"Demon Hunting - Watchmen Arise! Part One" | POWER HOUR | Ep.133

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hello good afternoon good morning good evening power hour family wherever you are it's so good to be with you on this tuesday i wonder what the weather's like where you are i mean where i am just now it's wet windy morning the back garden broke so if you ever hear a little bit of a knock it's the gazebo knocking on the window just now that i need to get after after this our hour session so that's gonna be back to normality there it's so good to have you all and just seen you joining from all over the world and from wherever you are you're so welcome today for this episode of power hour as always i'm joined by the brilliant prophetic revelation filled enthusiastic sarah jane figure and emma prophets to nations leaders extraordinaires authors i mean you name it you're just great both of you just pure dead bro you're there yeah how are you doing how are you both doing i think that's on one of these signs on the way into um an airport in scotland prestwick airport welcome to scotland pure dead brilliant which almost finds like opposite to the rest of the world but pure dead brilliant is exactly what we say here in scotland i am having some computer problems and cannot see your faces and i cannot see any of your comments right now so uh but some of my team are typing saying things are not working but anyway we will do our best hamper you can see david's shoulder here in the screen a little bit trying to fix my computer i think you can see him anyway well yesterday honestly boys back to school monday morning and not in person obviously because it's still locked down but i i i'm walking past their room and i hear they're assembling of course they're on this remote assembly and what they are discussing with the school is um uh jobs inspirational jobs that you can have when you grow old uh because of course being 18 to them is very old so um we can hear you we can hear you the first in uh oh well no well we will wait with for the exciting story we've been left on a cliffhanger for for for the rest of the story which i'm sure emma will be able to share with us when she ends up backing at some point what about you sarah jane how's your again we are good but we are drowning in rain here in the middle of scotland it's been raining cats and dogs and of course i decide this morning to go out for a walk uh with the dogs at eight o'clock to wake myself up and it was literally absolutely tipping it down even the little dog who hates rain uh was really refusing to move that i had to drag her along anyway that was the exciting start to my day so emma we're desperate to hear what is the job what partners inspirational jobs so of course the first job is marine biology and i'm like i'm so i'm listening in overhearing and thinking that's quite a good inspirational job and do you know what their head teacher then said i mean this is not just a pupil at it this is the head teacher of the school who says the next inspirational job that you can aim for is to be a snake milker and i'm like what what kind of nonsense is that a snake so samuel comes down the stairs and says i'd like to be a snake milker because my head teacher has told me that this is an inspirational job what is going on this is angry this is it is anybody out there a snake milker is this actually a thing do we know any do we know any snake milkers and um look this isn't coming from northern ireland where we don't even have snakes i mean there's not a snake to be found in northern ireland or ireland because saint patrick um took them all out in a boat so goes the you know saintly myth that saint patrick you know uh did some miracle and all the snakes climbed into a boat with st patrick and left the land mass of ireland so i've never seen a snake in the wild because we don't have them so what snakes he thinks he's going to milk uh i'm not totally sure that might be in the context of a zoo or or something like that i mean have you ever heard of such a thing imagine writing that on your personal statement you know what would you like to be when you're older a snake milker i mean i heard you realize that that's inspirational what what else was it followed by i have no i have no idea how to react oh my son is watching on youtube samuel and he's saying it's not milk it's snake venom but it's called snake milking clearly he was listening to the inspirational talk followed by samuel i'm glad you're listening followed by because it was good weather yesterday i said to samuel right off you go you two outside off screens go and play in the garden i've had enough of minecraft i've had enough of you watching youtube on you go out and so i go back onto zoom i think they're i think they're playing football in the front garden oh no no no that's not what they're doing we look out the window samuel has lifted the ladder from the cellar uh david's ladder for reaching you know the ceilings and he is balanced on the very top literally swaying on the very top of this ladder way way up in the air with a piece of rope that he's found that we were going to tie the canoe or kayak to the car big big thick bit of rope and he's trying to build himself a swing but he is cutting the rope with my largest kitchen knife whilst up the tree on the ladder swaying back and forward with this rope tied round him and a knife in his hand and i'm thinking only boys i'll tell you something as yoga as as if you weren't in ministry as a family i know what an inspirational job for your family would be sitcom seriously your life is hilarious i i mean what do you think when you look at your window and that's what you see only in the stark household and only mr iron sam samuel stark would do that yeah very indiana jones obvious i love her anyway he he is now rigged up he's now rigged he