Def Jam Icon: Movie Edition (Englisch)

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come on now you know what i'm talking about i mean when a senator's on our side ain't there some [ __ ] i mean look at it you won't get to a store with your hoodie and your headphones on and everybody's got to keep their eyes on you you drive past a police car you turn down your radio don't we all for real when is hip hop not been the target of fear and suspicion let me hear what you think i'll let your boy [ __ ] flex right now hey man look over there yo it's curtis carver nah man what are you doing out here yeah that's him alright i got everything he ever made we got to keep making moves man or the so-called beef we got going to turn into a bloodbath and after all the smoke clears after it's all said and done who won't be sitting on top them not us i need you to focus on a bigger picture homeboy excuse me mr carrick can i have your autograph for sure little man you got that coming give it here what they call you kevin i'm jake man y'all staying out of trouble yeah now that's what's up here you go thanks mr carver hey y'all y'all come here you know i'm gonna give y'all a little something but make sure you put that ball up because it's gonna be worth some bang someday more than you know wow thanks mr carver that was the bomb man no one's gonna believe us at school is get yourself way hurt damn we was just talking oh man this was a brand new shirt oh yeah but you bout to get blood on it if you don't step back maybe but it won't be mine excuse me i see you've been in the fight grab a chair sorry about all that the full straight hating is way disrespectful no i saw a good homeboy i would have did the same thing i'm feeling that you know i'm sure wink does too don't you it's a cut to the chase man who you rolling with nobody i'm on man since you can handle yourself like that it's when you're hanging with your boy now how about that i like how you kept gangster oh yo that that's cool man look i do what needs to be done you know i know how to make it happen i got all kind of skills i know my way around the studio i got some marketing ideas my man my man slow down baby you know pump your brakes son you know me let's keep it simple for now and we'll see how your talent fits in yeah for sure what hood you from you nearby no i'm damn near homeless no problem man yo tiny set this man up at the door that's that's good looking now but uh what cost you know don't trip man real recognize real i got a good feeling about you man it's just something special you know all i ask is for your loyalty that's the only cost man you know y'all heard what he said right yeah my man makes it happen by any means necessary are you all right i saw you tinkered up with that man out there here let me give you my number what should i do with this call me you know in case you need some tlc what's popping back here a party and your boy wasn't invited what's up with that troy dolla i didn't even know you was in town of course you didn't it's not like you got time to read the paper or nothing you know we're handling our business here troy no disrespect but uh what oh my bad you know i didn't realize you were still in business when was the last album y'all dropped him but what was that like 1986. i forget how old you are say what hold on everybody fall back troy listen man it's my new producer he's our new sound he's what's happening right now on the streets everybody wanting to sign with us so don't sleep yeah can't wait to cop that on bootleg's greatest hits look you ever want to make some real music on a real label give me a call because over at my label we all about making cash money you did let me help you graduate out of this small time operation you know come run with the big dogs all right let's get up out of here before i catch my third strike excuse me but you look so familiar i promise i'm not giving you a line but i know i know you i tell you what why don't you take my number and give me a call when you figure it out i almost definitely do that harlem rapper jim jones better known as capo the dawn signed a distribution deal with curtis carver's record label today a move that both parties hope will expand their worldwide exposure capo's first single is expected to hit the airwaves in a few months with a full-length release schedule for later on this year hey man those were some banging moves out there let me buy you a drink yeah what the hell is all of this them samples you've been losing this here is your leak it was an accident all i did was let my cousin listen to the demo i didn't think it would get leaked like that and how much did your cousin pay you for that favor what i thought how much money you think carver lost because of this fool i'm guessing over time it's got to be about seven figures you think carver's that forgiven i happen to know for a fact he's not so here's your chance collect his head and reap the reward consider it a gift from me curtis carver has appointed a new vice president the hitmaker announced his new head of artist management at a press conference today signaling a return to the greatness carver's label is known for worldwide when asked what changes they had in store for the label carver simply replied keep your eyes open [Music] senator david jacobson was in brooklyn today encouraging artistic expression as a means of fighting inner-city crimes absolutely i i totally agree i think that what we see in today's media is not something that we would ever want our children to emulate these rap lyrics the video games the violence that we see on film and television but we have to remember that our country is founded upon free expression i think that's what we should be discussing here today and not whether or not to invoke government censorship jacobson's free expression platform has raised quite a few eyebrows leading up to next year's elections [Music] so you still spraying graffiti on