Demonstration of employee performance evaluation

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in this video I'm gonna show a practical demonstration of an employee performance evaluation using my KSS method keep doing stop doing and start doing hello i'm stephen goldberg of Optimas performance and every week I bring you practical tips and ideas on leadership team development and performance management in the workplace in a previous video I cover how to conduct employee performance evaluations and I incorporated the form KSS or the approach KSS along with the form keep doing stop doing and start doing and this method incorporates five core competencies that every employer wants employees to be good at so I've combined the previous form where I incorporate now the five competencies with a measuring system and a way to set improvement objectives and this is what this video is about it's with my assistant Sonja so it's an actual performance evaluation it's not just a role play I'm actually going through the performance evaluation with her based on her performance so you'll get to see that and it's a longer video that I normally publish but I wanted you to get a good sense of this process and watch it to the end or if you have to skip to the end where she actually sets a goal and there's a follow-up that we discuss so that's really important that you turn this into something that you can follow up on so I asked you to complete this form and so we can compare notes and then come up with maybe see if there's things that you can improve on or I can help you with so let's look at the five competencies here productivity how did you score level of importance oh I put major importance major yeah yeah and what about how did you buy so I put between majoring critical so I checked mark both so it's about a nine we agree on that yes and what did you say your level of achievement I gave myself a seven so in between good and our good and great so I've written great okay what I gave you an eight yeah I I think I'm just in general hard on myself probably because I want to accomplish more and you know with time constraints but the intention is always there to accomplish more so I think that's why I gave myself between six and eight okay so if we were to incorporate the other worksheet do we have it here yeah so in terms of keep doing what what would you say keep doing as far as productivity as well in terms of meeting the cost of requirements because that's one of the competencies is to be productive and effective and within a certain budget and cost required so I think I'm really good at doing that what I should stop doing is maybe focusing a little bit too much on on details because that could be affecting my productivity I'm extremely detail-oriented and I might need to do one less check on my checklists so avoid redundancies right and then start doing I don't know maybe start being a little more confident because I think my work is okay and maybe that might be hindering my performance right so I agree that and it'll reflect in the next one the quality of the work you tend to be very careful about making mistakes which is great yeah especially for accounting but it's not always required for everything I mean so you need to maybe work on you know being more confident taking a little bit more risk where it's not that it's not that critical firm so yeah right the outcome yeah okay so the in terms of important for quality of work my importance I put between major and critical as well because I think it's it's very important that we maintain a high quality yeah yeah because of media counties yeah so that's where I feel my performance is better yeah so would you give yourself an 8-3 yes I gave you a 10 there uh-huh no I'm seriously I mean your quality your work is exceptional you care about your work you're you know the accounting is flawless and you worry about it which worries me a bit that you put too much into it sometimes and that goes back to maybe the fear of making a mistake again that's my confidence in there and that's why my productivity is probably then I may affect your productivity so I would just say keep keeping keep the high quality yeah maybe stop what would you say stop doing stop stressing stop worrying about making mistakes yeah I got an order that you want to write that yep I think it's important that you write because when you're you put it in writing it makes it more like a commitment and stop doing okay so that's yes start doing how could you to overcome or to counter the stressing being too stressing about it what can you do - what can I stop doing start doing o start doing to overcome that stressor oh um no it's just focusing on the positives like I'm work I mean we haven't come across a mistake already you must be something right something they don't like cross your eye tie your eyes too much you cross your T's like don't try and catch yourself if you feel you're going overboard to double check because that's takes up more time and maybe also wondering how long I'm taking to complete so that's kind of a combination of productivity and cotton quality of work is made me monitor how long I'm actually taking in on a task and realizing okay maybe I am taking a little too long on a task right so the next one initiative what did you well initiative I put because my work is fairly routine there's only a few places that I can take initiative I that's what I feel so that's why I put that it was important not mutually important critically important but that it was important and that's probably that's also where I feel that I'm struggling because sometimes it's not clear on what I should be taking initiative on so maybe that's where I would need a little bit more guidance from you in terms of okay when you want me to take initiative I know what my tasks have to be done on a monthly basis because that's part of routine but what's out of routine maybe what are some things that it should be more aware of to take initiative all right yes so we agree I gave you good there's things that sometimes I