Perfect Strangers (Deep Purple) • Full Band Cover

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you remember remember my name as I flow through your life a thousand otions I have grown W and C C spirits [Applause] of oh my life [Music] I am the echo of your [Music] GL I amning the echo of app pointed time and distant face to shine a thousand Warriors I have oh W and laughing as the spirits [Music] appear oh your life Shadows of another day and if you hear me talking on the way you got to understand we must remain Perfect Strangers [Music] [Music] I know I must remain inside the silent well of [Music] Sorrow of silver hanging through the sky attention more than you see the voice of Ages in your [Music] my with the de of the [Music] night oh precious life your tears are lost and Fallen and if you hear me talking on the Wind you got to understand we must remain Perfect Strangers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello and thank you for checking out our rendition of perfect strangers I would like to thank all my patreon supporters and YouTube channel members for making this possible and for keeping rock music alive creating this video was an absolute Joy but it is also important to keep in mind how much money time and resources I needed to make something like this everyone poured countless hours into this project and I couldn't be more happy with the outcome even though I have released more than 500 videos on this channel over the past 10 years I barely make any money from YouTube ad Revenue because of copyright regulations I wouldn't be able to pay the rent for my recording studio let alone pay all the people in involved if it wasn't for the amazing support from all of you ensuring that everyone involved in this project gets paid for their work is very important to me all the musicians spent many hours practicing rehearsing and recording this song but there is much more going on behind the scenes lonus Mala did a fantastic Arrangement Gabriel TZ did an outstanding job as our recording engineer and as always a huge thank you to n who did all the rest including the camera work video editing mixing and producing his project thank you all so so much for making this possible and see you next time
Channel: sina-drums
Views: 225,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rock the opera, rock meets orchestra, rock orchestra, deep purple, ian paice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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