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all right guys what a surprise this is never did i imagine we would be in this situation but here we are with the definitive end of the demon slayer story now pretty much an entire year after the end of the demon slayer manga proper we have now been provided this addition to the ending a sort of unorthodox methodology that in recent times seems to actually becoming a bit more of a trend as this is even to be the case with the attack on titan manga series the reasoning of which we may presume to be a rush for their endings in regards to their publisher as opposed to the mangaka as unfortunate as it is despite the amount of time years effort sweat and tears that are put into these creations at the end of the day business is business and they want their product when they ask for it perhaps this is at the expense of the consumer's fulfillment as well as a mangaka's artistic vision but regardless with it being the end of the series most people are going to eat it up no matter what but thankfully as opposed to just leaving us with a half-baked product for the rest of our lives we have provided things such as this and i must say that for us here at plot armor specifically this is quite a blessing as a year ago when demon slayer ended we actually were terminated for quite some time we were out of commission for several months so we did not get to actually participate in the end of the demonstrator story despite how deeply we love this series and from the looks of it a lot of you loved our demonstrator coverage as well as in fact at this point our biggest video on the channel is a demon slayer video one that we put a whole lot of effort towards so to see it prosper in that way means a whole lot and at that this addition to demon slayer's end means a whole lot to me i actually was on the verge of tears just reading this this was a very very touching piece of manga right here and so without any further delay let's get into its contents so to follow the defeat of kibitsujimuzan and the elimination of demons from the world the results of said battle were relayed all across the world as the crows tirelessly conveyed their final message to everyone and so from there like our final chapter we would have our four main characters tanjiro nezuko inosuke return to the commodore household and pay their respect to the late family and for them to have been able to do this not only alive but both as humans was something that took the expense of many lives many hardships and hard work was put towards all this but eventually they did emerge victorious and at this point despite the loss of their family they were far from alone they were interconnected and interweaved into the lives of many people at this point and would all strive to survive and live happily as they possibly could together and as the commodore siblings knelt in prayer they could feel the essence the spirit of their family welcome them back home a shared sensation that led them both to face one another as tears would begin to well up and stream from their eyes they were home this caught enosuke and zinitsu off guard as they would quickly come to comfort them as they began to cry as well telling the two not to cry a very touching moment indeed as i can only imagine the sense of disbelief associated with such a victory tied to a battle spanning generations but they did it from there we would have them in the commodore house and apparently it wasn't dirty at all in fact oman sabro from the very beginning of the series the character that told tanjiro about demons in the first place along with all the townsfolk that he had helped over the years kept the place clean while they were gone they left a note and did not spare any expense when it came to keeping this place in tip-top shape a gesture that brought the siblings to tears as they felt the need to go and thank everyone after the fact and despite its vacancy for all this time zenitsu and being here could not deny the warmth that it provided the sort of cozy homely feeling that it had to it a compliment that certainly brought a smile to tonjiro's face meanwhile enosuke was being a bit of a detective and investigating the place thoroughly as he would be alarmed to see the claw marks of a creature unknown to him all across this single wall as tandro would explain to him that no this was just the measurements of his family over the years you can see their names underneath certain lines as to show how tall they have grown a concept that thoroughly shocked our best boy inosuke as he immediately was up for the challenge and wanted to be measured as well while he was on his tippy-toes meanwhile nezuko now being human once more would come to be the responsible member of the group who would urge the boys not to do that as they should be tidying up while they can before the sun sets but enosuke would throw a temper tantrum like a little baby and she couldn't help herself she thought it was adorable and she just wanted to measure him and this was much the dismay of zinitsu who felt that she was just way too sweet to unosuke from here we'd be provided some touching sentiments courtesy of tanjiro he would dream of a shining future one in which everyone could wear a smile proudly and lead happy lives that until the end of their day the natural end of their days he hopes that they will never be threatened by anything ridiculous ever again and with the remainder of their lives even if at this point he is no longer with them he wants them to live he wants them to survive as he imagines they would feel the same towards him and in regards to the visuals to accompany this we would have the young master and his sisters as they would read the wills of several of the fallen demon slayers we would have all the girls of butterfly mansion leisurely surrounding a fish in a tank as they laughed with one another the former sound hashira tengen and his three wives would all leisurely lie together in a meadow friend goku's father and younger brother would be walking together holding hands and tomioka in the spring would walk through a field of cherry blossoms in bloom as he would proudly have a smile a very very gentle smile on his face and from there we would have a page identical to what we received with the end of the demonstrator manga proper as our main characters would live domestically in house commodore together and pretty much enjoy the peaceful youth that they rightfully deserve days that tanjo would hope would go on