Deductive joy | Turing Machine solo playthrough and review | With Mike

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foreign [Music] hey everybody this is Mike with the One Stop Co-op shop and today I'm bringing you a playthrough and review of turing machine this is a solo Cooperative or competitive deduction game where you're trying to ask questions to determine a three sequence set of numbers from one to five and disclaimer that I got a review copy of this one and if you enjoy the content of the One Stop Co-op shop consider supporting us through patreon you get early access to our videos and exclusive videos every month you cannot see anywhere else you can also check out our separate streaming channel for even more content listen to our weekly podcast or join the conversation on our Discord so as I mentioned the idea of turing machine is that you're trying to decode a three-digit code each digit being one through five represented by the triangle uh square and circle here and you're going to have from four to six criteria cards and kind of like Sudoku these are going to in combination create only a single code and each of these criteria cards has a questionable answer like is the square number even or is it odd how many one digits are in the code are there zero ones one one two one or three one and how you ask those questions is you formulate a combination of the three numbers and then you'll take the verification card for the matching criteria I'm using an extra one here and you line it up and somehow they got this to work all of these little holes will come together and tell you no for your numbers you are checking whether your number correctly matches the question so let's say for example that there were two ones in the actual answer like let's say it was one one three and I'm saying this one one one match the criteria and it says no so I know that there are not three ones having guessed this but there could still be two ones or one one or zero ones and a good way to remember it is that if you put the exact right code and ask it to all four of these they will all return a yes answer at the same time so that's when you know you've like correctly solved it but the point of the game is not to take forever you're actually racing to go as quickly as possible in the solo co-op mode you use an app which will randomly generate one this one that I've done is an easy one with four criteria cards are kind of like the simplest you're gonna get and after you've taken as many rounds as you need in each round you can ask three criteria cards for yes no answers you'll put in your answer and if you get it right then you put in how many uh questions you had to ask and you'll see if you beat the machine basically I did it faster than the app itself could do whereas in competitive you're trying to guess the correct answer first before other players and using again as few questions as possible so that's kind of the basic idea I'll try to explain things more as I go again I'm playing an easier one first and then I'll do a harder one after and if you already know how to play the game I want to see if you can do better than me I'm not necessarily great at the game so that shouldn't be too difficult go ahead and feel free to pause put in this code a4b qci into the app and you can try out and see how many questions it takes you and then come back and see me uh probably struggle so a key point to get in the deduction of the game is that there's only a single answer possible and again all these have to return a correct answer so often you can like already eliminate things before you even start guessing anything and I can definitely do that here so as a quick example uh the number of ones in the code if there were three ones in the code I would not need any other other cards because this would be the only one and this by itself would already tell me the answer so by that process of deduction I know that it cannot possibly be all three ones because these are formulated such that every single card is necessary I cannot nail down the exact code unless all four of these criteria are in play so I can already eliminate three ones because again I would already know the entire code without any other cards if that was it notes however you like so I know that it's not three ones now it could still be zero ones one one or two ones because that wouldn't like totally lock things in now how many even numbers are in the code uh that I don't know yet these will kind of clearly uh interact with each other because one is not even so these are going to be kind of like directly opposed which colors number is larger than either of the others now the fact that this by itself is going to return a correct answer means that there is one number that's larger than everything else so I can't have like three of a kind in this case because something needs to be larger than all the rest I couldn't have like four four four for example and then for some reason it's going to matter whether the square is even or odd I don't know why yet but okay with or like the one deduction let's go and try something better people at the game than me could probably like come up with a better uh like perfect set of numbers but I'm just going to figure something out quickly and you know what the hell I'm going to start with one four five just to explain my reasoning a little bit and again I'm not great at the games you probably have better reasoning than I do but I'm thinking that if the square is even or odd is really important that there's a lower chance that square is the largest number I don't know if that's actually something that makes any logical sense so I'm guessing maybe circle is the largest number I'm probably going to ask this one I do want to find out if square is even or odd because I get the feeling that's going to be an extremely uh important thing although maybe I don't need to if I find out how many even or odd there are overall so I'll decide in a second which of this I'm going to ask