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wandering ones so we're doing some halibut link or fishing today about sixteen miles offshore you can see how you could think of idling in the background and we're just doing some vertical jigging today using a new pole paddle on gifts Delta this is a new color just came now and then try it out so basically just dropping straight down to the bottom let's go 300 feet deep right now so it's gonna take quite a bit of time to get the alum and cutter returned to get get it back up and Dave you say you know this little halibut around are they right on the bottom well they run the ball in songs across yeah yeah and they'll pull up you'll follow it up yeah so on a paddle tail you just keep cranking yeah and kind of let them set the hook cuz the jig so heavy yeah right if they should if they grab it shake the hook though they'll shake it off ready just keep cranking them I didn't get one seconds you know it's fast it was like five seconds once it hit the bottom you know the fish on I see so many fish down there yeah good spot early in the season yeah but it's a lot of crank so if you have a link on that you see it low yeah keep it low don't lift his head out of the water came off yeah if this is a link on nice one it's really important we don't take his head out of the water and I don't have anybody do you want me to do it beauty definitely no shortage of bites diet getting it up just on the story where's that lecture real Dave continues to fish because rods taken too long oh it's my third official Malay now the other two popped off as he came up hey rod there's one okay so waiting ten minutes we got a nice link cloth and a helmet and you got another one just now rate it on the way up seasick it's only been seven or eight minutes yeah just wait till he has to look through the camera lens when I'm catching all the fish are you feeling a little bit no I'm not feeling anything see I just I've brought this like a little times there's so many fish down there as it drops down the line goes that other things the fishes got your bait I got your loo in a whoop in the mouth I'm gonna drop it down here that was the third talk [Music] yeah we've only been fishing for loving them at 12 minutes 12 weeks a treat keeping everything so soon releasing chickens a vote in Faison coming off Raw do I need to show you how it's done in a bit sir sighs - great they're all chickens yeah yeah so that's all using today the whole title so these guys that the absolute body it's rubble with this down you can see as this goes down or tail will wiggle like that and that's that's a lot of attracting the fish challenge with this is it's a pretty big load so the fishery catching that the smaller house and having a hard time to grab them through the entire poke so that's why the fish keep popping off debris at the bottom yet via bottommost still not there what days go one really that's not fish is it nope just really really fill up this is so difficult with my left hand oh no what I lost it drop the game and real so as soon as they get slack they get away kid against the cuz the jig so heavy so you can't just you can't just set the hook and stay there you gotta be I want the booster grill is there fishin yeah just realize I don't no idea what it could be you let that one go I would let it go I'll get better next time all as I was bringing this up and I could see a shark blue shark trying to eat it and he took a little gun little flap of meat there six or seven foot shark nope that's a nice one oh so this will this guy it was easier for him to take the power paddle just because its mouth is so big oh and they have a softer mouth right well you can see how the hook just tore right through yeah look how it's almost pulled the plastic off there but it's still intact man I had so many chances but I was just waiting for the bigger fish right it was the only day 103 word date or date I guess first of all day I would just get so worried for fishing because it feels so much better than it they are sometimes and still embarrassing when they get to the surface and the fishes nowhere near as big as you thought [Music] that one's difficult that's buddy five or so oh gosh alright first halibut the morning for myself 85 centimeters not too bad just when a the max is just under 90 so it is a keeper I'm a little bit sweaty my word like I lost actually a fish when I dropped my lure down to the bottom and I was discouraged kind of thought it was quite big and right when I was like just about to click the the reel to drop it down again this guy bit and he stuck so he's going into the cooler and we're gonna bring him home so another fish on this one doesn't feel as big compared to the other ones and it's not fighting that much so we think you might be a rock fish so losing this fish coming up on - and if you keep because the swing platters out it wouldn't be able to go down to the bottom and if you tossed in the world like that then without the radius actual really height because it won't be able to enjoy the breeze so we're gonna use a special device that days going to show you guys and I will increase the survival rate by a watt there's a 90% chance of surviving by using that so this is this is number one right and basically it works with pressure this this hooks into the fish's mouth yep right and it's got a setting one hundred two hundred three hundred right and you have to send the fish back at least half of the depth that he came from so this came from 277 feet yep so this one's set to 200 feet so when it gets to 200 feet it's just gonna open up automatically and the fish will be swimming away great swim bladder will go back in his eyes will go back in yeah he's got a really good chance right and this is Alana yeah if you are fishing bottom fishing you need to have there's lots of this having advice this one's about 70 bucks the most thing I do but there's lots of different methods Brett you can get one to box okay like this particular finish we can actually keep right yeah but we're just doing a demo but there are rock fish species I like your eyes you have to release so that's really important