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hi and welcome to rise and shine hypnosis my name is tarick bebe and I am an NGH certified hypnotist I'm here today to guide you into this wonderful state of mental and physical relaxation a state that we call hypnosis enjoy let's begin find the place where you can lie down or sit comfortably dim the lights or turn them off get really comfortable remove any heavy items that you might be wearing [Music] now pick a spot in front of you and focus all your attention on now close your eyes as slowly as you can looking at that point [Music] until your eyes are completely shot [Music] then as slow as you can open your eyes looking at the spot [Music] and then repeat this cycle while continuously feeling or pretending your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier and heavier [Music] you will reach a point where your eyes are comfortably shut [Music] continue to feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier and heavier [Music] continue to peel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier okay if by now your eyes are comfortably shut then you're fine if they're not closed them completely right now and feel them or imagine that your eyelids are extremely heavy and the more you try to open them the more they will stay and remain shut the more you try to open them the tighter and tighter they become until you reach the point where you trust that your eyes will remain comfortably shut for the entire session now we will do a physical relaxation I will guide you and your subconscious mind will respond on its own effortlessly don't try to do anything let go completely and don't focus on what I'm saying consciously trust your subconscious is fully engaged and aware of what is going on just focus all of your attention inwards on your breathing and just allow my suggestions to effortlessly guide you to relax your body begin by relaxing your scalp relax your forehead relax your eyebrows relax your ears relax your cheeks relax your eyes relax your nose relax your lips make sure your teeth are not clenched together relax your chin relax the front part of your neck relax the back part of your neck relax your shoulders relax your chest relax down to your stomach relax your shoulders again relax down to your elbows relax your wrists relax your hands and all your fingers relax relax your shoulders again down to your upper back muscles relax down your spine relax your lower back muscles relax your waist relax down to your knees relax down to your ankles relax down to your feet and your toes relax completely let go of any tension that might be in any of these areas [Music] now you should be feeling more comfortable than when we first started and you are relaxed physically right now and I will guide you to relax mentally imagine yourself lying down on the beach [Music] and you look up and you see a clear blue sky and you feel the sun's warmth and you feel the warm sound and you breathe in that's fresh air [Music] you feel safe you feel secure you feel connected and you feel extremely real [Music] bring these feelings with you as we continue with this session or if at any time you would like to go back to this place please do so I will now count down from 10 to 0 when your mind here's 0 you will allow yourself to go into a very deep relaxed State and on each count you will allow yourself to go a hundred times deeper and deeper and deeper into this beautiful state of mental physical relaxation [Music] but before I do that let's take two deep breaths beginning now inhale through your nose exhale through your lips [Music] one more time even deeper inhale through your nose [Music] and exhale through your lips [Music] Thanks ten allow yourself to go [Music] [Music] you're feeling more and more relaxed and allowing yourself to let go and go deeper and deeper and deeper into this wonderful state of relaxation [Music] okay [Music] Kenny [Music] [Music] to let go now completely and allow yourself why as you here [Music] now you are not asleep you just extremely relaxed now we will do a deepening technique every time you hear the sound of my voice the sound of my voice will always help you to relax and go deeper and deeper every time your heart beats your heartbeats will send you deeper and deeper and deeper every time you breathe your breath is sending you deeper and deeper and deeper every time a thought comes into your head that thought sending you deeper no sounds will affect you in any way the only sound you remain interested in is the sound of my voice and the sound of my voice will always help you to relax and will always guide you to go deeper and deeper [Music] now your subconscious mind which always comes from a place of knowing and not thinking will let you know for sure when you are in a deep state so imagine or pretend you are in an elevator [Music] press the button on the elevator that will move the elevator in a direction that will continue to guide you deeper and deeper you notice the elevators starting to move [Music] as it moves in this direction your subconscious mind on its own without you trying to do anything it's guiding you deeper and deeper [Music] now your subconscious mind on its own will stop the elevator only when it knows you've reached a peak relaxed state when the elevator stops your subconscious mind will definitely show you that the elevator stopped or will communicate to you that the elevator stopped you will definitely know when the elevator stops you're letting go now and allowing your subconscious mind to guide you to go into this state don't try to do anything let go go with the flow trust that your subconscious mind is guiding you of relaxation [Music] [Music] and once the elevator stops know that you have 100% definitely reached a very deep relaxed state a state also known as hypnosis congratulations [Music] now the first part I'm going to do is going to be a script and you're gonna simply focus on your breathing and allow these words to sink into your subconscious mind to create