Deep Dive on AWS Mobile Hub for Enterprise Mobile Applications - February 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks

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welcome to today's webinar deep dive on AWS mobile hub for enterprise mobile applications our presenter today is Dennis Hill Dennis Hills is a mobile developer advocate for Amazon Web Services at a University of Washington graduate in computing software and systems he has nearly two decades a web service experience ranging from the client support and networking to the software development across various platforms and languages yes published more than half a dozen mobile apps and as a regular AWS blogger to the dev community today with us we also have Mohit Shrivastav dan green and they'll be our moderators today throughout the session answering your questions that come in through the Q&A panel Dennis welcome and the floor is now yours thanks Jerry and thanks for joining that good morning and good afternoon to most of you on this session we're gonna take our practical approach to developing real-world enterprise applications for my business to consumer business to employees and we're gonna talk about using the service back-end to scale virtually unlimited users with that infrastructure and we'll talk about those three pillars for building that service back in with mobile hub and that'll the three pillars will be Cognito API gateway and lambda so I'll talk about those and then we'll go into some of the new features of mobile hub and then we'll build an enterprise app so first I'm going to go over some of the enterprise use cases on AWS and talk about some of our customers that are using database so enterprises using a TMS today we have web applications plethora of mobile applications Internet of Things media entertainment video streaming business applications gaming healthcare HIPAA compliant applications analytics engagement across the board we have over 70 services and we'll talk about some of the ones that folk primarily on those mobile features so some of the top priorities for our enterprise so we're talking business consumer business enterprise and then business-to-business we have new and unique apps and experiences the the cloud is the new norm so a lot of enterprises are coming to the cloud and wanting to be agile and be you know create new services get running fast be agile faster to market and be able to create this this unique experience for their users and they want it to be easy to develop test deploying manage and they also want to integrate existing apps and data sources we'll talk a lot about that a little bit later where we can take Salesforce as a connector and other internal applications with within your on-premises or within the cloud to integrate with your mobile applications and then enterprise customers or requesting or requiring scalability and high availability and then security by default that's a lot of our micro services and the the backend architecture I'll talk about has security built in by default you know a lot of like encryption at rest encryption and transit those kind of things in addition mostly mobile applications require Identity Management Federation sam'l or you could have your users log into custom providers or Facebook or Google or any of those providers to authenticate into your application and then the last piece is the user engagement analytics and tides every mobile app these days should have some kind of analytics to figure out what your users are doing how they're doing it and then be able to scale with that and be able to build application so you need to know I mean what country they're coming from what devices are using so that you can go back and and update make updates to the application or figure out which ones you want to deprecate for different services so some of the leading mobile apps run on on the left-hand column you'll see some of the common services will talk about laminin api gateway netflix of course iRobot kognito for identity we have and hits me and then device farm which is our devices in the cloud physical actual devices customers like XE user for testing their their applications on a continuous basis and continuing continuous integration SNS for messaging so into X's AM and Yelp to integrate their customers and and notify them and keep them engaged and that simple email services used by Ticketmaster and Vodafone to also keep those user engaged when they're not using the application so boxer is a good example combination of kognito Dino GB and lamda provides everything you need to build enterprise ready mobile web application and secure content so the nice thing about this we'll talk about this micro services service back-end architecture is you know secure robust scalable and enterprise ready for for mobile developers so let's go talk about this micro services service architecture and this is important I think some of you may be familiar with some of those the pillars of this service architecture but it's important to know because when we talk about some of the new features that were announced and released in mobile hub they all tie into this service architecture where we talk about connectors and logging in authentication it really ties into those three services the Cognito api gateway and lambda and we'll saw some examples of those and then some use cases for those okay so typically we see architectural approaches so let's go back to the earlier days client-server multi-tiered web application database tiers and then we go into serve service-oriented architecture and then message messaging orange in middle well there excuse me and so most of you are familiar with a client-server or the multi tier web application and still in use but we're starting to see more like trend and that's kind of