Deejay HARRY TODDLER shares his story 🇯🇲

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I am here fighting one of the original members of the scared em crew his parents named him Patrick Jackson what we know him as our a toddler for a toddler Linares poor things are they ever will have grown Sylvia now Ally's well most things yeah my things most things is well when I stopped eating the whole family bless of keeps them will be said blblblbl bond with with torture Rudy Montague always swam with beer gal beard galbi Alois will no no we don't know we don't know teach them watch your friends watch your friends were attic people Ferrari my lats bro talk to us early like place of birth isn't very what I was told about a 5 so true and then in a pod Jubilee car I was on deliver om delivery a five saw through it and then and about Jubilee I was through that of a father gimmick I'm a mother to myself yes I go yeah Yemen so big up can cut a man sir Jackson searchers research are a bit of the stealth you know what Simon general that in a moment of all the rule it's cherry you know sure want to clear ourselves wanna steer fit enough CF you know she's not to live here again yeah I'm a DSLR on Yemen that is develop my name of a water food and then I'm gonna stop delivery across all the island yeah man the money deliver burden instead the people a be able you know - officer Charlie siblings few are we my father I know I'm building so cars of the norm still meet some people as a member Dana Dana yeah so a lot away how much you know when we know are fired Greg Sheldon what is that about oh my that's it yeah that's enough everybody rod Devine what if about 100 11 yeah Norman Craig Craig Craig yeah my girl twice nearly look a bitter Creek Creek from vice Miriam little bitter yeah and a lot of us much but we lose the sister nakisha i'ma lose a brother also Christopher my condolences understand so we'll go to a lot family wise you know yeah way don't know you're my father mediate man [Laughter] school accredited school ok schooling started Webster Webster prep the Apache prayer purpura Yemen start from critical yeah you know thermostat from trip and they're never a virtue primary yeah and then from a virtue prime I went to Tarrant what my job water school seventh grade seventh grade seventh graders that school area you know I mean nothing like that's not what I mean that I wanted to know me say no I really wanna go back to school that's why I'm even get some to Torino I'm gonna do some class in at time okay cold answer more time on Wednesdays and then we cry did we get some tutoring and a Spanish some people chichay McCoy and I stand to do some tutoring some time and he looked campus is a thing you know what he said is the education part we never get much out because just to must are taught in a music shop early King we loved this thing so early it's like current time Iago school you have the Cox family just on respect- so much understand you have some people who had made me to Basim school a time and reporter school when Dempsey music tell Elena come at school we understand remember together in France sister let me just say yo you know how come a school yeah what they would like no se llaman get involve in our this bucket picking up the we meet a man get loved music so much mohab said sometimes they become a never get to don't school and further school so what was it really reason why you stopped asking real reason because sometimes I'm at an average and I'm not an I so that's all my stepmom came in stepmother in June it yeah my big up Julia means stepmom she grew me associate coming please no car sometimes you can find lunch money first and to terrapins its army listen here two cameras Boulevard yeah apparently up the road sir sometimes jump in but jump shot at not an amount so some more time number school one year not school previous a four year Google school to do not cooperate sorry dear yeah so this time I wrote in lab to make a la my kids the make it a priority make a Lamarckism get medication the sacrifice everything for them get that I understand and even a poor with the mother and even with my people them stupidness might I might left the mother but when I left the child and understand and more they have a cooperate with the mother and then the good and still they must be my child and good right so Gintama can tell a family are real teacher man eternal life education I wanted the team I'm sure I'd know it kind of give me a little beaten understand but carried a gas well we can't add them to a may be a slow reader but we still conquer ya understand so dynasty partner kind of true to myself in the cars that I want I'm alone le yeah and like it cannot go away it allows for a moment the truth stand forever but what's that Buckeye Lake OH two a toddler yes because I said it was a lotta we were not siblings and stuff yeah plus stepsisters an era and work mother stepsister difficult to I a made mention that one well the primary reason why I stopped going to school is because the finances weren't there right-ho challenging was it though as a boy growing up from a financial perspective yes I don't that's I mean wanna put it on teeth put it on TV because right beside me you have a a place where over here struck a beard things such as bully bleep mock realism is a place for true that's not of a vehicle to me when some of my other you to some bridge roomie know when they would've available if things aren't eating nothing who got the car mango but take some aqua to go sell you understand my emerging money and pops are over them freedom money at them parts peanut when I sent 77 Ariana Buckley and me I think link up with them to go to oscillate so the antenna missus all right now woman an avid remember I know she now but samhitas child is from Austin's so going on the road when the coma Butler boy and picking up model understand from the mo 10-year would start we started a mockery or 19 year was seriously so I just started and that kind of slope everything and then turned their I was one morning gettin it would a little milk on one party with some Wilbur vegetable night over school intern Dennis old animal study at school modern education and even I have a little piece of money near publisher by some lunch break with neom the next in the near money networks get launched and not inevitable Hickman are like yeah Samantha that's a mile of junior as a stepmom mukashi did step in he understand and to try is not me element we have some other kids with in the water she was like a mother [ __ ] we are man so after a chapattis after I stopped going to school you know jump off after a japanesse school what when I started it what were you doing because we were aboard wide 11 12 12 years old so are you doing after ninja for the school right after that no NLE patina and also most Auslan never selfie not because remember no never said peanut go up to a virtue what what content spring we are self peanut they'll vanish I know there were place William Shakespeare around plaza with yourself pizza in a shake in a tropical plants on its own when Shakespeare job every time I make a little money so we don't know Motorola Pizza Aled one buy a slice of pizza mango cell P not to just my a slice a pizza you understand so we did a pilot come up so yeah his Emmanuel's are also limited aperture intimate my love music so much because went on over ponder would know Karim stark army dot e re me up van gave up Lisa personally I'm a block copolymer awesome our chairman John 14:16 flux posture always I make some black awesome yeah what room is I'm I'm loved singing no so vote during a cameo getting a stepmom stepmom mm-hm what about me I love some butter but in a community my love sing macabre see we're in there are ume on Ebola yeah me belong on this team wingzza with winners land don't watch some winners winners learned I was he on Ebola rounded sugar mind that them tennis and support of people but the on Ebola was a little picnic look a boy and oh yummy boiler singer get to know Wow love sing to you know so from know meter starts in Solem stomach fat Ebola come you know come you to know what Ebola on the community right now so anyone with Tony was a fat Ebola so music tip over my soul no enough yeah starter on the community as flat Ebola Lena cement minor you have original ammonium Baca Dino's Marathi family ninja up a guitar yeah and jukebox Baca Baca you have a guitar no this is like in 5rk Bogota in free defy bhagavad-gita and every turn them time from primary school from come from primary school Kalyan what school yes I'm endemic a play guitar in front amis away she odd an old car Yaya sparkly copilot in auto pilot summer Aaron as a co-pilot and because I didn't even know Sabah pop I let me know Agrippa youth the Atheneum chappy culture agriculture Devin Clark Dana culture and even better from the mud Cockburn pen names income from the supercut era Indian preacher system artists they don't have the money on buddy no abdomen at the bodies are generally no Kibaki edema puppeteering he turned ammonia a master ceremony who was couldn't see the mundane plant Gaetano come back after two trees the man named still over a panic attack so when time inch into a dummy feeble cinema watch them and watch them on watch the man show me love singing no winner so when coming in company with a museum Ebola when cami start signal baka didymus Alpha Team all consider Sangha for me since the minute way have been down and and to immobilize it as a tournament element for that tournament enemy's enemy we know who telomere telomere and yes one never on the community so they must attend a know so it nominally I'm too late master bowler you know what see any from open ketchup at my tempo can support me I said yo man I read if it gets a pocket you know I have to communicate Katya June and will beat me I'm gonna go get me the from mom originally money and I'm gonna get meeting from I was junior yeah yeah little bunny I miss my I don't know we are Bokashi I'm doing it at my friend underwater themself alumina plant in one damage it me up yeah some of us I know you will the world be nuns Alan I see an Ebola be a singing like the please a my utonium Burt Lancaster Burt Lancaster no hemoglobin strike Alice Trudeau hiya Burt Lancaster legal blocks Prince Gregor few a young artist we got a young artist the me and Prince bird are you not my little you would you have single any money for you he must seem in a cigar me as you know how I was a singer the form of comedy G yeah Sobotka DM time signal battery is a total at Imola so I'm a touching November Somalia cinemas sing a lemony jailer yeah they must sing Alameda I need Jana some of the charities yes it now I am NOT - with my life not gonna sweet my life gonna sleep well at my fat mom pit because not enough people have a five-month somebody my demand Impala TRL them stop meet your doom still communicate enough we're no but [ __ ] man P we know Soleimani my co these jagged be Dragonball of automotive engine no on the street McNabb no more look when you're sweet millena sweet money night I'm balcony I mix enough I'm Superman I'm a bizarre look I'm sorry was it me I look at Sally Prancer look watch which one to purchase me the pot you look sick I'm uh I'm a girl and Iraq they say just let me look at us PS animal I'm a creeper give them an answer look watch you [ __ ] - Porsha sweet the pochi lobe said sit and the man in real again I'm soo nice god we have to get take long to get our hours between a DJ get that flower that's Oh God not machine a car not me to my dog my DJ night and she leaves apart nobody Gia bajalia hear me no [ __ ] moly if a deed Jetstar [ __ ] him or if it needs yeah I'm [ __ ] movin iminium yeah it did not come and ot re them crime a cotton ball or law but no tre was our needs you we are borrowing money without artistry of not Eric so the man said Noah uranium no t arena yeah so if I Union Burt Lancaster can go BA strike alley over group Valley and Burt Lancaster cannot go but strike alioramus a true mercalli as italian eat Jenna Middle America one lyrics no mmm no new pump pops the man giving them a solute in a big yard upon and not know so they are making a military experiment a lyric snow come out I didn't see if Aditya and copilot them say yo yo oh yeah eg then can you have me 1/4 foot punch somebody I'm gonna be a foot a foot bunch of money Avalon France yet never sleep in our childhood party yet yeah some of us are no teach and be the one lyrics and Merc Lancaster semi go about number one student am strike a leaner liquor you what you know little people is a tip me at 13 Gilbert never come yet May 13th for mobile strike Ali Mohammed straight Ally no on Burt Lancaster we are going s to demand Prince Greg I'm a super manga manga little man our next you to a commode car to bird landed emergent a back and forth while yeah next door and comical Studer the cabin does not go over here at the malukas a man under a sink to a manga you would a q45 is rhenium the interest of PMD interest and amassing - mojo an amazing to mooch arena karma smooch around they know the intended booty no [ __ ] reality on impairment but in manga manga I look like him new or talk like a minbari one damn thing that in manga and we select better when he of the angels are singing to him but Burt Lancaster know them yeah Samaritan can stop coming in at our country area and after them Thomas let them come over his shoulder meaning but no Sam whatever signal at the tweener my murder Lancaster was father was truly enough but Prince Grand Prince took our advice I say ear I want advice column and so on so it's also perfect if so like that one we have a boss contempt and apnea we only wanted him well we've done a run champion have some people him but we treat autism and then money only certain people aren't too much seeing them kind of people surrounding foreign Sangha and so on would shut him up vice principal tonight yeah and that condom no not my first printing on the Bedouin EMD interest there didn't have a passage everybody a second early just I have a scene so I only I'm curling around today so but they are sing sing so and they are you but the cancers like to feel kinda like oiled I'm a good mood Julie put water on me i me i'm prince was the youngest us oh yeah and children bizarre signal and so on good you nobody underestimate him far above a mere peanuts and give me a Pepsi Bashir from there and Prince okay forget macaques let me so on good yeah and I feel fine I won the bar famous and i was i mean i'm oniy i mean i think i'm a tourist anyone give me a Pepsi and I'm not peanut that's time I respect the interest to not even know it is there money la Aguada at that not forget that food to them did go away then we'd go away in the night no Burt Lancaster tell him and minium strike Holly semicolon jet is enough um no Theory no car Burt Lancaster not familiar with the potty Mala Mala and Stryker said nah man smarty named no tre already but I'm alright let me hear you whatever one in from a bill from the boss that starts in one lyrics no numbers aren't sing and two prints waxing the door wanna sing never get black singer now I need J no I mean I won music I'm not gonna feel that my flatmap just one yeah and then next time gonna be fresh some of us has it that one anyway I McCartney will Mariah a McCartney will know why yeah a McCartney will mirror on it well me a table the walls to the mushroom way I'm cutting a wheel in a key member I am caught me laughs awesome this know what look Jessica it reach a leak on this study yes some of us has a big man metal DME father me Tony Baldwin Paulo finna tell you what a matron big man with understand so this zone aggressive and soon about strikers advice it advice this is my surprise