also had masking tape i'm not totally sure what he thought that was going to do but he has rigged up a tire to this tree uh and uh i don't know whether he's used it yet because the rain suddenly came on but he was quite pleased with himself so samuel have you tried to out yet does it does it work innovation someone's saying that's why women live longer really oh yes samuel our wild child uh anyway so let's do something spiritual we actually have quite an intense one today because we are in demon hunting mode samuel did you see that comment on youtube just popped up david popped up i i just i'm recalling when thomas my son who's now 19 i'm going to be 20 in the summer his years of danger when he would always be looking for the axe to do to chop kindling wood for the fire or whittle something with his pen knife you know those years i think you're just entering into those years now ever samuel i'll be praying i do remember watching your thomas in his teenage years cutting something with a pen knife very close to his knee you know yeah yeah whittling wood or chopping or or like samuel building swings up a tree building tree houses in the local combine trees and getting in trouble for that with his friend philip oh yes you've got all that to look forward to oh joy anyway should we do some should we do something demon demon hunting today yeah and i'll yes because we're at our happy place when we're demon hunting uh so uh i but i want to say i want to set the scene and we all have um a couple of demons to to bring to you uh so that we can collectively uh you know uh limit and restrict their behavior so that's the plan but we've called it demon hunting watchman arise and let me just explain to you why i think the watchmen in scripture are really under disgust and the whole concept of what it means to be a watchman i think is largely lost from the church and yet here it is a a key pivot in the well-being of the people in scripture so i want to give you ezekiel 3 verse 17 first to set a biblical context before we go after the demons and it says this see son of man this is god talking to ezekiel i have made you a watchman for the people of israel so we see that there's a whole job description called watchmen like in the comments if you already know you're a watchman or you just start to feel as i say who i think i might be a watchman just let us know because you should start to feel the weight of that so i've made you a watchman for the people of israel i'm reading the scripture here so hear the word i speak and give them warning from me and so this instruction is that the watchmen stand on the wall of the nation and they are the nation's protectors theirs is a role of warfare protection for land masses and nations they do not hide away they do not stay in the prayer room they are told by god to hear and see what is about to come and then they are to speak and to give warning and i feel that in great error we have got watchmen who think that their job is silent and secret and in some kind of prayer room only and yet ezekiel is radically clear with this you are supposed to be watching in the spirit realm and the job is a speaking job it's a watching protecting speaking job and so in that you are supposed to say i see what is the coming danger i see what is the demon on the horizon i perceive the strategy of hell i understand the nasty stuff that is a threat to my borders that is a threat to the church that is a threat to the land and if you don't speak as a watchman god marks that as great disobedience and so it is not just oh i see something and i'll just privately keep it now the watchmen uh it requires an inner robustness it requires an unshakeability on the inside it requires strong fiery focus because you are supposed to understand the plans of satan and not everybody has the capacity for that not everybody wants to see what satan is doing but the watchman prophets watchmen tend to be prophets uh they're they're they're described as watchmen prophets they are not described in scripture as watchmen intercessors to call it a watchman intercessor is a title that is not in scripture you don't see watchmen intercessor you see watchmen prophets let's get biblically accurate in other words you steward revelation and you proclaim you steward revelation and you decree you steward revelation and you make a statement now the problem is with this when the watchmen saw what satan was planning and hid in the prayer room they took the demonic conversation out of church and we lost the normalizing of what is satan up to what is satan doing what enemies assignment do we need to be mindful of and how do we secure victory and we became scared of talking about demons we became scared of understanding satan and we lost our military advantage and i believe that the lord is saying that he is giving watchmen back to the church or resurrecting the watchmen or refreshing the anointing of the watchmen prophets so that the church can get back their military advantage by knowing what satan is up to now when i say demon hunting the three of us today are demon hunting a lot of you will go oh my goodness that sounds quite extreme that is biblically the job of the watchmen you are supposed to have in the body of christ an assigned group who are demon hunters and they're called watchmen prophets they know what satan is doing just as much as others must know what god is doing so good oh oh so this is a whole new thing do you want to comment on that guy sarah jane you you and i both sit in watchman roles and see demons a lot comment on that job description yeah absolutely it's interesting i feel like the lord has been speaking from ezekiel 33 as well which is obviously when ezekiel is recommissioned as a watchman if you know that if you don't know it you need to read it again emma speaking from ezekiel 3 and then again god called him as