where we're talking about today for for the mobile aspects of things and connecting into a mobile web architecture and built not just mobile web but also web applications hybrid applications whatever it might be so we're talking about building this back-end API so that any users web sites or mobile devices connect connect to so the shift we're seeing is this micro services we're talking about where atomic self-contained units of code easy develop deploy and share and then it falls you know a normal JSON rest or HTTP paradigm so you can develop run and scale the apps without provisioning and managing services so you look at the multi tier application how you we used to have it where we'd have a server we connect users will connect to it as it grew we would add more servers and then we'd add more servers as things scale that wasn't scalable because we'd have to have these physical servers in this data center and then the cloud came in and we're able to auto scale we had load balancing involved so we have still have physical servers and virtual servers and we have all these scaling ability that you can scale within you know availability zones and then the switch now is more towards these micro services or micro computing and that's where the future is going towards these service environments where the cloud takes care of all that so you're just worried about the code itself the execution and then everything else is scaled behind the scenes so technically behind the scenes they're still servers but we're talking about service where you don't have to ssh into a linux box or remote desktop into a Windows server and restart the web service these are just code segments that you're gonna put into lambda let's say and it's going to execute code and I'll talk about few of those examples so here's the three pillars so it's important to know when you think about micro services and you're talking about a solution you want to deploy think about these three pillars these are the ada best lambda which is the render code without managing any infrastructure so it manages provisions and scales or infrastructure and this includes scaling up and down as needed so think about these like all these little mini server scaling up and down as needed and then we have API gateway so API gateway is really your front end and a proxy so it allows you to create publish and monitor and secure your api's performs well at scale and then it has additional features like caching and throttling and metering and now recently you can actually resell those HS so if you're used to running like a REST API on your server you can actually use API gateway as your server API endpoint and you can actually resell those and be able to meter and control access to your customers and blast we have the Cognito so that's the comprehensive identity management solution this is really important so in mobile apps prior to this you know users were putting in you know key or secret and of course that was not a very secure way to access and you had no control over that and so now kognito what it does is allows you to authenticate and it ties in with authorization with IM its a full-fledged user directory supports access list for ada best resources and then also has user pools which is also the directory that allows you to create your own user directory and then retain full control of not only user data its secure we talked about it's encrypted at rest it's encrypted in transit for any of those user user accounts and then we also provide MFA support an email phone number verification and it scales to hundreds of millions of users so you're not creating this giant database of users didn't base created like a web application where you had to create you know back in database and you get users and you just it's it's a lot of overhead to create those and manage those users not to mention password resets everybody forgets their password so you always have these password resets and then it also ties in with these providers so you can have them log in with the username and password or you can have them log in via Facebook or a custom provider sam'l we'll talk about some of those those connectors a little bit so what I want you guys to go away with is knowing these server lists anytime somebody talks about sir or microservices we're talking about these three pillars so kognito to authenticate and authorize api gateway which is your endpoints the gets the puts the verbage there to access those lambda functions behind the scenes in addition api gateway can also access other services outside of Amazon so your on-premises will show you a couple diagrams so you get an idea what that looks like instead of just going to directly 280 of s lambda so I'm going to go through briefly on each one of those services just so you get a good idea of what those three are and then we'll talk about the new features in mobile cloud that apply to this same infrastructure so lambda you run your code in I'm sorry but this is an overview review for anybody who's familiar with lambda but it's important to know how those pieces come together so hopefully it'll be worth your time so you run your code without managing infrastructure so we talked about running Java c-sharp any of the other code that you can run in in lambda functions and you pay for only what you use so we go back to that server architecture let's say web back architecture and you upload code to the server the server is constantly running you have this HTTP server apache whatever and it runs 100 100 percent of the time 24/7 you're paying for that even though maybe you're not using it and maybe it gets used three four times even a couple hundred times a day it's really you're paying for that what this does is you throw that code the same piece of code in the same compute code