delivery trucks you still racking candy from mr kim oh my god is that how you remember me shady like that how you doing patricia i wasn't sure that was you looking all grown up now what's it been about 10 years uh since you pushed me off the swing set maybe something like that but it ain't patricia anymore i'm now going by platinum i heard something about that your boyfriend make you change your name oh troy no he's just my manager guess someone spreading rumors then yeah i bet i know who look he's a friend he gave me my start but he is not my boyfriend i seem to remember you saying the same thing about me once yeah but this time i mean it let's go catch up someplace quiet captain rapper the game signed an exclusive deal with curtis carver's record label today further building the label's superstar roster of talent the artist expects his first single to hit the charts within a few months paving the way for what the label promises will become a classic hey you move real good out there you know how to dance nah that ain't me well maybe i'll call you up teach you how you know private lessons yeah you know one of them execs who thinks he's an expert on everything just because he wears hat backwards yo word is this your truck with you the detective you know your tags are expired [ __ ] crime fighter man it's a brand new truck ain't nothing wrong with these tags i'm looking right at them they're expired yeah right and i probably gotta bust the tail light too huh nobody didn't know any better i'd say you were resisting arrest uh-huh yeah you get rid of that badge and especially that heater then let's see who the real man is huh yeah so i hear you the new big nuts in town they say you're a shot caller is that true i don't know what your homies been telling you but i run this city and i run it clean which means none of your drugs or beef brawls are gang-banging anywhere near here you play nice well you pay the piper you follow do you follow me i know the drill good now the way i see it you fellas owe me i just gave you something to rap about and get those tags fixed bay area rapper e40 was arrested today on charges stemming from alleged criminal associations though specific charges have not been released police claimed to be acting on information gathered from cell phone records traced back to known offenders when asked whether this reflected against his position on inner city expression senator david jacobson stood in defense of rap i haven't heard all the charges involved in this case but from from what i understand it involves uh certain criminal associations i just think that it would be a mistake to villainize an entire art form because of a few bad apples e40s management has not made any statement as of this time [Music] hey hey yourself yeah sure real talk okay cool this is nice baby what's wrong nothing well nothing's got you looking a little stressed it's just business i got a couple of crooked ass cops hating on me and my crew real tough like wheatley what you know him i know of him he baby wheatley and his cops are on troy dollar's payroll say what all right don't flip out okay but they've been moonlighting for troy for a couple of years you gotta be kidding me p why didn't you say nothing i didn't know he was sweating you like that i just thought troy cut the cops in to keep them happy he says that's just how business gets done you see brothers faking the funk disrespecting the game look baby this little thing between troy and carver it's got nothing to do with you you should really try to stay out of it and baby just keep this to yourself please if troy learns you know about wheelie it'll find its way back to me back to us and that would not be good oh it's all good man i'll hold you down record mogul curtis carver has been targeted by federal investigators for what they claim resembles unreported income and potential laundering activity carver is the focus of their investigation though no charges have been filed the investigation is being conducted with carver's cooperation as he insists he has nothing to hide [Music] you know you know as soon as you start getting real paper more money more problems they start coming at you lights camera action the spotlight's on you homeboy you talking about the man yeah that's funny but don't sleep son because it's the man next to the man next to the man next to man this is serious oh boy uncle sam has spent millions on programs taking brothers like us out the gate you know the business cointel pro rockefeller drug laws three strikes the patriot act you name it you know look at all the other labels on investigation in just the last couple of years you think it's a coincidence this is how they get down you know hip-hop is worldwide you know that means brothers like you and me got a voice you know we got the whole world walking and talking like us we got kids imitating us and you know what that means yeah we the new terrorists now you're getting it how many times five voters stop to harass you they want to blame us for everything man you know poverty rate crime rate drug addiction you know they want to play hip-hop for everything look boss i feel you on all of that but check this though what if wheatley and these cops are all working for troy you know what i'm saying he ain't been hit nearly as hard as we have please you think troy's smart enough to orchestrate all that you gotta feel me on this one for a minute this thing ain't about you and me to really break it down it's bigger than both of us we can't let them keep playing us man we gotta keep making moves man or the so-called beef we got gonna turn into a bloodbath and after all the smoke clears after it's all said and done who won't be sitting on top them not us i need you to focus on a bigger picture homeboy excuse me mr carrick can i have your autograph for sure little man you got that coming give a hit what they call you kevin i'm jake man y'all staying out of trouble yeah now