the desired effect that you seek now just allow all the words in this script and all the suggestions to sink into your subconscious mind to create an immediate change in your way of being you are now relaxed and because you are so relaxed you begin to feel free from all tension you feel [Music] completely free calm fearless you now realize that you are more confident in sure of yourself because you have taken the enormous first step to helping yourself you begin to feel this strength from within you motivating you to overcome any and every obstacle that may stand in the way of your happiness social life and home life you will find that from this moment on you are developing more self-control you will now face every situation in a calm and relaxed state of mind your thinking is very clear and sharp at all time you begin to feel that your self-respect and confidence are expanding more and more every second of every day in every single way you now realize that in the past you felt helpless maybe overwhelmed and you are now replacing your past emotions with confidence with strength with self-control you are becoming a happy person now with a positive attitude towards life you are succeeding now in all that you do and you have all the abilities necessary for your success realize that unhappy relationships are caused by high value judging and resisting yourself and others love is a natural state of being in your naturally in a state of loving when you accept yourself and you now accept yourself completely for the person that you are with no judgment and all you feel is love for yourself and you accept yourself completely and love yourself completely and love is a natural state of being and you are naturally in a state of loving when you accept yourself and others totally and unconditionally realize that you do not have to approve of anyone's actions behavior or appearance in order to willingly accept and love them for who they are [Music] our actions are but the means we choose to satisfy our dominant needs to feel good you feel warm and loving towards yourself you feel warm and loving towards others despite any undesired actions behavior or appearance [Music] realize that your number-one responsibilities to fulfill your fundamental human need to feel good mentally physically emotionally and spiritually realize that you have the freedom and the authority to do anything you feel necessary to satisfy this basic need realize that you are in charge of your own life and well-being for you benefit you feel good or you could suffer and feel bad according to the consequences of everything you think say - and feel and from now on you choose wisely what you think say do and feel and you choose the thoughts that are for your highest good the thoughts that make you feel good make you feel happy and make you feel at peace make you feel joyful make you feel connected and you choose those thoughts and you say those things and you watch those things and you feel those things and you do those things you are now in charge of your own life your number-one responsibility is to fulfill your fundamental need to feel good mentally physically emotionally and spiritually and you do all of those effortlessly you do not resist the reality of any unwanted circumstances and you accept the unwanted realities in your life and willingly allow them to be [Laughter] you now become aware of the self-confidence within you that is growing every second of every day in every way you are self-reliant self-confident and filled with independence and determination you have opened your mind to the inner security that was laying dormant within you you are transformed your self-confidence you think confidently your talk is very confident and you project an image of complete self-confidence others are noticing it and others are feeling it and so are you you are independent and filled with inner security at all times you are self-confident internally and externally your inner confidence has emerged you are creating a new positive reality you now experience all the warmth and joy in life while detaching from the negativity from this moment on you see the positive side of everything that happens in your life you see positive opportunities and everything you experience your positive thinking now results in a more positive life you experience a feeling of overall well-being and mental calm you are at peace with yourself the world and everyone and everything in it each and every day you experience more and more positive results for your positive thinking your self-esteem is increasing your self-confidence is increasing you feel enthusiastic about your life and look forward to the challenges that you overcome effortlessly you now breathe life with new optimism with new enthusiasm a happy self-assured inner you has emerged you are a positive individual who sees the problems only as opportunities you are patient calm and harmoniously sent to it at all times you let go of all fear-based emotions such as blame jealousy guilt anger and loss possessiveness these negative emotions are not part of your past or you just completely eliminate them from your complete existence and you only learn from them and use them as building blocks for more positive future you are independent and self responsible and you fully realize that you are unlimited in your ability to create your own reality you keep your mind calm like clear water you remain centered at all times this means to be physically relaxed emotionally calm mentally focused and alert you are confident and secure about everything you maintain a calm mind and you think only positive thoughts you no longer worry about things you cannot change you are confident and secure mentally at complete peace [Music] okay now for the next part of the CD we're gonna guide you to actually locate the root cause of your lack of self-confidence [Music] and guide you to release and heal these memories or these energies or these beliefs or these fears this is the more advanced section of the CD so clear