Dehydrating Great Value Frozen Wild Blueberries |How to Dehydrate Blueberries Using a Dehydrator

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hello everyone today we are going to dehydrate great value frozen wild blueberries this is a two pound eight ounce bag and i have not thought it it's completely frozen i just now took it out of the freezer and i'm actually starting this in the evening before i go to bed because i suspect that this will take several hours especially since i'm starting with them frozen and i figured that the way i see it is that they may as well be working the dehydrator may as well be working while i am sleeping now this is my first time dehydrating these wild blueberries i i don't think i've even purchased them before and i was just kind of curious about them and you probably can't tell but these look to me to be smaller than the other frozen blueberries that i have bought from walmart or other places so i'm suspecting that's the difference i'm just going to pour them onto the tray and spread them out try not to overlap too much and by the way i should mention that on the bottom tray i have just a plastic like a fruit leather uh tray and the reason is that i suspect that this will be pretty messy and that these will just kind of drip down as they thaw so okay so there's the first tray and hopefully the four trays that i have with these mesh things will be enough to adequately give me the enough space to do this whole bag because i am going to do the whole bag even if i have to overlap a little bit but it's better if you don't overlap [Applause] okay so again just i'm just sprinkling them on just dumping them on and then just kind of using my hand to pat them around a little bit spread them out they are overlapping very very slightly but not much at all [Applause] one reason why i wanted to do these blueberries is because i recently dehydrated a cherry berry blend and it is really delicious and one of my favorite things that i've dehydrated actually but the cherries took a really long time to dry the blueberries dehydrated a lot faster and i'm thinking that it's probably even though i love the mix the fruit mix it's probably better to have things that are more or less the same size and hopefully it will go a little faster and actually i'm making this tray quite a bit heavier part of it is just because that's how much i had left but also with this being at the top it'll dry a little bit faster but anyway lately i have been making pancakes for really just kind of for a dinner for myself and one thing that i have tried and has been really really good is i have been rehydrating some of that cherry berry blend that i did and putting them in the pancake batter and it's been delicious but i'm thinking that you know blueberry pancakes would just be really good too so i kind of have that in mind with this as well as just for snacking and putting on granola and things like that okay so i'm gonna put on the the lid and lately i have been reading up on the nutritional aspects of dehydrating and dehydrating something that i want to do a lot more of and so i want to learn more about it and some have suggested dehydrating at a much lower temperature like more like this 115 115 if you look i don't know if you can see but over here it says fruits and vegetables 135 degrees and that is the and that's the temperature that i have used because that's what it says 135 degrees but i do want to keep as much of the nutritional content as possible so i'm going to do these at 1 15 and i'm just going to plug in the dehydrator now and you'll hear it start this particular dehydrator doesn't have an on and off switch so when i plug it in that's when it starts and anyway so what i'm doing is i am getting ready to go to bed and i figure that it can just run while i'm sleeping and i suspect that especially since i'm dehydrating at a low temperature and i'm starting off with frozen berries that they will not be done when i get up in the morning i mean we'll see maybe i'll be surprised but i suspect they'll still have ways to go so i'm going to turn the camera off and go to bed and i will see you in the morning and give you an update on how things are looking at that time it is now the next morning and you can see how much the blueberries have shriveled up they've been going about 10 hours now and they aren't done they're still sticky filling and quite moist but you can definitely see how much they have shriveled up so and remember this particular tray was just loaded and kind of piled up so i'm going to turn it back on and i'll come back in a couple of hours hello everyone er the berries are all now very nice and dry they're perfect not any moisture that i can find but i wanted to talk to you a little bit about these frozen wild berries first of all they are really really small i want to show you the difference in size between a regular blueberry that's been dehydrated and one of these wild blueberries but first before i forget i want to mention how long it took for these to dehydrate all the way and it was about 17 or 18 hours so it took a long time even though they were small now bear in mind that i did dehydrate them at the lower temperature of 115 degrees and the nesco dehydrator says to dehydrate them at 135 degrees and i did the lower temperature to preserve more nutrients now dehydrating is a good way when it comes to nutrient preservation but often fruits and vegetables lose their vitamin c content if you dehydrate it too high of a level so that's why i'm going to be researching this more and maybe dehydrating at the lower level even though it takes longer but one thing that i want to show you is the difference in size over on the right here is a regular blueberry that's been dehydrated and then over on the left you can see the wild blueberry the size of the dehydrated ones so huge difference you know i'll put a couple of other of the small ones on so you can see them because obviously some are bigger than others and but you can see how they're all like here there's two together they're all really small compared to a regular blueberry so let's talk about that a little bit and whether or not i will do these wild blueberries again okay so here's my thought on this for eating just like snacking on i definitely think the regular blueberries are better and however i'm thinking that these would be great to put in like a blueberry pancake mix or a blueberry muffin mix or i would maybe keep them separate but i think these will rehydrate very very quickly and would be great in blueberry pancakes or blueberry muffins that type of thing so i i would will definitely use these obviously i'm not going to waste them but i don't know that i will buy them again i think that i prefer the regular sized blueberries another thing is and this happens in general with fruit they really stuck to the trays i mean really stuck to the trays and there's some places where they even stuck down into i'm not seeing any right now but like into the hole in the mesh and so i'm gonna have to like literally dig some out like just really work to get them out so because of that i'm not going to have you watch me take all of them off the trays i'm finding like if i use my fingers and scrape like this they come up but some of them are still stuck so it's going to take me quite a while to get them off the trays and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do that off camera and then i'll show you a picture of how much blueberries i ended up with dehydrated i'll show you in the jar probably a pint jar how much i ended up with out of two and a half pounds of the frozen wild blueberries so anyway i hope that you enjoyed this video if you did i'd appreciate it if you would like the video and if you would also subscribe to my youtube channel thanks so much everyone have a great day you
Channel: Stocking My Pantry
Views: 5,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dehydrating Great Value Frozen Wild Blueberries, dehydrating blueberries, how to dehydrate blueberries, preserving blueberries, how long does it take to dehydrate frozen blueberries?, How to dehydrate blueberries, how to dehydrate blueberries using a dehydrator, how to dehydrate frozen blueberries using a dehydrator, food preservation, how to preserve blueberries for long term food storage, nesco food dehydrator
Id: z8i853Yr2Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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