DEMA SHOW 2019: The One New Scuba Gear Everyone Is Talking About!

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This is the Hydroid Aquabreather and this is Igor.  Igor, this is probably the hottest product at   DEMA. Everyone is talking about it. You're demo  in the pool here today at 3 p.m. Set the whole   room on fire! Tell us about your product. Yeah,  of course, this is our brand new invention called   Aquabreather. We are based in Russian Federation,  part of Skolkovo Innovation Center. The main   principle of it is based on this regenerative  substance we use. We just open those cans and put   them into the axis and the reaction starts and it  both absorbs carbon dioxide and generates oxygen   at the same time. So the reaction goes round and  round and round and provides you with oxygen. In   the same way as a standard rebreather? You may  call it like this but it's not only there it's not   only the thing which absorbs, but it generates.  Right. So we have a embedded sink right here just   to compensate the pressure or any emergency cases  and there is an embedded computer here to display   all the necessary information about the dives  and all the things like partial pressure oxygen   and carbon dioxide. In the heads-up display and  I can see it? Yeah. Very cool. What's the depth   rating? What's a dive time? Well actually, we set  the restriction on 42 meters. Okay. It's a safety   restriction actually, and the estimated time of  the dive is more than 60 minutes. It only depends   on your breathing style, if you are a professional  diver when you would last much longer. Okay. Wow!   Who are you aiming to get this product into the  hands of? Who's your target demographic? Well   actually we're talking about recreational diving  because it's really simple to use. You just put   it on, you just look at the computer and you  can go dive. Our educational program is now in   developing, develop and will contain just a few  words about how to wear it and how to go dive.   Yeah, I mean that's easy, what Im immediately  what Im thinking, whenever there's a new product   like that that comes to market I'm thinking if  I take this yeah and I show up at my local dive   center. And Im like I'm ready to get on the boat  let's go diving and they're gonna be like where's   your gear? And I'm gonna be like it's here.  Yeah. But where your mask? No this is the mask.   Yeah but what about your gas? No this is also the  gas. What are they gonna say to me? They gonna let   me on the boat? They're gonna let me dive from a  legal point of view? Well actually, right now we   are fighting those issues. We need one more year  to make a certification European and American one.   We need a year to make an educational program  and all those things, to make all the needed   tests to prove all those people that our product  is reliable. Yeah, absolutely so what's the next   step in the development? You've got the education  coming up, is the product prototype, are you happy   with that? Yeah, its the working prototype, so  right now we are on the stage of all testing   in winter, or in spring, we'll start open water  testing to 40 meters finally and then we'll finish   our educational program and we'll start getting  certification, European one and American. Awesome,   are you talking to the main agencies or you kind  of developing your own thing? How's that gonna   work? Actually right now we're discussing those  problems, but the second option is preferable for   us. Right, okay, fantastic where can people  find out more information about this? Well,   you can visit our new better visit our website at There are a lot of information   about our apparatus and our contacts, if you want,  if you ask you want to ask any questions. That's   awesome and I'll put a link to the website  in the description this video below. Igor,   thanks so much for your time. Thank you very  much. Congratulations on we agree   there's like a ton of people here watching you  can't see... probably the most interesting and   exciting product at DEMA, right?Anyone ever seen  anything like this? A lot of people like I don't   know. I don't know. I see a lot of chins being  scratched. I'm excited by anything that's new. I'm   sure you guys gonna do your testing and good luck  to you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks.
Channel: Divers Ready
Views: 979,654
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Keywords: james blackman, scuba diver, diving, dive gear, dive equipment, padi, scuba, diver, open water, deep diver, wreck diving, underwater, scuba love, scubalover, divinglife, new diver, scuba certified, scuba gear, scuba review, diving hints & tips, dive instructor, scubapro, scuba diving, new dive gear, dema 2019, dema show 2019, divers ready, found drone underwater, found crashed drone, river treasure, hydroid, hydroid aquabreather, rebreather helmet, rebreather
Id: fkxxDScJDQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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