but I'm planning to find out if there's only one one because again I have a zero one or two and I'm going to find out if circle is the largest that seems like it would give me a lot of information so I can ask up to three questions and uh each one I'm gonna have to mark so I'm doing a C here so which one is the largest and again I just line them up such that these three oh okay that worked out well so I was right uh circle is the largest here because I got in the only a hole that goes through all three of the cards I got a check mark and put Circle I'm not good at drawing shapes that look different enough and I do have to keep track of which questions I've asked I didn't put my numbers in one four five all right and now I do want to know if there's only one one so let's go ahead and try that and there is only one one okay so I eliminated uh two possibilities there nice there's one one I don't know that wasn't very helpful all right now which I mean I could stop here I don't have to ask three questions but I think I should which of the evens do I Wanna Know so okay there's one one which means I know that uh there can't be three even numbers obviously there could still be zero one or two maybe should be redundant to find out about I mean here's the thing if I ask this and I find out that there's one even number I won't know if it's uh the square or not the square if I find out that the square is even or odd because the nice thing is by asking this I will 100 know which way it goes whereas this one kind of gives me ah not sure if this is right okay I'm going to do the square one okay so square is odd I know that with 100 certainty because square is not even as mine currently is so that's three questions one no two yeses I know that square is ADD I know there's only one one and now that circle is the largest number and so let's see what I can work out from this all right so square has to be odd so it could be one or three it cannot be five it cannot be four it can't be five because I know circle is the sole largest number it can't be four and two so okay I've got Square narrowed down to two different digits and then I know a circle cannot be two or one or I guess do I know that I mean definitely can't be one because it's the largest oh and there's only one one which means they couldn't both be ones so at least one of them would have to be a two at least a yet okay we know that circle is three four five more likely a four or five and then triangle we know can't be a five because it's not the sole largest number I guess we don't know much more than that now there's exactly one one which means again one of these so the only thing we don't know because we literally know the full answer for three of the four criteria the only thing we don't know at all is how many even numbers there are which means that the answer to this needs to be capable of giving us every other number that's left which should if I'm not dumb be enough to tell us what the solution is and maybe we'll need to ask this next term but we should be able to get away with only a single question more so let's see the possibilities are zero even numbers one even number two even numbers three even numbers okay the there cannot be three even numbers because we know there's at least one one now we know square is odd but the one could be odd so it could be like two one four for example that would still meet all the criteria so there could be two even um can there be zero even yeah I guess three one five would fit that so yeah finding out which of these is right should tell us a lot but okay let's uh let me try to break this down a little bit more so if it was Zero if there were zero even numbers would we get a distinct code zero even numbers would mean that everything's odd so it would have to be one three five or three one five so zero even numbers would not give us a single code which means this needs to be wrong pretty sure about that if there was one even number would there only be one code um so one even could be four one five that would work um or two one five or gosh even two one three so no it seems like one even wouldn't do it so would two evens give us a distinct answer um two one four would be the only answer am I right about that can't be four and anything for certain like the triangle cannot be four uh for the Circ and so first of all okay so I'm getting a little bit discombobulated uh two evens so um the one of the three cannot possibly be even so if it was two evens both these would be need to be evens the only even for circle is four the triangle cannot equal yes okay so I think and we need to have at least one or sorry exactly one one I believe that is the code for this so go and check the solution and tell you so I got it in one round three questions let's see how the machine did uh test my code when I say two one four right okay so two one four yay okay and did you beat the machine you got to put in your answers I don't think it really cares which things just like cares how many questions you asked so this probably could be simplified did you beat the machine you beat the machine oh two rounds is six questions get out of here uh unfortunately I'm terrible at the harder ones but the easy ones that tend to do pretty well with so I beat the machine that was kind of the basics of the game Let's uh reset do to a hard level one and try again all right well that first one went uncharacteristically well but now I'm playing uh on hard difficulty with uh five criteria cards so get ready to watch me like foam like a baby and totally fail Against the Machine and there are harder modes you can play where like you don't even know which cards match up with which things I've been too scared to get into those but if I do well here just know the game could go so much more difficult than even this so we've got five criteria this time let's see a few of them are pretty simple uh how does the square compare to three less than equal to or greater than pretty basic is a triangle even or odd