it won't come according as he knows you wanna tell me him do you wanna tell me a month and it under my decide that he said see you want a near month alright this one I get many a man whose it yeah anybody did it oh yeah McCartney you know why our McCartney real rodent well my Affinia me know I'm they intended to young me young me never know what's a toddler Oh didn't know yeah so I'm a normal attack poor you for Kali Mata Hari tadpole and the man said normally I'd pull a bullfrog but I was at do bananas this is a toddler is Oh master I return lemon if anillo always a big mana like a boy I got a big money our third lemon so they're my play time I said yo no fixed a solid don't see any I'm Fatima low-dose alien fat Ebola Shane was a when tiny comical item which Baca welcome members to Dominican from the first time in a stoolie dissident in America Germany originally and community anywhere anywhere string up anywhere musica player de madera it's a jewel box of a punch freedom Mahakali Oh Mia Thermopolis American Cal was suitable muhuali field would appear teams every night natural parameter target amateur in vanilla if enough I sent our tents in the carport example some more times what a jukebox and we attend say of near IR somebody who know Charlie Rd if I wanted my name come and give you a 10 cetera prices that I really important card my earphone cherub and my ears I missed a shot of the whole community if I'm rigid money America bias own God Surya Bwana Sunoco intercompany Caribbean in general eric bakker Enid Elena when I also focus on Sri Ramana jukebox Taliban Martin Amis a casino emotional car winner visitors were reinforcing plan on do we know Gilbert come Drago by us on rear area Gilbert from Gilbert coming up idiot no but before I give me a component or meaning come up from step marijuana to tell me say it was a ear to ear sure it here dance the King German King is 1985 in Germany the plan to eat its end either five good middle six she Turner said it was born with Z and a man named Matthew a pit dance a walk a slang so miserly could pick up buckle Monsieur back to Nam incomplete and meanie it's moved about me that mean it never reached by the king a downside people me right now my professor is but not know if in forget is I don't know but feels broad meaning I don't care when Tommy Amina before the battle Katya was a buckler boy also when it being a buffer plumbing of the muffle input of the elbows are my area but can't forget in semi-arid asana boy what you don't know your are having a no card is close to Otto's no come from part I mean no wonder Luca mama you have the friend in an untold number fearsome beat everybody so the elbonian put up i'ma go sambar [ __ ] machine pop Orchestra bug and put it nice yeah to be mocking them Straub was a night to know tonight that would the other dance till he Gina blonde no no digital want me look ensure children let's see who you is Aditya but yes or no George will and the number one ninja new one is Shannon kinda remind when iam Jewish the wheel Jewish the wheels do what you will do that you tell him would have glad if that money uh Norman iam in time I understand Fatih Birol among feels good what the months have come in being a man everybody they could teach them everybody way up one German them know him I said calm down being a man anima dearly my sink any my shot I never feel you have no answer Nelson you know you tell me to let me come up Kissimmee I'm coming on this flower windows needed I'm coming in too many buddy Joe Torre one yet yeah cinnamon I need upon a big Kingdom in just a thought Romanian or funny that we'd be in it from that deal so everywhere we go and we have math Lena the Assam Bureau you're pleased him sambira serious comment janessa uh William sambira Samuel and Samuel and cannabis and me are you - no sir Mina I'm gonna pay attention to the big people have done most admirable yo fun Iranians but manaphy attention to them that conjured what my Sudoku you even a my each bracket a DJ attention to make sense some ago someone please dim sum mirror land but some your lunch are Sameera loud Angus eiu Ponyo Mariska Benji Christo issue and whisper men judge do much of the world please all the mixed tired of our genome I um II am Vanessa John was terminal bud me so that no I don't know next please know what I'm sayin Benji Armenian I um Goldie one place them tree you yeah DJ Norma said no yo-yo after be colored tree mr. tree at him a much of the place every time for acts being you know most minions I mean we're scolded the art is very emotive article you would ever say you're in my Belgium clashing you should sure now clutch one night but you doing a bad job one man JD with badness and this is a meaning being ally with long lyrics means I need some wrangling externally and then tender when you are willing to experiment but being a bench attitude if right star and being Lang lyrics right something I said Nova buddy next you know in bad enough but Truman have seen from the night time them in a sealed but developed on the place on Irish and Germans Kasia maxvill Avenue I'm Sabina man this a boat after Gilbert no up a Gilbert experiment knowing about Kangol same shirt to career I travel Fox know the feedback will you dismiss it but him looked rational animal course Admiral I'm across Georgia really see a money without giving a mic in the / errors soul anemic was damning so no sadness atta boy am I beat him enough to demolish the big man them but guess what minivan was Eric in my work our American a second defendants told me anything ever and do you know it's like we have what junk no many cultural in certainly a materiality of mighty diverse income and wanna sing our would consider money I do them cannot go on please bein back wall Makua a jungle Guam equality on the mass of the water over it the storm incarcerated in town definitely Dickie Rankin starbooster rocker dick around kingdom and the money over dinner and some other people you know them over at own born as I ought here with a mic up here with the demikhov Pierre me with now the ma boy ma boy oh damn tell me are you in the message the muscle work on Gina they must have you know all right I'm gonna focus on me I'm gonna vomit my dad's Last Theorem understeered up Tina Oh chef Sarah Selena then going them reach and I'm going there T feed from summer for the event and I didn't but I did the island Alakazam mei-hua I didn't I didn't get my freedom so me a sermon here I'm at that Superman people prone to you know but it's been a good at you paramount beat me yes I'm gonna wanna meet an economy I get me in a getting a luncheon I mean I know we were working up so no one that's you know future you know like the boss answered any culture yeah boy enough group amok while the it Papa Pollock out to reach earlier never punk upon its own but Yemen rock on its own do you know [ __ ] old blood down country rock up zone not concern and going mucho conscious or stop singing I'm Juan I'm bagging machine which one please BMI Williams feel member said Gilbert Donna like come under the wall please and they were like the crunch anger but nice not so meters were I won't work on [ __ ] I'm gonna miss this he knows a two-man wanna party to arrest him and what the party came but the middle a are singing occur we are sing on to earn a black abyss the talking stop talking stop that earlier money Muslim stuck I'm starting meet him someday no stock and the enemy the woman it was a to Talman comes tunnel to tell man comes tunnel trusted em comes turn up then the culture thing werewolf when a single loop on the rest of my name attached the slip China I'm a single shank him I reckon one be my record you know 20 rebel cheese's please the man gave my record she the monkey in the record a fresh new GS coming in town a sangria planner you know something I think our talks to redeem not know I'll compute name Tamiya 14-year welcome gabigol is looking and everything a sentence in a might be enough you have some cells on my brain stem complex said [ __ ] so I'm clear the song for the mandem fresh DJ's coming in tone one me look mangoes I said German I give me the mic Monta the mic from me he in the mic yeah mine cart my cart no Alamos in but when I record it I even that when I Ricardian one him to Mike car we hear the month on a recurrence time I said that we mean the Michael ammonia I stone but yo summer Geetha Mike mangoes are stop Italian goes a speedo right the monomer is right men by no our life a ten-cent give it at random yeah we know say yo first on the panic said the motor my song upon an excited so 200 my par between yo when you redeem start clear demands I hear a notice the number for this year some guys were coming bimbo me monitor garnets the minds of people in over one rearrange these tornadoes on a single upon each a come in bimbo come on get bin by the mic man minor and get beamed by the mic I don't know what or nobody I don't know be mama come from don't be shy Williams field we're not know what the body doing I'm gonna feel like a stuck I'm a combat zone I'm feel like I live a pretty stack to pick ax star when the police car you have gue some culture I'm kidding them to you the from them are talking about much of ever way to I knew that you have some kids start them out so me feel like a kid star at a time when bimbo sing and then get to honey and to anything in libel and trio then was them sing and I'm saying until then - should I read Emily I put her next video which them to Manya them up summer long lyrics I me a little I will you accept money I clap so mean I'm get my cash 11 and I'm accustomed to tonight the money nobody nothing until you know the main body of the money I'm sink one the motor anybody my name's in fun never serve riddim what we are we love you my song EP you got a fast car when I stand up and I broke my neck Kamloops infinitum that no mundo sweet but lighten up on the sweet but make the Machine level at Montpelier in Indiana I went Italian Americans ever sing that was romantic music channel money money but their money lyrics too long and people are a real car the please get full up a door-to-door blonde bimbo me never forget that dealer so when the market and these are close to us the festive season close to this a minor so enter we come back at all know the real me ignorant and he's like a motivation that still no yeah Dan was a master Ayatollah pieces weren't about crude Marvel Avenue so nice owner only no money I'm Sony I was so around here I'm gonna buddy Jen I'm already know missus Nefario cumbersome agua countrymen I'm gonna get a holy passing enough Turner blonde bimbo diem come check when a mic from me I've seen the whole night you know so really the first thing anyway next man me Messina I'd from joining them to come here I found em come across theorem regard to the Atheneum man asleep - teapot I'd do it somewhere now we have a panda business you know Singh Parmar can you get down the field Vic someone that's a mop fruit which I'm a crude and I sing that tell you Soren mango say the plate add members to them camera too familiar with no plate no soma said alcohol up buddy man what - nope you tryin to top plate unlike many colors are at Donna Carla yes sir so nice my adopted from Nina listen I'm nearest I read on me yo identical chart on the front Macario ie money start something I probably military singer the Messiah a cave of stop start tomorrow man give me money no poorly simply responding to hear them tell achievements total of them Sputnik so here I don't know what is the bridge indeed given me but let's put let's put the cap for the good man to tell them instead putting together what is enough someone take my dream and start this put nakhon feel good the other student Amaro I'm go about Chuck start talking about Chuck start first time I'm gonna Chuck stop I do end up getting a general Dina and I you and me enjoy running dope man you know Sammy said cheer them and somebody be on your mark but one truck strap broke over there then the culture singing to one of us at a time now we know Jared me about what about find cheer 1 min and Frenchy and look clean like it was already showered I you do know that you will tell what a bleep yeah and one day the when you me and Juwan you're not much they must say know about Indian demand any culture talk I didn't put a champ with more with me mother yeah Amanda my shock and then 100 I'm a shuttle son know when I'm stuck with a man see him similar kind of a Sunday murder and farm and when I'm like you know what just community sound so I see it when we are murder in farmer Winterhawks not acting shanty Meena probably drunk or angry shot him because what chaos al-hikmah shot him I mean he has many article it me shot him he understand mad weekly OSA and I run the Pliska everyone to please no community them send a copy but people are Martin so a bad things with a felony G so when Tamia sing a song they know coming at me to the first song and do it good but the second song he had me come here oh no tablet they are one turbid column tell me remember some of us eat whenever Molina a menorah beans in Mohali them I'm a being seen somebody go platinum or their money fool along lyrics to know I am along with Philip Eric are dinner so that looks over that I know not as people have a fat man P kawaii I'm a cutting wheel came up on the plate yeah Shawn Manawa why I'm a cutting wheel come on one month is not a man-purse I'm not doing it and guess what I ruined her bread and then it calls a comment son so in the two and a half I mean the one a half it's so much sold money I'm Sonia know mango sang mean $200 gentleman give $200 the man was on him a for $20 as a toddler met a bigger star I made it more if you get 120 members say meetings a mega $20 are attending the we are Peter King negative yes the line oh yeah it's an idea to let me get heated earlier do you even feel good I've been reached by Makana mr. Charlie do you know mark so my friend Emily perhaps the oh my our own they're only a fabulous pnina hi Abdullah yeah look at my captain Delana be all remember some wanna touch it dinner and chew me up your ID from a stepmother area data culture that Carla you know some younger country the money I had from a step Moreno yes a no semi agua conch with any group money boss no fear no fear neither single street at Santa Cruz those are in Turkey and the boss no concern enough Athena when I write I swear to God I've got a little bit the doctor sewed enough appear marita crunch with both same to the lineup or diet yet still Richmond member said OMS pendemonium sir mr. Conte you know what was the culture night is not reach our country that night though so you were sown a player 1 plays in Canton mountain gave a sodium than one damn thing a sentence and Iberian a king they have a sodium done one up Lear it's when me go no to Mia got on you I'm going and sewn up Liam bar today it was Sam by supporting the cars putting committing three months putting it all has put Nick very yeah so damn time we come up when I'm alive no we'd say we call me elaborate you know we partner with the watch bug peep about anything idea consciously I'm left with the same I can sing in a god yo take to draw a second ago on their nose ask me governance of us sing will have the owner everybody come to answer your the more dope live again remember saying I'm on a boat I need since 65 Lennon pocket I so you know yeah look look like until next month to know me and say you know what I know me a pinch it anyone see more no play it and then equal just turn away agent you know man you made a monument what tone and the man must be more than $50 once a team at its time at the core drug in the 50 minimize you know banking MPF your to that no go go go go back at rock stars go