Delay Analysis And Construction Claims English 1

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so welcome on primeira institute forum and today we are going to study about the basics of delay analysis and construction claims and the first thing I will clear over here that which people what who are the professional who should go for this course so all the engineers who are planning engineers experience level planning engineers should go for this course and then construction claim professionals and then all the claim relevant liars can do this course ok so this course is for all those professionals which you can watch right now in front of your screen so moving on to the next slide I will just explain a little bit about that course introduction because right now delay analysis and claims management is the biggest problem in the industry and therefore you need a proper tools proper methodology proper concepts if you learn all these things in a proper way in conceptual way I guess you will be hired in construction industry at higher salary so that is actually the biggest thing in the construction industry right now if you learn this course there are a lot of big benefits over there so in this course you will learn step by step first you will go through the overview that what is delay analysis and claims that's what we are going to study today using primeras six and then there is contract manager overview chapter you will go through that what are the contract what are the clauses which are driving your project then you will go through project schedule overview that when project will be awarded to any service company any project contractors and how you have to develop your project schedule and after that you have to familiar with primary six logics for this course how you have to incorporate all the delay events what are the logics using primary six and then you know in the execution phase if there is some delay happened then it is contemporary records collection procedure you have to study all those things in the details over there and then you will go through investigation of delays because it is same like you have to investigate you have to go through all the documentation all the things as per the site as per the actual ground level and then you have to investigate that what kind of delay it is so that would help you that which party is responsible for that delay okay and then there are delay types we will go into the detail of that category as well and then there are delay analysis techniques methodology is that which methodology you have to adopt to investigate your delays to investigate the impact of cost and time and then eut an extension of time and money claims and at the end of this course you will prepare one real-time project delay analysis and claim okay so that's what we are going to study during this force in three weeks coming three weeks today I am going such the first point delay analysis and claims overview okay so let's start with delay analysis and claims overview that first of all I will just assume one situation that whenever you need to build one mecha product like a building if it is building project road project or it is oil and gas exploration project are there is some vessel fabrication project okay what you need to do say you don't have you did not have yet developed all these things in the start you have to just hire one consultant okay the client who the project owner will hire one engineer one consultant our advisor to guide him in more effective our project management standard pathology okay so once that consultant will be hired that consultant will prepare one feasibility our concept and ziering report for that client okay once that feasibility will be done the other document feed front and engineering design our basic engineering document will be compiled in feasibility actually you will calculate the benefits if you are anticipating that that project is going to give you the benefits then feasibility is done then the next document is front and enduring design in which basic engineering will be conducted which will involve rough cost estimate ok basic design layout and then the third document is detailed engineering you will prepare detail drawings detail design of about that product either it is road it is building it is power plant or it is oil gas exploration project burns detail engineering is done then you will extract quantities and then you will prepare engineering estimate ok so that document will serve as you know for the reading purposes and after while you are doing all these things you also have to develop fun contract conditions that we also are going to discuss these things in details in this course so at the end you have to go for the bid to hire some contractor or project developer so all these things this consultant our third party is going to help that client to collaborate on like feasibility feed detail engineering exact quantities and contract conditions which are usually which will be adopted while ocean of that project and at the end of this you will go for the bid and you will hire one contractor so one by one this consultant will help you know climb to hire some contractor and then contractor will be hired now here I will take one real-time example that let's say we have one city development project okay so how these things will go along with our project management so just to understand that I will assume the real situation so these are the components of this city development project in this project you are going to develop roadwork you are going to develop stormwater drainage system water supply network water supply connection sample water supply RCC wall chambers civiles collection and disposable system and then collectif occation and street lighting works okay and there is general product development cycle I will go design you know every product which has to be developed first the design will be developed and then the procurement you must avail the procurement procurement is the process in which you will identify all the materials which are going to consume during your project execution so you will follow a certain procedure to get all those material from market your site okay so that procedure is called procurement and after procurement there is one phase that is construction in which you have to develop that product so just understand these three phases to make more conceptual way to verge your