Demon's Souls No Healing Items (Pt. 2)

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hey guys welcome back we've got a crushing muradin hammer plus four uh 41 strength the no heel build we just killed penetrator um i think that's oh val thanks past lobos for leaving this for me oh jesus all right um i'm gonna need to like just get a bunch of souls too just to purchase uh poison lotus [ __ ] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] hmm potbelly sandwich baby [Applause] the peppers are so good and i wasn't able to add them for some reason he kept saying that you must have been out of them or something because they weren't available whoa whoa whoa whoa double oh my god why i went too fast well rip no healing so all right that's part of the setup for rtsr how we'll call that rtsr on uh alliance is a little scary though i don't know what that is in tacos hey what's this oh jesus just don't get hit forehead all right let's see if i can set up cat ring here i mean uh rat ring there we go perfect no [ __ ] hey friend got him nice sandwich shop right next to el taco just look at discord and realize it's wednesday happy wednesday what am i do for thanksgiving dinner like bagel bites or something i don't know maybe mcdonald's will be open mm-hmm fancy friday is final fantasy 10 2. yep all right time to get immediately killed let's see oh [Music] [Music] i did not roll that way oh god yeah good good good good nope [Music] [Music] no i'm scared good yeah baby up yup no no no no no no no no no get out good the [ __ ] out all right [Music] stop oh wow that is wow that did like baby damage baby dick damage stop there no what the [ __ ] ornstein oh my god come on um i forgot about the shortcut in this level basically because it kind of doesn't matter oh yeah i'm pretty sure they copy pasted the code for alan's charge attack and just give it to orange sign because because it can just like completely oh god you can just completely cancel the whole lead up to the charge and instacharge come on move what's up joe simba all right i'll do that no lots of arrows or spells lots of them uh at least i can eat while i go up the elevator i'm eating a delicious pot belly sandwich [Music] [Music] um my character's face sir thought we're a turtle we're a turtle because somebody talked about turtling in this run because no healing [Music] dumb [Music] oh what takes a little bit longer when you're not doing double damage essentially oh you idiot get them good tickle me down oh my gosh good yes i'm letting that hit me because i want clever rat ring this one yeah yeah yeah there we go good good good good okay good oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh that's fine all right now don't no no no no don insta okay it's like these moments where he turns around and starts doing an ability yes there we go easy see no problem oh that's the thing how did you defeat my demonic reflection how many souls might you have devoured i wonder the rest is up to the old one if it is to be then you shall be back all right oh did she move already she probably moved already didn't she damn it hold on [Music] i think this is whoa i think this is oh no no no wait maybe it's the beginning of this level hey what climb up slap nice people flew wait what the [ __ ] hold on oh now we're good yeah that's what i remembered wait that's all that i have is just a four okay we gotta go see if i oh damn it man i really screwed myself over by killing um leech monger me thinks gotta make good use of that for yeah we'll see about that no hey what this is equipment pretty sure yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah demon souls you have to fight all the bosses unless you're doing glitches turtle is hot you mean like on fire oh jesus stop giving me these all right i'm [ __ ] doing it i'm [ __ ] doing it i did it nobody [Music] inventory management speedrun win oh yeah we got to practice i think i don't have all the details yet so that's why i haven't been going super ham necessarily but i believe it's going to be glitchless you idiot piece of ass start [Music] um [Music] [ __ ] [Music] pog tasty oh god no no never [Music] um actually yes i added it no no no no no no no wait what why did i not lose any stamina while blocking that stability just that hot i don't [Music] um zero stamina loss impressive nice black pine resin huh yes well it was worth coming down here at least oh [ __ ] don't for infusions on the head [Applause] oh you mean uh god damn it she's gone crap hold on a shard of heartstone yes oh wait i can farm more off the rats too [ __ ] it come out no rolling no blocking no healing when after no healing let's see well and i know there's more pickup there's more pickups right before oh jesus there's been some of this endurance does give you more poison resist but that's i don't think it's gonna matter here we go let's see how this