Decorating My Bear Bread Squishy Collection (Part 1)

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[Music] hey it's me today is a special episode of squishy makeovers a while back I did this video where I decorated as much of my panda bun collection in one video as I could this is going to be this is going to be like that but instead of doing all panda buns I'm gonna be doing bare breads I notice what I was recently organizing my squishy collection yeah that's what I was doing just how many of these I've been sent we've got bread squish bread this bread bread squishy bread look at this bread bear bready and don't forget about this little friend and I've never given one of these makeovers so I think it's time so we can find my collection of bear breads in my breadbox so I got that out oh and I'm just gonna dig through it and hunt down each bear bread that I own the mutilated the dirty the big fat ones the one-eyed one yellowed ripped weird does this count and of course all the average Joes yep I think that's everyone so here we go all together there are 14 why not quite as many as the panda buns but I need to keep me busy [Music] cool now that we got all of that out of the way let's get into squishy roasting so I'm starting with these two this one is a little cracked and faded there's an interesting stain on the back of it wait I recognize that stain it's a Hello Kitty bow so I guess this bread was very friendly with Hello Kitty at one point [Music] he has a past and now moving on to her she's not as young and pretty as she used to be she's getting some wrinkles her nose and half of her mouth you know fell off her eye is probably next oh yeah and that also she's not even squishy like just look at that that sucks so I'm gonna start with his repairs just using a random color of slick fabric paint I'm using that to seal up the cracks and we'll use the leftovers for her you know because I'm sanitary just fill in all those wrinkles it's squishy Botox okay not too bad now they're ready for a new paint job so I'm using this cream color and wait no not you ha I mix this color myself with white matte paint white slick paint and just a touch of yellow so I'm doing a couple coats of that on each of them until you can't see those grimy little faces anymore and of course the backside gets the same treatment so say goodbye to those fond memories of Hello Kitty okay so I've got that done now for the crust you can come in now so far this is kind of boring because I'm basically just using the same colors it had before but don't worry things will get more interesting in the meantime let me fill you in on my deep contemplations as I was painting I realized that I have a choice to make when it comes to the crust look at this switch off are we gonna make it good job except that little smudge I can either make the crust and right at the edge of the bread kind of like it was originally or I can bring it around the corner a little bit make it look a little thicker I ended up doing the thick crust look I think it's cuter nobody cares so I'm getting out my peanut butter and jelly colored paint to spice this up a little bit sauce this up a little bit funny and you guessed it or maybe you didn't I'm turning there chocolate-dipped ears into peanut butter and jelly dipped ears I was wishing that there was more area to use the peanut butter and jelly on since you know they each only have their one saucy ear I did exaggerate it a little bit by adding some drips to the front but still it just doesn't feel like enough I need more sauce so instead of using black for the faces which I usually do I used only their pure sauce colors and I added a little inner ear as well just for one little additional splash I wanted them to have different faces from each other because I don't know that's more interesting so I made the peanut butter one kind of in a mood is this about Hello Kitty and I think peanut butter is just the moodier sauce it's a little salty literally and jelly on the other hand it's happy-go-lucky that's just the way I feel so here's the before and after which is our happy jelly bear bread lady here's the boring bear bread before and after we have moody peanut butter bear bread gentleman huh we can call them jolly jelly and peanut bitter and no they are not a couple I'm not feeling any chemistry here plus I think still stuck on hello kitty what just happened who remembers this little dude it's a sandwich let's bring in my whole peanut butter and jelly squishy family Wow great to see all of you no it's not I do really like how these came out now let's kick it up a notch moving on to this big fat bread I prefer the word thick the top of it looks like it had an earthquake a bread quake and there's writing on the back MA JB what does that mean my job mao juice 'it's my awkward juice burger yeah that's definitely it and this one gets the nicest squish award very nice squish so this guy does have a little bit more substantial damage than the other two so I'm gonna have to break out that fabric glue pick those boogies glue up the rips and rubberband them closed 30 minutes later take those off pretty much healed whoops now I'm gonna use my slick paint to seal up the rips the rest of the way and make sure everything is in one piece once again now there is a big difference between what I'm using here which is slick fabric paint or puffy paint is the same thing versus matte fabric paint it's important to use slick or puffy paint for repairs because it's thicker and it will actually fill in the cracks and gaps I'm noticing there's a lot of area on the top of the bread I think it might be a good home for a dog what I don't know I'm lost I'm gonna be adding in this little one-eyed dog with a hole of some sort I think he's the perfect addition to this bread you guys ready to be attached so I'm applying some glue around his hole and just sticking him on the bread get a rubber band and there they are trapped well they'll never be lonely again okay now I'm just gonna do one last round with my green paint just to fill in the gap underneath the dog and now we're ready for the paint job I'm going with pink bread this time oh-ho look out I told you things were gonna get wild wait did I say that I don't think I actually said that so this is