bucket trucks tournament bullabbai attend what's a samsung like a Madison or near me and Giovanni let me somebody nevermind Kappa it was talking about two months let me someone but then I move over yet like in juris a CSR money I'm going for my Tennessee what we're we're passing it you know what to be able to defeat Amanda mind with your body but that's when I want you can't I now confirm don't get nobody know anything dr. feelgood never government country with any culture enormous tear tone kind of my own men him sent to me our area and fired me I'm Kara me and I myself after they are no katisa boat close to some festive season that the world would go pick up maximize our I'm here I should now but I beat you get everything good yeah after war dance yeah alright so from Eagles Nest gonna egos just mumble are gonna bumble on then become wannabe coyote me it is so come back from the buckaroo was the no virgin by a so dragon was sodium black poor upon the car enemy mi Union Comanche Comanche I'm calling from Hollywood commercial oil please and my CEO judge must have income from the machine cut from the adobo be please go below medium mild word wpm means I am in the manual shows I said family ended up in the manual show out sooner so tune in tomorrow on the show snow in demand alligator shows don't we love Damon was a security needs a man you on the anybody even happy to send Jackie I'm gonna get beaten it's a yes or no damping about project hunting right or in a 75 million yeah an intimacy know what Comanche money from the global operation but Maria Gentile in demand mg and Jim iam car enzyme an EMV card inacol China maximum as a boy awkward 4matic move on ago if it's it even happen to say they cannot going son in demand impart to people freedom I about intimacy income from dominance or in motto just simplify development era we have a mother calendar a medium will get so we seen the net the missing on vibrator work managed block prints in name kissy Kissy same awesome ever met the community of them get our own since all right five-oh five-oh inevitably maka d-danny culture subculture agriculture army five first unit so teach naturally dastar some them said German so many other Germans no no this is Germans no I asked everything changed of my life King German everything god bless st. Lucia roared who are those people Manasa I respect much love yes I it's when time heals he said Germans apply and Street Avenue Madrid and intro another buck and buck are my beloved German whenever Germans MIT neum remember so we come over to my life no no there must a Cuba we them saying goodbye la la fiesta Camino King one dollar they are sticker in the Cuba one dollar so then send goodbye fives the curry dinner then give me more five my Quran and then give me two billion and you go to the mind I look a 14-year period me to be afar but to be this big mountain goat me cool beer they never say in a german english 2-day yard you know what i'm going their members a goodbye minutes each other in a car to pass a yoga strap on oh no oh yeah Oh a simple a blanket riddim car with no sooner on Shopify so it somebody threw some something the one I move believed Ocampo believe do not come for when I know what [ __ ] Valley do a cop over the matter lady on in the message I would have felt I'm beefing up on a silicon you know someone m here Bristol yo really Magua Guatemala I mean items are turn dominium knowing about somebody's about period of mind about Chiefs women are we talking about inner city and some people have I'm seeing busy let me let me see Jack radix demo Wally artful rural yard full a star Papa Sun and you name it slowly at full Malibu Danny had fullest ARCIC so me feel good but drinkable beer life work a car gets I'm a stroke trust each other mr. Damon a parametric Ibaka yeah but should be no summer so much and somebody old message you know somebody to my value but somebody I'm gonna star or no I'm not I'm from my planet are leftist I will have hives smoke off the weed smoke out the world cigarette drink up the Miriam returns to her the money made me first thing is refer you to the norms an Italian body every single Erasmus so went and world Amanda Marc Condit I know it's Elysium engineer when we know from striking in studio in miss in a German job student apprentice enough its apprentice summers apprentice me as a blog NASA engineer advise not posting in a life invites why I'm a cotton Wilma feel good let me tell hurts yes your feel good feel good my charity money was my Tamim Jericho sweet uncomplicated while the Galleria air Paulo so if people have changed from striker you know what's really what them is are different living here so the magnum p.i misses you some of us are sir a black which area runner William I start while mango first one tier toddler one tier month welcome Emma into the winter my name Qi and you know so it come again what about you engine starts exploit stroke maestro Konami up yet my mind if I were not a yeah Orton it's true they add too much time looking at yo Thomas and she'll be gone through that Jamaica Plain that yeah it was a meeting he said to redeem us you know he must work are ugly message number so I said one more try Prentice Prentice the only man she was not among even one more challenge point it was quite adopted to time already enough unless the omean spoiler and you come with the to to know plutonium it never spoil it this only yes a what start singing again spoil me see the man walk or to the stood the man let's get the manager code the user carry me and PSC must work what yeah and him I mean I looked at someone who sat on me you see I Union blackness Tennessee de beer young beer jung da-jung some young star or one of the Spears you know buddy boy would know where come from Bernie American Lena good one look was an engineer come back in when engineer come up kima sir but i wanna come in without tired reply side with my mama allison is tired enough but my never pay attention to it before remember some of Ali's not seen time growing up my mother I mean stepmother a bit about nobody a damn it where is all this look upon a man at that point I that kaya that's all the money I made upon a man no impede them look how here I'm a loop on the man that's our mother and I say Noah come as clever McNamee Alena Marzio y'all did want a madman I'm not PSE walkie now so get him out of my life said of course I'll get him out of my car French is not even sir get him on the mic you know members apprentice walking first qubit and walking hafta Prentice when time he is he walking kisses walk what was given us say in about my mother I'm stroking it from all along the money enough he attended my premiere something thin bony old man mommy a princess swap with him today so I put him there this is 1988 the Kalevala my lab transcript in a music pupa time look upon a pupa the black prince carpenter named Jerry good on target as some anniversary dinners I squirted the most ardent ways the most from Germans they could not read I could read a bit from yes I may get a lotta he chose to do understand so winter keep tempers and said that progeria car or dune appeal or Nietzsche marker Medina soon Manuel America's a big things I wanna talk about a pocket a block good it's what a man set up my master obvious dear Tsubaki Becerra seein cotton Dana what him say it slower obviously a balcony them say it and say it slower capitalist says big things about the way ornaments it mean what's it you have a grill in a German table room no sir all the grill I may not agree about you never know you never feel that I am a tip no super super monster this is silly really run off and a monster gun talk you live sir mr. Parker mug like abductor it's a long time your Papa Top Gun talk you lip service support yeah but like over yeah long time your pop it up pop it off nearly four months apart cough its Aleut nobody there be a mere we fun every Monday starts a puppet off I oughta wear your puppet tough in a stop and then pop it up be a puppet up in the world please connect a lottery with a puppet after breach yeah so the we're old man do the job undo this understand our code different payment done were called Watney were caught you remember some of Chrome David I came understood a with balcony identicals an article that cyber culture in the world him it's when he mad I workout for work or to write the typically no it's when captain got you the griller master important a place better right it's a look funny man Korea wonder who is this person with dispersed on em Saturn later bud Oh them sabaha lead atoms in the bond a matter what machine was Iran yeah if you put them understand my work on like in in here few people it means sure my name and I'm felt someone answered to me a Chaba I'm a slack it was on are wrapping around with Johnny P friend money Apophis so you know if I you can't office to my ramp with Johnny McKee I forget them to you know valued but I ran with toughest on yeah you ponder money no it's the one time my budget already the motor I do a long time with inner is true they are everywhere here but internal public forum connector that money say no one no night calm demeanor kardama leukemia and clarify I mean as true they are and Germans are about forget about you before going back to minions truly under in bed and I watch early stardom car quote the world's tournament I look upon them and iguana will arrive in a few them I mean once the Keirsey care system and everybody I get money the money to operate karna no I'm saying that's a con man convo up like a boy around here I'm PA local boy I'm ta yo you're coming in and you gotta back up you're on cabinet you have an easier but I get welcome very apartment you'll get me acting you know my freedom are thinking I mean I've been a bit about Angela OQ CRP know that karamaneh get a [ __ ] don't let them reach I need and kill sister laughs are for me my name's got laughs are for me but it's lovely my lap up I mean member said when the moves but pyramid army not equal a bonus and I hear me now you're not you know you're not wanna say I'm gonna be a commander named assemble work or live the world among them from over to geo shop where I work with everybody from British shop I work well if everybody some above a big here 22 cameras Boulevard so I go over the yarn of over in yeah dinner and come like me no one on the food could let me know wanna know star it's the next year seven o'clock in the movie about what about damaged enough the next year you know who's submit you can ask the man ended in a live interview that Manya when they were running to it Ronnie tweet it's about work on the early morning Ronnie tweet in Romanian judge our fridge were sell things judge was a penny area but a famine or the color early mana meat are you from Monty Bob everything that I remember everything that macadam I said walk walk walk walk but it's memory route but I'm there early morning I went time I did I run into its image as a rag 1 million vitamin have no money mikeraboy crept past the camera at lunch McAllen granny fiat see me I run into it go sir I'm given an SEM your sensor man said mantra by to bug juice a mere paper that's ampion bug juice I am fully my bug juice abdominal Montillo for a champion are pepsiman our Argentina senator Biden the nagas by the man come back by the non-combat one go son shot one I didn't think we overthink a little man - yawning give me one with a monkey more on their dinner that's a smoke cigarette oh yeah - I'm a piranha I'm gonna I'm at around I'm indeed until mr. Doyle please just pull up as a tag of entire ride home but then she and in front of my tongue I'm gonna get boss and get boss I wish I run going over N word might be there me - come on look Jimmy I'm rippin em up in amount consider money is a meeting somebody are Germans cut it was the NRDC a minor so the wall are eatin am spent from the roadside examines sano-sama get phenomena for eutteum coming up we can go - to die - cutting a seven-year that I'm nervous fool no one you have anyone in openness I guess I know becoming our evidence able sit here to turn myself a song go and shop around Kim was a person what mean you're off what shop around you know on general economist in some a gun a star dr. McCormick's cognizant of sidon people had that's a channel no it's a key burden on me when time is a teammate I know me see how our kid are you were thrown it wanted me knock but it's when I'd come down now forget to go in at the studio never come down carmen was to the front seven o'clock in Anna Manning so when time reach nurse to deny even time if Alec Rwanda pleaded a guitar ed part the follicle one engineer no and true the Messiah al Qaeda Korea carried my the Sonya in Folsom and it's like a slaughter yeah so to them thing to know it give me privilege it's more time as I do like Italian Kizuna pet comes clad run out the place so my 90 start no energy add 1991 singer one son Germans I'm like it could've told in our yard 1990 it song was that valuable lead go to your look good under pressure me jolly Wally so that time I know you know it's true you know so many will be able we had known me nice to do and like a song when I was Spears the so ammonia him I think a Concord when I saw Menachem extruder and the capitalist people in a samasya Carly right smack and us Madame Irina your car super cat he f1 car discard summer car somebody did kind of stuff come examined intended yeah so full-color I'll go and get him there and then tell my Twitter is Carla magna carta in a big cars one Colossus somebody Somali manova Carter tourism somebody's been a tool in a demeans so the Monday about photobook watching the frontman until night same up one little I can concoct up every month someone else in over a map one plate the plate of a poem on Cena Cena grinds man ambien but grants mondo Tennessee that poor man shutteth so one Spears the 1 billion or each it being original might wanna add remember Tom a comedy team thinks steely-eyed no member Prentice you see impersonal with the traveler and a Woodman keep don't forget the my girl and a man I recommend me now and resume theater mile circuit in scheming become familiar by Australian within yourself though it's not a killer King the surrounds above that is that when 20 cent in Alice Tudor would pull up be a young actress my own the about someone right now miss Adella can't believe that I'm the motor Musical and printed sir Concord make and I'll do it tomorrow but soon and producer turned on the gold fine son I remember I know what mr. Cubitt I did it sir go and talk your lip service the park remember Sammy Gopala Connie and I'm not really back early I'm back he's intelligent I may quote make something about someone who splits up man I mean lost okay it's a gun [ __ ] it was a good pint your masseur get tonight and if you're not putting them out and there it was on the life go and find your masseur get tonight and if I were up on the mountain a little was gonna live here for mature pundit gunfight father someone a fool a killer tell him one time here Foreman see when me gon pull follow pull a killer a house full here full miss innocent yeah when was think that no older song about practice them and damage the minute them like it yeah so princess attended after the bad son and so some of the arbiter in the Indian Ocean from the DA mr. Kamath on the flip that we're there so when time the so much are at time that we remember is no winner a beer kill Edna are getting I went wanted a special they'll give it a tear in 20 mile any start do not cut them kill them but th e la targeted Oh Symmetra special myself a no forget that special for myself the bossa nova in shock right now Concord no sat on the contrary see exactly 473 but yeah and what sir I shut it obvious