a watchman in 33 and i think you're absolutely right emma that god is challenging us as watchmen to be vocal because it's very clear in 3 and 33 in the book of ezekiel that god says if you do not speak and if you do not warn the people their blood will be on your head you know and if you warn them and they don't turn and repent from their evil ways then their blood will be on their own head but if you don't tell them and if you don't warn them it will be on your head and you know we have to go oh god oh god oh god you know how often have we spoken something in a prayer room when god was saying you need to warn the people because of course ezekiel talks to nation and i feel like god is is not just encouraging us in a gentle way out of the prayer and he's saying get out get public you know just like what we've been doing with world prayer watch god suddenly said get it out there get it online and and bring it out into the open there's a sense of god's saying you need to bring it out yes of course there are times when you pray in the prayer room that's not what we're saying but there is this sense of warn the people what's coming won the church one the nation because if you don't watchmen the blood's on your head yeah the real sadness in all of this is that we we lost the sense of who the enemy was uh in the silencing of the watchmen yeah and and the problem of you know then not not understanding how we fight and we lost i think years of spiritual warfare by the shutting down of the voice of the watchmen who are supposed to know what the demons are up to it's a massively significant lack in the church uh and of course people get a little bit annoyed why are you so demon focused or why do you talk about demons all the time or i don't really like that conversation but actually there's a whole there's a whole job here in scripture that does that sam i think we're we're meant to know the wiles of the enemy we're meant to know the ploys of the enemy in part of us knowing that as the role of the watchmen and i think our great error has been making watchmen and prayer a very private backroom activity when actually it went particularly in the new testament we see it as a mass activity i mean when peter gets liberated from prison he finds his fellow church family contending in prayer contending for him in the middle of the night and that's what they were doing day and night that was the place that he found them in and also that the thought that um even just for prayer now yes there are absolutely watchmen and that's what we're talking about but the call to pray that that sort of persistent prayer intentional prayer is reserved for a certain group of people and that we maybe you feel like well i'm not part of that or you feel disqualified from it we need to wash you clean from that belief and invite you into this sort of lifestyle that's so necessary for the church to advance but i think we've searched that sorry i'm sorry i'm just sure that you were alluding to sarah j that scripture that you were alluding to ezekiel 3 18 it is is is slightly chilling because it god is saying then to the watchmen and i'll quote it to you because it's so powerful ezekiel 3 18 when i say this is god speaking to a wicked person you will surely die and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life that wicked person will die for their sin and i will hold you accountable for their blood but if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their evil ways they will die for their sins and you will be saved and i can't i don't think we can over stress the weight of that that here is a declaration speaking role you must put your revelation into words or you are judged for your silence in the warning roles very strong in scripture very very strong in scripture and i wonder whether god actually speaks that over ezekiel because he's hiding away you don't get god being that strong unless there's an error that he needs to correct in the person he's dealing with and so you can sense the error in ezekiel who wants to hide rather than communicate and so this watchman role i would say is a public interfacing role it has to be a public interfacing role yeah because you see ezekiel in chapters one and two very much having the encounters with the lord and god then speaks very strongly to him and we see him completely dazed and overcome with the weight of what god has has shown him but then after that and he's taken seven days to sit in the revelation of who god is then god speaks and says now tell them this and it's almost like god gives him warning before he gives them a word to speak and i feel like that for many of us that god is saying to you out there i'm going to speak to you but know the warning of if you don't say what i'm giving you to say there is a consequence to you and to those that you are being asked to bring the warning to i actually feel like what you're saying emma in the you know we've withdrawn we've drawn the demonology we've been drawn from talking about demons we've we've done even from talking about uh deliverance and other things it's always been very hush-hush it's like oh don't talk about the spiritual gifts oh don't talk about deliverance that's for you know somebody specialist and you know we don't all touch it all that's to do with demonology has been so sidelined much to the glee of the demons let's say because they're like oh wait they actually don't think we're conquerable and keepers in the cupboard keepers in a box you know because you know you you won't be feeling confident in how to deal with us but no we need to break down those walls and and it's it's it's not the big deal that everybody thinks it is in the sense i think it's not identical that's what i mean absolutely and i think there is that sense that if you don't have the watchmen in their protection role remember it's a protection