pretty simple now this one happens a lot it's uh telling you something about a specific color but you don't know which one so one of these is a four but uh so like if I did 444 it would say yes but I wouldn't know whether it was Triangle Square or Circle so it'll tell me that one of them is a four but I don't know which one this one is also a specific thing the number of one specific color compared to one is it equal to one or greater than one so I don't know whether it's Triangle Square or Circle and I don't know whether it's equal or greater than but it's going to tell me one of those and then this one this is the worst one specific color compared to another specific color so is triangle less than equal to or greater than square or less than or equal greater than Circle or yeah so it's all the possibilities nine possibilities there and again I don't know which one it is it knows it knows that it's only talking about I don't know triangle and circle for example but I have no idea I have to deduce that but just being smart or does brute forcing my way through but like last time let's try to deduce some things so here's a pretty easy one um if if triangle is even or odd this card can't be redundant which means that try single cannot possibly be the specific color that is equal to four I never need to ask that question because otherwise why would this card need to exist if this was telling me the triangle is already four that one's definitely not triangle now this one almost eliminates the need for that card too because if it's equal to three and clearly it's not also equal to four so I mean yeah it's kind of obvious um if it's greater than three I guess it could still be four it could be not if it's less so there's a pretty high likelihood I mean I'm just kind of guessing here but I feel like circles probably gonna be the four right it's probably Circle and then a number being greater than one seems a matter of Less Than A number being equal to one so I'm going to guess because it Narrows down possibilities more remember we need to come up with a specific number from all of these I feel like this is telling me something is a one although if it was a one I wouldn't need to know about that huh and if triangle is a one I wouldn't need to know whether it's even or odd and a square so I don't know again I'm not as good at the harder ones uh let's just try this out I think I think purple is the four okay I think purple is the four um I think it makes the most sense um I don't know if squares even or odd but either way it's nice to find out and I kind of feel like maybe yellow is the one although here's the thing I don't know which one this is going to be telling me about so if I say hey is this right and it'll tell me it's right if it's telling me what yellow is and yellow is one or if it's telling me what triangle or Circle R and they're greater than one although again that seems like such an inane thing to tell me that I feel like it's going to be the equal to one okay but anyway let's do the four okay so hopefully this is going to give me back a yes I'm gonna know that uh Circle yes okay cool cool so if I deduct although why do I have to waste a question to ask that if I already basically knew I was right so I guess I didn't know I was right but maybe I should have known I was right anyway we know that c is a yes we know that circle is specifically a force we've knocked down one entire number I love that all right so we've already got some stuff I can ask two more questions all right I feel like the even odd thing is going to be important or they wouldn't have had it in there okay so triangle is uh even so I know that it's a two or a four so I have super limited uh that one down as well all right and then which is about okay so circle is four which means this doesn't matter at all for Circle because obviously it's greater than one uh triangle is even which means it also cannot be equal to one it must be greater than one which means this card must be here to tell me like I thought something about square and it seems like the most likely thing is that square is equal to one so I don't need to ask you wait a question asking can waste a question asking I mean gosh if square is one then literally all I have to figure out is whether TR but um maybe why would this be here if Square was one so I know that this can only be telling me about square but this card exists so Square can't be one or this card would not need to be in the game and this card also can't be telling me square equals three square is greater than three or I wouldn't need this to tell me that square is greater than one which makes which makes me think that square is 2 but then why would I need this now that can't be right I can't um hmm I mean yeah if it was if it was two two four I wouldn't even need this card I feel like I'm totally wrong on something uh but yeah well I guess I don't know what I don't know whether triangle is two or four yet right so like maybe this card is there to determine that so I'm I'm thinking that square is two I'm thinking that square is two and that all I need to figure out is whether triangle is two or four so I think I could still ask this and maybe solve things from there okay let's find out all right so I gotta check for something let me follow my logic here if I'm right and this one would return that yellow is less than three and this will return the yellow is greater than one which pinpoints yellow to two and if I already know uh circle is four and all I'm trying to figure out is whether triangle is two or four because I know it's even I would need this card to determine that and even though these are not um uh even though these are not you know two or four and two like I think this is I still have this one Higher Than This One so if this is saying yes if this is supposed to be telling me that triangle is greater than Square um then it would be four two four what would I get I got a check mark okay I feel like I must be way off here like I feel