Delete Multiple Record using Checkboxes with AJAX MSQL & jQuery in Laravel

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[Music] hey what's going on guys hope that one will be fine and welcome back to another course so in this video i'm going to explain you how we can delete multiple data using checkboxes so as i explained in my first video where we have where we can insert multiple data using checkboxes so i plan to make something where we can delete multiple data using a checkboxes so this is all done through ajax and jquery without page refreshing so let's jump in right so here i have a multiple users so i have a name and the email and we have the ids and we have some check boxes and a good option that i provide here is if i just click all of them so all the check boxes are checked and i can easily delete them which i'm going to show you later on right if i uncheck them and if i just only click two or even i click four and definitely if i click the fifth one so the all should be checked by default because that shows that all checkboxes should be selected now we can delete that all so i provided that option too or you can only delete the selected check boxes let's suppose if i want to delete this only sarah at the right if i just click on the delete all it will ask you are you sure you want to delete the selected users i click ok and you see the user deleted successfully but if i have nothing is checked now if i just try to click on it you can see so please select at least one record to delete so we also have a alert here right so so we can also delete all the check boxes that i've shown you so if i just check them all and if i just try to click on the delete all it will ask you are you sure you want to delete the selected user i said yes okay and the user deleted successfully without page refreshing all right so this is something which is very good and i believe you will i have explained this thing with step by step procedure you will learn and you can use even in your project after learning from there each and every single check that i explained so i i hope you guys really love it so let's jump in and start the coding section all right guys so welcome back here in the coding section so here we will start uh most of the things from the scratch and a very few things that i wanted to explain you first so first you keep sure that i already created here a database on my dot enb if you go and see my previous uh video where i have shown you how to insert the data using check boxes so i've done the very same thing so check box under tutorial the name of my database make sure that you have your zam server on and i have my users tables you need to migrate it so how you gonna migrate that all the columns are the same which is by default created if you go inside your database migrations and let's say i just want to extend that and there you go if you go to your users table that's where you see you have your id name email and password so everything is remain the same so you don't need to change that and a very basic installation for the laravel complete project it's almost the same nothing has been changed despite we will i just want to explain you the dot enb uh you just need to add that and then create here the database by simply clicking on the new and type the database name which is checkbox underscore tutorial and once you're done with that then the last thing you need to do which i have done already so just want to show you so you need to just simply do a php artisan migrate all right so these that's that's the one step that you need to follow right so um you you can just simply migrate that by simply pressing enter and nothing uh i have changed the columns are almost the same right so i just close that up and now in order to run the server i have to just simply type php artisan serve and if you see my previous project where i have shown you that how to insert the data using checkboxes so if i go to my routes and web.php so i already added up there right now we have to create a separate page for it so let's gonna create here the route and this time i want to create here the get request and inside here let's give it the name of users right i just give it the route name to the users and we have to create here a controller which i haven't created yet so let's first create a controller by just simply opening up your terminal or you can just simply click on the view and click on the terminal all right so just click on the plus to create another new terminal so let's here i'm going to create a php artisan make controller and the name of the controller in my case is user controller all right so i just simply create the controller and i don't need to create a model so again the user.php already exists so if i want to show you so if you go to the app and user.php all right so this model is by default created okay so we are we have created the controller so let's pass here the controller name so user controller add the rate and the name of the method which i want index all right so let's first go inside the user's controller which should be inside app http controllers and let's move into the user controller so let's first create here a function so public function index and i want to return my view so return view and let's give it the name of the page which is user so let's first create the name of the file inside the resources to get the view so all you need to do is to go to your root directory and just click and just select the resources and inside views folder we have to create here a file with the name of users.blade.psp all right i hope it makes sense right so what i'm going to do here i already inserted some dummy data which only includes the name and the email and i want to populate that data on my on my user's plate right so that's how i can return all the data fetch the data from database and display on the page so what i'm going to do here is just simply create here the meta structure that's what we have done so many times that vs code provides you that shortcut so here i'm going to insert delete data using check boxes all right so delete data using check boxes we are using ajax and jquery so let's write ajax and jquery right right so we have our title in and now i need to uh just to have to apply some changes which like uh meta tag as i explained in my last video which is used for form submission and uh especially in laravel provides csr token which is a cross-site production projectory and we have to add here csrf token and i have to add here our content