I'm in shock today we're there as Professor as already everyone then do a pull what mere flower my teen kami I get a flower the newer putting on be able in step in and someone I said yes somebody I don't know just when I didn't get it curly runs about some bug a man died around the man only pallium get his peers you know are you ready excuse me my USBs I'm Marion not even stop it friend enough stop it never stay to my casa I mean me or Minnie I mean I'll say oh I retied love mo weird come on give me buddy Mike as I started some started I'm a good pint you must have one yet tomato need to make up nodosum started you know 70 a becoming beer being sing a song um it me Angelica calm down from the big guy agents attribute means I'm gonna sell you do not innocent am going there will be higher he showed or won the same I said well wanted Cody runs bring the bomber chrome or want it ninja man 1 anniversary the CMI on the cubes mmm all be available iron again card will or beer Breanna carry on in the dog room this is not a stage II know do we imagine and the carry on Assad is the want them or want it you know once through the outer door everybody as who wanted instrument a miracle and it's at man demeanor music katya ranks them turned and Amanda governor wall blue ninja man he must have something that NASA NOAA the way my lyrics belong wanna get by the Mike the dog bleep almost done come on Tina so yes or no you certainly look upon the youth yes sir all the money man Karim assembled upon Germans were one year inner wall are eaten I mean annuity no and as an advantage that started as a big knock scale our multi-beam winner there was the mango stuff and get the morning be able and get the money on care on general economy say the man can undo the lock on gimme one gimme the enjoyed Elena mi Union Fidel never eyes because mangoes I would apply to the istick and Judith I said what I'm not gonna fight that I know I'm think I went and I wanna get what maybe I'm secular family I'm a greedy in five dollar company be no sorrow and gender loving it I am calm but fiddle demand everyone down the Adam Manik Basha Admiral million until the final everyone the yard if you have fiddled friend nemanja bjelica high-risk Avenger part oh and then 5mm Ito very solemn firefights of Verona job INSEAD Romero shot for the stardom come on yo the car go to Cuba turn so make it all and change them I said I might look Ozzie I might all right let me get a wall to change em well be able you ain't given to arm the bills but I do a run after I get the 20 like change to get fidella $5 let me look mr. billion come check me on him and give me two more $20 and a $10 and say no to Angela and give it in special my dinner mother special button are you Jim but you know from this I know it must airman thus to us he has to demand but Marian demanded Amanda text accident and another please i'ma say no say yo Nana come move never mind some onion peacoat me a man polish at our boat agony polish americium onion peacoat muster yo nobody i magnin peacoat you know but I want I'm going about you know I tell him some wanna condemn Telecom that would know them and be able in jumping our taxes I'm caught you know being going to the Germans and did it seem afar were their area and they meet us here at our earliest myriad car grinds Juan de Marana after yard and you know sejoon achat them there and do we know I look a privilege there's true they are no one but there I'm plenary and I have liquor Robert we see them undone the might you have done the might so many Oh boom that and a sodium white star then I run a program for sodium white star but Wyndham dynamite dynamite no dynamite look a knock then I might remove like in what sorry that's a good idea and dynamite to my cell just like a key I'm going when I telemedicine robot a cheap copy our Spanish tore my won-won pseudonyms or ended up vibes might say ownership caramel or do I want something for white star enough car lock up do the intro I'm going to the intro con mi familia know about the current relative do tuna yeah empty never set me up yeah if it is a good start sir I need to come to the engine whether the intron dynamite start each year in there I'm a teacher lollipop will pass only nodded answer session and a car I only personam shamrocks to another car and special mud Vanessa my you want your money muscle yo shut no my do a German GP spear month I saw on Monday Leah and I say your toner give me a combination of I mean I'm dynamite you have combination the communism you are dynamite no dynamite a sister Jenna Mia come check on a tomorrow Missouri in never believe a Spanish throne so the next year I think on the next there are few days after you know something even students in our code some were cotton is a - with a - youth but you - mercy give me a me and Johnny Monty Anka mmm Simeon's I wanna unbolt a comment by no it's not time I ain't no in a car come deploy a tire it is all about form is that I know Sonia Mowgli my 8:10 awaits a tired man that damaged the other I'm putting in Zumba sooner saying what's right no cars so it's a grand my name is Diane them both with me telling them was funny to poem on them sometimes I hired me aware no not my type different to you know silk attire to like with saengil democracy time for exam but you know from a while go to the studio one born here means our money and bounty hunter but black and I said yo when you're apart coming man you're a fool Department going fight father so many macabre that special when I saw no mercy were any a black hawk so mean what no I'm a cynic killer my India particular ask you ladies yeah because I look dumb their answer my apply represent kilogauss an unsure mean Diwaniyah under the boss the abdominal me you say you're stuck in our means I wanna talk if you know I see him time dynamite as a toddler no kickin us a union partner I'm say yes don't I'm sorry you didn't plant them and say yeah you must have done to my camera for good for Norman same time you know when I work with me I said I bought it over to the boy ever we have ogives tutor and I'm going to play my lips I'm all along you know truck star some handsome boy some trucks are in play me lyrics the Karma they tell me no I mean now looper means I'm in a pure man now anti-static on dynamite condenser yo Carla Bemidji listen I'm on container and Ontario Yemen and then let them into our program okay okay I was sent Thomas to our song man and I must say you're a very you know you're the mud song some some animal dynamite you are combination is cm dear I will turn virgin he understand so it come like little coaches Carnot well know what time is I mean that's a little cochina yeah what need to cut you just just like an Eskimo ice so the only part thick jeans and shut up jeans and Cochinos look in look like emboss already arm and so also coaches you look never looks shoving it from in front of words ominously using so complex to demand some see you know each other black coach innate introduce want eater uncle T so we are not on Reginald also so is that like dynamite a say about yourself a know when I will have eyes on like you're not gonna say my compressor over people for parties suck them I'm a good I'm a chameleon came up a shot there until advice 37110 5 to cheese on them one year their meet women and particulate and letting them I think a song but amis here are singing in the top the door I think advice 3 sang in West recently somebody when time killer do not know who StarLink Craiova tinium junior cat junik add new assigned to germany laguna kept an junggeun Tunica optimally perhaps i'll touch on so it's the entertainment about interesting is a little carried good good good - so guess I know know it double that's we start to Juna captain inch of penury them in yo we saw the intro and harmony so when time to catch a day do well but the head it is the general before yoga palate Italy there's a dopey don't please understand harmony at Carabinieri myself yet I never knew or them we have carried them anything when it started reaching the Messiah when they're Monday they call them on the harmony right oh we had needed harmony everything them know Buju Banton of a somnium dig it up Jolyon Iowa teary-eyed murder I'm going to the Aral for the world Errol mr. puppet ovni etat the big magnums lotta lip service we get shot dunk them fit did he understand ox Killa any planet traffic living a life King boom done demise a toddler that year i la saw about you have gory night when done tomorrow night dynamites a [ __ ] top diggity rusty Magnum bring it home we will use up tipsy I watch it on it could I roast you understand that might sneer at vodka will kill I hear it no piace yo chill to cheer me up I know I'm acting them going an ear I'll show you a party last night Tokyo Korea part copper shot member miquellee not just a fear their mana was so much mud the manga comic explore understand but killing the distant killer destined killer a valley that thing about him you know approach and we all take charge of certain things evil in the brain and Studer even food wha Dom kilowatts are armed immorality near vbx we never know our immortality in Metallica Twinkies Mike yeah so the textured the pram first that's the first take charge mr. Radley doing a music so understand so when Tama didn't know it's like we had to adopt late we must be able intro much for much months beer when of the biggest songs them in the country this is 1919 okay be able younger son for the Germans but be a bit outside a little sure boss I don't think I wonder if them anybody smell like when turbos to do run come out no it's a million bit about 5:00 p.m. I am on my private steely still steely I Drive him and my mother 5:00 p.m. with some ajumma trikonasana limiting their animal goes a litera - hola - Eska lava demon looks so rich the man look like one day my cardamom music yeah so it must say you know sang bad but to an area and you torture the body of men by the Libyan in the familiar with that my tongue both bore don't understand so it might tell me se llaman kilowatt not this one ram start to arrange communism but be anyway my third year be able Kabir in a 70 Nova dynamite focus on San Dieguito that there may be negative force understand when that might be copyright enforce our legal force then turn the puppet off when Carla Papa Tov then a fella Papa I'll be able and then kill a fire be a compassion but she refers in Sao Paulo fun part for me Papa be gone your dog rude like every bad Anna come through from me papa Megan honey popular girl take some other people life I got don't understand I don't have killer remember come see my beer when a disco stop me no say at listen up Nick yeah understand so I'm giving inspiration that they can tell you understand so winter upscale ever say that no will feel so dry for every feet would receive behave and get all our money understand then being it whatever money all feel good cop member one time you know Marcia Carmen must have was most from a kid star and Louis on culture member semitte but the I Germans I'm a dad fear my my my advice come true you're my speaker what master said um admirable come to the office please uranium uranium come to the sir he important for money in from Tunisia a German Sun is like but Darien goose was a pretty my Kumasi full courser company summed up later you can't tell is I wanted to kill my god yo Lucas I'm member Santiago was I mention coming home or some kid start c'mon kiddy and culture and instead Millennium Earl and to me great state mulatto I dream step mother my stepmother averaging as much as living there mr. Bottomly check what so many one so income a Germans one dear right company one which the baikonur you don't receive I'm a star well I'm gonna marry remember no damn time I killed upon our eyes do you know name just ginger yo yo mas I said the pig was cog wasn't get P lat and a trap start Italian money beer to you so masakali Muntean how would they implement get up the engine and what's going on I think was to give a train today and what's us to attend the Lera so you know piace Noah that cashier start sort of make some 100 cashier someone owes them money I really sheriff I'm a long time mmm so he'll come daddy kill our [ __ ] the driver when he I'm sure in a car get out my arm boy and I read it the tree weep you know I remember you're not the Steve killer long enough till my around but I was a TV that and then he lets her enter Karen I'm coming that Chris today my teaching for drive talks about money I'm Trina I'm a student named Lego Dermot own car then places the taxi one will get killed the Madeira talks to chill out battalion on the camera getting up get up Carly I jumped in a car I'm a modem do the world the money when the money come from Spanish tone with a taxi the taxi no go away Eva Chronicle from a new Chronicle their money taxi never go away yet a chronic study he had their money talks it eval if they're near 20 money commerce to do the top Sinaloa well they say who will give it a Vespa for the tribesmen so we damn near a food a sphere so innocent between a promoter Villa Donna bagua ruin now killer we're rude like to buzzer Carla bring a virgin need a medieval summed up later true partner too tricky to police it is talking member say like only what toast no one killed him Tanner looking to buy most of our tents anonymous a your attention I wanna get a 1 you know what Peter take them deal in there never selenium just jeans Campion Caleb on him at own a bunch of the most women are como got Germans in dmg and John John she and Jimmy I'm alright the moral killer the onion Monty luckily onthe and Sanchez them I didn't laugh such them a pigeon laughing really killer osmium saw something tomorrow that shot went I'm too much sometimes I bring a virgin virgin go up there member lockira hospicio we Arlen in the summer to and earn money shabbat Nadu not journalism near up certain things but me and Phillip are no can go but Java top story this rule we on China and kill about the taxi driver swing to busted at Colossae a mud gran I want to know that I wanna know yeah no one gonna wanna go there to bus attend somewhere they either go that's all right that you want but you never get enough and something like super potent to bus to bus a kid put on the darkest you'd find sleeping fire she left already I mean I look funky like a not enough money knows me so what you log on this cat yo remember say this is up good food you know yeah get as a toddler marina you think you like going to the car I'll let me I wanna go come on yeah so good news for money remember be about what gets enough you come on I'm good money I want that - no comment by inoculum them 10 it we're now sir we are watching business but yes or no no it will take five billion pound area yeah what this door car he'll enter a motor obviously diamond attea idiot you can carry on table already set up again now I tell you what me want went on you Connie so kilowatts not say no until I turn on the penguia Arizona I'm go see a thing money envelop yet and pan our killer is Kingman expand Telus kiloton donbot too much tones Adeline about a 200-lap important one especially as a chalice of a period taxable with a means about you yo mph in a frontier area I'll buy two Pepsi and two bucks food are two very easy right now if your blood can't be lucky time especially when we are married a farmer will not ask that that King Mahin killer eat until about something until the world and the world eventually of them time I remember I know these are repetition killer said that the area that's it now around put killer price on in money let's play grow new Lion King man straight one and we're remembering the fourth bit of apple green Anna excuse pasta salad up for the color remember