like I must be just making stuff up I can't really guess this can I I really think that it's two four should I guess should I guess oh my gosh I don't want to be an idiot uh okay let me just like follow my logic again one more time okay so I know the circle is four I know the triangle is even needs to be two and a four um the comp I think the combo of this card is leading me to square being a two because again if because I don't need this for yeah yeah okay I don't need this for triangle or Circle if I need it for square the only way to narrow down the number exactly besides like a lot of complicated interactions with this the only time we need both these cards is square being two and if square is two and this return to yes answer then the only possibility with triangleby even is four four two four you know what what the heck we're gonna knock this the heck out we're gonna go guess this right now we're gonna see what happens jumping over to my computer let's go all right here we go if I get the serenity so happy okay what'd I say okay check mark check mark check mark all right how much faster come on the machine found in three rounds and eight questions I got it in one Reddit very quick Let's go people by the way just to show you kind of what the interface looks like but yeah so how it works is you can be here so you say play solo Co-op so extreme and Nightmare aware like you have uh I forget it's like extra cards you don't know like which one matches up with which thing and which one is like a duplicate or something like that you can say easy standard or hard you can say how many verifiers you want you just go boom and then it tells you all the stuff to get oh okay so this is what that harder mode means you get two you get 12 double the verifiers you don't know which one is like the actual right verifier yeah I'm pretty happy with my ability to just beat hard ones and kind of feel smart about myself yeah and then when you think you're right you test the code you put it in and you know if it's right you verify it you can see how fast the machine was you're gonna share the code and a lot of people like kind of uh try it out and yeah so that's uh kind of how the app works but let's go back to my table uh basking in my glory and give my quick review thoughts on the game all right coming back to the table let's do a review for this one and by the way the reason I'm not doing anything five and five is because it's a pretty straightforward game I was really struggling to come up with like five different things to talk about so I thought this might be more appropriate especially since the players are so quick to kind of combine the review here see if you can't tell from my glee I'm loving this one but I really like deduction like it kind of all its forms like I like Sudoku I like Wordle um I like games like paint the roses and those kind of things so yeah this is right in my wheelhouse I cannot guarantee that other people will uh like this one or not but let's talk about some of the things I think that are great and some of the things that are a little bit rougher so first I just have to give like some credit to the fact that this freaking works like they could have like I think they say like a million combinations in the app and you know how would you even know if you ever got the same one again and that you just get a few of these cards there's so many of them and I don't even know what the heck kind of mathematical computer driven like mine created this but then you can be like mer and it's right and it can lead you to the right answer just like the you know the the engineering of this one blow as a game design of myself does I don't even understand how to begin to do any of this and it's so cool and also has like the tactile experience of putting this together and be like whoa you know I mean not that uh an extra check mark by itself is Extreme extremely exciting but the implications of it it's really cool probably like the closest thing I can think of for impressive like mechanical engineering is uh tiwa Naka that I covered recently the one where like you had like the multi multiple spinning like discs and you would like flip it over and it would tell you like what was there uh you know that game is incredibly clever and this one kind of reminds me of it just so cool that this thing works it's really neat another thing that I love about the game are the multiple levels of deduction and you saw this in the playthrough if you watch that because the fact that these questions and these criteria are being asked can tell you so much information like I've heard people saying that sometimes the criteria cards that sell us on BGG the criteria cards are such that if you really uh take the time to like work it all out there is only one correct solution without asking a single question and you know that that might seem like anticlimactic some people like they want to have the act of deduction and I get that and if you play on the higher difficulty settings you're of course going to need to do that to like actually ask questions but still I like that first level of just being like why do I care if it's even odd why does that matter oh that's going to tell me something about this why do I care how it compares to one why would that matter oh but that's going to tell me something about that why would I care if it's you know so just kind of like trying to deduce just why the heck these cards are even in the particular puzzle you're solving is it of itself a great kind of thing to think through and then on top of that you got to think about which numbers you want to put in you know which number is going to tell you the most information which combination of numbers which questions you want to ask how many questions you want to ask can asking a question here invalidate the need to ask a question there because the answer here will probably already answer that when do you want to take a risk and ask a question that is likely to not tell you very much but if it