Demonic Garlic Is The Best Garlic in Vampire Survivors

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welcome to chaos mode depino I mean Pepino not dapino that's a German word uh yeah um we we all have a couple of issues today okay so let me explain to you what the plan is for today and it will be wild be warned so we'll go for Soul Eater in inverse mode the hardest mode in this game where the enemies have three times the amount of HP on a tree that slowly crawls over the floor where even snails think boy that slow okay we will have a second Arcana here and we will take one to grow to ginormous sizes but we'll skip a majority of the early game because the main Arcana that we care about is called blood astronomia darkina creates its own weapons around your fuels to damage the enemies affected by pickup range and duplicators or amount that you have that's the only reason why I have it right now oh yeah we're gonna skip the only game by the way okay that's fine and this entire video is just meant as a chill video you know it's Friday it's about to be week and it will be longer so you have something to watch for a while it's less about super duper excitement but more about a huge amount of fun so we'll take Google off Illusions first then the plan is that we'll go for blood astronomia there it is and then we'll go probably for silent old sanctuary as the final one but let's start off with the big Boogaloo of Illusions there we go now there's a high chance that I'll die okay so it I already planned that this video will be really long and we'll have a lot to do and I'll just talk about random stuff and we have some fun and probably also some uh yeah not so great scenes where I just end up dying now duplicators needed to create more fields from the blood astronomia and the track orb is needed to make them bigger okay which is counterintuitive because we don't want to have a lot of pickup range right because we have Wicked season that increases our growth and the enemy occurs but um I would just say let's see how it turns out okay maybe we can do this maybe we can't do this a very nice effect of the Soul Eater is when you take damage so you actually have to lose health and you recover that for every 60 recovered hell so not while you're full you actually have to recover it you will get one bonus damage up to 60 times but if you multiply 60 with 60 you're really oh that's that's really good nice yeah thank you I mean um I'm crawling over to the empty we got a quadruple empty Tome what that is so unlikely to happen but yeah we'll crawl over to the empty tone but what I was talking about if you multiply 60 with 60 that's 3600 Health you need to recover look at our health okay we need to lose almost our entirety of the health that we have very very often that we even get to such a point so it's very unlikely that this will happen but either way you know it's it's a slight boost at least so that's nice you could also just revive that means I think the health that you recovered their accounts and what you can do is a fun thing where you go be banishes by the way a fun thing where you go for bloodline Arcana so the one where if the enemies touch you you deal damage to them and then you just hope that you can walk into enemies you know to kill them with contact damage get more damage out of it but you also start recovering HP right and we only have might an area that's like well I'll just do random always right we have nothing to do now can we win this I think early on it will be easy I think once we get to 11 minutes it will be ridiculously easy once we get to the later stages of the game though I think this will will be very hard and that's why I want to have the max amount of area I want to make sure that I hit the enemies as early as possible even if they end up hitting me we will heal a lot like do you see this with the hearts we get a chance whenever we kill an enemy to heal HP and it's 2 Hp every single time that is a lot the higher our luck is the higher the odds that we get these hearts and because we're Wicked season we get one percent bonus luck growth greed cursed every two level UPS yes I'm still crawling over there okay this will take up until like minute eight or so until I'm there so bosses of course the first boss that spawns will be a big problem yeah there he is okay do I just like do I believe I can kill him they pushed him into me why would you do that no um okay this is kind of not what I was expecting I'll be honest huh okay so I thought about it and because area doesn't actually affect the blood astronomia only Soul Eater will just start with it I mean like like what are the other options right there's no law I can do wait look at how ginormousness is and it goes up when I get the attractor oh my God wait look at the size we have an Outer Circle and then we have multiple inner circles and while I stand still you'll see they they have a duration to them when I stand still they will overlap so right now we have four of them and if you count our amount the base is one plus three means we have four right and um yeah we can buff this up further and hopefully this will be enough to deal with the boss or even bigger even oh my how big are you how big is this Outer Circle so the use of this for me will not be the damage okay the damage is not that important but whenever you hit an enemy they stagger and the more you hit them the more they