Deep Learning 1: Introduction to Machine Learning Based AI

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okay good let's try this again my name is torie Grable and Sharaf machine learning at UCL and I work as a research scientist at deep mind it's a startup company that tries to solve problems in artificial intelligence this course is a collaboration between UCL and deep mind to give you the chance to learn about those machine learning techniques that are likely to help get us to artificial intelligence here's the overview of what I'm going to cover we'll talk a little bit about the structure of the course and and the team the people who are offering the course we have guest lectures given by some excellent guest lecturers which we you will get to know over the course of this module then talked about a deep mind approach to AI I think I would like you to know where we're coming from when we talk about these things what we want to achieve and why we think that the particular things covered in this module might help us get to artificial intelligence or as we try to ambitiously call it general artificial intelligence I'll then talk a little bit about deep learning and I'll then give two very short nuggets of project work one about learning to play Atari games using deep reinforcement learning and one about alphago which is one of my favorite projects finally have some extra revision material we restructured the course from last year last year this material was covered in two lectures and I've appended most of the material here we might not get into that but if you're interested and want to prepare for the following lectures you might want to take a look at this material in Moodle there may be time to highlight a little bit of it okay so let's dive right in here's the team the that put this course together and will also deliver it Cora is the head of our deep learning group and he has sponsored all the deep learning talks and has helped us put this together my colleague Hado will give the reinforcement learning track of this module which mostly takes place on Thursday at the inhumane time of 9:00 a.m. you may have noticed this in the schedule you know that's real self selection anyone going to at that time I mean I have the highest appreciation I certainly won't be there well maybe sometimes okay and then a number of other people played a key role there's material Hessel and Alex Davies they're our tensorflow experts and they'll give the tensorflow tutorial on thursday to give you a good basis for the for the course work which will decode it intensive low and who've also helped together the course work assignments Deana borsa can you wave who is coordinating the TA support she's also a research scientist a deep mind and Marie who helps us with the general organization Marie where are you very good and also coordinates the recordings and then we have some amazing teaching assistants any of these here yeah can you wave visibly okay who will help with the course work assignments okay so that's the team let's talk a little bit about the format and the assessment so we have these two streams and we have a deep learning stream and a reinforcement learning stream and towards the end they will somatically converge to some degree and these are the basic building blocks in what we think is needed to build AI systems based on machine learning and on Tuesdays mostly we'll have guest lectures on deep learning topics and I'll talk about what that will be that later and on Thursdays Hado will give a structured introduction to reinforcement learning and also there will be two guest lecturers at the end of this so that's roughly the structure but there are some exceptions so please check the time table we have a schedule posted on Moodle so one question that sometimes comes up is how does the assessment of the course work last year we had 5050 coursework assignments and written exam but we found that it was tricky to formulate really nice questions based on the cutting-edge material that was being presented and so we thought it would be a better experience for you all if you can just focus on the programming assignments really work on those deep learning and RL practical problems and learn rather than having this this exam hanging over your heads so the idea is basically that we'll have four deep learning and four reinforcement learning assignments these will be spread across the weeks here of the module and then these eight assignments will be weighted equally and the final grade will be based on those assignments these questions will be mixtures of programming assignments and questions of understanding that that you will answer in this context to make things really easy we decided to put the entire course work this time into collab so collab is is a jupiter notebook environment where you don't need to do any setup this is just connected to the cloud we can pre configure it and we are also providing the computational resources that you'll need to solve the tasks this is again going back to student feedback from last year or it was difficult for people to procure enough computational resources to do everything they wanted to do and so this time we're trying to make the design the assignments more carefully and at the same time provide the computational resources that you need for you in the cloud will use tensorflow as mentioned before and you can find more information about the whole assessment on Moodle one thing that we needed to do in order to set up this collab resources is that we white listed a bunch of email addresses with the collab service and in order to use that we would like to ask you to create a gmail account or Google Account here with this form at UCL CompTIA 22 2018 and the XS represent your student ID and we've pre white listed those so that if you register this account you will get access to the collab service also we thought it would be nice if you have a new a fresh account for this that you can use ok then finally regarding support we would like to encourage you to use Moodle for all your support queries if you want to discuss stuff there's a Moodle forum lecturers and teaching assistants will will look at these questions and answer them ideally other students can answer them we want to share the answers to these things we would like to avoid any one-to-one communication where questions would be answered multiple times the answers would be shared and so on if you have some kind of personal trouble then feel free to email me with with that problem but but please not with any material that could be of interest to others as well ok any questions about the format and the course work get used to asking questions please makes this thing so much more entertaining for everyone no do you think stupid questions are funny smart questions are useful yeah yeah it's just the these digits it's usually eight digits and for people who have been added a little longer I think it's seven digits yeah that one okay so just to show you what this collab looks like so this is the interface to collab you have these cells that you can work with and you can code directly in Python in these cells and there's code cells and texts also the the assignments will come in the form of such a collab notebook and it there will also be some code available there already that you can plug your own code in to make you to have some kind of unified visualization and and plumbing code available and we hope that that will make the whole programming experience nicer for you and then we'll ask you to submit this notebook for each one of those assignments together with the PDF print out it's all detailed on Moodle what exactly is required and submission ideally on time makes everyone's lives easier and the grades better good and tensorflow we probably all know tensorflow it's this google open source software to define and run machine learning algorithms mostly used for neural networks that's pretty standard thing and I think we will all benefit from getting exposure to this unless you've already had it and there are some great jobs out there for people who know how to do tencel oh good a little warning this course we had some feedback on it it's pretty hard people were really unhappy last year not everyone but some of them were so if you do not know how to code in Python maybe this isn't the right course for you if you do not have some of the preliminaries required in machine learning in maths statistics and so on maybe this isn't the right course for you to think carefully about that and we created a little self-assessment quiz on Moodle that you can take a look at after the lecture if you can do the majority of that without problems then you're in the right course if you struggle with those questions then you might struggle with a lot of the lectures and maybe there's there's a better course somewhere for you to catch up on those things unless you think you have a lot of time on your hands who thinks they have a lot of time on their hands right to catch up on some of these issues good let's look a little bit at the schedule yeah what's the question but please do stay if you feel up okay so we here's a little schedule for the course you'll also find this on Moodle you can see here that we have basically these two tracks the two state track on deep learning and the first day track on reinforcement learning and we have some some very exciting lectures lined up here and the deep learning track they are a little bit heterogeneous from from the topic perspective because each of these lecturers is an expert in the field they present cutting-edge stuff leading up to the things that they do in their research so there's really