviet administrative region in China in 1933 towns managed away in ended in divorce as his wife left him for another spiring politician Li wen and tongues leadership took a downward spiral when mounting pressure over dongs association with Mal resulted in him being removed from all positions in the party being placed under arrest and although dong was marginalized and placed on the fringes of the party for a short time he was soon reinstated and was able to continue with his duties meanwhile the Communist Party was struggling to absorb a fifth attack by Chiang kai-shek and ultimately forced into retreat as the party was destined for the long march which was a tactical and necessary retreat by the communists in fact there were several long marches as communist armies attempted to evade the Kuomintang the best known of which was the march from Shanxi province which began in October 1934 in which an estimated 80,000 communist soldiers with approximately 15,000 party members and government representatives took part in a cross-country march resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of people from starvation exhaustion and at the hands of the Kuomintang soldiers with only 1/10 of those making the trip north tienen surviving it was the long march that began males path to power as he showed great leadership skills during the march and so gained the support of the members of the Communist Party of China and in the year leading to October 1935 that was to serve as general secretary of the party being promoted by Mao and Jo and as party membership plummeted significantly across the country tongues rise to the inner circles of the Communist Party was gaining momentum and during this time he had been traveling with Mao throughout parts of their retreat but by the end of the grueling adventure he had begun to suffer from typhoid fever and almost succumbed to his illness and although party membership fell the virtue of their sacrifice in retreat and in the name of their cause was highly thought of with many peasants hailing them as national heroes tongues backing of show and mouth turned out to be to his advantage as they controlled the direction of the party's military and he was given important roles in key places in the government in the lead-up to the second sino-japanese war which began with the Japanese invasion of Chinese Manchuria in September of 1931 the Japanese justifying their occupation by claiming that China had destroyed sections of the Manchurian railway the Japanese remained there until the beginning of the war six years later when an alliance was reestablished between the Nationalists and the Communists who unified to fight off the aggressors during the second sino-japanese war which was the prelude to World War two in the Pacific region this led to a Chinese victory in nineteen forty-five thanks to the American intervention of the Pearl Harbor bombing which significantly reduced Japan's effectiveness in their fight against their closest rivals meanwhile dung retreated to the sacred Wutai mountains to spend time amongst the Buddhist monks dung returned to become deputy political director within the Communist Party in 1937 serving in a multitude of divisions within the military known collectively as the second field army teaching communist ideology to the Chinese revolutionary army whilst also serving as a commissar to the 129th 8th route army next to Lou Putin who is the leading commander and future long-term ally of them in 1939 during wartime the future leader was married once again to his long-term partner Jolin who was a dedicated communist and I joined the party in 1938 but by the time they were married the Communist Party were carrying out violent land reforms and wealth distribution while engaging the Kuomintang army in early 1940 which would be a turning point in the Chinese Civil War as a communists had significant support from the peasantry who was sympathetic to their cause thanks to the distribution of bullish was wealth which was offered to them by the party ultimately by the end of the Great War and following the United States nuclear attacks on Japan the aggressors were forced to retreat from China as they were militaristically and economically weakened by the bombing raids carried out over the country and they surrendered to the Allied powers ending world war ii and the sino-japanese conflict simultaneously in 1945 in 1946 the Communist Party attempted to assert control as the dominant leaders within China and as the Communist Party became strong enough to overthrow the dominant but minority governance of the Nationalist Party the aftermath of the war saw Chiang kai-shek and the Kuomintang government exiled to Taiwan therefore ending the Civil War and marking the dawn of a socialist authoritarian era in Chinese history in the lead up to the revolution none remained in charge of the second field army who controlled Yunnan Sichuan zaqqum cui Jo Ann Tibet to the southwest of the country overseeing military education while many intellectuals and students alike were forced into educational camps during Mao's intellectual rectification program as well as this the communist takeover of 1949 saw the end of the Republic of China and the state would now undergo the transition from a more conservative approach to politics and we're introduced to what has become known as Maoism on the 1st of October dong attended the proclamation of the People's Republic in Beijing thus welcoming the newly declared People's Republic of China also during this period dong served as a political and military organizer as he had done