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from leveling some new accusations against his ex-wife to Christine Baumgartner refusing to leave his house here's everything you need to know about Kevin Costner speaking about his wife's divorce turns out the star has leveled some pretty fresh accusations against his ex-wife the star's attorneys have been throwing serious shade at his estranged wife for a while now but this may just be their biggest accusation hurled at her yet turns out Christine has been busy robbing the actor blind and even paying her own divorce attorney using Kevin's employees credit card can you believe it Christine is using his money to get the best legal team just so she can get even more money out of him now that's a high IQ plan I've got to say and that's not all the Yellowstone star claimed that Christine has been helping herself to his belongings without his knowledge or consent and as if that wasn't enough she blindsided him by filing for divorce before even informing him about it ouch that's gotta hurt get this the actor alleged that Christine made payments to her divorce attorney using a credit card that belongs to one of Kevin's employees it seems like Christine Knows a thing or two about getting what she wants even if it means using someone else's plastic previously the star had mentioned that he was shocked to see his wife consider divorce because while he had some idea that things back at home weren't too good seeing her actually go through with it wasn't something he was expecting He also mentioned that the divorce wasn't something that was up to him and that it was with a lot of sadness that he was announcing that the two would be splitting up it was clear that had things been up to Kevin the divorce wouldn't even be happening right now and the sad part is they're both now using this as a way to get back at each other in the weirdest ways from Baumgartner trying to get a whole lot of cash out of the divorce to Kevin throwing accusations her way it is shaping up to be one of the messiest divorces that Hollywood has seen recently now let's talk about the recent ruling that's adding fuel to the fire a judge ordered Kevin to pay Christine a whopping 129 thousand dollars per month in child support that's a massive sum and it seems like the financial battle between these two is far from over in the latest court documents Kevin's legal team pulled no punches they pointed out Christine's disturbing intensity to snatch Kevin's property without his knowledge or consent even after the divorce proceedings were initiated for those of y'all who may not know they're referring to how Christine basically refused to leave the Stars home despite being given a proper amount of time to vacate the place after their divorce went public and while their divorce may look messy now the fact is things started off quite well turns out it's not just their grudges against one another that are coming out due to the recent court case one of the documents also details how the two first crossed paths with one another Christine revealed that she saw Kevin on a golf course when she was just 18 years old at the time Kevin was married to his first wife Cindy Silva and was trying to become a badass golfer for his upcoming Sports comedy tin cut little did Christine know that this chance meeting would eventually change the course of her life pun intended fast forward six years to 1999 and Christine and Kevin finally began their romantic Journey they started dating and took the plunge exchanging vows in 2004 at Kevin's second home in Aspen Colorado but his love stories often go Kevin and Christine hit a bump in the road the couple reportedly broke up once before too and the reason was that Kevin wasn't sure if he wanted more kids while Christine wanted a family of her own though fate had other plans for them and they found their way back to each other this time Christine was clear with her intentions she let the star know that if he wanted a future with her then they needed to have kids later down the road eventually Kevin gave in and had three kids with Christine and you'd think that'd be the end of their problems but unfortunately things didn't go so smoothly and you can thank Yellowstone for that because while the show was great for Costner basically giving him the chance to reignite his career it also meant that the star had to spend long periods of time away from his family and this was clearly not something Christine wanted she wanted the star to be along with his family in their Santa Barbara home plus when you consider Kevin's history with being unfaithful to his Partners it's not too surprising why Christine was so worried about the star being away from home for months on end reportedly Christine told Kevin to wrap up Yellowstone after its Fifth Season taking time off afterward to come back home and relax and while initially that might have been what the star considered it's clear that he later changed his mind and worked on his film Horizon Instead This is a movie that he's been trying to make for literal decades at this point and so when an opportunity presented itself it was too good for Kevin to pass up two-stepping only can't really two-step but three inches of sand so you just sort of sway back and forth but here's the thing Christine was already tired of having the star be gone for months because of Yellowstone and now this new gig with Horizon was going to repeat the whole cycle all over again to make matters worse this is a film that very much requires a ton of Kevin's time after all he's involved in just about every step of the creative process from the writing to the direction the guy's even starring in the dang thing so you know he's going to be super busy and while Christine didn't want to deal with that and asked for a divorce now at first fans were like maybe it's just a rough patch in that the two will get back together eventually hey it's Hollywood anything is possible right he just died huh yeah and a bad way to go there's nothing better I'm gonna I'm gonna go find his wife and try to convince her of that it turns out Christine was really serious about this whole thing and she was even captured just days after the divorce went public without her wedding ring on that's when people realized there was no coming back for them and get this things only got Messier between them after that for one Christine's actions kind of left Costner homeless for a bit Kevin revealed that he's asked his wife to vacate his home but despite the deadline for the relocation passing she hadn't moved an inch this was a big problem for Kevin because he already went through something like this in the past he revealed he had an important conversation with Christine before they tied the knot see here's the thing Kevin had experienced what it's like to be without a home after his previous marriage ended he found himself unable to live in his own house and he was determined not to let history repeat itself and so the star made sure his separate property remained under his own name no matter how long their marriage lasted he just wanted to make sure there weren't any issues later down the line you know and that bit of long-term thinking paid off because now he's in his legal right to get Christine to vacate the house even if she's all like I've lived here for so long but that's not the end of their legal drama because the prenuptial agreement between Kevin and Christine had some let's just say interesting stipulations it doesn't feel like um we're interesting I have other things that I will want to do like the fact for their marriage Kevin agreed to pay Christine a cool 100 000 and to celebrate their first anniversary he handed over another one hundred thousand dollars but wait there's more when Christine filed for divorce the prenup mentioned that Kevin must pay her a whopping one million dollars sheesh now here's where it gets even more interesting Kevin is required to provide Christine with a two hundred thousand dollars deposit to help her purchase a new home that's absolutely why we make them is that there's always possible for something to happen that you didn't think was possible when you went into the movie and um and and that's why I believe in the movies and that's why I make them not only that but he's also responsible for covering the property taxes and homeowners insurance for a whole year on her new home but Kevin's Financial duties don't just end there he's offering to go above and beyond to assist Christine in her transition the star is willing to pay thousands of dollars for her moving costs employ his existing staff to help with the move and even cover the cost of a rental place until she's able to find a permanent place so with everything already laid out and settled for her the only thing she's really got to do is move out it's like being asked to go pick out a dream house free of cost but despite this Christine has yet to move out she's really taking her time with this huh the first child support payment be made by July 14th given that she's been ordered to vacate their home by July 31st so from Christine refusing to leave his house to Kevin leveling some new accusations against his ex-wife that's everything you need to know about Kevin Costner speaking about his wife's divorce
Channel: Film Frenzy
Views: 23,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film Frenzy, Movies, Film, Actors, Kevin Costner SPEAKS OUT About His Wife's DIVORCE..
Id: 7woL7CYk1mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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