Deep Fried Chicken Wings

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[Music] it's time for some more wings and i'm actually going to be doing them a way that i don't think i've done a video on the before which is frying them deep frying them in oil now a lot of places or people will batter them or dust them with something we're not going to do that in fact one of the traditional ways to make buffalo wings is you just fry them you don't add anything to them at that point it's when you toss them in the sauce or any other seasoning that's when they get their flavor but if you want to do this in a batter or some sort of dusting of flour or cornstarch that's okay to do too it's different than this though because we're gonna be going in naked first though i wanna get a dipping sauce ready and we're just gonna be doing a really basic one here a little bit of an eyeball sauce basically we're not gonna measure this super precisely we're gonna start with i don't know maybe a quarter cup of mayonnaise and we're going to do about the same of sour cream about a quarter cup i'm going to add a good pinch of salt to this and now for some gorgonzola or blue cheese crumbles we're just gonna break some in here as much as you want really i know this may be what two or three tablespoons it's really just to get enough flavor in there i'm gonna take my whisk mix everything together here and if you can break up any of those large crumbles of that gorgonzola or blue cheese you might feel it there with the whisk or your spoon or fork or whatever you're using and if you get any blue cheese stuck in your whisk just get a fork and knock it out of there [Music] all right that's looking good let's get our wings out here so here are my wings it is a mixture of flats and drummies now these have been air drying in the refrigerator for about three hours i like to do that just put them on a rack in a tray just helps that skin lose the moisture that helps when you're baking them or smoking them but also when you're going to fry them or deep fry them because then you don't have as much water moisture there that's going to interact with the oil and cause a lot of bubbling you'll still have some but this helps with that so my oil is at 375 degrees i want to keep it between 350 and 375 and we're going to head over to the stove fry these up till they're golden brown and also you want that temperature to be 165 or above wings can take a higher temperature i will often do these to 175 180 some people even taking up to 190. really they can handle it but i'm shooting for about 175 degrees or so all right let's head over to the stove and fry these up gonna go ahead and get some drummies in first here and i'm using my cast iron dutch oven here the smaller one ah looking good starting to get brown there but we have quite a ways to go [Music] and when the wings come out of here they're going to go onto a tray with a cooling rack to let that oil drip off [Music] all right we've been going about eight minutes here let's get one of these and just check the temp real quickly get a nice color on them that is showing 191. these are ready [Applause] and if you cook ones that are about the same size at the same time in the same batch you don't have to check each individual one all the time but if you're not sure go ahead and check them let's get some flats in here these usually cook more quickly [Music] all right i'm going to finish frying up the rest of these and then we're going to sauce them so right over behind me there you're going to see our chicken wings are on the rack they just finished now if you're doing a bunch of wings like i was doing right there and you want to keep them warm just put them in the oven as you take them out on that rack just have your oven set to warm it'll keep them nice and warm and then when it's time to mix them with the sauce everybody's going to be good so let's get our sauce ready that we're going to toss these in now this is going to be a mixture of two things i'm going to use a barbecue sauce and a hot sauce this is really anything you want it to be you pick what you want to go on the wings one of the sauces i'm using is this rib rack hatch chili barbecue sauce i'm just going to add i don't know maybe a quarter cup into here next up is woos ultimate hot sauce this is right now my favorite hot sauce it is fantastic we're gonna add about three tablespoons just want to mix this together here and again you could use frank's red hot sauce make you know traditional buffalo wings or change it up like this let's get a little taste of that oh that's really nice some of that barbecuey flavor with some heat with that and heat from the hot sauce with great flavor all right let's get our wings over here toss them in this plate them up and have a taste [Music] now if you did not want to sauce these you definitely would salt and pepper them really right after they come out of the oven and you're nice and warm you got a little bit of that oil still on them hit them with salt and pepper any seasoning you want i'm also going to add some more seasoning to this before we get the sauce on here i'm going to hit these with some simply marvelous spicy apple rub just a little shake here toss everybody around [Music] get those from the bottom that came up to the top here now it's time for sauce just gonna get everybody in here coated get in there toss everybody around get some sauce and i don't like my wings swimming in sauce i just like a nice coating on them just like that let's go ahead and plate these up and have a taste we're just going to go ahead and get all our nice wings on a plate here [Music] trying to make it look pretty i can tell you they smell great when is youtube going to come out with smell-o-vision i really need that [Music] i think that's a good amount let's get our dipping sauce out and dive in so here's our plate of wings i've got some of that blue cheese dipping sauce or gorgonzola dipping sauce gorgonzola blue cheese i mean you call it what you want i'm calling it blue cheese dipping sauce and i'm just gonna grab a nice drummy right here and i'm gonna taste one without any dip so here we go [Music] that is really really good this is so easy to just eat right down to the bone here on these now some with a little bit of that blue cheese dip there we go [Music] that's such a refreshing contrast to the heat in the wings the wings are not super hot i did not use a super super hot hot sauce i really love that ultimate hot sauce from wooz because it's got a great balance of heat and flavor they make hotter ones and i might make some wings with those but to me this is a great thing to have this little contrast here just fantastic wings at that 350 to 375 oil temperature that i had the drummies took about eight to 12 minutes depending on the size the flats took anywhere from five to eight minutes but every stove is going to be different every pot is going to be different i used a cast iron dutch oven you really have to measure the temp and get it to the temperature you want and the doneness you want and i'm totally happy with the way these came out [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 76,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, chicken wings, deep fried chicken wings, fried chicken
Id: _Am5bqHCK7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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