delay analysis like this way it is road work like for road work there is Road plan and profile you need road structure typical cross section this is the design work like this you know these are the designing parameters just I am showing you here to support your concept that all these things exist for design parameters you need all these things from designer and on the basis of this design parameters you will develop one cross sectional area that will look like this way once your drawings your design will be finalized what will you do you will extract the one he's from this design and then let me check there is contract on the basis of this design you will extract the quantities while doing all these things on one side the other side the consultant will compile a contract in this contract all these things will be mentioned that all the quantities you will extract from that design will be documented in one certain template that would be called P OQ bill of quantity okay just so there is contract conditions in those contract conditions you will be given project scope of work and then project milestones will be mentioned in that contract constraints constraints are also instructed by client and then project timeline that how much time you need to are you required to complete that project then project total budget cost estimated cost will be mentioned there then how contractor will get payments what will be the frequency after how many days contracted are after how much progress he will get and he will get the payment in the shape of IPC's and then project risk assessment in case if there is any risk emerge on the course of project timeline budge will be the methodology to handle that risk and then there are certain terms and conditions which every party client consultant and contractor have to follow who successfully execute that project and then there is payment method again so once all these things will be finalized what you will do you will go for the bidding procedure you have to invite all the contractors all the service companies from the market to do that project in effective way so that is a complete bidding procedure but after bidding what will happen a lot of contractors will come up with their certain cost but on the evaluation of every bid one contractor among all the bidders will be finalized and that contractor will be awarded with the project okay so that is the time plate of the BOQ I'm also going to share what with one real-time project BOQ with you guys right now that there is one column in which item number a specific reference number is mentioned over ere as per project conditions then there is a description that what is the work has to be conducted and then there is a unit in which this work has been is going to be mired then there is one unit rate for this work then there is total quantity which has been extracted from that design and then this quantity is going to multiply with the rate and going to give you the amount against each component and right now I am going to share with you real-time BOQ here I have Central City development project p oq' in which you have major sembly of BOQ in which you have to do road work stormwater drainage system against each component you can find out that there is such an amount and further you can find out here all the components are further broken down into smaller components that much works you need to carry out to complete this head so you can find out there is a quantity which has been extracted from the plannin profile of the road there is one unit for that square feet and the rate for that one unit and going to multiply with that quantity and rate is going to give you the cause and then accumulating all these cost and then you will find 219 millions against road project all these components belongs to road work and you can see right now over here to nineteen millions road works okay so this is bo cube you will be given this p oq' along with your contract documents and this is the main and basic thing for your project should you redevelopment so again I am going to get back to that slide and once bid is done what will happen now you have three parties in the field client the project owner consultant the project advisor and the contractor the project developer so all these three parties might face some kind of dispute some kind of conflict so there would be one contract in the pros that contract will help all the parties who follow those certain you know classes to keep away from the conflict and disputes that would be called contract contract is actually the law of the project so here you can see that contract is the law of project will stake how all stakeholders are bound to follow to deliver project successfully and then there are certain contract types which will be finalized after deep study of project nature project contract will be comprised of certain documents there are general conditions particular conditions and project contract documents and ferd again now you are on the doorstep of project scheduled development once a contractor will be awarded that project now after reading all those clauses contract agreements all the contract documents you have to develop one project schedule and you have to submit that project schedule to the client there are certain steps but I am going to take you the overview of this project schedule journey so let's start how to develop that project schedule so that you can understand delay analysis and claims management in more effective way so here I am going to share with you the realistic development project schedule key points so first thing while you are planning your work on any software first scope you have keep this thing in your mind that your work scope are BOQ description of works should be broken down with WBS techniques where that is called work breakdown structure that is the project management standard okay that will define your project scope in more effective way then no work scope missing out while you are planning your project work it should not happen that you miss any activity because if you will miss one activity you are not only missing that activity description but also time required to complete that activity and cost required to complete that activity will also be doubt and then you cannot justify overall project timeline and overall project cost and the third point over here is logical sequence and networking of activities while planning