stagger this can even be so extreme that they can't move anymore at all and um yeah my hope is kind of that we can deal with the boss this way now another thing is ah the empty Tome is so far away yeah I won't get this for the first boss what we can do is we can try to cheese this a little bit by me getting rosaries or freezers and then we kill the boss you know with the item and hopefully when we have the empty Tome we'll be fine like that nothing goes wrong anymore okay we have so much pickup range this is actually ridiculous isn't it um okay oh interesting like the funny part is the enemies already die before they even get to the Soul Eater yeah Google of Illusions doesn't really matter all too much but I also don't know exactly how the blood astronomia works if it's affected thank you if it's affected by um cooldown reduction for example or by might you know if that changes anything okay we are facing a little bit of an issue do you see my pickup range um it goes exactly as far as the blood astronomia so my oh M sport that is easy so my blend Wars get a rosary but I can't destroy the breakables without picking them up because my pickup range and the blood astronomia have exactly the same distance really never my healings wait what oh wait but I I didn't hear you look at this I don't heal at all no because blood astronomia is killing them and no longer the soul eater oh no that's bad oh that's really bad oh that's um okay so that was my hope kind of the good thing is we killed the boss okay and I think if I moved away from the boss the moment he spawned instead of standing still we may have been able to survive with a sliver of health because he died right while I was dying yay a chicken wait how did we get that hole am I destroying that over there wait that means I can get a rosary at five minutes the next boss spawns you know that's my concern so we have to prepare an item for that uh but it's easier said than done so garlic failed to beat the inverse mode and with blood astronomia it's apparently possible if things go right I would say all things already went wrong though we could go for tiragisu but then I can't pick up empty Tome or it just takes up a slot and I think this is way too much fun like I don't want to drop the duplicator I don't want to drop the track orb would it be better to insect get armor or instead get I don't know turakisu yes yes yes but it's less fun you know that's more important to have fun I will just push through okay wait I I have an idea if I go to the top here and the boss spawns somewhere at the bottom I can dodge him okay watch this watch this skill watch the skill so I go up here and where's the boss where's the boss there no no that's like the worst spot possible no go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go I have to go down I have to go down oh oh easy easy were you concerned I wasn't concerned that was easy yeah simple okay well do you think we can actually kill a guardian wait wait wait wait the guardian spawns behind the wall and we kill all the enemies right so we can just take on a guardian and kill him because he got stuck behind the wall don't ignore the bosses that spawn that would push through and push him into me or push into me you know they just walk around and kill me no no that won't happen we'll give it at least one try unless I deem it's impossible I have a really I have a possibly really stupid idea so usually we go for Google over Illusions but it doesn't seem to help us all too much here right what if we go for beginning that gives us plus three amount on the starting weapon which should work here like it has no effect but it should still give us the additional thingies uh oh everything is fine yeah it should still give us the additional fields and then we have seven instead of four hopefully do we want to try that out at minute 11 you know what I'll just do it I want to see if you actually gets Seven Fields And if not I'll just reset as I said I'm ready that this video will be a very long one and you just have a huge amount of enter oh thank you oh that's nice yeah a huge amount of entertainment for the entire day or over the weekend so I don't mind to die or to reset and to try out things and just do some crazy stuff you know that I would usually not do because it risked the video but today hey 60 Minute video two hour video five hour of it okay no not that long okay that's good no oh I actually wanted her to explode on me because then we lose Health which would buff up the Soul Eater when we heal oh that's kind of sad can you believe that I've been walking the entire time and this is [Laughter] this is so horrible um um hear me hear me hear me what huh oh no I forgot the possible spawn oh no oh no oh no oh this is bad this is bad but is he where's he not there wait wait what wait wait easy can you guys stop please can you can you guys put this up please okay [Music] horrible video maybe I have all Revival still let's go good there we go see see this is this is how it's done oh dicks but why don't you take wings for what for what did you understand maximum amount of fun oh there's fire okay that was fire cook cancer no how do you call it in English wait isn't it cancer no that's uh wait is it a cancer no it's crap yeah wait where do I get cancer from the drowner that's fine I think right what is he supposed to if the stalker spawns oh no I will need a rosary to deal with