Degrassi: The Next Generation - Marco dealing with homophobia

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[Music] what are you looking at [ __ ] what you can't take your eyes off yeah as if buddy come on guys let's play you did but there's always more to learn about healthy sexual relations sexual identity being gay positive you name it sure doesn't mean HIV positive Gavin derogatory jokes are not acceptable ever intolerance comes from ignorance so it's good you're seeing Dr Sally and help today there you go hey Marcy don't forget your femcare shut up what distracted by Dr Sally's advice on boy on boy love spinner shut up okay um it was a joke dude but just tune him out he's trying to get you started I hate [ __ ] okay what they do makes me sick hey Marco so just quit it I mean like yesterday okay [Applause] yeah that was weird why she's gay so they do yeah but gross I mean touching another guy you all over Marco just a second ago I mean they should just put them all on an island or something right right because you know that's the answer hey buddy better not drop anything in front of homo Chuck oh my God [Music] what are you doing leave me alone you just walked out on your day with Hazels I mean it's been please back off what's going on what do you understand what then you're a psycho you just walked out on a date with one of the grass's coolest girls for your mom's pasta sauce it doesn't make sense yes it does oh yeah then stop crying and explain it to me because obviously I'm a [ __ ] and don't get it because man because what cause I'm okay foreign [Music] you didn't tell anybody did you tell anyone what I said yesterday at the cafe man after the date with hazel you know what I'm talking about dude I can't read your mind so just say it that I'm gay oh that well you know maybe I did maybe I didn't [Music] started so what now huh what are you freezing me up with the guys why you want to come anyway it's hockey not ballet Dylan invited me yeah and that's the only reason you want to go your big gay Crush awesome for play let's go the side serves first Gavin [Music] did I say spike you know he's going spinner then volley like I told you okay Matt you serve Gavin change room now [Music] good thing spin spikes like a girl [Music] oh what are you lost huh no actually I'm just meeting some friends for a hockey game boy's not out in uh Boys Town huh huh uh huh yeah actually I think I can find it thanks look I don't care what you want [ __ ] do you know what I want huh you are pretty aren't you yes almost almost girl pretty oh I think that's his boyfriend that's what I think answer it answer it come on pick it up guys come on stay right there okay it'll be okay hey Marco I always knew you and Dylan were meant for each other what no huh you didn't tell anybody my secret did you spin I don't need this man all I did was tell you the truth I never asked you and just like I didn't ask because or you didn't ask to like age or Craig didn't ask to like us it's not the same no you get it easy then stop being gay all right spin I'm just gonna go do that well why not it's not like you've actually done anything yet not that I need to know Spin and nobody else needs to know either I mean you can try dating Hazel for real why not even strangers know spit and last night wasn't about my shoes Skies ew and they bashed me because they hate it just like you do dude that's brutal but you can't compare me to those guys really why not foreign [Music] it's okay Craig looks like somebody here hasn't made it past Third Base himself like you know anything about getting the home plate you're too busy checking out the backboard everyone here wants to uh watch it I'm saying no no seeing naked ladies doesn't burn my eyes out no foreign wasn't looking at them what were you looking at the drapes spin the drapes [Applause] he was looking at the dudes you idiot oh okay can we get back to work I kind of care about my studies he's very real foreign are you okay I think he's choking men okay come here oh I know the Heimlich spinner I learned it in first aid what are you hold still just hold still come here okay well that was new carpet foreign what man it was an accident oh yeah and what about before when you chased me around and tried I was trying to save you from choking it's called the Heimlich no it's called you trying to get a cheap field dude admit it you have a man crush on you and you've got to be kidding me I mean your hair so last year buddy your shoes they never match anything and they smell and to tell you the truth you're not even that cute I'll take the bathtub [Music] how y'all doing can I get you anything no we okay thank you let's adjust how can a fruity boy Kitty there's a place with those Olympic wrists I never understand that two men together is disgusting but hey it's the sickening pass stop [Music] gay kid hey I said hey you also said gay kid something I tend not to answer to thanks we'll see whilst the crowd tomorrow at the assembly see what they say would you rather vote for freak or the queer [Music] by the way I'm the Freak come on it's not the president's job to remind us that we're freaks I mean I do that final by myself is there some kind of problem um there's a question here that you answered yes beside it asks if I'm male and if I've had what's another male [Music] so well it's policy you have to understand um but I can't let you be a donor [Music] hi I I won't look I want to ask why Blood management refuses gay people from giving blood um um well it's policy I'm not a spokesperson so I can't really comment further fine my name is Marco Del Rossi student council president today a student was denied as a blood donor because of his sexuality excuse me that's not the reason then what is well there is a within the gay community there is an increased risk of HIV infection saying that is lumping up all gay people as diseased I listen in health class and anybody with a pulse can get HIV yes but Marco no look social work is a good job because Lou became a social worker cousin Lou oh please the cousin lose if you know hot cousin Lou is a great guy he helps people but he doesn't help his poor mother his mother would love a grandchild one day but from cousin Lou what good luck what so he'll adopt it's no big deal no big deal Marco for a parent to raise a homosexual it it's like a failure an embarrassment oh really well well let me tell you that that I have a rehearsal and I don't know my lines like I'm being an actor I can understand acting's not a real job it's for the can you leave us alone please he's younger and he's confused he's gay and Tim thought that you already know you brought him into my house no I'm trying to tell you something I don't want to hear about him that boy's going home I do not want a queer under my roof but if you already have one [Music] you'll be late for your play I gotta go find your mother I don't I don't know where she is you know what she gets she gets left so easily what you're gonna pretend I gotta go you're gonna pretend I didn't say anything to you pop we gotta go dad I'm gay [Music] did you ever know huh all these years pot did you ever know that I was gay stop saying that I can't has taken me 17 years to say it I'm gay I am totally gay this is funny to you no Bob this is not funny at all I just came out to you in front of the entire school does that sound like a joke to you look you're my boy and I love you you're the best son a father could ever want but this part of you I don't want to know I can't know about and you don't want to know me [Music] religion is so boring in like hello Catholic over here um Marco you're gay and therefore I can't be Christian all I'm saying is the church not too big on the gates well things are going to change it just it takes time go home go to church do whatever why don't you try going to church I do every Sunday they let you in what's that supposed to mean I need to know exactly what it means the Bible's clear about sexual deviancy what who is this bigoted freak so I'm a freak it's better than being a homo whoa guys take it easy shut up and you and your friend go to hell so we can visit you [ __ ] protest next week yo gangsters what's the haps just celebrating Marco's big online poker score you must be quite the shark Del Rossi well I used to play with my boyfriend yes you're gay super you want to make some real
Channel: Dontorious
Views: 99,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x7Atvw4sWLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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