gives you a specific thing like ooh you know it's probably not a exactly a three but if it was that would save me so much time so you know like when do you want to take a chance asking a question it's lower odds but we'll cut out more possibilities when do you want to go for like the even play and just try to like keep on whittling it down by like 50 and that kind of thing all those choices are really compelling although it can be a little bit less compelling and this is something that I think might not work for some players especially in the solo co-op mode is that you know in the end you're just deducing as quickly as you can and then comparing it to like a number that I'm sure they have some way that the machine kind of deduces it but it seems arbitrary to me it's like hey they got it in seven I'm like okay I got it in four winning so like the the kind of like Victory check of whether you beat the machine is cool but it reminds me of another game uh Sherlock Holmes Consulting detective which does kind of the same thing like you solve the mystery and then it's like hey how quickly would Sherlock Holmes have solved it and then you just check and either you're smarter than him or you're not uh so it's cool like it's better than them not giving me anything don't get me wrong if they were just like Yay you figured out the number who cares how fast you did it that would be terrible but at the same time I don't know like if just uh seeing the machine number in this arbitrary sense and then comparing your own to it is like fully satisfying it's gonna depend on your taste another potential negative I want to mention is that it can be annoying to dig through so many cards and like the app you know or the uh here I'll show you the rule book the app or the rulebook will tell you like the combination of uh the criteria cards and the verification cards that you need to find and yeah there's big decks and then like you not only do you need to find them but then you need to put them back and you need to let you know if you don't want to make your life terrible next time you need to order them in the right order so it's not too big of a hassle but especially when playing solo where sometimes the game can take like five minutes this does become like a significant portion of the Playtime not a deal breaker for me it's just the kind of part of the thing but it is something to be aware of that just like kind of finding the correct cards can be a little bit annoying but back to a positive I really appreciate the uh the note cheats they give you because they let you do like a whole bunch of things you know first of all you have to check how many uh questions you did and like what your numbers are like that's all necessary but giving you this over here to narrow down which options are possible giving you this over here like not just a space to write what the actual rule is but to kind of like talk through the notes it's a simple thing but I just think like this sheet gives you pretty much all you need to deduce what is necessary to hopefully solve the problems now one thing I do need to note is that this game calls itself Co-op and by some definitions it is because you can absolutely sit down together and solve together and I don't have anything I'm not like complaining about that because you might know from other coverage I've done I absolutely love especially late like playing solo only games with my kids like we'll take turns in warp's Edge or we'll take turns and resist or we'll discuss the options in Final Girl and then choose which way we want to go so I think the games that are like solo only work as Co-op and I don't mind a game that is entirely basing its co-op on uh Cooperative like kind of discussion between players but that being said this adds nothing to co-op besides that like all you do when you say you're playing Co-op is you talk about it and if one player figures it all out and the other player has no idea you know you have no role you have no powers you have no agency outside of like the discussion whatever form that takes in your particular group so would I like sell this would I recommend this as a co-op game if your group likes that kind of thing if you like playing in a just like Cooperative discussion environment then sure I think it'll be great for you but certainly this is going to be a solo and competitive game for me mainly and that's fine this is not a knock on it but yeah if you're like looking at this for a Cooperative game like Spirit Island where you have like real ownership and unique stuff going on just for you it's not really going to satisfy that but yeah this game is blowing me away again I cannot believe the Ingenuity in it of course I just won on a hard mode like really well so clearly I'm the greatest player ever and that's why my review is so positive just kidding clearly if I was playing on like nightmare mode I would be uh total trash and I just got a little bit lucky there but yeah I'm really impressed by this one uh definitely a recent favorite deduction game so many great deduction games coming out recently like mine management with the app uh turing machine with the app paint the Roses I just love the like cooperative and solo deduction explosion recently uh search for Planet X that kind of reminds me of this one too that's another great one and uh the other one the animal based one that I covered so yeah turing machine I think is wonderful and uh go check it out if you uh want to give it a try too and hey post your score if you did better or worse than me in these particular challenges I'm curious to see how you did I definitely got lucky for mine but thanks everyone for watching good gaming and I'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 4,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, one stop, co-op shop, oscs, turing machine, solo, review, play, deduction, cooperative
Id: jEiHmNlnNRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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