in there that you can just sit there and not paying for anything until you're actually using it and you're paying for little fragments of execution time easy to develop and deploy like I said you just figure out what code you want to put in there what what feature you want and then it automatically scales for you you can decide how much memory you want and what size that container is and then it continuously scales and then you can monitor those scaling events so I said instead of having a server and having all these requests come in all these servers scale up and then maybe you know could be an operating system issue any of those you don't do worry about anymore because it's executing behind the scenes and then as it needs it'll scale additional resources and containers and lambda functions it'll be executing on behind the scenes so a support Java Python nodejs and c-sharp for those and these are just executing code and running into containers so it's a invoked via event triggers or stink requests response and stateless programming model independently package deployable skill unit so a lot of the stuff that you used to worry about like Apache running services sessions and you had to go and restart these services SSH in and do all those kind of things or restart I asked if you're running Windows all those kind of things are taken care of for you Lucey level is really important so here's some scenarios about using Lamba so we got we've talked about api gateway so that that's really the front end a lot of these services we talked about is we front end with api gateway so that you could put your own custom domain in there and then it proxies all those requests response and mappings back into the lambda function that functionality that you want to actually do so you have the mobile app first one there you see it kind of D into your API and then the backend goes to lambda and then you can also do event so this is this is great this is the programmable web that's been around for some time but this is really important that it along with the service architecture you have these events so anytime s3 is our storage service so you can upload anything to s3 and then anytime something is uploaded s3 it can trigger a lambda function automatically and then do anything like they could send a notification if it's an email or its trigger on another job so what that is doing that program programmable web where it's like computer to computer and executing that event instead of having the client trigger that we also have straining our polling so the lambda function can actually pull from dynamodb so let's say you're doing in a record updates and DynamoDB a user logs in and you want every time somebody logs in for the first time or creates an account for the first time Lambo could pull that in and do something with it could send an engagement notification a welcome email whatever it might be and then also schedule events so think cron jobs you know imagine a cron jobs on a server you have to keep the server running you have to create all these cron jobs what this allows you to do is you can create a lambda function let's say a lambda function to sense a text message to my wife every hour you can do that and I'll send a message and I'll say I love you every hour if you want it to you can probably do more advanced things with that but it gives you an idea if you can just schedule anything you know by the hour by the minutes by the day and use it for testing Canaries whatever it might be and then you can also invoke directly from the iOS or Android SDK so if you're just running the app without API gateway you can just connect directly into a lambda function if you need to so you get a request and then you get a response back and then also custom authentication flows where you could go through Cognito to say yes that person is authorized or has logged in and then they have the permissions to execute that lambda function so Cognito Cognito is the identity and user experience never talked about earlier where the security in mind at first so you know prior to this we had customers you know putting in keys and secrets singing those out and then somebody can you know decrypt that application or they could go in and check and find those passwords and use them in their own applications or access your resources so what we do is we suggest always using Cognito identity which allows the app developer if you want you can do anonymous so you could allow users to try it out set up as a guest a lot of folks maybe not want to login you give them limited access to some of your resources or you can have them log in or via facebook google logging with Amazon or any open ID connector that provides a bearer token you can also utilize user pools which is great that's the one we talked about where username passwords mfa protection and create that user directory and have that control of those users so when they log in you who they are and then that they login to another device then they'll be tied in with that same unique user and what that does is gives you temporary credentials to securely access your resources so what you do is you say I have this role and anybody who authenticates via like Facebook will have access to my s3 bucket or will have access to a table or in certain cases maybe you have a Notes app and a user wants a specific access to a row of all their notes and once they authenticate they have that unique identifier that's always theirs and then they could read and write to their their information only for their notes table or if you want to create a good example of a photo-sharing app where you can upload photos anonymously and keep those in the public bucket and then when you user authenticates be one of those providers they can go in and have a private repository of where