forever and sidebar in going to visit the many graves of their fallen comrades nezuko would teach inosuke that there were many different sorts of graves as these were a lot more beautiful than the graves the piles of dirt and stone that inosuke was more familiar with now the hike and trek towards these graves was something that zenitsu would complain about as after the battle his legs were pretty damaged but nevertheless tanjiro still forced them all to visit the graves for three days but luckily for zenitsu nezuko was willing to carry him on her shoulder and in the final wills of several of the fallen demon slayers tanjiro and nezuko were included and so they were able to read those portions of them for themselves from here we would skip ahead into the future the modern day where we have the reincarnation era here we would have the great great grandson of tanjido and kanao sumihiko who apparently loved sleeping and because he had been dreaming of his grandmother lately he wanted to sleep forever and this concept of him loving sleep lines up pretty well with the colored image we received of him yawning with the final chapter back when he was in kindergarten he used to play with his grandmother a whole lot and as they kept their legs warm under the kotatsu she would tell him about the demons that lived oh so long ago tails so riveting that they would cause a young sumihiko to lose his breath funny enough his reactions were apparent as he got scared pretty easily meanwhile his older brother kaneta was a bit more of a sunderer as he would pretend not to be amazed and would often say that demon don't exist which technically he's not wrong they don't exist anymore but regardless grandma with a big warm smile would just nod her head and pet sumihikos as yeah there were no more demons thanks to their great great grandfather and great great grandmother meanwhile sweet little kanata here is just hiding his face as he is crying and holding onto a tissue tsumigiko could feel the tender love in the gentle hands of his grandmother and when he asked her about all the people that had died she would tell him that they were reborn and were living with their loved ones now and kanita now like a slightly older sibling rebuking the existence of santa claus would get upset still hiding his face mind you and say that their grandmother was lying because he didn't have any memories of his previous life but tsumihiko on the other hand was comforted by this he felt as though they all deserved to be living happy lives after being reincarnated and at that it took away some of the sadness and loneliness he had inside and it just made him feel better and so he told his brother that as his brother would sniff up some snot as he kept facing the other way crying mind you i would say yeah big sunday energy from this guy but it is very adorable and furthermore sumihiko like his great great grandfather would have hoped that the demons would be reborn in the future as well he questioned how long it would take but surely the gods would forgive them sometime he'd also wonder what his great grandparents were like as he would additionally envy those who were able to know them he'd questioned what their favorite colors were what food did they like how he would love to hear someone tell their story because human lives are much like stories as even his life is just one where he is the protagonist that regardless of however long ago these stories took place they were stories about people in the end that from his family to people that he doesn't even know everyone has their own little stories that only they know about as he would continue his slumber with a smile and from there we would get a total breakdown of all of these descendants this would tell us who got with who who had who who was named what and what they are like this is great again the descendants of tanjiro and kanao would be sumihiko and kanata sumihiko is a bit of a crybaby and dreams of working in a zoo and his favorite animals are slow lorises which are a sort of big eyed primate and kanata funny enough has the nickname first love thief and so he is just stealing hearts left and right but funny enough he doesn't have a girlfriend he often says what he thinks right away and actually regrets not being honest with his grandmother who we may presume to have died then we have nezuko and zinitsu's descendants yoshitaru toko and their two little sisters yoshitaru is a good kid at heart but is a bit unfair he actually got hit by a truck protecting his sister but thankfully he didn't suffer any major scarring because toko was there to patch him up toko is actually able to see the best in her brother and just hopes that he can act maturely in the future she intends to be a prosecutor as well and in regards to keeping her brother on track he was able to make it into high school because she made sure that he studied and it looks like that yellow hair zenitsu's was not passed on to any other descendants from there we have the great grandchild of enosuke and oi which i love i love those two aoi is one of the cutest characters in the series to me i love her design and you already know how i feel about enos k so this is great he is 28 years old in fact he additionally has a little brother but was able to become friends with tanjaro's descendant sumihiko as they were both crying in the same park but as opposed to sumihiko who had just been reprimanded by the police for his reckless path to school aoba had just lost his job but from there we would have used ascendant the adorable tomio kogichi and his two best friends from swimming school these two clearly being the reincarnations of makamol and sabito which just warms my heart we would then have the two beauties of an all-girl school who were the reincarnations of shinobu and her older sister kanae rengoku's little brother would have a descendant very reminiscent of his older brother one with a strong heart that was ever positive regardless of whether or not he was being insulted or not as he would always be thankful and tsunemi's descendant would end up being a bit of a delinquent who along with an underclassmen of his that appears to be the reincarnation of genya would scar one another's faces with knives and become like brothers a very very weird sort of pact but whatever now there is so much here that i could go on forever but we'll just get into what i particularly feel is worth talking about at this point but yeah iguro and kanroji were actually able to find love in the next