Dementia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment.

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today's topic is dementia causes symptoms and treatment dementia is a condition that is described as a disease in brain function to have dementia your brain function needs to become deficient in at least two areas the facets of brain activity that may be affected by dementia are thinking memory judgment behavior and language besides this dementia is not a disease but a condition caused by another illness or injury some types of dementia are progressive and can get worse over time the condition can result in mild to severe mental impairment however some types are treatable or reversible if you get the right kind of medical help early here's everything you need to know about dementia causes dementia occurs due to the degeneration of neurons in the brain neurons are cells that carry messages from the brain and spinal cord in the form of impulses the degeneration can occur due to several reasons including diseases such as alzheimer's neurodegenerative diseases responsible for dementia include one parkinson's two alzheimer's three damage caused by chronic alcoholism four vascular dementia six infections of the brain seven tumors inside the brain other possible causes for dementia are one metabolic disorders such as vitamin b12 efficiency hypothyroidism and liver disorders two structural brain disorders such as subdural hematoma 3 exposure to toxins such as lead symptoms symptoms of dementia depend on the stage you are experiencing mild dementia symptoms include 1. personality changes 2. feeling angry frequently 3. depression 4. short-term memory lapses 5. forgetfulness 6. difficulty in problem solving 7. struggling to express ideas or emotions moderate dementia symptoms are more serious and might require help from others to deal with they include one poor judgment two significant personality in mood changes three significantly large memory loss four increased frustration and confusion 5. inability to perform simple tasks such as bathing mental faculties continue to decline in severe dementia leading to symptoms such as 1. inability to communicate 2. two inability to perform regular bodily functions three greater risk of infections four requiring help for all kinds of daily activities treatment treating dementia typically means making symptoms easier to live with by making them less harmful dementia treatment is not designed as a cure but as a way of managing the condition medications such as momentine and cholinesterase inhibitors are common in alzheimer's treatment they help patients slow down the progression of the disease and maintain mental function for a while longer other treatments include changing your lifestyle to better manage dementia you can reduce clutter in your environment to improve focus modify common tasks into something more manageable and take part in occupational therapy thank you for watching our video please do not forget to like and share the video also please subscribe to the channel to stay updated on our latest videos
Channel: Medical Centric
Views: 33,602
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Keywords: dementia, dementia stages, dementia symptoms, dementia vs alzheimer's, dementia patients behavior, dementia is difficult, dementia and alzheimer's disease, dementia and delirium, dementia and narcissism, dementia and keto diet, dementia and alzheimer's disease nursing, dementia and the brain
Id: E_8pB77U9IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 52sec (232 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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