Dell Technologies Tech Talk: Dell Financial Services

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[Music] today's workforce has become accustomed to having the latest technology in their personal lives and they want the same experience at work connected efficient collaborative and easy they want technology that works with them without issue so they can get the job done quickly and effectively wherever they're working technology is changing the way we see and interact with the world and it's changing the way we do business technologies that were once discreet are becoming increasingly mainstream and maturing and they're solving problems in ways we could never have imagined driving innovation at an unprecedented scale welcome to our latest session of tech talks by Dell technologies in today's session we'll be touching on how IT departments are challenged by shrinking budgets and the need to do more and we'll discuss the role of Dell Financial Services in enabling mid-market organizations to access the right technology solutions at the right time my name's Trevor long and I'm joined by Brody Murdoch director of Dell Financial Services Australia and New Zealand okay Brody thanks Rob a lot of research gets done into the future and one of the things that people need to look at is the impact of technology and change over the next five let alone ten years that's an important thing for Dell to be looking forward to isn't it we have to understand that it's amazing to think that in 2030 85% of the jobs don't even exist yet we're going to have artificial intelligence and machine learning that's going to have to be integrated into the workforce and one of the stats that we found quite surprising was that 58% of people don't believe that's going to improve employee satisfaction the pace of technological change changes a lot of things like the worker let alone the workplace it's no longer a nine-to-five workplace 81 percent of our staff are going to work in more than one traditional office space in fact we're estimating that over 50% of our staff are going to have more than three places where they work from regularly that's going to impact things like security connectivity and the flexibility of the devices they use even simple things like battery life are going to mean that our employees need to be able to work anywhere anytime for the average IT department is that they're being asked to do more and their budgets just shrinking some research from people like Forrester and IDC shows that 60% of IT managers believe their budgets will decrease or stay the same 85% of customers are looking at financing before they even make a purchasing decision and 79% of customers one an all-in-one bundled and simplified financing solution it's all about helping with increase their company's operational efficiency and giving them financial flexibility to meet their IT department requirements the things that we try and assist with the return on investment accelerating modernization of their storage infrastructure reducing the total cost of ownership for them looking for financial flexibility when it comes to making payments for pro IT projects so the conversation is not just about financing here this is about mid market organizations getting access to the whole suite of latest technologies Dell Financial Services has to be able to provide more than just leasing we have to understand the technology solutions that we're providing to the Dell technologies customers for example PC is a service that incorporates the Microsoft Office 365 solution we need to understand how that impacts customers we offer things like end of lease data wiping end of lease collection services that requires planning with customers to go I'll make sure that we're meeting their technology needs not just offering them a financing solution we also have our open scale payment solutions which allow infrastructure modernization to occur return on investment expectations so we construct your payments for when their revenues begin to flow from projects that they might have not just say we want you to start paying from day one so we've got to understand the complete solution and offering from the customers perspective as well what are some of the important considerations for a mid-market business looking to leverage a financial partner for their IT needs it's really important that your financial services partner can accommodate your full IT acquisition requirements so to that end you've got to be multi vendor you can't say I limit you to only by indoor technologies there are occasions where you going to buy something outside the DOE technology solution set we can accommodate that for you it's important that you keep all your financing with one financial services partner wherever possible I think the other parties that we've got to understand your technology solution we can bundle in project costs for you we don't want you to have to pay one big lump sum of project implementation costs and then lease your hardware we can bundle that in and similarly with any software a lot of the banks are becoming uncomfortable financing software and project costs do DFS underst that's an imperative part of a financing solution so how does that work across the whole lifecycle though in a practical example we've got my DFS comm which is a lifecycle management tool for our clients we would take the PC species and we'd go and start planning with them through six months ahead at the end of their lease schedule to say right these devices are coming up to the end of their useful life to you while these are the latest devices that are available how do we manage that deployment with you in terms of storage we're constantly monitoring with our clients there's increasing storage needs adding a requirement and making sure that all those leases Co terminate so we're still facilitating and matching that financial requirement with the technology solution always at front of mind give me an example yeah we've got a great example with the customer of our Splash Damage they work in the gaming industry and what we were able to do was provide them with a minimum commitment storage and compute solution that still gave them buffer capacity to scale up and down as their usage requirements determined so what it meant wise that they could minimize their fixed cost and only go into their burst capacity when they were making money for their business effectively so finally what advice would you give a mid-market organization looking for their bit next big IT upgrade I think the key message is to engage early by making sure that you've got access to the full range of solutions available to you you might be able to bring forward the project you might be able to increase the scope of the project you might be able to increase your return on investment more than you ever thought was possible utilizing financial services solutions thank you very much for your time buddy thanks Trevor a lot to consider and a lot of great advice remember to engage early to access the full suite of Dell financial services solutions I encourage you to reach out to your Dell technologies accounting [Music]
Channel: Dell Technologies ANZ
Views: 1,129
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2mRrkjCHZds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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