him oh he didn't even spawn what is it with the drowder they sometimes he appears or did you guys see him I didn't see anything you idiot he was just slowly creeping up wait what I got a rosary how did I get a rosary yeah he exploded that could happen with the stalker too if I get a rosary I was like okay I'm sorry I was a little bit insecure you know people usually they just say it beside I didn't show up so hey yeah I exploded out of this world oh poor guy man poor guy that's what happens when you trust people you know that's exactly what happens okay there's the boss this will be an easy boss fight this is how I wanted it to be so he can't walk through the bookshelves or hopefully also not with curves I'll actually keep my distance a little bit nope totally fine and this is what I had in mind with the guardian but you can imagine if I have to wait until the guardian dies and from the back there's a boss coming and starts bumping me from my behind um that will hurt they will hurt at least use some Loop there no you get it I'll die okay it's no fun hmm control wave I'm eating right now sorry um right before six minutes where the tough enemies spawn yeah they're totally fine I don't care I can deal with an ultra wave yeah throw it at me come on show me what you can do show me your best what is it huh oh they spawn everywhere oh a lot of them spawn oh that's that's a lot a lot yeah treatment experience I don't mind it okay the eight minute was hopefully spawns from the right side if you spawns from the left side I have a problem so I will stand here maybe is it good [Applause] you idiot you idiot you dance chicken how am I supposed to deal with that oh I'm just a Revival that I've worked for so hard the great okay at least the boss is dying that's good one thing is working out at least so can you can you just say goodbye please like I really want to get the empty tomb hello can I just maybe oh don't move don't move don't move don't move don't oh he's jiggling around don't don't move just chill there don't jiggle with the light sources or we could get a rosary we'll probably get a rosary right after we kill him just rub it in till I'm waiting here can I maybe you know do this and move a little bit as long as they are not allowed to touch okay there we go they are not allowed to touch him Elsie gets pushed through the bookshelf and will just Target me and did you see how long he survived there well that's on the rosary that's fine but you are talking about Guardians with zero chance like it would take like three four five six seven minutes to kill him if even like it could be more and um we will have to deal with the other bosses and do you see what a pain it is to deal with them or just the shooting stars coming down oh God isn't as beautiful oh listen to the sound that sounds more like a dying pigeon so yeah cool um okay 10 minute boss fight okay so we will chase the boss So the plan is that you hopefully spawned really far at the top and you can't get inside here okay I need to see him I need to see him oh there okay yeah perfect perfect this is exactly all my contacts you're so good cheater cheater where did I move oh no oh no oh no I need to move into enemies to heal okay luck means we heal more please don't explode in my face now please don't explode in my face now how am I supposed to kill him what just happened with the chickens did you did you see all of them flying away and yes I know don't don't get a heart attack don't get a heart attack I know we are incredibly fast now in comparison to before okay hold your horses but did you see what happens with the chickens I replaced the crown I had to do it it's impossible with the random events to dodge what they have but also just in general it's definitely possible to win this without going for the wings and instead leveling up more and as you can see it takes way longer to get everywhere but I mean level up wise you know but uh we are almost at the empty tomb there look at this now does this mean I'll take on the guardian nope I mean we can try it we can try it once like just one guardian and see how it works out but I think that would be um yeah almost impossible but if not if not definitely impossible okay what do we get for an event before I do anything here that we may face a guardian title soul that is totally fine yeah they don't do anything they just shoot we don't care about that nice uh can I get this empty no yeah I'll max out before it watch this uh goodbye book oh okay so there is benefit to getting this this Arrow here but I think if I would like definitely know I'd go for one Guardian I would rather go for the other one I think we can even outrun this dude now yeah watch this watch this dude why are the crabs now that's a pile of Soul that's something else what yeah what's this sucker suck oh huh wait what uh-huh where did the damage come from or is it just because we're the lower level so you had less HP wait that was surprising so I would like to have this one here because it means we heal more from the hearts that fly towards us I'm so confused didn't we have title sold that's crabs that's a crab Army of what it's called rave party I'll give it one try to take on the guardian oh it's powerful again does it spawn the crabs if they spawn again I have a big problem because they'll just push through the guardian yeah um they are a little bit too tanky for my taste let's see so I'll