DeMar and PG Pick Their Midrange Starting 5

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if you were going to put together a starting five of all-time mid-range players who would it be all right let's let's start with Starwood point guard um I'll go with CP um you gotta go with Mike Jordan [Music] put both in there [ __ ] it oh cold yeah yeah cold probably cold you in there I'ma leave me alone for myself man go with Kauai okay I'm gonna go with LaMarcus Aldridge okay that's solid he's a solid new Widow and I like that yeah what's your five I want to hear your five my five I'ma go at my one I'm gonna go I'm gonna go Andre Miller Audrey Miller old school he was tough yeah he was so good right I mean back down he was he was a beast I'm gonna go Andre Miller uh I got the same I'm gonna go cold in MJ just because they kind of took that mid-range game to a whole new level is you doing him in yours I gotta put Debo in there come on d-ball you in here I'm gonna go to big fundamental I'm gonna go TD yeah see I was thinking I'm gonna go I'm gonna go to the big fundamental I like both of y'all yeah that's yeah that's the silent one I almost put TD in there too yeah because he changed the game with that bank shot bank shot yeah bank shot he had that [ __ ] down pack where would rip Hamilton and your Gage where would you put him at because that's all I remember from that guy bro for sure he like never missed yeah that side like yeah for sure see I I always think about like especially from the wing position like rip is definitely in there like but I always think of guys who could do it off the dribble yeah the post up off a screen off catch a shoot you know what I mean like especially from the wing position it's not too many people who who had it like that rip had it coming off a million screens and catch and shoot it for sure but I'm talking about elbow two three dribbles getting it off every time you know what I mean any type of way yeah and you you put why in yours that's why you know I didn't I didn't want to put Y in it but and why I got that same it's crazy bro it's it's incredible yeah you know I mean like I'm not even on a lot of you it's like I remember we played y'all this year I was telling the young my young fellow Pat Williams I'm like yo he's he's about to get to a spot every time every time and it's it's going to be very difficult for you to stop anything he do but don't get frustrated don't get frustrated I see like it's it'd just be crazy watching them because some [ __ ] I'd be like I wouldn't even try that but the fact that his hands is so big that's that he just place that [ __ ] over there like he don't go fast like for me I gotta throw the ball through try to go get it bro he'll walk and just place it through and like have no fear of anybody stealing it none I know y'all not getting it people don't know how strong he is and he's strong as [ __ ] he's so [ __ ] strong if he hits you it's like you hurting yourself yeah you know what I mean he's just solid like he's just so solid and he gonna do whatever he wants yeah to get his shot off you just gotta hope he missed you know that's what makes it so special with him because he would do that [ __ ] and run off a quick 20 like that facts don't even look tired you know what I mean what made you want to work on your mid-range and become great at it I was such a fan of of just 80s basketball 80s and 90s basketball I remember my dad used to make me watch every [ __ ] 80s basketball game where I couldn't even see who the [ __ ] person was like I used to watch every game and and he used to always explain to me certain players and how they used to get to their spots how they used to get their jump shot off and this and everything always was from the mid-range like everything was just strictly from mid-range and my first year in the um NBA one of my assistant coaches was Alex English um when an all-time greatest scores of all time and he just always used to tell me how he used to get to his spots all the time off one dribble two dribbles three dribbles Max and he just always used to tell me master this master this master this master this master this master the right shoulder left shoulder off this you know I mean I I got so obsessed with it and obviously everybody knows my you know relationship with Kobe and that was one thing he always used to drill to me that he learned from Mike and just being a fan of the game Mike then Kobe I just wanted to master or something and it just always stuck with me of being like if you can't stop this why I feel like I gotta do everything else you know what I mean I just stuck with it when did the perfect get so effective it was crazy that was it don't work for everybody no it don't work forever like [Laughter] I never spoke on this one publicly a guy who taught me the pump fake Sam Cassell 15 16 years old man he used to play for the Clippers when I was young my uncle's real close with Sam Cassell so he always used to take me over his house and he used all you know how Sam is he all just loud right so he always used to talk about how he used to do certain moves and he always used to break down the pump fake to me it's like man you get to the spot you know you hit a [ __ ] with this you hit it with a kid they'll jump and you just shoot over like I used to always like hear him talk like this and I used to watch film of him and I'm like yo this [ __ ] really really works and it just always used to stick with me but it Sam the one that put it in my head okay I was 15 years old 16 years old I didn't know later down the line I I you know I I stick with it so much but it just put me back in a spot to where it's like like if I get fouled using this or if I hit two shots in a row I know you're gonna