Delta Force Operator, Should People Join Special Operations...

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the other thing is not only that but the military has to instill a black and white mentality for you to do the job that you do and they don't want you to think in Gray you know and then it's like I mean for me you know after doing stuff long enough with and for the agency you just start to go oh this is way way different than I thought you you know you start to see behind the curtain and you're just like dude this is not what I thought it was we're not who I thought we were we're not doing it for the reasons you know it just gets a lot more complicated and um and then it just it it takes your it takes that um it takes that innocence of the black and white nature of the world away because you realize it's not you know um and again that that as we talked about earlier that over time that just continues to grow continues to grow to where now I see why Veterans of Wars I see why veterans when they're older feel a certain way um it's like I'm starting to be that guy and I'm like oh my God and then you judge yourself cuz you're like I never thought I would be you and it's just what's crazy to me is I see the the Warriors Journey it's it's this it's this journey and everyone's on the same Journey we're just all a different parts and it's like I look at a kid joining now and and dude they ask me you know oh you know want to join this and they ask me questions and it's so hard dude I know know you feel the same way because it's like part of me wants to be like don't do it you know don't do it it's a trap and the other part of me knows that if given the chance i' do the exact same thing over again it gave so it gave so much it took away so much but it gave so much and we're the type of people that don't focus on what it took away we focus on what it gave and and I and and that's the thing so it's like part of me wants to tell those kids run go live your life man go you know go do this and then the other part of me is like I would do the same thing and then I just end up telling them how to go about it because I know where they're at I've been there you know it's it's one of my favorite scenes and well I think it could have been done a lot better but it's one of the scenes in Deer Hunter when it's the SF guy at the bar you know and he's just like freaking talking [ __ ] to them because he sees you know them pre going to Vietnam and he's just like you know again I think that scene could have been a lot better but um uh but it's it's a great you know they're like enamored by him and he's disgusted by them CU he he knows what they're going to go through and uh uh it's just is a very powerful scene but uh yeah um so if you're thinking about joining uh yeah you can sign up at you can sign up here's here's a we got the recruiter's information down below yeah we'll just say this do what you want to do but no matter what don't trust your recruiter just don't don't believe him I I we got to end this but I I can't help but to ask like part of one of my biggest insecurities with my military career was not going to selection I even even as I got out I was a uh went to Denver Police Department and then I was was in that year they gave me the inactive or the active guard or whatever so I was I was doing um the GU going to sfas pre- selection for the guard unit yeah and I was like guard guys can go to selection you can go without even being in really yeah I don't think now I could do it I don't think now I could do uh my body would well yeah yeah I mean that yeah but I honestly think that that Tipping Point was only for me was only like two years ago before and maybe I can get back if I trained and stuff but my question then is do do you think it would have did it give you the sense that you were good enough I already knew what you're were going to say no yeah so I have a buddy this is a true story this will blow your mind I have a buddy he has been there since 2004 four there Dam been in the military since 97 gosh damn say he has over 45 deployments I didn't even know that was possible over 20 years 45 well actually more than that because he was deploying with ranger battalion before he was there but 40 like Syria you name it he's been everywhere he's done everything he got put in for Medal of Honor it got dropped down to a DSC I'm pretty confident he's got to be if not the highest awarded Soldier right now he's got to be top five right um he's done everything literally everything actually his most impressive accomplishment is that he's been in since 97 and he's never had an admin job that's insane yeah which he got got put in for a medal of honor and I was like you know what's more impressive than you getting put in a medal of honor is you never had any job and he goes yeah you're right it's a good point but here's my point he's he's not enough for him there's other stuff he wanted to do he's now getting out because his body is [ __ ] but dude he had things that he wanted to do he had other things he's like oh I wanted to do that I want to do that and I told him 10 years ago I'm like dude make a list of the rest of the stuff you want to do and then when you hit that get out and he hit it and guess what he did he added more to the list M and then he hit that and then he added you'll never be enough if he's not enough it's it's just it's we're just not people that will ever hit that um like for me you you know I look at I wasn't there as long as I wanted to be I wanted to I was going to retire I was going to stay there for till I hit 20 and I got you know hurt and then I medically retired and I you know I don't feel enough with what I did there like you know everyone that stayed in did 100 more deployments than I did um so I can tell you man it it doesn't matter well thank you for that it doesn't matter it would just be it would just be another thing that you would think would be enough and then it it wouldn't be and you know the other thing too is like there's it's also wherever you go you continue to see the next level or or maybe not the next level just other options if that makes sense and and your just awareness of what you could do expands and you go oh I want to do that and like he did everything you could do there and then there was some other things and it just it'll never be enough and um whenever people say that about you know a you know should have gone if you did you just would have put off where you are now would just be you know three four whatever years from now actually more than four cuz you'd have to probably obstain in additional four so no it wouldn't have changed anything I I I I I promise you I appreciate that yeah I promise you and and the other thing too is it's um it's it's not that place that job those courses I saw many people that were great great guys great Warriors that for whatever reason that you know they couldn't complete that process but it had no relevance to who they were as people and and that's kind of the bigger thing is that place that it's not it has no relation to who you are none none at all yeah I it just has a relation to a very specific thing but that specific thing has nothing to do with you as a person it has to do with you very specifically in being what they want you to be and I could tell you I was not I was not built for that place I can tell you that right now I just wasn't as Black Sheep really okay first I want to say that what you what you just said not only means a lot to me but I know for a fact 100% certain I know the the exact guy that this is going to mean a lot to and he's an amazing human and he's a you know long time Green Beret stud didn't make it through the process and I know that you just talk to him personally so thank you for that you know not just it's not just me there's a lot of Green Berets out there that and probably Rangers and and probably a lot of just people that didn't make the cut and you just talk to them personally let them know that like you know even someone who did first of all could be a black sheep but second of all that it's like even you guys in in this position of such high esteem and high regard could say that this isn't have anything to do with who you are no and and look I I think the reason that doesn't happen is because of the because of what we all struggle with I I think everyone from the Special Operations Community struggles with being enough so I think once you you you know I think once you're there if you haven't really accepted that you'd be enough whether you were there or not it's easy to act like you're enough because you got there but in reality it doesn't mean anything it's still in there yeah it's still in there and and I mean I'll I'll say it like look that place is great at what it is it's a phenomenal organization um but I don't think it's the measure of a a warrior I don't think you I don't think any unit could measure that and don't get me wrong there's I mean some of the most without a doubt some of the most amazing Warriors I've seen are there right they weren't me but I've saw them um but but again I just I don't think I don't think a couple courses or in an organization structure or Mission or anything has the or right to measure a man
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Id: EkKB2g1Y1eA
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Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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