have to go around here there's a pilot sword that I just died and no crabs okay weird there's the guardian so he's stuck back there but I actually need to move him up here that he goes into my other weapons can you just move down a little bit please there we go there we go okay now he gets hit by all the weapons this will still take ages and do you see the problem now when a boss spawns and like let's say the boss spawns here he will push the guardian maybe into the wall it could also be there just next to each other but what do I do if he spawns from the left side huh yeah then then I'm kind of messed up now a good thing that could happen is that items are dropped like the fire breathing that allow me to kill him relatively quickly and I say relatively because um no oh no oh no they will bounce in and they are very durable oh squishy jellies no that's not good no jelly time no jelly time no chilly time maybe they don't push them through the wall maybe if you're lucky there we go that's that's such a bad angle it's fine uh uh oh oh oh yeah but there's nothing that I want out of this yeah okay listen there are a lot of things that I would want oh wait I didn't blend it but that is amazing we have we have to um that's amazing we have to garlic now and look at this the tiny garlic there okay it wasn't always this small oh that means our level UPS will not be dedicated just on the soul eater but that's fine hey we have the garlic and the Soul Eater isn't it beautiful doesn't this look absolutely amazing huh like this entire thing wow the Lions I wonder I really wonder if the beginning Arcana affects this and you know what I'll just take it at 11 minutes then we see if well or do we want to have silent old Sanctuary there but if I want to take it then I should take it at 11 minutes because if it does nothing I have to Res cue easy reset yeah so um how long will you stay alive how much HP did he have again 90 000 right here this isn't I'll be close to 90 000 we do like 200 damage per second I would say huh oh like another issue is at one point he'll be so tanky that he will just walk through that was a phrase okay I've made a new insane Discovery while I was reading through the Arcana there is something that is a little bit misleading or easy to misunderstand okay so the fields that we have they actually grow with area but just the ones that are around us not the ginormous one you know the round one that one is unaffected by area but the the multiple ones that actually deal the main damage is affected by area so you know what we'll do we'll go for Google of Illusions then we will go for blood astronomia and then we'll go for silent old Sanctuary or uh beginning here there it is okay so we'll see how it goes the the weapon all in all like the dark henna all in all is very confusing how it works for garlic and Soul Eater it reads when they are off cooldown they Blaze zones on the ground okay but how often huh we have no idea under the character that each damages enemies individually based on the calculator damage okay sure the amount of Zone placed is based on calculated amount okay that part makes sense that is the base amount plus the the bonus that we have it lasts for calculated durations that means just uh whatever duration plus all the bonus that we have the area of the zone are based on magnets radius divided by 32 or the calculated area of the weapon whichever is bigger so yeah this means it's affected by area as well as the rage like the moderation you have the longer they last now it doesn't really say how often it caused some the floor because it said only while it's off cooldown like does it mean the more cooled on reduction I have the more we enter the state of being off cooldown right it would ride so yeah huh weird Okay I want to take damage but I didn't think I would take this much damage because now we'll recover some health here very nice okay but it's changes the entire plan and now that we have wings we can probably deal with the boss as well and we are just going back to what we're doing in the very beginning next up we'll take the blood astronomia and then I'll make a decision do we just want to attack way faster wait that would play so many more zones right if it works how I think it does that whenever after one attack it will Blaze a Zone yeah that would be way better to take silent old Sanctuary then later plus free amount would be fun would go from four to seven that's a 75 increase um but if we go from negative 45 to negative 85 that means we go from 55 cooldown to 15 that's almost four times as fast attacking so in other words would have almost 12 zones down compared to the other seven yeah that is way better oh do you guys want to damage me a little bit do you want to damage me no no okay okay so yeah without magnet you would assume that the fields will be tiny and they will be smaller initially because we still need to grow our area but you'll see it will keep growing and keep growing and keep growing unless I made a mistake then that's not the case and we'll be very sad by the way I have no confirmation if garlic and Soul Eater both work or if they use the same function to calculate the things on the floor or it could even be worse that when we pick garlic it will do the calculations based on that instead of the solely turn that has less damage I think in a case where you get garlic again I will just pick it up you know we