they can upload their private photos and then share monocle they wanted to and we have an example of that in the mobile hub scenario so a lot of confusion comes in where users can log in how they can log in and I just want to go through a little bit of stuff that process where this this diagram shows you where you sign in so let's say we're going back to the username password a user signs in Cognito returns access token and IDs and then the device will go in to the Cognito federer identities get that unique identifier we talked about which is once they've authenticated that the identifier stays the same and then they can go get the temporary credentials which is actually the key and secret we talked about but this is limited in time sensitive so lasts for about an hour and then they need to go authenticate again if they if they want to access more resources once you're given these credentials then the client can just go ahead and call any of these resources with the permission that they have so let's say they have they've given a permissions to the s3 bucket we talked about or that specific dynamodb table or in some cases you have authenticated saying now you can call my API through Gateway so here's a few scenarios of the kognito identity management talked about where the users can log in on the top left box through the public providers Facebook Google Twitter open ID connectors and then we have the sam'l connection - so business to employees so users can log in via sam'l and have access to the same resources and they could also log in sam'l in Facebook and they could have that same unique identifier so they can access your resources there then we have partners so we could do business to business applications where you can allow your partners to access your resources different from your users and then different IOT scenarios can also utilize kognito and then we have the API gateway with lambda where we talked about you can have a custom offer so let's say you have your own authorization service you can have them login and then that passes in a token and in the header you pass it to API gateway and then API gateway so it's great they're authenticated you say so and then we can allow them to access those resources and then you can also control those resources via the IAM and identity rules so the last one the pillar is API gateway this is the one that simplified API development it allows you to create publish monitor and secure your API s so this is important this is the front end of those lambda functions that we talked about so the gets input so it gives you that front-end that you have access to so when a customer wants to send mmm image or get user information back they call the API gateway endpoint and then behind the scenes you have that kind of proxy where you could create the lambda function to go to or you can create on-premise you have all those options to go through so it's nice to have that API because you can also throttle you can monitor and then you can also we sell those api's so you create this nice front-end API and then you can create client certificates or give out keys and throttle those keys to certain customers and resell that and then be able to build them with the billing feature built into API so yes here's a scenario where we have a service API it's mobile web any services fronted by cloud fronts and Amazon gateway where you could actually do some caching if it's not in the cache it'll pull it from lambda so you have kind of the options you have it go straight to lambda or straight to an ec2 endpoint if you have that or elastic beanstalk one of those services or even outside of Amazon and you can have a cache as well if you want to have a cache it doesn't have to go with any of the services and it could just return back and you know a lot of focuses when you're doing them the multi-tiered web application it's really nice to to cache a lot of those resources or those properties to have that instant response so um API gateway we talked about fronting it with kognito and there's three ways that you can call your api and authenticate your users so we talked about the user pools which is the username password typical user directory so those users can log-in to hug needle user pools and then it's really a yes or no have they authenticated with user pools yes or no they can then I can run execute my API via API gateway that's simple kognito federated entities we go back to that screen we had where we login to user pools we authenticate and then we go back into tribunal federal identities get that unique identifier and then it comes along with those permissions that you set up in the I am role and that calls api gateway and ipi gateway says okay that user is authenticated and they have this permission to run these resources behind the scenes and then we also that last piece where we talked about if you have your custom identity provider so if you have your own provider you could have them log in and then send back that token and then you could pass that in as a header into api gateway and api gateways is great your authenticated and you have this these privileges to go access your back-end resources so there's all those options to create this this full-spectrum api gateway and lambda functionality in this architecture for a service so you know the switch over so those are the three pillars the lambda API gateway Magneto so now we'll switch over a little bit to talk about some of the other features in there we talked about s3 a little bit but I just want to talk about we have over seventy services from eighty bits but I want to narrow it down and that's where mobile help comes in really nicely customers have asked all these services are great but how do I get started as a mobile developer and so these are some of the