wearability know that superb yummy is gonna be about anything Marina remember is to the king name was a killer we are killer yeah Malcolm ego Callie ambulance I mean who Carl ambulance I need with everything enough never seen [ __ ] you know plummet in our kitchen my plan was merely knocking sweat time oh it was good yeah but it's good but yeah remember it's number [ __ ] me tami-lynn in their life no enough car this our bridge in our eyes knowing much as family on come up you see you know we never get to go solemn thing to start no secure them underwater okeyday farm scared him it's a much cutting to be car when Caleb appointment of payment sent I know I'm the unkillable early December 9 to 3 you know in center I mean kill a global everyone was tall about - Mike myself a stroller from when when selecting a limit with a parent on bridge from funny I you never listen up pick up makuu parent and bigger Amalia read amount cancel my one Mike so no that's Mia come to stardom in a Latino want to be a fiercely thing it's tune of a player port my entertainment center and killer come check I'm Karen you know the job globally renowned killer George everybody I want to remember members I went mean a walk or tuna car member Alice terminal that Sam is I'm a regular kid I'll never tell the three-minute meaning whatever freaking a the cargo sir who grew up King Nellie you them grow I mean eternal life it's a when time being work funky walk upon hill overweight in their former entertainment center this is a colostrum calculator - Adam I can't kill up in route Liam anything that's the mankind food court but kill Alina caught I mean I know I'm wrong but you see me look back the symbols on a strong Ron King carbine among common estuary wealthy pier Mediacom the bud Nina combat appear may not analyze my different your memory read in meaning I'm a favorite killer Camry meaning for the world oh I'm a real killer for the C&O he every startup waves turnip he understand remember so when Tao Okamoto committed when that don't know it's a recent killakee on two things come up in a king I wonder if killing my god the to test happened the new land you a magic Channel I know no ma no wires and I do that start and then plan their Miami lonoa I me about this iguana intended but it's superb wander saw its thing that's why it's a big Oh LF one commits the future elephant me tell fans were mixing lab the utonium culture pal pal Elya culture minion culture culture parlor in a program as a toddler yeah peace ammonia comprised and sang with me when modified sang with with Paul Elliott culture pal the producer he must say you imagine a McCain the solar sanguinis a solo some of us a combination and a solar he devised the combination and should promote ecatel in the city imagine a mechanical solution we do is to entire Arizona team solar cell is well I mean so I work a two of you Christina Toria maryska yeah a toy because in our it was well it was full of Sam to know so yeah just do one enough yes I'm an auntie sinner I'm Samantha bad man I'm them turn the money is cut off by the people are really fun don't worry myself I'm a friend tweener got super that table of Shaba much about my friend Tina don't blame Carly you know some random start top is that a studio know might examine what still intangible um you know Sammy's in the policeman area meeting about some German Steve and my sermon car even though I'm no killer and if a man cow they killed on the door an attack on a secure Channel and then in come check with email I um crack squad elefanten I am crux co-star communist Julia and you know to them come from seeing your name know each other they I'm styling kind you know buddy Stalin Carling but yes or no killer watching them you know about popular own a bank book from them tender Minister Kiren distantly would kill about now bank book okay I forget to another monkeys an America's monk Turkish Bank annual Kingston and the Atlanta might fall and belong there nursing from one of them terminus the people are having more money enough one does that seem book I will love it but killer say your bankbook you know some standard to know but never what number you can't you go to your time after so get that beer quote yeah Kiera every time kid I get for special for till I was 7 I worry about the tree so no mana left run Killian mad if Kayla get force based on photo on killer semi not do the for item we buy the trees I guess you know that's all we are was a bungalow for one special because I doubt me and my dad might use to do this is a one can't do our shared thing how we should do that I will just she look at the movie I'll get same I say Noah if when I get that initiative so determine le Kochi the LMF Bramwell limit theorem Sturm single family started about 13 14 people in looking car when time colostomy Vampir BMPs Kamara yet special wa yet monte killer he let's say I'm mad me out of six in a family on a tour it was a rich family see of your family car kinases summer do that that's a teen watch Sabah repetition with shovel if someone say oh but now until Benji dancing you know Ronnie areum never carried a very Somerset that so remember say Killa Killa admire Shaba on him at by Abuja Karen time Budo camera pajama rock and killer well yeah they do a really say everything i watch everything cow so in time when time read my name appear Buddha Buddhist yoga don t you don t the money you problem so can I get to take out that - yeah don't be caught you the money get dynamite Monica Carla so is that thing Carly repetition set the system great started sake let's not do it so Kinnison Noah whatever doing family ever be a part of it so when we are going now as be allowed to say no one Germans were clearly very cocky repeat no no yeah killer Pete no one the family dinner Armand is composing so epithelium car become an extruder comic common students in some some it wasn't going Martin murder again Rudeboy onion for suggested unkillable so at least about the night and Jeff receive you I'm sorry care of my cervix a notes on food come give us really care I said I eat it and that Maurice Duncan has a body cameras on it man in eternity right now Uncle Mo cetera yo I'm inside Melissa galley one young man from when Galvan take him tell our superior far uno telegin sergey p cooperate it's not right to say another yeah I'm innocent and I eat the plaintiff wouldn't care forget the universe am acrylic but something I think I wanna start in the establish are McQueen with Yemen don't blame think I'm super buff lower give me so happens I think in a car cheering understand yeah I'm a delay and Chiluba son left this Anoka Kingdom Carol Eva Hotel in Miami about the neighbor hotel yeah forget Sonoma can overlap CD with about Tillamook ome are the drivers I live near welcome so the family thing no oh we could still receive you because Carla come from Waltham reside I was Johnny understand you wouldn't deceive you yeah and we contribute so much to the family yeah it could have it could adjust it as they remain the CMW the sir it's like Killebrew so as a serial family the family at one with shampoos I was very ninja Kingdom around the world peace when indicates to me other while amoeba shear things with me would you someone goes to know and a better come approached me as a toddler but was sang Carter fabulous Terry fabulous and servitude Samia Germans SEO my money my advice started a mother the money my advice you see em time master come master said fabulous people is asking for you're going to come by Scorpio so when you finish do what I'm doing you would like it to come here when man commissar nice to you one I stood and come on to tell fabulous and fabulous around kefir see you with Chi in peak you know I am on and so fabulous a table now let Fiona CMDA har bracha determined and Germans got a bobbin stuff so when time when fathers a combo box copy over Scorpio simcha Motti Missy and killer attitude I mean are we PO they have eyes my heart is for me doing a business video no family asura yeah fabulously have advice my art is formed in a business video so mean if you Melissa miss ammonium California man from when released at some the one tech yeah did I don't a break but when I wanna stop because yes sir you know what I remember Topher that's gonna recommend me yeah floppy my mechanic car we bought us yeah man I remember me I'm lost car much nice punch up a night which I seem so over there you know I never get approval to going about singing our Father scary spiritually get a surprise me artist demands are your Bhakra the engineer near ma chromosome opera put on the Frog William a bison I'm gonna shut up the song shotgun nice son money I'm so I want my stinking son for red roses I'm an aquatic we was built them when Yvonne come in a heartbeat behind all SMG me caramel mark on my name my signal sank upon answer see a bit of a meeting man was bad bad man with Kidman some machinist and upon who demanded sang the song it at Bermuda and it's Anglian gala one young man from when it a Bermuda some members say gamma canaima Burma don't even know why I'm so lenient so I saw in man when iam Suja one in me a magic EMU disodium so the one we see when they are Sudha your student I will have hives in a car the intended the family ripe you know your family right you know cut is a 95 in a king court she done doing a family right determine restaurant you may not grow back Amir in a car here the multi mom akimbo criminal determinant yeah okay with me and most are at joke finding the most abundant mango tree my name is just Rubicon we did somebody extrude our world arrives yeah my brother I am cliff June I read engineer damn time that the monochrome in order Mick folder full name the fridge forever mine coming up rich food and I can't our person answer what are you okay mother toddler somebody walk but surely I'm giving you say about number one son I'm braver than never I want we said be able in England you know between the England I'm us a so clip a talk to me no remember Sabina I take this serious enough Karla man they were the big fridge for the me so I'm to do that we the engineer coming to the Madeleine I'm tier gentleman I want him fully Nagasaki report with you laughs whatever Laconia a big picture that we are chat - ADA and I see us doing a man bring yo months are Italia much powerful in work up here Papa car limping I start to know in a come here's a number one song of Bermuda yes the people want me a short semester Papa let me say I'm gonna need you in Bermuda no I read that being witness in England I would say yeah be a guy England something I said yeah my friend em can't do it to the senior family no inter year see you from the comments I gotta turn loaded of the killer my son is the number one son in Bermuda and I got a ton load up da play with killer and killer I always say the senior family man so okay how much how much you guys evil family members in your family about 13 I test the MCAT than a month after looking that I McCullough tell him and say oh you know you know me I'm saying about the elaborate than the magneto coachee determine elephant and me months okay five odd way perfect army noclip sir in some particular information no no no sir eat whatever information Oh Martha yeah it's Matata alright not imaginable almost I wrote the money man I read it I'm gonna tell them on what teachers Patel demanded Magua seein time incoming plane Emma say I minded seriousness if when I can get it no I'm gonna get it dynamite having green cleared Panama Kochi having passport in a killer civics officer cry monkeys are traveling up so him passport the clothes so they've two minute Upton's re-determine arrived are things in a jump on a bicycle I'm gonna see you determine jump when I was in my party when a ninja one jump on a bus and on a centenary say any words to me there I never jumped towards no in versa when the world money I'm comical a man was random things now appeared Amanda might celebrate as a toddler we are dealing I think you know some another password see the peevly I'm sure get them opium as a banana passport Allah never no no yo - banana passport no woman look elephant with my Korean passport i'ma let me see know about Amina plaid shirt another picture determined are you completely picture one son yeah yo everybody reach map with everything dynamite having green cards and Manson general Starr oh look the ammonium live in Chavez Thailand kilowatt motor scooter and kid after our aboard are doin every artist them cm time and kill us that the more modest arm and pull a Pepsi uncle said one and the wall of our room at one time don't walk over the one time in Austria level sensor killer you know sir you know sooner I want work because a young ensues I won the money I'll just write a circular track imagine was a magic rocky but sure receive your family I say yeah right what song good brother you know what I learned on a passport you know it's 20 months at under on the passport okay let okay I see the features cheers funny Kyra features she is that dull moment right as a car look I'm organized everything I'm gonna everything everything started not a fast never that says it and then kill yourself so we can get a passport yeah merciless do much much a magical move fast enough magic freak the flowers already another kid I said come on just give me four grand and we can get them looking up a speedy penis rx5 yeah yeah I'll get it kill again the five didn't get burn much of everything spirited but I'm about Burma Darcy view family remembering that the passport come Wednesday first what I'm get a passport to surrender and much the thirds of these are Friday God video so guess what he's a glorious moment you understand that is why I scared him in love with Mike Porcaro buddy the monomer in 5x2 it raised five five Mike put in our nice please focusing Bermuda welcome was so much so I would forever love Bermuda he understand not love to Bermuda um even if a data there [Laughter] Brandon world family I don't know bunny son it's a nice please after that no coming back from Bermuda leave a soldier and family lanky boy and all family king great people and magic dynamite of a green card a martini and the immigration members a one-inch Avila first weber will have comical yada then I might have a green card summer ranking pass to summer and bastards and science of one immigration on them I could see view on it gramma kid from sea view so the immigrations see us no members Lafayette Xenia the pleasure the other players Enoch our first way of showing it marks in your family Castle flatten the first time the immigration matter what a name now it was a civil family so amongst a senior family that's all I took a big British Japan picture I'm sure it this guy came to your gramma kid from sea view sorry see if you find that in the street dancer yo got your CV family say I mean I'll kicking up my shovel yeah and I'm I'm okay this guy have a green card you guys can spend five years in New York with an old Angola buyers will find the a new way up everybody get five there Carboni my say me determine on Elliot I wanna interrupt yeah - I own about five years imagine this know that I mean yo Gandhi might like in the soir the mothers are you lesbian picnic just because in of the green card and a Mankiller and coaching been coming to New York this is our first if you know man I gotta tell you sir I know if you look up oh but no if you look up how much is almost a million or the first marriages oh come on a big quit the airport and I watched some terrible adore me look mister milk last bit you know one big picture Freeman I want stop me I look up look upon it the malleability tell me I look on fighting people know CH Aamir Khan for SIA come here some handsome are you general me never know sir you