have it doubled the thing is we can't really tell if it spawns them right because if they spot on top of each other how do you want to identify them yeah we'll never get there in time but let's just stay here and prepare oh there's a boss oh okay of course it's about to happen next okay I'm hiding I'm hiding hiding hole um but the boss doesn't even really get to me right oh this is fine to be honest yeah this is modern fine sure okay I say this is modern fine but the normal enemies are killing me there we go I feel like this will be the run I feel like we will win here and all I have to do because we have less pickup range is I can now accumulate some items and then I can deal with the enemies I saw the stalker blinking up there twice and I got really smooth but yeah oh wait how big are you are you are you sure that's right wait why is it so big already but there's ginormous where's the boss where is the do we oh oh we killed him what that's amazing that's really nice I think the crabs are running away they can't okay but like wise is already so ginormous okay now it's tiny I had to say something it's a cycle okay it's a cycle of Life uh let's take the vacuum uh we were level 40 and we got to level 68 oh that's almost perfect chicken Bonanza will they fly away again oh my God two magnets oh luck oh do you think we'll get a garlic nope nope [Music] I actually want to see if they bounce off again I don't even know what happened there no no this is normal this is exactly how it should be uh I think I'll I can't hide I can't hide um [Music] okay the good thing is wait I don't even think the boss can kill me right because we get so many hearts here like even if he touches me in fact I want him to touch me a little bit there we go yeah now we heal up again that means we get bonus damage touch me more touch me more there we go only with consent though and he's dead Okay that was easy and there's a black doubling still no garlic the thing is I'm not mad if you don't get garlic because of Silent old Sanctuary right it would mean we lose cooldown reduction as well as might bonus and we actually need that a lot like a lot a lot wait how channels okay I'll be honest I really don't feel safe here like not at all this is a little bit spicy can I get this magnet somehow okay that was way for the weight I thought it would be there we go level 114 so how big is it no okay it goes in it goes in how far does it go back until a year now I get fire breathing really that's what I would have needed for the guardian but it doesn't matter at this point and it covers the entire screen everything is black oh we are healing so much this is amazing and there's even pet the thing is you know we only heal because we kill a lot of enemies so what happens if we oh good what happens if you don't kill a lot of enemies anymore when the enemies become way too powerful that's my main concern and this is where I'm like okay do we really want to have blood astronomia but at the same time if you don't have enough damage and we don't kill them you can't heal so yeah I think it will be good this is kind of hilarious because um yeah every single time we take damage and heal that up we get bonus damage well average 60 HP build up yes I'm not picking up any experience right now because I want to wait for the next Arcana that I can then pick up old experience and we can see if the area changed anything though this is this is really hilarious imagine you're that boss oh I don't want to fire briefest buttocks I hope I went downward so it should shoot downwards and not hit the boss hopefully like I just want this dude to sit on me all day long okay okay he's not getting hit perfect oh my God it will take so long to kill this boss that is amazing they're like this this is what I want this is what I'm living for bump up my damage you deal 130 damage right now look at that and suddenly over time it will go up unless we already hit the 3.6 K but I highly doubt that like the average right now is 130 let's check this out in a minute oh he died but if you check out the average damage numbers like that we see it's 129 to 138 it's always plus minus five so it went up by around I think four or five damage now that's solid that's not bad um okay he also doesn't do a lot of damage okay it's just the next one you know just finished with one and there's the next one kind of a hilarious part is the game is limited and how many times you can get a tag like the maximum is around 5 times a second and I don't even know how the game decides when there are multiple enemies who will end up hitting you but there are ways how you can have to Reaper right on top of you and you can't damage you because you get a tag but the thing is eventually you know one of these attacks will be his and then you will die but this is kind of funny isn't it um I will definitely I think I'll take the fire here right yeah that makes more sense for the bed at least ah it will get pushed away though uh but this means we won't die like we already take the max amount of damage in this very moment like there's nothing they can do as long as we kill them uh the battle is down there so let me fire down oh that's not working is it yeah we just had to pull the better way um okay yeah okay this is not good like we actually do more damage by just letting it walk towards me oh there's a freeze we could have needed that ride with the fire breathing yeah