goes i'm gonna not use any consumables at first just to see how far we can get wait [Music] hmm really oh all right on-screen chat is refreshed so that everybody can be disgusting jesus in the remake my favorite music is uh storm kings my favorite everything is storm king in the remake in uh in the original i would say the australian made in australia wait why am i going this way oh no no no what i'm not being disgusting squeak squeaky do you like pog tasty did i just fall the way down wait this is exactly where i wanted to go what are the odds what are the odds not lost i just went the wrong way to start i did not chose simba oh do you mean the one with the wrong warping okay you might need to refresh for pog tasty i'm not sure oh i did zionist yes i did well i'm returning to earlier levels to collect things i just got the poison resist ring so we can get through five two i might even want damn it armor that would be particular [ __ ] let me go look [Music] what's the story behind pog tasty well someone in chat said could you add pog tasty and i looked at it and said oh no and then i said actually okay oh that was what he's sick all right let's see wow i don't have much armor do i uh can i check stats oh my god no everything sucks at poison resist never mind [ __ ] it i didn't pick up any that was what he'd say armor sets in this run anyways all right garbage we are indebted to you what is pepsico [Music] i like people smash armor is for people who get hit well it's not about getting hit i mean i'm going to get hit by poison that's a guarantee pepsicle let's see jesus christ okay i added it now we got salami and pepsicle and pog tasty and [ __ ] oh my god wow give me uh lotus damn it well resin's okay so here's a bunch of um poison lotus noble lotus but now let's see how long we can survive everyone actually wait if i go to these we can probably allow for some poison time to wear out so maybe it won't be as terrible as we oh [ __ ] don't don't don't don't get up get up get up before you get poise and nice you know what yeah you probably can't save and quit to reset your oh jesus go probably cannot reset uh saving quotes you reset your poison status no no no no no no no [ __ ] it's going oh [ __ ] we're going okay wow reasonable reasonable not poisoned yet interesting okay uh no no no there you go there's another island okay y'all can float around as you like oh god all right there's where the big ogres are though this is actually where i would want to go around and will certainly get poisoned now i think i will use a poison thing actually on this attempt considering how well it's gone we're still not poisoned what the [ __ ] yo that poison resist ring what the [ __ ] i'm gonna let that poison wear off where where the [ __ ] get dead no don't push it oh my god my blood you hairy shitty mosquito give me my blood back oh not like that oh no okay now i'm really i'm waiting to they do not show you a poison bar in demon souls so you need to um you need to just wait it out or you just guess an oil man thank you for seven months sorry about missing that resub ativa locks 45 months imc geneva six months and frozen toast 49. yeah so all right there's an island over there okay is this dark one grass no it's safe ring all right a reload game to reset poison you can't in dark souls 1 i think i think you it actually saves your poison amount but i don't know like without being able to see the go the bar it makes a little tougher oh this might be a poison land oh nice half the eggs i must be dying math hill is playing well i mean why did just get a brand new expansion so yeah but i need the i need that cling ring i mean i don't but i want it what are you [ __ ] on you all right go go go go go okay good good good good man we might be able to make this through without getting poisoned hey bye ah yes when you start a mario 64 level pepsico pepsico nice even more can i still aggro one of you are there bees aggroed to me not that i see there we go nice holy [ __ ] nice good good good good good good no dude don't don't look at me don't come over here this [ __ ] red lotus removes poison and the problem in general with this is that i'm probably gonna get afflicted by bees in this in the colossus fight oh but i can hit the oh if i'm really safe i can go get the shortcut and then we bypass all of the poison [ __ ] all together so that is exactly what i want and this guy can poison this very quickly even though i have poison resist i don't wanna i want him to come all the way over here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then kill him don't let him do his okay nice nice nice all right i can kill this guy this is fine just don't die just stay at his back stay at his back circle around hit him in the butt circle round hit him in the butt oh no no no get out of that poison sir i cannot roll in that i cannot roll in that okay