in the past and had been applauded by male who found his political skills to be exemplary and upon establishing communist rule in the country dong accompanied mayor when a visit to Stalinist Russia in 1950 where they held debates surrounding Marxism at a time when done himself took the opportunity to research himself as a confident figure within the Communist Party as he showcased his aptitude in successfully engaging the foreign leaders to help secure the future of the state the visit also discuss terms surrounding a second sino-soviet treaty of friendship alliance and mutual assistance with much of the agreement surrounding the recognition of the state of the People's Republic of China where matters such as infrastructure of the Chinese Eastern Railway as well as port access in Dalian and Swan were primary topics which were both returned to the country's control and talks also secured finances to aid the revival of the country as well as establishing diplomatic relations with one of the world's leading industrial superpowers while the newly formed Republic looked to invite support from foreign powers Tung himself was promoted to vice premier in 1952 and the number of positions within the government such as the Deputy Chair of the Committee on Finance and later Minister of Finance including a post as the director of the Office of Communications by 1953 the increasingly powerful Mao Zedong introduced the first five-year plan which attempted the rapid industrialization of China as well as the country's transition into socialism as the government removed agricultural businesses from private ownership limited joint state private firms a social reform which allowed the appropriation of land from the wealthier members of society as it was also argued that sharing the land would help the poorer people of the nation provide for their families by removing payments of rent and ending the need for landlords in the country also allowing people to produce their own food and so provide for themselves following this the intention was to reorganize industry in commerce at a later stage and although the first five-year plan was successful economically as industrial production grew at the rate of 19 percent between 1952 and 1957 agriculture liked behind with growth rates of 4% because of a lack of state investment the gains coming from the reorganization and cooperation fostered by cooperative farming through mail centrally planned economy and collectivization of Agriculture the industrial economy boomed and the country's wealth grew creating successful growth in industrialization as the country increased its living standards for the average person however more stringent plans would later be implemented which would cause great strife across the nation upon Mao's rise to power in September of 1954 Tung was initially removed from his position in the party's government but retained his place as deputy premier and later secured positions as head of the Communist Party's organisation Department as well as participating as a member of the Central Military Commission and so he was becoming an increasingly important figure and was later instrumental in influencing legislation as government administrative officer within the communist party's policymaking board in 1956 the party underwent constitutional changes at the first session of the eighth National Congress of the Communist Party where significant influences of Maoism were replaced in the Chinese Communist Party manifesto removing Mao thought from the Constitution leaving only the Marxist Leninist interpretations to guide the members and dung then assumed a stronger position within the party serving as general secretary of the Secretariat under the Politburo and he was also involved in the country's daily decision-making alongside presidents Leo Shashi and Premier Zhou in support of mal at this time the hundred Flowers campaign was introduced where the people of China were allowed a rare opportunity for open criticism of the government but this was not long-lived and was instead used to identify those critical of the government and in 1957 Mao's anti-rightist movement emerged which was supported by dung and other authoritarians and many of those who held right-wing views were purged thus ending the hundred Flowers movement in true extremist fashion in the second session of the 8th Congress of 1958 the Communist Party put into effect the utopian idea of the Great Leap Forward which was the second five-year plan and was mouths vision that the country could transition into a fully fledged communist state from a largely agrarian economy at the time under 10% of the population owned up to 80% of the arable land and the changes were instituted when the Communists came to power with the people's welfare in mind creating a widespread following within the peasant communities across the country and so the program was rolled out in China to modernize the country socially and economically whilst also increasing the industrial power of the nation and enacting agricultural reform the main aim was to increase China's agricultural output which was lacking behind other European states and so state-owned land initially shared with peasants and farmers with MAO enforcing quotas for food production which the farmer struggled to fulfill furthermore many of the unskilled urban laborers were also required to enter into the workforce within steel factories as well as being encouraged to produce their own iron ore in makeshift furnaces taking even more of the workforce away from the land the resulting lack of labor meant that