cannot go into the front red taxi no commie you sleep in Jamaica so I say your global tax even say yo Manhattan some of us some put it taxes on us any minute the man I met neither oh no something I saw on till dynamite again looking at the money for a tool can we ever get enough the not care five people I'm one backseat the to touch the star remember to talk about the getting a member said menu menu say enough your delimiter mrs. Mandela did not determine MLB I determine our ampere but today I'll go by the dollar store might know spend so much money as well so I saw the monopoly to the master yeah any phenomena when iam at charges a dynamite ax intended him to act sharp attempting the sauce the monitor will appear pitched as a messenger nor to attacks the wire the element October sir after go our Johnson Hotel because that's where Kilis tea when he's in New York how much our Johnson $200 so everyone up [ __ ] pottery in a Kingman and guess what 5% care CNN are saying over the months dynamites i'ma tell you what my you 21 Olivia taco party girl Sakia monster might whenever possible this is a new partner but as well Olivia message animal studies to come to whatever blower yard man the man disturb you like picture books good in the room no fire in the room no I'm dynamite nag when you're coming to my Managua me and I went out far enough they are single family or tell live at the vehicle on the SMS alright nappy animal qualifies a mustard no makeup on talent Meadowbank you generally receive hotel remain minor just paid my father the liner after each dog seasoned egg about time fifth element get 150 left good I'm think Ricky the the Elliott thing on Cayenne watch at the money one hour you know that maybe as a student animator so we had talked about my Gannett who was truly as a monument in a student oh yes yeah like be a peon treatments or Lana make some car make to Carl and cards on people 20 mater on 20 march around list matter on a 95 it was so mad cover returns to do so the studio ammonium turbo belly turbo belly the Rasta artists was so like captain so terrible you know I mean I want long gone we never seen the image i yet before well we see the man to say yeah Marin what universe that Carla world what Manas are not touching my mom and tell her you beside everything I get under $50 company from jamuns I mean I I'm told I might get a $50 woman look covered just with a Dan wants to lean on means aquí como to the studio swimming a star could have won by the excitement take off a big diamond ring flip turn like a marriage this master I mean a big Wittering Montegrappa Marco bracelet every elephant constant feed him take of a mag a bracelet and se la weirdest grandma to know Ellie instead I give my ma Gabrielle said determine them get money a car means a kid everybody something I didn't ya ninja kid give everyone of us something that day that was an unmanned move on was tied to some doublet so the utonium truck friend america and this woman what's up friend the from chuck friend I didn't know some school fear sitting on rear area and then after I'm just milk as you say your gardener I music we had to like you tomorrow you don't live here but we pass it to so for militant 220 Mott around come another people I'm stood away that God never protection are into mediation but matter and was beer without God a matter and later a matter answer eat and game ethos telephony no that's eaten from King Aditya DS so when time eaten that dynamite say you have more time to eat on the phone eternal some down to my phone eaten you know we're done the man said to eaten but gets one owner and say you're one pill I had one killer almond or it's after we don't do the dope let the man do something I make a little money right there done when the first time first in very a piece of food eat macarons at table he turns a unifier room for the executive or the executive in or the Queen see you understand remember a 500 in I want to be to bidding they know we're not even sleeping then I'm actually no teach it's a macabre Monica frame things might not even look what your Monty oh man not even look upon the room must go but if it's a bug on something solo get complicated nice and chill a burger and from a song born in Playboy Lima Calif and reinforced necklace undeterminable and post based on Tinka was that a decent Patrick in commerce TMS settings since Nefario Mia memory Django my own room I'm sorry I'm buddy up in Germany ammonium said cut you know Saban estaba we just start the herbalist butterscotch itches and our common mother so my camera my don't know no common mother some mother it's a phone or mother say oh get a pen and a paper drop it mysteriously that there's a variety our size the things Everton more clothes are true my mother said never got here I a sister take this number my child just a Patrick take this number son and Carl our name is Andrea and I said okay I mean I shot no when accompanied by a board opinion from a group I mean I shot no semester okay summa kalla girl are ya next da Iwata be advised good woman but I said no matter that she right now sighs I'm good is a good good come on that sugar yeah Yellin say knows the killer Melissa's not purely Melissa Method Man something some elephant start listen Dan Magnum and some people starlets nothing in big is small so leave him from leaving from we are now coming to Jamaica we are live to be a bigger smile be a bigger smile so if you really study the Sun when you're more upset meant mm-hm the rap segment segment at the end partner the end part to the Sun and elephant to the entrance he understand so we were coming from New York no sir yeah we as a God knows that I want a new style or so anywhere which I was so new we need something new would step over the plane and Richard Germans Macau are autonomous car killer Richard time is killer sing a song me I'm a big gun scare him from boyfriend ed been a good neighbor him he said that no so almost the do I was thought your Armani same time can I excited blood for Tsubaki Nozomi akka excited spear I'm sorry son honor we're here I guess what I was disappear through spear them stuck Kilis a nose hand sewn up in him monster so no funny and stars kill ya oh oppa New York and kill a boss on the name variety something killer start say oh the moronically with me man in cuffs on teams and my tell you some things my mom my mom in plan you know my mother my blunt just I mean well be a part I is that I put then in no one then woke up me some dough Peter gyro so every time some people know we all start I love a firing squad hey what's up man yeah yeah yeah but we are play be around new music we rap music really be rap music continues hey Noah never do I shut that into a local pizza intro but it's so annoyed into some good universally I have a column every time to one working until we don't start said Impala don't flip them that boy bishops are the most are sown in Renaissance Renaissance and what member said bring us adam for stop Latakia has killed a minute II am a golden goose a cigar the marbles are so I will go up and what scientific significance work so we start this is the Sun carefully I will take apart or tied you take an expert in a second put a check to your flippin neck your body hit the neck I come to stop some bread quickly in a meal in the coffin act like Cece II understand and it electronics part you know the mechanics partner we are um we actually get dynamite over card to our eyes appear ups on everyone yes a dynamite kala patthar man who can get in my moto one who goes on are gonna has a song no Lucas are much sir no when I don't care for you now I'll make it know it was answered is a result we are killer we are Monty killer Opunake no yes remembers a killer Armenia watch treaty knocking yeah then time that the killer me noir cs2 fierce internet connection looking yeah so and we are born to kill our women are so Atheneum when I won't be killing I like the wall please here comes mrs. Lyon rabinal Slidell ball visa in admirers kill them when time killer karyam and the studio it's a over walk over Guan was style or pattern it be my inspiration to be Larry dominium setup so in bill iridium set upon will be our red rules and volleyer Antoni radios the Amanda star in the stroke allocating toka to read was our lot I respect the killer certainty yeah yeah yeah yeah a little stood up glasses on but I don't keep what sly a rabid Emma Mears what would I be on a big glass and I'm a mere scar to be the pattern overdo it and all the ear for with the come here for now for each each other is in a split second and then I want to overdo that are still on key somebody say go for the mic when I carry the might beside I mean no once it'll go for the mic sermon by Robbie loves level or about their most killing people are there people yeah the for stealin Plymouth's lying around King it's when times life slice and Billy read him to over over live will be sent for the man come put it right beside the border and some other so another well happy City Star so when Tony but I don't care but you know you're flipping crew what you gonna do when children come for you I'm not running I was summer reach about spur Guardian and reach all done the EF one gun elephant Johnny yes I'm gonna leave this page with me in the morning cracker darlin I'm yearning whoo I gotta wipe out the matter for me i black what was like on camera fly as image on camera D F when garden again so when it got an Amir in a sec I put a tick in the student it Amir's them they must all the money I do this with one earphone they must own in the panky everything not ownership somebody where the sound don't know all their armies son really stuck syllable my shop you who will please a set of really snow-covered mountains I'm eatin a king the Sun it brick kid knock up on tour them so they want to scare them the person who did this song that meets kill him Killa just what Wendy em John what are you telling you man watch it man Johnny wonder them I will appeal understand change and mi bucketing on something I said Peter nodded what I want think I set it up but guess what elephant gets you to go an idea to get you to learn say no stop my room again back again in the king so I'm gonna walk us Christians and grandiose asthma grossest about Judas a knows the full ring opening phone to say a friend elephant it's not the point of fun every month some pop on the phone elephant up both sorry I'm attracted a June I read Killa and the body are telling us a Carla still strongly yo a Master Gardener and whatever you experience pierced our area here comes acting near a Samba song the NBA Galvani it was at a steel structure I'm gonna go to Walter never meet my buddy and plumy my god no chef cross the bottom anymore say yes getting some girl arguments on getting getting I remember elephant integral to a galleon map seen a bush in a standard a senior magatsu shared with me it wasn't even a fear in the mind and lips lip welcome I'm gonna save you but check the girl named Maxine and who will advise on a medicine a medicine you know a magic toddler shall become some welcome I'm somebody at tomorrow you know somebody I'd join me a crazy mascara please somebody had to Marina cook freedom you know someone to suffer so the next da bobba so steer the receive you'll still receive you and the next year somebody on the UH news comes near Bob if I utonium Bob a kid mechanic reset them so yeah I want here I make a low volume I can sing two songs about him there they were say it's an oil am I gonna see you I'm a seeing the care for you a twist to your see you to a place Europe promise a problem the summer bed and all the people Eminem but a swing everybody attention lucky Oh wanna come to everybody attention win some of us remember new some people more than irit Amoroso and so here this as a beer girl million work so we see the big awanee missing on everything car will win them attention some everybody happy attention to me so missing the one second guess what when time live they will see if you love the same I love you never love the Sun you have a bologna and Perry Mason / music from Barbie can have a soul I must tell you it was still true Panigale bunk you know junior read okay Larry I go up there I sing the Sun and the man Carl Rudnick - there's a Noah never buy about beer sink wrote about signe a girl wanna me nothing and the whoo the world please meet no me no lip wants a mother tablet the Motors Inc area from my back Samaras again who attend star cm time no killer combo flower didn't I swear every show them start again open up wide wearing a bus white very much was undo it was a killer Marshall please feel at the people Ricardo most of our chat experience clearly and free do feel good to feel good there are good moments and aware from watching elephant tourism from the CEO as a general Selva colloquia start on the first 100 vehicle is our union of coastline Tony no of course plan I want to attend eloquently put up color pattern front I'm here yes of course land its colony war lamb here don't anyone fine German just don't wanna ruin D'Amato's and you dressed in a green cap and a coli year at this time even one green shirt I'm dreaming a color the people I'm somewhere in my shirt we are both so for color ear I remember say two witnesses some color people are firing us a but yqw podium color airman is over there look onion people I saw were people look at me I was a car to dynamite dynamite say he a man word car to country country somewhere ever made our Christian Jim : you're ghastly Paterno's Nathan : EMP I'm going a mercenary alright so let's see him do anything I'm keeping up the most honest a cola hearing a good honest even away from key liner create funky dunky locomotor I really you know robot general in a king so robot drummer remember we're them freaking I saw Buddha Aryan look good but look good I wanna you know a shock in vibes crew at the stage when shocking vibes good stairs getting an alley cat yeah Frisco kid gave a thing named silver cat Lisa the Atheneum tantrum a Charlie Bunty and then the great Dean the so and time being don't sing remember all the money work Sola Sola Sola so Lina yeah it's a crew but they work solo it's a when they're Monday work I mean don't cost killer like dag Robuchon yo then we have been a be with kill I know yeah you know Masseria with a box it does it is a clean up a fierce beanie yeah it's a killer this being a ribbon you know that me today are Cena you know know what teacher was the killer my yacht it was a killer welcome killer are you and Peter now this sentence in a my cellular Peter no Peter well come on killer smoke a cigarette on the bunt that string up in Academy Amanda come on up and kill about the string up inner member ID ID from Amina King carbonara Co you kill me a so Omega so King be a lie told me a lie told and the committee manager Scalia orb in order to see we are meter just cost you so we do uncle are coming up Kilowog come sir Graham on to the via killer this is motivated I'm a soul it motivates another mind no one you answered the motor people are you know can our complete copy any Malu no but I'm real answer yeah over time I've read about we had fun it's they have two words they ended up one has been consuming video I look upon him did not give a businessman that video forgive me Jackie totally an appetizer in Jackie the man don't say over time we them are we at one anyway that we the Monday they work energy Angeles filiberto woman it's not open remember now my face the people am did I read we never die I read but the people have did I read Luke I remember this was a entirely crew the crew a walk about Steve was sucking well screw the song when me come me first no fear stamina then tell me devour when I said but coach ago