role it's a pr it's an anointing to protect the people in a nation because you see in advance what's coming it can i say this is not a a spiritual mapping role this is not a an identification repentance role this is not a look over your shoulder about what has gone on in the past of the nation i think that's in the definition of the intercessors intercessors are always focused and uh hugely on the on the past of how do we get mercy into the room from you god because of our past sins and that's very clear in scripture they're they're a bearing burdens and standing in the gap for what has already happened the watchmen are present future orientated and they are they are saying things that have not yet come to pass so you need to get a very good distinction between what is a watchman prophet as a protector for the nation's future and what is an intercessor who has a role looking present past and so one is standing in the gap cleaning up our history and one is standing in the gap securing our future all right very very important now how do i know to make that distinction actually we were supposed to be talking about demons but we feel like we've kind of sat here how do i know how to might make that distinction an intercessor at their core is mercy orientated there is never a single instance of intercession in scripture where you're standing in the gap for somebody else without a contention for mercy intercessors always want the kindness of god they want the breaks put on the consequences of sin they want to reign in sowing and reaping they are mercy orientated in their very heart watchmen are not okay this is a major differentiation mate so watchmen at their and their core are stewarding uh the compassion of god and they are also stewarding the judgment of god because prophets are interested in mercy and they're interested in judgment that is not the intercessor's role okay so the watchmen are looking at what's coming and they're saying well that is bad that needs kicked out but actually that shaking we need to make a space for because that shaking is good for us so hear the difference watchmen prophets you are looking into the camp of the enemy you are looking forward into the camp of god and you are understanding what we let in and what we bar from a nation intercessors you are present past orientated usually dealing with standing in the gap of the nation for previous sins that would be my and mercy orientated those are the the best biblical definitions i can have okay who how did we get there do you want to answer that or should we just talk about the demons no i just wanted to just say on the backspace so helpful so helpful uh some definitions there i think that bring clarity because many of those who are watching it will recognize it's never been taught and it's kind of an unknown area well what actually is an intercessor what actually is all this and now at this time when god is forcing this back into the church we need to be able to to communicate this with clarity yes yes yes okay good stuff all right so let's let's talk about demons so we we are watchmen we have a a watchman style ministry we are very aware of the scheme of satan and so the question that i put for the team uh early this morning is have a stand on the wall as protectionary watchmen as those who are present future orientated and tell me what is the main demon that satan is releasing against the church and what is the main demon that satan is releasing against the nation and we set ourselves uh to answer those questions main demon against the church and the main demon against the nation that is coming up from satan's camp i am not interested in what is already here okay that is not my job as a prophet uh that is the intercessors job to deal with what is already here as the present past oriented i am present future orientated and i am looking at what is about to come over the horizon so who wants to start sam do you want to start us off and we're going to deal and we're going to bring a demon here a demon or two each on what is about to be released against the church from the camp of satan sam kick us off sure and when i got your question and asked the lord i heard him say this san balat and tobiah are about to come to the church san balat and tobiah are about to come to the church and we are introduced to these two characters in the bible these two people in the book of nehemiah and the process of rebuilding walls of building new ground taking territory and they resist the move of god they resist the building of god the building of the kingdom of god and when i asked the lord what are the two demons that are represented by these two individuals that we need to be aware of that are coming towards the church he said this the demon of resistance and the demon of retreat the demon of resistance and the demon of retreat and really that's represented in these two individuals because they come and they are a voice of resistance to what god wants to do on the earth they come and they resist the people of god building the kingdom of god they resist and they implore the people to retreat and they implore the people to stand back to settle down to get back to what was known to get back to what they had before rather than persevering and pioneering and building what god is asking for right now and these voices come with accusation they come with resistance they come with a sense of well you actually can't do that i know god might have said this is what your call is or this is what you're meant to do but you actually can't do that you don't have what it takes you don't have what is necessary and it's interesting that the dominant manifestation of the resistance the dominant symptom of resistance that comes to the people of judah that comes to the people of god is an intense fatigue that makes them want to give up and throw in the towel as it