Demonic Sightings Caught in Minecraft Worlds...

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these are Minecraft's most shocking demonic sightings that have been banished from the internet and we're going to get to the bottom of this now if you've been paying attention a lot has been happening inside of villages and so much has been debunked now the history of the village is really simple in an ancient time the village was the only thing that roamed the world until one villager rebelled and wanted to break free leading a new civilization of pillagers now pillagers took over all the villages and their technology Advanced clearly much faster than the villagers did but why does this all matter in the first place why am I even explaining this well in the last few videos we've been investigating Villages and literally in the last video itself we saw a villager that always got happy every time something bad happened in Minecraft and got really angry whenever something good happen inside of the villag or in the game itself now this begs the question similar to how the Rebellion happened with illagers and pillagers and the village itself is this something similar here now I I just I'm really curious to just test my theory if I grab a diamond sword I kill this villager do any of the other villagers start cheering or get happy okay no from what I see right now none of these villagers seem to be getting happy which is what I kind of expected see I read through thousands of your comments in previous videos because something is going on with the Villagers and it is something that hides right in plain's sight to us now in order for me to reveal what this demonic theory is we need to First go ahead and kill everything inside of this Village okay every villager that was living in this Village has now been killed and well we can't just stand here and poof something scary is going to happen we have to catch it and it's also why all these videos take so long to make because it takes forever to catch things now the only way for us to capture real things on camera something that's actually scary is to play the game the way it's meant to be in survival mode now it's almost 2:00 in the freaking morning right now but what I am going to do is I'm going to AFK my PC and let everything record throughout the entire night so we can capture if anything happens now let's go with lay down now this is my makeshift bed it's not actually bed it's really just a couch but I'm devoting as long as it takes to prove that these theories are real and I want to capture everything on camera but quite frankly I'm too exhausted and I need to go to sleep I'm leaving everything running on my PC that's why there's so many lights over there I'm going to try my very best and I will see you guys in the [Music] morning [Applause] okay uh good morning that was a rough sleep let's go over to the PC and see if anything has happened okay wow it is 8:30 in the morning everybody it is now the next day on our hunt to find these demonic said creatures and so far throughout the night it seems like nothing has really happened I suppose what wait a second that's a freaking handprint wait bro there's no way there's no bro what wait how is there another villager I wait bro this is this is vanilla Minecraft how is this wait bro hold up no no no no this ain't right okay hold up bro we need to check the replay footage right now we need to see what happened okay so this is the replay file and we had over like 6 hours of Replay footage from last night and I managed to crop it down to the moment something actually happened and I I I kid you not if it was not for replay mod nobody would believe this okay just Watch What Happens so everything in the village is completely fine there are no remaining villagers but do you hear that look at it there's like footprints that were embedded hold up hold up hold up we'll go back for a sec okay just so you can see what just happened there's one right there and if we click play there's a second one there's a third one and a fourth one and a fifth one and a sixth one and it just keeps on going but it happens right behind where I'm standing and at this very moment that handprint is not on the tree and if we speed things up a little bit we can see what happens with this H wait what's that noise wait it's happening again right through the village oh my god look the footprints all through the V right up towards me okay now hold up if we go back to the tree that handprint is not there but if we go ahead and speed this up there it is bro wait those Footprints were not there when we were in the world but that handprint on the tree was okay hold up something about this is not right so in that replay the footprints that walked through the village were right here and now it seems like everything is completely gone but the handprint on the tree is still here and what's weird is that happened directly in front of me yet I didn't take any damage I didn't even lose any hunger throughout the night granted I was standing still but it's just is weird and I can't seem to see that villager that was here from beforehand but I swear we killed every single one that doesn't really make that much sense but something is not right with this now the footprints we saw walked this way it walked right through the village and it went over here wait a second is that part of an imprint from beforehand wait wait oh there's another handprint in the tree there's another one right here okay hold up wait this has to mean something then we have to be on to something for sure that footprint in the replay this looks like it CU this is all kind of messed up terrain it's not all grass like everything else that's kind of weird but it's walking in this direction wait there it is again too so it's leaving traces from what was here beforehand wait a second hold up does every tree have a handprint on it I'm lowkey kind of curious right now I don't see one over here wait oh my God it does bro what hold up I think we're on to something so whatever happened when I went to sleep last night we captured it on camera so for any regular player if you logged off your world potentially this would not have happened because the game essentially paused we're trying to beat the YouTube algorithm and the only way that we can is by everybody subscribing and commenting down below their favorite part of the video it would mean absolutely everything and it's completely free you're going to love what's about to happen there is another handprint on this tree too wait it's gone it just disappeared right in front of us okay no no no no something ain't right bro okay it's it's not it's not anywhere else it's literally just right there bro wait why is there logs in the ground wait the hand print's right here okay y'all n no no no no no I can already smell the comments right now bro it just disappeared it just disappeared it just disappeared in front of us I kid you guys not I am not click baiting this this is legit bro hold up we have to go down here we have to go down here okay whatever you do just don't die okay um all right I kind of need a little bit of of blocks to get over this there's clearly something in this cave bro there was a handprint and the logs too am I tripping did this just it did bro the whole terrain just updated around us okay whatever Theory we had about the Demonic Village clearly something's actually going on with this we killed the entire Village and now all of a sudden this stuff all just starts randomly happening I mean this can't why is there torches down here this is a fresh world I've never explored this in my life bro what okay no I'm actually getting Goosebumps now guys I'm not even kidding this is so terrifying wait uh villager what is going