Delbert McClinton Star Day in Austin.

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thank you so much for coming out on Jim Ritz the executive director of the Austin theatre Alliance which is the Paramount Theatre in the state theatre and today we're all together here to add the fifth star on the Avenue of the stars of our keys for Delbert McClinton [Applause] particularly want to thank you all for coming out on a rather raw cold gray day for us here and in Austin Texas and it was interesting because when I woke up this morning I'm reminded of when I was a much younger man in 1977 and I moved from Texas to New York City I I wouldn't used to cold gray weather consistently every day there and all of a sudden I found out overtime if you wanted to warm up all you had to do in New York City in 77 was go to the corner of 13th Street and Fifth Avenue there's a club there's a lot of folks know called the Lone Star Cafe and when you walked into the front door you were stared or glared at by a petiole aged 40-foot iguana to grace the top of that building but when you went in there what you found if you were cold was you could get an actual ball of Texas chili that meant no beans and chopped onions you also could get a shot at the qilin if you're lucky you had a beer back and then what you did was you settled in and you listened to some of the greatest music and that's where I first got to hear this gentleman Delbert McClinton and while that third may have warm my body you warmed my soul and you hit Souls for the last four decades five decades and we were so grateful so this is the kickoff event of Austin honors Delbert McClinton we are so thrilled in a moment we'll have the unveiling ceremony tomorrow night if you have not had the chance to see this man live come to the Paramount Theater eight o'clock and you will see Delbert McClinton the self-made man it's an unbelievable show then on Sunday evening Delbert will be receiving the prestigious feed the peace award from our close friends at the nobility project and Christie and Turk Pipkin who are doing such incredible work there specifically the work they do to bring education for all kids in Kenya Latin America and here in Austin and we have a project with them by which over ten thousand young people most of them in title one schools have had a chance to see the great work of the nobility project and be able to talk directly live to their counterparts students in Kenya so we're so grateful for our partnership and that will become the culminating event of Austin honors Delbert McClinton so we're grateful for all of those now unfortunately because of the affairs of the state mayor at work with us so I'm going to read a proclamation and I'll read it very quickly be it known whereas Delbert McClinton Texas blues legend and three-time Grammy Award winner has brought joy and entertainment to the people of Austin and this great state for over an impressive career that has spanned over half a century and whereas Delbert McClinton is receiving the rare honor of a marquee star by the Paramount Theatre on Congress Avenue one of only five stars ever given and whereas Delbert McClinton is the recipient of the nobility projects 2019 feat the peace Awards celebrating him as an artist who has been a dedicated supporter of many charitable causes around the world now therefore I Steven Adler Mayor of the City of Austin do here bright hereby proclaim February 8th to February 10th 2019 as Delbert McClinton weekend in Austin now you may have noticed here that in front of us there's one star yet to be revealed and we decided that maybe the best person to maybe share a little bit of something with you and be the very first star who had ever been placed in front of that this theater and that is by Jason Williams who with greater tuna and tuna Christmas probably saved the paramount the early eighties and there's been no raid over him [Applause] thank you Jim thank you very much you know Delbert the first thing I would say to you it is such an honor to have a star here and I think you will find over time that it won't mean as much to you as it made to the people that you love the people suddenly will come up and say that's not that's my father that's my cousin that's the man that got me started it is it is a wonderful learning experience when you see those smiles on people that you love and they know your I would also point out that with all the honor that goes with these stars they are outside on Congress heaven and there are a lot of people who live on this [Music] there was one old gal street lady here and I swear for her movie star was milk of memory just don't let that bother you when I was a kid the first artist I ever knew and I know so many since then was a little moment in a small town in Texas with an englis and I'm not making an antique pink and she was a lovely neighbor and when we moved to another town she gave me this little plaque and it had a quote from Abraham Lincoln and it said I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives I like to see a man live someday this place will be proud of him well Delbert they're proud of you look the traveling and today we are so proud of you in Austin it is so wonderful to be here in the in the 1980s in the mid-80s I was living right up the street I was the person who lived in downtown Austin and I was reading and I was making money which I knew people were looking in Revelations and saying if this