says in verse 10 the people of judah they start to stay we are just getting way too tired we can't go on anymore we're exhausted it's time to just throw in the towel maybe a wall up the knee height is all that we need for now we're just going to settle where we are because the tiredness is too overwhelming and the tiredness comes imploring the people to retreat and its aim is to kill building it's aiming to kill progress because the voice of resistance has been heard loud and the lord says to us as the church guard against the voice of resistance because when you open the door to it you also open the door to retreat and that the entrance way the open door for the demon of retreat is lessening and giving air time to the voice of resistance the voice that wants to resist the move of god and it's so interesting that the strategy to stop that that god gives the people that nehemiah gives the people in verse 18 is wear your sword at your side as you work make sure at all times you are on guard and a posture of war ready to fight in many different ways when the enemy comes and so we've got to be super aware of this voice of resistance that wants to force us to retreat i have some particular specifics about what that can look like but i wonder emma and sarah jane if you want to jump on that and comment on these two demons demonic thing when you know this is a demonic thing uh you fight slightly differently and uh it's important that we can name these demons uh of resistance uh and retreat because then you start to say i will not partner with a spirit of retreat i will not come into alignment with a retreat i will not back dine because if you don't know it's a demon then you tend to just sit back and accept it as the status quo and i think when a prophet names the demon what it should do in you as a receiver of that word is to raise up the warrior within you to say ah now i know how to fight and once you know how to fight you know that you are going to win okay yeah back to you absolutely wear your sword at your side make sure you know that you're already equipped to overcome it i felt like the lord said even as we begin to pray there's some specifics that that he said that even in the church there's going to be a surge as as as the enemy tries to achieve this there could potentially be there will be a surge of anti-groups being formed anti-certain progress and particularly when uh even in the british isles and in other nations when lockdown lifts anti-digital groups even in denominations that want to push back on the ground that the church has gained even in the lockdown season and and the digital arena and the lord says to us individually not just to the church make sure you let me purge you of any even unknown thoughts in your own heart that is anti the move of god that is anti what is new that almost is impossible like oh i'm not quite sure about that even though what is what what what it is is of god and we've got to be those who first deal with this in our own hearts this antique new this antique move of god this anti what actually it is right for the kingdom of god to do and then see it dealt with on a wider position and and the lord has us deal with this now so that actually when we come out of lockdown and we come out of or and into a season of being able to gather whenever that may be that we will be not positioned with an anti-move of god but with a pro if for it's one that's welcoming what god wants to do yeah i suppose what you're saying is there's a guarding of our heart um uh against being negative being anti the next thing that god wants us to do i want to build on the back of that sam uh because we you and i it's interesting when i texted these guys this morning and said can we prep this you know it amazes me how much overlapping you'll see when sarah jane shares her demon in against the church uh in a moment uh how much overlap there is what i saw was satan carrying from his lair a safety blanket and satan had a plan uh as the pandemic uh kind of begins to taper and there is a sense of a little bit of normality coming because we've been shaken and because we have been upset that satan wanted to give us a safety blanket and that safety blanket was to be a mind set and a safety mindset is a retreat mindset let me say that a safety mindset is a retreat mindset and and satan wants the church in the next few years and certainly the next few months for the rest of this year to say stay safe be safe be circumspect be cautious be timid be defensive be guarded and of course if you are safe and you try to create a safe church and i'm about to really say some controversial things here so you've got to to to hear what i'm saying right now if you create a safe church i think there are massive problems with safe churches and that's a controversial thing but safe churches are non-essential safe churches are non-vital safe churches are not noteworthy now when we look at the great writer c s lewis when he's writing in the narnia stories about aslan the lion the conversation goes between one of the children i think it's lucy and mr beaver and they're saying safe aslan safe of course he's not safe but he is good and the conversation we had at the dinner table last night with my dad and my husband went a little bit like this surely we want to be the people who bless safe churches i mean surely don't we surely we want to be the people who see run-of-the-mill average plodding along non-cutting-edge non-vibrant non-spirit-filled non-dynamic churches surely we want to bless them don't we surely we would rather have a flawed witness than no witness at all is that not the right way to think that we want to say to you oh you're doing a really poor substandard job but we bless you in your substandardness because we would rather you were there than not there at all and i think we have thought that but but i want