at first I was said well we are fierce temper so yeah nothing name me a fearsome for us the people am did Donna Reed went I mean come on said well I don't care if I do now your crew is when we come set up is our crew to come up for a stage so calm like that they dedicate innocent mean evidence was benefit everybody people I mean I read that we're and to all killer and meanwhile a war ago it come like a skier them some come like nothing socket yeah it's went I mean seven I don't care for you and - it was a early when elephant Kamata dissipated we in the morning you see that all community we're giving our oh sorry and it's a good food Ellis this page in we in the morning he said that it come like it really it took everything us and to me I said is there too and translating those blending in with the color I hear them covered air quality member civey Davi I remember we made open for killer the oldest plush white very much just bein every splash and remember what do the first on fast enough the fourth biggest opportunity killer and again yeah here my legacy Kingman Mayo celebrate Turkey I danced on the winner my first time come on 1990 anyone got in a woman and to Madrid broker I am dancer this is the sting that the 96th in the win time we may never see a fire that left me I get in her life yeah Pandy almighty that do we all look the we look remember said the next morning they were the people of track across remember in a being a bunch of them fierce a fun one but the way them talk about Buccola here and we image it was like nobody's they get tap water salt I saw it called binder the next year go go over in the next year so everything name will be again read rules them now elephant water arrows dog and calm producting them or many girls to beget when you're ready many many understand always think that no member shall have no video no and all people are crippled image sly greets my right player observant Jewish kids honor yeah but me to get these guys in visual we need the visual these kids sly amble be a red rose the mandem Gaza organized it Russ Casa and I um Kevin something Kevin them was an organized external when many many video shoot and paramecium's are your tablets that are fixed some things with our separate image when many many shoot are sure they were danke Pina Bausch Sangeeta can check on and get ten told us and give it as a wall to grant Allah illegal to random 802 culture wall to Brahma Elsa wanna do last one iakh armani occur the element area innocent the 10 grand sheer right yeah - girl go buy a bike it'll go by our makeup buy a bike with dynamite GI right good all right a little I would sell it back Sameer Elliot look nap but I bought that bike even jury would know so the many many damaged the police on the bike them all the people and we're serving about them then feels about them to the bike sales group hi the wonderment them wonder when scared of commitment no P that you are good to be scared a man you know as a shear widows reached what time no that's Karen care that skill a campy attention to the group you have a terminal Louise so same time no Louise do some things now so that's the group obviously you know we arrived all right no we had no certain things now the group was a leaps and leave them either so leaves you know relieved Louise everything near with the power woman it could work so Sharon Burke the more abou Cooper's thing we're not on a man enjoy a star when I have no minds like a Killa cam pay attention people and kill the don't turn turn about the lowest and so Louise messed up how we leave till I realize say your name you tell Amanda won't win a car do you understand yeah so Key Largo upon tour members the killer go up on to arena and kid I'll go up on tour in on Sharon Burke tomorrow ask me say Oh Chandler you have some issue with a few personal I'll get your papers and you get me a group to manage I was another problem Lata to coach on top the alien tart and animate and say Oh Sharon Burke she suggests this to me no sauce Eliseo not a problem to eternal attention were foreign air now come he understand comes up to elephant manners with that monkey took our great burger yo Matt remembers a mile a mile a kabuki no Georgia is the great people and them normal life and them no sir my settings now dance arnica when we do every number one for the group when the group at work Schoenberg the group booked for manual ear Street one year Street believer Elton and the group booked for one year Street and remember my son it work or da-da-da-da-da salad agency Sharon Burke the first time mature Killebrew posture and a picture and say what that guy didn't are compound and if I talked well no [ __ ] is a killer bus Yankee logo okay we can say to remember the first I will invite pilaf appear if you hear what I said what is that guide winner phone money can tell you this is after Sharon the group the group that talk was under coach um change something good something I eat at Monica when Amanda each other it was like to me can go surely my reach something about chump change run chilly grin and a lame finger and Sharon mercury group my ten grand a goof charge and share America say about ten toes the group charge 10 grand and guess or know what you put in trisomy Sumida you malapa telecom academically the life here in a stand so the kind of Marikina or till I was livid son and Sharon Wilson teller mister chaotic will chukkamma come jump off my Liberty Mortimer I become give me a message if you can't get an f1 some other young gaya antagonize after my Indian friend never looked so good you know a young boy actual words at them so systemic at that old Vienna apart is Christina apartment you know there was an open up our elephants I gave me to know I understand them said I'm not they already Marcia was a game it to her yeah a merchant ship come a comfortable woman meeting someone in ever never screw up somebody's I live Sharon Brooks are a group before annual Irina every time the group travel to get a percentage yeah that is what a little put in place on me so I respect my Sharon Burke when Sharon Burke so the group can move unless the people about that money well I caught you agree dynamite agree I agree no group namo cm time Emma Samantha sock monkey Peshawar Miami and remember my holy fires or fires ban was attacking some liquor idiot edia team because this is what management put in clear well mines remains a toddler that is what God will adjust that percent a contractor Sharon will just sign the contract month secured him I'm a shoe in Miami Carmen buying a scaler my the first group in a dance islet remember definitely a Padma said the first dance our group and yet minute about music that's not the first dance out innocent remember said tee okay T mister care harmony in a for cinnamon buddy dynamite some know someone don't know what he really takes to make the beer shutter yeah okay the army make its own innocent we love mothers at Bacara from generally to goes on her own aid them about sure I'm sure he knows Aaron Berger she's not going to be a part of this because she was in our own when Maxine suck whatever I choose to do what can do that's why I was a little job to ensure McCarthy Dunois and the group I keep it so if the food not sure know when I'm gonna make it my chair but a policy did come around the group chairman while I stand I get percentage yeah Sharon Burke put nothing clear and put in paper say the group shall not leave Jamaican less Karla is getting percentage look are looking on travel to certain places is like my district pure ghost feel upset repealed on a bridge in I went was p.m. in the morning the man attacked him affirm that King which I have attached to him attract be a bridge of it was my luck was so much that I'm hearing from EIU it means I'm I mean a but he suspected was because no say you it if I got me an ideal King remember he's not like me jumper from her own villa was instruct to do that understand sir the team I forget certain thing before the team leaves oh yeah maybe got man to secure man generally was our own and I make them up yakking because I like that one and me and everyone has television more no way man was can be bitching I mean I don't know like after this thing kyouda memorize the video many many we are dominating the world place in Virginia Brixton Academy great moment I cannot forget that that is at or force you care to enforce first class flight so we kind of remember that also remember Sammy I'm Kochi reached Britain first than the might an elephant mister flight over some stupid knees which are bitten lot of cameras on ting so when I peed my approach will approach me say yes hear them need a skilled and crew leader yes and no scutum could dog has a leader everyone our leader Tomas ano never number to stand on the big on big shot one big shot in Britain mad monitors that gorilla number two now inquire what a number one son the master Kim Holly Molly never know who's Kim animal intimacy the nineteenth knocking - come on Molly slim I said Kim animal is the number one spot but I guarantee in seven days you will be there you're in here in UK now so am iam Katya low-enriched like the promoter Senora interview the interview and then Oh tell me Bernard Bernard our cheap car the surprising to Madeira people number one look good for governance a toddler they would mine just covered in garbage shopping pass up this insult governess a table just for equitable cars remember the old buddy asked Adam is not here but you have the authority to do it God man said do it I'm Aaron of the is W me I'm coaching the Domenici yo it's like the moment so nice when we to the hotel the hotel Meurice vidya wanna mediterranean a britannia which autonomy tonya remember enemy all a nice lives nice vibes feel good and i'm reach or twitter on the wall a britain's good with no cos omega killer or we have feel good food yeah us feel good scare them depart the top of the pinnacle here conducting them to fortified the monument know from the interest is never at the end of selenium 245 know I read ammonium buckle sing a few songs film Seamus al-ahmad artists name zebra same algebra money a bomb on still it all to steal it number some it was still anonymous theory Nina still is among whose along with a stood upon your artist so these are the person who come give me some big sons is unbalanced is the outer Kamata as a bull manure run out to steal them starts a yellow garden was scared I'm scared of everything the secured everything right now follow me Joe no don't sort records the safe engineer engineer apprentice like you a compliment killing like killing lava time and Prentiss a Yamaka me kill a bridge in them and go check Elias give you anything atomic an ominous merchant a block and carrot try them commit leave me a while time so what Michael Dinka Walter and him say yo it was to the time in a wanna come sing to it and I must all right there was a look at he departed shocked already or what is truly alien the only bedroom a few more friends work with it macelli all over the world fine I really understand you know what was the normal to the killer thing the team of thing in our lab cocky left we saw okay I live so we have seven are left DNA bread understand and nom agree I was sing the song the master okay are pronounced English so drew appear before that sound about two weeks straight every night oh god it's to lock our elephant travel is demand in Cameroon was certainly worked properly so it was a problem I never say forget this truck right want America to understand enough but we know what this everytime over leave I was trying to say from either o'clock those commas to the mm it's come the three of us nobody under the tree I was in the sound of song good robot next day indeed once I'm gonna bow to each other she was a man just love the business respect the business then Oh secure them with all over the place Emma not a time for joram and joram Neronian what do you think world in thing until I'm singing a song named Doronin don't give me a contract as a carnival media and would have a team to the job we know Joe from 1992 for the first time come on Jamaica I mean they put a wall up anything on Calvin off not every time run Joe cream as a time there knows key lastima idea hey I'm the first one who put you guys unburned lobster no let up the stadium lived on the prices level but a job tomorrow Nino so when time I get the contract now I'm saying don't run in the truck back there in general Kalibak them town of commander student when it went went in confirm her in practice the engineering nursing a sanctum time Dana secured a mash-up King scalene muscle elephant domine Aditi I'm about England I'm a come back from England I know what is a table blood no cue tell about the torture from a seminar word from a trap here yeah so understand I mean I watch all be coming out what's all this under per unit and examiner watch no modesty I work on I'm a work getting them 9 to jerk with a man and card by a few that did I will have a Salesman I'll go internet either day I know come on sing a song hang up food every minute that's in the song no I'm running and got them you know the eaters of table singing now go make it if I keep it the same obvious I would look a boy a clever man yeah I'm booting something use the odd car but he swims Italian what a meteor eyes the kibbeh Tessa don't block me I masturbate a arises you know there's no one you owe me remember does the angel a minimal coming students applaud I'm gonna let some ways thing you know elefanten and being a chaotic freedom time they're not but yeah yeah elephant drive calm yourself in piano laughs maniacally become a driving her I'm shocked advice to the new yeah Tommy's arm like Lisa people opinion when Tamia make a song I mean I wanna bridging up in my honest opinion crab et cetera analogous Angela angel Amin caliber spectrums symbol oh yeah dance amateur dance the angel I mean have no more it's not more of a service a minimum salute a mr. yellow Mouse's in a sense that's what I found a combo so composing songs are greeting me Amina compost dance in the sea eloquent a Johnson Carla don't be so Lou arise the key summarize the key where's the key I sing song I'm done sang release inverse a condom turning me on to a party planner a partner Joe and every time ago cybercrime movement with any Prentice retro Satana gay fellow decide that thinking on deporting me and course enough yeah no Vietnam buddy no didn't know say when time ago so no all right Domino and so yeah chata Erica don't zone the other guest is in front of our group I had a son named or running a blip on the radio and a man's a toddler the man seemed in the next year as a toddler who first sang this time as a joke but the winner and the man's in this video right now and the man Carl Johnson Joe mirus when we turn the last night in my apprentice day mommy cinema yo they must not understand has a song in a minute other song has the Sun yeah I've got a toddler yeah the man said come and see that song adore one in and then video it sure number one to see it she'll feel good untie me until I get the relic Oh misunderstanding iron get rid of cinnamon is a setup King man that set up king remember killer elephant just come from Japan Kiko Atheneum ruin our evening there one Sunday night party what morning them used to keep normal Mooney appeal certain force man the first time push on Sunday I mean killer eval occurred that's Lorenzo and the world world your bowtie so what is passion Sunday so remember I will kill him come from Japan some new super nice man - super nice and some people are aboard a lie as a tender we can get treatment or the killer missing my UTI idiot she even want three millimeter killer for that meat was so Kira yeah idiot remember