Deep Frying Wings

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hello everyone here it is it's mid February 2024 we're just trying to exit out of a of a pretty cold winter couple of hard freezes here in the wood Texas but today's beautiful I think the high is going to be approaching 70 tomorrow the high is going to be approaching 80s so what do you want to do when the weather gets good like this you want to get out and start smoking some Meats So today we're going to work through some of my Logistics of uh smoking meats and then we're going to actually smoke some uh uh spare ribs and then we are going to uh do some chicken wings in the fryer for the wings we're going to have little sesame oil some apple cider vinegar and then a 50/50 mixture of Sriracha chili sauce with honey so if I use a cup of honey I use a cup of sriracha so that's what we're going to use to do the wings and the ribs today okay glaze for the chicken wing things so we're going to do a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar shake that up um and you can always smell apple cider vinegar there you go couple tablespoons then we're going to do a tablespoon or two of sesame oil there we go and then we're going to do one to one one cup of Sriracha it's kind of gross so you can smell smell the spice that's spicy we're going to go ahead and make all this so it's actually going to be not quite two cups well it is it's just right at two cups that's perfect so one to one Sriracha to honey so we're going to do two of these of honey make this go a little quicker so there's one wash my hands real quick and here's going to be the second cup of honey there's the second cup so really simple glaze recipe it's little bit of sriracha or excuse me a little bit of um sesame oil little bit of apple cider vinegar one to one honey to Sriracha so there's our mixture again I put two cups of honey two cups of sriracha 2 tbspoon of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of sesame oil and we're going to stir that all together and that will be the glaze for 10 lb of chicken wings so we're going to fry 10 lb of chicken wings we're just going to stir all that together there it goes it mixes nicely the SES me oil is what helps it adhere to the wings when you put them in this glaze all right all right here uh we're going to start working with chicken chicken's got salmonella I try to put gloves on when I'm working with all the different Meats but uh definitely with chicken so um just a little bit more sanitary you know obviously when we fry These Wings up it'll be at 350° and we're going to kill anything that's um that's on them but it when it's raw and it hits these surfaces we want to be neat organized with them so here we got 10 lb of wings I got these from Brenham butcher shop in Brenham Texas These Wings Are Beautiful I'll show you what I'm talking about just look how big they are those are some good size Wings you get these from HB they're half the size and twice the money thank you Brenham butchers so we're going to just take these out other thing is Brenham butchers has them already processed for me so even better I don't have to slice them that's a whole another video on how to cut the flat off from the drum that I don't have to go through here so I'm just going to spread them out on this tray raw chicken is pretty gross but we're going to spread these out on the tray and then we are going to apply salt and pepper Killin Blends S&P and garlic powder and then we're going to start our fryer and have and Fry These Wings up so don't have a whole lot today I'm cooking these for a good buddy of mine um rack of ribs and some wings for him just cuz he's a good guy now we're going to go ahead and season these here's the S&P I liberally put salt and pepper if you want to you can flip these over and put it on the other side I don't do that because I put so much on there and then here's our garlic powder there you have it those wings are ready to fry then we're going to throw them in this glaze and they will be some of the best fried wings that you'll ever have ready all right so this is my uh garage that I hold equipment for U smoking Meats I have charcoal propane for the Cajun fryer which is right back here so we're going to use this to fry up the 10 lbs of wings that we just processed um that oil's been in here for probably at least a year and it still smells really good I always smell to make sure it's not ran it I want to cook and ran it oil as you can see I have everything on Wheels I have a prep table here another one here on Wheels the charcoal is on Wheels and even the propane um is in um milk crates also on Wheels because it just makes it a lot easier to get things in and out and get things ready to use to smoke meats or an anal fry so there's my bottle of propane we going to get it hooked up over here we're going to heat this oil up 350° and then we're going to drop the wings in there in baskets and we're going to cook them 9 minutes and then that's they'll be done okay always want to turn the gas on to uh a flame that's already going you never want to introduce the flame to gas already going you want the flame going and then you introduce the gas that's how you safely light well I got to turn it turn it onto the tank first all right so here we