so um can I get something free passive for looking amazing yeah I'm sure okay all of my problems are dealt with we'll just wait here the BET will die in a moment then we get the vacuum after we have the blood astronomia oh this will be good this will be you know what taking one minute for this kill more than fine totally fine okay I have to be very careful because I'm not used to this Arcana uh there it is perfect and now we take this so does it grow oh it definitely grows do you see the change in oh my God it grows a lot a lot like do you see the change in color because I was moving out uh and I think right now the the Google of Illusions is going in that's why it keeps changing Jesus Christ yeah do you see that it doesn't create the circles in a set Place anymore like it used to because now with Google of Illusions it constantly changes size okay how big are these blood sausages what the what is going on here [Applause] um our damage has increased by quite a lot I think we got hit really hard by the bosses there oh that's not bad do you think there's a world where I could take on the guardian um unlikely but it could happen oh oh wait I actually want to get hit yeah hit me hit me hit me and you can also hit me if you want uh and we are freezers I'll just walk away okay so the question is again do we want to deal with the guardian now because I think there's nothing that can go wrong at this point anymore because we have so much damage no one will get thrown even if they get through we just heal oh but the blood astronomia means we don't always heal with the kills right because they don't trigger the hard effect oh no oh no oh that's bad oh that's really bad yeah look at that I mean I did say I'll take it right let's take it it may create it it does create its own Fields look at them the tiny ones down there what oh that's so cute that's amazing that means we have way more hits on the enemies oh ah okay now all limit breaks will be split up which I'm not a big fan of like I really don't like that but at the same time you know okay with me okay look at this look at the tiny Fields there the big ones that we have yeah vacuum this should make them really big by the way because we have huge amounts of area increases here do you see how it grows the little ones [Applause] wait look at the bed it can barely move it's kind of what we need with the with the guardian now why would we want to defeat a guardian 40 area is like 40 level ups for free but also more importantly the duration right remember it increases it so optimally speaking I want to kill the guardian pick up the silver ring level up get the duration boost and then we try to kill him as fast as possible where there's a flower wall doesn't this remove the other spawns so now I want to fight the the guardian come on come on yeah it's perfect we deal a huge amount of damage this will still take a very long time but this is like the most efficient we've ever been at oh no don't do it just get stuck get stuck get suck stay stuck stay stuck if she bumps through I'm dead come I couldn't just accept the nice life you had there you know I had to destroy it oh what is it with this game oh you've got to be kidding me oh you gotta be kidding me oh no oh no no oh no my rosary I need a rosary right away no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is bad this is really bad this is really bad how do I deal with a stalker oh no oh man I need to walk over there don't do that to me don't get away get away get away um how do I get rosary yeah okay I don't that's so cool can't be serious [Applause] choke or something but I I just can't finish a run okay I mean I lost a Revival but I guess that would be fine you know because of her bosses [Applause] stay away from me stay away from me can I kill him with this no I can't okay oh my God will you get light sources there is a high chance we get a rosary well because it's a lot of light sources you know not because there's something special about them um you know what that's totally fine with me that's why I finally got a complete of all that yeah I think he disappears either way yeah okay there we go oh my God what a meme okay we just died to the stalker I know I know I know but this could be huge this could be [Applause] um right let's think again anyway I appreciate that I appreciate that a lot getting my hopes and dreams up that's that's always fun you know when that happens so I didn't want the passive either way I've been into register could have been anything you know anything really are more Health Alpha generation to multiply the healing that we have yeah anything [Applause] let's be honest I actually don't want the garlic you know I really want to focus on all main weapon to multiply its growth and I don't think the garlic is good um uh it's hard to say well it's still more feels on the floor right like way more feels okay sure let's do it let's just do it let's just do it let's just do it what happened with the solitaire but it looks in that moment that looked like the garlic consumed this Soul Eater and now we know who is the dominant one in the relationship there [Applause] uh where's the regime there's a ridge but there are so many red gems dude Soul Eater why are you so broken huh oh yeah right right we're gonna level up there a pair of balls yeah man my brain is going a little bit you know it's been a while I've been recording this for almost