feel you ask me like you double-check with me where I don't think you need news like I think I pointed that out last week you asked me about I forget what it was actually a shuttle rode it yeah yeah I remember it I remember but uh it was like you know and I even said to you you don't need to ask me this you know yes just and this goes back to the confidence you know that you don't need to check with me on everything so that's where taking the initiative is you know I guess it ties back into you know the fear of making mistake you know being just too careful so you know you have a lot of experience a lot of things you've done before but you sometimes come to me to ask me because you want you're afraid of making a mistake and so that's where I'm trying to turn it back and say look you don't need to ask me okay and I'd also if I can add on I gave myself average because yeah there are areas where it's not my expertise so I'll be more reluctant to take initiative for example the website and that's why progress has not been made on my part I'd have to admit in the last little while yeah so I'm trying to remember what it was that we were I thought last week but I can't remember it was to make a payment I mean is to make a payment or send an invoice out or something like that oh it was writing an invoice and you were asking me should I write this and I said I'm eight nine you've done it will come where you know what to do it's not a majorly critical thing just do it you know that's you know we're taking initiative would come in yeah so cuz I felt it was more routine team work what did you score yourself uh ah I said it was important yeah um you only see each other a little bit a time it's hard you know yeah working from home sometimes and doing stuff at home for the company a little bit challenging so I gave myself good average I agree with you on the level of importance because most of your work is done on your own but when you do need to cooperate or work as a team I think you're great so I don't see any okay I think you should just keep doing what you're doing I don't think there's anything to stop yeah we're started I think just keep that up okay and then the problem solving how did you score yourself or what it was your level of important important just I just felt it was important I mean there's very little problem-solving that we have to in Kapil that we do encounter but actually I'm thinking of some examples of some issues that we had during the week some really random things that happened and I think yeah I think I did a few things to help resolve some issues that we had you know finding contacts finding well I put it as major important yeah okay and I score you great yeah I think you you know you have great problem-solving skill especially analytical and you're not afraid to attack problems you know when I bring them up and ask for your help you're always there to support and to find the solutions so I don't see any issue with that the only thing I think we both agree on is the you know what could affect your productivity and you know kind of ties in together the productivity quality of work in the initiative is to be more confident especially for the things that you've done in the past take the initiative and you know ask yourself am i spending too much time on this do I need to double check or triple check yeah and just you know so I guess being aware of being conscious and I'll try and remind you if I feel you're asking me things that you should don't need to ask me and that you could just go ahead and do it so what I should go ahead and complete that form with I guess it would be for the and you shouldn't you should have you know yeah so just write what you want to keep doing stop doing actually yeah start doing I guess start doing so how would you Frances stop and start because there is the behavior to modify Mary that's wrong so yeah so okay so stuff yeah I sort of doing okay so stop doing would be for initiative is second-guessing myself and not taking taking chances and yeah certain steps and then stop doing would be oh start doing sorry is maybe taking more action and and without always consulting you and getting your feedback before actually you know just trust my guts maybe my intuition okay so just so I guess that's the core competency I need to work on there was one of the five yes so fill it in so we can refer back to that okay okay you don't do that now yeah oh you don't forget okay so we'll follow up into November and [Music] we'll see how you've improved and it might you know alleviate some stress too because if you fret too much and you know if you see yourself taking that initiative and then you see that it was okay it'll build your confidence and you'll have less stress because you won't have to like worry you know cuz I even sometimes I know you worry about things you call me at night work and I could see you've worried about something which you know it's a little bit like maybe going overboard and stressing yourself so okay so you shouldn't have to do that okay okay good thank you okay so I hope you benefit from this video and that I'll help you conduct better employee performance evaluations you could download the form from my website I'll put a link to that in the description of this video check out some of the other videos on the channel there's one recommended for you right now as well as that video about conducting employee performance evaluations and subscribe if you're not already thanks for listening and we'll talk again soon
Channel: Stephen Goldberg
Views: 23,845
Rating: 4.7805905 out of 5
Keywords: employee performance review, employee performance review application, employee performance review behaviors, employee performance review benefits, employee performance review best practices, employee performance review example, employee performance review goals, employee performance review goals and objectives, employee performance review guidelines
Id: h6uxZg2dcxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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