circle around hit him in the butt just in case nice you went through the swamp each time yeah all right now we should be able to run no problem no poison somebody aggroed and our vendor is right here all right okay all right i'm feeling good about this feeling much better about this buy all the lotus wait am i capped oh i am 25 is the max okay well that should be fine what else do you have please oh you have some black pie oh black pine resin no healing items meredin's set huh poison resist is garbage don't care black pine resin yeah because healing poison isn't healing that's curing in my like in my uh terminology you could say no that's the opposite but whatever i don't care i know the rules that i've set for myself and if you don't like them then that's okay and i don't blame you but final fantasy restores health using the ability cure uh other games they call restoring hp healing there's just no i feel like there was consistency until final fantasy ruined everything because cure is like you cure a disease i guess you could heal the disease i think the safest way honestly is to go around oh god he's gonna do the thing oh god he's gonna do the thing he's gonna do the same he's gonna do the thing uh okay well i'm gonna have the frat a fraction of a second to cleanse poison i don't know if this will remove my poison buildup i sure hope it does because i don't have any health i don't i don't know that that restores poison buildup though i'm gonna guess that it did because otherwise we probably would have been dead oh jesus now i cannot trade at all and all of the friends are coming down here okay yeah be up there in these weird spots that's good this is a no healing run that's why i'm not healing oh jesus oh jesus no no no no no no no no no no no go go go go go go go go go go [ __ ] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] don't don't penis penis penises penises penises penises go go go go go go go go go please don't let anything hurt me ever move ah [ __ ] [ __ ] what do i do [ __ ] farts i'm gonna kill them i'm not i'm gonna that puke almost hit me okay go past nice okay okay cool um if the dude coming up has a fire spear thing don't let him get in here don't let him arrive okay good please don't have a fire spear please just be a regular melee guy because the fire damage would potentially kill me don't have a fire spirit please please he doesn't look like he does there's two of them oh jesus come this way come this way i hear the bees i hear the bees on the horizon are we there we're there we're there we're there where they were there all right now i can do whatever the [ __ ] i want i don't even give a [ __ ] look if i don't get touched by bees in the rot i mean the sorry the dirty colossus fight gee why don't you heal noob good oh god kill it nice we're gonna be rtsr we're gonna have black pine resin we're gonna have really good damage we might just show this colossus who is the boss please climb thank you let's see let's see let's see oh man just get back get back safe and sound no problem the bosses mm-hmm i'm gonna show them who the boss is oh jesus oh jesus no i'm alive okay cool well all right let's try this i'm gonna pop this perfect to flex baby all that secure practice just kidding there's no deflects in this game oh lordy oh lordy don't get beast don't get beast just [ __ ] nuke him and don't get touched by the bees now i gotta touch my bees it's okay i feel like a million times better about this we don't have to worry about the poison anymore oh [ __ ] this is gonna be no problem man shitty healed that's fine dr b's nothing a few more bees can't solve have you been touched by bees try new bee off it's filled with bees that don't like the other bees implement awkward b social situations in order to ward off the rest of the bees hi bye you won't believe i mean believe how effective it is oh be causing you problems just invite bees racist grandmother over and that bee will get out of dodge in no time what the [ __ ] i just landed on it no son of my asshats all right [ __ ] it die die hey bro can you not float down there you go ow my face it's trying to grab me which is disgusting because it wants to just inhale all of my fluids here we go oh you missed ow oh jesus wow you suck at shooting your [ __ ] everywhere what the [ __ ] here big boys there we go kill me remember ever feeling like you wanted to shut the game off um [Music] poorly translated ultimate stress did not move against the bees yeah just stand there forever and you'll be okay hello tarp chateau no damage that's what i'm talking about eating giant olives ew oh [ __ ] no 26 months thank you b grizz it wasn't a boss that made me quit this game it was uh red-eyed knight that's true the very first soul my very first souls experience at all was demon souls and i i stopped playing after the red eye knight in boletaria i was like okay