go a lot of times the there we go [Music] so you notice I have the wings I have the sauce here's the basket that the wings are going to go into soon as this gets to 375° we'll drop them into the hot oil and it'll come down you never wanted the the oil temperature to be in this Red Zone because it will Flash and Catch Fire and that's very dangerous so that'll be about 20 minutes and this will be ready to go good all right so we're getting the temp so going to fill the baskets up to fry these you don't want to fill the baskets all the way to the top because you don't want the oil to go over the top when you drop the wings into the fryer so we're going to have two batches so uh we're at 300° trying to get to 350 then we're going to start them uh we'll fry them for 9 minutes then we're going to glaze them and they'll go in this container so you want to keep the ball Wings separate from the wings that are going to be finished so we'll put this this container over here that way there won't be any cross contamination all right we're going to do our first batch of wings so uh here's our glaze that we premixed earlier I'm going to take U Spoonful put it in this pan we'll take two spoonfuls we're going to Super glaze these cuz everybody likes the glaze and uh now we're going to drop the uh wings notice we're at the top end of our temperature range in the green when we drop these Wings in the temperature is going to come down and we'll maintain it at about 350 so we're going to drop these in and then we're going to cook them for 9 minutes you can see the moisture boiling out of them uh right now then when it settles down I'll be able to drop these fully into the oil so now let me get my timer going a serious that timer for 9 minutes and as you can see the temperature has dropped back down down see mid-range it's probably going to drop a little bit more but we'll be cooking um at I don't want these sticking together so I don't want them sticking to the basket so I'm just making sure got to be a little careful this is hot oil and um you know you got to wear a smok because hot oil get on your clothes and it will Rin up so just a little bit of protection this this fryer is a caj and fryer made in Louisiana they make uh this is a four gallon fryer they make um they make them in half the size they make them in four times the size I have two um 34 gallon fryers that fry my turkeys at Thanksgiving but it's the same manufacturer these These are great the way they engineer them the way they all right this uh batch of wings has been frying for 9 minutes so that means they're done we're going to take them put them up here they look wonderful um I'm going to grab our this is what I was talking about they stick a little often but easily Come Undone so we're going to let the oil get back up to um about 375 while it does that we're going to glaze these and then we'll put this last batch of wings into the basket and we'll have one more 9 Minute cook but let's go ahead and glaze these look at that that yum smells good honey Sriracha mixed one to one with a little bit of sesame oil and a little bit of apple cider vinegar so again we mix the honey Sriracha one to one I had two cups of honey two cups of sriracha sauce and that makes our glaze I've fed thousands of These Wings to people and nobody has ever complained about the glaze everybody universally everybody likes it so there they are we're just stirring them back and forth until they are fully glazed we're about done then I place them in this aluminum container and we prepare for the next batch we'll do two of these again one two and this remaining we'll just kind of go over them once we're completed so let's see what our temperature is we'll back up to almost 375 let's go ahead and populate the wings into the basket there a lot of WS in there have slowly mower them into the hudle but here we go we'll let that moisture boil off now we've got the wings completely submerged in the hot oil so let's go ahead and reset our timer for 9 minutes there we go this is the last batch look how good those look golden fried that's how you can tell that they're done all right so let's go ahead and turn turn off the gas on the prior we don't need to be wasting that gas anymore so we're going to shut it off here and then we're going to shut it off at the tank and we'll go ahead and take it off here and we'll put our tank away there's still plenty of gas in here to cook more wings all right let's finish the glaze on [Music] these man how's that look smells wonderful looks wonderful Sparky do you want some wings you like wings how about you bear you want some [Music] wings look at that glaze this is heavy on the glaze I've never heard anybody complain about wings having too much glaze on them especially when it's honey Sriracha all right here we go last batch got all the wings fried that we're going to do it's about 10 lb I'm going to get that remnants of the glaze in there and then we're going to go ahead and pour the rest of this in here kind of evenly across it then we're going to take these and go wash them
Channel: Rod Pitts BBQ
Views: 27,468
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Id: qv0MFVKdAJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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