somebody by the Wednesday man killer ever touched the Sun the argument misunderstanding and by the Wednesday your killer under radio a give me a public apology yo so one won't yell my memory to be with a king yo demand upon the radio and that's the boy a gardener [ __ ] I said and what kind that drink too much to them come from Japan jet-lagged static one burger NEC remember sake let's agree we couldn't kampachi a cure thank you I'll jump in and we could keep corrupt them there were some news so many pursue so so so that's what I can t with some liquor boy I think yes something like that like like in regular so what can I did working on aside an oval area want an alum thing that look a boy I think you know good an order man killer good that was a killer came a birthday party let me know yeah my birthday partly my July 20 like a toddler watched our cars we are so toddler you'd have recorded many songs yeah you know the journey collaboration with elephant Louis fear that was get a solo big son right be a girl we don't running girl that's in J&J Liberty watching friends Middle East war ends yeah I'm certain a boy the boy gonna fly up when I'm in yeah one fashion imprint I remember number one Christian it's somewhat a lady well number one it's a typically the number one ever carry about Christians are leaning on Jesus yeah big everywhere for all the songs are recorded which song is your favorite son well I have a few favorite song the one you make the most familiar voice they are jive yeah sure it could be yeah oh I can pretend are we the girls that need more than just free as yet there's all we tighten our let go oh love the appearance on cars I'm pokin in vogue and the melody from Poland is like missing few songs in the melody always the Sunday it has a special part and a soul the melody so and one of them next time I'm obviously - of dance angel as a like a five day yeah my just love dance engine are some of my favorite momenta is the end book which is your most commercially successful Sun the Sun we have said make the most morning the IRA tagline well I would say definitely dance the injured because provide me a tour okay they provide me a solo tour in a time trooper was a button member yeah what does it dance the angel when their favorite pizza prefer to feel free to perform any way not a uk-wide oh because you care you ever receive a tremendous lot of UK people UK not in the UK yeah anyway in the UK star a particular water please in scare them cool for Owen you sort of all stages you have performed and what's the biggest stage now your memory a walk and fun that's sure that when I look upon and Cordura say oh I can't add that it's that sure that sure the shouldn't it up to be Brixton Academy it's an Academy Brixton Academy masses are open up le Uganda oh all that was tremendous also Uganda Africa yeah yes I so it was a the moment their unforgettable Brixton Academy man can't forget our little really a nice stage right now I'll young artists big artists or anybody else on fest so fast so fast aging the platform word platform also yeah actually a question to our because there is there is this motion in the streets that even though a Jew has been around in music and I spend a lot of money in the music art is a really centered on so on even if them are they appear at a time I'm kind of fear or zine and people are with you that do real and truly not doing enough for the artists that were signed to him want to be your perspective and not my chicken that is that know some other artists and they'll stop the attention to Germany that is a destruction yeah that and the main destruction so yeah watching them Cimino joy when you enjoy up money I mean I'm a virgin but yes I'm gonna take the money part the Bridget look army myself is money me myself is logs really I'm money so me just leave it to us a Bertram some other artist them know let me enjoy them I'm sure I get it get is the music Julia she said that they miss a job on that one that so them start-up them after here cuz I learned Emmaus apartment the my house so we understand something at more time then I'm at the company i delay it yeah and then sometime it looks it looked away to the people every now copy plus a boy Edmond have so much money and then the artist is a hardest about yes or no you have no enemies is that much ignore your budget on that artist and if innocent I brought a minister normal academic turn the manliness number to spend spending autumn is not like one time normal advices very much is not like one time animal school fidelity member zoko fronting mausoleum was a million spent on front and front and most non columnist and emboss moccasin owner somebody artist them we co Jordan operetta mr. Oh Julia meal Jew is a monomer of am under review every Monday so a warrant for the free would use them it coming our meeting them under so if you feel so right now you're not good there meet you know say oh I want to do good enough so then put simply see the would know but if it now you're not pulled out yet there yeah Deb job paint not even know unless that no one more time I'm an artist them them to agree diem and if I learn for work for your own give a set I care about us I live Joe we have a same I think we just know so you hear me now mama pay attention to that yeah customer demand am somebody artists don't disturb and I know I know but you are not a star as yet I want to you are yeah demand something like we are being a forget our we are pop confer guitar we understand your demand too much come along somebody autism um I see them in their own Runyan with someone that tells George or molasses a chain if you're a virgin yeah and it's in for a quarter Lafleur when it's the bitching oh the bridge enough upward at 250 shield and in camera by a 10-grand choose the magnet even a vehicle and understand and the monster oh if I watch a Nepali 200 mm damn thing the stupid son the one exam is no amateur I can't draw cure the attraction Jew epistle on that attempting their job so yes or no young will make the people are moved within investor yo yeah I made a mature and travel them away from you that I'm a big jewelry eternal absolute you have been doing music for a long long long long time I guess I decided early same music what if re toddler wasn't that DGF what would be his profession what is our wanting know that our music why I said with a beer sure it'll be a [ __ ] great kitchens you know clear pity I'm gonna be a circus my love cook star in a chef eating with nbstaff man so now when I restaurant I follow the memories that you would have accumulated long years what's your favorite memory as a DG in any industry that thing that we just never come out here ed but the Magua jammies on K but at the door please and what J means yeah and was ported a plate and then we say twenties walk out and kiss you are called a mr. Kevin K McKean it motivates something in me it turns something in the soul it turned on mind it directly to something new something and that is why i am i [ __ ] today because we never get for granted me never PA Keirsey morning am I ready my shear it what am i shear when I reached the for Aldrin on me forget my own journey whenever I look upon it not not stick with it that I've stopped with my stocking and strawberry and pollen and all PR vodka didn't stop with me what is your single greatest achievement of a musician so far wow so far Carl so far it's just some great songs because whenever performing United States yet never and when we achieve no Arnie achieve no is just lovely people yeah because we can sister people do love me and people do love me for me is not now now I eschew acting is just a Liberty I retire cause my file in a situation already recently and it's like whenever turn to the people have close to my return to the public and when time here from Brandon beard mother she said table it maternity the result and when Tenjin Temma said a lot of people from Jamaica doing it and I'm sure the same go for me can be in fear that right yes I am but into acting bought it still yeah yeah and what kinda understand she did probably see it and feel like teach them this year no man it was a ministry that someone's about it yeah but cop even tempo to interview had done the Mac do you know I'm gonna put certainty car gets an owner certain things the key I put it you know our I'm so your job is to make people know army yes II understand you're a journalist so it's not like at this thing is the submitter I've got to start whenever I think they feel but it's obscured because I get the message for a father's dear so jump yo man sir what is Mel how is she doing order alright now it should fix with me Isis vixen because some gradiation thing you know act if I graduate this year without your Guan I don't think we can make it how many kids are never few kids in a teach these are teaching arena yeah no no no man I and I in a commenting system when it suits that yeah I'm at that few girls like a few boys yeah I want to add up a few once again I figure that one - GGG GGG I'm a bit mind yeah still that's what she said where you will see as we mean see right now we're smart I'm Marta Yemen let's serve up the subpoena but on a serger in the house I want them game the island yes you're the one said about but I'm here love is there anything musically we're going to achieve it when you're Fe achieve course yeah me Emily everybody right now once I'm acting yeah well I'm Sam Simon of some song shucks another car I'm a flim star but the third week I wanted some more on and what is the Grammy and now that wouldn't mind Shatner or surprised the world and them so watcher hello are we need to know yeah so I just data but that's all for the best man real cars are Mabus music because we're not on the tree on the tree it you understand so we learn music for my young tender age so that's our mob is music well that's very tight Allah be not too recently recently - Olaf eyes of a chop back record in some one and to Chuck we should to do a combination with general be Lexus we will shoot the video and having a tap with Joe and scatter they really want to hear the album for this generation oh oh they really want so they really want to do it understand and they must demonstrate for elephants get okay because I know Serena blaster karma retort of Kochi retorted Dan dry mind and you know the killer would even be a guest on the elements of calculus oh that's a great I really I want it more for the industries of kill us if not I'd wanna be a part I don't know what I produce in our yeah I guess and I want shot them something wasn't that at our boat that'd be good not good not good you know yeah for the people are more there one get in touch with our a toddler see what I it is a book in you know I think at a certain auto feed dog plates whatever it is I go about doing our job plates whatever lives in Instagram is dear - yeah parroted la rule Abbas 74 integrated ruler and me because PLM title Amina mean them title mean a cubit an entitlement Sizzla also Buju and somebody young member quite pop you see me publisher Wawa Rula yeah II understand so the accommodate dancer you will have become a celebrity or a dancer you understand so that's a game King you would have work with big names I mean I really get bigger than killer in all honesty yeah yeah and yeah good relationship with musical relationship would be any month I said he was there when you were dancing and Jeff it's their artists work you know our work with wait yet we had a lot of work at the studio why it's a collaboration very some on King data yes among I recently single by when a baby struck yeah him I'm call it without control and there's a double caramel got cherries little Marisa Marisa passes understand Emma camp lead-free abacus Aditya yeah my honest opinion card there is among giving honest opinion yes very cetera needed some 1971 who blood aunts I'm a terms of the increasing insulin freezer in blood anthem 1971 so this song is a bombed and imports and in wish me the best without control very soon a king God because it's the young blood the younger dancer - I love to them but mean I don't like it when a puppet master color of nineties art it's gotta wonder it nineties artist when I read the minute Casta means tiene mature love a love come from it so respected spotted come from McKenna pretend I'm Akira big are by Freddie understand and see the new school of dancer when I don't like Maryam but then for sure love and sure respect to the era teach to the rule to the game car someone act like remember Simon Darrow number from before so I mean I mean animals watch on me that came yeah let me not know that remember women everyone you're not here yeah cinema even once the edges of you Natalina Wenona are even and what GBC nobody come see the king so somebody I'm in the people nor demeanor so I keep my team analog Maruti car and means ru McKenna pretended already art core original skier them funds them yeah re telephones him way off I tell them Sir that's why I'm no sir I know the best book in the Bible yeah man laughter Marcia turn I'm a client telling her this it's all there on a meal me they were motivated by a born to kill are motivated by here but I'm motivated by Shama Rankin I'm motivated by spirit the understand mark our D our own balcony is spirit motivated by spirit also I just want him tingle for a toddler be a man with cross so many parks so many religion Jim and still their own yes and I appreciate the contribution of the mind makes everything right thank you and I appreciate the pseudo and I will areas I near the mine story the one journey yeah man oh what's that some things missing a lot more a lot more but you know that I am I understand we're big up a surfer every time you know appreciated Zee yeah man keeps them family Jack Tim whatever yeah ah boo boo boo sorry toddler represent petites them and nanana agita dance the angel yell up teach them we're up so our dips are and not be there if you need me just call and you receive we move to the left fan nanana move to the right and Georgia teach them remember but man not just like girl well we know pornos and we know bleach 3s and we know be a job girl some freaky freaky boy teach them will be said but my not dressed like girl well we know pornos and we know beliefs fears and we know be a drop curl some freaky freaky boy teach them we'll be set blblbl wha with with torture rhodomont a Galloway's huawei near galesburg Albia Galois will not know when no we don't know teach them watch your friends watch your friends watching people watch your friends watch your friends want to keep her watch your friends know when your friends teach them enough visit certain ends teach them reach them each teach them right here what represent him thank you for watching please leave a comment below remember to like and share the video don't forget to subscribe for more awesome content follow me on social media and check out the suggested videos on screen this is teach saying until next time walk good my friends [Music]
Channel: Teach Dem
Views: 310,325
Rating: 4.7828617 out of 5
Keywords: teach dem, teachdem, jamaica, jamaican, teachdem channel, teachdem youtube, teach dem tv, jamaica news, this happen in jamaica, jamaica news today, harry toddler, bounty, scare dem crew, teach dem interview, harry toddler interview, harry toddler songs, where are they now, where are they now teach dem, dancehall music, baby Wayne, jamaican music, teach dem where are they now, teach dem 2020, harry toddler middle east, harry toddler dance the angel video, harry toddler 2020
Id: d8R7nLLNxCY
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Length: 142min 0sec (8520 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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