your project in planning phase what you need to do you have to interconnect activities with each other with logical sequence what does mean by logical sequence it means by active sequence as per the site work sequence you have to make relationship among activities in planning phase okay and then the fourth point is submittals like you have designing phase you have procurement phase you have construction phase once design will be finalized then it will be go for procurement phase then procurement will be finalized then it will go for the construction phase so all these activities belonging to different work packages should be synchronized with each other to get the realistic project schedule it is fifth point over here procurement synchronization same like the previous points and then the critical critical path must be as per resource availability on actual grounds this point is very very important point because critical paths is the time management key points your time project time is being controlled by the critical path developed during your planning phase so this course delay analysis and claims management also belongs to critical path as well so your critical path should be very realistic how it can be realistic whatever your company have resources you have to go for those resource productivity and then you have to drive the duration okay it's not like that you will just say that you will complete that activity in ten days you must have that much resource capacity to complete that certain activity in ten days okay so that is very important point while developing your projects should you should you will in planning phase and sometime in planning phase we apply crashing and fast tracking techniques to reduce our timeline but there is certain limit that is called management capability okay sometimes you enhance in crashing and fast tracking what you will do you will enhance resource limit and you will reduce the project timeline but sometime what will happen you have to just consider your you know super visionary dole your management capability okay that is the sixth point and then you have also taken and take all the anticipated risk which can be you know which can happen along the project execution course all the risk you should count down on those all risks and then that is a way okay so after that from these documents project developer once you will keep all these points in your mind in planning phase and you will develop one project scheduled during this course we will go into the details of each and everything okay I'm in this lecture I am just giving you the overview that how people go and touch the delay analysis and claims management okay once this project should you'll will be develop you will get projects should you like this way okay on primary six because in this course we are going to use the software program there are six while using our delay analysis and construction claims it's very easy on primary six because you can do a lot of complex thing in very easy way you can maintain your records you can generate multiple baselines you can generate different slags to show delay and you know construction claims in more effective way so moving on to the next slide so there is critical path that would be the baseline for your delay analysis and claims that is the most important thing in this course and then I will let you know that construction industry there are three major constraints to follow to deliver project successfully there are three trademarks first you have to deliver this project on time if your project has been in contractual values it is given there that you have to deliver your project in two years then you have you are bound to deliver that project in two years if you will cross that limit there would be one penalty so there is one way to deliver project successfully that is on time there is within the cost it's not like that you will exceed the project budgeted cost and then there is scope of work so these are three major constraints who make any project successfully delivered or not and moving on to the next slide execution phase starts at you mobilize funds your planning phase is done you have already submitted your project schedule with your clients now your execution phase starts and you mobilize your resources on-site okay like this way your resources are on site and you started the work now what will happen if some activity is delayed let's say you supposed to start some activity as per planning phase on 10th of January now that activities delayed like it's going to start on 15th of January due to some certain reason then if that activity is on critical paths it will have potential to delay project completion date okay you got it then what is delay actually because we are discussing right now that if there is one activity that is on critical path if that activity will be delayed then that can have tension to delay your project timeline if your project timeline will be delayed it means your project is not will not be delivered as per the contractual values because you already cross the limit the project time limits okay now how to define delay because it is the most important thing which will be asked in the interviews if you are delay analyst or claim specialist delay delay can be defined as event occurred along project development course which have potential to extend project completion date as per contract okay you got it that it is some uncertain event which will exceed your project timeline okay which will extend your project completion date which that was written in your contract so any happening across your project timeline which will cause to delay your project timeline as per contract will be called as delay event or delay okay now what will happen this extension in project timeline will cause to rent out machinery now you just think on this I will share with you whiteboard and I will explain this parameter that what will happen now first you will need one project to complete in two years this is your contractual timeline you contract sure okay I hope this fine two years contractual timeline and now something happened on your project timeline like flood came there is some earthquake or there is some rainy season and you are not now capable to deliver that project in two years it will take 2.5 years okay now just tell me that first you have already planned your machinery your manpower all the facilities you are utilizing