a goldmine off of knowledge to be gained here from these lectures but of course you do need to understand the basics very well and when they go through some of the basics in the particular topic that will be relatively quickly so they can go up to the really interesting stuff on the other hand the reinforcement learning path is a little bit more structured because this is given by one lecturer Hado who also is an expert in this field and and this has more these building blocks that are actually building on top of each other and we think that is also more appropriate because very few people would have had real exposure to reinforcement learning here and so this is from the ground up so what you see here on the right are the weeks in which we're aiming to distribute the coursework assignment deep learning coursework PLC w124 and real reinforcement learning coursework 1 to 4 so we're trying to distribute this across the course time as good as we can of course we need some startup time to get going and to to get you some of the information that you need but then we've spaced this fairly evenly to the end the course that again is is I think an improvement over last year where there were bigger chunks we hope that these smaller chunks will encourage you to do that work right away so that you can get the feedback on this work you can see how what you're doing connects to what you learned in the lectures in a more immediate way than if you wait to the end and then then do that work okay do we need a more more seat here here's one more seat do you want to take that okay so let's go through the program in a little more detail because we really have some fantastic speakers and that also gives you a little exposure to the topics so on Thursday we'll start with this introduction to tensorflow which hopefully gives you a foundation for the coursework that you'll be expected to do it will be delivered but by mateo hassle and Alex Davies and basically they'll give you an introduction to tens of love principles and then they'll also do some work through examples in collab and then later make that collab available for you to play with then following through with the deep learning track of things the next lecture will be given by Simon Austin Darrow and he will cover newer networks multi-class classification how backprop works how automatic differentiation works how tensorflow does it for you and so will deliver the basics on on neural networks in this lecture and he's a really a real expert on this so I'll probably just attend that again because the basics are explained so well okay so then the next lecture will be on convolutional neural networks again we have an expert on the topic heron built one of the important neural network architectures that led to a great improvement on image net on the object classification benchmark and he's going to talk about convolutional networks applied to large scale image recognition and show you how these models can be applied to image net as an example and how the architectures have evolved and how to train those models the next topic is recurrent Nets and sequence generation so whereas convolutional neural networks assume in some sense that there's a 2d topology that of an image or some other grid may be a go board often we see data in sequence form for example text but other time series as well and there are specific neural network architectures recurrent neural networks that can deal with this the most successful one that he'll talk about is the LST M Network and he'll also talk about conditional sequence generation by the way he's the the person who is driving the Starcraft research at deep mind you may have heard that we made available an environment for doing research on Starcraft are there any Starcraft players here anyone yeah so I think that's that's a pretty exciting domain so maybe he left some time to talk about that as well I don't know I'd have to see good then riah we'll talk about end to end an energy based learning she'll just discuss some other structures other than just simple regression losses for example how to define losses for embeddings how to define losses when you have relations between three data points that you want to embed if if you want to do ranking and and similar questions then the topic of optimization presented by James Martin's optimization of course is one of the major tools in machine learning it was actually a major step for me learning nowadays maybe few people know this but machine learning used to be based on rules you know people would just define learning rules and hope that the system would then somehow converge to an interesting solution for example kohonen maps are an example of where someone just formulated a biologically plausible rule in order to find low dimensional embeddings of data and that was always problematic because there were no convergence guarantees and so on so now of course optimization is at the center of machine learning and this lecture will be dedicated to understanding better what kinds of algorithms are out there and what properties they have including force first order methods second order methods and very importantly also stochastic methods for dealing with very large data sets where you might want to subsample examples or take them in very small mini batches good will then move on to more advanced topics Alex graves will talk about attention and memory models so the starting point where newer networks were basically the simple feed-forward newer networks but over time people have developed more and more sophisticated modules that can do more and more interesting things and attention and memory are two of these elements attention is basically the ability to focus on some subset of your inputs in order to concentrate your processing power on those ideally words particularly interesting and memory models in some sense can be seen as turning that to the inside when you have some internal memory and you then turn attention where while reading it to particular parts of that internal state of yourself as an agent if you like and alex is an is an expert on this he developed the these ideas of the neural Turing machines the differentiable neural computers and in this lecture he will lead you up to the point where you can understand how these things we'll then have a lecture on deep learning for natural language processing given by IDI at grayish data and this is mostly an application lecture and there's actually an entire series of this lecture because quite a rich topic but these neural language models neural word embeddings these things are now the state-of-the-art methods in neural language processing in natural language processing and he will explain how these things work and how neural networks can successfully be applied to text finally we'll have a lecture on unsupervised learning and deep generative models of course this again is a very complex big topic and we could have an entire lecture see a series on that topic but we think it's important to to give you some exposure to the latest stuff there many people think that unsupervised learning is going to be very important going forward among other things because we just don't have labeled data for all the domains that we would like to look into but we have vast amounts of data that I unlabeled if you just think of all the data on YouTube if we could learn from that that would be great right but we have very poor labeling on that maybe titles of videos but that's not really what this is about right you want to go into the video stream and learn from that and so that's a huge topic very important for AI Chuck here is an expert and he will explain ideas around this and in particular also about deep generative models models that can actually produce data for example image data or text or similar things okay that's yeah sorry can you say again see well I mean yeah so if these are latent variables and that's the the observation then this equation I think he put it there because he thinks that represents basically the the deep problem of unsupervised learning - given these observations why to discover these these latent causes zette that produce them and so I think he would argue that in some sense all of unsupervised learning is captured by that equation okay then this is about the other stream the reinforcement learning stream led by hado and he'll talk more about that when he starts lecturing next week about roughly about the things he's going to talk about an introduction to reinforcement learning of course discussing what Markov decision processes are which are the underlying framework for doing reinforcement learning he'll then go into planning and how to do planning using dynamic programming where there's no learning aspect yet just planning in a given model it will discuss model free prediction and model free control he'll then discuss value function based methods in contrast to policy direct policy optimization methods and how to integrate learning and planning he'll discuss exploration versus exploitation which is this problem that comes up for the for for these agencies reinforcement learning agents that act in the world and have to somehow strike a balance between gathering new information that can help them improve how they can act in that world versus exploiting what they already know in order to gather in order to gather immediate reward and then towards the end for the last two lectures were planning to guest lectures the first one on alphago given by David server have you heard of alphago okay that's good so I think that will be of interest and David is fantastic speaker I hope we can win him over for this and the second case