that should be equivalent to csr token right so in the later on we we have to pass the data from uh we have to pass the data for ajax using the content or we can pass the data for the headers so that's where we required so we have to pass this so csrf underscore token and let's pass here the method name right so now it's completed so i just want to do some styling as well so just want to just simply give here style so so just keep that empty for now and let's first create a very basic table right so here i'm going to create here notifications if so not if and let's whatever the name you would like to give but i'm happy with this notification dave right and next we have to create here at the header so let's give it the header page one and now just tab this out and now inside here i'm gonna put the uh so let's just give it the users listing because i want to display here user listings so we define here the users listings and now next after that i need to bring here the header so for that i need to go inside here and let's put up the table and inside table i need to define here the table um head inside they will have the other table brackets and let's define so dh i believe we need 48 so just simply type th cross four so the first one i will need here is the check box or input type of checkbox right and luckily i get the same right spelling checkbox right so here i need the id and next i need the name and the last thing that i need is the email right so i just want to display this basic information so down underneath that we have a table body and inside here i just need to wrap that all inside my tr which is fine right okay so next we have our table body and inside table body i need to give here four times table data so yeah i need to bring this in first inside the tr and let's define our td cross 4 all right so the first thing which i need here is the check box again we need to so that you you just keep to remember that this check box is for selecting all the check boxes and this is for the individual right so for instance if i want two checkboxes to be deleted so for that i'm creating a separate checkbox so input type of checkbox and just simply press enter that's fine so the next thing is for the numbers just give it one and let's for the name should be john and for the email for now i just give it the john at the right all right so if i just going go back i already run my server i believe if i go to my the first php yeah phpr doesn't serve and if i just go back yeah already it's running right so if i go back and refresh so it looks something like that now we need to change that styling a little bit make that a bit attractive so i just want to open up my style so let's do some styling here so just want the first thing i want to do here is to give my box sizing so box test sizing and give it the border dash box all right so the next thing i need here is the body so let's define here the body and give it the background color of so background of hash give it the 081025 all right saves it next we have our header so let's give it the header of h1 and give it the color for white and uh let's give it the text aligned to the center uh and next we have our padding so just give it the padding of 24 pixel top right and tap left bottom so the background color that i need here is so the background color should be hash double three four and four three six eight right saves it so you can change the color according to your on choice but i just want to make things a little bit attractive so that's why just giving the right color so margin give it the 20 pixel auto to make that table into the center and now i need to give some border out of the table so border two pixels solid i just need to give it here hash three double four a nine four all right so after the table now i just need to give some few more properties so let's define the padding of 10 pixel all right and next we need to here give the color so give it a color of e3 uh oops e3 e3 e3 right something like gray color and the width of the table should be 60 percent right so it is 60 percent all right so we're done with the table so let's define the table table heading and the table data so table and tds and let's define here the padding once again i need some padding inside here for the heading and the table data so let's give it the data spaces between the top right left bottom text aligned to the left i want the labels to have the text to the left everything which includes in the headings everything which includes in the table data right and the background dash color i want that to be let's define the background color of double three four three six eight i believe right so next we have our table in the table body and the tar and for the ttrs i need the background color to be let's define here hash one c and double to three b all right saves it right i hope it's fine now we need have some buttons here as well so let's define the button so dot bdn and here i want to give the padding of 10 pixels and border none so if you have done that stuff in my previous video if you've watched that insertion where we have uh insert the data using check boxes so ever you can simply grab the css from there if you if it's if it's taking so much time for you all right so the font color should be and background color should be hash 2 f4 um let's give it the 2f4 double a8 right so that's fine okay i hope it's fine and the last very very last thing that i don't need to write is the notification div that's the basically this is again for a purpose because later on i'm going to show you that notification day whenever we are deleting the data inserting the data so we just pop up some message so it's very much similar to what you see when you if you have ever worked on toasters or like that so i created a very custom toaster so that basically this id is for that and i already included on my html and it was by default it still display none and it only shows when we have to show and fade in right so we can help with the help of jquery we can fade in the message i want to show you later on how we how we are going to do that right so if i just save everything here and now if i go to my browsers and refresh that so it looks very fine right everything looks good so i need to have a button on top as well for events like if i just checked all of them and uh basically if we have multiple data right now we have only five data in our database but what if we have a when once we select all the check boxes and on top i need a button once we click on it so all