to say to you i think that is exactly our problem that when we say oh we bless you in your flawed witness we bless you in your lack of courage we bless you in your lack of vitality we bless you in your safeness in essence we are saying to the world that church is something it's not in essence when we bless the church to be safe and mediocre and look warm and tepid we we miscommunicate to the nation who jesus is we misspeak of jesus we miscommunicate the passion of his love the power of his cross the extremes of his kingdom and i feel like the lord is saying no you want to be those who rage against safe church you don't want to bless the flawed witness and thank god that there's some witness at all because actually that level of safety and that level of flawed witness is inoculating the world against jesus because they look at the safe church and they don't want to have anything to do with it that actually it is in our safety and our lack of courage that we have accidentally become laid to see and those in scripture and revelation 3 who are tepid and look warm and we are not to be danger averse we are not to be risk averse and the conversation at the table last night i know this is this is strong stuff because in essence what we're saying today is that safe churches have become the very thing that made the church non-essential and satan is walking out of his lair because i saw him today in last night with an increased weight of a safety blanket and he's saying go back to being safe don't you dare take risks and my comment on that and then it will come to sarah jane is if you and i were given the task in about i don't know a thousand years to write the history of the church and say you and i were where we're reviewing uh 3000 years of church history would this century even be mentioned in church history would it would what is happening today in the church be even noteworthy enough to make the book of the story of church history because we are so safe there is nothing remarkable to write about us and i think if we were writing a book on church history in many years time hundreds and hundreds of years time what we would probably write about this epoch of time in terms of the church my secular history books are going to talk about a pandemic but church history books are probably going to talk about the suffering church in china and the suffering church in iran they're likely if you're going to note anything from this century you're going to note the growth of the underground and the persecuted church but you're unlikely to talk about the western church which is forgettable and right now the church is not just forgettable you know to its its own history telling it's forgettable to its own culture and i do think that we have got to wage warfare against a greater weight of a safety blanket sitting on our shoulders from satan that i think is one of the demons that satan is sending the demon of playing it safe sarah jane what did what did you hear from god or do you want to comment on that before you go on well i just think it's so good because god is calling us to war he said this morning march into war we're moving into the month of march we are moving into a another warfare season we need to be those who are advancing occupying and defending that which god has given us nobody else is going to do it church we are the ones who are going to march advance and wage warfare against the enemy and so emma i really love what you're saying about safety and and sam what even you were saying about the sambala and tobias because once it's exposed and out in the light it's half beaten anyway all we have to do is resist and so i'm celebrating that god is revealing these things to us today so that we can move past them in our own day-to-day lives the two if you will complementary demons let's call them to what um emma and sam were saying because they all come together they work together they sound similar actually and are the two isolation and intimidation we know we've been fighting isolation earlier in lockdown last year but the lord said there is a greater wave of isolation coming to you from the enemy his strategy is not just to isolate us from society and physical distancing that we've been facing here in the british isles but and many nations out there have been facing too but it's the isolation from god and the isolation from one another as church from god and from one another and what we have been really feeling in the last couple of months as prophets is god's saying come on there's an invitation here to a greater level of encounter with me to a greater level of connection and intimacy with me if you've not been feeling led to read song of songs and get into that intimate place you will now because there is now an urgency on it there's not a panic but there is an urgency and the lord's saying get into that place of intimacy with me so that you will not be disconnected from me as this greater wave of attack comes to isolate us from god isolating us from one another as the body of christ the lord is saying watch for that if you feeling disconnected if you feeling you know so-and-so's not reached out to me so-and-so's not called me and actually feeling like uh everyone else is probably feeling so-and-so does not call me so-and-so's not reach out to me in the church context pick up the phone get on zoom do whatever it takes go and turn up at the door and do a physical distance visit if you must but reach out to your friends in the church because it's time where we have to come together and say i'm intentionally relating to you i'm intentionally putting myself in front of you and saying here i am i love you we're connected and you know the enemy would want to separate us and bring us into isolation the other one intimidation very top line intimidation comes in different ways in different seasons this time the enemy