study is about practical deep reinforcement learning deep reinforcement learning is really this point of convergence where deep learning and reinforcement learning come together because we're using neural networks to represent either policies or value functions for reinforcement learning in a very flexible way by function approximation and Vlad nee is the lead author of the paper where this was applied to to these 50 Atari games a couple of years ago three years ago now I suppose and he will tell you the latest about deep reinforcement learning how it worked with the atari games what other domains are out there what other algorithms are out there and so on okay Wow it's a rocket it's good so any questions about the plan so far plan is clear good so why is there rocket let me see if I can remember so we're now moving to the part about what deepmind does and how we approach our mission and the idea really is to of creating deep mind was to create something like an Apollo program for artificial intelligence now a program were really large numbers of researchers would be focused and would be able to make rapid progress on this problem of of AI and the mission is really crisp I think two words solve intelligence and partly what we're also experimenting with is in addition to the machine learning stuff is how to organize science itself because it is actually a rather tricky problem to have a large number of scientists and have them work together towards a common goal and we think we have found good ways to do this which are somehow at the interface of how it's done in academia and how it is done in start-up companies and in some sense the idea deep mind is to combine the best of two worlds in order to really create an environment in which rapid progress towards AI can be made so the basic premise of our work is that AI can really only be achieved if we can understand how learning works AI we think will be solved by learning algorithms and this of course comes from experience from the past because in the past in what we call good old-fashioned AI other approaches were tried more rule-based approaches were tried where people would would build systems by combining different rules and bits of knowledge from humans added to knowledge bases or added to the program and this turned out to be very difficult to scale because these bits of knowledge tend to then interfere with one another it's also remarkably difficult for us to actually formulate what we know about the problem alphago is one example of this even if you are a go player are there any go players here it's very tricky to explain why a move is good isn't that I mean you make it you have this gut feeling you can come up with some kind of explanation but it's really hard and so formalizing by hand knowledge about tasks that we're good at is really tricky on the other hand we have learning algorithms and if we can feed them with examples of what we want to learn that is a much more powerful approach but of course the world is an interactive place so we will not just have input-output examples for all kinds of problems that need to be solved and so we need to create algorithms that can go out there into a world be that a simulated world or the real world that can interact with that world and find out for themselves what kind of behavior is optimal towards their goal and so that's the general idea but there's another thing that we would like to do we want generality so in order for a system to be truly intelligent we think it should be general it should be applicable to different domains to a wide range of different domains and only then would we really be calling it intelligent if it can only do one thing then it might not be really that intelligent and of course currently most of the work that we see most of the successes that we see would qualify more likely as narrow AI AI that is aimed at solving a particular task rather than a wide class of tasks and so we want artificial general intelligence intelligence that can address address many different tasks the important conceptual tool that we use is reinforcement learning and we really consider this to be a general purpose framework for AI because it encompasses this idea of an agent interacting with the world and learning from their interaction so the basic setting is that we have this agent and we have an environment and that they interact in these two ways the agent can observe what's happening in the environment or what the environment is the state of the environment and it can then issue actions into that environment in order to change that environment and the goal of an agent is to maximize long-term reward long term is important here because most of the interesting things that we want to do require maximizing long-term reward if you want to get from A to B in some city you don't get immediate reward you get the reward when you were there when you arrived so to speak so you need to plan long term in order to get from A to B and there are many other examples we can also think of this setup as encompassing supervised and unsupervised learning as special cases because nobody forces the agent to actually submit any actions and so if you if you think of this actions block not being there then we have the environment and the agent is just learning about that environment and getting some kind of some kind of reward function according to its goal oh there's actually this is a little so yeah you can also think of some kind of reward you know part of the observations here to be some kind of reward signal that the environment gives to the agent yeah yeah that's a that's a good question but you could think of some kind of likelihood criterion maybe that no day that's right there it's it's not clear but I I would argue that if you come up with one then I would be able to put it in this schema but it's it's clear that it's you know for example if you wanted to do test likelihood then there you would have the the agent would request examples and we'll see examples and could build a model internally and then the it would request test examples and then the environment would issue test examples and it would get rewards based on how well it predicts that so I think in that sense it's it's a very general framework of course it also weakness of the framework that is so general right because it it gives less guidance as to how to solve these things good so reinforcement learning and you'll learn a lot about this from Hado since the goal of our research a deep mind and maybe the goal of some of you will be to create intelligence it's an interesting question to ask what is intelligence and our chief scientist Shan lag together with his then PhD supervisor mark Sutter came up with this definition here based on mining hundreds of definitions they had found in the literature it's actually quite an amusing paper to read so they have a paper where they look at all kinds of definitions from all kinds of sources of what intelligence is and then try to distill out the main properties that they think should be present there and here's what they came up with intelligent measures an agent's ability to achieve goals in a wide range of environments does anyone strongly disagree with this statement yeah that's interesting isn't it yeah yeah so this this in some sense assumes that the goals are given externally where as truly intelligent beings maybe generate their own goals to some degree but then maybe that could be specified as a meta goal from the outside yeah it's it's a bit tricky well what I tried to do here is to be very operational in some sense and I would like to explain to you how this motivates to large parts the research agenda of deep mind into intelligence and that's based on this equation which I think just looks beautifully if you squint your eyes I mean it's just a beautiful beast a bit of texture here so let's take a look at this so they define this measure of intelligence as a function of the policy PI you can think of this policy or alternatively as an agent that acts in a particular way in an environment in any environment reading and so the way they define it is through this value function here which is at the core of it and this expresses basically how well does this policy or this agent do in this environment mu so that seems like a good idea if there is a given environment then an agent that does well in the environment would be if there was only that one environment more intelligent that with respect to that environment then an agent that there's less well right so that that seems plausible of course it still depends on how we measure this but now this is summed over a set of environments E and waited so what this expresses basically is the diversity we said that intelligence would be required to be successful across a wide range of environments and so that is the set of environments here and this factor now here says hey but they're not all created equally some of them are more important than others and the way this is formulated here is that this is - - the - the Kolmogorov complexity of the environment and the idea here is that if the environment is simple then this term is large and there's a high weight on it and if the Kolmogorov complexity is large then this term is low now one advantage of this formulation is that this sum converges which is always a nice thing for a theoretician right you know if your system you're talking about isn't infinity it's a nice thing but it captures the intuition that there are fewer simple problems and if you call yourself into an intelligent agent you want to at least score well on those and then they're more of the complex kind because they require more