on here why is there a villager down here and he's completely alone he's just walking in circles there's no way you would just stand down here and be like almost what 200 blocks away from the there's no way it's physically impossible I've never seen this before uh guys guys wait what's that say oh my god oh no no no no no oh my God bro what is happening what is happening what is happening bro that V where'd it go where' it bro what was that wait dude I'm actually so terrified what bro that thing was chasing me it literally scratched on the wall it says die bro what in the world is happening here uh guys no no no no no okay okay at first I thought okay maybe this is World Generation or this is just some sort of funky glitch I mean it's Minecraft there's a lot of stuff that can go wrong but no no no no not at all this is actually legit there is something in this world that is clearly garnering my attention and something really really dark is about to happen now seeing what's unfolding right now this is almost hard to believe and I've been playing Minecraft for over a decade now since I was like 10 years old and just all of this doesn't add up to me the fact that all this can happen in the world's biggest game and I wanted to do a little bit of homework because truthfully none of this adds up and we've all heard of the corrupted villager before and the dead villager but I haven't heard of this type of villager it's called the D villager and this might be an acronym for the dead villager but there's an entire Forum posting regarding this villager here and actually one of the signs is a loss of villagers a loss of food from Gardens and a beggar in the forest and far from the village so that might explain why we found a villager in the cave that could be the beggar and the beggar wasn't in a forest but was approximately 200 blocks or so away from the village and one other thing that stood out a lot to me is this this specific villager can kill villagers and players collect crops without even having a profession it can run fast and it can become invisible is that why we didn't capture anything on the replay because clearly there were footsteps walking towards us but we didn't see this villager in the replay file now this is where things get really crazy take a look at this how to find the Villager or where he lives this is a summoning Shrine in which somebody claims using red wool an emerald block and Redstone this apparently is a totem that you can use to summon in this villager and if this is the Villager in question we might be able to confirm it here but first we need to get back to the Village wait a second yo okay hold up hold up the entire Village is back now all these villagers are back so everything regenerated now that could have just been a Minecraft thing um that's not necessarily that entirely scary but the entire civilization of this Village is back yesterday night they were gone and this morning they are now entirely back now okay that could be regeneration but I'm curious to see if this is the D villager the one that we see on this Creepy Pasta Forum or if all these villager videos that we've been making the last say 2 weeks all are tied together cuz there seems to be quite a bit of things that they have in common I'm going to pop into creative mode here and we need to build this Shrine the final one okay this is the supposed Shrine for the D villager now this seems like a just a poor attempt of a summoning Temple that we used to build years and years ago hunting for Herobrine but something about this is a little a little bit unsettling um and well realistically nothing is really happening but it is odd because some of these villagers they were wait a second uh wait wait every single villager just completely died wait what bro wait what how was that even every everything just just died the Golem is still here but everything else just completely and utterly died bro uh guys okay either a the seed and this world are completely corrupted themselves or B there's actually some wait what's wrong with that Pig's eyes y'all saw that right I'm not going crazy right comment down below if you saw that was that Pig's eyes just flashing at me oh something something something is not right wait a second I know exactly what's going on hear me out all of these occurrences can't just be a coincidence it's physically impossible to replicate these things that's why if you try these at home it might take you several attempts until you find something even scary but that's when I realized the elephant in the room what I was missing this entire time you see the last couple weeks we've been testing all these villager videos and if you haven't seen those you need to go and watch those directly after this for this to make even more sense but the thing is is these were all ordinary worlds and they all included The Villages and we've done so much diving we've learned so much of the history of the villages but the one problem was is I never got rid of those worlds so still on my computer right now there are lingering files AKA level. dats that are sitting on my computer still harvesting and potentially there is a crossover and that data is somehow breaching to every new world that I make revealing more and more but what's actually going on which draws to my conclusion I may literally have compromised my own computer with some sort of malware or corruption within Minecraft which is doing this to all of my world how did all this just change color uh okay um I'm not going to lie guys I'm a little bit creeped out all of my lights inside of my room changed to a completely different color and that was absolutely not something within my control bro I'm actually tweaking right now I have no idea what's happening all of this is interconnected it has to be all of this is interconnected all of this is working hand inand with each other if this is a crossover in the level.dat files and it's on my computer then clearly yes a corruption could be possible but with my lights in the internet how is that even possible does that mean that my data is being stolen online now does that mean that all of the information on my IP address I do not understand this and this goes much more de what is this okay hold up uh guys wait that's not that's is that the D villager that thing has is is claws Oho it got so much darker so fast okay no no no something is is is absolutely not right that thing has claws growing off of its fingertips bro I can't even tell that's not the same villager that we saw beforehand that's also not the D villager this is something much more deep rooted oh my God oh my God no no no no no no no wait there's a villager he's scratching on the wall right there it's no no no no no no no no it's I'm frozen I can't move I can't move I can't move oh my God bro I'm being chased I'm being chased bro this doesn't make any sense oh my God bro bro bro bro this is not good this is not good this is not good please I I can sleep this away I can sleep this away I can sleep this away wait one out of two players sleeping what do you mean one out of two players how is this possible wait it won't let me sleep there's somebody else in this world with me how is this possible uh guys bro none of this is making sense none of this is making any sense at all I I I don't understand wait guys wait wait no no no no no
Channel: Shark
Views: 213,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, Demonic Sightings Caught in Minecraft Worlds..., scary minecraft, minecraft scary, demonic minecraft, demonic sightings, demonic sightings minecraft scary, scary minecraft demonic, scary minecraft demonic sightings
Id: VEb4PHXGst0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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