supposed to be a strawberry bread so going light pink for the inside and then dark pink for the crust I don't know how I ended up with so many of these bare breads squishies is it just because it's a super common squishy and just a lot of people have them in general it seems kind of random to me to be like such a popular squishy I feel like I end up with a lot of the squishies that people just get tired of like panda buns I feel like people are just so bored of those because they're everywhere they're really plain kind of basic they've been around forever rude and bear bread I mean it's cute but also this design it's just kind of bland and it gets old fast rude I feel like these bear breads are kind of Forgotten ones and that makes them perfect to do squishy makeovers with because we can take a design that's gotten old and boring and make it unique and interesting again and that's you know that's that's what a makeover is that's what I'm trying to do here here I go painting the crust I kind of regretted my decision to do the thick crust version because it does take additional time to go painstakingly around the entire edge and make sure that it's even and all that but I do think it looks better so I suppose it was worth it now about that dog that I stuck there and then just started ignoring I'm gonna paint the dog red it's Clifford no it's not Clifford so I guess I had two separate ideas for this bread I wanted to do a strawberry themed bread but then I also thought it would be really cute to like add a little buddy on top of the bread so that you know he just has a little friend and then I realize I can combine the ideas so it's a strawberry bread but the strawberry topping is alive and it's a dog a strawberry dog so now I'm just going back and fixing up some of the details fixing any mistakes that I've made and it's time to struggle I have to draw a face on this dog who happens to be really tiny so that makes it you know very fun and interesting and it was harder than I was anticipating to make well to keep my hair out of the frame first of all but also to make a red dog look friendly and not home I don't know how Clifford does it or does he but I gave it my best attempt I added his little green hair his strawberry leaf on there and his little seeds and I'm not really sure why but to me he kind of doesn't look like a strawberry he kind of just looks like a freak but I'm just gonna keep going and for the face of the bear what is that I wanted him to have a look of wonder like he's saying oh why do I have a strawberry on my head and oh why is this strawberry also a dog so I just fiddled around with that I ended up ditching the red nose it was giving me Rudolph vibes and we don't need that so here's the big fat plain bread into this big fat strawberry bread with a dog who kind of looks like an evil Clifford impersonator as much as I've made fun of that little dog though I actually really like how this squishy came out like a lot I think I did a decent job if I do say so myself stop I love the expression on the Bears face and I think it makes sense considering you know he has a creepy little dog on his head who I also secretly really like even though he's kind of strange and you know they're their friends and maybe that's what this episode was about friendship but the next one really has nothing to do with friendship at all so never mind this is a little bonus squishy I found this mini squishy that's kind of like a bear bread I think so I'm just gonna throw this one in here for free you're welcome it has the same faces like a panda bun so I guess this is the child of a bear bread and a panda bun so that makes sense and oh look at that I'm already ripping things out of it I'm using some paint this is different just to quickly patch up that hole and then I'm going right in with a cake color and this is when I notice there's an indent of a spiral on the squishy so I tried to fill that in a little bit to hide it with a layer of slick paint and then resume painting with the cake color over top until both sides are covered now I'm gonna add a simple little bear face don't let me give her some eyelashes and cheeks to try to help her out a little bit done with the face now for the crust area no I'm gonna use some white slick paint and I'm gonna put a nice thick layer of that all the way around so this is supposed to be like frosting I guess so I suppose this one is less of a bear bread and more of a bear cookie but still gave her some little frosting bangs OH and now for sprinkles so I'm doing something a little bit different with my sprinkles usually I place them one by one very carefully I wanted to fill up basically the entire area and go with like the kind of sprinkle overload look and it would have taken way too long to do one by one so I just kind of dropped them on which yes it drove me a little crazy when they didn't land perfectly and they're touching and two of the same color or next to each other but I gave it a try probably won't do it this way again but it was an experience here's the final little bear bread cookie so this was really just a little extra squishy I threw in there because here's the thing I actually started painting three more of these bear breads this past week but I didn't have time to finish all of them so guess what this is gonna be a two-part video if you're watching this several weeks from now the link to part two will be in the corner right now I wanted to do the same amount of air breads as I did panda buns but of course panda buns are a lot smaller simpler and I did way more simple paint jobs on them so this ended up taking way longer than the Panda buns so I may be doing two part videos like this more often if it's too big of a project to get done in one week I hope you guys are looking forward to next week for the part two thank you so much for watching and I will see you next Friday bye [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 3,605,194
Rating: 4.9270887 out of 5
Keywords: squishy makeover, decorating my squishies, how to paint panda buns, bear bread squishies, how to paint squishies, art activities for adults, painting projects for teens
Id: agyz9s7oMFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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