common most common Atos services used by mobile so we got the kognito I am is always always there lambda API gateway in additional to the identities we also have Amazon sync which is think about cloud sync user logs in with their iPhone then they log in with an iPad and that user data is synced whether they're playing a video and it continues where they're playing or they have a bookmark somewhere and it saved wherever they are game States that's also provided by Cognito sync and then you could analyze user behavior to talk about how important analytics are very important to have analytics by default we have Amazon pin point which is the built in SDK that starts soaring storing session data and you can track users by you know country by device type and then session link you can figure out how many new users how many existing users how long they're staying in the app so you know 30 minutes is it three seconds whatever it might be so you could figure out you know where it were you're leaving off and then you could also add custom events like monetization events or a customer's playing a game and they've reached a certain level that you can save in there so you could notify those users and give them an attaboy or something that say congratulations here's a token for you know new features or something so it's really great to track those analytics what those users are doing they're really important to go back and we provide that with pin point and you own the data so you have full control of data you can report on it you can use our dashboard you can export it whatever you want to do with that data it's yours we also have s3 which is a common we talked about you want to share photos s3's are great just automatically scales for you and then you provide those permissions based on the kognito so you have the users log in and then they have private or public access access to your buckets or bucket and then they can have unique resources to those bucket says as prefix within those buckets and then cloud front which is the static delivery content so if you want to have users access API gateway but you have a lot of static content you can also feed in from those over 60 points of present that we have across the world and you can access those cloud front resources and then push notifications are really important with engagement so we talked about like the user may have reached a certain level in a game it'd be nice to send them a push notification say congratulations you reached a new level here's the token or here's some cash for you and then also you want to send notifications for subscribers you know really good example is a news app and you're subscribing to breaking news or politics or whatever so anytime something happens with a political event or a big breaking news it'll send you a notification and you can take that and launch the app and see what's going on and then anama Amazon DynamoDB and RDS is the day of store so you can store data user profiles or any properties from the plant and then we also have Amazon Lex which is the new part I'll talk about a little bit in in the next few slides where you can access enables you voice enabled applications using natural language understanding as well as AI and it really is just a an additional way for you to utilize your existing API and allowing them users to use to text interaction or voice so we're going to mobile hub so we talked about all the services the ativ s provides and then we talked about some of those more common mobile services and that's where mobile hub comes in and then auto provisions a lot of these mobile services and concentrates more on this server list microservices architecture we just talked about so a lot of its tied into cloud objects connectors that we'll talk about it's all tied into the API gateway front-end authenticated with Cognito and then all the execution of business logics are done within the lambda functions so here's a screech I'll tell you when I do a little demo but these are the screenshots of some of the features so instead of running in individual services we have something called feature cards so when you log in to mobile hub for the first time you'll create a project and then you can enable features like let's say I want to enable sign-in I want enable user pools allow users to sign in via phone number username and password or End or Facebook and then you can enable that there and then it provides you a fully functional sample app that you can run in iOS or Android and it also provides the code the sample code and framework that you can use and implement into your own app and we also offer the cloud logic which will we'll concentrate more on this because at the enterprise side with the cloud logic piece is really building that back in microservice architecture we've talked about how loud logic is you create this we have templates so let's say you want a Notes app we talked about it'll create a back a front-end with API gateway with the lambda function and then dynamodb in the backend so it'll kind of that that holds here and then this these are your resources so it'll build that fully functional app you launch it and then give it a try test it out and then integrations instructions into your own app so think about not only the mobile devices but also think about web architecture because you're really building its back-end API that can be used and access from any device or any application we also have the analytics which could do push notifications and then app content delivery for the object storage and content delivery so as we talked about so in the end when you create all these resources it creates a Xcode or Android project depending on which one you choose we provide Objective C and Swift for iOS and Java and he's our fully functional app these aren't