almost wants to hide himself and make himself invisible so that we're kind of looking around going hang on what was that you know what's he up to where's he gonna be next the the quick antidote to that is holy spirit shine your light right now shine your light illuminate where the enemy is at work in my life so that i can see it the lord gave me a very um sort of easy vision of a little ant size demon creating big waves in the spirit so that we were intimidated but actually it's a small almost insignificant thing that is causing the issue so i encourage you just to say holy spirit shine your light let me see exactly what that little irritating demon is that's trying to create waves in my life because there's this sense of the hiddenness and the invisibility if you will of that intimidation spirit yeah i mean that i mean and this all gives us quite a lot of homework doesn't it it gives us that requirement to say uh with what you're saying sarah jane i choose to break agreement with isolation if that is a demon i choose to break agreement with it i choose to break agreement with what you're with what sam is bringing of intimidation i choose to break agreement with uh safety so that i am a courageous risk taker and so once we start to see you see this is the beauty of the watchmen who give you a heads up on what is coming you are forewarned which is forearmed you then work that revelation into your decrees so that it doesn't own you and that is how the prophets work with the church then it's not just something to tickle your ears in terms of satan has a safety blanket or satan has a new wave of isolation because satan knows you know from what sarah jane is saying if he gets as separated in heart then we cannot agree together and where we cannot agree together you cannot host the presence of god are you hearing this if you want revival if you want a move of god if you want the weight of his glory to come you know that comes in living stones fitted together who are built to be a corporate temple of god and so if you want to stop a move of god you what satan is doing is you bring a spirit of isolation particularly of hearts that i might be in a building with you and i might be singing a worship song with you but i have isolation in my heart and i have lost my vulnerability i have lost my intimacy with you and with god i have lost my ability to agree with you because i'm going through the motions of an activity rather than the rigors of a relationship do you hear me god wants to satan satan wants to make church about an activity and not about the rigors of a relationship and he does that by sending demons of isolation you cannot have revival with a church in isolation you cannot have a vibrant church if it's wearing a safety blanket you cannot have a vibrant church if it's listening to the intimidation of uh of to uh i forgot their names tobias and someone you cannot have that so we're not just saying this and moving on very quickly here you know oh look at these demons we are saying there is business to be done as watchmen prophets who are understanding how satan is going to the church [Music] okay so i think we're just going to start to pray because you can i can i don't know about you i can feel the resistance in the spirit it's really unpleasant you know if satan doesn't want his plan exposed no wonder he no wonder satan told all the watchmen that their place was to be in the prayer room no wonder satan gave the name watchman intercessors because if satan titled you a watchman intercessor which is not in scripture it meant he put you in a hidden place yeah and that came a lot from leaders who were demonic we have got to stop using the non-biblical title watchman intercessors it's watchmen prophets yeah because the very point is the decree of state of what satan is doing that is shooting some holy cows isn't it don't use a job description of yourself that satan wrote even if it sounds biblical watchmen prophets speak intercessors carry burdens in the prayer room you can be both by the way before people panic you can be both you can absolutely be both but and i think sarah jane probably is both a watchman prophet and an intercessor yeah but we not you've got to do business and you need both we absolutely need can we just start to pray around these things you can feel the intimidation even as we expose the enemy record the people are not used to hearing this sort of dialogue and it's almost like the shock of oh my goodness there's something going on because we're so unaccustomed to it god we are sorry that we have neglected what is an absolute necessary part of your church and that even today we are shocked by this conversation because it's so out with the norm and i'm just staying around and watchman profits next i'm seeing uh like like a thick kind of scarf that was from here and make it difficult to speak and some of the watchman prophets that are watching right now you might be feeling a pressure around your neck and it's the the silence that came with the wrong title that the enemy wanted to give you and in the name of jesus we just break off of what prophets and this silence and the muslim and the dampening of your voice in jesus name and we speak and release your voice and in jesus name as a leader i repent for where you have been miscategorized by those in authority over you and in jesus name we lose a liberation to watchman prophets right now to come forth and to speak forth and to be heard and to be seen and the lord says i sent watchmen prophets on a hard place so that they are seen and they are heard so that they are seen and so that they are heard and the lord is pulling watchmen prophets out of the low places into the high places so that they can be seen and so that they can be heard and so in jesus name and i know we need to pray from the other demons but i feel like we need to liberate