agriculture suffered and quotas were not met but what food was produced was taken by the state to distribute to others in towns and cities thus millions of people died from starvation due to the lack of food in an event which has become known as the greatest mass killing in history as those that did not starve were punished for not meeting their quotas and forced to work through the night leading to deaths from exposure and exhaustion the total death toll of the great Chinese famine being somewhere between 20 and 50 million people between 1958 and 1962 and so unsurprisingly Mao became more and more unpopular and was eventually replaced by Liu Xiao XI as chairman from 1959 typically for the communist movement healthcare had been an important factor within Mao's policies with the intention of increasing life expectancy for the country's inhabitants at the time this was also accompanied by the expansion of women's rights allowing women to find work thus greatly increasing the numbers available to the labor market but despite these efforts the resulting widespread deaths caused by the social and land reforms caused male to retreat from the political spotlight to protect his already damaged reputation only to return years later to stave off what he saw as capitalist influence within the country led by economic reformers such as dung and Leo leading to what came to be known as the Cultural Revolution publicly done supported the collectivization policies enacted by the Communist Party and was an enabling participant although behind closed doors it is said that the Future leader criticized the program highlighting dongs press for an open market policy economically that would later form the basis of the unique economic system which was introduced in communist China but whatever the case contemporary writers agree this hindered tongues career at this stage of his life with his revival dependent on the public's perception of him hence at the time it was necessary for his future that the collective memory of the past was one in which he objected to this particular ideology of now in order to move forward with his career for years from 1965 to 1972 turned out to be a turbulent and dangerous time for dung and his family during Mao's return to politics with the socio-political transformation of the Cultural Revolution of 1966 during which Tung was exiled for his proclivity for free enterprise or individual self-interest as opposed to mouths philosophy Vig a latarian idealism Tung was humiliated and was sent to work in industrial manufacturing furthermore both he and his family were sent to re-education camps where as his eldest son banku Fung suffered at the hands of the red guards who were subsequently paralyzed following a torturous ordeal the dongs misfortunes were short-lived and a resurgence occurred when he was invited back to support premier Jo's administration to improve the economy it was under his influence that the reorganization of the economy took place and at government level he was soon promoted to the Politburo once again a position protected by his long term friend Jo in 1972 Richard Nixon visited China as the first post communist era United States president to do so in an effort to strengthen ties with China who were backed by Soviet Russia the main aim of the visit being to help end the Vietnam conflict in which China banks North Vietnam along with other allied communist states and nixon's historical visit was also the first step towards forming diplomatic relationships with the eastern communist States in the hopes of ending the Cold War between the US and Russia but he also has the intention of using Russia's Ally against them on the socio-economic and political level dung has been compared to President Nixon as dung was willing to adopt economic approaches which were flexible and advantageous to growth although he remained authoritarian in his rulership style and in his treatment of dissidents and with tons own brand of economics suiting the American style of business China's future trading with the u.s. appeared to be secured nevertheless Hong's character was not always popular among senior American politicians with some such as Henry a Kissinger labeling him as a nasty little man have you shared by everyone in the Nixon administration but relations invariably improved following the stinked visit publicly Mao showed support for his wife Chongqing an actress and leading politician otherwise known as Madame Mao who spearheaded an Orthodox radical revolutionary sanction of the Communist Party against dong and Jo no doubt because of her personal dislike of the latter and Chairman Mao unsure of his allegiances shifted support between dung and joke and Chong Kings radical revolutionaries chose death to cancer in 1976 saw Tung support within the party diminished and he was purged from the party once again by the Gang of Four who were a political group of communist party officials aligned with Cheung but with the death of Chairman Mao dong was to return to the party and he was once again able to resume his climb to power but not without the conflicts that followed demonstrations honoring the late Joe in Tiananmen Square in Beijing in April of 1976 on the day of the fateful Tiananmen Square incident the 5th of April 1976 large crowds congregated to pay their respects to Joe who was highly regarded among the populace although not by Jang and the Gang of Four and so those in attendance were considered counter revolutionaries and were labeled as such by the Communist Party Central Committee and they saw dongs arrest for the alleged planning