Decorating a Tree at The Children’s Relief Nursery + Flower Bed Cleanup! πŸŽ„πŸŒΏβ€οΈ // Garden Answer

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hey guys how's it going we have a couple of things to work on today a couple things out in the garden but for later in the day because right now morning it's chilly we're gonna head to the relief nursery and set up their christmas tree we have the snowman themed christmas tree we've set up for the past couple of years so we're gonna go do that i do need to stop at the store i want to put some candy canes on the tree that the kids can eat maybe a few other things while we're down there and then once it warms up a little bit we're going to come do a little bit of flower bed cleanup just of some annuals like coleus supertunias i might cut back that great big grass up front that's kind of flopped over that i never staked this year i kept talking about it never did you can see that our snow is already gone so we got one to two inches a couple of days ago and then it got up into the mid 40s the next day so it was gone pretty quick which is fine by me i would i wouldn't mind that happening multiple times throughout the season so i've got the truck loaded up already with all of our tubs of christmas things what i think we'll need so we'll head down there get that done quick and then come back this is one of the areas i want to tackle supertunias there's a vertigo grass in there of course we'll leave the hydrangeas but it'd be nice to get this little spot cleared up but look at this i actually just posted a picture this is a lady gardener rose can you believe that still looking absolutely gorgeous even after the snow the most intensely colored lady gardener for sure i think it's the cold that's doing it thought i would stop at the garden center real quick and get a couple of poinsettias for the ladies at the relief nursery to enjoy what's going on i'm here to get a couple poinsettias or something for the ladies at the relief nursery oh they're really okay we have beautiful canadians we only have one poinsettia left and a blooming amaryllis oh yeah oh maybe that one might be nice yeah the wax bulbs oh that would be nice yeah look at that now it's just about ready to open that's cute we're here so i'm just going to run in there and kind of see where they want me to set everything up i'll set up the camera and kind of capture the whole process and then we'll look at it in the end [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] all right guys we got it all done it looks so cute i really like how it turned out so we started by putting the tree up of course and then we did the ribbons at the top so these bows are from last year so we just had to kind of fluff them back out a star topper and then we went around the tree with some these are cute like little peppermint candies and then the little red ribbon i always do a double layer and then you can kind of separate them a little bit for a little extra interest and it makes the bow look a little whiter in some spots and then just a whole bunch of really cute ornaments a lot of snowmen there's some glitter picks in here cute little star there's a lot of christmas balls like this there's white ones glitter kind of that shiny red and i like these ones a lot i think the little white swirls those look really festive and then these are so cute still love those and then i picked this tree skirt up at marshall's thinking that the red would look really pretty i think last year i used cotton sheeting and i think yeah yeah i think i did use the cotton sheeting and it was fine but i wanted something that looked a little bit more finished and complete so anyway super happy with this back at the house now getting ready to do some flower bed cleanup i also want to get the bird feeders filled you know the ones i said i was going to fill about a week ago i still haven't done it i have kept up though the sunflower feeder is filled the birds are loving it's huge hit i don't think anybody's found the suet feeder yet i'm looking over there in silent springs i don't think i haven't seen a bird visit that one yet but possibly if we get snow longer than a day they might find it but i do want to get those other four bird feeders filled and out and then some stuff pulled and cut back but anyway i forgot to mention what the relief nursery even was and i've talked about it in previous videos where we've done projects down there but in short it's a local non-profit that provides help and support to families going through rough times stressful situations abusive situations they provide a place for kids to go during the day but they also uh i think and what is vital is that they do home visits they really follow up with these families and they really try to support the family unit um the parents or the guardians whoever's watching these kids they really try to come alongside them and provide resources support and try to get them up on their feet so i just think what they're doing is wonderful down there so a cool thing that i learned about while we were decorating and chatting is a program called the fairy god parent program i didn't know they were doing this but it's basically where you can come alongside a child or a family and become a fairy god parent which helps meet needs that they have whether it be school supplies weather appropriate clothing uh christmas gifts birthday gifts you can be a godparent on a one-time basis or like kind of like a subscription like throughout the whole year like you're kind of wanting to fill those needs throughout the year just depends on you know the need and and the situation but she told me that one of you guys i know lots of you guys have sent in things for the relief nursery which i think is just amazing it makes me so proud of our audience she told me one of you guys from north carolina called in and wanted to be a fairy god parent and to a mom with three little boys and i just thought that was so neat so anyway i'll show you a close-up of this i'm actually not sure if this is on their website or not we'll also link their website in case you want to learn more about their organization anyway i just think they're doing such a great thing and i'm happy to be a part of it even just in the little way that we are so i'm going to go get all my supplies together and we're going to start out here by pulling up those supertunias in the brick raised bed pop-up bags and the gator [Music] oh that is so much better now i did not rake every single leaf off of the top of the soil surface but just did a general rake job after we pulled the supertunias and dug the grass out of the center and then i took the blower along and cleaned off the top brick as good as i could really i mean some of this mulch and soil is really quite wet still from the snow we had and then blew off the area around it now at this point even in the fall when i come along and clean out a flower bed i will put a layer of mulch down because there are bulbs coming up because it's been so warm and there are hydrangeas but as many of you know we're going to be redoing this whole area really in an effort to bring utilities to the hartley greenhouse that's right there we're going to have to come right through this sidewalk with big trenches for water gas and electric and really we just want to redo this whole area because there's like a concrete slab underneath these bricks and underneath this raised bed like if you dig down in here there's a concrete thing that goes like in a diagonal like from the edge down underneath and if you dig too far down in here like the water starts to pool and i'm wondering if at one point it was some kind of a water