Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Explained
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Channel: Sergio Rey-Silva
Views: 552,420
Rating: 4.6227627 out of 5
Keywords: Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser, Quantum Eraser Experiment, Quantum Mechanics (Field Of Study), observation
Id: U7Z_TIw9InA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 14 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The more popular interpretation is that nothing is being erased, and the wave doesn't collapse, but rather that once an observer observes, the observer finds out what world he is in and thus which way the photon went in the world in which he finds himself. The photon went both ways.
I imagine a cloth full of random loops of thread floating on water, where one side has rules of movement above water, and the other side has rules of movement below water. Though both sides affect the thread, they both have different rules and different ways in which the thread will move within them. The space on one side is our world, and the stuff within it is the thread.
Despite the cartoon superhero scientist, this video was pretty neat