somewhere right now we pull one out of the low place and put them on to that ward says do not resist being seen and being heard and some of you are gonna have to fight everything within you because you've trained yourself for years to be hidden and to not be heard and the lord says this is not the day for that this is not the decade for that that was a demonic assignment now it's time for a god assignment and the lord says get up to your watchtower where you can be seen and you can be heard do not resist anymore the lord says the people need to see you watching and they need to hear what you have seen as you've been watching says the lord so we just say to watchmen prophets be free in jesus name speak watchmen speak come on loose your voices open your mouths right now if that's you because i see almost like a hair ball in your throat and you need to almost force a cough to release that hair but it's like a fake cough to cuff out this fur ball if you will that the enemy is put in to the back of your throat so we just loose you to speak speak watchmen speak and almost like we whack our hand in prayer on your back to cough it up so some of you feeling that cough take a breath cough it out cough it out and release that blockage that the enemy had put there by unintentional partnership and we see the enemy right now on the run it's almost like we shine the light of christ and what was hidden in the occult place a cult means hidden it is now in the light of christ so we expose all the demonic that we have um released today those spirits of retreat those demonic spirits of safety and intimidation and isolation all that would would uh restrict the church of god we say we see you we shine the light on you and just like a thief who's trying to get in to the gate that is um shut we shine the light of christ on you and we say you are exposed and we say now you begin your diminishing process we bind retreat we bind the safety blanket of the demonic we bind isolation and intimidation and we say you may not have your way with the church of god in this hour in jesus name so i just speak to the prophet prophet and i say come out of your caves in jesus name watchman prophets come out of where you have hidden in the back rooms of the church now caves i think are actually the back rooms of the church come out of those places where you have only whispered in the ears of one or two come out of the places where you have muted yourself watchmen prophets we give you back your sound we give you back your voice we give you back the amplification on your decrees watchmen prophets we say you will decree and you will warn and you will protect and in the name of jesus then there is a refreshing of the mantle of the watchman prophet those who will stand with fire in their bellies and a robustness in their spirit and they will know the plans of satan and they will not be impressed or shaken and i say come up to the place of your high call watchman prophets come up to the place of spiritual sight and where your eyes have been blinded and where you have not seen the full weight of what the enemy is planning we loosen liberate your eyes that you may be a kingdom of god strategist that you may be one who understands enemy plans that you will be one with a microphone in your hands an amplification device right in front of you that you may make the warnings and i hear the spirit of the lord watchmen it's time to warn watchmen it's time to warn watchmen needs time to protect and the spirit of the lord says this when the watchmen are silent the enemy got away with his most heinous crimes and the spirit of the lord says this watchmen in your silence there became a war that looked like it was about politics there became a war that looked like it was about church against church and the lord says when you were silent watchmen you fought you fought the wrong wars you made it about political parties church you made it about denominational warfare and suspicion and the spirit of the lord says as the watchmen come back into place there will be an alignment in the body of christ that it is that is necessary that will give back an understanding of who is the enemy and no longer will we think that the enemy is a political party and no longer will we think that the enemy is another church down the road and no longer will we go around christian bashing for the lord says as the watchmen give warning there will come an alignment to understand where the problem is that it is not in the lives of men but the problem is in the camp of the the dark forces of satan and his minions did i not tell you says the lord that you do not wrestle against flesh and blood but you wrestle against principalities and powers and the lord says in the shutting down of the watchmen you forgot what the battle was and so we say watchmen arise watchmen arise watchmen arise and decree says the lord wow well we went slightly different direction today our time has come and gone and uh we will come back on thursday i think look is joining sarah jane it's you and i on thursday and we will pick up the demons against the nation we just dealt with the demons against the church but we will deal with the demons against the nation uh on thursday so join us for more watchmen profit demon hunting who on thursday they might need to lie down oh i should say these are in the shop aren't they lovely global prophetic alliance and we're using them right now so you want to be able to uh get go and buy these sit with think of us pray for us and enjoy the global prophetic alliance bottles as you uh brainstorm uh what demons you need to fight in your life and we will see you on thursday bye [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 14,499
Rating: 4.942122 out of 5
Id: AY2l6ONlzpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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