that's what's up here you go thanks mr carver hey y'all y'all come here let me give you a little something so make sure you put that ball up because it's gonna be worth some bang someday more than you know wow thanks mr carver i bet you they gonna try to sell it on ebay already no disrespect but where are you going with all this my man i can't hold your hand you gotta go play that game for yourself you okay don't move hands where i can see it what yo wait wait wait i didn't do this you think so who did then oh look here found the murder weapon what what are the odds that we find your prince on that piece well that ain't mine and you know it well i got paperwork that says it's yours i filled out the forms myself got you now shot caller [Music] topping the news today record mogul curtis carver was shot this afternoon while walking through his childhood neighborhood witnesses claim he was engaged in what appeared to be a heated conversation moments before gunshots rang out nearby police officers responded to the gunshots but the suspect fled from the arrest though police would not verify the identity of the suspect eyewitnesses suggest it may have been carver's own vice president in charge of artist management senator david jacobson stopped to comment on this tragedy in light of his free expression campaign i'm sure that we're all aware of the countless tragedies that have occurred within the rap community tupac shakur notorious b.i.g and now curtis carver and to my knowledge not one of their killers has ever been brought to justice and so i've assembled a task force so that we can solve this crime as soon as humanly possible we'll have more information for you as this story unfolds [Music] yo b we caught up in some straight [ __ ] we should pull our shoes up and head for the cabin or something yeah i mean no we're doing it like i said my mind's made up p yo what what are you doing here dog did you put up on the business man i ain't know what was going on until you told me baby people are saying you killed carver nah baby you know what's up it's that clown wheatley it's a straight setup wheatley why would he no it's true wheatley's says pocket cop painting pete i got this you just keep doing what you're doing and i put that on my mama i'ma sort this mess out wait sort this out what are you gonna do go ride on troy and the mafia dudes y'all man are you too crazy baby he'll kill you i'm telling you i got this p look ain't nothing going to mess up what we got going that's real talk ma baby there ain't no other way baby look i wish there was but one way or the other we gonna get it popping then let me help you oh hell nah no way the cops are after you choice after you and no doubt every new station in the country is after you i can help you steer clear of that maybe keep you safe pete you can't stop me from helping you but i baby i love you too much damn i ride a dog [ __ ] boss we got him drag his ass in here now why would you put a man like me in a position like this what am i supposed to do about all this huh i don't know go to jail fellas why don't you go upstairs and get that big-ass persian rug i've been meaning to get clean bring it down here and some bleach man who do you think you are you run around wreck my studios break up my talent bust up my business you realize how much money that costs me but all that i'm used to all that i gotta deal with on the regular but you know what's really got me in a murder frame of mine you steal my girl you play me like a [ __ ] and i'm supposed to sit back and take that ain't you in enough trouble already you got to mess with me and mine too you wet up carver like he was nobody you tripp you and johnny law orchestrated the whole damn thing man i don't have nothing to do with that you think i was the only one beefing with carver the man had plenty enemies besides me yeah but wheatley works for you and you the number one candidate man every word out of your mouth is digging you a deeper grave yeah and every word out of your mouth is digging you a wider one you calling me fat man please you 100 pounds past that all of these jokes is gonna get you put six feet under now how funny is that smile for the cameras you guys got more surveillance in this building than the feds deal i ought to know i installed it myself makes it a lot easier to edit the evidence you know i gotta tell you i'm impressed i didn't think you'd make it this far on your own first carver now troy two setups you walked into like a total jump man you look [ __ ] up you really got played you know that don't you hey you should have seen it coming but i guess your eyes was on something else i mean that's understandable considering the kind of distraction that took you down are you gonna be all right don't worry about me i'll be fine you hungry yeah i could eat stay with me dawg you gotta thug your way through this come on b don't talk man i got it all on tape me all of it wheatley and his boy red-handed stay with me dog just hang in there how are you feeling need more drugs huh i got good news and bad news good news you're breathing two gunshots still alive that's pretty good huh bad news needs surgery must completely rebuild face can't you just patch them up you know throw a band-aid or two here and there no no patch face broken everything broken both orbital bone mandible uh nasal fractures after you know look the same you gonna change my face no choice if you want to fix community yoga any requests while i am there i want to look like rat pit hell nah dawg give homie the denzel package yeah okay i got some ideas no problem i go get ready uh you've got photo id need to see your face before you know yeah in my wallet another tragic death in hip-hop today hip-hop record executive troy dollar was found beaten and shot to death in his own los angeles office late last night the apparent victim of a grudge gone sour the suspect caught entering dollar's office on security cameras