two hours now [Applause] tied to the most stupid things you could possibly imagine the stalker tops it a little bit yeah I don't know Rosary gold feet but Rosary is good Rosary is really good well if you get the gold fever then I'll also pick this one up you know because it will happen either way and now it's out of the way that it will never happen again well at least with the one that was trapped there um there's a boss but that doesn't matter to us right yeah yeah totally fine my ears are bleeding my ears are bleeding so much like so so much that's not a joke oh the good thing is I don't think you have to hurry to get the blood astronomia right because like we actually heal a lot with the Soul Eater so it doesn't really matter to get it ASAP we just need it later at a point where we can't quickly kill the enemies any more than it then takes over but up until then we could just benefit from the infinite healing that we have ah I hear this ringing in my ear but it's actually out of the game go away actually no stay with me stay with me uh what is what's happening with the enemies wait I I fall for a moment I'm on the abuse do you see that how they are just turning around [Applause] why are they doing that is that oh my God it's garlic reducing lockback resistance they have so they can take good like two negative ones because garlic keeps applying again and again and again that's a special thing about garlic it's not just once it keeps applying more and more and more and this means the knockback effect even just of the Staggering becomes insane like look at this do you see that how it goes it's more and more like when they move in they barely get stopped they just stop right and here they go like they get pushed away so much this is the first time I could actually show you guys what it looks like to have this effect because I always told you your garlic Stacks but like you didn't really see it right but you can see it how when they move in barely anything like they better get knocked back then the more they get hit by garlic every single time it Stacks in the middle there was this cool sighting going on okay but could we kill this please like I just want to have that now [Laughter] I'm really playing on the wrong map right now it looks like I wanted to play on the abyss but there's no way we can deal with the Guardians right they also spawn in the open so there's no way to cheese anything yeah oh my God and look at the damage numbers now look at those numbers look at those maximum we still can't escape oh that's a problem like I'll always wait oh thank you how will we deal with like bosses hmm yeah this would be this would be a problem ah whatever let's use this level 163 how much do we get here this will be a lot this will be a lot a lot look at this oh my God yeah I haven't picked up experience in a while oh there's even black nice that means more healing chance perfect not that it matters all too much look at all luck the 10 does make a ginormous difference actually that's a decent difference and I have to remember that I need to break all of these breakables to make sure that I get items yeah we have a free sound there that's good that will be good for boss fight I don't really see the red gem anymore because everything is red we have fire breathing a bunch of chickens there's nothing here [Applause] over here we have a vacuum do I just take that no sure why not I don't want to use this up there for minute 25 you will need at least one phrase and I have a feeling it will not be enough huh huh huh oh you idiots you you I know what happened you dense idiots you spawn something that replaced all the enemies oh you idiots that was my rosary for the minute 20 boss no no you I I hate this I hate this event if you give me another stalker now now that the rosary is gone I'm gonna I'm gonna walk into the office of punkle and slap someone oh no no no no no okay there's another boss we should be more than flying with normal hey what I have events turned off wait traps are not normal on the library huh wait what is it a bug or is that really how it is nowadays wait what did I just play on the library and there wasn't a thing there huh that's interesting to say the least that's unexpected okay Dex what is the plan well I wish I had one I'll try to walk away where's the boss there maybe I can just walk away um okay but how was the boss faster than me the last time uh there's a rosary down there I may have to you you know what Ultra looked like I needed it right how did you get me the last time like okay I understood that she got to me because I was lazy I was moving I didn't expect her to deal that much damage so I was like yeah sure attack me I'll heal it up but like I couldn't run away right that was the real problem so this time it looked like it it was no problem at all weird it's kind of funny sometimes how much time you catch space on a single video but do you see that there are no Hearts flying in at all we're getting a huge amount of kills zero Hearts nothing and this happens from time to time it's like okay it's like what what is going on I'm not sure we just have to get to 21 minutes I feel like okay 16 minutes is a tough one uh can we deal with this that that is not a problem it deals no damage at all yeah that's totally fine um we have a few freezes so we have two freezes we have two more over there so I think I will just stick around the freezers