to have that to make sure the fish actually survive when you release them now as I always do just a piece of gristle whole point of caching the reason we try to save weight for the exactly right cuz I mean this is it's easy but it's a bit of a house and the reason we we have to release your life because numbers are know some places some places it's not great yeah yeah okay let's get this okay so this goes on the downrigger and we just using cannibal to put it back to okay yeah so come like though the hardest part is just at the beginning because he's hanging there once he gets once you get him going he just yes do slopes [Music] but I think it's only been the last four or five years that people realize that these fish actually survive and that the swim bladders go great there's been a lot of studies in these California yeah so they've had underwater cameras going down there as a showing and a showing and actually tagging the fish right and catching it again okay and then again yeah yeah that's great sit down he goes up the fish is gone it's probably swimming happily down there that's great yeah it's always quite a workout when you come here marine fish up from 300 feet why not another one David doesn't look like he's struggling he's been doing this every day [Music] whoa okay nice Wincott roughly around 20 pounds do the decisive they're here and you can see the bait is never too big you know that hold have oats fits right in the mouth beautiful all right there you have it the first part of our Crockett series for 2019 is completed and faster than ever I mean the fishing was insane as always never disappoints we got our halibut and Linko this morning and even you got your limit of links I don't know so you must be a happy camper when fishing is that fast you know when they're biting yeah it's always biting like that are you serious because every time we've been out here I feel like that's what we experienced no it's just it's just you and rod you're lucky no you're just that skill all the fish in the ocean fight well thank you I appreciate that but like yeah that we'd have one rod down bites and I mean it was it was seconds where you would hit bottom and it'd be one prank two cranks and you'd have fish on and then you know maybe you'd fall off and then drop it again one crank to kick crank three cranks and another fish on so like you couldn't keep them off no matter what you were doing there's a couple hours I guess no not even hour and a half is no we it's about 9:00 we had a fish in the first three seconds we could have finished a lot earlier but I was just kind of fooling around a little bit so yeah yeah we got six lingcod into two nice halibut if you have any more questions or you're curious about trips to Kai you can you can check out Dave's web site at Murphy's sport fishing calm you don't just have the etiquette trips you have many other ones early season K you get and then stamp River for the rest here so we have a lodge on the stamp River that we come to in September and a couple months and yeah it's fantastic year this year this is probably the most salmon which we'll see in another episode for a long time 2019 is the year of the salmon for us year of the salmon and their beaks Oh actually we haven't been fishing for salmon what am I talking about they're really big salmon but you'll see that in the next episode another thing I was gonna mention is with these trips I actually had someone asked me prior to coming here and they asked if they could book but you're already booked up we were pretty busy you know what cuz are we have about a 90% maybe 95% repeat rate so our customers from this year have priority access for next year so we have to actually wait until their trip is complete and they have the first right of refusal to next year so we have about a hundred and thirty percent in a hundred percent occupancy business I guess everybody wants to go but there's not enough spaces well this has been my fourth year and Rodney Smith so you can see how people just keep coming back and I think you know I've been coming here for a while but there's guys who are sitting with at the dinner table that have been here 12 13 years and they just they'll bring their sons than the year next year or business partners and the word just spreads there was people from where we had Idaho Georgia Alberta everywhere so a lot of these people never knew each other ten years ago and they just keep coming back at the same time so they kind of make friends along the way here so it's good so we have 33 guests we run 11 boats and we're here from June 20th until or at least up tempered and what's so special about this here this is our 25th anniversary congratulations that's a big deal that's a huge accomplishment so that was that seems like so far a long time ago did you ever think it'd be this bacon no no I just came here because I like fishing I was beginning and then the rest you know as we could build build accommodation and get the the right guides and votes and stuff we just read screw into it you guys do excellent work here and not just with the fishing but hospitality wise as well I mean this is the place to go if you want to catch fish and have fun and I don't just say that [Music] [Music] but I've never I have never fought a fish on this one attacker before in the ocean especially for Chinook I think we did it for coho I don't even know how to fight it like it just goes anywhere you can't like really do a whole lot with it
Channel: Fishing with Rod
Views: 49,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halibut fishing, lingcod fishing, deep sea fishing, saltwater fishing, deep sea jigging, halibut jigging, lingcod jigging, Vancouver Island fishing, swimbait for lingcod, swimbait for halibut, BC fishing, British Columbia fishing, Kyuquot Sound fishing, Shimano fishing, Pacific halibut fishing, deep sea halibut fishing, how to catch lingcod, West Coast Vancouver Island fishing, Pacific Ocean fishing, sea fishing, bottom fishing, halibut, lingcod, rockfish, fishing, swimbait, fish
Id: quMfTdb-0Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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