on that certain project estimated on the basis of two years now your project timeline is going to enhance like six months more than your expected timeline so now you are going to pay all the extra cost for machinery for manpower for material for all the facilities you you are going to utilize for that project successful delivery for extra time so who is going to pay that cost from where that money will come from so that make a question mark for each party either is a it is a consultant contractor our client so that is all about delay analysis and claims we have to investigate that who was the responsible for that certainly and what methodology should be adopted there are certain delay analysis methodologies you can adopt on certain times as per the FIDIC conditions as per the particular conditions so now again getting back to the slide so that is the what I have explained on the whiteboard so that situation will generate that who is going to that money okay there is dispute there is a conflict so now what will happen when project is not being delivered on time there are cost overruns as I explained earlier then there is demand of skills there should be one professional who can understand who can analyze project delay causes why delay was happened and then find out who is responsible for delay events from following parties employer or clients contractor are the consultant okay one of these parties should be given responsibility should be accused that they are responsible for that certain delay and that party will pay the money for that extra time extension okay I'm going to explain this thing like this way that was your plan in this you can see there is timeline okay there is 60 days project and there is contractual completion tape for 16 days of this project in this timeline you can see there are regular activities and you have already networked all these activities as per logical sequence of site work that this activity will be done after this activity this activity will be done then this activity then this activity and in parallel these are non-critical activities okay this is your plan now your execution phase is going to start what will happen your first activity is going to execute like this way this activity was supposed to deliver on 15th day but due to some uncertain situation this activity was extended it it was delivered on 25th day so what it will impact on the rest of the activities so rest of activities will also be extended like this way like this way and then you can see that your contractual completion date will be exceeded will be crossed and your new completion date will be like this and now you can see this project is going to complete in 67 days so that is actual completion date and the gap between to completion date will be claimed as July claim and delay will be claimed in the terms of time as well as in that terms of money as well so that's what we are going to do on primary six to investigate delay and then how to adopt a certain methodology to investigate that delay impact okay and then the major benefit of this course I am going to explain a few points about this thing delay analysts are claim construction claim specialists is going to get a professional job in the industry either I'm talking about Pakistan industry are about the UAE Gulf countries industry and then high salary job why because this is the you know position where you can find out big claims big money claims and after all you will be paid higher selfie if you are going if you are capable if you are conceptual if you are professionally equipped with all those concepts 2d are to handle with such kind of scenarios to serve your company to timely document your delays to timely claim about your time timely claim about your machinery claims okay so that is what I'm talking about higher salary every company is going to give you higher salary and then interaction with esteemed positions such kind of delay analysis and construction claims discussed with the higher management professional so you have opportunity to interact with the esteemed positions so that will ultimately enhance your exposure as well and then online working if you will learn this course it's not only you are going to work for some company there is up work forum there is fiber forum you can go and just make you account over there and online you can work and thousands of dollars because it's highly paid job online and then deep dive into project management once you will learn about delay analysis and construction claims you will have real concept that what is going in in actual actual ground level okay and I'll just talk about this course most specification that all these course classes are live online for classes per week and class duration should be one hour and there is three weeks duration for this course real-time project case study and then who is an assignment during this course and question answers and there is my profile my name is engineer Vikas Emmett and I have 10 years of GCC country's exposure to deal with project management and all these delay analysis and construction claims and I have previous four years consecutive experience about the training of project management on prime average six and delay analysis and construction claims on primary six and right now I am also doing job on CPAC projects and along with that thing I am also training multiple professionals in different courses and if you want also become a delay analyst and construction claim specialist do not delay just books your seat and start this course with us and other courses which are we are going to offer from Primavera Institute is primeira p6 for EPC projects remember a p6 for shutdown turnaround outage oil and gas projects for mechanical petroleum engineers and then PMP 6th edition and then presentation skills that's it for today thank you very much
Channel: Engr Waqas Ahmed Trainer
Views: 3,711
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: delay analysis in construction, delay analysis in primavera p6, construction claims and disputes, construction claims management, Delay analysis and claims, delay analysis and construction claims english 1, delay analysis and construction claims, Primavera p6, Delay methods, delay techniques, project management 101, Primavera Institute, Professional Course Training
Id: zyU0CIqNqNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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