and I definitely have to find them uh okay uh okay okay uh um bro dude dude chill let's chill a little bit yeah I need a rosary for the minute 20 boss because there's no way we all survived I'll be good I think we're good yeah yeah all is good always good okay okay got a little bit concerned there because there will be similar enemies to this but way stronger 22 minutes and onwards so if this would have failed you already yeah then then what do I do there oh nice exploding goes well we just healed that easily yeah we heal a lot like as long as we heal the thing is it sometimes stops healing could have been at the Soul Eater shrinks and the blood astronomia is still on the floor and then kills all the enemies they could be but like it doesn't stop do you see that it just keeps going and going and going and going and I don't know why it happens sometimes okay this should be no problem right yep 18 minutes that could be a boss actually let's see if it's a tough one I don't see a boss there oh it's a witch it's a witch oh yeah yeah I don't have a Revival by the way I lost it because I didn't pay attention um okay this is a little bit of a problem [Music] um I may need to use all of my freezes here and that's not good like that's really not good uh okay should you slowed down a little bit I will just use all of them it's fine it's okay well it's render the opposite of being fine but yeah you know how it is you know how it is and she's unfrozen now let's freeze them again I have to walk over to the other freezers not a big fan of that because these are all of the threes that I had and we can also use the magnet otherwise that's that's actually fine where is she there okay oh I picked up way too many freezers if this doesn't Nuka by the way I have a major problem because I'm using up all of my freezer freezer oh no she deals way too much damage I can't gamble around yep that is way too much damage okay um there's another freeze up there this is um don't worry about it okay I'm getting really cool how am I I don't think I can actually win this like I think it's just straight up impossible um I don't know oh that's a wrong I wasted all the damage I did on her pretty much oh that's not good how do I kill the mini 25 boss with the nft I will try it it could be that with minute 25 we hit a brick wall but minutes went it will also be almost impossible to deal with if I don't get a rosary here uh do we see one there's a vacuum there's so many vacuums though but they don't help me that's a vacuum that fire there's so many vacuums oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no we are about to be doomed oh no and the cycle is delayed that means the boss will have minimal amount of Curves in the very beginning um okay uh calm down okay where's the boss I don't see the boss uh hopefully I'm walking away from him oh this is not good do I have to use I have to use the nft right I have to do it I have to Nuke him with the nft and just find another way uh what dude there oh because it takes more knockback wait you have so many nfts all of a sudden down there didn't I just collect all of that yeah okay well I guess maybe with the nft we can survive long enough uh okay nft nft [Applause] oh um okay okay okay okay this is this is way too dangerous this is way too dangerous I need something here I need something here I need something really amazing here there's there's chicken let me get that let me get that I don't care that I took it at the wrong time oh no oh no oh no no no [Applause] no no no oh but it's not over I said luck yeah but that doesn't help me no no no we're about to get cursed I need I need an epic item drop here if I don't get a great item here I'm dead that was it is this or did I just not pick it up okay the bed is really annoying um um okay this is fine dude video no damage I can only delay them right now but I can't deal with them there's a freeze okay that's really good once this expires we have 10 seconds oh my God you gotta be kidding me how's how is this so bad okay I need to I need to find something else [Music] amazing okay so we could go for a way to get a lot more bonus stats especially armor will be important and a little bit of Health but honestly I don't think this will save us I think we need something that overall deals way more damage silent old Sanctuary hopefully tested sharp why is lagging so much oh um the entire stage is red oh yeah okay so I think after every single attack it spawns one that's what it meant and now we attack by I just had a major upgrade and we can't do it still like if this fails there's there's nothing I can do at least with the blood astronomia yes I could go for entirely different things but the point is won't let the Demon Soul Eater and garlic I guess you take along um [Applause] well okay we have a ton of damage though that was a very fast kill 20 seconds or so fast it is fast it is fast it's just not amazing go away dude it's so late okay no I throw the towel I'm sorry I throw the towel I know three hours in that was it okay that was actually a lot of fun look at the damage I hope you enjoyed the video have a nice weekend and if you enjoyed it then don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 133,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, vampire survivors
Id: 2_7JdVAShPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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