just little pieces that you'd go and download bits and pieces from github it's a fully functional app in a project D launch and then when you open the app it's connecting to your resources already so you don't have to cut and paste a bunch of stuff in there and then it provides this glue code that kind of takes those pieces together where it manages the users connecting into the resources and with detailed integration instructions so we also offer the plethora we the swift and iOS Objective C Android Windows which is the dotnet SDK and xamarin unity and then we have the beta release of react native for the react native cross-platform developers out there so let me talk about some of the new features because this is ties into some of those that that architecture where we talk about micro services and service environments so the new pieces for mobile hub is the integration with we talked about when somebody wants a enable a user sign and we have user email and password sign-in we have saml-based sign in custom connectors SAS connectors and conversational BOTS so the email password is just use it utilizing the Cognito piece we talked about where users can log in and access your resources the custom connectors and SAS connectors really are a way to step further into a blueprints so what we've done is connected into Marketo and salesforce and really all that is is these are functions in lambda that are built in Java that connect into the Salesforce ApS or Marketo api's and they're fronted by API gateway so they're built out so that when you're done configuring it you're putting your credentials and for Salesforce and that your user user base can log into the the Salesforce accounts and then query users and do whatever they might do with it with Salesforce it in the field and we'll talk about few of those scenarios here in few seconds and then conversational box we'll talk about Amazon Lex which is that other opportunity to utilize the API through maybe a text message or chat or voice so it kind of gives you that rounded in for instead of just executing it from mobile device users can say order flowers send them to my wife and then order flowers versus somebody just going in and hitting a button order flowers so the new signage choices we have the Amazon canítö user pools which talked about and then the federated part where we have support for full sam'l social identities all available through Amazon Cognito so here's a typical signing access control of a few clicks that I like to see diagrams of like how does this flow work so you have remember talk about social identity open ID Facebook Twitter whatever it might be and then those will go into sign-in and then you create this authorization this role that allows user just say I want them to access SNS or my s3 buckets and then to see the little private public thing if they're they haven't authenticated it'll just go through and it'll be public so that maybe you can access just the public folder so you can limit that so those users can just post to the public folder and not the private if they haven't logged in and then later when they want to log in they'll be converted to a private user and they can have access to those private resources so custom connectors really all it is is an API gateway fronted with with lambda back in and then connecting into this custom one there's two pieces custom connector will connects into a private lambda function within a B PC and it can connect into your corporate network on premise system records whatever it might be and so all this is there's a blueprint that has the business logic that puts in the lambda function within your V PC fronted by API gateway and the other piece is the S Aska nectar so we offer these six salesforce dynamic Marketo ha HubSpot quickbooks and then desk so what we've done is trait create these lambda functions for each one of those and we have this unified API that allows your users to connect into and build off of these connectors you could also build your own via the cloud logic we talked about where cloud logic is building the same thing but it's just a little bit custom so you go into cloud logic create a scenario like the chat app or discussion and then you it'll create the front end API gateway proxy to the backend lambda function so yeah I don't want you guys get confused but it's clear every time we talk about these connectors custom connectors SAS connectors cloud logic all of it's the same with the fronted API gateway to lambda function or your own functionality or you could use our partners like cloud elements if you want to do that make you have a larger custom solution in mind so some of the sass connector benefits we have the API we talked about the flow of having this API is really handy because you have the auditing you can meter it for those customers remember if you're reselling it you can cache some of those responses so we don't even have to go to those back-end resources you can throttle them and just say ok you're paying me this much throttle them that much and if they want a more uh throttle them test ability you can test back and forth between the interface so you can have different versions deployment or production normalize API switch is part of that where the same API definition so you can access Salesforce uh Marketo kind of in the same way using the same API and then the QuickStart app provides the full fully functional application once you create one of those sass connectors then you launch the app then you log in and you get demo and login to your Salesforce index or whatever connector you created and you can access those resources from the fully functional app so let's is one of the other new ones so lex is integrative mobile ha but still in preview but soon you'll be able to enable lex and it's really what