jump next time you know what I mean you start playing with it from that from that perspective but from Sam Cassell and B Wade that's those the two guys I already got the pump fake from yeah I should still still develop it definitely is what's crazy it's definitely an art bro yeah it's such an art art to it because you just it's it's a field you you know like every every single night I play a guy could be guarding me you will hear the bench you would hear players on there saying stay down don't jump and they still do they still do it still do it after all this time but it's the patience you have with it because if I do it one time like all right he ain't going for it let me kick it out yeah re-space but like you got the patience to huh huh and that third one is like all right he's definitely shooting that's what I'm saying and they go for it every time you know you know it's crazy he'd say we played them in the playoffs they had a rule you will get fined if you jump no [ __ ] y'all if you went for the pump fake you're getting fine you get fine what put it in the pot yes how much did you find it was no it was I didn't get fined but we definitely had guys that had to put money into that pot wow wow we used to get on T-man like T-man is like you're that God like we all got that one guy that's just like [ __ ] I'm gonna have a hard time with him you're that guy for T-man every time we play him like he like you see it on him like he'd be like and this [ __ ] dates back to uh that covet summer where we was hooping uh at the gym yeah the little high school and T-man was there guard you and he dated back to there like I cannot guard this dude I have a problem it's just like but it goes back you know how like you could pay attention to offensive guys Tendencies you can pay attention to the defensive guys Tendencies too you know what I mean that's once I get any type of tendency that you give away to me defensively I'm a I'm a I'm a milk it every time you guard me you know what I mean and they always works with young guys because you just not disciplined yeah right right and I always try to explain this to like a lot of younger guys like you know think about it like in boxing terms you're getting 10th 11th round you dead tired yeah you start dropping hands a little bit it's the same with high Defender May guard me I know in the fourth quarter I know you tired so you not fully focused on this spot and I you probably already feel against the gun because I probably got 30 points now you want to stop that bad I'm gonna dribble real hard right there and pump fake knowing you're gonna jump you know what I mean so it's just it's just small Tendencies and he he he he has a tendency to give it away yeah I mean just like last year I mean we played them he was guarding me so hard um on an out of bounds play and I knew we we needed to file or whatever and I knew he was going to be aggressive on me so he gave away the tendency of being overly aggressive and I drew a foul on him they gave me to the free throw line you know what I mean like the same [ __ ] I got I got PG with a file too yeah yeah in the game last year where I knew he knew I was gonna catch the ball and I had you know I was just like [ __ ] I'm gonna go for the one how is that though P you know this [ __ ] is the king but sometimes it works sometimes it don't it's because he's he because he can hit the shot yeah he's so good in the mid-range like that alone is what have you jump like he's he's so good in the mid range just like damn I I gotta take this away so like right you already in the hit cause like that's his kill spot and so yeah when team like and t-man's point like you in his head so much that like he already just overly aggressed like today is the day overly aggressive but like not gonna go for nothing so I gotta whatever I do I gotta do do it quick yeah you know what I mean so with that people remember what he said quick but I learned you know like I learned because I'm gonna go for him from time to time but I learned not to guard him close enough that like if I go for it I got enough time to like yeah back up a little bit any type of way I'm going to sell it yeah and he know it like you know what I mean we've done played plenty of playoff series like we don't play against each other plenty plenty of times and it's like I know he might do something but it's like he get me every [ __ ] time with it you know what I mean so I'd be like you know Caruso you got Jackie did you see what Meek Mill posted the other day nah Dennis I'm in playoff mode right now you got time for none of that stuff but anyway what did he post he put in a crazy ten thousand dollar entry on Steph Curry Kyle Lowry and LeBron using prize picks that mean he watching our show be like me and what are you trying to do but wait wait wait wait people don't even know we talking about right now I gotta calm down tell them what price picks is all about how prize picks is a daily fantasy app you pick two to six players like the video on your screen then pick if they will have more or less than their prize picks projection you aren't competing against other people it's just you versus the projections available we know how much meat won but tell the people how much they can win so you can 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Channel: Podcast P with Paul George
Views: 232,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul George, Podcast P, Podcast P with Paul George, Jackie Long, Dallas Rutherford, Paul George Podcast, NBA, Clippers, Los Angeles Clippers, NBA All-Star, NBA Podcast, Kawhi Leonard, Chris Paul, Midrang Gawds, Tim Duncan
Id: jpdX3gjz9to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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