Demonstrating personal impact in your McKinsey personal experience interview

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and then how about for the category like personal impact like what what is McKinsey relate defines personal impact were they looking for a candidate to demonstrate their so the types of things that I think are helpful to look for in terms of personal impact is you know the the interview will will probe for situations that are similar to what you might encounter working at McKinsey ok um like let's say you encountered a challenging situation where you had to convince someone to take a point of view that was different from where they were starting out right how have you done that in the past how have you been able to navigate the oftentimes organizational politics or kind of strong emotional reactions that people might have in different situations and I think that's a good way to demonstrate personal impact it's not just about having great ideas or being really smart it's can you take that intellectual rigor and make it work in a practical environment gotcha and so the way you'll tease that out is asking questions like that are kind of going through a candidate's resume and saying like tell me about X or wired you just have very specific questions you'll say I look like forget the resume we'll just ask you this question you tell us what you think is you know the best demonstration of this in your past oftentimes I'll use the resume as sort of a guide to the extent the candidate is struggling or to give them a starting point gotcha but the the question will often be a little more open-ended than that so you know tell me about a time when you feel that you demonstrated exceptional leadership oh yeah where you faced a significant challenge and you overcame it something like that and and the goal is to see the candidate in their best frame you're not looking to trip people up so you tend not to be asked about failures and things like that it's more examples of success yeah show us your best example of like X or Y exactly how did you do it and sometimes one thing that's interesting is some candidates will tell stories about times when they solved a really complicated like analytical problem which tend not to be good stories for these interviews and because more about them yeah it's very individualistic right so I've had people come in and be like well there's one time I built this really amazing model like it was 25 tabs and it got to like really tight forecasts and all the numbers proved to be true and you asked how they had impact with that model and we're like well I made it and I give it to my boss and my boss liked it and so they used it and that's not a good example because the real context in which you're going to work as a consultant is much more complicated than that more dynamic so you might be great at building models but your model will have no impact if you can't navigate all of the organizational dynamics right you
Channel: rocketblocks
Views: 30,827
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Keywords: mckinsey, mckinsey fit interviews, mckinsey pei, pei interviews, consulting fit interviews, bain, bcg, mckinsey & co, behavioral interview, consulting interviews
Id: nAuJceV8MY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 57sec (177 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2017
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