description lengths to specify them and then if you want to be more intelligent you need to do better on many of those and I mean we're not really like a human there's only there's only one big world so how do you like this yeah yeah it's that's a good question so as they formulated this is the set of all computable environments such that this quantity can be evaluated but in practice and that's the important thing for the research agenda is we define sets of environments and then we try to do well on them so we take this as inspiration we don't actually want to solve this particular thing it's just you know too hard but the way we view it is why don't you we pick sets of ever more complex tasks and try to train our agents first on the simpler one and then make that more complex and more complex and get them ever more intelligent according to this definition and so one example that you could take is maybe there's a simple block based game that you start with and then you move on to the Atari games which are visually more complex and have more interesting dynamics and then you go to 3d games that I yet require more from your agents but no one tells you the boundary yeah yeah if you want to really look at it for the human it's very difficult and I think it's an interesting open question how to do this so we in some sense we interact only through our body with the environment and where do our rewards even come from in some sense they're self generated through our brain and then how is that controlled well evolution developed us in some sense evolved us and there were certain forces that shaped the anatomy and the chemistry of our brains and so somehow there never is in a reward that can be totally isolated if you look at this complex story it's just all evolving and the environment is changing and you are a part of my environment and I'm part of your environment and you know that year so this is definitely a simplifying model where were where we're trying to say suppose there were these there was this nested for almost set of environments we could where they were all well defined can we come up with a definition of intelligence within that limited few yeah so it's also maybe slightly counterintuitive the more complex the environment is the less waitis it has it's interesting yeah this is these other people have had these concerns as well and that's definitely interest but the idea here is that you should at least nail the simple ones and then you can move on to the more complex one but if you got any single more complex one because there are so many more of them you in order to really make progress in terms of intelligence you need to be able to self solve many more of those yeah that's the problem there are exponentially many more of the higher complexity steps so if we weighted them all even more this sum wouldn't even converge but yeah it's it's a bit counterintuitive maybe it could be captured somewhere in the value that you achieve that the more complex ones maybe give you more value for now let's take it as an inspiration to think about an approach where we have environments on the one hand side that we can construct and we have learning agents that we can put into these environments and train and we basically want to cover our bases and be able to have these agents be successful in the simple ones and then we want to ramp up the complexity of these environments and be able to solve ever more complex ones you can also think of it as a curriculum if you do it in that order because there's no order implied here but I would recommend starting with the simple ones and then moving on to the more complex ones as humans often do during their lifetime as well yeah yes also interesting you might have it in the V right for example if a complex policy was encoded through a complex neural network which would require a lot of energy to evaluate then if your task was to come out of the environment with your maximum amount of energy or survive as long as you can in the environment then you could code that all in the actual environment and reward combination and a simple as small and your network would then be advantageous because it's actually better at the task because the task involves resources and it's better at preserving resources okay but you see you can get into a lot of discussions even at the point where you're trying to say what you're what you want to solve so tricky questions okay so if we think about our own intelligence then certainly it didn't evolve in a purely abstract world it is grounded in rich sensorimotor reality we see things we can manipulate things and we know that for example babies learn in this way and to get some some of this people have looked at games video games as a particular set of tasks that are really nice for this purpose and a lot of the work that we do as you know Atari games alphago is based on games and I personally think they're they're a fantastic platform for AI algorithms so what are the advantages these are basically simulators right the game so you have unlimited training data anyone doing machine learning surely appreciates that of course it comes at a cost when you run the environment it also costs your resources so there's a trade-off in some sense you need less data but you need computational resources but me we can run these in simulation and that has a lot of advantages because we can have many instances for example in training we can have thousands of computers run the same thing and train and that's very powerful if you compare that to a robot arm that is much trickier because then you have to deal with the mechanics of the arm you need physical space to put the arms you need to maintain them they might change over time and so on so working in simulation is really attractive and so a lot of the work that we do is in simulation now of course the death advantage is that it's not the real world so we might be missing out on some aspects of the real world like measurement noise changing changes in the dynamics stuff breaking you know the real world but the idea here is we can make progress maybe first in these more abstract games domains and then we can move to the real world later so the goal in these domains then is to do end-to-end learning agents and basically we want to formulate an algorithm that observes the world in some sense issues actions in interaction with the environment and learns how to solve the task without further input from humans and that's how the the Atari work came about and I'll talk a little bit about it later but that's basically the the research philosophy that we're trying to follow a deep mind and which we think is a promising way towards developing artificial intelligence good just see the timing shall we make a 10 minute break maybe and then meet back here five past three all right thanks we just did some online learning here and found out that our instructions don't quite work the way we intended them to hold off with the creation of those Gmail accounts we'll need to figure out what exact characters Gmail addresses can contain apparently dashes are not among them so we'll we'll update that on the assessment part of the Moodle page so you can take a look also just to clarify these coursework bits are individual pieces they are to not to be solved in teams if you know what I mean of course it's always nice to advise other students and help them in some way but do it in very general terms okay let's talk a little bit about if learning deep learning is a hot topic we when we think about it in the in the context of artificial intelligence we think of it as helping us solve this perception problem that we want to want our agents to be able to comprehend the world to perceive the world and then comprehend it but to perceive it at the level of the sensors by which they perceive it so for for video or images on the pixel level the raw data and while this sounds may be very natural to you now again this wasn't exactly the agenda of AI in the past which often worked at a symbolic level and where problems arose because it was very hard to connect that symbolic level on which certain manipulations were relatively easy with the actual underlying sensory motor reality because you might have some idea of maybe how to build a tower or something out of pieces but if you just direct the camera at the seed you first need to figure out what are the pieces and and how can I move them so a purely symbolic solution is kind of hovering somewhere abstractly and it's disconnected both from what you can see in the world because it's hard to get that symbolic representation from pixels and to get it back into the world once you've drawn some conclusions you want to act in that world and so we want that connection and it turns out that deep learning offers very nice tools for this because it is currently the framework that is most successful in processing classifying and so on perceptual stimuli from from those raw sources like audio or images or videos so what characterizes deep learning one big thing is that it is based on end-to-end training so we want to formulate a model and then train it end to end say we have labels and images and we just want the system to be optimized end to end for this problem we don't want to engineer features because that would require human input for every new problem we want these features to be automatically learned we want the system to learn good representations and newer networks have come back so to speak to be able to do all of these things and are now very versatile can be applied to images to text to audio to video to grow positions whatever you like these systems are modular in design so