the data is just deleted so i need to create a button on top of that so uh for that i need to go right up on my table i believe yeah so let's uh on the top of the table yeah where my table tag starts open right after the header closing tag so create here a button let's give it the class of let's suppose if i need to give it a class of btn because we have defined here class obedient right so if i just try to saves it and let's give it the name of delete all saves it refresh that so this button is at the left so in order to bring this in i need to do here is um i just need to give it the custom styling so let's give it the margin to the left and let's give it the 380 pixels so on my screen i i believe it looks fine but you can change according to that right you can do some styling or stuff so right it's fine now delete all so if i just try to inspect that and just open up your just open up my console because now we are next working with the jquery so that's where we are needed right okay so it's cool and fine right it means that we have multiple data and once we click checked all and just click on the delete or without page refreshing this all gonna i'll delete that now i need to do is to go to my now let's look for the jquery stuff so open up the get the uncompressed version copy that and just simply paste it down after the table tag so let's open up the tags here and right up here you need to define your jquery tag now here you need to define the dollar the document ready function so let's go and so document dot ready function all right so here inside the dollar document already function i need to have an even now what i'm going to do here is let's suppose if i have one more data just want to grab that and just want to show you for a reference so if i go and refresh this so you can you can see now we have two data but what if i want to delete all like if i just click on this check all button basically this is for the check all and i want once i click on this check box i want to make this zoom right so once i click on this so all check boxes should be checked and if i just toggle that means if i uncheck that alt tag all the check boxes should be unchecked now how we are going to do this with the help of jquery what i'm going to do here is we have to first define here a check underscore all id right so let's first bring this in so i need to define that id right inside my check all which is inside my table heading right so let's give it the id of uh check underscore r all right so basically we apply here an id so you can define here class or whatever so i believe that the things which are not keep repeatingly so i usually use their uh i prefer to use the ids right so this is for the id and now next thing i'm going to do is let's bring this inside the code so let's write here dollar give it the check underscore all and now if i have an on click even so let's give it the on click so on click and the function let's pass here the function so inside that once i click on the check all let's give it the alert and check this out right so if i'm going to refresh this and if i click on the check all you see the alert works right so that means that we are the our event is working we just click right so next i'm going to do here is is to define if it's checked now we need to check if it's checked then it's it's give it the prop now we're using here method which is known as prop method which set or returns the properties and values of the selected elements so in order to select in the uh to return the properties in value of the selected element we have to use prop method but before i should go directly to it we need to first check if it's checked or not so in order to check this we have to give here if this is checked i apply the very same thing which i did in the last video so if it's checked so let's give it a colon checked and if that means that if the checkbox is checked and it has the value of true so let's give it the true here uh right after that and if it's checked right and if it's true and now i need to give my checkbox so we need to define here a class with a checkbox which i haven't given yet so let's first define the class for the checkbox which i need to define inside my check underscore all actually inside my table data so that i could have my all check boxes select so inside my table data so i need to define here the where i should give my check all okay so it should be inside my table headings yeah that's fine okay so i just need to remove that because we have to access dynamically all the data but for now just bring in the class just for the test testing purpose so i i don't need any uh name here so just remove that so let's bring in the class so give it the name of plus to be checkbox and i know i don't need any id so just want to make things very precise and clear right so i think so before i should go directly to it i need to pass the data from the controller so let's first do that so i need to go to my user controller and let's define here dollar users equal to user column call all so all methods are done through the through the eloquent and let's pass the data with the help of compact method so we define here compact and let's define the users right it's fine and now let's bring up the use include the model so use app slash user all right so i bring this in inside my view so let's pass that data inside our so i need to go inside my table body which starts from here so first check if it's inc like if we have some data which we have to use account method so let's bring here users dash count so i define that and just underneath the table bracket we need to end the inif so next we have to see apply for each to loop the data right so i just need to cut that and for each and bring this in and i don't need actually right so just give it the name of users and change that to dollar key right all right so we bring this in and next i need to do here is is to just to make this a little better um just make this so i need that for each before and if right now it's fine okay that looks fine to me bring some indentation all right it's fine actually now okay so we have to loop the data so let's first give it the dollar in order to show the id we have to define dollar key dash id let's give it the name so i need to do the same stuff like dollar key and the name and the last thing that i need is the email so i just want to copy that remove this static email and just bring this in all right so that's awesome so i also need to just do some stuff dynamically later on where i'm