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hello everybody today I am going to give you my definitive that there's nowhere else to go possibly guide for starting to read the Kazmir ignore the fact that Brandon Sanderson has a blog post on his own website that tells you how he thinks you should start the Kazmir no no this is the definitive guide for how to start the Kazmir I will link to Brandon Sanderson's blog post down below though of course if you'd like to check it out from him though I'm probably going to echo many sentiments you see there and I'm also going to counter a few points you will often see from Kazmir fans here on YouTube let's go ahead and dive into where you should start the Kazmir now this video is meant for people who know nothing about the Kazmir they have not read it at all that being said if you have let me know what you think of my recommendations here in the comments down below let me know where you started and actually where you wish you had started now that you are a well-read cause Kazmir iam cosmowright let me go with Kazmir Ian so getting the core concept of the Kazmir out of the way for people who may not be aware at this point the Kazmir is not one continuous story there's some misinformation that floats out around there and not hard core fantasy circles where people seem to have a misunderstanding of what the Kazmir is it is not a continuous story it's not a continuous set of characters instead imagine a universe where these planets that have their own sources of magic systems resulting in different magic systems existing in this universe no one's really reached space travel so they're all pretty isolated from each other that is where we currently sit in the Kazmir we're just going to these different planets these different planes of existence and seeing the stories that take place there that being said we are given definitive proof they share a plane of existence I'm not going to get into how and why because of spoilers and I'll let you find that on your own but yes the Kazmir is definitely interconnected and let's go ahead and jump into some recommendations so you probably know something about the Kazmir by now and if you're just going to try to find the first book you might just try to find the first published book that takes place within the Kazmir and that would be elantris some people do recommend starting there I don't Elantras is fine but it's not Brandon Sanderson's best showcasing and most likely if you're trying to get into Kazmir you haven't really read much of Brandon Sanderson before maybe you've read will time his bits in there maybe you've read a couple of books that don't take place in the Kazmir but if you haven't I feel like a launch wrist would be a bad way to start trying to find out if you're gonna enjoy him is not there not because elantris is bad it is not it's fine it's good but it's not his best showcasing I mean if you read the premise for elantris and you really love that set up and you're just hooked sure go right ahead but for me it gets a in terms of starting the Kazmir next up we have in my opinion a much more solid recommendation for an entry point and many people will disagree on this they may even flip the first two as I'm recommending them and that's fine but I find lore breaker to be a much more rock-solid entry from Brandon Sanderson that'll appeal to more people and I recommend if you just want a one-off book no more commitment than that not a series I can't think of a better one off full book from Brandon Sanderson to start the Kazmir than war breaker I damned probably going to convince you later in this video to actually start with one of his series unless you're completely 100% committed to I am NOT going to read a series from Brandon Sanderson I'm just gonna read it one book and just get the taste that way okay fine go with war breaker but I dot down the road imma imma change your opinion on that I have seen people recommend white sand as an entry point no no bad one this one's not even recommend as an entry point on Brandon Sanderson's own blog white sand does technically take place within the Kazmir but you're changing mediums than what Brandon Sanderson typically writes in white sands a graphic novel not a just standard book fantasy book and to me that really is not a good way to get a good entry point taste into what the wider Kazmir is because you're changing mediums and what the rest of the Kazmir is going to be delivered to you as that's a that's a bad move in my opinion there buddy really for me introducing you to Brandon Sanderson's writing and the Kazmir you to see whether on his writing style is going to vibe with you and graphic novels drastically change an author's writing style because they're not having to do a lot of things you're gonna have to see and sit through in their later work so I guess if you are only interested in graphic novels or you're just a graphic novel nut this could be a decent entry point for you but not really even then so white sand for me it gets an absolute in terms of entry points for the Kazmir next up we have a recommendation that's I don't even want a full book I don't I don't want it I want a full book I want a short story just let me know if I'm gonna five with his writing style at all and that's it so I guess this is for people who have never read anything brandon has ever put out and just need to see if the way he writes will be approachable to you attractive to your tastes and for that I'll go with the emperor's soul it's a short story from Brandon Sanderson that actually is very closely connected to another story within the Kazmir I'll let you figure that out on your own if you do decide that you like the Kazmir and it's less than 32,000 words you can breeze through it in one sitting it's no big deal but I find it to be one of Brandon Sanderson's most charming short stories ever he actually has a lot of short stories are like inter splice throughout his books but you'll get into