because we do gradient based learning we can stick together modules and pass the gradients through these modules and learn the parameters of the individual pieces it's not that they don't have any prior knowledge built in there are a lot of different architectures and every architecture of a neural network gives the system some kind of some kind of inductive bias or represent some form of prior knowledge the most well-known one maybe our convolutions convolutional neural networks encode certain spatial relationships in the inputs and facilitate through that specific weight sharing the processing of images which for example of them have translational invariance or localized features the way deep learning has come about is it evolved from normal neural works but it was then enabled by having more data and more compute power in particular GPUs of course so if we look at what's out there and we'll have more lectures on the details of course but I want to give you a little sneak preview the convolutional networks pioneered by Jung Lacan and others the basic idea for processing images and making use of these biases that I was talking about and were successfully used for classifying digits and handwriting on postal coastal codes on envelopes in the US Postal Service and of course this is a comparatively small problem but then the real breakthrough was that they could also be applied to this huge data set of image net image net is a good example for how you can make a great research contribution not just be by creating new algorithms or delivering new solutions but also by posing new problems so image net is this huge data set which has a thousand different classes of objects and for each of these 1,000 different types of objects there are a thousand examples example images of those objects and this data set alone has really boosted research in image recognition and in particular in deep learning so if you're ever in a position to curate a really big data set it's it can be a beautiful contribution to science to do that and in 2012 there was this big breakthrough of really reducing the error rate with large convolutional neural networks on this image net data set bringing it a lot closer to human performance now human performance has been surpassed on that and and that was really the kickoff point for the the modern era of deep learning if you like the neural these convolutional neural networks can also be applied to it's an interesting question why that might be the case well text is also on some kind of grid it's just a one-dimensional grid it's a sequence of characters instead of being a two-dimensional grid of images and again we can use the same kind of prior knowledge namely that we would like to have localized filters that can find local features in the text and this was applied both at word level but more interestingly also at character level and we can also we also have the shift invariance that we have in images you know if there's a particular combination of characters here that that have a particular meaning for example or indicate a particular class then if that is shifted somewhere else in the text it might have a very similar meaning so so those same ideas apply to text and hence convolutional ideas can be applied here as well and then of course you can go one step further from images going to stacks of images if you like to videos and and again convolutional neural networks have been very successful here the author of this particular work is Karin Simonian who will give the lectures on convolutional neural networks so you'll be able to learn much more there what's essentially happening is that you learn one big nonlinear function and I would like to point you particularly to this idea of viewing deep learning as it as differentiable programming I think that's a very powerful idea you have to imagine 20 years ago or now 20 years ago nobody did neural networks so 30 years ago and then again maybe 15 years ago people had the simple feed-forward neural networks to approximate functions from input vectors to output vectors and they had usually they're a very uniform architecture you know just fully connected layers one after another trying to approximate a given function what happens now is that people define these modules and stick them together you know you can have convolutional modules you can have Mary memory modules you can have attentional modules you can have fully connected modules you can have output modules with softmax and so on you stick together these building blocks and you really program in this space of models and of course you leave degrees of freedom free and Emily the weights the parameters within these models and they can then be learned and to end by propagating arrows through this system and so I think that's a viewpoint that is very useful to really think of it as a new programming paradigm where we leave a lot of the program unspecified those are the weights that need to be learned but we do encode the the structure that we know into the neural network recurrence of course is also an element of that you know if you have a recurrent neural network so in terms of architectures you can see that people have gone wild and have developed different things starting from these humble beginnings in the inception network the topology was varied you know you see these they're not just stacked linearly in one direction but you see there's different paths through this network so there's almost like a 2d structure to it in leather networks it's an unsupervised type of system where you have horizontal connections between layers that facilitate learning locally within each layer because every layer doesn't have to wait to the out until the output and then again the input is reached through the propagation there's rest nets which have this idea that there's always two paths through a layer there's an identity function that kind of skips the layer but there's also a nonlinear function that can then is then used to fit the residual everything that just stays the same it can be sent through the identity and then this bit can fit the residual and those are stacked on top of each other so people have really lord various architectures and have improved improved and improved on on the metrics for example on on the image net this particular thing came out of Microsoft Research in 2015 the rest net and made it made a big jump in the performance numbers for for image net but you see how this resembles programming putting together these architectures and of course framework like tensorflow is exactly designed to do that to stick together elements and then leave leave the actual implementation of the propagation of errors and add gradients to the system okay similarly in unsupervised learning there was a proliferation of architectures and models restricted Boltzmann machines autoencoders things that do PCA and ICA and sparse coding sometimes stacking layers of these on top of each other to achieve hierarchy and of course a recent favorite are also Gans which are a beautiful idea in that they take this single player problem if you like of of matching or finding a density model a generative model they turn that into a two-player game where there's one agent if you like that tries to produce examples that look a lot like what you want to produce and the other agent needs to judge if that looks right or not and needs to distinguish those artificial examples from those give them in the training set beautiful work so a lot of stuff and we'll learn more as the lectures continue then of course sequence modeling incredibly powerful the example that I like the most is how you can formulate the simple task of translation as a sequence transduction problem it's just beautiful to view it that way you have an input sequence which is your text in one language you have an output sequence which is your text in the language and you're really view translation just as a mapping from one sequence into another and at first that's beautiful but people thought it didn't work and then they found that you can actually make this to work and and now most translation systems are based on these types of networks incredibly powerful and also working at this symbolic level of characters in words and so on and oriole videos who is also responsible for a lot of the progress in this area will give the lecture on sequence modeling okay that's the deep learning overview and now I'll move on to these two little bits of research to give you some idea of what can be done if you combine recent reinforcement learning ideas with deep learning ideas we will start off with the work on human level control through deep reinforcement learning the work known as the Atari work if you like which was one of the the first big papers that came out of deep mind and I think you probably have all seen these the Atari games I think just discovering that this kind of problem exists was was a huge step and it was people in alberta kay first came up with the idea can we use a collection of these simple Atari games that children's play that grown-ups play admittedly and that can be quite addictive and and interesting can we turn those into a reinforcement learning challenge and what's so beautiful about them is that they offer a rich visual domain you know this is just one of them break out but of course they are a few dozen others and what they have in common is the action space and the observation space so they are really if we can call them a family of problems because when we observe the state of the system we see an array of pixels or stream of images and that's the same for all of these games the content of those images of course is different