going to give the id for to delete like if we have multiple data we need to delete the data using some id so i'm going to pass here an id so just bring this in first so let's bring the dollar user uh sorry dollar key dash id so in order to grab the id for each individual row i need to actually get its id later on i'm going to explain you what if i did that right so we are good to go we define the class of checkbox and i also need to get its id in order to get the id for the input we also have to define some attribute like data id and bring this in very much similar to what we have done so let's pass a dollar he dash id all right that's fine all right so we got i think so we're good to go and now just underneath that i need to use here prop methods and in order to see that if it's checked and if its value is true that means if it's checked then we have to get all the check box with the help of class but in the other case on the other case if it's not checked we have to simply give its value false all right so basically to make that all checked we have to see if all if it has a class of checkbox then check all and give its value checked that means it's true but even in the in the on the other case if the check if there is no class with the checkbox name that means it's all unchecked that's why we give the value of false false means it's unchecked now in order to test this out so let's first refresh this and now we have all the names for the users that's fine now if i click on the first one you could see that all are checked all right so soon i just uncheck this all are unchecked and if i click on it it's all unchecked right so that's awesome so now we have to apply here another condition now the condition is that let's suppose if all the check box are clicked then then click all means i i want to say you like if you have clicked on two or three and you clicked four but what if you are just trying to click this one the fifth one i need that this has to be all checked that means that if all the length of our rows should be equal to the check boxes that we have then it's all checked by default but if we have like something like if we had three check boxes then it should be unchecked because all are not checked until and unless i don't check all of the and then it will be automatically checked so let's do that now so if i go to my source code code now and so right and after the this condition i need to now apply check all checked if if all are if all check boxes rows are checked so in order to do that i just need to get first check box so i'm going to pick all the check box which i have the class of and i to apply here on click so once all are clicked so i'm going to press the on click function so once some check boxes are clicked and it i also am applying a condition that if the checked so let's define here the dot check box and i want to see if they are all checked and they have the length equal to equal to the check boxes length all right so what actually it means here is if all the check box are checked and it should be equal to equal to that length i want that to be all i'll all should have the value of true that means that they're all checked so i'm going to grab from my from the uh okay it's fine i need to bring this in so let's go and give it the id of check underscore all and let's give it the value of automatically to be true so remember that this is all coming from the from this right that means that it will automatically that the this should be checked right so let's go and down and see so i want that id of check underscore all to be checked that's right so let's give it the value of true and on the other case let's bring here the else and let's define the value of checked on the other case it should be false means that it should be false only only if if the length of all the check boxes are not equal into the check boxes we have right so let's have a look and see you know if i just try to refresh this and if i just try to click on it that's fine that's fine and soon i click on this you could see until this all checkboxes lengths are equal to that checkbox the number of rows we have so it's automatically we are getting the checked value right so i hope it makes sense to all so this is a very good functionality all right so now let's look for and delete and look for the deleting options so i'm going to go down to that and i i want to have a button here on top which i need to give a class of delete dash all in order to delete all the data once all all check boxes are checked then i need to click on this button and that's how we can delete all the data so i want to give a class of delete dash all and that's how we are going to delete the data right so let's go down here and define here the class of delete dash all and i need to give here on click here so let's define it on click so i give it an on click and let's define here the function so i define here a function with the even and i need to if for that i don't need that but it's fine and let's define here an ids and of the array what actually it means here as soon as i i checked all the check boxes so we need the ids of all the check boxes and that's why i define you i i just get the ids right that's how you could see we get the ids through the table row we get the ids of each individual individual check boxes and now i want these all ids check which i have checked i need to push that into the array so for that i just create an empty array and here next to it i'm going to define here the dot check box which is the class so if the check box is checked right and i need to have a function which is dot each function which will loop through the data until we have all check boxes are done so this gonna check and i need to bring this inside the array so i'm gonna use a push function and get its id so i wanna gonna get the id so dollar this dot a double t r so that's gonna get the value through the attribute and which is the data dash id and remember that that's how we can do so this data id is coming from the which we pass through it right so it will check all the check boxes classes and it will push the ids of each individual uh row and and push that into the array right that's how we can get the value i hope it makes sense now next we have to do is right after that i need to check a condition here so if there is definitely if i want to delete the data i need each at least each check box it should be checked now i want to apply here a condition so if the id is of array and its length if its length is less than zero