well that game's dumb i'm dumb as [ __ ] no i didn't yeah i was going that i didn't get mad at poorly translated excuse me move oh my god now this one's in the way what is this hitbox oh you stupid b blood [ __ ] we do no hit run at some point no hits no i won't sorry maybe when there's a drought of souls games and i'm a washed up streamer and i desperately tried to reclaim any sort of fame that i ever had maybe maybe all right let's see like when i'm down to 37 viewers a day and everybody's asking why are there where what happened to all the viewers hey that's not a hit don't hit me what the hell really all written why does this call me [ __ ] don't hit me don't hit me with the beats don't hit me with the beast auto turret bees get out all right just hit him look at that i didn't even get hit by bees oh man all right the rest of this run is piece of cake oops i didn't mean to do that but okay and how many how many lotus did i use one and it was a pre-emptive usage too wow all right okay good to know it's not a no item run at all it's a no heel item run and touch the demon inside me more strength there's no heal items no heal equipment no healing spells oh good i thought that was gonna be way way worse left lobos oh yeah that's right what am i doing over here where do i i'm blocking all the stuff oh i was over there for uh for shadowlands [Music] yes absolutely second chance counts as healing it restores health it restores you to 50 health it heals missing hit points it is me what right lobos left lobos could use ward yes you can absolutely use that but i don't really like spells in general so at least for challenge runs for casual runs okay but then even then i won't use ward it's cool plague bees all right anyways [Music] is hello you will not turn back will you no that's fine i'm setting up uh raring we live humble lives [Music] couldn't even see what the hell was that what how did he get out of his parry what the tricked what the [ __ ] [Music] i didn't know you could toggle out of parries hell yeah you failed her okay now i can't get plagued uh oh good thing i picked up that widow's lotus that would have been my only way to cure i guess i won't do uh red tear surrounding i won't do clever rats ring the instant play actually they have the plague ring probably not yeah maybe [Music] yeah there's a wrong note they changed the note odin the war god 25 month and the feist 29 months no he'll be here again i'm pretty sure wait actually no he's not that makes sense because he can't pick up uh his gear twice oh [ __ ] oh that's all right good to know i'm just going to talk to her i don't want to die in this fight bye oh it's dick time australia is the boss not him that's right he also has unique drops so yeah you need that you need our demon soul you need the soul of demon queen made in australia hold up hold on the end so we learn from that uh we're still learning can you kick the sending guy in there as well yes well headbutt there she is see that man we're heading there i tried a head butter right after [Music] so cute oh it's like aladdin or something no long cutscene god of war music is that corpse down there with you hmm there he is just kidding let me fall down a long hole with who potatoes potatoes glados potato glados i don't remember potato glados ooh it's blue thanks for six months welcome back she'll be fine she'll sleep it off she'll sleep it off it's okay will you seek the everlasting demon souls or has the monumental blinded you got stuck in a potato battery of choice you are our first visitor may you be oh i felt it but god is and soul created the old one are poisoned to the poison the old one will feed upon our souls and blind to this tragedy [Music] now don't push don't you understand no one wishes to go on demon souls no healing i want to enter the demon's vagina thy work is done slayer of demons i'm not a boy young boy anymore i'm an adult the next shall imprison me no longer damn it mom just snatch my my prize yeah back to slumber sure hey a weapon hey a weapon she gets stuck in the washing machine shut up hold on what happens if she says thank you or whatever didn't she oh no i was gonna save and quit oh well delight well there you have it far less than i expected that we had uh left to do um okay i'm gonna let this play out i'm gonna run to the restroom and probably swept back try some speed run stuff when we get back it's gonna be glitchless because i think the tournament we're doing is also glitchless the souls lost during the pandemonium were never retrieved and today the unstable world has another monumental to hold its fabric a together new hero of unprecedented power [Music] you
Channel: LobosJr
Views: 9,903
Rating: 4.980392 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: jy2ccr3WyHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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