all it does is think about it's just another way for your customers to be able to access your resources so it enables that voice the voice enable applications using natural language understanding as well as AI and it supports voice or text interaction via the iOS or android sdk so you can integrate with that so like we talked about before like I can order flowers from a press of a button or I can order flowers from saying order flowers and then Lex machine gonna do a lecture response text-to-speech and then it'll or speak to text and it'll come back to say what type of flowers you want I want roses and then it goes back and then it finally fulfills it with the business logic which is dinne is that lambda function you know lambda function go anywhere in two DynamoDB SNS and fulfillment put it in ask us for queuing that that job wherever might be and then you can also authenticate that user maybe you want to make sure they're authenticated first before they make any purchases or orders so that's the conversational app and Lex and then there's the SAS version of it which is sort of the same thing where you create this this Lex engine and then you could have that speak recognition into your own stop SAS connector or custom connector so here's some of the use cases there's a two or three I'll show you where we have sales where we have the users going to the API gateways SAS connectors into Salesforce Marketo is ENDEX and then we have field services so enterprise identity you log into sam'l there on the road field service rep they have access control remember talked about those three ways you can authenticate with API gateway with you know user pools or identity or custom off and then you use that custom connector into your own resources so really your you have their own resources in your corporate network that can still be accessed via the API gateway and sam'l connection and then the last piece where this is the kind of a visual part where we talked about book flight or order flowers where it goes into the Lex engine again goes back into API gateway authenticates them and then you have this custom connector to run into your corporate database to either query or make purchases post get whatever it might be okay so I want to switch over to the console and just run through a quick demo of what it looks like to create a project and enable some services on mobile hub and then we'll close it out for some additional questions so here I create a pre out just in case the project creation has an issue I've created a pre-application so to run it faster so I'm going to do is create an application in mobile hub or create a project sorry and then here's those feature cards we talked about they're not services or features so when you enable sign-in you could do create email and passwords that I want to do email username I don't want multi-factor authentication I want password link 6 and then I want to just for demonstration purposes uncheck all these and then create this so what this is doing behind the scenes it's creating that kognito identity user pools and identity a federated identity identity so then I can have login with the in the mobile app that we create that's fully functional for iOS or Android and then we can enable Facebook or Google here so let's go back here and then we talked about cloud logic which is the important piece where it's just you're gonna create a new with the API and you can give it a name think of this as we talked about like file sharing or chat or whatever it might be you're creating this API endpoints for careering and using the normal verbage and it's going to create the front ended if that gateway as a proxy and then it'll create the logic between the lambda function along with the permissions for kognito that we just implemented and then we have the conversational box which enables that and then also uses the same authentication and then the connectors here where you can connect salesforce Zendesk and HubSpot put quickbooks and then see the full functionality in the sample app so I'll run through since I've already created a pile show you that one and it really is that simple as you just enable this a few of these pieces throw some configuration in that's a fake configuration and you have yourself a fully functional app so you click here and then I want to say integrate in my app and then it'll have instructions for iOS Swift so let's say I want to download an iOS Swift app I have the project here save it locally and then I would technically unzip there's this is the same application I just created and you're gonna double-click on the project and here everything is put in and has that framework we talked about as the demonstration entitlements everything in here set up ready to go for running your application so we could run this on simulator and it'll demonstrate some of those the access to any of those resources that you can figure so I configured sign-in and so let's going to here it should launch my sample out and then I could sign-in I think our to create a user and I could sign in and now we have access to connectors YouTube datasource remember we talked about the public private so we have this public private piece now that I have authenticated I have access to my private folder and these are this is a single s3 bucket that you own that these users can access and then here's a demo for the connector prior to this I created this connector to Zendesk and it just shows you demo where you can go and authenticate to Zendesk and then call those api's so that's it so with that I'm done with my presentation I'm gonna send it back to Jerry and set up some Q&A and Thank You Dennis move over to our Q&A session here I'd like to thank you for the great presentation and I'd also like to thank Mohit Shrivastav and Dan green for