right that means we have to add some data so i want to give it here alert and let's give it the um let's give it the alert of are you sure sorry i want to give you the please select at least one record to delete all right so we give it the alert here and on the other case if it's if we have some data inside the array so we have to confirm that are you sure you want to delete so for that we need to bring something which is known as confirm and let's give it r you sure you want to delete the selected users all right so we are good to go let's bring here the brackets in for the confirmation that's where we can gonna write the code so now we need uh once we are getting and pushing the values inside the array and we have to confirm that so let's define here the the another variable and let's give it the string ids now i reason why i just create that variable i need all the ids which are let's define inside the array right so all the values which are pushed i need to join them so i'm going to use here a method which is known as join so i'm going to bring here join method and that's where i'm gonna put here comma right so that's how we can add the we can add all so let's gonna show you how it's gonna show you output so let's console the login and give it a string ids so i just define that same all right okay it's fine now if i just go back and refresh this i need to open up my console which is already open so let's check that out and if i click on the delete all it's going to show you the prom message that are you sure if i click ok and there you go so one two and three so we can join the array right and y and we put some comma right after it all right so next to it we have to define here the agex method so let's define here ajax here and inside ajax we have a rule which is very simple let's define the url first again i need to pass the route through the route name so i'm going to create here route name here so let's give it the route name of users dot multiple dash delete all right so i just give it the multiple dash delete and the type of the request should be delete right and we need to pass some headers so just like you can you can pass the header just like i did in the last video or you can do one more stuff like that so let's define here the csrf token so x there's csrf token and right after here i'm going to pick here that this is the token and now let's pass the name for it so let's pass a dollar and inside here i have to define meta so it should be meta it should be in the small letter actually so meta name equal to csrf token and get its attribute value from the content which i want to go dot a double t r and that's how you can get the content right so basically this pertains to that right if i can show you so you there you go so csrf token and that's what i did here right so we get the token we pass the headers inside the ajax right all right so next after that i'm going to pass here the data so the data that we have we have arrays so let's define here let's give it the name of ids and inside we have to see how much ids that we are getting so let's pass here sdr ids which is the join array right that's what we have what we have seen on the console so that's all the area i need to pass it to the controller and next after that we have a success function so let's define a success function and here we have to place all the data all right so now next thing i'm going to do is to just create that route first so let's go inside my web.php which is already open it should be inside your root directory so remember root and web.php all right so let's type here route colon colon uh we need to delete all multiple data so let's define here the delete here and here let's delete dash multiple multiple dash users and now next after here we have to define here the name of the controller which is users controller define it right inside here and now here i have to create a function with the name delete multiple users all right it should be delete multiple users now i need to pass here the name route so dash name and whatever i passed up here i need to copy that and let's put it here inside the name right all right so that's fine now inside user controller let's go and create a function so i'm going to go and create here a function with the name of users delete multiple users so public function delete multiple users let's first pass the request here so request dollar request so before i should go directly to it so first check the id so i'm going to define here the ids so dollar request dash ids and see if we are getting the id and our route is passing to the controller right so i saves it and let's if i just refresh that and if i go right here oops actually i just need to first check only three if i click on the delete all it's going to ask me this fine now if i go to the net first and there we go if you would see that the request is 200 and we have the request for one two and three now we need to we need to remove these commas because actually when we are passing the data into the controller we have to use a method which is known as explode because we need to get the value in form of the array so here you could see we have string of array but we need to convert that into the array so we have to use a function in php which is explored function so let's gonna do that so right after it let's define a user model and we're in we have to use so basically are in clause in laravel which will check the array so we are in when we have multiple ids so that's where we normally use where in so we're in the ids and we have to compare all those ids and we have to use explore function which i already show we have to convert that into the string into the array and remove that comma so let's bring here comma and if i just try to bring here dollar ids that's fine and you can also do here is simply delete that right here or you can create a separate variable after that and delete it but it's fine okay so and then i need to re pass the response so return response in json so i pass here the response and i want to give it the status of true only if it's successfully deleted so i give it a success value true and the message that i want to pass is is user deleted successfully all right so it's fine so what actually is showing me here is i i forget to bring here the square brackets so right after here all right saved it it's fine okay so we have deleted now let's if i go back to the deletion inside my users.blade.php where we have the success function so this is going to only pop up the message if the data