the way we need to interpret them for each game is different but the format is unified the same holds true pretty much for the action space imagine a controller a joystick you can enumerate the actions that you can make on this and so we also have a unified action interface and so we can really view this as a unified family of problems we have many different games and that going back to the definition of intelligence gives us the ability to train a system that can men do many different things and can be tested on many different scenarios now how do we know these are interesting problems they could be super boring problems but no humans design them to be interesting for humans so we know they're interesting right they're interesting in exactly the sense that we're interested in here because they're challenging for humans they become more difficult as you progress they involve manipulation you need to do the right kind of combination of moves and so on you need to understand conceptually and so what's going on on the screen and yeah it's a tough problem let us see and again here by the way finding the right problem is such a key skill right if you can come up with a nice problem that is close to solving then you're in a beautiful situation okay so putting this back in the context that we had of the little reinforcement learning diagram we can think of the game as the environment and what we want to build now is the agent the controller and the agent will take in observations from the environment which are these images in fact what they do is they take they concatenate four of those images because they weren't a little bit of history so to speak of what the past looks like to see for example in which direction the ball is flying you need a little bit of a trajectory and then they create this cue network which takes as input those images and outputs for a given state for every available action this so-called cue value and we'll learn more about that in the reinforcement learning lectures but the q-value basically indicates for each state how good it would be to execute one of the available actions in that state and then of course you would want to pick the one that maximizes that Q value and the sense in which this move or this action will be good is in the sense of long term reward because the Q function will represent the long term estimate of how much reward reward you will get if you execute that action in that particular state so and and then you can imagine this the training happens through the interaction with this environment and the results across these 50 domains 49 I think we're quite stunning in that for many of these games the system reached human level or superhuman level performance there are also a few games for which that wasn't the case and you can you can imagine what the distinction is if you have a more reactive game where everything you need to know is currently on the screen and you need to react immediately to what's happening that's relatively easy there's also a more direct feedback signal there because for example in pong if the ball goes by might get a negative reward so so those are relatively easy what is hard is if you have more of a puzzle game there's a game called montezuma's revenge I think it's called so right you know what that means in Mexico right the the the game is basically more like a puzzle game where there's a very narrow channel of actions that you need to take you know there's something you need to jump over and then you must not fall into the thing but avoid something and so on and so that is very hard because the reward for doing all that only comes much later when you have collected a key and then gone with that key later on through some door and then you get a positive reward and so that is very hard because the reward is very sparse and very long-term and so that's much harder to do and so but for a lot of these games that algorithm was successful you'll learn more about it from from Vlad but it is really quite nice to see its how in this particular game the controller has learned to to shoot the fish if it collides with the fish and then it loses a life and what you see here is the value function and here is the the Q value for each of the actions that you could take up down left right firing and so on and here is the so called advantage function in time which is basically the advantage each of the actions has over the others technically is the Q value minus the Q function minus the state value function and it uses basically this and takes the action that maximizes this here and what's interesting here is shooting the fish is relatively easy and it will survives for a while early models of the algorithm didn't find out that once your oxygen level is very low you need to go to the surface to breathe to survive but then as as research advanced and the training was able to capture more long-term relationships the algorithms also figured out that that's what it needs to do so short term shoot the fish evade the fish but at some point when this bar is low go to the surface get oxygen then go back down just to point out how hard this is because it's not maybe immediately obvious and the system just gets this image here and it doesn't know what it controls so it doesn't know that it is the submarine right it has no about idea about that it needs to find out that it needs to control this of course we have no idea how it represents that but somehow that's the task right when we approach this game we wiggle the controller and then we see oh I'm this thing and then we have all kinds of semantics you know we know that we observe a collision with the fish and then we Oh colliding with fish isn't good oh I can shoot and Oh oxygens probably up there and not down there you know all of this prior knowledge we bring to this problem and that's why humans of course also learn these games much faster than computers currently do but it is remarkable that computers can learn it at all I think brother you had a first I think millions of frames yeah yeah so the problem is in order for these problems to be formulated mathematically you need to decay the reward so either you have a finite you have a finite sequence and you just add up all the rewards but what we typically do here is we have some kind of discount factor and so we say that further away rewards count less then more nearby rewards you know a bit like interest rate and and that decay factor pretty much determines how far we take into account those rewards but the problem is that you might not even see them so you don't get to train on the perfect trajectory where at the end you get to see that reward if you make the wrong moves and buy before you never see it so it's also related to the exploration exploitation problem that you are the or the agent itself is the data generator so if the if if it never manages to even see a rewards because it dies before hand or the episode ends in some way then it will never get that reward and maybe every now and then because it still has randomness in there it stumbles upon the reward but then that reward is very rare so so the Lord the problem with the long-term reward is both that it's hard to propagate it back but also when it requires complex trajectories to get there you might never see it because you never get there there is some degree of planning so when you see a reward it is propagated through the cue function backwards in time that we do much more I think we we also get intermediate rewards just by you know seeing oh I move to the right and it moved to the right yeah you know you get that kind of satisfaction or you shoot the fish and it disappears and you get that kind of satisfaction here there are actually some rewards for shooting fish so it depends on the definition of the game but the very hardest games have almost no intermediate rewards and you only get it at the end and those are the tough ones yeah so that's that's a very good question and I need to clarify something that is maybe not clear here so what happens here across these 50 games is that the system is trained on each one of them with the same hyper parameters and so on and then test it on that same game and the system is universal in the sense that you can apply it to each of those 49 games and test it on it and it produces respectable results on all of them there is not a single system here that can play more than one game but in the meantime people have worked on this and they have created systems that can play several of these games but it's very tricky because suppose you want to learn them in order you first learn one game but now when you learn the second game the learning updates for that game destroy what you have learned for the first one if you apply it to the same neural network and so you either need to mix the tasks so that you never forget the old one while adding information to the new one or you need to somehow protect the weights that were learned for the first game while learning the second and protect the ones of the first and second game while learning the third and these are very tricky questions it's called lifelong learning and that's just protecting those weights what you are referring to those even further what you would like to see is that you learn the first game and you've now learned certain concepts like moving left moving right up down objects and now it should be faster to learn the second one because now you've already got some prior knowledge from the first one and that is that is an even harder problem you want to transfer information from one domain to the next but that's the Holy Grail really that that would be ideal if the system learned