of the event on the 4th of April public tributes were restricted despite the 5th of April being the day of the annual festival when Chinese people would gather to mourn fallen heroes and leaders there on this occasion some took the opportunity to criticize the deteriorating Chairman Mao as well as Chongqing and all the while dong himself remained largely absent from the square although he had been spotted visiting an area close by and as a result he was accused of leading the protesters acclaim he strongly denied but which meant he lost his status as a senior member of the Communist Party police intervention overnight saw the removal of Jo's Memorial and on the morning of the 5th of April 100,000 people descended on the square and riots broke out with government buildings being taken over and security forces led by the Gang of Four cleared out the square with a militia and over 40 people were arrested and only five months after the riots a weakened Mao Zedong died of a heart attack on the 9th of September 1976 but at the age of 74 years old Tung wouldn't regain significant power and told July of 1977 when he was restored as the vice premier vice chairman of the CCP and vice chairman of the Military Commission and army chief of staff it was also at this time the twogo Feng a military leader governed China during a transitional period following Mao's death and he was able to end the careers of the infamous gang of four who were arrested marking the end of the Cultural Revolution and shortly after this don was pronounced as the paramount leader of the People's Republic of China in 1978 and was the de facto leader of the communist state and he soon began assuring in major socio economic reforms known collectively as the four modernizations which reflected the areas of importance which his father had instilled in him which were agriculture industry self-defense and science in technology Tung wish to emancipate the mind with reform of the education system which had largely been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution Tung also relaxed the state's grip on Cultural Affairs and introduced China to the common of hard work the prosperity although many of the communist features of one-party domination still remained that many believed that parliamentary democracy was a move toward capitalism otherwise referred to as Bush was liberalism Harris was opposed by members of the Communist Party itself the damage caused by the Cultural Revolution was the excuse dong needed to implement his own ideals and he disregarded the economic argument for communism of the common market but he was highly criticized for silencing civil rights campaigner Wei Jingsheng in 1978 who postulated that China's fifth modernization should be democracy next to the four modernizations proposed by tong which were agriculture industry defense and science and technology and dung had the activists arrested and imprisoned for 15 years and after his release he was once again imprisoned for a seven-month term the criticizing Doong Doong knew that china would benefit from forming diplomatic relations with foreign nations and he continued to formally normalize relations with America visiting the White House in January of 1979 during the Jimmy Carter Administration visit which was marked by a state dinner and a tour of the country marking the first visit of a Chinese head of state since the establishment of the People's Republic the paramount leaders visit was centered on the country's opening up policy as well as economic reform but some believed it was also an attempt on the part of China to seek an alliance with the u.s. in their diplomatic dispute with Russia and whilst on his travels Dunn visited Houston Texas were upon performing a public speech an assassination attempt was carried out by a so called member of the Ku Klux Klan who approached the Chinese leader with a knife but was apprehended by security forces and removed in Dunn's attempt to secure peace at home he fought against political coercion firstly releasing intellectuals who were punished under Mao and those placed within labor camps were subsequently released as well as this intellectuals were now viewed in high esteem benefiting from the loss of their bourgeois status are now seen as responsible citizens dan was made director of the Armed Forces as the chairman of the Military Commission in 1981 replacing the current chairman and communist party leader Quaqua Fang which meant that done now controlled the People's Liberation Army the People's Liberation Army militia and the People's Armed Forces and this was a position he held until 1989 in an attempt to curb crime in China Doong instituted the strike hard campaign which was the introduction of capital punishment through which up to 5,000 criminals were ordered to be killed by firing squads throughout the country this resulted in mass deaths in Taiwan were original reports state that at the 60 thousand people were killed between August and November with conservative estimates stating that 24,000 people were killed with the paramount leader assuming power within many of the communist parties most powerful chairs Doong placed himself at the center of negotiations with the United Kingdom and in 1984 dun met Margaret Thatcher to discuss the handling of Hong Kong and surrounding colonies in Beijing and arranged the diplomatic return of Hong Kong to China on the 1st of July 1997 for the second time during done so far short reign a student protests occurred in 1984 on the 35th anniversary of communist rule in the country this time demanding the dong deliver