is successful so let's give here a condition if that data has the status right so this status is actually coming from the this status right into the response so if the data status is equal to equal to true which is the value so it will match if it's true if the response is fine then i need to give my checkbox value to be removed now what i'm going to do here is to check all the get all the check boxes so let's define here the class so i'm going to use here dot check box which all the values which are checked right i need to um i i need to see if they are checked so i'm going to give it the check and each function it will run only until if all the values should be deleted so i pass here the loop so what actually did here does here is all the checkbox values which are checked it will loop through it all the checked value loop and i need to remove that in order to remove this i need to use here a dom uh traversing here so traversing means that if i want to delete the parent let's suppose if i define a method with the name of parents which will check and delete the tr so each tr have its parents so what actually it means if i remove the tr let's inspect this and what if i just want to delete this entire this id3 let's if i go to the tr id3 if i need to remove that and delete the element you see now it deleted so for that i need to get the parent so the parent for the for the table data is tr so i need to remove that so let's go and go inside here and loop we already loop the data and we get the tr and i need to remove that so remove map i hope it makes sense to all right so uh just after that once it loops all the data i need to show the notification here so dollar i'm gonna pass here uh the notif so let's pass it notif div let's pass here to show the message fade in i'm going to fade in i use the fade in method so basically it will check the notification div that we created on top we passed here inside the body and this is going to show us only if it's successful response and it fade in next we have to define here so i'm going to copy that notification div and i'm going to use the css and let's define the background of green so i'm using a complete jquery bay right so background green and let's define the text here so let's give it the grab the id and let's pass here the text by dot txt and says the user delete it successfully make that users right so users delete it successfully and next i need to have a set timeout function where i need to define my callback function and i need to fade out the message right after three seconds so let's define here three seconds so that should be the time let's copy that fade in and now if after three seconds i m i want my message to be filled out all right so that's fine okay so if that it's only in that case if it's all successful right and if on the other case if it's not successful i want the alert and said that to be something or you could simply do the same thing like i just did here is simply copy that all and simply change that color to be red and say something and show the text something went wrong as simple as that right so this is going to be the ll statement and that's fine and right after the success function response we have to pass here something which is the error function response so let's define your error function if there's a function error right so let's define here the alert as well so alert and give pass here the data dot response text all right so that's fine okay so i believe we are good to go let's have a look and see okay so one thing i just forget to bring here is if i go to my trs now what actually i'm doing here is you see that we have to remove the table row in order to delete the entire table row we have to define here an id so in order to define uh we have already defined the id but we want the individual trs to be removed so i want to bring up something here like just bring here tr underscore right if i just try to save it and i go back to my browser and refresh this now let's have a look and see if everything is working fine so if i just try to delete the id of five if i just click on the delete all right okay so this gonna show the message the user deleted successfully if it all are unchecked and try to click on it is use it it says a message that are you sure you want to delete the selected users okay yeah there's an issue actually so there is an issue actually rather it should ask the message for the confirmation that's where we have show yeah if the ids.array.length if it's less than zero so it's still uh showing us the message which is not fine uh it still shows the master because the array is empty so in order to check that i need to see um it should be less than equal to zero not less than zero it should be less than equal to zero right that means that if it's empty means it's it's zero it's not less than zero means that if it's minus one minus two but we need the things to be zero like so it should be equal to zero now if i try to refresh that and now if i try to click delete all it says please select at least one record to delete so this is working fine now if i just try to delete one more data let's click on it and delete it so if i just want to delete all the data using all the check boxes if i click on it and press okay you see now all the data is deleted successfully refresh that and it's all empty right so you could see how how how great it is to work with the check boxes this is very important as i explained i already have a video where how you can insert the data using check boxes so you can now you can delete multiple data using check boxes right so i hope you guys really love this video so i want a plan that i want to make some calculation like i'm planning to make a video where we can add uh we have a list of uh products we can add the on real time we can add the product quantity and something like that so that's what i plan for next so i hope you guys really love it so please don't forget to like and subscribe and i want to see you for the next time
Channel: AB Nation Programmers
Views: 418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Delete Multiple Records Using Checkbox, laravel, laravel crash course, laravel tutorial, Delete Multiple Record using Checkboxes with AJAX MSQL & jQuery in Laravel, Ajax Multiple Delete Records using Checkbox in Laravel, Delete Multiple Record Using Checkbox, Ajax Delete multiple data with checkboxes in PHP Jquery Mysql
Id: ab4xFUUHM9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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