that in your own and for me it's a great way to not commit to something huge and you can just sit down and go hey what is this a good little story I don't get this was his writing style approachable I think it's very approachable okay then I'm gonna go on into the Kazmir or if you hate it we're probably not friends and that's fine but yes the umber is soul I will recommend to people who want the briefest possible introduction to the Kazmir next up we have Arcanum unbound no absolutely not do not start here this is just y know a collection of short stories that's meant for people who are diehard Kazmir fans or just broader fans of fit printed Sanderson's work and you'll miss out on a ton of things and references that absolutely not do not start here bad I'm mad at you for even considering it no shadow for silence in the forests of Hell nope this one you won't enjoy as much unless you're a very much larger brandon sanderson fan Kazmir fan to me it's not one that's approachable for people on the outside nope absolutely not again bad that's that's a bad new across mere fan Mistborn era one or I guess starting which is the first book miss borne the final Empire or as it's apparently aggressively being remarketed as just miss borne I would say yes this is the best possible entry it's the first bullet point on Brandon Sanderson's blog so it's the first one that comes to mind when writing that I guess I'm assuming that was purposely done I don't know but for me miss Bourne era one is three books so you're making a larger commitment but they're not the largest books ever that none of them are anywhere close to a way of Kings which is his Stormlight archive series in word counts and I think it's some of the best show casings Brandon has ever had and on top of that there's a bit of a catharsis reached at the end of the first book so you may not be entirely compelled to pick up the second and third if you find out that the cosmic is not for you and you'll still be satisfied with this first book so yes this for me is the broadest best recommendation for starting the Kazmir miss borne or the final Empire it's a great book very well reviewed almost across the board on Goodreads Amazon from every critic I've seen pick it up and for me it was my introduction to Brandon Sanderson's Kazmir and it did a fantastic job of putting its hooks deep in me and dragging me into the cusp I know some people are going to be tempted just to go with the I want a one-off book entry and just stick with war breaker it's tempting some people might even just go the Emperors soul but miss Barnes not a huge but hold up let me tell show you look at this it's not that big that's not that scary you can do that a week can't you that's no problem and if you don't love it what have you lost nothing you got this you probably got it on an e-reader that cost like three dollars this to me is the one that's most likely to give you a great example of what Brandon Sanderson is truly capable of as an author and in terms of character brandon sanderson has rarely topped the protagonist of these pages within look at this cover quote highly recommended robin freaking hob come on edged answer no 100% no this is something for very experienced cosmere fans of a certain series we haven't even talked about yet so get out of here miss borne era - why would you start with a - there's a one I guess you kind of could but you'd be spoiling huge things for yourself and it's a bad idea in general and I don't think arrow Tuesday's good as everyone I actually prefer arrow one up significantly so I think era one would be the better start all around who would come for why are you asking me right now bad again wrong no the wheel of time this isn't Kazmir why is this being brought up get get out of here is it just to annoy people who constantly comment for me to shut up about the Wheel of Time yes that's that's why it's being brought up the Stormlight archive this one is great the first Stormlight archive book the way of kings was the best reviewed book in fiction on Goodreads for a while and it earns that the way of kings is flat-out incredible and if you're willing to make the commitment to this big a book then yeah way of kings Wow that made a thump then way of Kings might be right up your alley because it is debatably an almost flawless fantasy book it's absolutely jaw-dropping in its character work scale plotline everything is there debatably to this day Brandon Sanderson's best entry yet some people may debate that a couple of the Mistborn books top away king some people might debate that later storm allayed are kind of books do but in terms of sweet Jesus this one if you are the kind of person who if you started your boxing career and the first thing you want to do is go into a championship bout this might be for you because it's an undertaking but it's one well worth it so in summation my top three recommendations are if you are just 100 percent in the mindset of I want one book no larger commitment war breaker is probably for you but if you're willing to be open to liking the book and continuing on down a series that is hugely popular widely loved then miss borne is a great standard entry that almost anyone could love if you're a fantasy nut like me who when they see a book this big just goes what would be then the way of Kings is probably for you for the real fantasy nuts out there who love a big old commitment but those are my thoughts on where you should start the Kazmir like and subscribe if you have not already hit the patreon feel support what I do here and have a good one you'll have a piece [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daniel Greene
Views: 258,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cosmere reading guide, cosmere, how to read cosmere, how to start cosmere, stormlight archive, brandon sanderson, daniel greene, mistborn
Id: T3iRwMXr7rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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