feature i'm not real sure but apparently now i don't know this for fact except for i have run into some concrete over here but the concrete pad is supposed to run under this whole thing however when we moved in there was a lavender plant in this square here and it looks like there were multiple planting areas i'm not really sure what the story is it's kind of an interesting spot and i have no idea what we're gonna find yeah see over here on this side there's also another planting area maybe maybe that one was one as well maybe those was that where like or was that decorative because that's in a pattern oh geez i don't know now for the next project up front i'm going to either need the hedge trimmers or reciprocating saw to cut back the grass it's quite large and i think it's half flopped over but the crab apple tree is also up there where i want to hang a couple of the bird feeders so i thought we would go to the barn get a couple tools and the bird feeder so we've got everything we need for up there [Applause] so so okay there's already a robin right up in this oh and there's one right there too i bet you they find these feeders before we're done with this project up here well or at least until i turn the hedge trimmers on so we've got two in this tree one two and then there's two in that tree you see him this tree is already awesome anyway with all the crab apples this one's always loaded up with birds out here and you can see these two feeders right here this one's kind of hanging wonky i don't know why there we go i like these little hoods you can get for bird feeders because they really just protect the bird feeder most of all i mean they protect it from getting a bunch of moisture inside and gumming up all the seed so see like this one has one built on but it's not super big so like this one will is much more likely to get rainfall that goes into the bottom and collects in maybe these bottom holes and of course the tray for sure i'm just going to sit out here for a few minutes quietly and see what happens all right guys so i've been sitting here for i don't know five or ten minutes and it's been peaceful and wonderful and every single feeder has been visited by a bird it's just so fun to watch them because you'll have several come in and eat out of the feeders and then all of a sudden a bunch will fly into the tree and kind of scare the ones out of the tree that were in there and it's just kind of a cycle and then they all keep coming back anyway i'm going to scare them all away though here for a second while i get this grass cleaned up and here it is miss canthus cabaret wonderful huge ornamental grass creates a huge statement and kind of a huge mess when it flops over i always intend to stake it up and i have never done it well i did it one year but it was you know a good portion of the season and had already started to kind of flop over i really do need to divide this one eventually i'll probably cut back the hollyhock stocks that are in here these are volunteer hollyhocks but they always look very pretty and then in the rest of this bed it's going to change a bit but i do have a hedge of atlas roses which still have kind of some pretty interest on them a lot of buds you can see they were just forming another set of blooms because it had been so warm and then there are a couple of nine barks here a limelight hydrangea and then this is where we're retooling the flower bed to kind of connect to where the new brick walkway is so it's going to be broadened out though and we'll be doing something something i don't know what yet but something in this area so let's get in here probably use my falco 2s or my hedge trimmers or both we'll see how it goes so so that's all there is to that it's a really easy cleanup you can see though this is what starts to happen with ornamental grasses especially when you don't divide them but the outer portion starting to die off and you can see where the good portion is right here so what i need to do is come in and kind of break this up into smaller pieces and i can move a few maybe out to the south garden hey russell and then again i didn't do a 100 clean up job because we'll just mulch right on top of the leaves here and then i do want to cut more out too so that will change things plus all of these little things that look like button weeds are actually hollyhocks and i kind of want to dig some of them up and move them out to the new flower beds as well so i'm just going to leave everything be except for that see that that is a piece of euannomous that has grown up underneath the siding look at this and it comes out right below this window it's not good i have to cut that out of the siding like two or three times a season it just grows so fast i've left this here just because it's always been behind other things and you can't really see it but i think when we retool this whole flower bed and kind of re-address this whole front area we'll take the eunuchs out and do something else because one of the things that we might do well one it would be beautiful for this to be gone and have like some kind of a like a wall fountain back in there just tucked in the back of this flower bed you still won't see it from the front but it'll be like the secret view from the side we've also talked about when we do go ahead with the porch which i think we will let me step back we've talked about building on a porch or like a deck basically that comes out to the edge of the walkway we'll just build it right on top well we'll get this removed because it actually doesn't slope right it slopes toward the house not away from it thus water pooling at the base of the house all the way around so we'll have the grating redone here and have a porch built up to the siding the siding actually starts where that first seam is so it'll cover like that whole area and we've talked about taking that porch all the way over here and putting in another set of stairs that goes up to that little area up there so either way this is always kind of a mangy plant it's been a great filler plant it's great to have those but i am excited about possibilities here i do think though that we will get some sort of decorative container with a lid something that's watertight that can seal even like a small galvanized garbage can that we can keep back here with bird seed so we don't have to go to the barn every time to get seed to fill these if we have something right here it'll be really easy and convenient to keep all these feeders filled and once you start filling feeders and attracting birds to your yard you kind of want to keep up on it they kind of start to rely on this as an area to come feed so anyway there's just one woodpecker going to town on the ash tree though i don't know what in the world i mean i'm glad it's not going to town on the house but i really like that ash tree i don't want it to damage anything and that is gonna be it for today it's starting to get chillier out here oh i'm seeing the mum so there's some color in the mom's hold on okay a little bit of a flopped over mess but look at the beautiful fall color look at these what those are gorgeous how did i not really like pay attention to these earlier wow okay now we're gonna be done thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Garden Answer
Views: 106,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garden, Answer, Laura, Flower, gardening, gardener, beautiful, succulents, diy, grow, green, Proven, Winners, Fall, Winter, summer, spring, plant, planting, growing, plants, succulent, shrubs, shrub, bush, soil, dirt, earth
Id: UnVZxfT4KUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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