at a level of of conceptualization so to speak that the things it learned and the first game would be useful for learning the second these systems don't learn at that level they learn more at the pixel level and they never have this notion for example of an object for example one of the key things that you would really want to learn about these things is that there's this block somewhere and you're it and when you move your joystick to the left it goes to the left and when you move it to the right it goes to the right those things we currently have no way of learning that but that's certainly the future we need to learn at that level of generality it's a great question yeah so what it what it gets is with each observation it also gets rewards and for example if you just shot a fish then it will get a little number and and it will interpret that number as the reward and when it dies it gets in a negative reward or it stops getting a rewards that's really all it gets but it's it uses the sum over those numbers weighted by that decay factor as as the optimization criterion for its learning yeah so they had if they are they are here derived from the score it's another advantage of this test suite because the game designers in some sense already provided the reward system it's the game score and there are some problems associated with it because for each of these games those numbers can have vastly different numerical quantities and so the system needs to be robust to that and they use reward clipping for example or rescaling of the rewards to make sure that they are all roughly in the same order of magnitude yeah yeah so this is so there is a system called ale Atari learning environment that explicitly translates these games into a reinforcement learning environment and interpret this course that it finds as a reward and segments those out yeah okay now in some sense we're here in the very early stages of you know the simpler environments and many people have now moved on although we're still using some of these environments to test algorithms that we develop but here's a newer generation kind of set of environments called deep mine lab and this is also publicly available and constitutes a kind of third first-person perspective of some maze world where different tasks can be represented what's nice here is all of these tasks play out in some kind of maze and the agents are in there with the first-person perspective and see the world from this first-person perspective and and move in the same way so again we have a family of problems that have a unified input-output invar interface they always see the pixels that come in and the actions they take are turning moving forward moving backward maybe shooting I'm not sure and now various different tasks can be formulated within this environment and agents can be trained here's basically such an agent and when it interacts with that world it gets the first-person image of of what's of its position in the world and it gets some kind of reward depending on what it encounters in that world and here the action spaces can basically go forward backward turn strafe jump up and and that's it unify for all tasks within this task suite and now you can see that this is a much more demanding kind of environment here someone navigating it you know apples in this case give positive rewards and you see the difficulty here is to interpret this 2d image in terms of its 3d what it represents in 3d and learn how to navigate the maze based on certain point things for example you see there's images on the wall so in principle once the agent has navigated the maze for a while it could have built up some kind of map knowledge of the situation and if it finds itself in a new spot in a spot then it might orient itself by recognizing that there's a particular image on the wall and then it might draw conclusions about what its best course of action would be in that particular situation and there's all kinds of interesting tasks that you can do here maybe mostly tasks related to navigation because you would you know find the Apple or walk through the maze and try to collect as many apples as possible things like that you can do but you can also do other things for example this is a kind of laser tag level in space where the mode of movement is a little more complex you have these ramps where you can fly through space and get from one platform to the other and again put yourself in the position of an agent seeing this and having to learn what what it means what it sees it sees a 2d projection of a 3d world from the first-person perspective and somehow needs to derive from that what actions it would be advantageous to take in that particular situation ok so much for that and I think Vlad will be able to give you much more insight into this and how to address these types of problems different algorithms and so on as the last point for today I'll talk a little bit about the alphago project to give you some inspiration for some more application of deep learning and reinforcement learning I saw that we have at least one go player here I'm so glad strange though random ah see we have to go players you could play maybe you are playing and I'm just not seeing it ok so go is it's a very different type of problem so the the problems we we just looked at in this labyrinth are very much inspired by how we see the world and interaction with the world that is is naturally spatial where an agent has a given position in that space moves that position around has a perspective that is tied to that particular point of course go is a problem that is different that is difficult in other ways it's played on this board as you know 19 by 19 with black and white stones there's no agent that you are in this game he plays stones on the board in some sense stones may be the agents but they're not actually so the player is the agent but it's not so clear what the players representation is other through which stones they currently have on the board and the goal of course is to surround territory in this game and here the challenge is quite different because here we have a super large search space a huge search space in fact represented by this the game tree which has a game key complexity of the breath to the power of the depths of this tree so the breaths is so many different moves you can choose at any point in time and the depths is how deeply you have to lock down in the tree and the other problem of course that needed to be addressed here is one that it turns out deep learning was suitable for namely to assess how good a given position is to evaluate the position and if you look at the problem it's kind of natural that you would think that that might be the case because it looks a lot like a vision problem you know you look at the board it has a 2d structure like grid structure like an image and so we know humans are good at it or can be good at it very few humans are actually good at it but there are some humans who are good at looking at the board and determining for example if black has the advantage or white has the advantage or what would be a good move in a given situation and and that's where were deep learning comes in here's an illustration of chess where you have maybe roughly 20 moves in every given position to consider which is already a lot and of course in go is many more it's up to 300 moves really so how is it done we use deep learning and we have two types of networks here one looks at the board and finds a mapping from a board position to an evaluation so it's basically trying to estimate how likely it is that black or white would win in a given situation from looking at the board and the other network is the so-called policy Network which looks at the board and looks at what might be good moves in this particular situation and both of them are visual tasks that humans can do we know that a good go player can look at the board and maybe at a glance see who is in a better position sometimes it takes more analysis to do it but what a go player definitely can do is look at the board and see plausible moves or they do maybe they do the contrary they say these they see a lot of moves that definitely aren't good and they're not going to consider so they select which moves they're going to analyze more precisely and those of course correspond to particular visual patterns that are not unlike the visual patterns that we pick up when we do object recognition or when we recognize faces there are combinations of edges and areas and we are now connected bits and pieces and so it's not that surprising that a convolutional architecture can actually represent this mapping I still find it somewhat surprising because if you change a single pixel in a in an image that never changes the semantics of the image right there's almost no way it could do that whereas if you change a single stone on a goal board it might very well turn it from a winning position into a losing position and so there is something specific about this mapping problem it's much it's not as smooth as maybe you think of the typical visual recognition problems well how is this use done and you can basically think of the planning process here as being represented by a huge game tree and the problem of that is the game tree is too big we cannot search it but we can reduce it in two dimensions by using the value Network we can avoid having to evaluate all the way to the end when we know the outcome of the game but we can evaluate earlier and by reducing by selectively only looking at moves that look promising we can make the game tree much more narrow and in that sense again reduce the size of the tree and the remaining tree if you