the engaging our audience in our Q&A panel so right now you'll see the bottom of the screen you'll see three polling questions and one at the top of the screen we do appreciate your feedback on this now with that said but we also have the Q&A panel open on the left-hand side of your screen just go ahead and provide us feedback in the polls and any more questions that you have there and let's go ahead and start our live Q&A okay so I see one of the questions is how do I publish the ios and android app into the App Store so you can integrate into your own app so using the integration instructions there so you would follow the setup steps for Apple in their their requirements for their App Store and Android but we do don't provide the full end and solution for integrating there so you'd have to follow those steps but we do follow the standard procedures of using the SDK so knowing that you have that that a pray to go and you should be able to deploy those with those services that you configure so that's the nice thing is when you configure these resources there are your resources and then we need to go to create your own app you're publishing with your app it's not any of our code it's your code and it's connected into into your back-end resources and to let you know the the sample app is open source so you can go into the github repository and take a look at that code if you need to so before you publish you can see exactly what calls are being made what fragments or frameworks are being used and you can contribute if you'd like let me take it over a few can iOS Swift project created by mobile hobby using Xcode 8 I find when I import the project in Xcode 8 it wants to convert it to Swift 3 yes that's a new feature of Xcode 8 it automatically wants to convert all those Swift three we are in the process of not already have modified the the project code to be more Swift compatible which means it'll do that configuration so what does is Xcode it automatically wants to migrate any Swift to X code to Swift 3 and so we've modified the code so it should be a little bit more trend transparent so anything that is we've made prior so it may not be a full Swift 3 compatibility but it should be easy transition and using the Xcode 8 migration process and there's also some questions what kind of cost can one expect from lambda again that just depends on the use I would follow the the lambda pricing you look at there and it's very generous there's a free tier typically if you have just a standard chat message back and forth you'll be always being that feature if you and you know really low usage so take a look at that and then you can just kind of monitor you can also set up alarms if you go over like $2 if you wanted to say like I got to keep this within budget and try it out then the other nice thing about mobile hub is if you create these resources you can just go to the project and hit delete and it deletes all those resources behind the scenes so you don't have to worry about anything sitting behind there and again a lot of its free tier so you could play with it run it out and then delete the project to within mobile hub if you want the only SDKs or examples for cross-platform or to mobile development such an eye on it to framework that's a great question and we are taking feedback and we are constantly modifying a roadmap to take a look at those offerings we do offer the react native in beta or preview right now and we are kind of monitoring the success to that and so we'll take that as feedback and and try to get those in the roadmap considered priority again plans for cordova sdk again that sort of that cross-platform web application scenario so we're looking at all different sort of ionic cordova react native as things change so at the end here you can see the form so if you have any suggestions go ahead and provide some feedback in there or you know informed maybe some other customers or using that and we will consider that as as feedback for for later roadmaps can I use Cognito for an in conjunction with pinpoint yes it just depends on exactly the use case pinpoint is is the the SDK for analytics and it's also for the engagement piece so typically the the SDK setup so that most of the anonymous things can be captured like session and user activity and then you can tie that in with kognito as well so you could actually track those users doing certain things so the nice thing is you could use the users to log in but there's a pin point does not currently connect into that user and say okay that users did something I want to communicate them but you can use the device that that user logged into and you can communicate with that device so that's it for the Q&A thank you so much for joining us it was a pleasure to be here and they send go try it out let us know what you think all right well thank you Dennis I'd like to extend a special thank you to Dennis for the time and the great presentation I like to thank our moderators Mohit srivasa and and green for all the great answers to the questions that our audience has submitted today if you have any comments on our previous or upcoming webinars or suggestions on the topics you wish AWS to cover in future webinars please feel free to email us at AWS - webcasts at your feedback will help us to improve our webinar programming thank you to our audience for taking the time to join us today enjoy the rest of your day you may now disconnect
Channel: AWS Online Tech Talks
Views: 5,512
Rating: 4.7551022 out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, AWS, Amazon Web Services, cloud computing, AWS cloud, AWS Mobile Hub, Mobile Apps, Apps, Mobile App Testing, Mobile App Monitoring
Id: 8lBUM8R51ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2017
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