appears to be the same suspect sought out in recent murder of dollar's business rival curtis carver when asked how these recent tragedies reflect on his campaign of free expression senator david jacobson had this to say from what i've been told the individual responsible for this horrible crime is already wanted for previous acts of violence so whether or not this wanted individual is guilty of murder he certainly can't blame it on rap music and neither should the judging public the suspect is still at large and police are enlisting the help of departments nationwide on their manhunt [Music] picking up the pieces of both labels orphaned by the murders of troy dollar and curtis carver r b diva platinum announced today that she will be merging the remains of both labels into a single entertainment group the hot young singer-songwriter announced today that the new label will usher a new era of non-violence in hip-hop the label is already seeking new material from upcoming and existing artists to kick off their fall catalog platinum says this is just the beginning look good feeling good damn you a new man bree hey yo doc what can you do for this crooked ass nose of mine told you artiste hey yo doc man how much we got to break you up your friend already paid friend what friend what's up player yo what rush i thought you were dead but the same thing about you kid but you hard to kill that was youtube sent that sim chip sent us the wire helped us out on the roll that was you looking out all those times i held you down best i could okay then whatnot you got a new face now start over with some new games yo forget that dog i say you use that new mug of yours to slide up on platinum and pow you got the tape use the tape man you're gonna have a hard time getting to play kid you're fighting a system that supports guys like wheatley there's a lot of people out there i'd rather see him win than you hey yo she played you son she never loved you man she a manipulator a gold digger i seen the dirt under her nails from way over here come on dog curtains i said wink down with her right hell yeah so we get to him we get to her now now see that's what up though you have an opportunity here kid think about it you got to play this game with your heart and your mind i heard that one before i feel you on that oh man i know you're gonna do what you're gonna do but i can't help you anymore do i hear you're the man to go through the seat flat got that right you think you could go through me like a knife through butter [ __ ] does that earn me an audition audition for what go check this and find out pass this up to platinum tell her we want to talk a deal come in have a seat ah yo this is fly i like what you did with the place it's you thank you have we met before oh i think we both remember something like that what's popo doing here lieutenant wheatley is my silent partner and in charge of all my security girl can't be too safe is that going to be a problem not if he stays son why are you heading with that frank please we're just trying to do business here unfortunately my time is limited but we are eager to hear more did you happen to bring any of your new material with you hell yeah peep this first carver now troy two setups you walked into like a total jump what the hell is this is this some kind of a joke you think you can blackmail us i want in crime fighter yeah you know the business break me off girl made me your third partner in that clip never gets out let me break this down for you dog you got no leverage here you're a nobody and this clip that gets you nothing nobody will touch that and nobody will believe it i don't know where you got it or who made it for you but when i find them they're gonna wish that they were born blind deaf and um take this jerk to the boiler room make him talk feel free to break bones baby i can't be part of this don't worry about it this guy's nobody didn't quite go how you planned did it it is what it is please pull me up hurry i didn't have to go down like this please we could have blew up together we could have done big things damn right adoption whatever you i'm calling the shots now i'm sorry i'm so sorry i wasn't supposed to go this way what happened i thought we had a plan we went off script got greedy saw all that money and just okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm sending to my best spin doctors out there from dc who's this new guy that took him out don't know yet but we're looking into him can't seem to find any records though it's like he just appeared out of nowhere we have anyone else in the field who hasn't been compromised yeah i got one guy left i don't know if he'll have any time of this though but he's always been good at getting into these circles make sure he does he's got whatever financial backing he needs just get inside and find out who this new player is you got it senator [Music] did someone say conspiracy all right that was me what else do you call a couple of cold-blooded murders perpetrated by off-duty cops we got the tape we all heard it it don't hold up in court but how much proof do we really need i mean for real platinum's dead so is curtis carver and troy dollar we thought we knew who did all of this but he's dead too apparently nobody's seen him for weeks so we are left wondering where the buck stops let me tell you how i think this is going down this new guy running platinum's lady you think he's clean of all of this can anyone tell me where he came from i mean he's got it popping he's done some good but who knows i say that's the guy to keep an eye on you
Channel: G.A.M.E.
Views: 28,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Def Jam, Fight for NY, Movie Edition, Story, all cutscenes, EA Games, EA, David Banner, Sean Paul, NORE, Capone, Redman, Method Man, Ghostface Killah, Xzibit, Snoop Dogg, Lil Jon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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