life and have five kids so good for them elsewhere yushiro is still alive and hasn't aged a day along with the demon cat and the young master is still alive wow he must be like really really old at this point but the two of them are friends finally the last of this that really really struck me and really touched me even was that the reincarnation of yurichi was a happy man with a happy family and if you are familiar with the story of urichi the one that we covered with our own video then you'll know that this man really deserves that and beyond this we would just receive a number of beautiful beautiful touching images of everyone being able to live their lives in bliss together as tanjiro would think to himself that he was extremely blessed to have been born as we would then be provided his final words which were just so beautiful never forget to smile when you cry it makes me so sad that i'll never be able to bear it never feel guilty about anything you do just remembering that you were once alive is good enough we fought together and we smiled together like brothers and like parent and child please hold your head high i was extremely lucky to have met you and it was a blessing your presence saved me and it helped me cast aside all my loneliness when i think about you i can feel a burning strength rise from the depths of my body if it was possible we wanted to live and stay by your side that has been everyone's greatest wish but we had to make a choice on whether we lived or we died whether we won or we lost yet being able to choose is still a blessing on its own tough situations strike like avalanches they swallow you whole instantly and you won't even get a choice in anything i just wanted to protect you your life was more precious than my own happiness never lasts for long still i wanted you to see just how happy i truly was not once in my entire life have i considered myself unlucky or accursed never give up never run away keep believing i always did the best i could at every moment all my strong emotions became a great blade that struck my enemies down but this was the strength of everyone i would never have won without the help of every single person around me living is a miracle in of itself you are an honorable person you are important to me please live the best life you possibly can my beloved comrades this final address was just so much this was this was the ending that we needed even just these words besides everything else this was the closure that we deserve as fans of demon slayer this is this fully encompasses the brilliance of this story as despite these sort of shortcomings that may be found in certain regards when it comes to the fine details and making sense of things and logistics and all that regardless of all that at its core the heart of demon slayer the soul of demon slayer is enough to bring so many people towards it as expressed with our demon slayer effect video the phenomena that is the demon slayer anime certainly brought it to astronomical heights of success never before seen with such a series but even still despite the packaging it was the story of demon slayer that hooked people that captivated people and gripped onto their hearts so firmly and i cannot be thankful enough for the ability to have been able to be a part of this journey in any capacity whatsoever we would additionally get the final address of gotoge sensei themselves they would be thankful for the run of demon slayer that despite the imperfections and careless errors on their part they are thankful for every single person that has ever read their work from the bottom of their heart that they themself strive to be a wonderful person who can be kind to others even when they are in pain and that certainly is felt throughout the story of demon slayer for sure especially through the main character tanjiro they would speak of how many people look forward to this story but of course some weren't able to see it through to the end something that they would express their apologies towards but hope that beyond this life that somewhere someday they can be friends and not to be morbid or anything but this is something that has crossed my mind like i am someone who is a big fan of something like one piece which is such a sprawling story and what have you so the thought of not being able to see that to its end does shake me a bit uh it is something that is so deeply affixed in my spirit at this point that i don't want to miss its conclusion and i know that i'm not the only one who feels that way when it comes to stories like this this was a story that they made for everyone they would thank us all for fighting together with hanjiro thank us for all our tears and our smiles that this was a complete and utter honor for them that they thank us all from the very bottom of their heart once more finally wishing us all happy lives in the future they hope that we can all defeat our difficult situations and painful moments but at the same time it can be bad to work too hard so try to be a bit lazy when it's appropriate that we should all look straight ahead and find our own happiness what a beautiful ending this was this is shonen this is true shonen and from us here at plot armor thank you all so much for joining us on this adventure it has been a complete blast and we look forward to doing even more with all of you in fact we plan on putting out plenty more demon slayer content to come so please look forward to that as well to do so be sure to subscribe to plot armor with notifications on so you never miss a thing and don't forget to follow us over on instagram and twitter plot armor yt while you're at it because when it comes to bringing you some of the best demonstrator content on the platform plot armor has you covered as always i'm slice botaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day i love you [Music] you
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 284,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, tanjiro, demon slayer ending, demon slayer manga ending, demon slayer new ending, demon slayer true ending, demon slayer real ending, demon slayer reincarnation, tanjiro demon slayer, demon slayer manga, demon slayer anime, demon slayer final chapter, demon slayer last chapter, demon slayer time skip, demon slayer time skip chapter, demon slayer future, plot armor, plot armor demon slayer, anime, manga, demon slayer season 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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