was decided had never been expected and I read an interview with Sam Shepard and they asked Sam this and said what what's happening in music in Texas today and he said Delbert McClinton still playing so we're all okay and I and I thought about that this week I thought about how you and Sam Sheppard have so much in common and there's a grip and an odyssey and at least in his work and in music that makes us it is honest it is straightforward there is no going to it and when we hear that growl with your voice we know that's not a growl that's a term of affection and we appreciate it I would also like to thank you for procreating because I know your family and they are amazing when I first met your son on the boat first thing I realized about him is he's the kind of man who says yes ma'am and yes sir and thank you and that didn't come from nowhere that case we came from your family and your daughter walking down the streets of San Miguel it's just like being young and Wendy what can I say what can I say our lives my family's lives have been so enriched by your presence the presidents in the last year tonight I was thinking about and I was thinking about myself and I never realized that I met that person [Applause] thanks man I wanna clarify one thing we said he meant Delbert on the boat that was we're older but that was not on a boat coming into Ellis Island it was on the 25th sandy beaches cruise which if you have never been on the Blues cruise you have missed it and it will be continuing for a while so hope you didn't do that all right let's get on with this he was born and grew up in Texas one of my favorite sayings is that there are two kinds of people in the world those that love Delbert and those who just haven't heard him yet Rolling Stone calls him the godfather of Americana Music billboard said he is one of America's richest artistic treasures he's a member of the Texas heritage Songwriters Hall of Fame he has 29 studio albums with the late latest being my favorite title of all time prick of the litter 12 more compilation albums has had a major hit on the country charts top hits on the pop charts four albums go number one on the Blues charts and another one that got to number two he's a three-time Grammy Award including best rock duo performance for a good man good woman and the reason I point out that song because if there's ever an example of a good man and a good woman it is Delbert McClinton and his wife Wendy goldstein right over there but I wasn't very sure of that we talked about Jason I said earlier meant so much to this theater this honor that we're about to unveil isn't just about the music it's about the people and what these two have meant philanthropic lis not just as the mayor said all over the world but to this town to this city to this theater is beyond measure every year at our gala what they make possible for us as a unique experience or folks raises tens of thousands of dollars for us and we're just a drop in the bucket for everything they do so now if we could I would like for you all to come over here if you will friends please give it up for your love of Delbert McClinton as he becomes a pet member with a marquee star on the Paramount Avenue of the stars [Applause] what's shinier than the rest oh I'm glad I got that far right well you know this is an unusual position for me iodine I have a I have a hard time with admiration I'm not in control here today good offer but you know I've been coming here I started coming to Austin playing frat parties in 1950 and I'm 58 and I've been coming here ever since that it's always the best always I was one of the guys that was fortunate enough to play the real some bricks laid out on Bee Cave where we got to take your life in your hands just to get up there and but it was it was beautiful and it's all been so high when I was about 10 years old living and the love of Texas growing up in Lubbock Texas I they were we went to a grand opening of fur Foods supermarket which in 1950 in Lubbock Texas that was just about as good as the circus and and we were walking around that you you to fill out a card and drop it in the basket and they had this chat with poet you know drawings Tony well we're walking around over of my family and they told my name and it wasn't until the feeling I felt when they told my name a lot anticipation of what was about to happen was was animation that well it wasn't a pony how long 24 hours worth of groceries a lot of groceries in that but I've never gotten over that I feel like I got duped nobody mentioned groceries to me they said drawing for pony well thank you so much thank you so much for coming out one more time Delbert McClinton [Applause] everybody come see us on Saturday night the bell to feed the peace and be of the nobility project on Sunday night and now you have a wristband please join us inside right now for a quick champagne toast so thank you all very very much have a lovely day [Applause] laughs but it's doing me just in case I don't ever see you in I love I love the women strong [Applause] around their corner there something new I just love I learned the women Giller - don't turn down good that's the kind of thing as you don't turn down and the Karen [Music]
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Keywords: Delbert McClinton, Paramount Theater, Austin.
Id: aJef4zLakFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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