then is amenable to search techniques that can get us good results using at that point of paring down your tree is it is it deep blue like exhaustive search it's called Monte Carlo tree search and so it's still a little different Monte Carlo tree search always picks one trajectory through the tree and and always develops a new node at the end and grows the tree in this way so it's it's different from what the blue would be using which is a min Max search using heuristic called alpha beta pruning where it where it basically can disregard certain parts of the tree for logical reasons but otherwise has to expand large portions of the tree so the multicolored research does more of an averaging so in min max search you really have assumed that you have an accurate evaluation function and one player tries to maximize it and the other player tries to minimize it whereas in Monte Carlo tree search we average the evaluations we just make sure that we only ever go down promising roots in the tree enough times that the averaging is biased towards maximizing and minimizing it's a nice robust search technique and then as you probably know this alphago turned out to be much better than the existing programs at the time which were only at strong amateur level whereas alphago the early version went into professional territory and eventually beat the strongest player in the world at at this game and the evaluation was first against fund why the European champion and then later against Lisa toe the Korean champion yeah from 1990 comes more tractable so you but you have to go to seven by seven I think for it to be really tractable nine by nine is still difficult and 11 by 11 is about as complex as stress so but there's an interesting idea there we talked about this these ever more complex environments in the definition of intelligence and one way to formulate a curriculum over this task for example would be to start learning on smaller boards and hoping that you can have an architecture that also works on bigger boards and by learning on smaller boards first you would have first successes and a smaller space and you could learn some basic patterns that would then transfer to the to the larger boards I think that could be a promising that could be a promising route to address yeah yeah that that is very interesting yeah it's a smaller game it definitely is a smaller game but it's good yeah people have made progress they go from the endgame positions backwards and from the openings forwards and then at some point they they match and and and can prove a result okay and of course there's there's more here and we will hope too that Dave will cover this in in his guest lecture of course recently we've made a lot of progress whereas in this earlier work we use supervised learning to train these neural networks we used games that were actually played by humans and and use them as supervised learning datasets taking a position and a move as a classification problem position is the input move is e is is the class if you like and we were able to train these networks but more recently in the alphago zero work we can do this entirely through reinforcement learning with the system only plays against itself in and learn how to play go even better than with human input strangely and and then we also applied that to chess but that's really just a preview to today's lecture okay final thing I would like to point you to some extra revision material this was last year included in the in the second lecture which we've now replaced by the tensor flow tutorial because we thought that that was better use of the time but if you want to take a look just at the slides that we posted on Moodle there's some basic revision of a regularization generalization in supervised learning and how gradient based learning works in linear regression and in logistic regression which are the models that kind of lead up to to feed forward neural networks then okay any questions [Applause] we're still trying to figure that out there's a lecture cast recording and and there's these recordings but so far we haven't been able to combine them onto Moodle so have to find out yeah yeah no no I see what you mean I see what you mean I mean the we were very interested in this question ourselves because in some sense you can view these games as illustrations of maybe what happens as we make AI stronger and stronger so here we have small worlds and we're now at the point where the competence of the AI is greater than the competence of humans in this particular domain and so what does that look like what is it like to play against a higher intelligence so to speak and maybe we can draw conclusions that would also hold it for other domains that are maybe even more useful medical diagnosis or car driving or whatever and so we were looking at this and some of the moves that that alphago made even during the first match in Korea were pretty amazing according to our experts so they were truly surprising people were using the word creative moves inventive moves because some of the moves defied well-established rules that human players typically respect in their game humans have a lot of heuristics that they use to select moves because the game is so complex but what that also means is that they have certain biases that is that are very hard for them to overcome so if they have for example and a trained pattern that tells them that a particular move cannot possibly be good but in this particular situation that move happens to be the best move then a lot of humans would have difficulties finding that move because early on in their reasoning they would rule it out but alphago 'men have those limitations or not to that degree at least and so it came up with moves that were counterintuitive to humans but when they then saw how the game unfolds they suddenly realized how brilliant that move early on was that they previously didn't understand based just on their rules so so that was pretty amazing to see and then more recently we have some interesting feedback on the chess games that we published where we applied this same methodology to chess and some of the grandmasters were amazed at how flexibly alpha 0 evaluates positions so when you normally write a chess program you would define an evaluation function that tells you how good a given position is and that would include the material you know do you have more material than your opponent queen king queen pawns and so on it would include pawn structure King safety mobility of your pieces and so on and there but they would all have some kind of fixed coefficient that the programmer would have to put in so that you can actually evaluate this function and do a search based on it now the alpha 0 approach doesn't have any of those limitations it just learned this general function from board state to evaluation and as a consequence it's not bound for example to the concept of material so it much more easily satisfies a piece in order to gain positional advantage if it has learned that in fact that increases its winning probability and so sorry in some of the games that we shared alpha 0 place a sacrifice which is a positional sacrifice it loses the piece and almost no human player would do that unless they knew exactly what they were getting for it but alpha 0 was happy with that move increasing its winning probability and then somehow 40 moves later it would get that home and actually win the game and so that was pretty otherworldly in terms of playing style and and chess masters just just enjoyed those games a lot yeah and no it wasn't open sourced but there are other programs other groups that have in fact started reproducing this I think there's an open source project called Leela open Leela or something Leela zero which is trying this and there's also $0.10 the the Chinese Internet company has a program called fine art which is designed according to the alphago specs and has become much better in in recent times and is also challenging professional players now we published the algorithm and people can implement that if they like but we didn't open-source any of the code yeah it's it's an interesting problem so what alphago is trying to do is to maximize its probability of winning when that probability of winning is essentially at 100% then certain moves look the same for alphago it can give away a point or two if it's currently winning by five points it doesn't care if it gives away at one point or two and that seam can be very frustrating for human opponents because the moment you see you're you know you basically it doesn't care anymore yeah it's an interesting problem I'm not sure it can be solved while retaining the playing strength that's an interesting challenge because the criterion that we use is winning probability and not winning by a certain margin if we now change the criterion and training to from winning probability to please win by the maximum possible margin then there might be side effects like it might start taking certain risks now to win by a larger margin and so what what you'd be asking for is really maintain your high winning probability while at the same time maximizing the margin of winning that would lead to those non slack moves and yeah it's it's tricky maybe it can be done but I think our research was mostly driven towards the most principled question of maximize winning probability and not not consider the marginal okay I think we need to get out of here thank you very much for your attention [Applause]
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Length: 103min 7sec (6187 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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