Deepwoken Lore Timeline | The New World

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foreign [Music] this time of Discovery and wonder ended up being a grave mistake despite Humanity's attempt at harnessing the song the world paid dearly for its overuse and mistreatment of this unknown power as a result people and their Nations begin to drown in a cataclysmic event known as the tides these drownings Mark a separation in debug and history where the old world ended and the new world subsequently began as the player we partake in the era of the new world when people reference this new world it's one that is both physically Changed by the Warfare and unnatural disasters that popped up during the tides but what really sets it apart from the old world are its ideas and the factions which now surround the song If we take a look in the game we can observe the etrian luminance modern use of the song players and NPCs actively use the song for combat with a large arsenal of mantras Bells reinforced armor and elemental weapons available to choose from right now at least the song is not being overused or even spammed back in the old world's canticism the song was used for practically everything and resulted in the punishment from the Drone Gods I could be totally wrong about this but nobody in the game currently talks about the harm of overusing the song and with that being said what do we know about the new world ironically the information in game about early New World lore is very unclear when people can dropped the in-game date was around 1270 and anything before that is a bit blurry the earliest accomplishment from in-game lore is told through a weapon description the pale morning's tooltip claims it's a replica of a famous Canoa warlord who was known in the first century of the new world likely this warlord was associated with the central Authority many conures are a part of this group and it would make sense for the authority to be making some commotion the central Authority is a massive military force stemming from the central illuminance they can be found all over deep Oakland's world and it's believed that their expansion relates to their mission of peacekeeping not much information is given on this but their peacekeeping techniques are anything but moral their Tendencies to torture and stop resistance is shown in game with the authority interrogator skill tree the Authority's presence is a consistent threat in the ezreon luminance their connections to starswept Valley and the summer company are highlighted with their hive base Fort Merit and the soldiers that stand guard the stolen summer technology what's interesting about the authority is their information about etria and its elusive Lord Regent currently in deboken the Kingdom of etria is in a flimsy position their collapse seems apparent but we're just not there yet right now the king of etria has disappeared and the Mysterious Lord Regent has taken his place Kenneth and etrian guard questions how Lord Regent obtained his position and is silenced it's ironic how the central Authority and etrian Kingdom fight against each other because both of them use violence to stop protest the Lord's region is not a good person in fact his intentions are certainly evil he's a contractor somebody hiding within the ministry a cult that worships the depths one Authority official Warden Jericho recounts in his journal that he fears for the etrians led by Lord Regent that thing they call a lord a non-human contractor is what he knows Lord region is it's also implied through the blind to your text that seltor is repeating itself through etrus with a seemingly benevolent or good King who helps out the nation and we all know what have happened to seltor Lord Regent is not who he seems another goal of this Lord is attaining the forge of Sin from the grasp of ducharesia well what is the forge of sin apparently it's an artifact from down below and a remnant of the past whatever it is it's definitely not safe to prove this ducaricia used to be a peaceful and generally sane protector of orisia the floating island his original intentions were positive and his Creations protected those honorisia he's a powerful scientist that brought life to the stone golems using his Bell but something changed him after getting his hands on the forge of sin which Lord Regent is not happy about he went insane very similar to Ward and Jericho do karise wants to prevent another drowning but his way of doing this is transforming innocent villagers into something of use it's a morally gray situation yet his terrible actions work toward a time of Peace a deeper look into the island of arisia grants us some information about light Keepers travel between luminance seems to be an effect of light or light magic which only light Keepers can use in the hidden village nimia States her talented friend was taken from her in order to provide for for the world it's a very sad existence where people are used for their materials but it gives us a bit more insight about the necessary evil Depot can focuses on I think these light keepers are very very important because without them we could not travel between the luminance and right now they're running out of time another large group that truly shapes the outcome of the atrium luminant is the hive at first glance they're very primitive and non-social creatures but the more you look the more they really Shine the entire gopher Hive is growing a tree large enough to rise above the ties and save its people at the cost of draining Life The Hive can create life that's why I think most of the airito islands are deserts if I had to guess many other factions do not like the hive because of their selfish actions in the future they'll end up hurting the entire luminance as a whole to support their cause there are so many factions in debugging history I cannot focus on all of them right now the Khan Legion has beef with authority because they broke their Treaty of Peace summer company provides weapons to the authority with their fairly Advanced depths technology the song Seekers Praise the song the Pathfinder and Nevaeh are quite peaceful and follow their Celestial religions which I mentioned in the old world the knives of Elise and ignition Union are hired by The Authority but they really deserve their own video and lastly the ministry which Regent has ties to is obsessed with the depths since this video is all about the timeline that's all I got to say about these factions but comment down below which group I should fully cover next time but now it's time to talk about the devs a lot about the depths has been discovered and said during the tides but in the new world many people have circulated throughout its layers one of the larger groups currently investigating the depths are the divers these divers can range from harmless researchers to professors of the D to experience Fighters called black divers which rarely return to the surface there are many branches within the divers but their main goal is to research and fight the creatures of the depths based off some interactions with aspiring divers and NPCs in the depths it's a pretty common profession for those that want to explore all we know is that the depths goes infinitely deeper and in the new world many factions want to harness its strange powers and phenomena two in-game deboken events have occurred as a result of the devs the first being the charcoal rumbling which popped up in 1291 the year of winter 1290 one marks that fateful night with a rumbling of a million megalodons thundered in our ears they laid waste to our homes and what little land we had left to squabble over basically the addition of shark obeyed traps caused insane amounts of Megalodons to spawn destroying everybody in sight and yes this is real lore following this in 1320 the hell bell became available allowing divers and Fighters alike to summon extremely strong Monsters of the deep for a chance of enhanced Loot and gems I'm not sure if this is real lore but it has a special place in my heart so far deep poker's world has been shaped by corruption suffering and the hope of discovering something new our greed punished us initially but the surviving humans adapted the dynamic nature of deboken provides us an enthralling story for us to unravel and experience I'm sure I missed a few things here and there and I kept out some details to keep it brief but that's how I interpreted Depot gets timeline up until now with layer 2 around the corner lore will be expanded and even changed but remember I'm the real Punchy and I'll always be willing to talk about lore so let me know if you want to comment down below your favorite faction or event in debugging more for me to focus on next it would be appreciated anyway hopefully this simplifies a bit of the lore and allows for more discussion but please please please look into the Lord because it's way too deep and that's all for now so like And subscribe have a good one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: TheRealPunchee
Views: 54,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Deepwoken, TheRealPunchee, Punchee, Deepwoken Punchee, Deepwoken TheRealPunchee, The Real Punchee, Deepwoken Build, Deepwoken Lore, Deepwoken Lore Timeline, Deepwoken Lore Timeline | The New World, Deepwoken Verse Two
Id: IY0uDtO2K50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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