your mind don't think focus on your breathing and your subconscious mind will now guide you to locate the root cause or causes of your lack of self-confidence don't think focus on your breathing and go with the flow once you've located all of the root causes or the root cause or continue [Music] excellent now your subconscious mind is gonna guide you to locate your healing energy again don't think go with the flow trust your subconscious mind and focus on your breathing locates your healing energy [Music] excellent your subconscious mind will now guide you to use your healing energy to completely heal 100% everything that it's located earlier to be the root cause or causes again don't try to do anything go with the flow and trust your subconscious mind to completely heal all the root causes [Music] beautiful and now your subconscious mind is gonna guide you to let you know what is the best color or the best colors for healing what you've located earlier [Music] clear your mind focus on your breathing the first color of colors that you see is the right answer [Music] and now your subconscious mind will guide you to use this color or use these colors to heal what you've located earlier completely and when you're done you'll get a very clear yes from your subconscious beautiful and now I want you to imagine a white cloud above you just imagine there's a white cloud above you and this white cloud is continuously shining white lights into your entire body healing you completely and sending loving energy throughout this entire session filling your entire body with love and light and as well what this white cloud is going to do is going to act as a vacuum and anything that needs to be released will be released into the white cloud above you and will be transformed into light energy so now allow your subconscious mind to guide you to release whatever needs to be released from what you've finished healing into the white cloud above you if anything needs to be released your subconscious mind will release that into the white cloud above you completely and allow yourself conscious mind to guide you to keep whatever needs to be kept again go with the flow [Laughter] perfect and now your subconscious mind is going to guide you to locate all the limiting and the negative beliefs that you have to do with the problem to do with feeling a lack of confidence locate all of these beliefs that are limiting a negative again let go go with the flow and trust your subconscious mind to guide you to locate these limiting and negative produce [Music] and now your subconscious mind will guide you to release these beliefs completely into the white cloud above you and now your subconscious minds will create new empowering beliefs to replace the old limiting negative beliefs and now your subconscious mind when it's done we'll place these new empowering positive beliefs into your belief system where they will be automatically begin to create your new positive empowered reality so again your subconscious mind will now place these beliefs into your belief system where they will create your new reality your subconscious minds will now locate any fears or all the fears that you have and you're holding on to to do with the problem all the fears that you're holding on to to do it feeling a lack of confidence and your subconscious mind will now guide you to release completely all of the fears that it has located to do the problem into the white cloud above you completely releasing all the fears into the white cloud above you and if you're having trouble releasing any fears then you're the cloud above you who will start over your head and move alongside your body slowly from head to toe completely taking away any fears completely sucking out any fears that you're holding on to to do the problem and you'll notice when it's by your side it's so much more powerful and it can suck out any fear effortlessly you know now because you've released so many things when you release them sometimes they go through your aura through your auric field and they create these small holes and what usually happens is you would in the future Rhea tracked them back to you so to make sure that that doesn't happen your subconscious mind is gonna guide you to seal all the auric field if there are any holes in your org field your subconscious mind will guide you to completely seal them so go with the flow and your subconscious mind will guide you to completely seal all the holes in your auric field soon and your subconscious mind will guide you not to do whatever else is necessary to make sure that what you released will not be attracted back and when you're done you'll get a very clear yes beautiful now we've reached the end of this hypnosis seedy and now I'm going to count down from zero to five and when your mind here is five it's gonna slowly to slowly guide you to come back into full presence being very aware of your surroundings of where you are and you're gonna be very optimistic about everything you've just done right now zero one two three four five whenever you're ready slowly open your eyes and come back into full presence open your eyes completely and come back into full presence welcome back and now I wanted to thank you for taking this stuff to make a change in your life and I also want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to play my part and do what I love doing which is helping people feel free to contact us at any point if you want to share your experience you can reach outside rise and shine hypnotherapy at and as well if you want more information about our monthly workshops other hypnosis products CDs and mp3's what a process course more information on hypnosis you can visit us at visit and I wish you all the best in your current life and you bye for now [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you
Channel: Johnny Angel
Views: 2,324,791
Rating: 4.3698387 out of 5
Id: yBlWOJgiyGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2013
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