Defeating the Desert Fox by Nigel Hamilton (2012)
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Channel: The National WWII Museum
Views: 30,825
Rating: 4.5048862 out of 5
Keywords: WWII, ww2, World War II, history, North Africa, Nigel Hamilton, Montgomery, Churchill, New Orleans, The National WWII Museum, US History, Military History, American History, Monty, Roger Cirillo, Alamein, Allies, Egypt, 1942, conference, desert, warfare, battle, Germany, British, war, Libya, tanks, tank warfare, German 88, Rommel, Goebbels, Fuhrer, Hitler, Gott, Panzer, Tobruk, Alam Halfa, generals, Desert Fox, Algeria, Tunisia, Patton, Eisenhower, Kasserine Pass, anti-tank, Louisiana Maneuvers
Id: VURvlMfdTgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 9sec (5649 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2013
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