democracy in the country and this sentiment was again raised in 1987 but this occurrence was met with opposition culminating in the deaths of thousands and possibly hundreds of thousands of demonstrators two years later in the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 upon the death of high-ranking official and reformer hooyo bung 100,000 students took the opportunity to protest descending on Tiananmen Square for several weeks after his death calling for freedom of speech freedom of the press and workers control over China's burgeoning industry and on the 4th of June the Chinese government deployed troops to remove the protesters in a violent fashion that has come to be known as the Tiananmen Square massacre or the 4th of June incident within China considered a massive political threat to the status quo up to 1 million people had assembled and a hunger strike by some of the protesters prompted the support of many of those upholding the calls this resulted in the declaration of martial law with 300,000 troops advancing towards the crowds killing and arresting both protesters and civilians alike the events of the 4th of June have largely been censored in China and as a result of the conflict China was subject to international scrutiny and a trade embargo was placed upon the country banning weapons sales to the government moreover the protests saw the end of the liberalisation process but also harmed the integrity of dong himself and the leader formally retired from political duties as chairman of the Military Commission formally in 1989 although his grip on the country remained strong as he remained paramount leader until 1992 when he was replaced by Chun Shimon in the early 1990s dongs economic policies which had largely increased the standard of living within the country came under threat by conservative thinkers within the government but he successfully halted any reform allowing the continuance of his ideas which it made China one of the largest economies in the world superseded only by the United States and as well as this his economic liberalism helped the country become a top economic power in 1992 dung completed an extensive military purge mainly targeting those in leadership positions a move which saw him remove fellow comrade president young Shaolin and his tempura the gem from their roles as well as more than half of the country's generals who were loyal to young to prevent a seizure of power within the military his last public appearance occurred in 1994 to celebrate the Lunar New Year and the remaining years of dongs life was spent largely in private and on the 19th of February 1997 he died of respiratory complications associated with Parkinson's disease with his wife Lane and their five children out living the great reformist who died at the age of 93 China has had a long history of disorder and revolution in the modern age with done largely regarded as the architect that brought the country out of the shadows and into the 21st century as an economic powerhouse all down to his emphasis on the free-market ideology rather than the common market favored by those such as now dung status as one of the prestigious and symbolic eight elders of the Communist Party in China was secured alongside others such as sovereign Hong Kong sin and Qing yuan and his influence saw new reforms in the country and a series of economic changes including the introduction of a socialist market economy replacing the planned centralized economy favored by male and whilst considered a moderate reformer Tung had introduced free-market policies while in other regards China remained a communist state and he is largely considered to be the architect of modern China and is credited with the nation's economic revival which is quite an achievement considering he was a boy of modest origins speaking in response to President Bush in 1989 regarding democratic voting and the operation of party politics within China Tong alluded to his fear of a civil war stating that if over a billion people were to partake in this type of politics conflict would inevitably occur so he instead chose the stability of the country over political pluralism Tung's place is the architect of modern China as well as a central figure in Chinese history is fully justifiable thanks to his own brand of communism an economic reform and the free market policies he put in place to achieve his goals and aspirations for economic growth despite danjel pings importance to the modern history of China his name remains largely unknown in the rest of the world indeed it could be said that dong zhuo ping is one of the most important political figures of the second half of the 20th century as he masterminded his countries are sent from a carnage ridden communist state to an authoritarian quasi capitalistic tank to ship that for better or worse remains the workshop the world what do you think of Deng Xiaoping was he a ruthless traitor to the policies and legacy of Chairman Mao or was he one of modern China's greatest heroes who took a bank word communist country that lifted its people out of poverty in the process placing China on a path to regional and perhaps world domination please let us know in the comments section or in the mean time thank you very much for watching you
Channel: The People Profiles
Views: 123,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biography, History, Historical, Educational, The People Profiles, Biography channel, the biography channel
Id: Imm4djxJQXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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